TEAM POLICY MANUAL 2020-2021 - Revised and Updated for 2020-2021 Please read the policies in its entirety for updates - TeamUnify

Page created by Bradley Waters
TEAM POLICY MANUAL 2020-2021 - Revised and Updated for 2020-2021 Please read the policies in its entirety for updates - TeamUnify


      Revised and Updated for 2020-2021

  Please read the policies in its entirety for updates
TEAM POLICY MANUAL 2020-2021 - Revised and Updated for 2020-2021 Please read the policies in its entirety for updates - TeamUnify
2020-2021                                                                  2

                          DART Swimming Sacramento

                       TABLE OF CONTENTS:

     0.     Agreement to the DART Team Policies – Please sign and return

     1.     Athletes & Parents Code of Conduct

     2.     Team Fees and Payment Policy

     3.     Parent Participation & Volunteer Commitment Policy

     4.     Media Release Form

     5.     Electronic Communication Policy

     6.     Locker Room Policy

     7.     Policy and Action Plan to Address Bullying

     8.     Team Travel Policy

     9.     Safe Sport Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy
            (Addendum for Policies 5,6,8)

     10. COVID Policy
TEAM POLICY MANUAL 2020-2021 - Revised and Updated for 2020-2021 Please read the policies in its entirety for updates - TeamUnify
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               Agreement to the DART Team Policies

I, the undersigned Parent of _________________________________ have fully read and
understand the DART Swimming Sacramento team policies contained in the Team Policy Manual,
and agree to adhere to them, as indicated by my initials below. I have also ensured that my
son/daughter fully understands their contents as applicable to swimmers.

___________________________________________         ___________________
Parent’s Signature                                    Date


I, _________________________________ have read and agree to the DART Swimming
Sacramento team policies as outlined herein and initialized below.

___________________________________________         ___________________
Swimmer’s Signature                                         Date

                                                   Initials:    Parents    Swimmer(s)

1.    Parents & Athletes Code of Conduct                        _____      ____ ____

2.    Team Fees and Payment Policy                              _____

3.    Parent Participation & Volunteer Commitment               _____

4.    Media Release Form                                        _____

5.    Electronic Communication Policy                           _____       ____ ____

6.    Locker Room Policy                                        _____       ____ ____

7.    Policy and Action Plan to Address Bullying                _____        ____ ____

8.    Team Travel Policy                                        _____        ____ ____

9.    Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy                     _____        ____ ____

10.   COVID Policy                                              _____        ____ ____
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                                     DART Swimming Sacramento
                        1. Athletes and Parents Code of Conduct
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to promote a safe, caring, positive, and productive team environment
for DART at Sacramento (the “Team”). To serve the greater interest of the Team, all team
members including swimmers, coaching staff, and parents are required to adhere to this Code of Conduct.

A signature on this document constitutes unconditional agreement to comply with the stipulations of
this document.


      • DART team members, both swimmers and parents, shall display proper respect, trust, teamwork,
         self-control and sportsmanship toward the Team, coaches, teammates, officials, administrators,
         fellow competitors and the public at all times.
      • Support DART team values of respect, discipline, teamwork, commitment, loyalty and hard work.
      • Resolve problems or issues in a respectful manner.

      • Contribute to a positive team culture to ensure success of our team and our swimmers.
      • Respect your coaches and teammates; and contribute to a positive practice environment.
      • Model positive communications and actions.
      • Negative/derogatory statements toward teammates or coach, chronic complaining and
        criticism, inappropriate or abusive language, disruption of practice or otherwise non-
        cooperation, are strictly prohibited. Such actions will result in disciplinary actions and possible
        dismissal from the Team.
      • Any attempts to divide the Team or bring discord upon the Team, are strictly prohibited.
      • Refrain from inappropriate conversations that would violate the privacy and safety of another
      • Swimmers are to refrain from inappropriate physical contact at team activities and events.

      • Swimmers shall take ownership of their own swimming.
      • Follow their coach’s practice and meet guidelines.
      • Learn to set meaningful goals, maintain appropriate commitment to those goals, and work in
         collaboration with their coach.
      • Take good care of themselves – by eating healthy and following nutritional guidelines, getting
         enough sleep, etc.

      • DART Swimmers and Parents shall represent themselves and DART at Sacramento with the
         highest standards at all times, including at meets, travel trips, and team functions.
      • Team members and parents shall refrain from any inappropriate or illegal behavior that would
         detract from a positive image of DART or be detrimental to its performance objectives.
      • No “deck changes” are permitted. Athletes are expected to use available change facilities. If there
         are no facilities in order to change, then swimmers should ask a coach or official.
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   5. COMMUNICATION & CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Swimmers/families shall first approach their
      coach to discuss issues, concerns or disagreements. Direct communication with your coach is
      imperative for the success of your swimmer and to resolve issues in a collaborative manner. It is also
      good role-modeling.
         1. Request a mutually convenient time and place to meet, preferably in writing:
             a. First, with your group coach.
             b. Next, with your group coach with the Head Coach, as needed
             c. Next, with your group coach, Head Coach and President, as needed.
             d. Any non-swimming related team issues or questions shall be addressed with the
                   President/Board directly.
         2. Be calm, constructive and solutions-oriented in discussing any issues.
         3. Remember that your coach will work with your swimmer’s interest in mind, but the
             coach must also balance what’s best for your swimmer personally with what’s best for the
             entire group or the team.
         4. Communication with the coaches shall occur during mutually convenient times. One should
             not expect communication from coaches between the hours of 9pm and 9am.
         5. Avoid being the “sounding board” for other parents’ complaints. If they have issues about the
             Team, coaches or policies, encourage them to speak directly with their coach. This avoids
             more problems from being created.

   6. NO TOLERANCE - BULLYING: DART at Sacramento and USA Swimming Code of Conduct prohibits
      bullying. Generally, bullying is the use of aggression, whether intentional or not, which causes pain
      and distress upon another person. It is everyone’s responsibility as team members to look out for
      one another. Any bulling will result in immediate disciplinary actions and possible dismissal from the
      team as stated in the Non-Compliance clause below.
          a. Any slander, bullying, negative-talk, insults directed at or made in reference to our Team and
              Team Members, that is harmful and results in pain and distress, is strictly prohibited.
          b. Any social media posts that contain slander, insults, hurtful comments directed at or made in
              reference to our Team and Team Members – EVEN without names, but where knowing
              readers clearly understand the context and intended target – is strictly prohibited.
          c. Any attempts to divide the team or otherwise discredit or bring discord within the team or
              broader swim community -- in person or on social media where one cannot defend oneself --
              is strictly prohibited.
          d. If a post on social media is deemed to be in violation of Team Policy per above and you “like”
              that post, you may be considered an enabler, and can be found in violation.

         a. The possession or use of alcohol or tobacco products, including vaping, by an athlete is
         b. The possession, use, or sale/distribution of any controlled or illegal substances, or any form of
            weapon is strictly forbidden.

        a. Parents shall understand that DART at Sacramento is operated 100% by parent
           volunteers. All families shall abide by the DART Participation and Volunteer Policy and assist
           the team operation in some capacity during the course of the season. (this includes assisting
           in Home meets)
        b. Timing Volunteer: If a swimmer is swimming in a meet, the family is responsible for fulfilling
           timing shift(s), as needed. Timing is not optional and is a Sierra Nevada LSC requirement.

        1. Parents shall allow the Coach to coach:
              a. Not talk/interfere with coaches on the pool deck during practices or meets.
              b. Not talk to swimmer(s) during practice as it will distract them.
              c. As Parents, maintain the role of “supporter” for the swimmers.
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                    d. Understand that coaches have the authority to limit a parent’s participation in practice,
                    meets, and other team activities if they feel the parent’s actions are detrimental to a
                    swimmer or to the team.
            2. At a Meet: Parents shall direct all questions or concerns regarding decisions made by Meet
            Officials to the Head Coach or Coach on deck. Only the Coaching staff shall address Officials.

Failure by the swimmer and/or parents to comply with the Code of Conduct as set forth in this document, and
any repeated misconducts, will result in disciplinary actions as follows:

       1st Infraction: Meeting with Head Coach, Athlete, Parent(s) and Board Member.
       2nd Infraction: Probation and Suspension from practice for 2 weeks.
       3rd Infraction: Immediate Dismissal from the Team.

In addition: Depending on the severity of the violation, especially with respect to bullying, the incident(s) may
be reported to anyone in other need-to-know positions: USA Swimming, LSC, swimmer’s school, high school
Athletic Directors, Principals, etc.

In order to promote a safe, positive, and productive team environment, I declare that I have read and
understand the DART Code of Conduct, and accept the rules and conditions as outlined. I understand that I
have the right to appeal disciplinary actions through the process established in the Sierra Nevada Swimming
and USA Swimming codes.

_____________________________________________                   _________________
Swimmer’s Signature                                                   Date

I, the undersigned Parent of _________________________________ have read and understand the Code of
Conduct and all other team policies, and have ensured that my son/daughter fully understands their

I declare that I agree to and support the DART Code of Conduct and all other team policies and agree to
the consequences as they relate to Non-Compliance.

___________________________________________                    ___________________
Parent’s Signature                                                    Date
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                                   DART Swimming Sacramento
                             2. Team Fees and Payment Policy
This page includes policies and procedures related to DART Swimming Sacramento and USA Swimming
fee payment. DART Swimming Sacramento depends on prompt payments of monthly dues to meet our
financial obligations. Please email the Treasurer at
with any questions.

   •    Annual Team Registration Fee:
          a. Year-Round USA Swimmers:
                  • New Families: $200 per Family is due on Sept 1 or at time of Registration.
                  • Returning Families: $100 per Family on Sept 1 or at time of Registration.

   •    USA Swimming Registration Fee:
          a. $81/swimmer for annual Premier year-round membership
          b. $20/swimmer for USA Swimming Flex membership for Fall swimmers (included as part of
              DART registration)
        • This is a required fee by USA Swimming. Swimmers cannot attend practice or meets if USA
          Swimming Registration Fees are not paid as it includes insurance coverage.
        • Swimmers must be registered after one week or they will not be allowed to practice.
        • USA Registration fee should be paid on

   •    Monthly Dues*: Collected in 11 monthly payments, on the first of each month beginning
        October and through July. September/1st month’s dues will be collected during registration.

                                                                                 3rd or more
                     Practice Group                     1st Swimmer
            Senior 1                                       $275.00                   $137
            Senior 2                                       $275.00                   $137
            Pre-Senior                                     $230.00                   $115
            AG 3                                           $185.00                   $ 92
            AG 1-2                                         $140.00                   $ 70

            College COVID1                                 $195.00

         * Dryland fees are included for AG-Senior groups. They are TBD for College.
         ** Rates and payment schedule are subject to change (+/-) and will be reviewed as the
         pandemic crisis evolves.

         1) College COVID: New college training program for College students who are staying at
            home and distance learning or come home for extended breaks due to new COVID term
            schedules. Billed monthly. College rates will be revisited as the COVID situation changes
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   •   Multi-Swimmers Fee Calculations:
         • Discounts will be given for families with 3 or more swimmers.
         • Discount is applied to the lowest swimmer fees, starting with the third swimmer.

   •   TeamUnify Billing system: DART uses the TeamUnify Billing System. Using a secure online
       payment system eliminates the Team’s risk of mishandled checks, stabilize team cash flow,
       streamline business processes, as well as reduce the extra burden placed upon our Coaches,
       Treasurer and volunteers previously involved with check collections.
           • All DART team families are required to enroll in the TeamUnify Billing system to pay for
              DART fees and dues, as well as any other incidentals your family may incur during the
              season – apparel purchases, team events, meet entries, travel team expense etc.
           • There is no cost to our families for this payment service.
           • Families may choose Credit Card, Debit Card or ACH Debit.
           • Families can access TU Billing at the time of Registration or at any time by logging into
              their TeamUnify account.

   •   No proration of dues for partial months.

   •   Written 10-Day Advance Notice Required to DART Treasurer and Head Coach, when:
          • High school swimmers plan to “take a break” for their second sport
          • Swimmers/Families plan to take an “extended time off” (See below)
          • Extended Medical Leave (See below)
          • Leaving the Team. (See below.)

   •   Extended Time-Off Policy:
          • Must request in writing, 10-days in advance.
          • Requires the Head Coach and President’s approval.
          • Requires a HOLD fee of $50/month for Pre-Sr & above, $25/month for AG 1-3.
             o Hold fee covers administrative costs and holds the swimmer’s place on the team.
             o If a HOLD is not requested, then $200 registration fee will be required upon rejoining
                the team

   •   Extended Medical Leave: Most often, when swimmers sustain minor injuries or develop
       temporary skeletal-muscular issues, there are ways for swimmers to continue training (kicking-
       only, pull-buoy only etc.) so that they can strengthening other parts of their bodies and build
       their cardiovascular base. However,
           o For extended medical leave of 2-month or longer, please provide proper documentation
               from a medical provider to the Head Coach.
           o Extended Time-Off Policy (above) shall apply, without the 10-day advance notice.

   •   Exceptions to the above fee schedules are subject to BOD approval

   •   Fees are delinquent after the 20th day of each month. Fees paid after the 20th day of the month
       will result in a $25 late fee assessment, which should be included with payment.
   •   At 21 days past due, the swimmer(s) will no longer be permitted to practice or attend
   •   Any unpaid balances beyond 90 days may result in action by a collection agency.
   •   Please e-mail the Treasurer if you feel you have circumstances that need special consideration.
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   •   Any returned checks for non-sufficient funds (NSF) will result in a $25 assessment to cover DART
       Swimming Sacramento charges incurred from processing the NSF item.
   •   You will be notified of ACH processing failure and will have until the 10th of each month to
       communicate a means of payment to the Billing department (
       and Treasurer ( Failure to do so will result in a late fee
   •   Two NSF items may result in a requirement to submit fees via money order or with cash.

   •   10-day advance notice in writing is required to suspend or terminate membership.
   •   Email Billing department (, the Treasurer
       ( and the Head Coach (
   •   All outstanding dues and fees must be paid at the time of departure. Fundraising and Volunteer
       time obligations will be pro-rated through the end of the departing month.

MISCELLANEOUS MAIL & PAYMENTS: Payable to “DART at Sacramento” and sent to:

              DART at Sacramento, PO Box 601034, Sacramento, CA 95860
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                                      DART Swimming Sacramento
             3. Parent Participation & Volunteer Commitment Policy
                                         (Effective August 16, 2020)

DART Swimming Sacramento (the “Team”) is operated 100% by Parent Volunteers. For the Team to function
effectively for the benefit of our swimmers, the Team is adopting a Parent Participation and Volunteer
Commitment policy, in line with many other swim teams. Such volunteer commitment policy ensures a more
involvement and equitable distribution of work required to operate our Team. It is our vision that each family
will make every effort to support our team with their time, talents, and energy.

As such, DART families are required to meet the following commitments:
   •   Minimum Participation Volunteer Hours: Based on the swim group of the highest-placed
       swimmer in the family.
   •   Home Meet Volunteer support: For the 2020-21 season, meets are still TBD. Should we be able
       to host one or 2 Home meet (Sr Trials & Finals & AG). 100% participation by all Team Members in
       some capacity will be required to make our meets a success -- Home Meets are important fundraisers
       for our team! Families will earn Participation Volunteer Hours.
   •   Timing or Officiating Meet Volunteer: Timing duties at Home or Away meets are not included in
       the annual Minimum Participation Volunteer Hours commitment. Please plan to share Timing or
       Officiating duties if your swimmer is participating in that meet. All swim meets require Timer/Official
       volunteers to help run the meet, and our Team is required to provide them. Officials accrue Participation
       Volunteer Hours for Home and Away meets if they officiate; otherwise they are expected to share
       Timing duties.
   •   Find your replacement: If you are unable to fulfill a committed volunteer position.
   •   Contribute to the annual Swim-a-Thon fundraiser. Swim-a-thon is one of the main
       FUNdraising event for DART Swimming Sacramento that helps keep our membership dues low. For
       the 2020-21 season, each swimmer will be asked to raise a minimum of $50 for the team that will be
       tax-deductible. The minimum $50 per swimmer will be expected of each swimmer and assessed
       whether the swimmer swims or not. This is a reduction from our usual $150 target as we realize that
       the pandemic may have created financial hardship for our families and potential donors.

I. MINIMUM PARTICIPATION VOLUNTEER HOURS: (TBD-- Not applicable at this time and will
be reassessed)
Families are required to volunteer minimum hours based on their highest-level swimmer at the beginning of
the swim year. Timing duties at Home or Away meets do not count toward these hours.

   •   AG 1: 0 hours
   •   AG 2: 5 hours (at least 4 hours in Crab-Feed and/or Home Meet)
   •   AG 3: 10 hours (at least 6 hours in Crab-Feed and/or Home Meet. Or Team Operation role*)
   •   Pre-Senior: 18 hours (at least 10 hours in Crab-Feed and/or Home Meet. Or Team Operation role*)
   •   Seniors: 22 hours (at least 10 hours in Crab-Feed and/or Home Meet. Or Team Operation role*)

* "Team Operation role" includes Board of Directors, Meet Volunteer Coordinators, Meet Officials,
Marketing/Outreach Coach Assistant, Committee Chairs for Crab Feed or Home Meet, Apparel Chair, Travel
Meet Chaperones. These roles automatically fulfill total hours as critical functions.

   a. DART Fall Swimmers will be exempt from Minimum Participation Volunteer Hours but will be required
      to participate in the Fall Swim-a-Thon (see more below) and time at meets that they attend.
   b. The hours will be prorated for swimmers who do not swim for the entire year.
   c. DART Home Meet: For the 2020-21 season, this is TBD. All Members are required to volunteer
      equivalent of 4-hours to make this meet/fundraising event a success. If unable to work the Home
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       Meet, the family must contact the President in advance to discuss other options, otherwise risk the
       $25/hour penalty assessment for not fulfilling this portion of the volunteer commitment.

  • Team Operation Roles and other Jobs to fulfill Minimum Participation Volunteer Hours:

      1. Team Operation Roles automatically fulfill total hours: (these positions are very important
         operational component of running our team)

            •   Board of Directors
            •   Meet Volunteer Coordinators
            •   Meet Officials (must become certified, which will be reimbursed by team)
            •   Marketing/Outreach Coach Assistant
            •   Committee Chairs for Crab Feed or Home Meet
            •   Apparel Chair
            •   Travel Meet Chaperones

      2. Other jobs that can fulfill Minimum Participation Volunteer hours: (these important jobs are
          usually posted on TeamUnify “Job Signup” as needed.

            •   Meet Volunteer Lead at a meet
            •   Crab Feed jobs
            •   Home Meet jobs
            •   Swim-a-thon jobs
            •   Other event assistance as needed by team

        a. Families will fill out a Volunteer Preference Form when joining the team, and will rank their
           preference of volunteer positions.
        b. Each family will be assigned at least one primary volunteer position, and possibly a secondary
           volunteer area as well, depending on the needs of the team at the time.
        c. Families will be placed on a wait list for volunteer areas if their preference is different than the
           needs of the team at the time.
        d. Families will be expected to volunteer in the volunteer area assigned by the team first, and help in
           other areas when needed. A description of the different volunteer areas will be available on our
        e. Families are responsible for having their hours signed off by the Committee Chairs Volunteer
           Coordinator or the President. Any jobs signed up on TeamUnify will be approved online and
           directly credited toward family accounts in Teamunify/Billing/Service Hours.

  •   Older swimmers volunteering: Families of Senior 1 & 2 and Pre-Seniors may accrue up to 8 hours
      of Minimum Participation Volunteer Hours worked by an older child or swimmer at a Home swim meet.
           • The minimum age to volunteer varies for the different meet volunteer positions.
           • Having an older child fulfill the 8-hours for your family will need to be arranged in advance,
              with permission.
           • Minimum age to work the snack bar and hospitality is 16.

  •   Failure to meet the Minimum Participation Volunteer requirement will be charged at a rate of
      $25 per hour for hours not worked during the year. Hours may not be carried over to the following
      year, and most families work more than the minimum hours per year.

  •   New Families are waived for first quarter: Volunteer hours are waived for the first quarter of
      swimming for all families new to DART, to enable families to ease into our program and learn about
      our many various volunteer possibilities before requiring the volunteer commitment. New families who
      wish to volunteer in their initial quarter are welcome and encouraged to do so. Families who
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      previously participated in DART Fall Program are not considered new, and are required to complete
      their volunteer commitment once they continue on with USA year-around program.

  •   Tracking & Reporting Hours:
       a. Parents can track their yearly Minimum Volunteer Participation Hours in their TeamUnify account
          under “Billing/Service Hours”.
       b. Families may sign up for many volunteer opportunities through the team website.
       c. For all other volunteer opportunities, use the Volunteer Preference Form. This form is available
          on the DART Swimming Sacramento - Team Area - Parent Participation & Volunteer Commit.
       d. It is the responsibility of each family to have all volunteer hours documented and signed
          immediately after service is performed. Forms can be signed by the meet director, volunteer
          coordinator, or the leader in charge of the specific volunteer job performed.
       e. Completed forms can be sent as completed to

Swim meets are an important fundraising event for the host swim team and require many volunteers to help
run the event successfully. The funds raised benefit everyone on the team, regardless of swimmer
participation. During the 2020-21 season, DART home meets are TBD. Should we be able to schedule one or
2 meets, all Team Members are required to work an equivalent of a 4-hour shift/ meet to make them a
success. If unable to work the Home Meet, the family must contact the President in advance to discuss other
options, otherwise risk the $25/hour penalty assessment for not fulfilling this portion of the volunteer

Swim-a-Thon is the 3rd of our major “Fun”draising efforts that helps many USA Swimming team like ours keep
membership monthly dues low while still paying for all the facilities and pool fees, coaches, other operating
expenses, meet expenses and team events that benefits our swimmers.

All DART Swimming Sacramento families will be required to participate in our Swim-a-Thon/Swim-for-Fun(ds)
fundraising efforts, whether their swimmer swims or not that day. We will have our 2020-21 Swim-a-thon in
the Fall or Summer, and we make it a fun event! Each swimmer is required to raise a minimum of $50 to
support our Team’s annual Swim-a-Thon, using an easy, social-media friendly online platform. Treated as a
donation, the Swim-a-Thon is tax-deductible. Families of those swimmers not meeting this requirement will
be assessed the balance of the $50 fee.

Swim meets that your swimmers participate in are run ENTIRELY by volunteers. USA Swimming and LSC rules
dictate that every participating team provide Timers and Meet Officials to help the Host Team run the meets.
At some meets, if a team does not fulfill timing or officiating duties, various penalties may be levied against
the team – such as swimmers being denied to swim in finals or receive their awards. This would not be fair
to our swimmers. Therefore, if your swimmer swims in a meet, your family is expected to assist or
find alternate means to assist in Timing or Officiating duties. See below for Guidelines.

   1. Timing at any meet, Home or Away, is required if your swimmer is participating at the meet. No
      Minimum Participation Volunteer Hours are earned.
   2. Officiating does accrue Minimum Participation Volunteer Hours, as Officials often work multi-day,
      multi-hour shifts per meet.
   3. Families with a swimmer entered in the meet will receive an email several days prior to the meet with
      instructions for job sign-up on our TeamUnify website.
   4. All shifts are on a first-come, first-served basis
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Failure to show up to time or not volunteer, w hen there are available timing positions, will result
in penalties:
           a. Written warning
           b. $100 fine assessed to your account
           c. $250 fine assessed to your account
           d. Membership will be terminated

Away Meet Roles & Responsibilities:

   1. DART Volunteer Coordinator: (Team Operation role, accrues Minimum Volunteer Participation
         a. Obtains swimmer meet attendance list from DART coaches.
         b. Coordinates Timing expectations and responsibilities with DART at Davis.
         c. Sets up Timing Sign-up on TeamUnify homepage few days before the meet.
         d. Ensures all Timer and Alternate Timer shifts are filled by participating swimmer families.
         e. Ensures all families meet their meet volunteering duties per season.

   2. Meet Timing Lead: (Accrues Minimum Volunteer Participation Hours)
        a. Sign up to be Meet Timing Lead, include cell phone #, on TeamUnify Meet “Job Sign up”.
        b. At the meet, post DART timing schedule (prepare at least 2 copies) close to assigned lanes.
        c. Ensures all DART timers are on site and time as committed.
        d. Get Alternate Timers to time if there are last-minute cancellations or No-Shows.
        e. In worst case scenario, fill in to time if Timers and Alternate Timers are No-Shows.
        f. Report any cancellations or No-Shows to the DART Volunteer Coordinator after the meet.

   3. Timers:
         a. Sign up to time, include cell phone #, on TeamUnify Meet “Job Sign up”.
         b. If timing slots still remain, you may be assigned to time if you have not signed up already.
         c. At the meet, report to the Meet Timing Lead to confirm attendance.
         d. Time as committed. Penalties apply for No-Shows.
         e. If your family cannot time, make arrangements (trade with others) to fulfill your obligations.

   4. Alternate Timers:
         a. Families not signed up to Time or Officiate will become Alternate Timers and will be expected
             to be “on call” to time, any half of the meet session, as needed.
         b. Volunteer Coordinator will assign Alternate Timers in 1st half or 2nd half of the meet, as close
             to your swimmers event schedule but it cannot be guaranteed, in which case, you must fulfill
             as needed.
         c. Any Alternates “called” to time at the meet and not show, will be reported as No-Shows.

   5. Officials: (Accrues Minimum Volunteer Participation Hours)

Additional guidelines for Timers:

   1. If your swimmer will no longer attend the Meet:
          a. Days before the Meet: Notify the Volunteer Coordinator at as
             soon as possible, so that your family is taken off the meet attendance list and you are not
             reported as a No-Show.
          b. Day of the Meet: First, make every attempt to find a sub. If not successful, contact the Meet
             Timing Lead directly, who is in charge for the day and signed up on TeamUnify timing job
             sheet with their contact information, so that they can assign Alternates to take your
             place. This is important so that YOU are not reported as a No-Show. You may also
              look up contact information for any team member in the TeamUnify Member Directory/Display
              All (upper left on TeamUnify homepage, once logged in).
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    2. Parents not attending the Meet: This is not an OUT. If your swimmer is participating in a meet
       and timers are still needed, your family may be assigned a Timing shift, or be assigned as an
       Alternate Timer. Penalties still apply if your family is called upon to time and you are not there.
       Therefore, be proactive and find replacement arrangements with other families and/or communicate
       with the Volunteer Coordinator prior to the meet.

    3. 12 & over fulfilling timing shifts:
          a. Non-Swimmers 12 & over: This is fine, and greatly appreciated.
          b. Swimmers 12 & over: This is fine, as long as the swimmer has completed swimming for the
             session and the swimmer’s Coach approves.

    4. Be Considerate when signing up: Early shifts are always most popular. But if you have a
       swimmer swimming the last events, please be considerate to other team parents and sign up for the
       last shifts. As an incentive, last shifts are typically the shortest, while the first shifts are the longest.

    5. Team Travel Meets: Team travel meets pose extra challenges as the Host Team may still assign
       team timing duties. If parents plan to follow the team to spectate, we request you consider assisting
       in any team timing duties as necessary. Please ask the Coaches – they would greatly appreciate your

                            ** SWIM MEET VOLUNTEERING is TEAMWORK **

Meet Timing Policy - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is Timing?
At a USA Swimming sanctioned meet, in addition to the Colorado Timing System, each lane will have up to 3
timers, who help record each swim for the USA Swimming database. Timing responsibilities include: 1)
Stopwatch; 2) Recording; 3) Plungers. All lane timers will use the timing plungers. Two will also dual-task
and operate the stopwatch or record as well. Timing responsibilities are very easy to learn; either meet
officials or other parents are always available to assist new families who are new to timing

2. How do I sign up for a timing shift?
To sign up for a timing shift, go to TeamUnify Home Page. Look for Meets tab. Next to
the Meet listed will be a Job sign-up button. You must first login through your family’s TeamUnify account to
sign yourself or any other family members to time.

3. When do I sign up to time?
Few days before a meet, an email will be sent from 'DART at Sac Volunteers’ via TeamUnify announcing that
timing sign-ups are open. The sign-up email will also specify the deadline to sign up. If all shifts are not filled
by the deadline, they will be assigned. All remaining families will become Alternate Timers.

4. Why was I assigned to time, when I did not sign up?
After the timing sign-up deadline passes, any open timing shifts will be assigned. The Volunteer Coordinator
will refer to the meet attendance list to assign openings, based on these guidelines:
         1. Families who have not timed recently
         2. Families with multiple swimmers

5. If I need to find someone to cover for me, how do I do it?
Member Directory may be found by logging into TeamUnify at, in the top left corner.

6. If I ignore the Volunteer emails, will I get out of timing?
No. If you don’t sign up and there are open shifts remaining, you will be assigned a timing shift.
Alternatively, you may be assigned as an Alternate Timer and expected to be “on call” to time. Penalties will
apply (see above) to anyone who do not sign up to time when there are available timing slots still available,
or if Timers or Alternate Timers are No-Shows.
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7. I want to watch my child swim.
Timers have the best seats at a meet. If you absolutely must, ask someone to fill in your timing duties just
during your swimmer’s race.

8. I didn’t sign up to time because the shifts I wanted were taken.
If the timing shifts are full when you try to sign up, keep checking back for the next several days since
schedules sometimes change. Know that if you don’t sign up and timing shifts still remain open, you may be
subject to penalty (see above), assigned a Timing shift, become an Alternate Timer, which means you are “on
call” to time and be subject to penalties if you are not available then. Be proactive – Reach out to other
families who may have signed up for multiple shifts and request one of their shifts, or trade shifts.

9. My swimmer drives. I don’t attend meets.
If your swimmer is swimming in a meet, your family is expected to fulfill timing duties in some capacity as a
team member – no exceptions. Be proactive and find someone to take your family’s place. Your swimmer
can even time, if he/she finished competing for the day.

10. My swimmer is attending with another family.
Be proactive - if you are not attending one meet but plan to attend others, let the Volunteer Coordinator
know that ahead of time. No communication means you may still be assigned to Time or become an
Alternate Timer.
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                                     DART Swimming Sacramento
                                     4. Media Release Form
As part of DART Swimming Sacramento (the “Club”) communication process, the team maintains a web site
and periodically prints newsletters and statistics or provides information to news organizations. This form
documents how you want your swimmer’s information handled.

Please read and sign below. Indicate YES or NO where appropriate:

   1. I hereby authorize the use of still photographs taken at swim meets or other swim team functions. I
      recognize these photos may be posted on the team website, Facebook, or other social media outlet or
      used by news media in covering swimming events.

                          Yes                 or             No

   2. I understand that no personal demographic information will be posted on the team web site in
      conjunction with these photos.

                          Yes                 or             No

   3. I hereby grant permission to post swimming-related statistics and information on the team website,
      the team newsletter and/or to provide this information to the news media.

                          Yes                 or             No

   4. I understand that neither my swimmer nor I will receive payment or other compensation for the use
      of such photos or statistics.

                          Yes                 or             No

   5. I understand that information listed on the LSC or USA Swimming web site regarding my child is not
      posted by the club.

                          Yes                 or             No

   6. I authorize the Club, LSC, and USA Swimming to use our contact information in a club roster.

                          Yes                 or             No

   7. I hereby release the Club, the LSC or USA Swimming from any and all liability in connection with the
      above said uses and purposes.

                          Yes                 or             No

   8. I understand that if I so choose, upon my notification, any inadvertent image of my swimmer will be
      removed or modified by the Club to prevent recognition.

                          Yes                 or             No

Swimmer’s Name (s)_____________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name_________________________________________________________
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                                     DART Swimming Sacramento
                           5. Electronic Communication Policy

DART Swimming Sacramento (the “Club”) recognizes the prevalence of electronic communication and
social media in today’s world. Many of our swimmers use these means as their primary method of
communication. While the Club acknowledges the value of these methods of communication, the Club
also realizes that there are associated risks that must be considered when adults use these methods to
communicate with minors.

All communications between a coach or other adult and an athlete must be professional in nature and
for the purpose of communicating information about team activities. The content and intent of all
electronic communications must adhere to the USA Swimming Code of Conduct regarding Athlete

For example, as with any communication with an athlete, electronic communication should not contain
or relate to any of the following:
       • Drugs or alcohol use
       • Sexually oriented conversation; sexually explicit language; sexual activity
       • The adult’s personal life, social activities, relationship or family issues, or personal problems
       • Inappropriate or sexually explicit pictures.

Note: Any communication concerning an athlete's personal life, social activities, relationship or family
issues or personal problems must be transparent, accessible and professional.

Whether one is an athlete, coach, board member or parent, the guiding principle to always use in
communication is to ask: “Is this communication something that someone else would find appropriate or
acceptable in a face-to-face meeting?” or, “Is this something you would be comfortable saying out loud
to the intended recipient of your communication in front of the intended recipient’s parents, the coaching
staff, the board, or other athletes?”

With respect to electronic communications, a simple test that can be used in most cases is whether the
electronic communication with swimmers is Transparent, Accessible and Professional (TAP)

Transparent: All electronic communication between coaches and athletes should be transparent. Your
communication should not only be clear and direct, but also free of hidden meanings, innuendo and

Accessible: All electronic communication between coaches and athletes should be considered a matter
of record and part of the Club’s records. Whenever possible, include another coach or parent in the
communication so that there is no question regarding accessibility.

Professional: All electronic communication between a coach and an athlete should be conducted
professionally as a representative of the Club. This includes word choices, tone, grammar, and subject
matter that model the standards and integrity of a staff member.

If your communication meets all three of the T.A.P. criteria, then it is likely your method of
communication with athletes will be appropriate.
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Coaches may have personal Facebook (or other social media site) pages, but they are not permitted to
have any athlete member of the Club join their personal page as a “friend.” A coach should not accept
any “friend” request from an athlete. In addition, the coach should remind the athlete that this is not
permitted. Coaches and athletes are not permitted to “private message” each other through Facebook.
Coaches and athletes are not permitted to “instant message” each other through Facebook chat or other
IM method.

The Club may have an official Facebook or (other social media outlet) page that athletes and their
parents can “friend” for information and updates on team-related matters.

Coaches are encouraged to set their pages to “private” to prevent athletes from accessing the coach’s
personal information.

The Club may have an official Twitter page that coaches, athletes and parents can follow for information
and updates on team-related matters. Coaches are not permitted to follow athletes on Twitter. Likewise,
athletes are not permitted to follow coaches on Twitter. Coaches and athletes are not permitted to
“direct message” each other through Twitter.

Subject to the general guidelines mentioned above, texting is allowed between coaches and athletes
during the hours from 7am until 9pm, except for in the case of an emergency. Senior-level athletes
participating in morning workouts may text outside of these hours. Texting only shall be used for the
purpose of communicating information directly related to team activities.

Athletes and coaches may use email to communicate between the hours of 7am and 9pm.

The parents or guardians of an athlete may request in writing that their child not be contacted by
coaches through any form of electronic communication.
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                                      DART Swimming Sacramento
                                      6. Locker Room Policy
The following policies are designed to maintain personal privacy as well as to ensure safety and reduce
the risk of misconduct in locker rooms and changing areas.

There are multiple sites where DART Swimming Sacramento (the “Club”) swim practices are held. The
following is a description of our practice and competition facilities to allow athletes and their families to
plan their use:

       Practices may be held at, but not limited to, the following pools: American River College, Sutter
       Lawn, UC Davis Schaal Aquatic Center, Vista del Lago HS, Consumnes River College, as well as
       joint practices at different pools in Davis and the surrounding areas in Sacramento.

All of these locations have locker rooms and/or changing areas. Although each locker room is primarily
used by the swim team during swim practices, there are no rules or regulations preventing the public
(individuals not associated with the Club) from using the facilities.

While Coaches and staff make every effort to recognize when an athlete goes to the locker room or
changing area during practices, the Coaches focus during practice is first, to coach the swimmers in the
water. Therefore, if a swimmer needs to leave the deck area to use the locker room during practice, the
following rules apply:

   •   Swimmers 12 and under needing to use the locker room during practice shall travel in pairs
   •   Or, if any parents are on the deck, that they be willing to assist the swimmer, by chaperoning the
       swimmer to the locker room.
   •   Only same gender coaches and parents will enter locker rooms.

The Club Staff and/or the supervisor of American River College conducts a sweep of the locker rooms
and changing areas before athletes arrive. During swim meets, the Club will follow the Sierra Nevada
Swimming Policy of Meet Safety Marshals.

Cell phones and other mobile devices with recording capabilities, including voice recording, still- cameras
and video cameras increase the risk for different forms of misconduct in locker-rooms and changing
areas. The USA Swimming Athlete Protection Policies prohibit the use of such devices in the locker room
or other changing area:

       305.3 Use of audio or visual recording devices, including a cell phone camera, is not allowed in
       changing areas, rest rooms or locker rooms.

There will be no unnecessary lingering in the locker rooms and all behavior will be in compliance with
the Club Policies and Codes of Conduct as well as USA Swimming Codes of Conduct.
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                                    DART Swimming Sacramento
                    7. Policy and Action Plan to Address Bullying
Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at DART Swimming Sacramento (the “Club”) and will not be
tolerated. Bullying is counterproductive to team spirit and can be devastating to a victim. The Club is
committed to providing a safe, caring and friendly environment for all of our members. If bullying does
occur, all athletes and parents should know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively.
Anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell a coach, board member or

Objectives of the Club’s Bullying Policy and Action Plan:
   • To make it clear that the Club will not tolerate bullying in any form.
   • To define bullying and give all board members, coaches, parents and swimmers a good
       understanding of what bullying is.
   • To make it known to all parents, swimmers and coaching staff that there is a policy and protocol
       should any bullying issues arise.
   • To make how to report bullying clear and understandable.
   • To spread the word that DART Swimming Sacramento takes bullying seriously and that all
       swimmers and parents can be assured that they will be supported when bullying is reported.

The USA Swimming Code of Conduct prohibits bullying. Generally, bullying is the use of aggression,
whether intentional or not, which hurts another person. Bullying results in pain and distress.

The USA Swimming Code of Conduct defines bullying in 304.3.7. Bullying is the severe or repeated use
by one or more USA Swimming members of oral, written, electronic or other technological expression,
image, sound, data or intelligence of any nature (regardless of the method of transmission), or a
physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at any other member that to a reasonably
objective person has the effect of:
   • causing physical or emotional harm to the other member or damage to the other member’s
   • placing the other member in reasonable fear of harm to himself/herself or of damage to his/her
   • creating a hostile environment for the other member at any USA Swimming activity;
   • infringing on the rights of the other member at any USA Swimming activity; or
   • materially and substantially disrupting the training process or the orderly operation of any USA
        Swimming activity (which for the purposes of this section shall include, without limitation,
        practices, workouts and other events of a member club or LSC).

An athlete who feels that he or she has been bullied is asked to do one or more of the following things:
   • Talk to your parents;
   • Talk to a Club Coach, Board Member, or Safety Chair;
   • Write a letter or email to the Club Coach, Board Member, or Safety Chair;
   • Make a report to the USA Swimming Safe Sport staff.
   • There is no express time limit for initiating a complaint under this procedure, but every effort
       should be made to bring the complaint to the attention of the appropriate club leadership as soon
       as possible to make sure that memories are fresh and behavior can be accurately recalled and
       the bullying behavior can be stopped as soon as possible.
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If bullying is occurring during team-related activities, we STOP BULLYING ON THE SPOT using the
following steps
     • Intervene immediately. It is ok to get another adult to help.
     • Separate the kids involved.
     • Make sure everyone is safe.
     • Meet any immediate medical or mental health needs.
     • Stay calm. Reassure the kids involved, including bystanders.
     • Model respectful behavior when you intervene.

If bullying is occurring at our club or it is reported to be occurring at our club, we address the bullying by

1. First, we get the facts.
    • Keep all the involved children separate.
    • Get the story from several sources, both adults and kids.
    • Listen without blaming.
    • Don’t call the act “bullying” while you are trying to understand what happened.
    • It may be difficult to get the whole story, especially if multiple athletes are involved or the
         bullying involves social bullying or cyber bullying. Collect all available information.

2. Then, we determine if it's bullying. There are many behaviors that look like bullying but require
   different approaches. It is important to determine whether the situation is bullying or something else.
    • Review the USA Swimming definition of bullying;
    • To determine if the behavior is bullying or something else, consider the following questions:
           - What is the history between the kids involved?
           - Have there been past conflicts?
           - Is there a power imbalance? Remember that a power imbalance is not limited to physical
              strength. It is sometimes not easily recognized. If the targeted child feels like there is a
              power imbalance, there probably is.
           - Has this happened before?
           - Is the child worried it will happen again?

Remember that it may not matter “who started it.” Some kids who are bullied may be seen as annoying
or provoking, but this does not excuse the bullying behavior.

Once you have determined if the situation is bullying, support all of the kids involved.

3. Support the kids who are being bullied
    • Listen and focus on the child. Learn what’s been going on and show you want to help. Assure the
       child that bullying is not their fault.
    • Work together to resolve the situation and protect the bullied child. The child, parents, and fellow
       team members and coaches may all have valuable input. It may help to:
          - Ask the child being bullied what can be done to make him or her feel safe. Remember that
             changes to routine should be minimized. He or she is not at fault and should not be singled
             out. For example, consider rearranging lane assignments for everyone. If bigger moves are
             necessary, such as switching practice groups, the child who is bullied should not be forced
             to change.
          - Develop a game plan. Maintain open communication between the Club and parents. Discuss
             the steps that will be taken and how bullying will be addressed going forward.
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          - Be persistent. Bullying may not end overnight. Commit to making it stop and consistently
            support the bullied child.

4. Address bullying behavior
    • Make sure the child knows what the problem behavior is. Young people who bully must learn
       their behavior is wrong and harms others.
    • Show kids that bullying is taken seriously. Calmly tell the child that bullying will not be tolerated.
       Model respectful behavior when addressing the problem.
    • Work with the child to understand some of the reasons he or she bullied. For example:
             - Sometimes children bully to fit in or just to make fun of someone is a little different from
               them. In other words, there may be some insecurity involved.
            - Other times kids act out because something else—issues at home, abuse, stress—is going
               on in their lives. They also may have been bullied. These kids may be in need of additional
    • Involve the kid who bullied in making amends or repairing the situation. The goal is to help them
       see how their actions affect others. For example, the child can:
            - Write a letter apologizing to the athlete who was bullied.
             - Do a good deed for the person who was bullied, for the Club, or for others in your
             - Clean up, repair, or pay for any property they damaged.

5. Avoid strategies that don’t work or have negative consequences:
    • Zero tolerance or “three strikes, you’re out” strategies don’t work. Suspending or removing from
       the team swimmers who bully does not reduce bullying behavior. Swimmers may be less likely to
       report and address bullying if suspension or getting kicked off the team is the consequence.
    • Conflict resolution and peer mediation don’t work for bullying. Bullying is not a conflict between
       people of equal power who share equal blame. Facing those who have bullied may further upset
       kids who have been bullied.

6. Support bystanders who witness bullying. Every day, kids witness bullying. They want to help, but
   don’t know how. Fortunately, there are a few simple, safe ways that athletes can help stop bullying
   when they see it happening.
    • Be a friend to the person being bullied;
    • Tell a trusted adult – your parent, coach, or club board member;
    • Help the kid being bullied get away from the situation. Create a distraction, focus the attention
       on something else, or offer a way for the target to get out of the situation. “Let’s go, practice is
       about to start.”
    • Set a good example by not bullying others.

Don’t give the bully an audience. Bullies are encouraged by the attention they get from bystanders. If
you do nothing else, just walk away.
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                                    DART Swimming Sacramento
                                     8. Team Travel Policy
Athletes are most vulnerable to misconduct during travel, particularly overnight stays. This includes a
high risk of athlete-to-athlete misconduct. During team travel, athletes are often away from their families
and support networks, and the setting - new changing areas, locker rooms, workout facilities,
automobiles and hotel rooms - is less structured and less familiar.

Team travel is defined as overnight travel to a swim meet or other team activity that is planned and
supervised by DART Swimming Sacramento (the ”Club”) or Sierra Nevada Swimming.

Section 1- USA Swimming Required Policies
Club and LSC travel policies that are items in Code of Conduct in the USA Swimming Rulebook.
   1. Club travel policies must be signed and agreed to by all athletes, parents, coaches and other
       adults traveling with the club. (305.5.D)
   2. Team managers and chaperones must be members of USA Swimming and have successfully
       passed a USA Swimming-administered criminal background check. (305.5.B)
   3. Regardless of gender, a coach shall not share a hotel room or other sleeping arrangement with
       an athlete (unless a coach is a parent, guardian, sibling, or spouse of a particular athlete).
   4. When only one athlete and one coach travel to a competition, the athlete must have his/her
       parents’ (or legal guardian’s) written permission in advance to travel alone with the coach.

Section 2- DART Swimming Sacramento Policies
   1. During team travel, when doing room checks, attending team meetings and/or other activities,
       two-deep leadership and open and observable environments should be maintained.
   2. Athletes should not ride in a coach’s vehicle without another adult present that is the same
       gender as the athlete, unless prior parental permission is obtained.
   3. During overnight team travel, if athletes are paired with other athletes they shall be of the same
       gender and should be similar age. Chaperones/Team Managers would ideally be staying in
       nearby rooms.
   4. When only one athlete and one coach travel to a competition, at the competition or prior to the
       competition, the coach and athlete should attempt to establish a “buddy” club to associate with
       during the competition and when away from the venue.
   5. Depending on meet venue, the Head Coach or Head Travel Coach will have the option to: -have
       no male athletes in female athlete’s rooms and no female athletes in male athlete’s rooms
       (unless the other athlete is a sibling or spouse of that particular athlete)
                                                      - or -
       have an open and observable environment when male athletes and female athletes are in the
       same room to socialize.
   6. Swimmers will be assigned “pairs” or “pods” that may have to stay together when socializing at
       the hotel. There will be no swimmer left alone.
   7. A copy of the DART Swimming Sacramento Code of Conduct must be signed by the athlete and
       his/her parent or legal guardian.
   8. Team or LSC officials should obtain a signed Liability Release and/or Indemnification Form for
       each athlete.
   9. Team or LSC officials should carry a signed Medical Consent or Authorization to Treat Form for
       each athlete.
   10. Curfews shall be established by the team or LSC staff each day of the trip.
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   11. Team members and staff traveling with the team will attend all team functions including
       meetings, practices, meals, meet sessions, etc. unless otherwise excised or instructed by the
       head coach or his or her designee.
   12. The directions and decisions of coaches and chaperones are final.
   13. Swimmers are expected to remain with the team at all times during the trip. Swimmers are not to
       leave the competition venue, the hotel, a restaurant, or any other place at which the team has
       gathered without the permission/knowledge of the coach or chaperone.
   14. When visiting public places such as shopping malls, movie theaters, etc. swimmers will stay in
       groups of no less than three persons. 12 and under athletes will be accompanied by a chaperone.
   15. The Head Coach or his/her designee shall make a written report of travel policy or code of
       conduct violations to the DART Swimming Sacramento Board of Directors, the Head Coach or LSC
       Leadership, and the parent or legal guardian of any affected minor athlete.

___________________________________________ __________________
Swimmer’s Signature                            Date

I, the undersigned Parent of _________________________________ have read and understand the
Code of Conduct/ Honor Code, this form and all other team information/ policies, and have ensured that
my son/daughter fully understands their content. I declare that I agree to and support the Code of
Conduct/Honor Code, this form, and all other team information/policies and all consequences as they
relate to non-compliance.

___________________________________________ ____________________
Parent’s Signature                               Date
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