Taste your brand - Sweets, Snacks Edition & More

Page created by Joe Wise
Taste your brand - Sweets, Snacks Edition & More
Swee t s,
    SX-nma cakss
   Ed it&io n

Taste your brand.
Taste your brand - Sweets, Snacks Edition & More
For many years we give prospects and praide a future for people in need.
Of course this all starts with the smallest children.
This is why, for example, we support the Albert Schweitzer Children‘s Village
in Waldenburg during the Christmas season with our annual fundraising campaign
and facilitate help for those who desperately need it. And you too can contribute to this –
because for every Classic Wall Advent Calendar you buy from us, we will donate a euro.

                                        Classic wall advent
                                         A good deed every
                                            day. 24 times

This is especially true when it comes to the issue of food waste.
Because every year in Germany alone, around 12 million tones of food
worth 20 billion euros end up being thrown away. In order to counteract
this, we donate to the food bank several times a year – to help those
who need it most urgently.

                                                                                                          The Share 1+1
                                                                                                         Each bar you buy
                                                                                                       equals another meal

                                                                    SHARED TASTES TWICE AS GOOD.
                                                                    Because we live in a globalised world and believe that everything tastes
                                                                    even better when shared, our commitment does not end at Europe‘s borders –
                                                                    but continues here with the support of Share.
                                                                    Share is a brand that enables you to do good with every purchase of a bar of
                                                                    chocolate and automatically donates a meal to a person in need according to
                                                                    the 1+1 principle.
Taste your brand - Sweets, Snacks Edition & More

Fundraising campaign            Working with                     Donations                       share chocolate
for Albert Schweitzer           people with                      to food banks
Kinderdörfer                    disabilities

For every Classic Wall Advent   For many years, we have          As a result of our regular      Shared tastes twice as good.
Calendar sold, we donate a      provided targeted support for    donations to food banks,        That‘s why we also support
part of the proceeds to the     the integration of people with   we are actively taking action   Share chocolate products.
Albert Schweitzer Kinderdorf    disabilities into day-to-day     against the ever increasing     Share is a brand that donates
and Familienwerke.              work through our collabo-        food and, at the same time,     a meal to a person in need for
                                ration with workshops for        helping people in need.         every chocolate bar sold.
                                disabled people.
Taste your brand - Sweets, Snacks Edition & More
                           Did you know that with every change of variety in chocolate production hundreds of
                          kilogram chocolate get lost? This is due to the fact that during the conversion of one
                      type of chocolate to another type, large quantities of delicious mixed chocolate could be
                     produced, which usually are left unused. If the production of milk chocolate is stopped to
                      dark chocolate, several hundred kilograms of so-called batch separation masses remain.
                             This high quality saved chocolate which is produced climate neutral and packed in
                                                                    compostable packaging by Rettergut brand.

100 % climate neutral               Plastic 100 %               98 % recycla-               100 % carton             Compostable foil
company                             recyclable                  ble tinplate

Our entire product range is         For our products, we        Our tin cans are 98 %       Many of our products     We use foils that are
produced in a climate neutral       use plastics that are       recyclable and thus         are made of card-        made of biodegradable
manner. The CO2 balance is          100 % recyclable.           save energy, resour-        board that is 100 %      materials and are
certified by the independent                                    ces and emissions.          recyclable, and we       compostable.
organisation ClimatePartner.                                                                are continuing to        The logo identifies
                                                                                            extend this proportion   these products.
                                                                                            of the packaging.
Taste your brand - Sweets, Snacks Edition & More
Sustainability of
of production until

                               AND QUALITY.
for packaging.
Also our inlays are

                               When it comes to food, a good „gut feeling“ counts - and for more and more people this includes the
                               Know that the treats they enjoy have been produced fairly and sustainably. We work consistently
                               to align our supply chain and product selection accordingly. Look out for the fairness seals for
                               socially and environmentally compatible cultivation and trade. With this you show the flag on your
                               promotional gifts with your target groups.

Rainforest Alliance            Fairtrade – the seal             FSC®                            Ritter SPORT –             Lindt –
                               for fair trade                                                   our cocoa                  cocoa program

The Rainforest Alliance is     The Fairtrade seal stands for    The Forest Stewardship          Ritter SPORT exclusively   With its Farming Program,
an international non-profit    fairly cultivated and traded     Council® is an international    sources certified          Lindt & Sprüngli stands
organization working at the    products. Small-holder farmers   nongovernmental organi-         sustainable cocoa.         up for an improvement in
intersection of business,      are offered stable prices and    zation that promotes                                       the living standards of the
agriculture and forests.       long-term trade relationships.   environmentally appro-                                     cocoa farmers and for the
They aim to create a better    www.fairtrade-deutschland.de     priate, socially beneficial,                               preservation of the
future for people and nature                                    and economically viable                                    environment.
by making responsible                                           management of the world’s
business the new normal.                                        forests. To learn more, visit
www.rainforest-alliance.org                                     www.fsc.org
                                                                Ask for our FSC-certified
Taste your brand - Sweets, Snacks Edition & More
           ADVENT CALENDARS                                        CHOCOLATE
14   XS Advent Calendar                                40   Christmas Tin
16   Classic Desk Advent Calendar                      41   Stand-Up Box Lindt Christmas
18   Premium Desk Advent Calendar                      42   Lindt Santa Claus 10 g
20   Classic Wall Advent Calendar                      43   Lindt Santa Claus 40 g
22   Mini Bar Advent Calendar                          44   Friedel Santa Claus
24   Advent Calendar House                             45   Promotion Card Business Card Format
26   Tower Advent Calendar                                  Riegelein Chocolate Santa Claus
28   Advent Calendar Truck
30   Mini Chocolate Ball Advent Calendar
32   Tower Advent Calendar with Mini Chocolate Balls
34   Square Advent Calendar
36   Round Advent Calendar

Taste your brand - Sweets, Snacks Edition & More
COOKIES                            SERVICE
46   Domino Stone Double            10   Overview of Advent Calendars
47   Stollen Mini                   64   Templates
48   Stollen Confectionery          66   General information
48   Cinnamon Cookie                67   Important information
49   Gingerbread Mini
49   Gingerbread Heart Shaped
50   Gingerbread House
51   4 Gingerbreads
52   Gingerbread Selection
53   Gift Package
54   Gingerbread Present
55   Gingerbread Advent Wreath

       re X - M a s
     Mo ights in the
      H i g hl
      ma    i n c a t a l o g u e
Taste your brand - Sweets, Snacks Edition & More
en t C a l e nda
d v

Taste your brand - Sweets, Snacks Edition & More
» Every good
                      begins with
                      24 doors. «
                                           OUR ADVENT CALENDARS WITH
                                          RECURRING ADVERTISING EFFECT.

24 days at the centre of your customer’s focus thanks to an   Use the Advent door openers that are made of renewable raw
Advent calendar using renewable materials. Every door         materials and let your customers enjoy the treats with a
conceals a delicious chocolate treat coupled with a good      clear conscience.
helping of responsibility for our environment.
Taste your brand - Sweets, Snacks Edition & More

                                                              Classic Desk                 Premium Desk
                             XS Advent Calendar
                                                             Advent Calendar              Advent Calendar

                    from 330 pcs.                 from 100 pcs.                from 100 pcs.

                    Approx. 140 x 125 mm          Approx. 205 x 134 mm         Approx. 220 x 155 mm

                    Depth: 16 mm                  Depth: 10 mm                 Depth: 12 mm

                                       14                            16                           18

             Classic Wall                  Mini Bar
                                                                Advent Calendar House
           Advent Calendar              Advent Calendar

from 100 pcs.                from 100 pcs.                from 100 pcs.

Portrait or landscape
                             Approx. 210 x 210 mm         Approx. 160 x 150 mm
Approx. 345 x 244 mm
                             Depth: 14 mm                 Depth: 70 mm
Depth: 10 mm

                    20                          22                           24

                                                                                           Mini Chocolate Ball
                           Tower Advent Calendar          Advent Calendar Truck
                                                                                            Advent Calendar

                    from 120 pcs.                  from 256 pcs.                  from 50 pcs.

                    Approx. 110 x 110 mm
                                                   Approx. 225 x 120 mm           Approx. 210 x 210 mm

                    Depth: 110 mm
                                                   Depth: 70 mm                   Depth: 23 mm
                    Height: 150 mm

                                           26                         28                             30

      Tower Advent Calendar
                                       Square Advent Calendar         Round Advent Calendar
     with Mini Chocolate Balls

from 56 pcs.                     from 100 pcs.                  from 80 pcs.

Approx. 193 x 75 mm              Approx. 365 x 365 mm           Ø Approx. 280 mm
Depth: 75 mm                     Depth: 20 mm                   Depth: 22 mm

                                                                               23 x


                      32                            34                                36



                                                                             Filling options

                                                                             Brandt Milk       Brandt Black   M&M‘s Crispy
                                                                             chocolate         & White

Desk Advent calendar in FSC-certified solid board box with                                                        Back
compostable inlay, climate neutral, individually printed
With a practical fold-out stand on the back

Print           4-c Euroscale
Minimum order From 330 pieces
Contents        24 Brandt whole wheat crunchy balls with crispy whole
                wheat centre, coated in finest milk chocolate or
                Black & White, 21 g or
                24 M&M‘s crispy whole wheat chruncies, with puffed
                rice core in fine milk chocolate with colourful sugared
                coating, mixed, 24 g
                Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life      Until at least 01.04.2022
Format          Approx. 140 x 125 x 16 mm
                Request for advertising space dimensions as
                imposition layout
Delivery packing Cartons containing 66 pieces
                 (packed in single cartons: cartons containing 100 pieces)
Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                copies ready to dispatch, distribution or single dispatch
                and large quantities on request
                (further information on delivery time p. 66)

                                                                                                        Perfect format for posting




             German chocolate
                                                                             Brand-name German chocolate

Desk Advent calendar in FSC-certified solid board box,                                                 Back
climate neutral and 100 % recyclable, individually printed
With a practical fold-out stand on the back

Print            4-c Euroscale
Minimum order From 100 pieces
Contents         24 mini Alpine milk chocolates with (78,5 %) ingredients
                 according to Fairtrade standards in
                 German brand quality, 50 g
                 Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life       Until at least 01.04.2022
Format           Approx. 205 x 134 x 10 mm
                 Request for advertising space dimensions as
                 imposition layout
Delivery packing Cartons containing 50 pieces
                 (packed in single cartons: cartons containing 80 pieces)
Delivery time    Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                 copies ready to dispatch, distribution or single dispatch
                 and large quantities on request
                 (further information on delivery time p. 66)



                                                                            Confiserie Heidel chocolate

Desk Advent calendar with FSC-certified stick-on cover,                                                   Back
climate neutral, individually printed
Deep-drawn component in cream white
With a practical base for fold-out on the back

Print           4-c Euroscale
Minimum order From 100 pieces
Contents        24 Heidel mini Alpine milk chocolate bars, 50 g
                Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life      Until at least 01.04.2022
Format          Approx. 220 x 155 x 12 mm
                Request for advertising space dimensions as
                imposition layout
Delivery packing Cartons containing 50 pieces
                 (packed in single cartons: cartons containing 70 pieces)
Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                copies ready to dispatch, distribution or single dispatch
                and large quantities on request
                (further information on delivery time p. 66)


            Part of the proceeds will go to



                                                                            Exquisite Friedel chocolate

Wall Advent calendar made of FSC-certified board box and                                                  Back
individually printed cover sheet, climate neutral,
individually printed
Part of the proceeds will go to the
„Albert Schweitzer Kinderdörfer und Familienwerke“

Print           4-c Euroscale
Minimum order From 100 pieces
Contents        24 Friedel mini milk chocolate bars, 70 g
                Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life      Until at least 01.04.2022
Format          Approx. 345 x 244 x 10 mm
                Request for advertising space dimensions as
                imposition layout
Delivery packing Cartons containing 25 pieces
                 (packed in single cartons: cartons containing 16 pieces)
Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                copies ready to dispatch, distribution or single dispatch
                and large quantities on request
                (further information on delivery time p. 66)



Advent calendar in FSC-certified solid board box with                        Filling options
compostable inlay, climate neutral, individually printed
With fold-out stand and hanger integrated in the back

Print           4-c Euroscale
Minimum order From 100 pieces
Contents        24 mini Sarotti chocolate bars in four different flavours,
                mixed, 100 g; Ritter SPORT Chocolate Bites, mixed, 120 g     Whole milk   Dark           Hazelnut      Gianduja
                or mini Lindt chocolate bars in finest milk chocolate in                  chocolate
                three festive colours, mixed, 124 g
                Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life      Until at least 01.04.2022
Format          Approx. 210 x 210 x 14 mm
                Request for advertising space dimensions as
                imposition layout                                            Alpine milk Cornflakes Almond          Golden Edition
Delivery packing Cartons containing 50 pieces
                 (packed in single cartons: cartons containing 80 pieces)
Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                copies ready to dispatch, distribution or single dispatch
                and large quantities on request
                (further information on delivery time p. 66)

                                                                             Lindt mini chocolate bars



Advent calendar house in FSC-certified solid board box with                  Filling options
compostable inlay, climate neutral, individually printed all around

Print           4-c Euroscale
Minimum order From 100 pieces
Contents        24 mini Sarotti chocolate bars in four different flavours,
                mixed, 100 g; Ritter SPORT Chocolate Bites, mixed, 120 g
                or mini Lindt chocolate bars in finest milk chocolate in
                                                                             Whole milk   Dark           Hazelnut      Gianduja
                three festive colours, mixed, 124 g
                Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life      Until at least 01.04.2022
Format          Approx. 160 x 150 x 70 mm
                Request for advertising space dimensions as
                imposition layout
Delivery packing Cartons containing 10 pieces                                Alpine milk Cornflakes Almond          Golden Edition
                 (packed in single cartons: cartons containing 22 pieces)
Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                copies ready to dispatch, distribution or single dispatch
                and large quantities on request
                (further information on delivery time p. 66)

                                                                             Lindt mini chocolate bars


                             with space
                              for an



                                                   Alpine milk Cornflakes Almond   Golden Edition

Advent calendar tower in FSC-certified solid board box with                                         Sample application
compostable inlay, climate neutral, individually printed
all around with five advertising spaces

Print           4-c Euroscale
Minimum order From 120 pieces
Contents        24 Ritter SPORT Chocolate Bites, mixed, 120 g
                Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life      Until at least 01.04.2022
Format          Approx. 150 x 110 x 110 mm
                Free space inside: approx. 150 x 85 x 85 mm
                Request for advertising space dimensions as
                imposition layout
Delivery packing Cartons containing 30 pieces
                 (packed in single cartons: cartons containing 24 pieces)
Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                copies ready to dispatch, distribution or single dispatch
                and large quantities on request
                (further information on delivery time p. 66)



Advent calendar truck in FSC-certified solid board box with                  Filling options
compostable inlay, climate neutral, individually printed all around

Print           4-c Euroscale
Minimum order From 256 pieces
Contents        24 mini Sarotti chocolate bars in four different flavours,
                mixed, 100 g; Ritter SPORT Chocolate Bites, mixed, 120 g
                or mini Lindt chocolate bars in finest milk chocolate in
                                                                             Whole milk   Dark           Hazelnut      Gianduja
                three festive colours, mixed, 124 g
                Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life      Until at least 01.04.2022
Format          Approx. 225 x 120 x 70 mm
                Request for advertising space dimensions as
                imposition layout
Delivery packing Cartons containing 16 pieces                                Alpine milk Cornflakes Almond          Golden Edition
                 (packed in single cartons: cartons containing 42 pieces)
Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                copies ready to dispatch, distribution or single dispatch
                and large quantities on request
                (further information on delivery time p. 66)

                                                                             Lindt mini chocolate bars




                                                                       White     Milk   Dark   Caramel

Advent calendar in FSC-certified solid board box with                                                    Back
compostable inlay, climate neutral,
individually printed all around
With fold-out stand and hanger integrated in the back

Print           4-c Euroscale
Minimum order From 50 pieces
Contents        24 Lindor mini chocolate balls from
                Lindt & Sprüngli, mixed, 109 g
                Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life      Until at least 01.04.2022
Format          Approx. 210 x 210 x 23 mm
                Request for advertising space dimensions as
                imposition layout
Delivery packing Cartons containing 25 pieces
                 (packed in single cartons: cartons containing 46 pieces)
Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                copies ready to dispatch, distribution or single dispatch
                and large quantities on request
                (further information on delivery time p. 66)




                                                           White      Milk   Dark   Caramel

Advent calendar tower with compostable inlay, climate neutral,                                Sample application
individually printed all around with five advertising spaces

Print           4-c Euroscale
Minimum order From 56 pieces
Contents        24 Lindt & Sprüngli Lindor mini balls, mixed, 109 g
                Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life      Until at least 01.04.2022
Format          Approx. 193 x 75 x 75 mm
                Free space inside: approx. 193 x 35 x 35 mm
                Request for advertising space dimensions as
                imposition layout
Delivery packing Cartons containing 56 pieces
                 (packed in single cartons: cartons containing 56 pieces)
Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                copies ready to dispatch, distribution or single dispatch
                and large quantities on request
                (further information on delivery time p. 66)



                                                                            Filling options
Square Advent calendar with stick-on cover and compostable
deep drawn component in cream white, climate neutral,
individually printed

Print           4-c Euroscale
Minimum order From 100 pieces
Contents        24 Ritter SPORT chocolate cubes, 192 g;
                Ferrero Hazelnut squares filled with cocoa-hazelnut         Chocolate Crisp      à la Mousse au      Nuts in Nougat     Caramel Duo
                cream in a waffle sandwich, 256 g or                                             Chocolat            Cream
                Ritter SPORT Mini, mixed, 396 g
                Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life      Until at least 01.02.2022
Format          Approx. 365 x 365 x 20 mm
                Request for advertising space dimensions as
                imposition layout
Delivery packing Cartons containing 25 pieces
                 (packed in single cartons: Cartons containing 10 pieces)
Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                copies ready to dispatch, distribution or single dispatch
                and large quantities on request
                (further information on delivery time p. 66)

                                                                            Nougat            Yogurt      Hazelnut       Fine milk chocolate




                                                                          23 x mixed White    Milk   Dark   Caramel   1 x 10 g Santa Claus

Round Advent calendar with FSC-certified cover and                                                                Back
compostable deep drawn component in cream white,
climate neutral, individually printed
With a fold-out stand and hanger at the back

Print           4-c Euroscale
Minimum order From 80 pieces
Contents        23 pieces of Lindt & Sprüngli Lindor mini balls, mixed.
                Behind the 24th door is a 10 g Lindt Santa Claus, 113 g
                Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life      Until at least 01.04.2022
Format          Approx. Ø 280 x 22 mm
                Request for advertising space dimensions as
                imposition layout
Delivery packing Cartons containing 20 pieces
Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                copies ready to dispatch, distribution or single dispatch
                and large quantities on request
                (further information on delivery time p. 66)
» It‘s
                      all year
                   round here. «
                                            OUR CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS
                                           FOR MAXIMUM ANTICIPATION.

Gingerbread, Stollen, Santa Claus etc. – everyone loves these      Christmas greeting for your sector. Whether it’s the energy sector,
tasty heralds of the period before Christmas. In original packa-   the automotive branch or the insurance industry, you will find the
ging and with an individual design, they will become the perfect   perfect gift here for every division, presented in a tasteful way.



                             98 %
                                 P L AT


 Lindt chocolate Santa Claus and Lindor mini balls in a round tin          Standard colours
 with a snap-on lid, made of white or matt-silver metal,
 climate neutral, individually printed
 With a display insert with a Christmas holiday theme
 Tinplate 98 % recyclable

 Print           4-c Euroscale
 Minimum order From 100 pieces
 Contents        Lindt Santa Claus chocolate made of fine Alpine milk
                 chocolate, 10 g and two Lindor mini balls each 4,5 g
                 Seasonal article - while stocks last!
 Shelf life      Until at least 01.04.2022
 Format          Height approx. 25 mm, Ø approx. 75 mm
                 Request for advertising space dimensions as
                 imposition layout
 Delivery packing Cartons containing 100 pieces
                  2 cartons per shipping carton = 200 pcs.
                  Max. 10 shipping cartons per DPD parcel service
                  Max. 48 cartons per pallet; special packing on request
 Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                 copies ready to dispatch, large quantities on request
                 (further information on delivery time p. 66)



                                                     White     Milk   Dark   Caramel   1 x 10 g
                                                                                       Santa Claus

Lindor chocolate mini balls and Lindt Santa Claus in white                                           Sample design
cardboard promotional packaging, climate neutral,
individually printed

Print           4-c Euroscale
Minimum order From 200 pieces
Contents        Four Lindt & Sprüngli Lindor mini balls, colourful
                mixture, 18 g and Lindt Santa Claus, 10 g
                Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life      Until at least 01.04.2022
Format          Approx. 80 x 50 x 38 mm
                Request for advertising space dimensions as
                imposition layout
Delivery packing Cartons containing 100 pieces
                 5 cartons per shipping carton = 500 pcs.
                 Max. 10 shipping cartons per DPD parcel service
                 Max. 64 cartons per pallet; special packing on request
Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                copies ready to dispatch, large quantities on request
                (further information on delivery time p. 66)


 Lindt chocolate Santa Claus in a promotional display made of              Sample design
 white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral,
 individually printed

 10 g
 Print           4-c Euroscale
 Minimum order From 480 pieces
 Contents        Lindt chocolate Santa Claus made of fine
                 Alpine milk chocolate, 10 g
                 Seasonal article - while stocks last!
 Shelf life      Until at least 01.04.2022
 Format          Approx. 80 x 47 x 20 mm
                 Request for advertising space dimensions as
                 imposition layout
 Delivery packing Cartons containing 80 pieces
                  12 cartons per shipping carton = 960 pcs.
                  Max. 10 shipping cartons per DPD parcel service
                  Max. 12 cartons per pallet; special packing on request
 Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                 copies ready to dispatch, large quantities on request
                 (further information on delivery time p. 66)

Lindt chocolate Santa Claus in an advertising box made of white,           Sample design
FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral, individually printed

40 g
Print           4-c Euroscale
Minimum order From 177 pieces
Contents        Lindt chocolate Santa Claus made of fine
                Alpine milk chocolate, 40 g
                Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life      Until at least 01.04.2022
Format          Approx. 102 x 35 x 32 mm
                Request for advertising space dimensions as
                imposition layout
Delivery packing Cartons containing 59 pieces
                 10 cartons per shipping carton = 590 pcs.
                 Max. 10 shipping cartons per DPD parcel service
                 Max. 100 cartons per pallet; special packing on request
Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                copies ready to dispatch, large quantities on request
                (further information on delivery time p. 66)


 Friedel chocolate Santa Claus in an advertising box made of                Sample design
 white, FSC-certified cardboard, climate neutral,
 individually printed

 24 g
 Print           4-c Euroscale
 Minimum order From 500 pieces
 Contents        Friedel milk chocolate Santa Claus, 24 g
                 Santa Claus with Fairtrade certified cocoa.
                 Fairtrade cocoa with quantity compensation.
                 Seasonal article - while stocks last!
 Shelf life      Until at least 01.04.2022
 Format          Approx. 112 x 41 x 29 mm
                 Request for advertising space dimensions as
                 imposition layout
 Delivery packing Cartons containing 59 pieces
                  10 cartons per shipping carton = 590 pcs.
                  Max. 10 shipping cartons per DPD parcel service
                  Max. 100 cartons per pallet; special packing on request
 Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                 copies ready to dispatch, large quantities on request
                 (further information on delivery time p. 66)


                   TEAR -OFF

Riegelein chocolate Santa Claus inside of a fold-out promotion            Sample application
card made of white, FSC-certified cardboard with a practical
tear-off perforation, climate neutral, individually printed

Riegelein chocolate Santa Claus
Print           4-c Euroscale
Minimum order From 540 pieces
Contents        Confiserie Riegelein chocolate Santa Claus
                made of fine milk chocolate, 5 g
                Santa Claus with Fairtrade certified cocoa.
                Fairtrade cocoa with quantity compensation.
                Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life      Until at least 01.04.2022
Format          Approx. 85 x 55 x 9 mm
                Request for advertising space dimensions as
                imposition layout
Delivery packing Cartons containing 540 pieces
                 2 cartons per shipping carton = 1.080 pcs.
                 Max. 10 shipping cartons per DPD parcel service
                 Max. 32 cartons per pallet; Special packing on request
Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                copies ready to dispatch, large quantities on request
                (further information on delivery time p. 66)


 Lambertz Domino Stones in a 2-piece blister pack, in a white,             Sample design
 FSC-certified cardboard promotional box, climate neutral,
 individually printed

 Print           4-c Euroscale
 Minimum order From 432 pieces
 Contents        Two Lambertz Domino Stones (three-layered)
                 filled with marzipan, apricot jelly,
                 covered with fine dark chocolate, 25 g
                 Seasonal article - while stocks last!
 Shelf life      Until at least 01.03.2022
 Format          Approx. 70 x 37 x 27 mm
                 Request for advertising space dimensions as
                 imposition layout
 Delivery packing Cartons containing 144 pieces
                  5 cartons per shipping carton = 720 pcs.
                  Max. 10 shipping cartons per DPD parcel service
                  Max. 63 cartons per pallet; special packing on request
 Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                 copies ready to dispatch, large quantities on request
                 (further information on delivery time p. 66)


Emil Reimann Stollen Mini in a white, FSC-certified cardboard             Sample design
stollen box, climate neutral, individually printed

Print           4-c Euroscale
Minimum order From 200 pieces
Contents        Emil Reimann raisin stollen in unprinted,
                transparent foil, 80 g
                Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life      Until at least 31.01.2022
Format          Approx. 90 x 55 x 40 mm
                Request for advertising space dimensions as
                imposition layout
Delivery packing Cartons containing 50 pieces
                 5 cartons per shipping carton = 250 pcs.
                 Max. 10 shipping cartons per DPD parcel service
                 Max. 65 cartons per pallet; special packing on request
Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                copies ready to dispatch, large quantities on request
                (further information on delivery time p. 66)

     STOLLEN CONFECTIONERY                                                 CINNAMON COOKIE

 Stollen confectionery with finest marzipan in white foil,                 Schulte star-shaped cinnamon cookie in white foil,
 climate neutral, individually printed                                     climate neutral, individually printed

 Print           4-c Euroscale                                             Print           4-c Euroscale
 Minimum order From 1.000 pieces                                           Minimum order From 2.500 pieces
 Contents        Stollen confectionery with finest marzipan, 20 g          Contents        Schulte star-shaped cinnamon cookie, 6 g
                 Seasonal article - while stocks last!                                     Seasonal article - while stocks last!
 Shelf life      4 months                                                  Shelf life      Until at least 01.03.2022
 Format          Approx. 100 x 35 x 20 mm                                  Format          Approx. 80 x 45 x 10 mm
                 Request for advertising space dimensions as                               Request for advertising space dimensions as
                 imposition layout                                                         imposition layout
 Delivery packing Cartons containing 250 pieces                            Delivery packing Cartons containing 250 pieces
                  4 cartons per shipping carton = 1.000 pcs.                                8 cartons per shipping carton = 2.000 pcs.
                  Max. 10 shipping cartons per DPD parcel service                           Max. 10 shipping cartons per DPD parcel service
                  Max. 48 cartons per pallet; special packing on request                    Max. 90 cartons per pallet; special packing on request
 Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing    Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                 copies ready to dispatch, large quantities on request                     copies ready to dispatch, large quantities on request
                 (further information on delivery time p. 66)                              (further information on delivery time p. 66)

GINGERBREAD MINI                                                          LEBKUCHENHERZ

Bahlsen Gingerbread Mini in white foil, climate neutral,                  WEISS Gingerbread Heart Shaped in white foil, climate neutral,
individually printed                                                      individually printed

Print           4-c Euroscale                                             Print           4-c Euroscale
Minimum order from 2.500 pieces                                           Minimum order From 2.500 pieces
Contents        Bahlsen gingerbread with chocolate base, 8 g              Contents        WEISS gingerbread heart with apricot filling and
                Seasonal article - while stocks last!                                     chocolate coating, 15 g
                                                                                          Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life      Until at least 01.03.2022
                                                                          Shelf life      Until at least 01.03.2022
Format          Approx. 80 x 45 x 20 mm
                Request for advertising space dimensions as               Format          Approx. 100 x 60 x 25 mm
                imposition layout                                                         Request for advertising space dimensions as
                                                                                          imposition layout
Delivery packing Cartons containing 250 pieces
                 8 cartons per shipping carton = 2.000 pcs.               Delivery packing Cartons containing 250 pieces
                 Max. 10 shipping cartons per DPD parcel service                           4 cartons per shipping carton = 1.000 pcs.
                 Max. 81 cartons per pallet; special packing on request                    Max. 10 shipping cartons per DPD parcel service
                                                                                           Max. 48 cartons per pallet; special packing on request
Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                copies ready to dispatch, large quantities on request     Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                (further information on delivery time p. 66)                              copies ready to dispatch, large quantities on request
                                                                                          (further information on delivery time p. 66)


     WEISS gingerbread in a white, FSC-certified cardboard in-house            Sample design
     packaging, climate neutral, individually printed
     The gingerbread tray is in a Christmas design and
     coated in a transparent foil

     Print           4-c Euroscale
     Minimum order From 300 pieces
     Contents        Four WEISS gingerbread minis with chocolate base, 50 g
                     Seasonal article - while stocks last!
     Shelf life      6 months
     Format          Approx. 74 x 50 x 69 mm
                     Request for advertising space dimensions as
                     imposition layout
     Delivery packing Cartons containing 60 pieces
                      6 cartons per shipping carton = 360 pcs.
                      Max. 10 shipping cartons per DPD parcel service
                      Max. 70 cartons per pallet; special packing on request
     Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                     copies ready to dispatch, large quantities on request
                     (further information on delivery time p. 66)


WEISS gingerbread with FSC-certified paper banderole,                      Sample design
individually printed
The gingerbread tray is in a Christmas design and
wrapped in a transparent foil

Print           4-c Euroscale
Minimum order From 300 pieces
Contents        Four WEISS gingerbread minis with chocolate base, 50 g
                Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life      6 months
Format          Approx. 72 x 46 x 46 mm
                Request for advertising space dimensions as
                imposition layout
Delivery packing Cartons containing 60 pieces
                 7 cartons per shipping carton = 420 pcs.
                 Max. 10 shipping cartons per DPD parcel service
                 Max. 104 cartons per pallet; special packing on request
Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                copies ready to dispatch, large quantities on request
                (further information on delivery time p. 66)



                                                               domino stones   honey      pointed       almond    cinnamon   mini        nut gingerbread
                                                                               biscuits   gingerbread gingerbread stars      gingerbread covered in dark
                                                                                          covered in                                     chocolate
                                                                                          dark cocolate

 Haeberlein-Metzger Gingerbread Selection in a white,                                                            Sample design
 FSC-certified cardboard promotional case, climate neutral,
 individually printed

 Print           4-c Euroscale
 Minimum order From 144 pieces
 Contents        Haeberlein-Metzger gingerbread mix with
                 eight different varieties, 150 g
                 Seasonal article - while stocks last!
 Shelf life      Until at least 01.03.2022
 Format          Approx. 215 x 120 x 33 mm
                 Request for advertising space dimensions as
                 imposition layout
 Delivery packing Cartons containing 24 pieces
                  (packed in single cartons: cartons containing 46 pieces)
                  3 cartons per shipping carton = 72 pcs.
                  Max. 10 shipping cartons per DPD parcel service
                  Max. 40 cartons per pallet; special packing on request
 Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                 copies ready to dispatch, large quantities on request
                 (further information on delivery time p. 66)



                                                            domino stones   honey      pointed       almond    cinnamon   mini        nut gingerbread
                                                                            biscuits   gingerbread gingerbread stars      gingerbread covered in dark
                                                                                       covered in                                     chocolate
                                                                                       dark cocolate

Haeberlein-Metzger Gingerbread Selection in gift package made                                                   Sample design
of metal, climate neutral, individually printed

Print           4-c Euroscale
Minimum order From 72 pieces
Contents        Haeberlein-Metzger gingerbread mix with
                eight different varieties, 150 g
                Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life      Until at least 01.03.2022
Format          Approx. 200 x 130 x 40 mm
                Request for advertising space dimensions as
                imposition layout
Delivery packing Cartons containing 36 pieces
                 Carton is shipping carton = 36 pcs.
                 Max. 10 shipping cartons per DPD parcel service
                 Max. 20 cartons per pallet; special packing on request
Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                copies ready to dispatch, large quantities on request
                (further information on delivery time p. 66)


                                                                              Sample design
 Haeberlein-Metzger Elisen gingerbread cellophane-wrapped in
 the gift wrapping made of white, FSC-certified cardboard with
 viewing panel, climate neutral, individually printed

 Print           4-c Euroscale
 Minimum order From 240 pieces
 Contents        Haeberlein-Metzger Nuremberg Elisen gingerbread,
                 glazed, 60 g
                 Seasonal article - while stocks last!
 Shelf life      Until at least 01.04.2022
 Format          Approx. 109 x 109 x 18 mm
                 Request for advertising space dimensions as
                 imposition layout
 Delivery packing Cartons containing 60 pieces
                  (packed in single cartons: cartons containing 100 pieces)
                  5 cartons per shipping carton = 300 pcs.
                  Max. 10 shipping cartons per DPD parcel service
                  Max. 60 cartons per pallet; special packing on request
 Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                 copies ready to dispatch, large quantities on request
                 (further information on delivery time p. 66)


                        to stick on

Haeberlein-Metzger Elisen gingerbread cellophane-wrapped in                            Sample design
the gift wrapping made of white, FSC-certified cardboard with
four candles to break out and stuck on the top, climate neutral,
individually printed

Print           4-c Euroscale
Minimum order From 240 pieces
Contents        Haeberlein-Metzger Nuremberg Elisen gingerbread,
                glazed, 60 g
                Seasonal article - while stocks last!
Shelf life      Until at least 01.04.2022
Format          Approx. 109 x 109 x 18 mm
                Request for advertising space dimensions as
                imposition layout
Delivery packing Cartons containing 60 pieces
                 (packed in single cartons: cartons containing 100 pieces)
                 5 cartons per shipping carton = 300 pcs.
                 Max. 10 shipping cartons per DPD parcel service
                 Max. 60 cartons per pallet; special packing on request
Delivery time   Approx. 20 working days after approval of the printing
                copies ready to dispatch, large quantities on request
                (further information on delivery time p. 66)

                                                                                        How to use

                                                                             rip out    fold           put in
All things
                       Can‘t get enough of Christmas? Don‘t worry – neither can we!
              You will find more sweets and all those addictive treats that nobody can resist
                during the most wonderful time of the year in our year-round assortment.
               Simply turn over the catalogue, choose your favourite creation and send us
                       your sweetest Christmas greetings. What are your favourites?

                                                                                         Promotion Card MIDI
                                                                                         Lindt Hello Mini Stick
Design Chocolate

                   Treasure Chest
Van Present
Lindor Balls

                                 Ritter SPORT Mini

               Share Chocolate
Ferrero Rocher Threes

                        Gift Box

  Stand-Up Box
  Ritter SPORT
Lindt Mini Pralinés

              Premium Tea

      Premium Box
Paper Can Eco Mini

                           Promotion Card Midi
                           Meßmer Tea

Ritter SPORT 100 g
Paper Can Eco Midi

                                   Ferrero Rocher Threes

Bus Present
House Present

Square Chocolate Bar

                       Toblerone Bar
Truck Present

                           Promotion Card Midi

Rettergut Chocolate


        Design your advent calendar entirely to suit your desires and wishes.
                      You have two possibilities of doing so:

           1. POSSIBILITY                                 2. POSSIBILITY
           Select one of our many templates.              Completely design the calendar
                                                          yourself to suit your needs.


                                    1.         SELECT YOUR PRODUCT
                                               and then choose a template using
                                               the name or article number.

                                    2.         POSITION YOUR LOGO
                                               where you want it, at one or more places.

                                    3.         CUSTOMISE YOUR PRODUCT
                                               with your promotional message / Christmas ­greeting.
                                               Or change the colour of the design.

                                    4.         YOUR ADVENT CALENDAR
                                               with customized design template is ready


                                                                          HUGE SELECTION
                                                                          OF MOTIF TEMPLATES

                               NEW                                  NEW                                                                               NEW

   214270 – Tanne im Glas              214271 – Nordpol Express                     214274 – Schraubenschlüssel-Tanne

                               NEW   CHRISTMAS LOADING              NEW                                  0,89€*
                                                                                                                  *Bei einer Menge Von 10.000 Stück
                                                                                         und 24 Tage


 214273 – Christmas Menü               214272 – Christmas Loading                          214275 – LED Tanne

211150 – Weihnachts-Aussicht            211112 – Goldener Hirsch                          211147 – Wäscheleine


 We have put some basic information together for you.                             Notes on packing
 Please note that every inquiry naturally has to be dealt with individually       When ordering, please take our packing units into consideration.
 as we could not hope to cover every possible case in writing here.               The specified freight costs are approximated, not binding, and cannot be
 Our customer advisers would be happy to advise you and answer any                determined precisely until the order has been completed.
 questions you may have by phone. To make sure the advice you get
 corresponds to your particular inquiry, we require your desired print            Biscuits, cookies, and other baked articles can break during transport.

 Delivery times                                                                   Depending on the material and product, colours may deviate.
 Our delivery dates are valid as stated in the order confirmation, in each
 case within the delivery week/day of delivery.                                   In the case of multi-coloured printing, a colour-binding proof of the
 Our delivery times depend on the approval of the printing copies and not         provided data is mandatory.
 on when printing copies were received. We cannot confirm a delivery time
 without an approval of the printing copies.                                      When using a transparent, coloured, or metallic base, colour reproduction
                                                                                  can vary if a white background is not used. We would therefore recom-
 In the case of high capacity utilisation, delivery times may                     mend that you use a white background, if technically possible, which is
 be extended (e.g. during the Christmas and Easter seasons)                       charged as an additional print colour (not in digital printing). To avoid
                                                                                  complaints about colour, please make sure you include a colour-binding
 Perishable foodstuffs
 Foodstuffs cannot be exchanged. Please check the goods as soon as you            Unchanged reprints can also demonstrate colour deviation.
 receive them and send us any complaints within 24 hours.                         This is for technical reasons and cannot be avoided. Nuances of colour
 We cannot accept any complaints received after this period of time.              devi­ation will therefore not be recognised as a complaint.
 Once the goods leave our premises, we no longer have any influence on
 our foodstuffs and thus cannot accept any responsibility or liability either
 in terms of quality or in terms of the food law.                                 QR CODE and barcode
                                                                                  Please note that we cannot guarantee that QR codes will be legible.
 In warm weather, it might be necessary to deliver some prod­ucts by
 cold-storage lorry to guarantee the goods arrive in perfect condition
 (note: differnet freights costs).                                                Further processing
                                                                                  Variations can occur during processing for technical reasons.
                                                                                  This applies, for example, to press cuts and blanks of cardboard
 Corrections                                                                      packaging. In the case of foil products, there can be a slight shift of the
 Nothing is printed until you have given us your approval in writing.             motif during packing.
 Making changes to the proof you receive from us does not constitute an           In the case of solid designs, cutting can only be controlled within a certain
 approval. You will receive a corrected proof to be checked and approved.         tolerance. It is therefore possible that colour transitions in the motif are
 Please make sure you check the proof we send you very carefully.                 displaced in the cutting area and thus visible as a fine stripe
 If you are at all unsure, give us a call. We would be happy to help you.         (of the other print colour) at the cutting end of the packing.
 Your approval is a mandatory part of the order. It has unlimited validity
 and cannot be revoked. We cannot assume any responsibility for the               In the case of bags, the content text may be concealed in part by the
 prints you approve or for errors of any kind which may have been                 sealed seam.
                                                                                  Tetrahedron packaging:
 If we are in possession of your data 1:1, the proof is created free of charge.   Due to the packaging, it could happen that the position of the printed
 We reserve the right to charge a flat rate for changes made to the proof         image varies on the triangular advertising space.
 starting with the third corrected proof.
                                                                                  Sticky wrappers:
 You will be charged for any work carried out by us in preparation for your       Slight blistering may occur and it could happen that the ends of the
 approval if you subsequently cancel your order.                                  wrapper may not meet exactly.

 Complaints                                                                       Shelf life
 If you have any complaints, please get in touch with us immediately.             The best before date specified can only be guaranteed if the product is
 We require at least ten per cent of the total order as proof of the fault.       stored correctly. In addition to taking the product-specific properties into
 Please send the goods back to us as proof in the original packaging.             ­consideration, please ensure you store the product in a dry, cool place
 This also applies to any complaints you have about printing.                      away from s­ unlight. Avoid changes in temperature, particularly with
 Complaints about the taste and appearance of foodstuffs can only be               products containing chocolate, as this can result in a white film
 accepted if you handled and stored the goods correctly.                           developing on the chocolate.

 Example: Foodstuffs must be stored in a dry place and be protected
 from changes in temperature (warm/cold).                                         Manufacturer’s notification on products
                                                                                  In accordance with EU directive 178/2002 for the guarantee of food safety
 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of our          and in compliance with the requirements of the food law, we will be
 customer advisers.                                                               attaching a manufacturer’s notification to our products/selling units.
                                                                                  For most products, the end customer, dealer, or agency can decide
 Damage during transport:                                                         whether he himself as the ­issuer should be specified on the product
 All delivered goods, whether on pallets or in the form of parcels, must be       packaging or outer packaging or whether the manufacturer should be
 checked immediately for any damage (correct securing, wrapping/boxes             named. If we are not provided with a manufacturer’s notification, we will
 undamaged). The driver (freight/logistics company) must be made aware            use our manufacturer. If the end customer explicitly rejects all these
 of any visible damage and should confirm this damage in writing on the           specifications, the manufacturer must be released from all claims in
 delivery papers.                                                                 writing.
 Please note down the exact details of the damage, including photos,
 and inform us immediately. Claims concerning damage reported at a                We are obliged to advise you that manufacturer’s data must comply
 later date and/or damage not recorded on the delivery papers cannot be           with legal specifications. The data are not intended for any promotional
 claimed retroactively!                                                           purpose.

 Order quantities                                                                 Declaration
 For technical reasons, divergence of quantities up to ± 10 % is possible.        Due to food law regulations in accordance to VO 1169/2001, the
 Depending on the category of product, our products are either counted or         declaration must be in the official language of the country in which the
 weighed before they are packed. This can result in different quantities in       goods are distributed. If declared in another language, we can not
 individual boxes. The final number is checked and logged by us. If there         guarantee the marketability of the goods. The responsibility of
 are any irregularities per packing unit, please check the final number.          marketability in this case passes to the customer.

                                                                                  Distribution list
                                                                                  If the products are to be sent to different shipping addresses, please send
                                                                                  us the address data as an EXCEL file with one address component per
                                                                                  column (e.g. company1 / company2 / street / postal code etc.). Just ask for
                                                                                  our template. Bills of delivery must be provided in triplicate. Depending
                                                                                  on the work involved, additional costs may be incurred.


Information on creating printing copies                                                Printing information

If possible, match our provided imposition layout 1:1.                                 Fine details, small fonts, and trademarks can smear or disappear.
Data editing costs will otherwise be incurred.                                         In the case of multi-coloured printing, a colour-binding proof of the
                                                                                       provided data is mandatory.
– Line drawings should have an optimum resolution of 1.200 dpi or be
  vectorised. Continuous-tone illustrations should have a resolution of                Printing methods:
  300 dpi.
                                                                                       4-c digital printing: Paper/cardboard, boxes, foils, labels
– W hen sending files by email, please make sure you use the appropriate
  program extension (e.g. .indd for InDesign, .ai for Adobe Illustrator, .psd          4-c designs are available at attractive prices even with small quantities.
  for Photoshop).                                                                      Register differences cannot occur. The colours are always compiled from
                                                                                       the 4-c process. Special colours in accordance with HKS or Pantone can
                                                                                       only be approximated.
Our programs:
– Adobe Illustrator CC                                                                 Boxes: Applying a white background to the motif, as is usual with silver
– Photoshop CC                                                                         boxes in pad printing, is not possible. In these cases, transparent inks are not
– InDesign CC                                                                          opaque and therefore often do not achieve the desired colour tone (can look
                                                                                       dirty). Please also note that negatively recessed elements will appear in box
                                                                                       colours in print. On the other hand, this can result in a very elegant effect
Open data:                                                                             thanks to the shining through e.g. of a shiny box.
If your document includes any imported/embedded files (e.g. tif, eps, bmp,             Slight streaking may be visible with extensive colour designs.
or jpeg files), please make sure you save these separately! Please change
the fonts into character paths to avoid the loading of any other fonts.                Due to the bled-off round surface structure of the product, there may be a
If this is not possible, send us the fonts (only Mac fonts).                           slight distortion of the printed image.

                                                                                       Foils: Some parts of the sealed seams cannot be printed
 Please note the following when supplying data as a PDF:                               (see imposition layouts).
 - Your created data should correspond to our layout template,
    please do not change it.
 - PDF compatible up to PDF/X-4 (Acrobat 1.6)                                          1–4-colour flexo: Foils
 - No encrypted PDF files (password protection or the like)                            In full-surface printing, register differences are possible to an extent.
 - No coloured pattern cells/tile patterns                                             A fine unprinted line over the foil is a result of the block ends meeting.
 - No comments, form fields, or the like                                               Colour rubbing on the sealed seam is also possible in full-surface printing.
 - No transfer curves                                                                  Designs with extensive ink coverage and metallic colours should be
 - Leave layout sketches at “overprint” and you must leave it at our                  varnished to protect them from colour rubbing (counts as an additional
    separate special colour with the name “Stand”                                      print colour).

                                                                                       In printing technology, breaks in the screen cannot be avoided.
Data carriers (if you want to send your data by post):                                 The tolerances for this are:
– Please write your address, file name, logo name, product name, and                  – Flexo printing 3%
  order number clearly on the data carrier (e.g. CD) and include a printout
  of the files.                                                                        Sweets: In full-surface printing, a white edge (each of 1 mm) remains on
– T he printout should include the file name and the name of the printing             the side at the end of the wrapper ends. Due to the block ends meeting,
  colour(s) required, e.g. HKS, Pantone.                                               a fine white stripe runs across the width of the paper.

                                                                                       Note: Halftone motifs only after a printability check. A colour-binding
                                                                                       proof of the data provided is required with multi-colour screen motifs.
The fastest way to order:
Just send your data, including the name of the motif, by email to your
customer adviser. If the data exceeds 100 MB, we recommend you send us
the data via FTP server. If you have any further questions on exchanging               1–4-colour offset: Paper, cardboard
data, please do not hesitate to contact your customer adviser.                         An attractive price for larger print runs. Printing of special colours in
                                                                                       acc. with HKS and Pantone is possible. Fluorescent inks cannot be used.

                                                                                       1–4-colour pad: Boxes, dispensers
                                                                                       Register differences are possible to an extent. The double printing of
                                                                                       individual colours may be necessary for full-surface motifs (counts as an
                                                                                       additional print colour in each case). Slight scratches and unevenness may
                                                                                       appear due to the material.

                                                                                       In printing technology, breaks in the screen cannot be avoided.
                                                                                       The tolerances for this are:
                                                                                       – Pad printing 15 %

                                                                                       Sleeve: A slight distortion is possible on rounded parts.

                                                                                       We alone make the decision on which printing process we use for our

                   The products in the catalogue are not shown true to the original and differ from the original in size, shape and colour.
                 Misprints and errors excepted. Subject to alterations. With the publication of this edition, all previous editions become invalid.
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