MOVing MOVing in On #5 - TEH Startup Support Programme 2019 - Trans Europe Halles

Page created by Annette Romero
MOVing MOVing in On #5 - TEH Startup Support Programme 2019 - Trans Europe Halles
MOVing                 in
MOVing                On

         TEH Startup Support
            Programme 2019

          Korpus, Minsk, Belarus


MOVing MOVing in On #5 - TEH Startup Support Programme 2019 - Trans Europe Halles
Table of                                                                                                                   1. The TEH Startup Support
                                                                                                                            Programme: why and how
    1.     The TEH Startup Support Programme:
           Why and how

    2. in the Belarus & Ukraine: region & context
       Challenges of creating art spaces

    3. Korpus, Minsk, Belarus
       Case study:
                                                                                  Through an open call, launched in October 2018, Trans Europe Halles (TEH) invited up-and-
                                                                                  coming initiatives to apply from Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine.

    4. sources of income
       To diversify the                                                           Trans Europe Halles (TEH) is a network
                                                                                  of more than 100 cultural centres
                                                                                  – initiated by citizens and artists
                                                                                                                                 These issues are preventing them from
                                                                                                                                 fully achieving their potential. This is
                                                                                                                                 especially true in regions and countries

    5. recommendations
                                                                                  who have revitalised post-industrial           where neither civil society nor critical
       Conclusions and                                                            buildings for arts, culture and activism       artistic production is encouraged
                                                                                  across Europe. We started our work in          – and indeed is sometimes actively
                                                                                  1983 in Western Europe and we’re now           discouraged – by public authorities.
                                                                                  supporting cultural and creative spaces
                                                                                  in the Balkans, Eastern Partnership and        This is true in the Balkans, which was
                                                                                  Southern Mediterranean countries too.          the focus of the first year of our Startup

    Moving in, Moving on                                                          That’s why, in 2017, we’ve kickstarted
                                                                                  the Startup Support Programme –
                                                                                                                                 Support Programme, and also in
                                                                                                                                 Ukraine and Belarus, the focus of 2019.
                                                                                  offering access to all the knowledge,          Ukraine is still involved in a simmering
    TEH Startup Support                                                           the experience and the skills we’ve            war in the Donbass, while the political
    Programme 2019                                                                gained in Europe over the past 36 years.       and economic situation has not
    Publication #5                                                                                                               stabilised since the Maidan protests
    Korpus, Minsk, Belarus                                                        Why now? From 2017-2021, we’re                 in 2013. Meanwhile Belarus has been
                                                                                  running a wide range of activities under       called the last dictatorship in Europe,
                                                                                  the strapline Factories of Imagination:        although it is showing signs of opening
    Trans Europe Halles is a network of         Published in Sweden 2019 by
                                                                                  Investing in Cultural Changemakers.            up. And yet, in the larger cities there
    cultural centres initiated by citizens      Trans Europe Halles.
                                                                                  This project is motivated by a pressing        are up-and-coming communities of
    and artists. Our mission is to strengthen
                                                                                  urgent concern: In many European               defiant young artists and activists who
    the sustainable development of              Copyright © Trans Europe Halles
                                                                                  countries, non-governmental cultural           are determined to reclaim the vacant
    non-governmental cultural centres           ISBN: 978-91-985177-7-4
                                                                                  centres are under-resourced and don’t          buildings and neglected public spaces
    and encourage new initiatives by            Author: Chris Keulemans
                                                                                  have the funds in place to support the         in their cities.
    connecting, supporting and promoting        Copyediting: Vicky Anning
                                                                                  professional development of their staff.
    them. We facilitate international           Design & Layout:
    cooperation, provide opportunities for      Photo Credits: Korpus
    learning and sharing, and promote the
    practice, impact and value of arts and

    Read more at                                                           A n a lys i s       M atc h m a k i n g        c oac h i n g         N e tw o r k

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MOVing MOVing in On #5 - TEH Startup Support Programme 2019 - Trans Europe Halles
Their ambitions dovetail with our core       The Startup Support Programme 2019
                                              values: to revitalise spaces that have the   had the goal of reaching out to these
                                              potential to become exciting social and      kinds of initiatives across Belarus,
         October 2018                         artistic hubs. They are drawing on the
                                              energy of civil society in places where
                                                                                           Moldova and Ukraine. Through a
                                                                                           process that included an initial open
    APPLICATIONS open                         hapless public authorities, irresponsible    call, a selection committee, scoping
                                              capitalism and social conservatism are       visits, conference participation, online
                                              standing in the way of liberal progress.     coaching, organisational workshops
                                              At the same time, they have a strong         and written reports, we are very
                                              understanding of their responsibility to     pleased to now welcome three of these
                        November 2018         mobilise the power of arts and creativity
                                              for the public good and conscious
                                                                                           initiatives into the TEH network:

                        Applications closed   urban transformation.                        • Dnipro Center for Contemporary
                                                                                             Culture in Dnipro, Ukraine
                                                                                           • Korpus in Minsk, Belarus
                                                                                           • ReZavod in Lviv, Ukraine.

       November 2018
                                                                          2. CHALLENGES OF CREATING ART
                                                                           SPACES IN BELARUS & UKRAINE:
                        March/April 2019                                               region & context
                        Scoping Visit         Although Belarus and Ukraine have a          • a tradition going back several decades
                                              lot in common, their current economic,       of reclaiming vacant buildings for the
                                              political, and cultural contexts are very    common good;
                                              different. But in general, some of the
                                              vital ingredients that make it possible      • and a sense among younger citizens
            May 2019                          for civil society initiatives in Western     that they have the right, even the
      TEH Conference                          Europe to energise post-industrial
                                              buildings are missing in both of these
                                                                                           entitlement, to create new collective
                                                                                           spaces where those spaces do not yet
                                              countries. Some of these ingredients         exist.
                                                                                           This final point is exacerbated by the
                                              • clear options to rent or even own          tendency for young people to move
                        July 2019             vacant properties;                           away from their home towns at the
                        Workshop at           • a cultural policy that makes funding
                                                                                           first opportunity, rather than being
                                                                                           motivated to stay in their cities to
                        Korpus                accessible to new initiatives;               improve them.

                                              • the education and mindset among            Even when all of these elements are
                                              (younger) audiences and media to             in place, it is never easy to create and
                                              follow and understand up-and-coming          maintain new spaces in old buildings.
         August 2019                          artists and their work;                      Across Western Europe, financial
                                                                                           constraints, an overdose of regulation
         Publication                          • the opportunity of at least some           and a populist suspicion of the arts are
                                              financial security for artists and           conspiring to produce an environment
                                              activists;                                   of ongoing precarity, causing many
                                                                                           new initiatives to falter and disappear.
                                              • a certain understanding among              But the lack of even the most basic
                        October 2019          municipal authorities of the potential
                                              contribution of new arts initiatives to
                                                                                           factors in Belarus and Ukraine means it
                                                                                           is even more difficult to make a success
                        TEH Camp Meeting      the economy (and gentrification) of          of initiatives like these.
                                              their cities;

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MOVing MOVing in On #5 - TEH Startup Support Programme 2019 - Trans Europe Halles
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All three of the startups we worked           their current situation to the realisation
    within Belarus and Ukraine certainly          of their dreams.
    look promising and inspirational.
    Getting to know them better – through         The challenges are daunting. But

    our scoping visits, online conversations      although their environment is insecure,
    and local workshops – we discovered           these three inspirational initiatives are
    how precarious their situation really is
    and how much local and international
    support they will need to move from
                                                  working day and night to realise their
                                                  ambitions.                                         The training offered
                                                                                                 solutions to issues that
3. Case study:                                                                                     we ourselves weren’t
    Right in the heart of Minsk – with
    its wide boulevards, gently sloping
                                                  For the first few months, the team’s
                                                  energy and resources were focused
                                                                                                       able to formulate.
                                                                                                      This understanding
    parks, intimidating architecture and          on the renovation of the space. On his
    Soviet-era monuments – is Korpus.             birthday, 1 January 2017, co-founder
    The large two-floor building, formerly        and art director Aleksandar ‘Sasha’
    part of Horizont, a former electronics        Bogdanov took a sledgehammer to
    and home-appliance factory, was
    transformed into an independent arts
    space at the end of 2017. From the
                                                  the wall surrounding the building and
                                                  created what is now the entrance.
                                                  After a few months of renovation, the
                                                                                                   was a very important
    street, you enter through a wooden
    sculpture that leads into a wide
    courtyard, dominated by the wildly
                                                  new team started organising their first
                                                  public events.
                                                                                                  psychological moment
                                                                                                for us: we are not alone
    colourful facade of the centre itself.        Today, the programme is non-stop.
                                                  There are no empty days in the month,
    The ground floor of Korpus is fully open      often with several events happening
    to the public. The interior design is         in one day. The agenda is a mixture of
    smart, tasteful and flexible. Everything is
    focused on using the space to maximum
    effect for public presentations for up
                                                  self-curated free-entry programmes
                                                  and external rentals. The team has
                                                  certain criteria in place. There is no
                                                                                                   and our problems and
                                                                                                 failures are not unique.
    to 200 visitors: exhibitions, lectures,       explicit political content, although
    conferences,     concerts,      screenings    there is a clear sense of free expression.
    and performances. In a society where          The emphasis is on independent visual
    public space is tightly controlled, this      arts, photography, cinema, literature
    free space for gatherings of artists
    and citizens is making an important
                                                  and music. And there are certain
                                                  restrictions: every month, Masha has
                                                  to present the full programme to the
                                                                                                  Many other teams face
                                                                                                 and overcome them too.
                                                  local authorities to get the necessary
    Korpus is run by the private company          permits. The municipality can intervene,
    Bo-Promo,     founded     by    Masha         influence or cancel at any time, with no
    Znachenock. With a background in              explanation.
    photography and visual arts, she was
    offered the opportunity to rent this
    space by Horizont. Masha quickly
                                                  Korpus attracts a wide range of
                                                  curious-minded and active people
                                                                                               And now we know the way.
    assembled a team to help her make the         from across the city: artists, activists
    most of the opportunity. The team was         and students alike, including some of
    mostly made up of volunteers at the           the country’s older dissidents. As well               From Korpus Evaluation Report Of
    beginning, but now five or six people
    are paid €150 a month. (In Belarus,
                                                  as being connected to a community of
                                                  active participants, Korpus also keeps
                                                                                                            TEH Startup Programme 2019
    to give some context, the average             in touch with like-minded initiatives
    monthly income of a teacher or nurse          across the city and across the country.
    is €200.)                                     In Minsk, Masha is pushing to develop
                                                  an association of cultural managers,

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centres, music venues and galleries         collaboration with Sasha from Korpus.       local municipality. Masha has her            team members have other jobs on the
     that can unite in negotiation with                                                      mindset on creating an association of        side, which is necessary to earn a basic
     prominent owners, such as Horizont,         Korpus has recently extended its rental     all the renters in the building, under       income. But in practice, they devote all
     and the municipality.                       contract with Horizont for the next four    the umbrella of Korpus as the main           the time they have to Korpus.
                                                 years. Horizont has not contributed         renter of both floors. Right now, most
     Korpus might be the most interesting        to the costs involved in the intensive      renters on the first floor don’t actively    As a result, exhaustion is the default
     and active independent cultural centre      renovation of the space, but it does        participate in Korpus’s public agenda.       mode. Burn-outs are around the corner,
     in the city, but there is much more to      offer a discount on the m2 rental price.    But a new set of renters, committed          although the place runs on a kind of
     explore in Minsk. In the same street        But the rent still adds up to €1,800 per    and working in complementary fields          energy that borders on addiction. We
     as the groundbreaking Y Gallery, the        month, plus another €500 to €1,200          of art and education, could seriously        offer some simple ways of organising
     Korpus team takes us to OK16 – a            in costs for heating, electricity and       boost the potential of Korpus.               things a bit more clearly, and we also
     cavernous music venue sponsored by a        basic maintenance, depending on the                                                      urge Masha and Sasha in particular to
     bank – where we see a concert by the        season.                                     We offer Korpus a proposal on how            share more of the practical knowledge
     thrilling trio Shuma. In a downstairs                                                   this association might work: while the       that is now mostly stored in their
     bar in the middle of a sleepy residential   The immediate neighbourhood around          ground floor could remain focused            already overcrowded brains. This is all
     area, we attend the opening night           Korpus is due to be renovated from          on public presentations, the second          the more urgent to create the capacity
     of the wildly experimental Cinema           2025-2030. All the remaining factories      floor could become a production              for Masha to focus on the long-term
     Perpetuum Mobile festival.                  around the building will be torn down       zone for artistic initiatives. The quality   developments of the centre and its
                                                 to make way for new apartments and          and intensity of artistic, social and        vision.
     Down the road from Korpus is the vital      offices. Fortunately, the Korpus building   educational work could be given a huge
     independent bookshop and publishing         has been designated as a cultural and       lift if the venue also offered the space     Since our visit, more student volunteers
     house Lohvinau. And then there’s            educational space. But will they have a     and facilities for recording, producing,     have joined the team, which takes a
     the Azgur Museum, home of the               voice in the future development of the      teaching and rehearsing. Korpus could        bit of the workload off the shoulders
     famous sculptor of countless statues        neighbourhood? And will the building        become an even more important venue          of the core team members, while also
     of Lenin, Marx, Stalin and other Soviet     itself be offered the opportunity of a      if it was not just a showroom, but also a    expanding the community.
     heroes. It’s run by the incomparable        thorough renovation?                        factory where exciting initiatives were
     director Bogdanova, who takes us                                                        being presented and produced.                The energy and quality of Korpus are
     on a breathless tour that ends with                                                                                                  astonishing – and not just in terms of
     a performance by a quirky singer-           It’s not yet clear how the ownership        Although the team might seem to              the challenging context it operates
     pianist, one of the many young artists      of the area will be divided between         work in the classic startup way –            within. We believe that Korpus is an
     who she invites to play here, often in      Horizont, private investors and the         everybody doing everything all the           exemplary cultural space that can
                                                                                             time – there is actually a pretty clear      match any centre of this scale on a
                                                                                             division of responsibilities. Most of the    European level.

                                                                                                                                                  4. TO DIVERSIFY THE
                                                                                                                                                  SOURCES OF INCOME
                                                                                             Financially, the pressure is high. With      business. But they operate in the very
                                                                                             limited resources, Korpus is already         specific context of Belarus.
                                                                                             something of a miracle. As we have
                                                                                             already seen, the rent and energy costs      Korpus doesn’t have access to public
                                                                                             are high, particularly considering that      funding: state subsidies go to state
                                                                                             the owner doesn’t contribute to the          institutions, and foreign funding is
                                                                                             renovation needed to keep the building       either forbidden or heavily taxed. So
                                                                                             running. The salaries are modest, but at     the centre depends on its own income,
                                                                                             least the core team members get paid         mainly generated through the ongoing
                                                                                             for their tireless work.                     external rentals (although these are
                                                                                                                                          never allowed to overshadow the
                                                                                             Of course, many other cultural centres       independent Korpus identity). Income
                                                                                             across Europe struggle to be financially     is also generated through ticket sales
                                                                                             sustainable. Very often, the passion for     for concerts and performances and
                                                                                             artistic content blurs the need for a        from the centre’s bar and restaurant
                                                                                             solid and innovative business model.         (which are also owned by Korpus and
                                                                                             Not so at Korpus: Masha and her team         return 30% of the profit to renovations
                                                                                             are very good at balancing arts and          and cultural activities).

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The Korpus team is also working
     to expand their income by: selling
                                                 to create an open space for art and
                                                 passion within societies that are ruled                                                     5. Conclusions and
     their knowledge (arts management,           by money, populism and precarity. Neo-
     technical and production skills) through    liberal capitalism, in both its wilder and
     courses and workshops; their own            more regulated forms, forces practically
     merchandising; doing the production         everyone to focus on their individual
     work for external exhibitions and           survival – working in ways that
     presentations; taking photos and videos     oppose and fragment any meaningful
     of external events. A further step would    collective attempt to create social and
     be to attract commercial companies          cultural work whose value cannot be            The programming of a new centre        principles and organisational
     to sponsor Korpus’s own events like         measured by numbers. It almost feels           is defined by the passions and         codes can be most helpful.
     Korpus Talks and Korpus Kino.               designed to first mainstream and then          expertise of its founders. In the
                                                 exhaust any sustained outburst of              best cases, this creates an identity   Centres like Korpus share the
     The team asked for a TEH workshop           alternative creativity.                        for the whole centre that remains      sense     of    responsibility    for
     on diversifying their sources of                                                           visible and tangible throughout        improving      public    space     in
     income, to help them stay financially       Korpus has a few mechanisms in place           the following years of expansion.      their cities. But they struggle
     sustainable without becoming too            to counter the risks of commercialism,         Korpus is an excellent example         to be recognised by the local
     commercialised. This workshop will          making sure this doesn’t overtake              of this. When more and more            authorities. To strengthen their
     be run, on behalf of TEH, by Oksana         the essence of their work. The team            people and organisations start         influence, which in the long
     Sarzhevskaya-Kravchenko, director of        members all work hard to keep                  approaching the centre to host         term should also lead to a
     Izolyatsia in Kyiv – the large platform     the place afloat, but they are also            their events, the strong identity      transparent local cultural policy,
     for cultural initiatives that manages       continuously alert about decisions that        of Korpus will offer a buttress        we encourage these centres to
     to balance cutting-edge art with            might take Korpus away from its true           against the risk of watering down      take the initiative by setting up a
     an innovative business model. She           identity. Centres that lose this kind of       the character of the centre as a       reciprocal, outspoken network of
     expects ambitious results: ‘The Korpus      self-correcting mentality along the way        whole.                                 local cultural initiatives. This can
     team will get a deeper knowledge of         are almost certain to sell out sooner or                                              help to resolve legal, bureaucratic
     professional fundraising and capacity       later. And the financial strategy that         At the same time, expanding a          and formal challenges, as well as
     building in this area. They will not only   Korpus is aiming for is the best way to        circle of partners strengthens the     helping to establish long-term
     be able to raise funds, but also improve    combat the mainstreaming tendency              position of the centre, especially     cooperation between municipal
     planning,     strategy,   organisational    of the marketplace. By diversifying            if it is faced with threats from       bodies on the one hand and
     culture and leadership, as well as          their sources of income, they will avoid       the authorities or owners. Public      civil society organisations and
     ethics, management and teamwork.            becoming too dependent on just one             support, which is created by           communities on the other.
     The Korpus team will strengthen its         or two income streams. The more                opening your space up to ever-
     financial strategy and increase its         variation you create in the resources          larger numbers of partners and         Last year, the new TEH Balkan
     professional competence in fundraising      that help you to realise your mission,         visitors, can work as a guarantee      Hub offered the opportunity to
     and financing.’                             the harder it will be for the system to        for survival.                          link similar centres across the
                                                 box, frame and eventually suffocate                                                   region, exchanging knowledge
     The working environment in Belarus          you.                                           To introduce new team members,         and applying collectively for
     may be more restrictive and volatile                                                       volunteers, communities, funders       international funding, in order to
     than elsewhere in Europe, but the           * Go to for workshop         and partner organisations to           create a shared basis of continuity.
     challenges that Korpus faces are            and visiting reports from Korpus's             the vision and mission of these        A similar network is now in the
     familiar to many of their peers across      journey during TEH Startup Support             centres, a one-page manifesto          making for like-minded centres
     the TEH network. We all struggle            Programme 2019                                 highlighting the ambitions, values,    across Ukraine and Belarus.

                                                                                              Two international experts worked closely with TEH colleagues to make all of this
                                                                                               happen. Irena Boljunčić Gracin was the managing director of Rojc Association’s
                                                                                                 Alliance, Community Centre Rojc in Pula, Croatia and was recently elected the
                                                                                                chair of the TEH executive committee. Chris Keulemans, a travelling writer and
                                                                                              moderator, was the founder and artistic director of Tolhuistuin cultural centre in
                                                                                                                                                 Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

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     TEH Startup Support
     Programme 2019

     Korpus, Minsk, Belarus

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