Team ReadMe at CMCL 2021 Shared Task: Predicting Human Reading Patterns by Traditional Oculomotor Control Models and Machine Learning - ACL Anthology
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Team ReadMe at CMCL 2021 Shared Task: Predicting Human Reading Patterns by Traditional Oculomotor Control Models and Machine Learning Alişan Balkoca, A. Can Algan, Cengiz Acartürk Cognitive Science Department, Middle East Technical University Çağrı Çöltekin Department of Linguistics, University of Tübingen Abstract which is the probability of guessing a word from the sequence of previous words of the sentence This system description paper describes our (Kliegl et al., 2004). The dependent variables in- participation in CMCL 2021 shared task on predicting human reading patterns. Our fo- clude numerous metrics, including fixation dura- cus in this study is making use of well-known, tion metrics such as first fixation duration (FFD) traditional oculomotor control models and ma- and total gaze time on a word, as well as location chine learning systems. We present experi- and numerosity metrics such as the location of a ments with a traditional oculomotor control fixation on a word and gaze-regressions. model (the EZ Reader) and two machine learn- A major caveat of the computational models that ing models (a linear regression model and a re- current network model), as well as combining have been developed since the past two decades the two different models. In all experiments is that they weakly address linguistic concepts be- we test effects of features well-known in the lit- yond the level of the fixated word, with a few ex- erature for predicting reading patterns, such as ceptions, such as the spillover effects related to frequency, word length and word predictabil- the preview of a next word n+1 during the current ity. Our experiments support the earlier find- fixation on word n (Engbert et al., 2005). These ings that such features are useful when com- models are also limited in their recognition of syn- bined. Furthermore, we show that although machine learning models perform better in tactic, semantic and discourse characteristics of the comparison to traditional models, combination text due to their complexity, despite they are in- of both gives a consistent improvement for pre- dispensable aspects of reading for understanding. dicting multiple eye tracking variables during Machine Learning (ML) models of oculomotor con- reading. trol address some of those limitations by presenting high predictive power. However, the holistic ap- 1 Introduction proach of the learning models has drawbacks in Oculomotor control in reading has been a well- terms of the explainability of the model underpin- established domain in eye tracking research. From nings. In this study, we present experiments with a the perspective of perceptual and cognitive mech- traditional model of oculomotor control in reading, anisms that drive eye movement control, the char- namely the EZ Reader (Reichle et al., 2003), two acteristics of the visual stimuli is better controlled ML models (a regression model and a recurrent net- in reading research than visual scene stimuli. Sev- work model), and their combination. We present an eral computational models have been developed evaluation of the results by focusing on the model for the past two decades, which aimed at modeling inputs that reveal relatively higher accuracy. the relationship between a set of independent vari- Accordingly, the aim of the present paper is to ables, such as word characteristics and dependent investigate the effectiveness of both types of mod- variables, such as fixation duration and location els and their combinations on predicting human (Kliegl et al., 2006). reading behavior as set up by the CMCL 2021 Based on the theoretical and experimental re- shared task (Hollenstein et al., 2021). The task search in reading, the leading independent vari- is defined as predicting five eye-tracking features, ables include the frequency of a word in daily use, namely number of fixations (nFix), first fixation the length of the word and its sentential predictabil- duration (FFD), total reading time (TRT), go-past ity. The term sentential predictability (or word time (GPT), and fixation proportion (fixProp). The predictability) is used to define predictability score eye-tracking data of the Zurich Congitive Language 134 Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics, pages 134–140 Online Event, June 10, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
Processing Corpus (ZuCo 1.0 and ZuCo 2.0) were Feature Description used (Hollenstein et al., 2018), (Hollenstein et al., EZ-SFD Single Fixation Duration 2019). Details of these variables and further in- EZ-FFD First Fixation Duration formation on the data set can be found in the task EZ-GD Gaze Duration description paper (Hollenstein et al., 2021). EZ-TT Total Reading Time EZ-PrF Fixation Probability EZ-Pr1 Probability of making exactly one fixation 2 Methodology EZ-Pr2 Probability of making two or more fixations We created our models and identified the input fea- EZ-PrS Probability of skipping tures following the findings in research on oculo- Table 1: EZ Reader output features. motor control in reading. The previous studies have shown that word length, frequency and sentential predictability are well known parameters that in- fluence eye movement patterns in reading (Rayner, EZ Reader Training Data MAE 1998). There exist further parameters that influence TT Total Reading Time 3.25 eye movement characteristics. For instance, the lo- FFD First Fixation Duration 9.14 cation of a word in the sentence has been proposed as a predictor on First Fixation Duration (Kliegl Table 2: Mean Absolute Error (MAE) scores obtained et al., 2006). Therefore, we used those additional by the EZ Reader model parameters to improve the accuracy of the learning models, as well as running a traditions oculomo- tor control model (viz., the EZ Reader) with its required parameter set. Below we present a de- 2021 shared task. The EZ reader output features scription of the models that have been employed in are not sufficient enough to generate mean absolute the present study. error values for each feature in the training data. Therefore we were only able to calculate mean 2.1 System Description absolute error values for FFD and TRT. Table 2 2.1.1 The EZ Reader Model presents the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) values of the test set, when predicted by the EZ Reader EZ Reader has been developed as a rule-based model. In the design of the EZ Reader model, we model of oculomotor control in reading. It predicts assumed the simulation count as 2000 participants, eye movement parameters, such as single fixation which means that the model runs 2000 distinct sim- duration, first fixation duration and total reading ulations and the result scores consist of the average time. The model efficiently addresses some of ex- of the simulation results. 2000 participants is the perimental research findings in the reading liter- optimum number for our case in terms of simula- ature. For example, a saccade completion takes tion time and the MAE it produces. Above 2000 about 20-50 msec to complete, and saccade length participants MEA did not decrease significantly. is about 7-9 characters (Rayner, 2009). The model consists of three main processing modules. The A major challenge in designing the EZ Reader oculomotor system is responsible for generating model is that the model is not able to produce the and executing saccades by calculating the saccade output values for some of the words, labeling them length. The visual system controls the attention of Infinity. Those are usually long words with rela- the reader. Finally, the word identification system tively low frequency. In order to find an optimal calculates the time for identifying a word, mainly value to fill in the Infinity slots, we calculated the based on the word length and the frequency of word mean absolute error between TRT of the training in daily use. EZ Reader accepts four arguments as data and the TT values of EZ Reader model results, its input; frequency (count in million), word length as an operational assumption. The calculation re- (number of characters), sentential predictability of turned 284 ms. Figure 1 shows the MAE scores the word, and the word itself. The output features over given values between 0 to 500. This value is of the model are given in Table 1. close to the average fixation duration for skilled Among those features, FFD and TT outputs of readers which is about 200ms - 250ms (Rayner, EZ Reader directly map to FFD and TRT (Total 1998). Therefore, we preserved the assumption in Reading Time) in the training data of the CMCL model development pipeline. 135
Feature Description Used in model Word Frequency (Fr) Word occurrence per million LB-LSTM Word Location Zero based index of the word in sentence. LB-LSTM Word Length (WL) Character count of the word LB-LSTM Word Predictability (Pr) Probability of knowing a word before reading it LB-LSTM StartPunct The presence of a punctuation before the word LB-LSTM EndPunct The presence of the punctuation at the end LB-LSTM EndSent Is the last word of the sentence or not LB-LSTM POS Core part-of-speech category LB Dep Universal syntactic relations LB HeadDist Signed distance from the head LB Ner Named entity category (person and company names, etc.) LB EZ Reader simulation outputs see Table 1 LB-LSTM Table 3: Input features used in Linear Baseline and LSTM model. Figure 1: Mean Absolute Error scores over given val- ues for Infinity slot for the ridge regression model via grid search. The grid search is used to determine a single same al- In the present study, besides calculating the mean pha and single window size for all target variables. absolute error values for the EZ Reader model, we We use the ridge regression implementation of the employed the outputs of the EZ Reader model as Python scikit-learn library (Pedregosa et al., 2011). inputs to the LSTM model. Below, we present 2.1.3 LSTM Model the model for the Linear Baseline and the LSTM The LSTM model consists of an LSTM layer with model. 128 units followed by two dense layers and 5- 2.1.2 Linear Baseline dimensional output layer. The input features of Our linear model is a least-squares regression the model include word length in total number of model with L2 regularization (ridge regression). characters, word predictability, frequency per mil- The input features to the regression model include lion, the location of the word in the sentence, the the main word-level features, frequency, word presence of a punctuation before the word, the pres- length and predictability discussed above. Word ence of the punctuation at the end, and the end of frequencies are computed using a large news cor- sentence, being the last word of the sentence or pus of approximately 2.7 million articles.1 The pre- not. Finally, the input features included the outputs dictability features are obtained using the recurrent of the typical EZ Reader model (given in Table network described in Section 2.2. Besides these 1). The output features of the LSTM model the features, we also include some linguistic features variables identified by the CMCL 2021 share task, including the POS tag, dependency relation, and namely nFix, FFD, GPT, TT, and fixProp. signed distance from the head, as well as named 2.2 Predictability Scores entity tag. The POS and dependency information is Sentential predictability of a word in a context is obtained using version 1.2 of UDPipe using the pre- a well-established predictor of eye movement pat- trained models released by the authors (Straka and Straková, 2017; Straka and Straková, 2019). We terns in reading (Fernández et al., 2014; Kliegl used Apache OpenNLP (Apache Software Foun- et al., 2004; Clifton et al., 2016). We used two dation, 2014) for named entity recognition. Themethods to generate the predictability values. First, we used the average human predictability scores model input also included indicator features for beginning and end of sentence, and whether the from the Provo Corpus (Luke and Christianson, word is combined with a punctuation mark or not2018), which is a public eye-tracking dataset col- lected from real participants. The Provo Corpus (see Table 3). We also included the features from includes the cloze task results in which participants EZ-reader described in Section 2.1.1 as additional inputs to the regression model. are given the starting word of the sentence and ex- pected to guess the next word. The actual word The predictions were based on a symmetric win- dow around the target word, where all the aboveis shown after the participant’s guess and predic- features for the target word and ±k words were tion for the next word is expected. This process concatenated. We selected the optimal window continues for all of the words. Prediction value is generated for each word in corpus by simply calcu- size as well as the regularization constant (alpha) 1 lating the ratio of the correct guesses to all guesses ‘All the news’ data set, available from for the word. We selected 1.0 as the default pre- all-the-news-2-news-articles-dataset/. diction value for words which does not exist in the 136
Model nFix FFD GPT TRT fixProp Features nFix FFD GPT TRT fixProp Fr 4.80 2.20 2.75 1.85 13.61 LAST 3.88 0.66 2.20 1.52 10.81 WL 6.73 0.77 2.78 1.84 12.94 Linear 4.36 0.74 2.50 1.76 12.55 Pr 5.64 0.85 3.11 2.15 15.17 LSTM 4.62 0.76 3.61 1.84 13.06 EZ-SFD 6.26 1.00 3.11 2.34 18.21 Baseline 7.30 1.15 3.78 2.78 21.78 WL x Pr x Fr 4.35 0.71 2.68 1.73 11.99 WL x Pr 4.28 0.71 2.70 1.68 12.07 EZ-SFDxFrxWLxPr 4.21 0.73 2.57 1.64 12.11 Table 4: Official scores (MAE) of our models in com- parison to mean baseline and the first team (LAST) in Table 5: MAE for with different feature combinations. the competition. tition. However, experimenting with the LSTM Provo Corpus. The mean absolute error for TRT model gave us more information about the basic between EZ Reader output and CMCL train data features of eye movements in reading and their ef- was at minimum when default prediction value is fects on fixation durations. For the remainder of 1.0. this section, we will present further experiments Second, we developed a separate LSTM model with the LSTM model, demonstrating the effects that produced sentential predictability values. For of various features discussed above. this, we trained the model by Wikipedia.2 Since the primary goal of the model was to predict eye move- 3.1 Further Experiments ment patterns per word, we built a word-level lan- guage model. The model consisted of two LSTM To demonstrate the effectiveness of the features de- layers with 1200 hidden units. It was trained with scribed above, we trained a number of models that a learning rate of 0.0001, and a dropout value was employed a set of input variables in isolation, as set to 0.2, with the Adam optimizer. After the well as the models trained by their combination. training, we obtained the predictability scores for In particular, we trained a model on frequency, each word based on their sentential context. These then predictability, and then word length. Then scores were then used as an additional feature in we trained models by their combinations as input our final model besides the other features, such as features. Each model produced a MAE (mean abso- word length and frequency. lute error) value. We then calculated the average of the MAE values for each model output (nFix, FFD, Provo Corpus predictability values are indepen- GPT, TRT, and FixProp) and their Standard De- dent from the context of text used in the shared viation (SD). Finally, we calculated how far each task. However using predictability values from the model was away from the average MAE in terms first method gave better results than the calculated of the SDs. Table 5 presents MAE scores for each predictability. Therefore we used Provo Corpus setting. predictability values for the results in the following sections. The figures in the Appendix A show the distance of the models from the center of the circle, where 3 Results the center represents the best MAE score and the circle represents the distance covered by one SD We participated in the CMCL 2021 shared task (Standard Deviation) from the best accuracy (i.e. with two submissions, one with the linear model the center). The models that received the combina- described in Section 2.1.2, and the other with the tion of frequency, predictability, word length and LSTM model (Section 2.1.3). Table 4 presents E-Z SFD (i.e., E-Z Reader’s single fixation dura- the scores of our system in the competition, in tion prediction) as the input returned the best MAE comparison to mean baseline and the best system. values for four of five dependent variables. As an Our systems perform substantially better than the example, consider the MAE values for the models baseline, and the difference between the scores of developed for predicting the nFix (the number of the participating teams are comparatively small. fixations on a word). Figure 2 shows that the ma- Among our models, the linear model performed jority of the models that are based on features in slightly better, obtaining 10th place in the compe- isolation have relatively lower predictability com- 2 pared to the models that take a combination of the We use the sentence segmented corpus from features as the inputs. In particular, the predictabil- wikipedia-sentences. ity model (i.e., the model that is solely based on 137
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Keith Rayner. 2009. Eye Movements in Reading: Mod- A Appendix els and Data. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 2(5):1–10. Keith Rayner. 2014. The gaze-contingent moving win- dow in reading: Development and review. Visual Cognition, 22(3-4):242–258. Erik D Reichle, Keith Rayner, and Alexander Pollatsek. 2003. The EZ reader model of eye-movement con- trol in reading: Comparisons to other models. Be- havioral and brain sciences, 26(4):445. Milan Straka and Jana Straková. 2017. Tokenizing, pos tagging, lemmatizing and parsing UD 2.0 with UD- Pipe. In Proceedings of the CoNLL 2017 Shared Task: Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Univer- sal Dependencies, pages 88–99, Vancouver, Canada. Association for Computational Linguistics. Figure 2: MAE scores for nFix Milan Straka and Jana Straková. 2019. Universal de- pendencies 2.5 models for UDPipe (2019-12-06). LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ digital library at the Insti- tute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (ÚFAL), Fac- ulty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles Univer- sity. Figure 3: MAE scores for FFD Figure 4: MAE scores for GPT 139
Figure 5: MAE scores for fixProp Figure 6: MAE scores for TRT 140
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