TELPAS Alternate Observable Behaviors Inventory and Classroom Examples - Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing

Page created by Regina Russell
TELPAS Alternate

Behaviors Inventory and
 Classroom Examples
 Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing


  Elementary and Secondary

                     — ALTERNATE —
                  Texas English Language
               Proficiency Assessment System

 L1.             The student:
                 may or may not           matches a spoken          classifies two words          identifies correct            identifies words that

                 attend to a spoken       letter sound with         as the same or                initial and final             are the same or

                 letter sound with        picture support to an     different based on            sounds in a                   different after hearing
                 picture support          identical picture         initial or final word         consonant-vowel-              two spoken words in
                                                                    sounds                        consonant word                the same word family
                                                                                                  presented orally

                 Student does not         Student matches the       Student reads the             Student identifies the        Student identifies
                 show a reaction          picture of a dog to an    word cards “dog” and          initial “d” sound and         “cat/cat” as the

                 when teacher shows       identical picture after   “duck.” Student               the final “g” sound           same, and “cat/cap”
                 a picture of a dog,      teacher shows the         places the cards on a         after hearing the             as different after
                 says the initial sound   dog picture and           graphic organizer             word “dog.”                   hearing them spoken
                 for “d,” and then        makes the sound for       indicating they have                                        aloud.
                 “dog.”                   “d.”                      the same initial

                 Student does not         Student matches the       Student reads the             Student identifies the        Student identifies
                 show a reaction          picture of a rat to an    word cards “bat” and          initial “r” sound and         “rat/rat” as the same,

                 when the teacher         identical picture after   “rat.” Student places         the final “t” sound           and “rat/mat” as
                 shows a picture of a     teacher shows the         the cards on a                after hearing the             different after hearing
                 rat, says the initial    rat picture and           graphic organizer             word “rat.”                   them spoken aloud.
                 sound for “r,” then      makes the sound for       indicating they have
                 “rat.”                   “r.”                      the same final sound.

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2                                                          TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors Inventory with Classroom Examples

 L2.            The student:
                may or may not            makes a selection         makes a selection             makes a selection             responds

                attend to two orally      when given two            when given two                between a few orally          appropriately to

                presented single-         orally presented          orally presented              presented options             detailed requests or
                word options with         single-word options       single-word options           joined by “or” or             questions that
                picture support           with picture support      joined by “or”                “and”                         contain different
                joined by “or”            joined by “or”                                                                        conjunctions (e.g.,
                                                                                                                                “and,” “but,” “or”)

                Student does not          Student selects a         Student selects               Student selects               Student chooses
                attend to the pictures    picture of “milk”         “milk” when given             “milk” when given             “white milk and juice”

                of milk and juice after   when given spoken         spoken choices of             spoken choices of             when given spoken
                teacher shows the         choices paired with       “milk” or “juice.”            “milk,” “juice,” or           choices of “white
                pictures and asks,        pictures of “milk” or                                   “water.”                      milk and juice” or
                “milk or juice?”          “juice.”                                                                              “white milk and

                Student does not          Student selects a         Student selects               Student selects               Student selects
                attend to the pictures    picture of “pizza”        “pizza” when given            “pizza” when given            “cheese pizza and

                of pizza and a            when given spoken         spoken choices of             spoken choices of             water” when given
                hamburger after           choices paired with       “pizza” or                    “pizza,” “hamburger,”         spoken choices of
                teacher shows             pictures of “pizza” or    “hamburger.”                  or “salad.”                   “pepperoni pizza and
                pictures and asks,        “hamburger.”                                                                          water” or “cheese
                “pizza or                                                                                                       pizza and water.”

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TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors Inventory with Classroom Examples                                                                              3

L3.                    The student:
                       may or may not           matches a single         selects a picture        selects a requested           participates in a
    Using Vocabulary

                       attend to a single       spoken social or         corresponding to a       word/picture                  short discussion that
                       spoken social or         academic word with       spoken social or         combination of a              includes recently
                       academic word with       picture support to an    academic word from       recently learned              learned academic
                       picture support          identical picture        a group of pictures      vocabulary word from          vocabulary
                                                                                                  a group of word/
                                                                                                  picture combinations

                       Student does not         Student chooses an       Student points to a      Student touches a             Student verbally
                       react when teacher       identical picture of a   picture of the next      word/picture                  responds with a

                       says “schedule” and      schedule after           task from a visual       combination for               short discussion
                       shows a picture of a     teacher shows a          schedule when given      “holiday” from a              when asked, “What
                       schedule.                picture of a schedule    the verbal request       visual schedule given         is on your schedule
                                                and says “schedule.”     “What is next?”          the verbal request            this afternoon?”
                                                                                                  “What is next?”

                       Student does not         Student chooses an       Student points to a      Student picks up a            Student verbally
                       react when teacher       identical picture of a   picture of someone       word/picture                  responds with a
                       says “vote” and          person voting after      voting from a group      combination for               short discussion

                       points to a picture of   teacher shows a          of pictures when         “voting” from a group         when asked, “Why
                       a person voting.         picture of a person      teacher says “voting.”   of word/picture               do people vote?”
                                                voting and says                                   combinations when
                                                “voting.”                                         teacher asks, “Which
                                                                                                  picture shows

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4                                                                TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors Inventory with Classroom Examples

Understanding Media   The student:
                      may or may not              selects a picture/        selects a picture/       sequences a few            sequences multiple
  (audio or video)

                      attend to a media           symbol that               symbol that              pictures to retell the     pictures to retell the
                      presentation                represents the gist of    represents the gist of   events of a media          events of a media
                                                  a media presentation      a media presentation     presentation on a          presentation on a
                                                  shared frequently in      on a familiar social     familiar academic          recently learned
                                                  class                     topic                    topic                      academic topic

                      Student turns toward        After watching a          After viewing a          After viewing a video,     After watching a
                      a short video about         video about hand          narrated PowerPoint      student sequences a        video, student
                      magnets.                    washing, teacher          presentation about       few pictures retelling     sequences multiple
                                                  asks, “What was the       classroom rules,         the main points of         pictures retelling the

                                                  video about?”             student circles a        the media                  steps to complete a
                                                  Student points to a       picture that             presentation about         science experiment
                                                  picture of hand soap      represents students      magnets.                   when asked to retell
                                                  when given two            following directions                                the events.
                                                  pictorial choices.        in the classroom
                                                                            setting when given
                                                                            several choices.

                      Student does not            After watching a          After watching a         After watching a           After watching a
                      turn toward a video         video presentation        video presentation,      video presentation,        video presentation,
                      clip of the life cycle of   about the life cycle of   student points to a      student places a few       student places
                      a butterfly.                a butterfly, teacher      word/picture             pictures in                multiple pictures in

                                                  asks, “What was the       combination              chronological order        chronological order
                                                  video about?”             representing the life    representing the           representing the
                                                  Student points to a       cycle of a butterfly     steps in the life cycle    steps in the life cycle
                                                  picture representing      from many choices of     of a butterfly when        of a butterfly when
                                                  the life cycle of a       different science        asked to retell the        asked to retell the
                                                  butterfly when given      topics.                  events.                    events.
                                                  two pictorial choices.

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TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors Inventory with Classroom Examples                                                                                 5

 L5.                The student:
Understanding the

                    may or may not           matches a single          selects a picture that     selects a picture that        selects a picture that
 General Meaning

                    attend to spoken         spoken content-           corresponds to the         identifies the general        identifies the general
                    English when paired      based word with           general meaning of a       meaning (gist) of a           meaning (gist) of a
                    with concrete            picture support to an     spoken content-            simple content-based          detailed discussion
                    symbols                  identical picture         based word                 discussion on a               on an unfamiliar
                                                                                                  familiar topic                content-based topic

                    Student does not pay     Student grabs a           Student circles a          Student picks up a            Student points to a
                    attention to the         picture of the earth      picture of the earth       picture of the earth          diagram showing the

                    spoken word “earth”      from a group of           from a group of            with its moon from a          earth’s orbit from a
                    when shown a model       pictures when             pictures when              group of pictures             group of pictures
                    of the earth.            presented with the        presented with the         after a simple                after hearing a
                                             spoken word “earth”       spoken word “earth.”       classroom                     detailed classroom
                                             and an identical                                     discussion about the          discussion about the
                                             picture of the earth.                                earth and moon.               earth’s orbit.

                    Student touches          Student grabs a           Student circles a          Student picks up a            Student points to a
                    teacher after hearing    picture of the tundra     picture of the tundra      picture of the tundra         picture of permafrost

                    the spoken word          from a group of           from a group of            from a group of               from a group of
                    “tundra” and shown a     pictures when             pictures when              pictures after a              pictures after hearing
                    picture of the tundra.   presented with the        presented with the         simple classroom              a detailed classroom
                                             spoken word “tundra”      spoken word                discussion about the          discussion about
                                             and an identical          “tundra.”                  tundra ecosystem.             features of the tundra
                                             picture of the tundra.                                                             ecosystem.

 L6.                The student:
Understanding the

                    may or may not           matches a picture of      selects a picture that     answers questions             answers questions
                    attend to a repeated     a repeated word in        corresponds to a           about the main                about the main
  Main Points

                    word in an orally        an orally presented       repeated word in an        points of an orally           points of an orally
                    presented simple         simple story to an        orally presented           presented simple              presented detailed
                    story with picture       identical picture         simple story               story                         story

                    Student does not         Student places the        Student holds up a         Student points to a           Student answers the
                    look at teacher          word “mouse” on the       picture of a mouse         picture of a school           question “What does

                    reading the book “If     picture of a mouse in     every time he or she       from three picture            a plant need to
                    You Take a Mouse to      the book “If You Take     hears the word             choices, when asked           grow?” after an oral
                    School.”                 a Mouse to School”        “mouse” while              the question “Where           presentation of
                                             when teacher reads        teacher orally reads,      did the mouse go?”            “Magic School Bus
                                             the story orally.         “If You Take a Mouse                                     Gets Planted.”
                                                                       to School.”

                    During an oral           Student places a          Student points to a        Student points to a           After being asked
                    presentation of a        picture of the word       picture of someone         picture of Stanley            direct questions,
                    shortened version of     “dig” next to a picture   digging a hole from a      teaching Zero to read         student discusses
                    the novel “Holes,”       of someone digging        choice of three            after being asked,            why friendships are

                    student gazes at         a hole (after hearing     pictures (after            “How did Stanley              important.
                    teacher reading the      the word repeated         hearing the word           help Zero?”
                    word “dig“paired with    several times).           repeated several
                    a picture (after                                   times)
                    hearing the word
                    repeated several

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6                                                             TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors Inventory with Classroom Examples

 L7.                The student:
Important Details
                    may or may not          matches a picture of    identifies a character        identifies a detail           identifies details
                    attend to information   a character in an       from an orally                about a character             about a character

                    about a character in    orally presented        presented simple              from an orally                from an orally
                    an orally presented     simple story to an      story                         presented simple              presented detailed
                    simple story with       identical picture                                     story                         story
                    picture support

                    Student does not        Student matches a       Student points to a           Student holds up a            Student identifies
                    look at teacher when    picture of the Big      picture of the Big            picture of the third          details by answering

                    teacher discusses       Bad Wolf from a         Bad Wolf from a               little pig once the           questions after
                    character traits from   choice of pictures      choice of pictures            story has been orally         listening to the story
                    “The Three Little       after teacher orally    after teacher orally          presented and when            “Ferdinand.”
                    Pigs.”                  presents the story of   presents the story of         prompted by the
                                            “The Three Little       “The Three Little             teacher.
                                            Pigs.”                  Pigs.”

                    During a read-aloud     Student places a        Student points to the         Student points to the         Student points to
                    of a simplified         picture of the          picture of King Midas         words “loved gold”            details describing
                    version of the myth     character King Midas    when presented                from three choices            King Midas (read by
                    “King Midas,” student   next to an identical    three choices.                (read aloud to the            the teacher) from

                    may turn toward         picture of King Midas                                 student) when                 several choices.
                    teacher discussing      from the book.                                        prompted by the
                    characteristics of                                                            teacher.
                    King Midas paired
                    with pictures
                    portraying King

 L8.                The student:
                    may or may not          follows one-word        follows one-word              follows familiar              follows multi-step

                    attend to one-word      directions with         directions                    multi-word single-            directions
                    directions with         picture support                                       step directions
                    picture support

                    Student does not        Student stands when     Student stands when           Student follows the           Student follows the
                    stand when given the    given the direction     given the one-word            directions “stand up,”        directions “stand up,

                    one-word direction      “stand” with picture    direction “stand.”            sit down,” and “raise         walk to the door, and
                    “stand.”                support.                                              your hand.”                   wait quietly.”

                    Student does not        Student walks when      Student walks when            Student follows the           Student follows the
                    walk when given the     given the direction     given the one-word            directions “walk to           directions “stand up,

                    one-word direction      “walk” with picture     direction “walk.”             door,” “walk to the           walk to the restroom,
                    “walk.”                 support.                                              restroom,” and “wash          and wash your
                                                                                                  your hands.”                  hands.”

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TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors Inventory with Classroom Examples                                                                                7

L9.              The student:
                 may or may not             chooses the correct       sequences pictures          sequences the                 identifies the main

                 attend to a “first/        picture when orally       of events of an orally      events of an orally           points found in an
                 then” statement with       presented with a          presented simple            presented simple              orally presented
                 picture support            “first/then” statement    story                       story                         detailed story

                 During a read-aloud        Student reaches for       Student puts pictures       Student sequences             Student identifies the
                 of “The Very Hungry        the picture of an         in order from the           word/picture cards            main points after
                 Caterpillar,” student      apple after hearing       story “The Very             representing the              listening to the story
                 gazes at the pictures      teacher read aloud,       Hungry Caterpillar.”        events from the story         “The Cat in the Hat.”

                 showing the                “First the caterpillar                                “The Very Hungry
                 caterpillar first eating   ate an apple, then he                                 Caterpillar.”
                 the apple and then         ate two pears,“ and
                 the pears, as teacher      asks, “What did the
                 reads that the             caterpillar eat first?”
                 caterpillar first ate an
                 apple and then ate
                 two pears.

                 During a read-aloud        Student points to the     Student places              Student places                Student identifies the
                 of a simplified            picture of Byron’s lips   pictures of Byron           teacher-made cards            main points after
                 version of “The            sticking to the mirror    kissing the mirror,         with the phrases              listening to the story
                 Watsons Go to              after teacher asks,       Byron with his lips         “Byron kisses the             “The Watsons Go to

                 Birmingham – 1963,”        “First Byron kisses       stuck to the mirror,        mirror,” “Byron gets          Birmingham – 1963.”
                 student looks toward       the mirror, then what     and Dad pulling him         his lips stuck to the
                 teacher while teacher      happens?”                 off the mirror in           mirror,” and “Dad
                 reads that Byron                                     sequential order.           pulls him off the
                 kisses a mirror and                                                              mirror” in the correct
                 then his lips get                                                                order.

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8                                                            TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors Inventory with Classroom Examples

L10.                        The student:
  Responding to Questions
                            may or may not         attempts to respond     responds to an            responds to an              responds to an
                            attend to an orally    to an orally            orally presented          orally presented            orally presented
                            presented simple       presented simple        simple question that      question that               detailed question
                            question that is       question that is        includes only             includes only               that includes
                            paired with picture    paired with picture     familiar, high-           high-frequency              recently learned
                            support                support                 frequency                 vocabulary and is           vocabulary on a
                                                                           vocabulary and is         on a familiar topic         familiar or unfamiliar
                                                                           paired with picture                                   topic

                            Student gazes at the   Student points to a     Student grabs a          Student selects the         Student verbally
                            pencil when asked,     picture when asked,     word/picture card of     correct mode of             responds to the

                            “Where is the          “Which one is blue?”    a pencil when asked,     transportation when         questions, “What
                            pencil?”                                       “What do you use to      asked, “How do you          time do you wake
                                                                           write your name?”        get to school?”             up,” “What time do
                                                                                                                                you get to school,”
                                                                                                                                and “What time do
                                                                                                                                you eat lunch?”

                            Student looks at the   When asked, “What       When asked, “What        When asked, “What           Student verbally
                            speaker when asked,    city do you live in?“   city do you live in?”    state do you live in?”      answers when
                            “What is your name?”   and presented with a    and presented with a     student grabs a             asked, “What city,

                                                   picture representing    picture representing     representation of the       state and country do
                                                   his/her city, student   his/her city, student    state of Texas when         you live in?”
                                                   gives a partial         verbalizes a correct     given three choices.
                                                   answer. (Ex:            response.
                                                   “Antonio” for “San

Information should be presented orally with the exception of students who receive their input through sign language.

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TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors Inventory with Classroom Examples                                                                                 9

 S1.            The student:
                may or may not           imitates the retelling     retells simple stories        provides a basic              provides details (e.g.,
                attend to a teacher      of simple picture          with pictures using a         retelling of simple           people, places,

                model retelling          stories by repeating       few concrete,                 stories with pictures         actions) when
                simple picture stories   words spoken by the        high-frequency                using a small number          retelling simple
                                         teacher or group           words                         of combined words             stories with or
                                                                                                                                without pictures

                Teacher retells “The     Teacher retells “The       Student uses                  Student                       Student
                Three Little Pigs”       Three Little Pigs”         pictures from “The            independently                 independently signs

                story. Student does      story. Student             Three Little Pigs” to         produces “pigs build          “the wolf,” “huff,”
                not turn his head        approximates the           communicate “pigs,”           house” using a                “puff,” “straw house,”
                toward the teacher.      words “pig” and            “houses,” “wolf,” and         communication                 and “blow down”
                                         “wolf.”                    “fall.”                       device when retelling         when retelling the
                                                                                                  the story “The Three          story using pictures.
                                                                                                  Little Pigs.”

                Student keeps eye        Student uses               Student                       Student                       Student uses a
                gaze on “Life Cycle      gestures for “egg”         independently points          independently signs           graphic organizer

                of Butterfly” book.      and “butterfly” as the     to the key words              “lay an egg,”                 with transitional
                                         teacher retells the life   “pupa,” “larvae,” and         “caterpillar eats,” and       words as prompts to
                                         cycle progression of       “butterfly” to retell         ”turns into butterfly”        retell the life cycle of
                                         a butterfly.               the life cycle of a           to retell the life cycle      a butterfly.
                                                                    butterfly.                    of a butterfly.

S2.             The student:

                may or may not           imitates naming            uses single words to          combines a small              uses details to talk

                attend to a teacher      common classroom           name common                   number of words to            about items in the
                naming common            items                      classroom items               talk about classroom          classroom
                classroom items                                                                   items

                Student looks around     Teacher picks up and       Student                       Student                       Student
                the classroom as the     names a pencil.            independently names           independently signs           independently

                teacher names            Student                    “chair” and “desk”            “my desk” during a            produces “The round
                “desk” and “door.”       approximates               when asked to name            classroom                     teacher table” and
                                         “pencil.”                  items.                        discussion.                   “little student desk”
                                                                                                                                using a

                Student remains          Student tries to           Student                       Student                       Student
                silent during an         verbalize “goggles”        independently signs           independently says            independently uses a

                introduction to lab      after the teacher          “tray” and “gloves” to        “use first-aid kit” to        communication
                safety materials.        introduces and             name safety items.            communicate                   device to produce
                                         names the safety                                         knowledge of lab              “Goggles protect
                                         items.                                                   safety.                       your eyes. Gloves
                                                                                                                                keep your hands

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10                                                        TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors Inventory with Classroom Examples

Discussing with       The student:
                      may or may not          imitates or attempts    shares information in       shares information in         shares detailed
                      attend to group         to imitate words        group discussions           group settings using          information in group
    a Group

                      discussions             heard in group          using a few high-           a small number of             settings
                                              discussions             frequency, high-need        combined words
                                                                      vocabulary words

                      Student changes         Student uses            Student                     Student                       Student
                      facial expression       gestures for “hot”      independently points        independently uses a          independently

                      during a group          and “cold” after        to the words “hot”          communication                 speaks the words “It
                      weather activity.       teacher initiates the   and “sun” to describe       device to produce             is hot and sunny
                                              words during a group    the weather during a        “hot day” to describe         outside today” during
                                              weather activity.       group weather               the weather during a          a group weather
                                                                      activity.                   group weather                 activity.

                      Student remains         Student imitates the    Student                     Student                       Student
                      silent during a group   word “red” after        independently says          independently says            independently uses a
                      discussion about the    another student says    “red” and “Mars”            “red dust there” to           communication

                      surface of Mars.        “red” during a group    during a group              describe the surface          device to produce
                                              discussion about the    discussion about the        of Mars during a              the words “Mars is
                                              surface of Mars.        surface of Mars.            group discussion.             covered with red dust
                                                                                                                                and old volcanoes”
                                                                                                                                during a group
                                                                                                                                discussion about the
                                                                                                                                surface of Mars.

 S4.                  The student:
   Asking Questions

                      may or may not          imitates asking         asks simple social          asks original social          asks original,
                      attend to a teacher     single-word             questions using a           and academic                  detailed academic
                      model asking            questions after a       few high-frequency          questions using a             questions using
                      single-word             teacher model           words                       small number of               content-based
                      questions (e.g.,                                                            combined words                vocabulary
                      What?, Where?)

                      Student                 Student tries to        Student                     Student                       Student
                      demonstrates little     imitate the word        independently               independently signs           independently asks

                      facial expression       “where” when the        pushes the button to        “What are you                 for a friend’s opinion
                      while teacher           teacher asks “Where     activate “How are           eating?” during               of a book during
                      introduces single-      do you live?”           you?” using a               lunch.                        reading time.
                      word questions with                             communication
                      the answer, such as                             device during the
                      “Where?”                                        morning meeting.

                      Student makes a         Teacher asks a          Student                     Student                       Student
                      vocalization to the     question during a       independently signs         independently signs           independently

                      teacher asking          literacy lesson.        “football game” to          “Are you going?”              vocalizes “When was
                      “What?”                 Student repeats the     indicate “Are you           when talking about            the Declaration of
                                              question word.          going to the football       the football game.            Independence
                                                                      game after school?”                                       written?” during
                                                                      to a friend.                                              American History

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TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors Inventory with Classroom Examples                                                                            11

S5.            The student:
               may or may not            imitates sharing            shares personal              shares personal               shares detailed

               attend to a teacher       personal experiences        experiences using a          experiences using a           personal experiences

               model sharing             after a teacher model       few high-frequency,          small number of
               personal experiences                                  high-need                    combined words
                                                                     vocabulary words

               Student                   Teacher tells the           Student                      Student says                  Student
               demonstrates no           class about a special       independently says           “birthday cake good”          independently says “I

               change in facial          birthday cake.              “cake,” “presents,”          when asked to share           got a new game for
               expression when           Student imitates            and “balloons” when          a birthday                    my birthday.”
               talking about             “cake” when asked to        asked to share a             experience.
               birthdays.                share a birthday            birthday experience.

               Student does not eye      Student mimics the          Student                      Student                       Student signs “I live
               gaze when teacher         sign for “Austin”           independently                independently                 in Austin, Texas, with

               points to “Austin,        when the teacher            presses buttons on a         verbalizes “live in           my family.”
               Texas” on a map           signs “We live in           communication                Lubbock” when
               during a geography        Austin.”                    device to share the          asked where he
               lesson.                                               street and town              lives.
                                                                     where he lives.

S6.            The student:
               may or may not            imitates expressing a       indicates an opinion         conveys an original           provides a detailed

               attend to a teacher       single-word opinion         between two given            opinion using a small         social or academic

               model expressing a        after a teacher model       options using a few          number of combined            opinion
               single-word opinion                                   words                        words
               (e.g., “good,” “fun”)

               Student smiles when       Student activates a         Teacher asks the             Student                       Student
               teacher is discussing     switch for “fun” after      student if the field trip    independently signs           independently

               a field trip to the zoo   the teacher                 will be fun or not fun.      “bus will be fun” in          vocalizes “I think that
               “being fun.”              expresses that the          The student                  response to a                 the field trip will be
                                         “field trip will be fun.”   responds “It’s fun.”         question about                fun.”
                                                                                                  whether the field trip
                                                                                                  will be fun.

               Student makes a           Student repeats             Student                      Student                       Student
               vocalization when         “good” when the             independently signs          independently uses a          independently says “I

               the teacher says          teacher says “Voting        that he will vote for a      communication                 voted. I am a good
               “Good citizens vote.”     is a civic                  particular candidate         device to produce             citizen.”
                                         responsibility. It is       for student council          “good citizen votes.”
                                         good to vote.”              when given the two

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12                                                          TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors Inventory with Classroom Examples

 S7.           The student:
               may or may not          imitates expressing          expresses feelings            expresses feelings            expresses feelings in

               attend to a teacher     single-word feelings         using high-frequency          using a small number          detailed phrases or

               model expressing        after a teacher model        words (e.g., “sad,”           of combined words             sentences
               feelings                                             “mad”)                        (e.g., “feel happy

               Student smiles when     Student                      Student makes a               Student                       Student
               teacher says “I feel    approximates                 gesture for “happy”           independently                 independently

               happy today.”           “happy” after teacher        when the teacher              produces “feel sad            verbalizes “I feel sad
                                       says “I feel happy           asks “How do you              now” on his                   because my fish
                                       today.”                      feel?”                        communication                 died” in response to
                                                                                                  device after his friend       a moment of silence.

               Student turns his       Student makes a              Student                       Student                       Student
               head when teacher       gesture for “afraid”         independently                 independently signs           independently says “I
               says “I am afraid of    when teacher signs “I        produces “afraid”             “feel angry.”                 am angry because I

               storms.”                am afraid of storms.”        using his                                                   cannot go outside.”
                                                                    device when
                                                                    participating in a
                                                                    discussion about

 S8.           The student:
               may or may not          imitates using single        uses a few high-              combines a small              produces a detailed

               attend to a teacher     words when                   frequency words to            number of words to            description of familiar
               describing familiar     describing familiar          describe familiar             describe familiar             objects
               objects                 objects                      objects                       objects

               Student does not        Student                      Student                       Student                       Student
               look at the model of    approximates “circle”        independently signs           independently says            independently

               the circle during a     when the teacher             “round” and “circle”          “like a circle” to            produces “The clock
               lesson on shapes.       holds up a model of          to describe a clock           describe a clock              is round. It is a
                                       a circle.                    face.                         face.                         circle.”

               Student vocalizes       Student repeats the          Student makes a               Student                       Student
               when the teacher        word “corner” when           sign for “box” and            independently                 independently says

               holds up a box of       the teacher says that        “open” to describe            generates “open box           “That box of crackers
               crackers and            the box has 8                the box of crackers.          of crackers.”                 has 8 corners. One
               describes the box.      corners.                                                                                 side can open.”

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S9.            The student:
               may or may not         imitates explaining           explains routine              explains routine              gives detailed

               attend to a teacher    routine tasks after a         tasks using high-             tasks using a small           explanations of

               model explaining       teacher model                 frequency words               number of newly               routine tasks
               routine tasks                                                                      learned vocabulary

               Student looks at the   Student                       Student                       Student                       Student
               teacher, who is        approximates “sharp”          independently                 independently says            independently says

               explaining how to      as the teacher is             produces the words            “make pencil point.”          “First I put my pencil
               sharpen a pencil.      modeling how to               “pencil” and                                                in the pencil
                                      sharpen a pencil.             “sharpen” when the                                          sharpener. It makes
                                                                    teacher asks what to                                        a noise. I pull the
                                                                    do when the pencil                                          pencil out to check
                                                                    lead breaks.                                                it.”

               Student eye gazes at   Student tries to say          Student                       Student                       Student
               the teacher as she     “note” as the teacher         independently                 independently says            independently says

               explains how to        checks his backpack           produces “money”              “time lunch” after            “It’s time to go home
               transition to          asking for notes from         and “buy” when                morning work.                 on the bus. I need
               breakfast.             home.                         entering the                                                my backpack” at the
                                                                    classroom, indicating                                       end of the day.
                                                                    that he wants to buy
                                                                    a school T-shirt.

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14                                                        TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors Inventory with Classroom Examples

S10.                         The student:
                             may or may not              imitates single words    responds to media       provides a simple       provides a detailed
electronic, audio, visual)
Reacting to Media (print,

                             attend to media             heard in media           presentations using a   original response to    response to media
                             presentations               presentations            few high-frequency      media presentations     presentations

                             Student looks at the        Student repeats          Student                 Student                 Student
                             screen when                 “good morning” after     independently says      independently signs     independently

                             morning                     hearing the greeting     “pledge” when the       “do the pledge” while   produces “I say the
                             announcements               while watching the       morning                 watching the morning    pledge. I listen to the
                             begin.                      morning                  announcements           announcements.          announcements.”
                                                         announcements.           start.

                             Student stares at the       Student imitates a       Student                 Student                 Student
                             monitor during a            greeting from the        independently           independently signs     independently says “I

                             virtual field trip to the   presenter to the         produces “pretty” in    “go there” during a     like looking at
                             art museum.                 class during a virtual   response to seeing a    virtual field trip.     paintings. My favorite
                                                         field trip.              painting during the                             was the one of the
                                                                                  virtual field trip.                             flowers” after going
                                                                                                                                  on a virtual field trip.

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 R1.                    The student:
Understanding Letter-

                        may or may not            matches familiar         pairs the initial sound   pairs the sound            pairs the sound
Sound Relationships

                        attend to a teacher       letter/sound             of words with             made by consonant          made by digraphs
                        modeling matching         combinations to the      pictures of objects       blends (e.g., bl, br,      (e.g., wh, sh, ch) with
                        letter/sound              same letter/sound        that have the same        sm) with pictures of       pictures of words
                        combinations to the       combinations             initial sound             words containing that      containing that
                        same letter/sound                                                            blend                      digraph

                        Student shows no          After teacher            Teacher shows             Teacher shows              Teacher shows
                        response when             modeling, student        student a ball and        student word/picture       student word/picture

                        teacher matches the       selects two cards        asks, “What sound         cards for “green” and      cards for” “shop” and
                        letter “C” to the word/   that begin with the      does this start with?”    “grape.” Teacher           “shoe.” Teacher asks
                        picture card “cat.”       same letter.             Student indicates the     asks what sound the        what sound the
                                                                           sound for “b.”            words on the card          words on the card
                                                                                                     make. Student              make. Student
                                                                                                     indicates “gr.”            indicates “sh.”

                        Student attends to        Given an item on the     Provided with a           Provided with a            Provided with a
                        the teacher matching      shopping list, student   picture or object from    shopping list picture      shopping list picture

                        the letter “B” to the     locates other items      a shopping list,          or object beginning        or object beginning
                        word “broccoli” on a      on the list beginning    student produces the      with a consonant           with a digraph,
                        shopping list.            with the same sound.     initial letter sound.     blend, student             student produces the
                                                                                                     produces the initial       initial digraph sound.
                                                                                                     consonant blend

R2.                     The student:
                        may or may not            matches familiar         selects requested         decodes words or           decodes longer

                        attend to familiar        word/picture             high-frequency            phrases consisting of      phrases or
                        word/picture              combinations to          words from a group        a few simple high-         sentences with some
                        combinations              identical word/picture   of words                  frequency words            unfamiliar words

                        Teacher reads a           Student matches a        Teacher asks student      Student reads the          Student reads the
                        familiar story to         word/picture             to find the word “cat.”   phrase “fast black         sentence, “The cat

                        student and points to     combination of “cat”     Student locates the       cat” independently.        jumps on the sofa.”
                        the word and picture      to an identical word/    word “cat” from a
                        of “cat” and says         picture combination      group of words.
                        “cat.” Student then       of “cat.”
                        touches teacher and

                        Teacher reads a           Student matches a        Teacher asks student      Student reads the          Student reads the
                        word/ picture             word/picture             to find the words “Mr.    words “Mr. Smith”          sentence, “Mr. Smith

                        combination of a          combination of “Mr.      Smith.” Student           and “bus” from the         drives the bus for our
                        familiar staff member     Smith” to an identical   locates the words         sentence “Mr. Smith        field trip.”
                        “Mr. Smith” and says      word/picture             “Mr. Smith” from a        drives the bus.”
                        “Mr. Smith.” The          combination of “Mr.      group of other
                        student touches the       Smith.”                  familiar staff
                        picture.                                           members’ names.

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16                                                                TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors Inventory with Classroom Examples

Developing Sight   The student:
                   may or may not           matches sight word/       selects sight words         reads short phrases           reads longer phrases

                   attend to sight word/    picture combinations      from a group of             that include simple           or sentences that
                   picture combinations     with identical sight      words                       sight vocabulary              include more
                                            word/picture                                                                        content-specific sight
                                            combinations                                                                        vocabulary

                   Teacher presents a       Teacher reads a           Teacher presents the        Student reads the             Student reads the
                   word/picture             book to student with      word cards “tiger,”         phrase, “big orange           sentence, “Tigers
                   combination of           the word “tiger” in it.   “dog,” and “bird” and       tiger” from the               hunt for food at
                   “tiger.” Student walks   Teacher then              asks student to find        sentence “The big             night.”
                   away.                    presents a word/          the “tiger.” Student        orange tiger has

                                            picture combination       locates “tiger.”            black stripes.”
                                            of “tiger” to student.
                                            Student matches the
                                            word/ picture
                                            combination of “tiger”
                                            to an identical word/
                                            picture combination
                                            of “tiger.”

                   Teacher presents a       Teacher reads a           Students play               Student reads the             Student reads the
                   word/picture             book about animals        vocabulary bingo            phrase, “sharks eat           phrase “water moves
                   combination of           that live in the water.   about animals that          “and “fish” from the          over the gills” from
                   “water.” Student         Teacher then              live in the water.          sentence “Sharks eat          the sentence “Sharks
                   walks away.              presents a word/          Teacher displays the        many different kinds          breathe when oxygen

                                            picture combination       vocabulary card             of fish.”                     is absorbed as water
                                            of “water” to student.    “shark” and students                                      moves over the gills.”
                                            Student matches the       locate and mark the
                                            word/picture              appropriate words
                                            combination of            found on their cards.
                                            “water” to an
                                            identical word/picture
                                            combination of

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R4.                   The student:
                      may or may not          matches printed            selects requested        reads a word or               reads academic
Environmental Print

                      attend to printed       word/picture               printed words that       words frequently              words frequently
                      word/picture            combinations               pair with pictures       found in the                  found in the
                      combinations            frequently found in        frequently found in      environment                   instructional
                      frequently found in     the environment to         the environment                                        environment
                      the environment         identical word/picture

                      Student turns away      Student selects a          Teacher presents         Student reads the             Student selects the
                      when presented with     word/picture               student with a picture   printed words “fruits”        printed word for
                      a picture of food       combination titled         of fruit. Student        and “vegetables” on           “healthy” and

                      items labeled “fruit”   “fruit” from a group of    selects the printed      a classroom poster            “balanced diet” from
                      on a classroom          word/picture               word “fruit” from a      about healthy food.           a classroom poster
                      poster about healthy    combinations when          group of other simple                                  about healthy food.
                      food.                   presented with an          printed words.
                                              identical titled picture
                                              of “fruit.”

                      Student looks at the    Student selects the        Student selects the      Student reads the             Student reads the
                      printed word for        picture titled             printed word             words “computer,”             printed words

                      “computer” when         “computer” from a          “computer” from a        “mouse,” and                  “technology” and
                      shown a picture of a    group of word/picture      group of other simple    “keyboard” from               “software” from the
                      computer.               combinations when          printed words when       labels around the             word wall in the
                                              presented with an          presented with a         computer lab.                 classroom.
                                              identical titled picture   picture of a
                                              of a computer.             computer.

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18                                                              TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors Inventory with Classroom Examples

R5.                The student:
                   may or may not          matches word/picture     selects content-              identifies missing            completes cloze
Textual Supports
Using Visual and

                   attend to word/         combinations that        based vocabulary              words from groups of          sentences with
                   picture combinations    represent content-       words found in                content-based                 recently learned
                   of content-based        based vocabulary         related visuals in            vocabulary words to           content-based
                   vocabulary words in     words to similar         texts read aloud              complete cloze                vocabulary words
                   texts                   pictures found in        (e.g., plant diagram          sentences
                                           texts read aloud         with parts labeled)

                   Teacher reads a text    Teacher reads a text     Teacher shows a               Student is given the          Student is given the
                   about nutrition to      about nutrition to the   visual representing a         printed sentence              printed sentence,
                   student and points to   student. Teacher         carrot growing in the         “Carrots have __,             “Carrots are __ that
                   a labeled picture of    points to a labeled      ground with the               stems, and __.”               are good for your
                   vegetables. Student     picture of a carrot.     stem, soil, and               Student selects               __.” Student

                   smiles.                 Student matches the      leaves labeled and            “leaves” and “roots”          independently
                                           labeled picture with a   reads the labels.             from a word bank to           completes the
                                           similar word/picture     Teacher says “point           complete the                  sentence using
                                           combination of a         to the word leaves.”          sentence.                     recently learned
                                           carrot.                  Student points to the                                       content-based
                                                                    word “leaves” in the                                        vocabulary by adding
                                                                    diagram.                                                    “vegetables” and

                   Teacher reads a text    Teacher reads a text     Teacher shows a               Student fills in              Student is given the
                   about going to the      about going to the       visual representing           sentences like: a __          printed sentence,
                   bank and points to a    bank. Teacher points     different labeled             is worth one cent, a          “You should __ your
                   labeled picture of      to a labeled picture     coins and reads the           __ is worth five              money in a __ and
                   coins. Student looks    of a penny. Student      labels. Teacher says          cents, a __ is worth          not spend it all.”

                   away.                   matches the labeled      “point to the word            ten cents, and a __           Student
                                           picture of a penny to    penny.” Student               is worth twenty-five          independently
                                           a similar word/picture   points to the word            cents from a word             completes the
                                           combination of a         “penny” in the visual.        bank to complete the          sentence using
                                           penny.                                                 sentence.                     recently learned
                                                                                                                                vocabulary by adding
                                                                                                                                “save” and “bank.”

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Shared Reading     The student:
                   may or may not          participates with the     supplies missing             supplies missing              reads predictable
Participating in

                   attend to a teacher     teacher reading           single words in              phrases in                    texts with a peer
                   reading predictable     predictable texts         predictable texts            predictable texts

                   Teacher reads “The      Student echo words        Teacher pauses               Teacher rereads               Teacher provides
                   Very Hungry             from a predictable        during read aloud            “The Very Hungry              students with book
                   Caterpillar” to the     text in multiple choral   and student supplies         Caterpillar” to               “The Very Hungry

                   student. Student        reads of the text.        the name of the food         student and pauses            Caterpillar” and
                   looks at his hand and                             on each page.                throughout the book           allows student to
                   smiles.                                                                        allowing student to           partner read each
                                                                                                  say the repeated              page individually with
                                                                                                  predictable missing           teacher support
                                                                                                  phrases.                      when needed.

                   Student listens to a    Student follows with      Teacher pauses               Teacher rereads a             Teacher provides
                   story about football    his finger a story        during read aloud of         story about football          students with a story
                   that frequently         about football that       a story about football       that frequently               about football that

                   repeats words and       frequently repeats        that frequently              repeats words and             frequently repeats
                   phrases. Student        words and phrases         repeats words and            phrase and pauses             words and phrases
                   reaches for the book.   during multiple choral    phrases. Student             throughout the book           and allows student to
                                           reads of the text.        says “football” and          allowing student to           partner read each
                                                                     “touchdown” as               say the repeated              page individually with
                                                                     appropriate for the          predictable missing           teacher support
                                                                     story.                       phrases.                      when needed.

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20                                                          TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors Inventory with Classroom Examples

  R7.                         The student:
                              may or may not           matches graphic         selects high-           identifies short           identifies a few
Understanding Ideas/Details

                              attend to graphic        sources with            frequency printed       phrases that provide       sentences that
   in Graphic Sources

                              sources (pictures,       identical graphic       words that provide      ideas or details from      describe ideas or
                              maps, charts,            sources                 ideas or details from   graphic sources            details from graphic
                              diagrams, etc.)                                  graphic sources                                    sources used during
                                                                               when asked                                         content-based

                              Student is presented     After viewing a step    Student selects from    Student reads the          Student identifies the
                              with a recipe with       in the recipe, the      the printed words       verb phrase from the       sentences in the

                              icons for each step in   student matches a       “add,” “bake,” or       recipe for the next        recipe that tell about
                              the cooking activity.    photograph of eggs      “mix” to indicate the   action needed to           units of
                                                       to an icon of eggs in   next action needed      complete the recipe.       measurement.
                              Student visually         the recipe.             to complete the         (Example: pour the
                              explores the recipe                              recipe.                 milk, stir the mix, roll
                              when directed.                                                           the dough.)

                              Teacher presents a       Teacher presents        During group            Student reads the          Teacher presents
                              map of Texas with        picture cards of        discussion, teacher     phrases “Hill              student with a short
                              landforms. Student       different landforms.    asks student to         Country” and “Gulf         text and a map about
                              continues to look at     Teacher shows a         describe the            Coast” from a map of       the landforms in

                              other students and       mountain to the         mountain. Student       Texas.                     Texas. Student uses
                              smiles.                  student and ask the     selects the words                                  the map and
                                                       student to find         “tall” and “pointy.”                               sentences from the
                                                       another mountain.                                                          text in order to
                                                       Student finds another                                                      describe Coastal
                                                       mountain from a                                                            Plains.
                                                       group of picture

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R8.                    The student:
Identifying the Main

                       may or may not            matches word/picture     selects word/picture    identifies the details        identifies the main
                       attend to word/           combinations that        combinations that       of simple short texts         idea of texts that

                       picture combinations      represent the main       represent details                                     consist of longer and
                       that represent the        idea of texts with       (e.g., who, what,                                     less familiar words,
                       main idea of texts        identical word/picture   when, where) from                                     phrases, or
                                                 combinations             texts                                                 sentences

                       Teacher presents an       Teacher presents a       Teacher asks, “Who      Student reads a               Student reads
                       adapted version of        labeled picture of the   is the main character   short section of the          several pages of the
                       the book “Cloudy          main character.          in the story?”          book. Teacher asks,           book. Teacher asks,
                       with a Chance of          Teacher asks student     Teacher shows           “What color was the           “Why did Flint

                       Meatballs.” Teacher       to find the same         student three labeled   tomato tornado?”              Lockwood make his
                       shows pre-made            character from a         picture cards to        Student says “red.”           invention?” Student
                       word/picture cards of     group of characters.     student. Student                                      responds with
                       the important             Student points to a      chooses the main                                      reasons found within
                       illustrations from the    matching labeled         character.                                            the story.
                       book. Student pays        picture card.
                       close attention to

                       Teacher presents an       Teacher presents a       Teacher asks,           Student reads a               Student reads
                       adapted graphic           labeled picture of the   “Where did the story    short section of the          several pages of the
                       novel about a super       main character.          mostly take place?”     graphic novel.                graphic novel.

                       hero. Teacher shows       Teacher asks student     Teacher shows           Teacher asks “What            Teacher asks, “How
                       pre-made word/            to find the same         student three labeled   are the hero’s                did the super hero
                       picture cards of the      character from a         picture cards.          superpowers?”                 save the city?”
                       important illustrations   group of characters.     Student chooses         Student says “fly”            Student responds
                       from the novel.           Student points to a      “city.”                 and “x-ray vision.”           with ideas found
                       Student pays close        matching labeled                                                               within the story.
                       attention to teacher.     picture card.

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22                                                               TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors Inventory with Classroom Examples

R9.                    The student:
  Making Predictions
                       may or may not           matches word/picture   selects single words       identifies simple             identifies sentences
                       attend to word/          combinations to        to predict the next        phrases that predict          that predict the next
                       picture combinations     identical word/        event in short texts       the next event in a           event in short texts
                       that predict the next    picture combinations   read aloud                 series of pictures            read aloud
                       event in a series of     that represent                                    with short captions
                       pictures                 predictions in short
                                                texts read aloud

                       Teacher presents “If     Teacher pauses         Teacher pauses             Student reads an              Student reads
                       you Give a Mouse a       while reading and      while reading and          adapted text of “If           adapted text.
                       Cookie” to student.      models making a        asks, “What do you         You Give a Mouse a            Teacher presents
                       Teacher shows            prediction by          think the mouse will       Cookie.” Teacher              three sentences
                       pre-made word/           choosing a word/       ask for next?”             presents word/                describing what the

                       picture cards with the   picture card           Student selects the        picture cards with            mouse might request
                       sequence of events       representing what      word “milk” from a         short phrases such            next. Student
                       from the story.          will happen. Student   group of words.            as, “ask for cookie,”         chooses the
                       Student claps and        chooses the word/                                 “ask for milk,” and           sentence that
                       pays close attention     picture combination                               “ask for straw.”              predicts what will
                       to teacher.              that matches the                                  Student chooses the           happen next in the
                                                prediction.                                       phrase that predicts          story.
                                                                                                  the next event.

                       Teacher reads a          Teacher pauses         Teacher pauses             Student reads a               Student reads a
                       simple social story      while reading and      while reading and          section of a simple           section of a simple
                       about making a new       models making a        asks, “What do you         social story. Teacher         social story about
                       friend. Student          prediction by          think should happen        presents word/                friends being
                       follows along by         choosing a word/       next?” The student         picture cards with            together. Teacher

                       viewing the word/        picture card           selects the word           short phrases such            presents three
                       picture cards            representing what      “handshake” from a         as, “take turns               sentences describing
                       associated with the      will happen. Student   group of words.            talking,” “ask                what could happen
                       story.                   chooses the word/                                 questions,” and “face         next. Student
                                                picture combination                               the person.” Student          chooses the
                                                that matches the                                  chooses the phrase            sentence to predict
                                                prediction.                                       that predicts the next        what will happen
                                                                                                  event.                        next in the story.

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TELPAS Alternate | Observable Behaviors Inventory with Classroom Examples                                                                           23
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