TELUS EMR Suite - Wolf EMR - Enhanced patient care with electronic medical record.

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TELUS EMR Suite - Wolf EMR - Enhanced patient care with electronic medical record.
TELUS EMR Suite – Wolf EMR

Enhanced patient care with electronic medical record.
TELUS EMR Suite - Wolf EMR - Enhanced patient care with electronic medical record.
Better information.                                            TELUS EMR Suite:
Better decisions.                                              strength in numbers.
Better outcomes.                                                In 2013

Your practice runs on decisions. In fact, during the
course of a day, using a million points of data, you
probably make close to one hundred clinical decisions
impacting the health and wellness of your patients.                           physician users
At the same time, you’re running a business. This puts                        across Canada
additional pressure on you to improve efficiencies and
reduce costs while delivering high-quality patient care.
Meeting this challenge requires experience, instinct and
the insight that comes from intelligent information.
                                                                              25 million
At TELUS Health, we’re helping thousands of
physicians – just like you – turn information into better
                                                                              patient encounters
health outcomes with the Wolf Electronic Medical                              annually
Record (EMR) solution. Wolf EMR is a secure, highly
available, highly reliable cloud-based EMR that
captures and organizes patient information and displays
it in a user-friendly way customized to your practice
and workflow.                                                   TELUS Health commitment
With Wolf EMR, you have the ability to gather vital
patient information, such as conditions, diagnoses,
test results and treatments, in one electronic record –
giving you one complete and integrated patient history.                       $1 billion
And the longer you use it, the richer the patient record                      investment
becomes, giving you meaningful information for
enhanced patient care.

Because we are certified by PITO in British Columbia
and POSP in Alberta, you can take advantage of the
generous funding incentives offered to physicians
moving to EMR. Additionally, our Wolf EMR is
connected to other health systems, such as provincial                         in revenue
labs, allowing for the electronic receipt of patient results
for review anywhere your practice takes you and readily
identifies any results flagged as abnormal and requiring
quick follow-up.

With all this to offer,
                                                                              #1Health IT
                                                                              in Canada
your EMR decision is simple.
TELUS EMR Suite - Wolf EMR - Enhanced patient care with electronic medical record.
Meaningful, intuitive clinical information.

Clinical workflow
                                                              “I feel that the EMR created by Wolf Medical
Today there are more than 1,500 physicians and close
                                                              Systems works well with my family medicine
to 4,000 users of Wolf EMR, and there is a good reason
                                                              practice for a number of reasons. The software
for this: We make intuitive, clinical software that “thinks
                                                              has its core functions that are simple to use,
the way you do.”
                                                              but also I appreciate its advanced features that
Designed by physicians for physicians, Clinical Workflow      allow me to gather the data I might need for
helps doctors track, monitor and manage their patients’       one, ten or a thousand patients. The ability to
clinical information quickly and accurately. Using Wolf       filter, sort and combine my patients’ data will
EMR, doctors can enter encounter notes in standardized        lead to better patient care without relying on
online charts; generate prescriptions; issue complete         my memory or patient compliance. Each day
referral letters and medical summaries; automatically         my clinic relies on Wolf EMR’s core functions
fill in forms and requisitions; access relevant electronic    – those of charting, receiving labs, scheduling
lab results; and even show patients their lab results and     and billing. However, Wolf EMR’s advanced
medications in an easy-to-understand graphical format.        features and their ability to improve patient
                                                              outcomes is a great benefit that we hope to
Physicians have access to over one hundred visit-
                                                              integrate into our daily patient care.”
specific SOAP templates within the EMR program to
help speed the complete documentation of patient
encounters for a wide variety of visit types, including       Raymond Cheung, Magrath Medical Clinic
pre-natal appointments, well-baby checks, depression,
ear infections, headaches, neck pain and more.
And templates can be customized easily to fit your
professional or clinic-specific needs.

                                                              “We have over 45,000 patients and get
                                                              more than 400 calls a day. With Wolf EMR,
                                                              we can pass electronic messages directly to
                                                              the doctors’ systems, so we know they are
                                                              sure to get them. We may have 100 messages
                                                              out to patients at any given time; it would
                                                              be literally impossible to manage that volume
                                                              of messages without an electronic system.
                                                              Now we can just search for messages and
                                                              quickly know the status of all of them.”

                                                              Joanne Sullivan, Office Manager,
                                                              Continuum Medical Care, West Vancouver BC
TELUS EMR Suite - Wolf EMR - Enhanced patient care with electronic medical record.
Customized, connected workflows.

Wolf EMR physician                            eReferrals                                  Better tools
centric workflow
Not only does our EMR software think          Along the care continuum, the majority      At TELUS Physician Solutions, we’re
the way you do, it also works the way         of healthcare occurs at the local level.    all about making EMR fast and easy
you do. The Wolf Workflow application         According to the Canadian Medical           to use. After all, your focus should be
brings the EMR system together,               Association (CMA), approximately            on your patients, not on managing
building the link between billing,            400 million patient encounters take         technology. That’s why we have created
scheduling and the patient record             place in Canada each year, with most        a set of tools we call “SMART” to help
through powerful medical workflow             occurring in primary-care settings          you save time.
tools – available in one easy-to-navigate     with physicians. Should the encounter
                                                                                          n   SMART Forms: Wolf EMR’s form
desktop interface.                            signal the need for a specialist consult,
                                                                                               and requisition library provides you
                                              a referral must be sent.
Our integrated staff and clinical                                                              with real-time access to the latest
WorkDesk modules automate and                 With Wolf’s eReferral system, you                version of your forms. Ordered test
coordinate common office activities with      can send professional patient                    information flows back to
clinical actions for improved efficiencies,   referral letters to specialists                  the patient chart while order sets
increased effectiveness and increased         electronically, which is often received          allow you to pre-set standard
billings for the entire clinic.               by the specialist before the patient             tests based on exam type.
                                              leaves your office. Consult letters
                                                                                          n	         Menus: Customized
                                              returned electronically from Wolf-
                                                                                              menus based on your preferences
                                              enabled specialists are imported
                                                                                              and workflows allow you to save
   Workflow benefits                          directly into patient charts, eliminating
                                                                                              time and always have the information
   physicians, health                         paper and paper-based processes.
                                                                                              you need at your fingertips.
   professionals and clinic
                                              The best part: Because the referrals
   staff through:                                                                           SMART
                                                                                          n	           Banner: A banner found
                                              are sent electronically, there is no risk
   n	Electronic   messaging to pass                                                          at the top of each patient screen
                                              of misdirected faxes, no more failed
       messages quickly between                                                               displays patient gender, date of
                                              transmissions and no need to monitor
       front office staff and physicians                                                      birth, smoking and pregnancy
                                              your fax machine! Your referral is
                                                                                              status and recent vitals and flags to
   n	Scheduling     and monitoring           delivered directly to the consultant’s
                                                                                              show if there are unreviewed results
       for patient follow-ups                 inbox. There is even a log that will
                                                                                              or documents or alerts or if the
   n	Tracking  of hundreds of                allow you to trace the progress of
                                                                                              patient is overdue for a follow-up or
       patient messages and detailed          your referral.
                                                                                              vaccination. It even tells you where
       demographics                                                                           they are in the clinic and how long
   n	Fast   prescription refills                                                             they have been waiting to see you.
   n	Rapid   access to electronic lab                                                      SMART
                                                                                          n	           Printing: Follow-me printing
       results, tracking urgent results                                                       allows you to easily print forms,
       anytime, anywhere                                                                      prescriptions and other documents
   n	Access   to the Internet for                                                            from the printer closest to you – no
       additional patient education                                                           matter where you are in the clinic.
Proactive chronic
disease management.
Vital tools for streamlining care
Chronic disease is on the rise and, as a physician
with a busy practice, you may find it challenging
to be proactive while managing a large number of
patients with chronic diseases. These patients require
additional resources and time, beyond regular office
visits, to focus on prevention and ways to maintain
optimal patient outcomes. They can require significant
encounter documentation, not to mention regular,
                                                           Technology choices.
routine and repetitive lab work and visits to other
practitioners.                                             Oracle Sun Ray ultra thin client
As part of Clinical Workflow, we have built-in Chronic     We partner with leading technology vendors to provide
Disease Management (CDM) capabilities to streamline        you with best-in-class hardware, software, security/
the management of patients with chronic diseases           authentication, printers/multi-function and other devices
by providing detailed disease-specific templates,          to ensure you have the most cost-effective and productive
customizable flowsheets and easy-to-use Practice           technology environment for you and your clinic.
Search capabilities to help you identify those requiring
                                                           These simple, low-cost devices are ideal for giving
high-quality, guideline-based care including proactive
                                                           busy physicians moving from exam room to exam room
scheduling of follow-up visits and tests.
                                                           continual access to their Wolf account. By simply inserting
CDM templates structure the SOAP form around               a smart card into a ‘dumb’ terminal, the terminal instantly
the medical history and current disease-specific           re-starts your session exactly where you left off – without
care protocols so it’s easy to create encounter            having to Log in whenever you change location.
notes, review lab results and medications, and prepare
                                                           For customers taking advantage of the incentive funding
detailed medical summaries and medication lists when
                                                           programs offered by PITO and POSP, we also guarantee
required. Physicians can also access additional specific
                                                           99.9% up time for your Wolf EMR.
information on the Internet and produce detailed patient
hand-outs to help with prevention and self-care.

Wolf EMR also helps busy physicians move to a
‘recall-base’ model, setting up rules to create letters
or prompt phone calls to patients who have missed
recommended screenings or require medication
monitoring or prescription re-fills, or simply to call
at-risk patients to set up a follow-up appointment.

                                                              “Using Sun Ray saves me about 20 minutes
                                                              a day.”

                                                              Greg Smith, Raymond Clinic, Raymond, AB
Mature implementation model.
Whether you’re ready to replace antiquated paper-based charts and processes with a cost-effective, certified EMR solution, or
you already have an EMR system in place and want to move to a feature-rich, cloud-based solution equipped with data-mining
capabilities that can trigger gains of productivity in your workflow and better health outcomes for your patients, we have a fast,
proven and reliable implementation model for you.

   Moving to Wolf from paper                                                Moving to Wolf from an EMR

   Too much paper? We get that. We also get that the idea of                You’ve made the move to an EMR system but you’re
   moving from paper to an electronic medical record system can             looking for something more. Well, look no further –
   be a bit daunting. That’s why we offer resources specifically            Wolf EMR has what you need now and for the future.
   designed to get you and your clinic up and running in less               Our secure, cloud-based solution offers a myriad
   than 90 days.                                                            of benefits to improve efficiencies in your clinic and
                                                                            give you intelligent insight into your patients for better
   And we’re with you every step of the way with:
                                                                            decision-making and improved outcomes.
   1. Project Management: We assign a dedicated project
                                                                            Wolf EMR is:
       manager to do a deep dive into your clinic to find out how
       many users there are, what type of infrastructure exists,              Cost-effective:
                                                                            n	                 You don’t have to invest
       whether or not you have an existing billing and scheduling               in expensive servers and IT resources
       system and what you want to get out of your EMR.                       Safe:
                                                                            n	        We provide automatic data back-up so
      Software Population/Data Transfer: If there is a billing                  there is no risk of loss due to fire, flood or theft
      and scheduling system in place, we take your patient                    Self-sufficient:
                                                                            n	                Automatic software updates
      demographic information and import it into the Wolf EMR                   mean no need for time-consuming software
      solution. If not, there are other provincial data stores that             upgrades, processes and system re-boots
      can be accessed to provide data, and we will review these
                                                                            n	                  Our dynamic user interface
      options with you as part of our implementation process. If you
                                                                                allows you to turn on and off portions of
      wish to get rid of your existing paper charts, you can simply
                                                                                functionality based on your practice and
      scan records into the system as PDF documents and attach
                                                                                professional requirements
      them to the patient’s new electronic record for reference.
                                                                            n   Secured Connectivity: Access to your
      Go Live: Hardware, network and software are installed,
                                                                                 Wolf account happens over a secure, private
      clinic physicians and staff are trained to use the EMR and
                                                                                 network – instead of an unsecure website or
      you can immediately begin to build comprehensive electronic
                                                                                 web application
      records for your patients.
                                                                            n    rusted: Patient records are protected for
   We have implemented EMR for thousands of practitioners, and                  your eyes only. Clinic staff are granted access
   we have the experience and deep practice-management                          to the parts of the patient chart relevant to their
   expertise that will help you optimize your clinic implementation.            duties rather than the whole file
   But our support doesn’t stop there. We provide on-going training
   to help you take full advantage of the data mining, analyzing and        Most importantly, with our secure cloud, all access
   reporting capabilities within the system and we provide regular          is private access – including remote home access.
   software updates and upgrades to your clinic from our secure             So your data is safe, secure and available whenever
   data center.                                                             and wherever you need it.
Turning information
into better health
We believe in the power of information to
transform outcomes in healthcare for doctors,
health practitioners and patients.

We believe in harnessing this power through
a profound understanding of healthcare; by
fully grasping the methods and approaches
used by doctors and health professionals in
their work; by acknowledging what patients
need and expect from healthcare; and by
being open to possibilities.

We believe in giving where we live. By investing in
the sector that’s most important to Canadians –
healthcare – we are helping to improve society by
ensuring better health for future generations.


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