Team science in type 1 diabetes: new insights from the Network for Pancreatic Organ Donors with Diabetes (nPOD)

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CellR4 2016; 4 (5): e2128

Team science in type 1 diabetes: new insights from the
Network for Pancreatic Organ Donors with Diabetes (nPOD)
G. Lanzoni1-3, M. Pokrywczynska2-4, L. Inverardi1-3
  Diabetes Research Institute, University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA
  The Diabetes Research Institute Federation
  The Cure Alliance
  Department of Regenerative Medicine, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Ludwik Rydygier Medical College in Bydgoszcz,
  Bydgoszcz, Poland

Corresponding Author: Giacomo Lanzoni, Ph.D; email:

    Keywords: Type 1 Diabetes, Beta cells, Autoimmunity,         causes severe loss of insulin-producing beta cells
Team Science, Etiopathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes, Beta cell     in the pancreas1. While progress has been made in
biology, Islet autoimmunity.                                     clinical trials to predict this disease2, as of today no
                                                                 means exist for effectively and fully preventing or
A bstract                                                        reversing T1D3. This is largely because the cause
Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is a chronic autoimmune                    of T1D is still unknown4. Many traits of the patho-
disease leading to severe loss of insulin-produc-                genesis and disease progression remain obscure
ing beta cells in the pancreas. The causes of this               (see Box 1 ‘Studying the pathogenesis of T1D’).
disease are still unknown. Due to this fact, T1D                 The JDRF Network for Pancreatic Organ Donors
cannot be effectively prevented or reversed. Pan-                with Diabetes (nPOD), a tissue bank and a collab-
creas or islet transplantation can revert diabetes,              orative project, launched in 2007 to advance the
but require chronic immunosuppression, and                       understanding of human T1D through the study of
both chronic rejection and recurrence of islet au-               the pancreas and other tissues harvested from de-
toimmunity may affect long-term graft survival.                  ceased organ donors5. Donors recovered by nPOD
The JDRF Network for Pancreatic Organ Do-                        include those with T1D and those with islet auto-
nors with Diabetes (nPOD) is a tissue bank and                   antibodies in the absence of clinically overt T1D,
a team science effort aimed at understanding the                 which could provide key insight regarding the pre-
etiopathogenesis of T1D. nPOD has enabled un-                    diabetes phase. Moreover, nPOD has recovered
precedented access to rare tissues derived from                  donors with monogenic forms of diabetes, as well
organ donors with T1D and with risk for the dis-                 as donors with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), and those
ease to investigators worldwide. The 8th nPOD                    without diabetes6. Since its inception, nPOD has
Annual Meeting revealed new insights on T1D,                     built a sizable collection of donor specimens and
covering multiple aspects of etiology, beta cell bi-             has supported a large number of studies led by in-
ology, and islet autoimmunity, emerging from the                 vestigators worldwide7. Investigators with an inter-
studies of nPOD investigators and collaborative                  est in T1D and in team science can join the nPOD
working groups. The data being generated and                     research community, and can find detailed descrip-
shared by nPOD investigators will be instrumen-                  tions of the numerous nPOD projects on the web-
tal in translating findings into better therapies,               site Moreover, nPOD is com-
possibly even a cure or prevention, for T1D.                     mitted to promoting collaboration and team science
                                                                 by creating a network of nPOD investigators with
                                                                 an interest in the pathogenesis of human T1D who
nPOD:   Team science in                                          collaborate on the study of pancreata from organ
the field of Type 1 Diabetes                                     donors. Thus, nPOD is a tissue repository, a net-
Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is a human disease char-                   work of investigators and a data sharing platform
acterized by an autoreactive immune attack that                  – but most of all, it is the largest and most active

2       G. Lanzoni, M. Pokrywczynska, L. Inverardi

team science community in the field of T1D re-
search. Besides regular interactions via electronic      tissue bank and Pathology core provide a we-
and telecommunication means, nPOD investiga-             alth of information for each case6. All working
tors come together for a face to face meeting on an      groups are committed to sharing methods and
annual basis. The 8th Annual nPOD Meeting was            results. Here we list a series of putative ‘stages’
held in Miami, USA, on February 21-24, 2016. The         of disease, following a staging system proposed
meeting was attended by over 260 scientists from         by George Eisenbarth4, and we indicate how the
all over the world. The scientific program included      work of nPOD groups could fill the gaps.
25 sessions with lectures by top experts in the field,
oral abstract presentations, poster presentations,         Stage 1: GENES. Over 50 risk gene variants
discussions and working group meetings. Many             for T1D have been identified8,9, representing
important aspects of T1D were discussed – includ-        Stage 1 of the progression toward T1D. T1D
ing etiology, immunology, autoimmunity, beta cell        could be considered a polygenic disease with
biology and regeneration. In this report we pres-        incomplete penetrance. The most important
ent highlights of the findings reported at the 2016      genes conferring risk are certain variants of
nPOD meeting, grouped by areas of interest.              the HLA Class II (primarily certain risk alleles
                                                         in the HLA-DR and HLA-DQ loci) and HLA
                                                         Class I genes, followed by a series of genes in-
    BOX 1. Studying the pathogenesis of T1D              volved in immunity and beta cell function. A
                                                         group of nPOD investigators (nPOD Omics
      The goal of nPOD is to advance the under-          working group) is generating and analyzing
    standing of human T1D occurrence through             data from nPOD samples that address genetic
    the study of the pancreas and other tissues from     factors with genomics, gene expression, and
    organ donors. The pathogenic events that lead        epigenetic approaches. Moreover, there are
    to T1D remain obscure and represent the main         also coordinated efforts involving proteomic
    focus of the nPOD community. When studying           approaches. These studies have the potential
    the disease pathogenesis it is important to take     to determine how the genetic and molecular
    into consideration that the disease is chronic       bases of the disease facilitate disease progres-
    and evolves over a long period of time. Cer-         sion. These studies could also enable detection
    tain organ donors might have been developing         of somatic mutations and other characteristics
    T1D and the study of their organs may provi-         that could be associated with more aggressive
    de information about early stages of the dise-       forms of the disease.
    ase pathogenesis and, possibly, key etiological
    factors. Donors who have recently developed            Stage 2: TRIGGER. One or more envi-
    clinical T1D are traditionally thought to be         ronmental triggers are believed to exist and are
    more likely to show pathological signs of ac-        proposed to act during Stage 2 of the progres-
    tive disease and to maintain a significant beta      sion towards T1D4. The ongoing global incre-
    cell mass. However, data emerging from nPOD          ase in T1D incidence3 cannot be explained by
    and other studies show that both autoimmunity        genetics alone, and it is thought to be connected
    and beta cell mass continue to be detected for       to environmental triggers that promote disease
    several years after onset. In addition, T1D may      development. Enteroviruses have long be su-
    also develop in pancreas transplant recipients,      spected to play a key role in T1D but systematic
    in which case the condition is termed “T1D re-       studies of these and other viruses have not been
    currence”. nPOD is making efforts to recover         possible in the absence of donor specimens.
    pancreata from organ donors in all of the above      With the availability of nPOD samples, the
    categories6. nPOD encourages collaborations          nPOD-Virus working group has been formed
    among investigators and has implemented a            to specifically investigate the role of viruses
    data sharing platform (DataShare) to maximi-         in T1D pathogenesis. This group is examining
    ze the potential of the data obtained from these     pancreas and other tissues from organ donors
    precious tissues by the community. The nPOD          with T1D using a variety of methodological ap-
Team science in T1D: new insights from nPOD   3

proaches to generate robust data about the pre-       recent studies from both experimental models
valence of viral infections in the pancreas with      and nPOD specimens illustrate the importan-
T1D and their features. Hopefully, this effort        ce of extracellular matrix components in the
will lead to the identification of the most preva-    evolution of the insulitis lesion. Some of these
lent viruses and will generate information that       components are critical to islet structural in-
is critical to the development of viral vaccines      tegrity and beta cell function, and others are
and/or anti-viral therapies.                          important for the trafficking of immune cells
                                                      to the islets. An nPOD working group is fo-
  Stage 3: BETA CELL AUTOIMMUNI-                      cused on the involvement of islet and lymph
TY. In most patients, autoantibodies targeting        node extra-cellular matrix components in the
islet cells appear in peripheral blood10 long be-     pathogenesis of T1D (nPOD-Matrix).
fore the clinical onset of diabetes, representing
Stage 3 of the progression toward T1D4. These           Stage 4: BETA CELL DYSFUNCTION
autoantibodies are believed to mark the acti-         AND LOSS. Beta cells become progressively
vation of the autoimmune process. The risk            impaired in the period that precedes the clinical
of disease increases when the number of au-           onset of T1D. The decline in beta cell function
toantibodies increases1, 10. The beta cell mass       is evidenced by loss of first-phase insulin re-
seems to be normal, if not slightly increased,        sponse to an intravenous glucose challenge and
when one or two anti-islet autoantibodies are         later by the appearance of impaired glycemic
present in the blood11. Insulitis is the patho-       regulation14. Severe beta cell dysfunction and
gnomonic inflammatory lesion affecting the            loss become apparent during Stage 4 of the pro-
pancreatic islets in T1D. It consists of a lym-       gression towards T1D4. It is emerging, however,
phocytic infiltration of islets12 even though it      that the extent of beta cell loss is typically less
appears to affect only a modest percentage of         than previously thought in many patients. This
islets at any given time11. Insulitis and beta cell   highlights the importance of dysfunction of the
loss progress with a “lobular pattern”, i.e. a di-    residual beta cells as a factor in the development
screte distribution in the pancreas4. The lesion      of hyperglycemia and diabetes symptoms at the
consists of inflammatory cells, mostly T lym-         time of diagnosis and possibly beyond15. A se-
phocytes, and studies of nPOD samples have            ries of pilot experiments by nPOD investigators
shown the lesion to contain populations of au-        is testing the feasibility of generating pancreas
toreactive T lymphocytes reacting against islet       slices to assess beta cell function from nPOD
cell autoantigens13. The nPOD-Autoimmuni-             organ donors, without the confounding factors
ty working group was launched to study the            associated with islet isolation procedures. Islet
features of the autoimmune responses through          function is also assessed in isolated islets when
the study of the nPOD pancreas and lymphoid           isolation can be performed.
tissues (spleen, pancreatic lymph nodes), in-
cluding the antigen specificity, phenotypic              Stage 5: CLINICAL ONSET OF T1D.
features and the T cell receptor repertoire of        Clinical onset of T1D, presenting characteristic
autoreactive T cells. The group also examines         signs and symptoms deriving from frank hy-
the role of antigen-presenting cells, including       perglycemia, is thought to occur when approxi-
B lymphocytes, in the disease pathogenesis            mately two-thirds of the islets have become
and is focused on revealing the mechanisms            insulin deficient16. Immediately after diagnosis,
that cause an immune attack against islet cell        life-saving intervention with exogenous insu-
autoantigens and on the formation of modified         lin therapy is started. Cases of death at onset
forms of autoantigens. In addition, nPOD has          are extremely rare nowadays, thanks to insulin
shown the feasibility of isolating islets from        treatment. nPOD has collected a large number
donors with T1D even several years after dia-         of cases post onset of T1D, and a few have been
gnosis, and investigators in this group are           recovered from the time of diagnosis or very
examining islet-infiltrating T cells. Moreover,       close in time to it.
4       G. Lanzoni, M. Pokrywczynska, L. Inverardi

                                                           identification of Vitamin D binding protein (VDBP)
      Stage 6: PERSISTENCE AND RECUR-                      as a novel autoantigen in T1D19. Interestingly, VDBP
    RENCE OF AUTOIMMUNITY. T1D is a                        is expressed in pancreatic islet α cells. Anti-VDBP au-
    chronic disease. Minimal function and turn-            toantibodies could serve as an additional biomarker of
    over of beta cells can be detected several de-         T1D. Molecular pathways related to Vitamin D, which
    cades after onset17, and autoimmunity persists,        show a genetic association with T1D20, are once again
    as well. Perhaps T1D may be considered a               in the spotlight. Dr. Linda Yip (Garrison Fathman`s
    chronic relapsing and remitting autoimmune             Lab, Stanford University, USA) reported the findings
    disease, with flare-ups of autoimmune attacks          of gene expression studies in human pancreas and
    counterbalanced (to an insufficient extent) by         peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) during
    repair and regeneration processes. Pancreas            the progression towards T1D. The group built on the
    transplantation or pancreatic islet transplanta-       success of previous expression studies that led to the
    tion are therapeutic options for patients who          implication of splicing variants of Adora1 and Deaf1
    have developed kidney failure or have extreme          in disease progression21. Dr. Yip and colleagues used
    difficulties in managing their diabetes. Recent        microarrays to study the gene expression profiles of
    studies show that in both pancreas and islet           pancreatic tissues (obtained from nPOD) and of pe-
    transplant recipients, autoimmunity can persist        ripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs, obtained
    and at some point become reactivated, even-            via the Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet https://www.diabet-
    tually leading to T1D recurrence. In pancreas The analysis was performed in tissues
    transplant recipients, it is well documented           from controls, nondiabetic autoantibody positive and
    that this may occur despite chronic treatment          T1D donors. The analysis provided a series of potential
    with immunosuppressive medication to pre-              biomarkers of disease risk and progression. Overall,
    vent rejection18. nPOD has recovered pancreas          the gene expression profiles in pancreas and PBMCs
    transplant biopsy specimens from patients who          have different patterns throughout the disease stages.
    have experienced T1D recurrence, and studies           Dr. Ivan Gerling (University of Tennessee, USA) an-
    from nPOD investigators have shown patholo-            alyzed gene expression profiles of islets obtained via
    gical abnormalities that are largely overlapping       laser capture microdissection. Islets were collected
    to those found in spontaneous disease in the na-       from donors with different stages of T1D: autoanti-
    tive pancreas. The study of transplanted human         body positive cases without diabetes (pre-T1D), T1D
    pancreatic tissues could provide insights also         cases at onset, T1D cases with long-standing disease,
    into mechanisms of beta cell regeneration and          and pancreas transplant biopsies with recurrent T1D.
    the pathogenesis of T1D. This is the focus of the      The patterns of differentially expressed genes and
    nPOD-Transplantation18 working group.                  pathways suggest that T1D pathogenesis could result
                                                           from four interacting pathologies affecting beta cells:
                                                           mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress, viral
Big data, novel biomarkers of                              infection, immune response, and replication/regen-
disease and therapeutic targets                            eration. Different combinations of these pathologies
    The study of the appropriate samples with ‘omics’      and pathways may contribute to disease heterogene-
methods and the use of unbiased analytical methods         ity. Gene expression datasets like those generated by
are providing novel insights for many human condi-         Dr. Yip and by Dr. Gerling are useful for many in-
tions, along with novel biomarkers and therapeutic tar-    vestigators in the nPOD community, and they can be
gets for T1D. The 2016 nPOD meeting opened with the        integrated with other datasets – such as those from
keynote lecture delivered by Dr. Atul Butte (Univer-       genomic, epigenomic or proteomic studies. The inte-
sity of California, San Francisco, USA). Dr. Butte has     gration of these ‘omics’ data will allow T1D inves-
pioneered an approach for the discovery of molecular       tigators to formulate new questions and obtain deep
pathways associated with disease, of biomarkers and        insights from the available samples and databases.
of therapeutic targets, that is based on the analysis of   These are the focuses of the nPOD-Omics working
published omics data. He presented several examples        group, a collaborative group focused on high through-
of successful applications of this data mining strategy.   put studies and dataset integration, which met and
For example, he presented expression-based genome-         discussed strategies in a dedicated time slot during
wide association studies (eGWAS) that enabled the          the meeting.
Team science in T1D: new insights from nPOD   5

                                                       modified forms of self-antigens. The factors that
 BOX 2. The George Eisenbarth                          contribute to the generation of modified self-pep-
 Memorial Lecture                                      tides could affect very different organs, but may
                                                       ultimately trigger similar responses in immune cell
 nPOD has instituted a lecture to honor the late       populations.
 Dr. George Eisenbarth, a true pioneer in T1D              Drs. John Harris (University of Massachusetts,
 research who inspired and supported the crea-         USA) and James Krueger (Rockefeller University,
 tion of nPOD4, 22. Dr. Gerald Nepom (Benaroya         USA) presented insights from other autoimmune
 Research Institute at Virginia Mason, USA)            diseases – respectively vitiligo, and psoriasis. Of
 delivered the lecture and reviewed the use of         note, Dr. Eisenbarth often paralleled the patchi-
 immunological monitoring tools in the context         ness of the insulitis with the distribution of vit-
 of clinical trials. He highlighted the concept of     iligo. Dr. Harris highlighted how cellular stress,
 combinatorial, sequential pharmacological re-         reactive oxygen species and abnormal activation
 gimens in which islet autoimmunity is initially       of the unfolded protein response contribute to the
 arrested with a depleting or debulking agent,         development of vitiligo and autoimmune diseases
 and a sustained therapeutic benefit is achieved       in general24. He is studying strategies that block the
 in the long term by using immunoregulatory            Interferon-gamma/CXCL10 pathway that, in skin
 and/or anti-inflammatory agents. Alefacept, a         cells, is responsible for the recruitment of autoreac-
 promising drug that targets effector memory T         tive CXCR3+ CD8+ T cells25. The same pathway
 lymphocytes, has shown efficacy in a recent cli-      (CXCL10/CXCR3) has also been linked to T1D,
 nical trial23 and could be a good depleting agent     which has sparked interest in pharmacological
 with specificity for memory cells, which have         strategies to block it26. Dr. Krueger was among the
 been linked to T1D. Of note, findings presented       first to report that psoriasis is an autoimmune dis-
 at the nPOD meeting by Dr. Pugliese and his           ease, which led to more effective therapies for this
 team demonstrate the presence of memory T             disease. Psoriasis is a chronic disease characterized
 cells in the insulitis lesion.                        by epidermal hyperplasia resulting from keratino-
                                                       cyte proliferation in response to cytokines released
                                                       by T-cells and dendritic cells (DCs). Tofacitinib,
Immunology, autoimmunity and modified                  a Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor, attenuates JAK/
self-antigens (how and why beta cells become           STAT signaling in keratinocytes, reduces the num-
immunogenic?)                                          bers of pathologic T-cells and DCs and inhibits the
   The concept that T1D is a chronic autoimmune        IL-23/TH17 pathway. Similar pathways may be in-
disease was crystallized by the work of Dr. George     volved in T1D, and the development of therapeutic
Eisenbarth3,4,22. Dr. Eisenbarth realized that pre-    approaches could benefit from cross-fertilization
vention and a cure for autoimmune T1D could be         among the different fields of research in autoim-
possible but would require a clear understanding of    mune diseases.
key pathogenic mechanisms of autoimmunity. The             In autoimmune T1D, several outstanding ques-
nPOD-Autoimmunity group studies autoreactive           tions remain in relation to how the immune system
T cells, B cells and other types of immune cells.      targets beta cells, and why immune cells exist that
T cell receptor sequences, antigen specificities and   could target self-antigens in beta cells. Dr. Emil
functional properties of immune cells are at the       Unanue (Washington University, St Louis, USA)
center of interest for this working group. At the      described a process through which the contents of
nPOD meeting there were also presentations from        the beta cell secretory granules become available
experts in other autoimmune diseases, describ-         to the immune system: beta cells transfer vesicles
ing groundbreaking findings and new concepts in        containing insulin and its catabolites to islet phago-
the field of autoimmunity. Different autoimmune        cytes for presentation to T cells27. Thus, beta cells
conditions share a similar genetic basis, immuno-      appear to play an important role as source of au-
logical mechanisms, and potentially etiology – as      toantigens during the development of T1D. But
suggested by simultaneous multiple autoimmune          why do we find immune cells targeting beta cell
syndromic cases. A recurring theme emerged from        antigens? These cells have escaped thymic selec-
several studies: autoimmunity may be triggered by      tion, or perhaps the antigens that these cells have
6     G. Lanzoni, M. Pokrywczynska, L. Inverardi

encountered during thymic selection differ from          granin A or insulin and neuropeptide Y peptides.
those encountered in peripheral tissues. There is        These hybrid peptides acted as very potent activa-
a possibility that certain modified forms antigens       tors of T-cell clones derived from non-obese dia-
could be generated specifically in beta cells, pos-      betic (NOD) mice and human T1D patients30. We
sibly only in certain conditions such as during an       don’t know yet whether transpeptidated peptides
infection, stress, environmental factors or chemi-       and hybrid fused peptides from beta cell proteins
cal reactions. The studies in rheumatoid arthritis       are the actual triggers of autoimmunity. Nonethe-
presented by Dr. Garrison Fathman (Stanford              less, such peptides may form specifically in islets
University, USA) pointed in this direction. In this      and not in the thymus; hence, T cells reactive to
disease, modified antigens can develop in tissues        them would not be deleted during thymic selection.
as a result of chemical reactions. Citrullination,       There is growing evidence that autoimmunity may
i.e. the conversion of the amino acid arginine to        be triggered by (and targeted to) modified forms of
citrulline, is a post-translational modification caus-   self-antigens. Chemical reactions, inflammation,
ing protein structural changes due to increased hy-      cell death, viral infection or other environmental
drophobicity. Citrullination can occur during cell       factors may facilitate the generation of such modi-
death or inflammation, and can alter antigen epi-        fied forms of self-peptides.
topes, rendering them immunogenic28. In rheuma-              Dr. Mia Smith and Dr. John Cambier (Univer-
toid arthritis, indeed, antibodies are raised against    sity of Colorado-Denver, USA) reported a series of
citrullinated forms of peptides. Anti-citrullinated      findings related to insulin autoimmunity and to the
protein antibodies are associated with more severe       type of signals that could activate immune cells.
disease. Smoking and periodontal infection are two       Their studies analyzed insulin-binding B cells
major environmental factors that contribute to the       from healthy individuals, from individuals at risk
triggering of rheumatoid arthritis. Interestingly,       of T1D (autoantibody positive), or those with clini-
citrullinated proteins appear in cellular debris af-     cally overt disease. Interestingly, B cells with high
ter smoking. It is interesting to observe that anti-     affinity receptors for insulin appear to be polyreac-
bodies to citrullinated proteins are associated with     tive, as they also bind to chromatin and lipopoly-
HLA ‘shared epitope’ alleles28, strongly suggesting      saccharide. In healthy individuals, insulin-binding
that a particular epitope modification could form        B cells are anergic. In at-risk subjects and new-
complexes with certain forms of HLA, giving rise         onset T1D patients there is a decrease in anergic
to a structure with unique structural and binding        insulin-binding B cells, supporting their activation;
properties. Dr. John Kappler (Howard Hughes              whereas at 1 year after diagnosis, the levels return
Medical Institute, National Jewish Health, Denver,       to normal. The activation of these insulin-reactive
USA) presented results related to modified forms         B cells could derive from very different stimuli,
of insulin antigens. Dr. Kappler studied the genera-     including chromatin, which is commonly released
tion of super agonists for CD4+ T-cells from the         after cell death in damaged or infected tissues, but
proinsulin peptide in human and mouse models.            also lipopolysaccharide, a molecule produced by
Proinsulin fragments can undergo trans-peptida-          gram-negative bacteria.
tion, a protease-mediated peptide fusion, and can            The role of pathogens and their interactions
thus become highly immunogenic insulin-derived           with innate immunity in the development of T1D
peptides. These fused peptides are potent stimula-       may be central during the initial steps of disease
tors of CD4 T cells, more so than the native pep-        development. Dr. Decio Eizirik (Universite Libre
tides. Such post-translational modifications of pep-     de Bruxelles, Belgium) highlighted the fact that
tides may occur only in the pancreas or in lymph         more than 80% of the genes with variants associat-
nodes and not during thymic selection of T cells29.      ed with T1D risk are expressed in pancreatic islets,
Novel studies by Dr. Thomas Delong and Dr.               and that many of those genes are involved in innate
Kathy Haskins (University of Colorado, Denver,           immunity and antiviral responses31. The data pre-
USA) support this notion. The group showed that          sented support the hypothesis that genetic variants
beta cells could form highly immunogenic hybrid          promote exaggerated innate beta cell reactivity to
peptides via the fusion of fragments from two pro-       viral infections which could be a critical factor in
teins. They identified autoantigenic epitopes that       the subsequent triggering of autoimmunity. On
result from the combination of insulin and chromo-       a similar note, Dr. Oskar Skog (Olle Korsgren’s
Team science in T1D: new insights from nPOD   7

group, Uppsala University, Sweden) observed the         overexpresses HLA class I and ‘aberrantly’ overex-
activation of innate antiviral pathways in pancre-      press HLA class II before and during the insulitic
atic biopsies obtained from living patients with        invasion33,34. Dr. Sarah Richardson (University
recent-onset of T1D (DiViD study). He reported          of Exeter, U.K.) presented results on the correla-
that 23 out of 84 interferon-stimulated genes were      tion of HLA class I hyperexpression and selective
found to be overexpressed in inflamed islets from       upregulation of Signal transducer and activator of
T1D patients with recent onset. Viral sensor genes      transcription 1 (STAT1) in control and T1D donor
(IFIH1, MDA5, PKR and RIG-I) were also found            beta cells. In islets from T1D patients, a beta-cell-
to be overexpressed. Interferon gamma was over-         specific hyperexpression of STAT1 was observed
expressed in islets and infiltrates from new-onset      in parallel with HLA-class I hyperexpression,
T1D cases. These findings indicate that innate an-      both at the gene and at the protein expression lev-
tiviral pathways are active in T1D islet cells at the   el. STAT1 activation is centrally involved in the
time of onset and warrant further investigation in      signaling pathway activated by interferons, and
search of viral entities. Such findings could have a    it leads to an antiviral state and HLA-class I up-
positive impact in preventing or delaying T1D.          regulation. STAT1 hyperexpression may thus be a
    Dr. Eoin McKinney (University of Cambridge,         driver of HLA-class I hyperexpression in T1D beta
U.K.) reported findings related to T cell exhaustion    cells. This is in line with the report by Dr. Oskar
and autoimmunity. T cell exhaustion, a process that     Skog, who showed that other interferon-stimulat-
promotes viral persistence and is associated with a     ed and viral sensor genes were overexpressed in
poor outcome in viral infections, is associated to      inflamed islets from recent-onset T1D patients.
better outcomes in autoimmunity. A low relapse          Furthermore, he indicated that interferon gamma
rate was observed in multiple autoimmune condi-         was overexpressed in islets and infiltrates from
tions in the presence of a transcriptional signature    new-onset T1D cases, and this could contribute to
indicating CD8+ T cell exhaustion, a signature in-      the observed expression pattern. Dr. Peter Butler
versely linked with a CD4+ T cell co-stimulation        (University of California Los Angeles, USA) high-
signature32.                                            lighted the need to remove the inflammation (the
    Dr. Florence Anquetil (Matthias Von Herrath         `fire`) before stimulating beta cell regeneration. Dr.
lab, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology,     Butler addressed the role of mitochondrial damage
USA) reported preliminary but intriguing findings       in T1D pathogenesis. Oxidative stress in beta cells
on the immunoregulatory molecule Indoleamine            induces mitochondrial fragmentation, activation of
2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) and interleukin-6 (IL-6)       apoptosis and beta cell loss. Therefore, the more
– molecules that are expressed at different levels      beta cells enter the cell cycle under stressed and
in islets of autoantibody positive cases without dia-   inflamed conditions, the greater could be the loss of
betes, T1D and T2D cases. IDO1 was found to be          beta cells. The islet extracellular matrix represents
expressed in beta cells and was almost completely       a barrier to inflammatory cells and a substrate for
absent in pancreata from T1D patients. IL-6 ap-         the trafficking of immune cells. Dr. Eva Korpos
peared to be expressed at lower levels in islets from   (Lydia Sorokin`s lab, University of Muenster, Ger-
double antibody positive donors compared to con-        many) showed that the peri-islet basement mem-
trols, and at higher levels in T2D islets compared      brane and interstitial matrix components are lost
to controls. These findings suggest a relationship      at sites of leukocyte infiltration into the islet; this
between these immune mediators, T1D and T2D.            was observed both in nPOD donors with T1D and
                                                        in pancreas transplant biopsies from patients with
Inflammation, innate immunity, and the gut              recurrent T1D35.
   Inflammation and innate immunity seem to                 Macrophages are among the first cell types to
characterize early phases of the disease. In indi-      infiltrate the pancreatic islets during the disease
viduals at high risk for T1D and after T1D onset,       process in NOD mice and BB rats. Dr. Jason Ga-
a subset of islets containing beta cells appears to     glia (Joslin Diabetes Center, USA) presented results
be inflamed. An important biomarker that seems          related to noninvasive imaging of macrophages to
to characterize prediabetic and diabetic beta cells,    study islet inflammation. Magnetic Resonance Im-
and that disappears after beta cells loss, is HLA       aging (MRI) of the clinically approved magnetic
overexpression. A fraction of pre-T1D beta cells        nanoparticle ferumoxytol enables imaging of mac-
8     G. Lanzoni, M. Pokrywczynska, L. Inverardi

rophages taking up nanoparticles in inflamed pan-         Studies of isolated T1D islets
creatic lesions. Via this imaging method, he demon-           Dr. Clayton Mathews (University of Florida,
strated increased accumulation of the nanoparticles       USA) reported the key findings of an nPOD pilot
in regions of the diseased pancreas compared to con-      project focused on live islets from T1D cadaveric
trol tissue, as observed in mouse models of T1D and       donors. Pancreata from 3 young T1D donors (di-
in a pilot human study in T1D patients with recent        sease duration up to 7 years) were recovered and
onset disease36. Other cell populations of the innate     processed for islet isolation at the University of
immunity seem to play a role in early phases of T1D.      Pittsburgh and the Diabetes Research Institute-
Dr. Manuela Battaglia (IRCCS San Raffaele Sci-            University of Miami. Islets were recovered and di-
entific Institute, Italy) reported a series of findings   stributed for analysis to several laboratories, and a
related to neutrophils. These cells are reduced in the    fraction of the islets had residual beta cells. Gluco-
peripheral blood of T1D patients at onset. Moreover,      se-stimulated insulin release showed that T1D beta
neutrophil counts seem to have an indirect correla-       cells have a major loss of first-phase insulin rele-
tion with the risk of developing T1D: the lower the       ase, which resembles observations in individuals
neutrophil count, the higher the risk in autoantibody     at high risk of T1D and at clinical onset14. Moreo-
positive individuals37. Margination of neutrophils –      ver, islets displayed a striking bioenergetic failure,
i.e. the accumulation of neutrophils in the periphery     with defects in mitochondrial function and oxygen
of blood vessels due to adhesion to endothelial cells     consumption rate. The islets showed a very high
– can be observed in the pancreas of at risk subjects.    glycolytic rate. Hence, beta cells from T1D patients
Neutrophils accumulate in T1D nPOD pancreata,             seem to have a major metabolic defect. Additional
suggesting that low neutrophil counts in circula-         studies are ongoing, including gene expression stu-
tion are due to recruitment to the pancreas. Neutro-      dies in sorted live islet cells, and studies of T cell
phil Extracellular Traps are also observed in larger      receptors from islet- infiltrating T cells. Studies of
amounts in pancreata from first degree relative and       live pancreatic cells and tissues should provide cri-
T1D cases, compared to controls.                          tical information for the development of therapies
    The pancreas may not be the only organ where          and curative strategies for T1D.
inflammation occurs during T1D pathogenesis.
Dr. Shannon Wallet (University of Florida, USA)           Stem cells, progenitors
highlighted that the gastrointestinal tract is chroni-    and beta cell regeneration
cally inflamed in T1D. Dr Wallet`s group has ob-             A series of presentations focused on intriguing
served that intestinal epithelial cells have a central    observations related to stem cells, progenitors and
role in the innate immune dysfunction that charac-        beta cell regeneration. Beta cell turnover can be
terizes the T1D intestine. Altered innate immune          detected several decades after T1D onset17. This
functions could lead to dysregulated adaptive im-         suggests that repair and regeneration processes
munity. Dr. Christina Graves (Shannon Wallet’s            occur in the diseased pancreas, but they are in-
group, University of Florida, USA) described the          sufficient to counterbalance the loss of beta cells
alterations that appear in T1D intestinal epithelial      resulting from autoimmunity. Autoimmunity and/
cells, including HLA class II overexpression and          or loss of beta cells could actually stimulate beta
reduced goblet cell frequency. She reported an in-        cell regeneration, as suggested by Dr. Ivan Ger-
creased expression of TLR5 and TLR5-responsive            ling’s findings in islets from autoantibody positive
inflammatory innate immune genes (Beta Defen-             non-diabetic cases. The results reported by Dr.
sin 2 and IL-17C). This was paralleled by an expan-       Carol Lam (Jake Kushner’s Lab, Baylor College
sion of interferon-gamma producing intestinal im-         of Medicine, USA) challenge in part this idea. Dr.
mune populations. Intestinal epithelial cells could       Lam showed that islet cell proliferation, measured
thus perceive the environment in an altered way in        with Ki67, was comparable in pancreata from
T1D, and they could initiate a miscommunication           T1D and nondiabetic adolescents. This finding
with intestinal immune cells. Moving forward, one         suggests the absence of compensatory beta cell
of the key aims will be to determine whether such         proliferation, at least after T1D onset. The same
alterations in intestinal epithelial cells and intesti-   studies identified a highly proliferative population
nal innate immunity are a cause or a consequence          of α-like cells, expressing little to no glucagon and
of T1D.                                                   displaying cytoplasmic SOX9 positivity.
Team science in T1D: new insights from nPOD   9

    Dr. Teresa Rodriguez-Calvo (Matthias von                 On the same topic, Dr. Susan Bonner Weir (Jo-
Herrath`s group, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and      slin Diabetes Center, Boston, USA) addressed key
Immunology, USA) showed that the insulin positive        aspects of postnatal changes in human pancreas
area is increased in pancreata from islet-autoanti-      and islets. Postnatal development of the pancreas
body positive non-diabetic cases – cases that could      and islets is striking. Islet architecture changes
represent the pre-diabetic phase in T1D – compared       with age, from simple rodent-like islets in young
to controls. Interestingly, the insulin/proinsulin ra-   individuals to composite islets in adults. The beta
tio was found to be inverted in autoantibody posi-       cell ratio over total pancreas is maintained, but the
tive cases. Autoantibody positive cases thus seem        pancreas grows from about 20 g at age 5 up to 120 g
to have more proinsulin than insulin, and larger         at age 26. Entirely new lobes and further branching
areas positive for each molecule, compared to con-       are expected to form beyond age 5. Hence, com-
trols. This phenomenon was observed across the           pletely new islets are expected to develop in po-
head, body and tail of the pancreas, but differences     stnatal life through a mechanism that is not based
were more significant in the body and tail. These        on beta cell replication39. In postnatal life, different
findings bring an important piece of information:        progenitors could generate endocrine cells de novo,
compared to controls, autoantibody positive pan-         including pancreatic epithelial tip progenitors (as
creata may not have lower beta cell mass, at least in    suggested by Dr. Powers), ductal cells40, or other
early stages before the islet destructive process has    classes of progenitors41,42. The question is whether
advanced significantly. Whether this increased beta      an activation of progenitors results in a compensa-
cell mass derives from hypertrophy or hyperplasia        tory de novo generation of beta cells in response to
of beta cells in the pancreas will have to be deter-     increased demand during the progression towards
mined. These findings also stimulate investigations      T1D and after onset. Mature endocrine cells may
aimed at analyzing the function of beta cells with       also act as facultative progenitors, and/or intercon-
inverted insulin/proinsulin ratio. An abundance of       vert in different endocrine cells. Dr. Pedro Her-
proinsulin compared to insulin (and C-peptide) can       rera (University of Geneva, Switzerland) showed
be considered a biomarker of beta cell endoplasmic       that islet endocrine cells could interconvert, i.e.
reticulum dysfunction. A study on serum samples          change cell identity, in response to injury. In mou-
from the participants of the TrialNet Pathway to         se models engineered to have beta cells selectively
Prevention study provided results in line with those     ablated, newly formed beta cells frequently deri-
presented by Dr. Rodriguez-Calvo. Proinsulin and         ved from preexisting alpha cells that spontaneously
C-peptide were measured in the serum. The proin-         `reprogram` to beta cells. The form of insult deter-
sulin-to-C-peptide ratio was found to be increased       mines the type of the response: if alloxan is used
in antibody-positive subjects that progressed to         to cause beta cell loss, about 80% of alpha cells
diabetes compared with nonprogressors38. Thus,           reprogram to beta cells, whereas if streptozotocin
this ratio may have utility in predicting the onset of   is used, alpha cells reprogram at low frequency.
T1D in the presymptomatic phase.                         His group previously reported the interconversion
    Dr. Alvin Powers (Vanderbilt University, USA)        of delta-to-beta cells in juvenile and alpha-to-beta
emphasized inter-individual and age differences in       cells in post-puberty rodent pancreata43. The appe-
islet cell mass. He showed that the beta cell mass       arance of bihormonal glucagon+/insulin+ cells in
varies by 3 to 5 times in adults, which may have im-     T2D pancreata and of somatostatin+/insulin+ cells
plications for age of onset and rate of progression.     in T1D pancreata suggests that interconversion oc-
This could ultimately result in different presenta-      curs spontaneously also in diabetic patients.
tions of T1D. He also reported a series of changes
that occur in islet cells throughout life. The stud-     Monogenic Diabetes
ies suggest that islet cell composition is dynamic           Approximately 1-5% of all cases of diabetes
throughout life: relative proportions of endocrine       result from single-gene mutations and are thus
cells change with age. Beta cells, in particular, in-    monogenic forms of diabetes mellitus. Congeni-
crease progressively, whereas δ cells decrease. In-      tal mutations in one of a set of genes controlling
terestingly, exendin 4 (a glucagon-like peptide-1        beta cell function result in beta cell dysfunction44,
agonist) was found to promote proliferation of ju-       other mutations affect insulin sensitivity. Specific
venile but not adult beta cells.                         treatments exist for certain forms of monogenic
10    G. Lanzoni, M. Pokrywczynska, L. Inverardi

diabetes, and differential diagnosis is important        of the spectrum, T1D can occur in adults (Latent or
to exclude involvement of autoimmunity. These            late-onset autoimmune diabetes of adults, LADA),
monogenic forms of diabetes can be identified with       but it often shows a slower course of onset and it
genetic screening.                                       has a milder presentation. Moreover, a historic and
    Dr. May Sanyoura (Siri Greeley`s group, Uni-         sharp rise in obesity occurred among children and
versity of Chicago, USA) reported that 4 cases with      adults over recent decades, and this complicates
monogenic diabetes were identified in the nPOD           differential diagnosis of T1D/T2D, especially in
tissue repository via genetic typing. All of these       patients over 30 years of age (a note highlighted
were autoantibody negative and had unique histo-         also by Dr. Richard Oram). The observed spec-
logical characteristics. Thus, new data are emerg-       trum of presentations may derive from different di-
ing about the pathology of monogenic forms of dia-       sease processes. In support of the concept of diffe-
betes through the study of nPOD specimens.               rent disease processes, Dr. Schatz reported that the
    Dr. Lina Sui (Dieter Egli`s lab, Columbia Uni-       incidence of insulin autoantibodies (IAA) as a first
versity, USA) presented the development of models        autoantibody declines with age, whereas that of
of beta cell dysfunction via generation of induced       Glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies (GADA)
Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC) from patients with         increases with age. Moreover, anti-CD20 (Rituxi-
monogenic diabetes. iPSC-derived beta cells reflect      mab) treatment showed a positive effect only when
beta cell–autonomous phenotypes: cells from patients     administered to children. Dr. Noel Morgan (Uni-
with SUR1 loss of function showed decreased insulin      versity of Exeter, UK) reported findings related to
processing and increased proinsulin secretion. This      different insulitic profiles and to the association of
approach enabled the creation of a platform for the      different compositions of insulitic lesions with the
analysis of the effect of specific genotypes on beta     level of beta-cell loss and age at T1D onset. The
cell function. The team is centrally involved in the     high CD20+/CD4+ ratio in young T1D patients
development of the Helmsley Cellular Research Hub        was associated with a more aggressive disease phe-
( that is generating iPSC lines   notype, more rapid progression and more profound
from patients with T1D, and making them available to     beta cell loss45. The high CD20+/CD4+ ratio in
the scientific community.                                young cases could explain the responsivity to anti-
                                                         CD20 (Rituximab) treatment observed in young
Heterogeneity of T1D                                     patients. Dr. Richard Oram (University of Exeter,
    There are reasons to believe that what we call       UK) presented findings resulting from the use of
`T1D` today is actually composed of a range of dif-      the Type 1 diabetes genetic risk score on a cohort
ferent diseases. Compared to monogenic diabetes,         of 150,000 adults. The findings indicate that T1D is
autoimmune T1D is of multifactorial etiology, and        distributed evenly within the first 6 decades of life,
genetic studies indicate that variants in a large num-   but after 30 years of age an increase in T2D causes
ber of genes confer increased risk. The combination      mistakes in clinical diagnosis and treatment.
of the genetic variants in a specific individual will
determine not only the risk to develop T1D, but also     Inspiring a new generation of T1D researchers
the pace of progression and the form of the disease.         The nPOD Meeting organizers actively promo-
Recognition of this heterogeneity has implications       te the participation of junior investigators and this
for diagnosis and treatment. As noted above, Dr.         year planned a special session dedicated to them,
Ivan Gerling (University of Tennessee, USA), pre-        which included a lecture followed by an interactive
sented results that four interacting pathologies may     session. Dr. Aldo Rossini (Joslin Diabetes Center,
affect beta cells in T1D and different combinations      USA), a pioneer in the field of animal models of
of these pathways may contribute to the disease he-      T1D, gave a special lecture to the young investiga-
terogeneity. The issue of heterogeneity was further      tors. He presented an exquisite overview of the mi-
discussed by Dr. Desmond Schatz (University of           lestones in T1D research and therapy, with special
Florida, USA), who highlighted the major impact          attention to open questions that still need satisfacto-
of this on disease treatment. There is a spectrum of     ry explanations and to the problems that young in-
disease presentations throughout ages. When T1D          vestigators are facing. Dr. Rossini and the audience
onset occurs very early in childhood, beta cell loss     commented on the issues and frustrations related to
seems to progress very rapidly. At the opposite side     the current research funding system, which largely
Team science in T1D: new insights from nPOD   11

fails in supporting the youngest, most dynamic and                     7. Kaddis JS, Pugliese A, Atkinson MA. A run on the bio-
creative minds. Dr. Rossini highlighted how pas-                          bank: what have we learned about type 1 diabetes from
                                                                          the nPOD tissue repository? Curr Opin Endocrinol Dia-
sion, curiosity and gut feelings could lead to bre-                       betes Obes 2015; 22: 290-295.
akthroughs in research and therapy.                                    8. Concannon P, Rich SS, Nepom GT. Genetics of type 1A
    Dr. Alberto Pugliese (University of Miami,                            diabetes. N Engl J Med 2009; 360: 1646-1654.
USA) and Dr. Mark Atkinson (University of Flo-                         9. Todd JA. Etiology of type 1 diabetes. Immunity 2010; 32:
rida, USA), co-executive directors of nPOD, conclu-                       457-467.
                                                                      10. Bottazzo GF, Florin-Christensen A, Doniach D. Islet-cell
ded the meetings with remarks on the ongoing que-
                                                                          antibodies in diabetes mellitus with autoimmune polyen-
stions that require collaborative efforts. nPOD has                       docrine deficiencies. Lancet 1974; 2: 1279-1283.
enabled unprecedented studies on very rare tissues –                  11. In’t Veld P, Lievens D, De Grijse J, Ling Z, Van der
those derived from organ donors with T1D and with                         Auwera B, Pipeleers-Marichal M, Gorus F, Pipeleers D.
risk for the disease. Investigators from around the                       Screening for insulitis in adult autoantibody-positive or-
world joined their forces and launched a team scien-                      gan donors. Diabetes 2007; 56: 2400-2404.
                                                                      12. Gepts W. Pathologic anatomy of the pancreas in juvenile
ce effort aimed at understanding the etiopathogene-                       diabetes mellitus. Diabetes 1965; 14: 619-633.
sis of T1D. The 8th nPOD Annual Meeting revea-                        13. Coppieters KT, Dotta F, Amirian N, Campbell PD, Kay
led new insights on human T1D, covering multiple                          TW, Atkinson MA, Roep BO, von Herrath MG. Demon-
aspects of beta cell biology and islet autoimmunity.                      stration of islet-autoreactive CD8 T cells in insulitic le-
We believe that the data being generated and shared                       sions from recent onset and long-term type 1 diabetes
                                                                          patients. J Exp Med 2012; 209: 51-60.
by nPOD investigators will be instrumental in tran-
                                                                      14. Sosenko JM, Skyler JS, Beam CA, Krischer JP, Gre-
slating findings into better therapies, possibly even a                   enbaum CJ, Mahon J, Rafkin LE, Matheson D, Herold
cure or prevention, for T1D.                                              KC, Palmer JP; Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet and Diabetes
                                                                          Prevention Trial–Type 1 Study Groups. Acceleration of
Acknowledgements                                                          the loss of the first-phase insulin response during the pro-
The authors would like to thank Dr. Alberto Pugliese, Dr.                 gression to type 1 diabetes in diabetes prevention trial-
Mark Atkinson and Dr. Amanda Posgai for critically re-                    type 1 participants. Diabetes 2013; 62: 4179-4183.
viewing the paper.                                                    15. Pugliese A. Insulitis in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabe-
                                                                          tes. Pediatr Diabetes 2016; 17 Suppl 22: 31-36.
Conflict of Interests                                                 16. Foulis AK, Liddle CN, Farquharson MA, Richmond JA,
The Authors declare that they have no conflict of interests.              Weir RS. The histopathology of the pancreas in type 1
                                                                          (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus: a 25-year review
                                                                          of deaths in patients under 20 years of age in the United
                                                                          Kingdom. Diabetologia 1986; 29: 267-274.
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