PUBLIC HEALTH                                                                | archiv euromedica | 202 1 | vol. 11 | num . 2 |

OF THE MODERN HEALTHCARE                                                                                  R eceived 04 March 2021

DEVELOPMENT                                                                                                Received in revised form 15 April 2021;
                                                                                                            Accepted 25 April 2021

Pavel Seliverstov1 , Sofia Bakaeva1 ,                                       in 1965, the American cardiac surgeon, M. Debeki,
Daredzhan Tsurtsumiia1 , Valentin Shapovalov2                               consulted surgeons, performing a surgery in Geneva,
                                                                            via a satellite communication channel. In 1999,
 I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University, Saint Petersburg;   Ms Gerry Nielsen, engaged as a medical specialist at
 Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI”,                 the Amundsen-Scott Research Station in Antarctica,
Saint Petersburg, Russia                                                    was diagnosed with and treated for breast cancer
                                                                            through satellite communication, email, and video                                               conferencing. [1].
                                                                                  According to WHO, the term telemedicine defines
                                                                            health services provision in conditions where the
A B S T R A C T — Widespread use of telemedicine as a
method for remote medical care provision can become
                                                                            distance is a critical factor by healthcare professionals,
one of the most promising ways to optimise modern                           using information and communication technolo-
healthcare. This article proposes a methodology for adult                   gies (ICTs) to exchange the necessary data for the
health telemedicine screening using a system for analysing                  diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases and
unstructured data of monitoring chronic non-communicable                    injuries, conduct research and assessments, as well as
diseases in the population. This method is based on the risk
estimation by the Decision Rules approach, and the fuzzy
                                                                            to continue the education of health professionals for
set theory is used as a description tool. Scientifically-based              the improvement of public health and the develop-
comprehensive clinical approach for the development of                      ment of local communities [2]. In turn, the European
medical questionnaires, the knowledge of which depends on                   Commission considers this term more specifically
a large scientific base in the field of screening, propaedeutic,            and proposes to construe telemedicine as operational
taking into account the standards and requirements
of health assessment in the Russian Federation, is a
                                                                            remote access to the services of medical specialists, us-
fundamental difference from the existing analogues. Expert                  ing ICTs, regardless of the patient location or the way
system of telemedicine questionnaire screening allows                       the relevant information is stored. [EHTEL, 2008].
determining the health risks by specific profiles, to develop               According to the definition of the American Tele-
a final personalised judgment with recommendations for                      medicine Association (ATA), telemedicine is the use of
a healthy lifestyle, further examination, treatment, and
prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases.
                                                                            medical information provided by one party to another
                                                                            by electronic means of communication to improve the
K E Y W O R D S — telemedicine, screening, chronic diseases,                health of patients. [3] Despite the fact that each insti-
health protection, quality improvement in healthcare,                       tution offers its own interpretation of the term, each of
information and communication technologies (ICT).                           the definitions highlights three main characteristics of
                                                                            telemedicine: health care quality improvement, the use
                                                                            of ICT, and remote access. [4].
BACKGROUND                                                                        In 2010, WHO identified four specific principles
     Currently, there is a steady increase in public                        of telemedicine [WHO 2010]: provision of clinical
spending related to healthcare worldwide. Widespread                        support, overcoming geographical barriers and estab-
introduction of telemedicine in general practice as a                       lishing communication between physically distant
method for provision of qualified remote medical care                       users, using various ICTs, improvement of public
is one of the promising options for optimising such                         health [2].
     Telemedicine has existed for a long time one way                       SYNCHRONOUS
or another. E.g., in 1905, Einthoven first transmitted                      AND ASYNCHRONOUS
ECG records using telephone communication. Since                            TELEMEDICINE
1922, the University Hospital in Gothenburg has been                             Telemedicine, depending on the terms of in-
providing medical consultations to seafarers via radio                      formation transmission and interaction between the
channels. In 1959, the first television consultation of a                   persons involved in the process, can be divided into 2
psychiatric patient was held in the United States. Later                    types: synchronous and asynchronous [2]. Asynchro-
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       nous telemedicine is based on the exchange of pre-re-       non-communicable and infectious diseases, including
       corded data between two or more persons at different        COVID-19 [8, 9, 10].
       periods of time. For example, the sending a clinical             Recent events related to the COVID-19 pan-
       case to an expert via email with subsequent doctor's        demic, forced self-isolation regime, cancellation of
       feedback on the diagnosis, optimal therapy, and rec-        face-to-face appointments and re-profiling hospitals
       ommendations for a healthy lifestyle management can         have given impulse for development of telemedicine in
       serve as the examples of asynchronous telemedicine,         Russia. The population began to show more and more
       Synchronous telemedicine is applicable in real time         interest in telemedicine, considering that after the be-
       and requires simultaneous presence of participants          ginning of COVID-19 the need for medical consulta-
       in the process, e.g., during video conferences, phone       tions did not disappear, but, on the contrary, increased.
       conversations or via the Internet. In both synchronous      Thus, in 41% of cases, a face-to-face consultation was
       and asynchronous telemedicine, information can be           not required after a remote request for medical care,
       transmitted in various forms: as text, audio, video, or     20% of those who applied were re-admitted to the
       image [5].                                                  same specialist and in 30% of cases, and patients were
                                                                   immediately referred to a narrow-profile specialist
       REMOTE MONITORING                                           without another consultation with a therapist [11].
       A N D C O V I D -1 9
             Remote monitoring can be singled out separately.      TELEMEDICINE MARKET
       This is a form of telemedicine that involves remote         AND SERVICES
       monitoring of the patient's condition by medical                  Currently, the development of telemedicine
       professionals using various technical devices. The          services is an absolute trend in the development of
       data obtained during monitoring is subject to remote        the digital industry worldwide. According to various
       monitoring and is transmitted to a medical facility         estimates, the average annual growth rate of recently
       for further analysis and interpretation. [4, 6] Remote      emerging online medical opportunities for users in the
       monitoring is used for dynamic observation of pa-           next five years will be about 116%. If the volume of the
       tients with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus,     Russian telemedicine market was estimated at RUB
       bronchial asthma, as well as for domiciliary patients       1.5 bln in 2019, it is expected to grow more than 60
       monitoring. [3]                                             times by 2025, reaching RUB 96 bln, which is consist-
             The use of modern technologies now makes it           ent with the VEB Ventures opinion. At the same time,
       possible to provide high-quality medical care without       the company notes that the growth driver will be not
       violating the principles of social distancing, which is     just the service demand dynamics effect, but also the
       really important in the context of the COVID-19 pan-        availability of telemedicine platform services for a wide
       demic, where telemedicine has become the first line of      range of patients [12, 14].
       defence for both patients and medical specialists. [7]            In terms of the global market, according to BBC
       As practice has shown, telemedicine can be used in          Research, the global telemedicine market increased to
       several forms in conditions of global quarantine [7]:       an average of $44 bln in 2019. According to P&S Mar-
          1. Online consultations: tele- and video confer-         ket Research in 2016, its volume did not exceed $18
             ences;                                                bln. Lower market activity in developing countries is
          2. Telemonitoring: the use of screening devices,         related to insufficient payback and lack of technologi-
             which assess the level of blood pressure, satura-     cal infrastructure. In developed countries, telemedicine
             tion as well as the respiratory rate;                 complements traditional medicine, while in develop-
          3. Chatbots, where the patient can get answers to        ing countries telemedicine is often an alternative to
             frequently asked questions, as well as request con-   traditional medical care. Despite this fact, the emer-
             nection with the doctor.                              gence of telemedicine in developing countries opens
                                                                   up access to health services for a wide range of people,
             Nowadays, telemedicine combines convenience,          as well as reduces geographical barriers [12].
       low cost, and high availability for the end user. As a            We analysed the market of companies, developing
       result, it reduces the time for diagnosis and treatment,    telemedicine, and found 35 services, and almost all of
       including in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic,          them interact with the client by means of a video cam-
       as well as possibility of close observation without ne-     era (video service), smartphone, or computer [13–20].
       cessity of moving around the city, and direct physical      The price of such services in the foreign market ranges
       contact with a medical professional, which ultimately       from $5 per month to $441 per insurance package per
       reduces the risk of spreading the infection. In addition,   year. For comparison, in 2020, the average check in
       telemedicine can be used to control the spread of both      private clinics in the Russian Federation was amounted
PUBLIC HEALTH                                                 | archiv euromedica | 202 1 | vol. 11 | num . 2 |

to RUB 3,000 (€33) per visit, and the average cost of        formative, simple and available for stating, taking into
a minimum check-up: therapist's appointment, blood           account an integrated approach [27, 28].
and urine tests, lung X-rays and ECG was amounted to               The study was conducted at the Department of
RUB 40,000 (€442). The price of a specialist consulta-       Internal Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology and Neph-
tion using telemedicine technologies on the Yandex-          rology of the North-Western State Medical University
Health portal starts from RUB 499 (€5.5). The main           named after I.I. Mechnikov, based on our platform for
type of services provided is the patient flow control,       telemedicine medical support. The study involved 139
remote telemedicine counselling, and signal processing       people: 97 women and 42 men, the average age of the
from gadgets [21].                                           subjects was 65±13.8 years.
      Thus, in terms of cost-effectiveness, it is obvi-            We did not use a clinical entity as a health risk
ous that the introduction of telemedicine will reduce        assessment in the telemedicine system, but rather a
health care costs [22, 23]. The reduction in health care     pathology profile, in which a set of analytical features,
costs will be achieved by reducing the cost of hospi-        objective examination data, and complaints were
talisation, patient transportation, and indirect costs       divided into groups. 198 questions were prepared
associated with leaving home or office [24]. Thus, a         for conducting a multidisciplinary comprehensive
number of Russian and foreign studies have shown             questionnaire health screening; these questions were
a reduction in costs for telemedicine in comparison          structured according to 5 pathology profiles: cardiol-
with traditional methods from 2 to 73%. Even now,            ogy, endocrinology, gastroenterology, pulmonology,
telemedicine consultations for the end user have be-         and oncology. These pathology profiles were not
come over 10 times more profitable than face-to-face         chosen by chance: Since the second half of the 20th
consultations [22, 25].                                      century, the main death causes have been chronic non-
      Thus, there are all the prerequisites for the emer-    communicable diseases (chronic NCDs): circulatory
gence of own developments using telemedicine tech-           illnesses, chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, onco-
nologies in Russia. However, among the well-known            logical diseases, and diabetes mellitus. In the Russian
programs, along with their undoubted advantages,             Federation, about 75% of all deaths occur annually
such as accessibility to the public, possibility of remote   due to chronic non-communicable diseases, however,
examination, relatively low cost of screening, there are     particularly high mortality is observed among people
also disadvantages such as lack of final analytical docu-    of working age [29]. In addition, the prevalence of
ments, coverage of one or more systems, need for a           digestive diseases has increased in recent years [30].
face-to-face visit to the doctor to estimate the risks and
determine further tactics of patient control [26].           R E S U LT S A N D D I S C US S I O N
                                                                   All the fairly ascertained features of each profile
M AT E R I A L S A N D M E T H O D S                         were evaluated according to the degree of their severity
      We have developed our own version of telemedi-         or the reliability of their presence. Minimal deviations
cine questionnaire screening for adult health, based         were taken for early detection of pathology or low risk,
on the experience of national and foreign colleagues.        in cases of its combination with any complaints or de-
The scientific-based comprehensive clinical approach         velopmental features noted in the questionnaire. The
to the development of the medical questionnaire, the         program provides both identification of the severity
knowledge of which is based on a large scientific base       degree and attribution of the symptom or sign to the
in the field of screening, propaedeutic, taking into         pathology of several systems, since they can often
account the standards and requirements of the health         appear during destruction of different organs, and
assessment of the Russian Federation, is a fundamental       therefore the estimation of the disease risk spectrum
difference from the existing analogues. Creation of a        is carried out by the system in accordance with all
decision tree model and development of algorithms            five profiles. In turn, the system is configured for the
for risk share estimation, taking into account external      boundary between the risk group and the pathology,
factors, including the specifics of the residence halo,      estimated at 50 points, and the range of the risk group
cultural characteristics of nutrition, and others, will      is concentrated in the range from 20 to 50 points. The
improve the quality of medical screening, its reli-          risk estimation is carried out by the Decision Rules
ability, and will also make it possible to give the user     method, and the fuzzy set theory is used as descrip-
optimal recommendations on the strategy of diagno-           tion. The typical features of the mathematical appara-
sis and treatment. Over the past year and a half, the        tus used are, on the one hand, the ability to formalise
authors have done a great deal to create a telemedicine      ideas about the degree of severity of a particular symp-
system of questionnaire screening, a methodology for         tom, and on the other hand, the adequacy of medical
selection and ranking of questions that are most in-         logic.
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             Using the developed technology, it was found           and recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, further
       that 33.8% of the subjects were diagnosed with a low         examination, treatment and prevention of chronic
       risk of cardiovascular diseases, 41.7% — an average          diseases.
       risk, 24.5% — a high risk. While analysing the answers             The innovation of this development lies in in-
       to the questions of the gastroenterological profile,         house methodology for the selection and ranking of
       33.1% had a low risk of gastrointestinal diseases,           clinical symptoms and signs of diseases, taking into
       46.8% had an average risk, and 20.1% had a high risk.        account their severity and reliability. The specified
       46.7% of the subjects had a low risk according to the        symptoms and signs of diseases create not a clinical
       Pulmonology profile, 40.3% had an average risk, and          entity, but a pathology profile, and therefore they have
       13% had a high risk. 6.5% of the respondents were            the greatest information content, statement availabil-
       diagnosed with low risk in the Endocrinology profile,        ity, and cover all the key body systems. Moreover, an
       23.7% were diagnosed with medium risk, and 69.8%             original case of summary documents with recommen-
       were diagnosed with high risk, however, this profile re-     dations on lifestyle changes has been developed.
       quires further development due to the non-specificity              The benefits of this development are the flexibil-
       of endocrinological complaints. 18% of the subjects          ity of the decision rules, corresponding to the opinion
       have a low risk of cancer, 32.4% have an average risk,       of the expert doctor, the convenience and clarity of
       and 49.6% have a high risk of cancer, according to           the representation of the final results, the formula-
       the questionnaires, which requires increased cancer          tion of conclusions on the necessary follow-up and
       alertness in this study group. The average score of the      recommendations for adherence to a healthy lifestyle,
       subjects in the cardiological profile was 517, in the gas-   as well as individualised approach, mobility, absence
       troenterological profile — 440, the average value in the     of reference to time and place, and the availability of
       Pulmonology profile was 439, the average value in the        doctor–patient feedback.
       Endocrinology profile was 495, and the average value in
       the Oncology profile was 533. 12 subjects (8.6%) were                                                  Acknowledgment
       revealed to have a high risk in all 5 pathology profiles.         Project for the development of an intellectual
       And only 7 (5%) of the examined patients were diag-          telemedicine platform became the winner of the UM-
       nosed with a low risk for all pathology profiles.            NIK (a smart person) competition within the frame-
             The program analysed the obtained data and             work of the Digital Economy of the Russian Federation
       offered appropriate recommendations depending on             national program.
       the age, gender, body mass index, vicious habits, and                                                           Funding
       level of physical activity and identified risk factors            This study is supported by the Innovation Assist-
       of the subject. Thus, in case of a low risk of disease       ance Fund under Agreement No. No. 66GUTSES8-
       development in all 5 pathology profiles, it is recom-        D3/56432 dated 21.12.2019.
       mended to follow healthy lifestyle rules, including the
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