Teachers and Staff Reopening Plan 2021-2022 - Hillsborough County Public Schools

Teachers and Staff Reopening Plan 2021-2022 - Hillsborough County Public Schools

Hillsborough County Public Schools
Teachers and Staff
Reopening Plan 2021-2022
Teachers and Staff Reopening Plan 2021-2022 - Hillsborough County Public Schools
                             Table of Contents

School Board of Hillsborough County. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Welcome Letter: Addison G. Davis, Superintendent.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Employee COVID Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

FFCRA Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Instructional Guidelines for Quarantined Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

                        SCHOOL!                                               1
Teachers and Staff Reopening Plan 2021-2022 - Hillsborough County Public Schools
            School Board of

         Hillsborough County

Lynn Gray                  Stacy A. Hahn, Ph.D.                        Nadia Combs                      Karen Perez
Chair, District 7                Vice Chair, District 2                   District 1                      District 6

              Melissa Snively                     Jessica Vaughn                       Henry “Shake”
                    District 4                            District 3                    Washington
                                                                                           District 5

              SCHOOL!                                        2
Teachers and Staff Reopening Plan 2021-2022 - Hillsborough County Public Schools
Superintendent Addison G.Davis

Team Hillsborough,

We are so excited for the start of the 2021-22 school year!

To our new teachers and staff members, I want to extend a warm welcome to Hillsborough
County Public Schools, and to our returning teachers and staff members, I want to say thank you.
The work you put forth over the past year and a half can only be described as heroic, and I join
our families and our community in expressing a heartfelt appreciation.

The 2021-22 school year will look a little more “normal” than the past year and a half. District
leaders have reviewed reopening plans with our health partners at TGH/USF Heath and the
Department of Health-Hillsborough, and following their feedback, we have created this Teacher
and Staff Reopening Plan. At all times, your health and safety, as well as that of our learners,
remains a top priority. The district is continuing to take measures to socially distance where
possible and provide PPE to all schools. The action steps for those measures, as well as the
conditions for quarantine, will be answered in this plan.

Other areas addressed in our Reopening Plan include vaccination opportunities, COVID testing
sites, assisting our learners through quarantine, and perhaps most importantly, supporting
the mental wellness of our employees. I understand the challenges we have faced these past
16 months, but I am confident of the continued focus and care you will show our children and
youth. In our district, mental health matters, and we have procedures and strategies in place to
help you through the more stressful moments.

Together, we can beat these challenges and lead our learners to success!

I hope everyone will review this plan and be a partner in the work of preparing students for life.
I am very much looking forward to supporting your work during the 2021-22 school year and
seeing the incredible things you are doing.


Addison G. Davis

Teachers and Staff Reopening Plan 2021-2022 - Hillsborough County Public Schools
COVID Lead Role and
Every school and district site will have a staff member serve as COVID Lead.

At our schools and sites, the COVID Lead will:
    • Ensure that the school/site is following mitigation strategies;
    • Report to the principal regarding the need for supplies and/or request additional supplies
    • Request a TGH Fast Track testing appointment for employees who qualify;
    • Facilitate school/site COVID Site Response;
			 – Initial contact tracing/investigation using seating charts and information obtained from interviews
				 with parents, students, and staff
			 – Communications to parents, staff and the district COVID Office
			 – Documentation (Seating Charts, Isolation/Quarantine Spreadsheet, HCPS COVID Reporting Form
				 which feeds the HCPS COVID Dashboard, EdConnect Quarantine Tracker)

COVID leads will consistently receive updates from Jennifer Sparano to ensure that all relevant protocols and
procedures are shared and articulated with staff.

Teachers and Staff Reopening Plan 2021-2022 - Hillsborough County Public Schools
New Protocols for 2021-2022
For the 2021-22 school year, unvaccinated staff who have been in direct contact with a COVID positive individual
may return to school/work on Day 8 if they:

   • Take a PCR Test (not antigen/rapid);
   • Test on Day 6 and get a negative result;
   • Have no symptoms.

Testing is not required. Staff can quarantine for 10 days after exposure and return on Day 11 if they remain
symptom free.

Unvaccinated students who were within three to six feet of an infected student where both students were en-
gaged in consistent and correct use of face coverings can be excluded from quarantine. Where both students are
not wearing face coverings, close contact is still defined as less than six feet for 15 minutes or more. This does
not apply to adults.

Environmental cleaning protocols have been updated to reflect CDC guidance from April 2021.

Student and Employee Exposure to COVID-19 After Vaccination

To ensure the health and safety of each member of our school family, the process below applies to students
and employees who are exposed to COVID-19 after being vaccinated for COVID-19. All processes that involve
COVID-19 cases will be shared with the Department of Health-Hillsborough as the lead agency for case investi-
gation, contact tracing and quarantine decisions. As always, all student and employee information will remain
confidential in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Substitute teachers from Kelly Services are
included in this protocol.

Teachers and Staff Reopening Plan 2021-2022 - Hillsborough County Public Schools
Exposure to COVID-19 After Vaccination Protocol

  • COVID Lead/Principal/Supervisor will inform close contacts of their exposure to a COVID-19 positive case.
  • As per the CDC and the Department of Health-Hillsborough, vaccinated students and employees with an
		 exposure to a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 are not required to quarantine if they meet all the
		 following criteria:
			 - Student or employee is fully COVID-19 vaccinated (more than two weeks following receipt of the
				 second dose in a two-dose series or more than two weeks following receipt of one dose of a single-
				dose vaccine); and student or employee has remained asymptomatic since the current COVID-19
  • Students or employees who do not meet all the above criteria should continue to follow current
		 quarantine guidance, as described in HCPS COVID-19 Response Protocols, after exposure to a confirmed
			 or probable case of COVID-19.
  • This guidance does not apply to vaccinated inpatients and residents in health care or other long-term
		 care facility settings, who should continue to quarantine following an exposure to COVID-19.

Documentation of COVID-19 Vaccination Protocol

  • Parents of students and employees that meet the criteria above should notify their school/principal/
  • At this time, parents of vaccinated students and employees will be required to show their “COVID-19
		 Vaccination Record Card” as proof of completed vaccination to their school/principal/supervisor to be
		 excluded from quarantine.
  • Parents of vaccinated students and employees will provide this documentation voluntarily. No one can be
		 excluded from quarantine without documented proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission laws do not prevent employers from requiring employees
to bring in documentation or other confirmation of vaccination. This information, like all medical information,
will be kept confidential.

Proof of vaccination is not protected health information under HIPAA nor disability related information under
the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Teachers and Staff Reopening Plan 2021-2022 - Hillsborough County Public Schools
Mitigation Strategies to
          Encourage Social Distancing
Hillsborough County Public Schools will implement social distancing to the greatest extent possible. Therefore,
the following action steps will be implemented:

   •   Switch teachers between classes instead of switching students when possible;
   •   Eliminate non-essential furniture in classrooms to create more classroom space where possible;
   •   Orient students to directional signs in hallways to establish controlled movement;
   •   Discourage students from gathering in hallways during passing/lunch;
   •   Practice mindfulness about social distancing in conferences, meetings, and informal interactions;
   •   Conduct surveys to anticipate attendance when planning school events;
   •   Use the largest space possible for school events or hold events outdoors when possible;
   •   Model mitigation strategies for students and colleagues.

   Additional Mitigation Strategies
To ensure that every employee and staff member has a safe working/learning environment, Hillsborough
County Public Schools will take additional mitigation strategies that include:

  • Offering regular cleaning and sanitizing of high touch surfaces including desks, counters, doorknobs,
  • Educating our students about the importance of washing hands frequently;
  • Providing access to sanitation stations before, during, and after classes;
  • Encouraging parents, students, and employees to conduct daily self-screening for symptoms. For those
		 who do not feel well, they should not come to school/work.

Teachers and Staff Reopening Plan 2021-2022 - Hillsborough County Public Schools
Seating Charts
Seating charts will continue to be required in the 2021-22 school year. We will continue to be thorough in our
response with contact tracing. The following steps will be implemented:

  •   Seating charts must be created and kept updated for every class including specials and electives;
  •   Group seating may be utilized providing groupings allow increased distance between students and
		    reduces exposure;
  •   Substitute teachers must utilize the seating chart provided by each individual teacher;
  •   Lunch seating charts for elementary and middle schools must be created and kept updated;
  •   Special groupings/presentation seating charts bust be created when offered;
  •   Seating/grouping charts must be created for field trips;
  •   Students should sit next to the same peers in all classes, including lunch, when possible to eliminate
		    potential spread;
  •   Bus drivers will create and keep updated bus seating charts daily;
  •   Seating charts must be accessible at all times. Please store these in a place accessible at all times such
		    as One Note or One Drive.

                 Quarantine vs. Isolation
Isolation and quarantine are vital for stopping the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Quarantine
and isolation are imposed by public health officials on a voluntary basis but can be mandated in the interest of
public health.

Isolation requires people infected with COVID-19 to separate from others and restrict movement for a set time
period until they are no longer infectious and likely to spread the disease to others. Quarantine requires people
who have been exposed to COVID-19 to separate from others and restrict movement for a set time period until
they are no longer likely to develop symptoms and/or spread the disease to others.

  • “Quarantine” applies to students and staff that are exposed (close contacts) of a positive case. These
		individuals are not vaccinated or have not tested positive in the last 90 days. This applies to students
		 who were exposed to a positive student where one or both students were not wearing a mask.
  • “Isolation” applies to students and staff that have tested positive for COVID-19.
Teachers and Staff Reopening Plan 2021-2022 - Hillsborough County Public Schools
Employee Wellness Resources
Resources for Living Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

We understand the importance of mental health for all our employees. We genuinely care about each of our
teachers and staff and provide robust resources to make sure they are physically and mentally healthy:

Your EAP is Ready to Help 24/7
   The Aetna Resources for Living Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a FREE program for you and your
   household members. In addition to offering confidential, short-term counseling services, the EAP EAP offers
   many other important services designed to help you and your family balance your work and life 24/7.

   When you call, you’ll be directed to qualified professionals who can help you and your dependent(s)
   overcome challenges related to stress, depression, substance abuse, legal, and financial difficulties. When
   appropriate, they will help you coordinate with your medical plan’s mental health benefits and/or refer you
   to community resources.

   But there is more! The EAP lives up to its name, Resources for Living, by providing resources to help you live
   a balanced life. Be sure to check out resourcesforliving.com for more details and read the HCPS Wellbeing
   Connection newsletter for monthly spotlights on services.

    You, your household members (regardless of age), and your dependents (up to age 26) who do not live at
    home are eligible. So please take advantage of this resource.

   No cost to you. HCPS pays the entire cost of this benefit. If you experience issues please feel free to contact
   EAP at 1-855-327-6463

There are many benefits for using EAP. These benefits include:
   • Up to five FREE confidential counseling sessions per year per issue per person at no cost;
   • Legal services (FREE 30-minute consultation with network attorney);
   • Financial counseling;
   • Caregiver counseling;
   • Child and elder care information and guidance;
   • Smoking cessation assistance;
   • Help finding home repair technicians like plumbers or electricians;
   • Counseling for issues like depression and anxiety, stress, divorce, family and child counseling, grief
		 counseling, workplace problems, chemical and/or alcohol dependency;
   • Referrals to counselors and/or programs for problem resolution;
   • 24-hour telephone access, crisis intervention, and information;
   • Access to the LifeMart Discount Program that gives you online access to savings on electronics, groceries,
		 car rentals, hotels, restaurants, movie tickets, childcare, senior care, education, and more.

The Employee Assistance Program can help you and your family members with:
			• Preventing fatigue and burnout during COVID-19;
			• Managing stress;
			• Parenting;
			• Building closer relationships;
			• Improving your finances;
			• Coping with anxiety and depression;
			• Dealing with illness;
			• Finding child care or summer camp;
			• Growing your confidence;
			• Managing anger;
			• Being assertive;
			• Planning for your estate;
			• Coping with substance misuse;
			• Balancing life and work;
			• Saving for your future;
			• Grieving a loss;
			• Caring for elderly family members;
			• Meeting your goals;
			• Having a legal consultation;
			• Getting out of your comfort zone;
			• Getting the life you want.

For additional assistance please use the following information to access EAP resources:
			Username: SCHOOLEAP
			Password: 8553276463

Vaccination Locations
In the 2021-22 school year, Hillsborough County Public Schools will continue to partner with our local health
care providers to ensure that each employee and qualified student has relevant information related to obtaining
the COVID-19 vaccination. To assist with the process, the following locations are available for vaccinations:

		• Walmart Pharmacy;
		• Publix Pharmacy;
		• CVS Pharmacy;
		• Walgreens Pharmacy;
		• Winn-Dixie Pharmacy;
		• Costco Pharmacy;
		 • Sam’s Club Pharmacy;
		 • The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy;
		 • DeliveRxd Pharmacy (at home vaccination);
					 – 813-932-6266
		 • For more locations visit: https://floridahealthcovid19.gov/vaccines/vaccine-locator;

We will continue to keep you updated if additional vaccination clinics are scheduled for Hillsborough County
Public Schools students and employees.

               TGH Testing Information
Testing for COVID-19 allows people who have symptoms or who have been exposed to get medical care earlier
than those who do not test. Testing also enables those who test positive to isolate which prevents the spread
of COVID-19 to others, especially those who are medically vulnerable. Lastly, testing enables people who do not
have symptoms and test negative to return to work on the eighth day after exposure.

  •   Employees can obtain required documents from their site COVID Lead;
  •   COVID Lead will upload these forms to TGH;
  •   TGH will text the appointment confirmation to the employee;
  •   TGH is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to make appointments for HCPS employees.;
  •   Appointment requests requested outside of these times will be reviewed and scheduled on the next
		    business day.
		•   Employees are not required to test through TGH.

Building Sanitation, Cleaning and
      Disinfection Protocols

Schools will be cleaned daily, focusing on major touch entry points in common areas such as doorknobs,
handles, elevator buttons, stairwell railings, light switches and soap dispensers. Custodial staff will disinfect
using approved cleaning products (HDQ, Avistat-D) with microfiber cloths to spray and wipe down surfaces and
objects. Throughout the workday, the custodial staff will implement a routine of surface cleaning in the major
touch point areas discussed such as restrooms. The staff will, in some cases, report at staggered times depend-
ing upon hours of operation to ensure consistent disinfection practices while primary building employees are
present. Latter custodial shifts will apply the full standard cleaning of all areas to be ready for the next day.
Additional disinfecting will be performed prior to the arrival of district staff in high-traffic areas such as the front
office. Custodial staff will wear face masks and gloves.

Environmental Deep Cleaning: If a positive COVID-19 case is determined within a school or building, the follow-
ing protocol will be used:

  • Principal/Supervisor/COVID Lead will communicate the presence of a positive case with a member of the
			 – If less than 24 hours have passed since the person who is diagnosed with COVID-19 has been in the
				 space, it will be environmentally cleaned1 by District Safety Environmental Team;
			 – If more than 24 hours have passed since the person who is diagnosed with COVID-19 has been in the
				 space, regular custodial cleaning and sanitizing will be performed using district purchased supplies.2;
			 – If more than 3 days have passed since the person who is diagnosed with COVID-19 has been in the
				 space, no additional cleaning (beyond regular cleaning practices) is needed.
• If environmental cleaning is indicated, affected classroom(s) and workspace(s), will be immediately
		 evacuated and students and employees will be relocated.
  • If environmental cleaning is indicated, the Principal/Supervisor/COVID Lead will communicate room
		 numbers requiring environmental cleaning to a member of the HCPS COVID Team who will contact the
		 District Safety Environmental Team.
  • As a standard practice, after environmental cleaning is complete, the application will be left to dry
		overnight.3 Vital Oxide sanitizer for spray or foam application used for environmental cleaning is OSHA
		 (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), WHMIS (Workplace hazardous Materials Information
		 System) and GHS (Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals) compliant.
  • After the application of the disinfectant dries, on-site custodial staff will wipe down all surfaces thoroughly
		 with a dry cloth to remove residue left behind by the disinfectant.
  • If the affected classroom(s) and workspaces have not had contact with a positive case for 3 days (72 hours)
		 OR if the affected classroom(s) and workspace(s) are closed for 3 days (72 hours or longer), the on-site
		 custodial staff will clean and sanitize, as is regular practice, using district purchased and EPA approved
		 disinfectants indicated to combat COVID-19 on surfaces.3
  • Common areas such as restrooms, cafeterias, clinics, kitchens, or shared items that are already routinely
		 cleaned and disinfected, do not require environmental cleaning.

    Environmental cleaning is the use of an EPA approved disinfectant applied with a battery-operated device which applies a fine
		 mist of EPA approved disinfectant on surfaces.
    Approved disinfectants include ready-to-use sprays, concentrates, and wipes purchased by the district.
    Some spaces may be turned over for wipe down sooner than overnight if the need arises pending approval from the District
		 Safety Office

                     Case Protocols

Employee Confirmed Positive Case

To ensure the health and safety of each member of our school family, the process below applies to employees
with a Confirmed Positive Case of COVID-19. All processes that involve COVID-19 cases will be shared with the
Department of Health-Hillsborough as the lead agency for case investigation, contact tracing and quarantine
decisions. As always, all employee information will remain confidential in accordance with applicable laws and
regulations. Substitute teachers from Kelly Services are included in this protocol.

COVID-19 Symptoms
If anyone (student, employee, or visitor) shows any symptoms of COVID-19, it is extremely important that they
not enter any school or district building. They should contact their healthcare provider for guidance. COVID-19
symptoms (not associated with previously diagnosed conditions) include:

       • Fever or chills                 • Fatigue                         • Sore throat
       • Cough                           • Muscle or body aches            • Congestion or runny nose
       • Shortness of breath or          • Headache                        • Nausea or vomiting
        difficulty breathing             • New loss of taste or smell      • Diarrhea
Employee Confirmed Case Protocol
  1. Employee contacts principal/supervisor after receipt of a positive COVID-19 test result.
  2. If employee is at work, they return home immediately. If they are home, they remain home under care of
		 their medical provider.
  3. Principal/Supervisor will collect case information such as work/class schedule and movement around
		 building/campus in the 48 hours prior to symptoms or positive test result. This will include identification
		 of potential close contacts1.
  4. Principal/Supervisor will notify the Region Superintendent/Administrator and contact a member of the
  5. Principal/Supervisor will utilize the Site COVID Response Checklist to complete the response protocol in a
		 timely fashion.
  6. A member of the HCPS COVID Team will provide support to the site COVID Lead/administration/supervisor.
  7. HCPS COVID Team will share case information with the Department of Health-Hillsborough as soon
     as possible.
  8. Department of Health-Hillsborough will lead the formal investigation (e.g., contact tracing).
			 • Principal/Supervisor will notify close contacts1 and provide guidance.
  9. The HCPS Communication Team will provide site administration with the appropriate communications
		 and notification letters for distribution to staff and students that are identified as a close contact1 of the
		 confirmed case, or an indirect contact of the confirmed case. The entire school community/work site will
		 be notified of positive cases on campuses/work sites.

10. Per the Department of Health-Hillsborough, the confirmed positive employee will be required to isolate
		 for the length of time noted below:
				 • At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared or since positive test date if asymptomatic;
				 • At least 24 hours since last fever without the use of fever-reducing medications; and
				 • Overall symptoms have improved.
  11. Individuals determined to be close contacts1 will quarantine for 10 days after exposure if they remain
			 symptom free per FLDOH recommendations OR for 7 days after exposure if a PCR test taken on day 6 is
			 negative and they remain symptom free. Vaccinated people and those who have tested positive in the
			 last 90 days do not need to quarantine.
  12. Classroom(s) and workspace(s), if affected, will be deep cleaned per HCPS protocols within 24 hours.
  13. Follow-up by the Department of Health-Hillsborough will occur, as appropriate, for all identified
		 close contacts1.
  14. Employee must meet the following criteria prior to returning to work:
				 • COVID-19 Symptoms have improved AND fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing
  15. Employee will contact their principal/supervisor on the last day of isolation and return to regular
		 work duties.

     Close contact is defined by the CDC as within six (6) feet of an infected person for fifteen (15) minutes or more over a 24-hour period.

Employee Close Contact1 of a Confirmed Positive Case

To ensure the health and safety of each member of our school family, the process below applies to employees
who are a Close Contact1 of a Confirmed Positive Case of COVID-19. All processes that involve COVID-19 cases
will be shared with the Department of Health-Hillsborough as the lead agency for case investigation, contact
tracing and quarantine decisions. As always, all employee information will remain confidential, in accordance
with applicable laws and regulations.

COVID-19 Symptoms
If anyone (student, employee, or visitor) shows any symptoms of COVID-19, it is extremely important that they
not enter any school or district building and should contact their healthcare provider for guidance. COVID-19
symptoms (not associated with previously diagnosed conditions) include:

         • Fever or chills                          • Fatigue                                 • Sore throat
         • Cough                                    • Muscle or body aches                    • Congestion or runny nose
         • Shortness of breath or                   • Headache                                • Nausea or vomiting
           difficulty breathing                     • New loss of taste or smell              • Diarrhea

Employee Close Contact1 of a Confirmed Positive Case Protocol
  1. Employee will be contacted immediately by the school administration or school nurse if the employee is
		 determined to be a close contact1 of a confirmed positive case.
  2. If the employee is at school, they will be isolated and must go home immediately. If they are home, they
		 should remain home.
  3. HCPS COVID Team will share case information with the Department of Health-Hillsborough as soon as
		 possible including all documentation.
			 • Department of Health-Hillsborough may contact the employee with additional guidance and
				contact tracing.
			 • Department of Health-Hillsborough will enroll the employee in a daily symptom monitoring text
				message program.
  4. The HCPS Communication Team will provide the site administration/supervisor with the appropriate
		 communications and notification letters for distribution to individuals who are identified as a close
		 contact1 of the confirmed case. The entire school community/work site will be notified of positive cases
		 on campuses and work sites.
  5. Per the Florida Department of Health, the close contact1 of a confirmed positive case will be required to
		 quarantine for the length noted below:
			 • Employees will be quarantined for 10 days if they remain symptom free and can return to school on
				day 11 OR
			 • Quarantine for 7 days if a PCR test taken on day 6 is negative and if they remain symptom free.
				 Employees can return to school on day 8 after they receive negative PCR test results.
			 • Employees who are vaccinated or who have tested positive in the last 90 days do not need to
  6. Follow-up by the Department of Health-Hillsborough will occur, as appropriate, for all identified
		 close contacts1.

7. Employee must meet the following criteria prior to returning to work:
			 • No evidence of COVID-19 symptoms at any time during the 7-day (if tested negative) or 10-day q
				uarantine period.
			 • If COVID-19 tested, have received negative PCR COVID-19 test results
  8. Close contacts1 of a confirmed positive case are not required to be COVID-19 tested before returning
		 to work.
  9. Close contacts1 of a confirmed positive case should seek medical attention if symptoms develop.
  10. Employee will contact their principal/supervisor on the last day of quarantine and return to regular
		 work duties.

     Close contact is defined by the CDC as within six (6) feet of an infected person for fifteen (15) minutes or more over a 24-hour period.

Confirmed Case of a Household Member

To ensure the health and safety of each member of our school family, the process below applies to employees
with a Confirmed Case of a Household Member of COVID-19. All processes that involve COVID-19 cases will be
shared with the Department of Health-Hillsborough as the lead agency for case investigation, contact tracing
and quarantine decisions. As always, all employee information will remain confidential in accordance with ap-
plicable laws and regulations. Substitute teachers from Kelly Services are included in this protocol.

COVID-19 Symptoms
If anyone (student, employee, or visitor) shows any symptoms of COVID-19, it is extremely important that they
not enter any school or district building. They should contact their healthcare provider for guidance. COVID-19
symptoms (not associated with previously diagnosed conditions) include:

         • Fever or chills                          • Fatigue                                 • Sore throat
         • Cough                                    • Muscle or body aches                    • Congestion or runny nose
         • Shortness of breath or                   • Headache                                • Nausea or vomiting
          difficulty breathing                      • New loss of taste or smell              • Diarrhea

Confirmed Case of a Household Member Protocol
   1. Employee should immediately contact principal/supervisor if a household member with whom the
		 employee lives receives a positive COVID-19 test result.
   2. If the employee is at work, they should return home immediately. If they are home, they should
		 remain home.
   3. Principal/Supervisor will collect information about the case, including potential close contacts1 with the
      exposed employee.
   4. Principal/Supervisor will contact will contact the HCPS COVID Team to confirm employee return date
		 to work.
   5. Principal/Supervisor will utilize the Site COVID Response Checklist to complete the response protocol in a
		 timely fashion.
   6. A member of the HCPS COVID Team will provide support to site COVID Lead/administration.
7. Principal/Supervisor will advise the employee to follow up with a healthcare provider. The healthcare
		 provider may recommend the employee be tested for COVID-19.
			 • If the employee is tested, the employee must remain home until results are received and the employee
				 should report the test results to the principal/supervisor immediately upon receipt.
			 • If test results are positive, the employee must follow the process for an Employee Confirmed
				Positive Case.
			 • A symptomatic employee cannot return to work and must seek medical attention.
  8. Employee will be required to quarantine for 10 days, if they remain symptom free and are able to separate
		 from the positive household member per the CDC and the Department of Health-Hillsborough OR for 7
		 days if a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test on day 6 or later is negative and they remain symptom free.
		 An employee who is not able to separate from the positive household member cannot begin the 10-day
		 quarantine until after the household member’s 10-day infectious period is complete. This could result in
		 up to 20 days of quarantine.
  9. Employees who are fully vaccinated or who have tested positive in the last 90 days do not need to
  10. Employee will contact their principal/supervisor on the last day of quarantine and return to regular
		 work duties.

     Close contact is defined by the CDC as within six (6) feet of an infected person for fifteen (15) minutes or more over a 24-hour period.

Symptomatic Employee

To ensure the health and safety of each member of our school family, the process below applies to Symptomatic
Employees (e.g. employees who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19). All processes that involve COVID-19
cases will be shared with the Department of Health-Hillsborough, as the lead agency for case investigation,
contact tracing and quarantine decisions. As always, all employee information will remain confidential, in accor-
dance with applicable laws and regulations. Substitute teachers from Kelly Services are included in this protocol.

COVID-19 Symptoms
If anyone (student, employee, or visitor) shows any symptoms of COVID-19, it is extremely important that they not
enter any school or district building. They should contact their healthcare provider for guidance. COVID-19 symp-
toms (not associated with previously diagnosed conditions) include:

         • Fever or chills                          • Fatigue                                 • Sore throat
         • Cough                                    • Muscle or body aches                    • Congestion or runny nose
         • Shortness of breath or                   • Headache                                • Nausea or vomiting
           difficulty breathing                     • New loss of taste or smell              • Diarrhea

Symptomatic Employee Protocol
   1. Employee immediately contacts principal/supervisor if they are experiencing COVID-19 related
   2. If the employee is at work, they should return home immediately. If they are home, they should
		 remain home under the care of their medical provider as needed.
   3. Principal/Supervisor will collect information about the case, including potential close contacts1.
   4. Principal/Supervisor will contact the Region Superintendent/Administrator and a member of the
   5. A member of the HCPS COVID Team will provide support to the site COVID Lead/administration.
   6. Principal/Supervisor will advise the employee to follow up with a healthcare provider. The healthcare
		 provider may recommend the employee be tested for COVID-19.
			 • If the employee is tested, they should report the test results to the principal/supervisor immediately
				upon receipt.
			 • If test results are positive, the employee must follow the process for an Employee Confirmed
				Positive Case.
			 • A symptomatic employee who is tested cannot return to work until the test results are received.
   7. Employee may be required to quarantine based on symptoms per the recommendations of their
		 healthcare provider and per the Department of Health-Hillsborough guidelines.
   8. Employee must meet the following criteria prior to returning to work:
			 • Has been seen by a healthcare provider and followed healthcare provider’s guidance.
			 • COVID-19 Symptoms have improved AND fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing
   9.Employee will contact their principal/supervisor on final sick day and return to regular work duties.

     Close contact is defined by the CDC as within six (6) feet of an infected person for fifteen (15) minutes or more over a 24-hour period.

Additional Information
                      and Resources

The following websites are valuable resources of information for our school community:

                • https://www.cdc.gov/
                • http://hillsborough.floridahealth.gov/
                • https://www.hillsboroughcounty.org/en

HCPS COVID-19 Email Address

The following email address has been established for our school community to ask questions and share
concerns with the HCPS COVID Team:

                • COVID@hcps.net

Visitors and Volunteers

All visitors should self-screen prior to visiting a school or district site. Visitors and volunteers are expected to
maintain social distancing. Visitor and volunteer attendance on school or district sites may be staggered as
necessary to ensure social distancing.

FFCRA Information
The Family First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) was discontinued by the federal government
as of December 31, 2020. The district continued to provide these benefits through June 1, 2021,
for impacted employees.

During the 2021-22 school year, for the first semester, which ends on December 17, 2021, HCPS
employees who had a workplace exposure to COVID-19 will be allowed a maximum of five paid
days due to quarantine or isolation.

Employees who are sick with COVID related illnesses will be charged the appropriate leave time
after the five paid days. We encourage all employees to continue to practice all health and safety
measures to minimize exposure to or transmission of COVID.

Any employee with documented COVID related absences will not be subject to disciplinary con-
sequences due to excessive absence or non-paid status.

Instructional Guidelines for
                Quarantined Students
Administrator Checklist:

o School Administration ensures all teachers are signed in to Canvas and have their courses set up.

o School Administration notifies teacher(s) when a student is placed on quarantine.

o School Administration works with teachers to create deadlines for students to complete their assigned work
  while quarantined following the guidelines outlined in the Student Code of Conduct

		Elementary Students: A student who has been absent and whose absence is excused is permitted to
		 make up the work missed after returning to school. Parents should contact the school and request
		 make-up work at least 24 hours in advance.

		Secondary Students: (Grades 6-12): A student who has been absent and whose absence is EXCUSED is
		 permitted to make up the work missed, provided that the student makes arrangements with teachers
		 within three days of the student’s return to school. The student is responsible for making these arrange-
		 ments. Make-up work must be submitted within the deadline(s) set by the teacher(s).

o School Administration encourages teachers to attend Open Office Hours held by the Academic Services
team for additional support who have quarantined students.

Support Scenario based on current situation of the student:

o Student has computer at home k
     o Teacher(s) sends home (or emails/texts) Canvas How-To Guide or Canvas How-To Guide SPANISH
     o Student remains assigned to Brick & Mortar teacher(s).
     o Student logs into Canvas courses from home.
     o Teacher(s) “publish” student assignments and supporting materials with due dates in Canvas.

o Student does not have a computer at home k
     o Teacher(s) sends home printed packets of work for each content area.

Additional Supports:

All students and families have access to our district’s Quarantine Resource Center on our district’s website,
providing access to the following:

		     o Additional instructional resources, supports, and District contact information.
		     o *Links to access online instructional support for PreK-5 students during school hours.
		     o *Links to access online instructional support for 6-12 students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

                          *The projected start date of availability of this service is September 1st.
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