Tanzania Market Update - Knight Frank

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Tanzania Market Update - Knight Frank
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Market Update
H2 20 2 0
Market Update
H2 2020

   Key Highlights
                                                              Inflation Rate, Total Consumer Spending
                                                                               Consumer Spending                 Series2
The Central Bank has highlighted that
                                                             16                                                                                 9.0
Tanzania’s     economy     demonstrated
                                                             14                                                                                 8.0
satisfactory    performance,     amidst
                                           Annual % Change

negative impact of COVID-19 on
some sectors that were exposed to                            10
external shocks.                                             8
During the first three quarters of 2020,
growth averaged 4.7% compared to                                                                                                                2.0

                                                             2                                                                                  1.0
7.3% in the previous year and 6.9 %
in 2018.                                                     0                                                                                  0.0
                                                                   2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029

Inflation remained low in the fourth                  Source: IMF, Knight Frank Research

quarter of 2020 at 3.1%.
                                                              IMF AFRREO, Estimate, Constant Prices, Change P/P

Dar es Salaam’s prime office rents                                          Sub-Saharan Africa              Tanzania (RHS)
                                                                  8.0                                                                    9.0
were recorded at US$15 during the
period under review.                                              6.0
                                                                  4.0                                                                    6.0
Dodoma’s prime office rents were
recorded at between US$ 12 and US$                                2.0

14 during the period under review.                                0.0                                                                    3.0
The residential sector is expected to                                                                                                    1.0

remain subdued in 2021                                        -4.0                                                                       0.0

                                                              Source: Knight Frank Research, Macrobond
Macro-Economic Analysis                                                                     Office Market
    Economic growth declined during the           Further, according to the BOT, inflation      Dar es Salaam’s office market continues
    last quarter of the year compared to          remained low in the fourth quarter of         to be over supplied. Further, as a result
    a year earlier according to Bank of           2020, bolstered by subdued prices of          of the pandemic, demand for prime
    Tanzania(BOT). This slowdown in               both food and non-food consumer               office     space    declined   following      on
    growth was attributed to the impact           goods and services.                           measures adopted by most              corporate
    of COVID-19 on the economy .                  Specifically,    headline   inflation   was   institutions       predominantly       financial

    However, despite this decline,                recorded at 3.1% compared to 3.7% a           institutions   to    limit   the     spread   of

    Tanzania continues to feature                 year earlier.                                 pandemic.

    amongst the top ten fastest growing           This rate was within the target range of
    countries in the continent.                   between 3% and 5% for 2020/21 across          Notably, as a result of the pandemic,
                                                  the   regional     (EAC     and     SADC)     some of the banks in the market have

    `                                             convergence benchmarks..                      shifted a large portion of their corporate
                                                                                                activities online, making use of software
                                                                                                such as: Microsoft Teams;               Skype;
                  Dar es Salaam Prime Office Rents                                              Zoom and Video Conferences to hold
                                                                                                their virtual meetings and conferences.
                                                                                                This trend is anticipated to remain rife
                                                                                                even after the pandemic.

                                                                                                In the period under review, prime office
                                                                                                rents were recorded at US$15 despite
                                                                                                concession requests from tenants.

                                                                                                On the other hand, Dodoma’s office
                                                                                                market continued to be vibrant during
                    6                                                                           the period under review with occupancy
                                                                                                rates averaging above 90% as a result
                                                                                                of government institutions occupying
                    2                                                                           majority of the buildings. Further prime

                    0                                                                           office rents were recorded at between
                                                                                                US$12 and US$14 during the period
                                                                                                under review.

                  Source: Knight Frank Research                                                 In the medium           to long      term,    we
Source: Knight Frank Research                                                                   anticipate Dodoma’s office market will
                                                                                                be oversupplied due to completion of
                                                                                                several government’s projects currently
                                                                                                in   the     pipeline    and       government’s
                                                                                                preference      towards      owner     occupier
Residential Market                               due to supply chain disruptions and decline            prospective growth. Rents have
   Dar es Salaam’s prime residential                in household income as a result of              the    continued to vary depending on location,
   market was already subdued pre-                  pandemic.     Average       prime   retail    rents    size and facilities available such as
   pandemic, with the pandemic period               declined to US$13 per square metre per                 Generators, AC with designated
   resulting in a further decline in rents          month during the period under review from              industrial areas attaining higher rates
   due to subdued demand. This was                  US$ 17 per      square metre per month in              compared to other areas.
   attributed to the flight by expatriates          2019.                                                  Overall, in the period under review
   from the country, oversupply of prime            Zanzibar has continued to           lead as the        industrial rents on average ranged
   residential developments and the                 emerging     market   for    the    formal    retail   between US$1 and US$8 per sqm per
   general impact of the pandemic on                premises in Tanzania with Michenzani Mall              month.
   household income.                                as their flagship mall that opened in October
                                                    2020.                                                   Outlook H1 2021

            Dar es Salaam Prime                                                                             Macro-Economic
                                                    Select Retail Development Pipeline
            Residential Rents
                                                                                                            The central bank projects that the
                           2-bed apartment
                                                                                                            economy’s will grow by 6% on average
                           3-bed apartment           Name          Location             Proposed
                           4-bed apartment                                              sqm                 in 2021.
                                                     Dar City      Corner of            45,500
                                                                                                           Office Market
                                                     Shopping      Bagamoyo
                                                     Centre        Road and Mwai                           Dar es Salaam’s office market is
                                                                   Kibaki Road
                                                     Peninsula     Masaki, Along        31,000             anticipated to remain a tenant’s market
                                                     Plaza         Haile Sellasie                          with increased requests for lease

                                                     Mak           Off Tarmacked        15,000             concessions.
                                                     Shopping      Sala Road,
        2,000                                                                                              However, Dodoma’s office market is
                                                     Centre        Mbezi Beach
        1,000                                                      Area                                    anticipated to remain stable in the
                                                     The Mall      Mbezi Beach          15,300-
               0                                     at Mbezi      Area, Along          Phase I            short term but expected to be subdued
                    2018       2019          2020                  Bagamoyo                                in the long term due to the
            Source: Knight Frank Research                                                                  Government’s initiatives to shift to
                                                     Industrial Market
                                                                                                           owner occupied buildings
                                                    Over the past five years the industrial sector
  Retail Market
                                                    has continued to grow as a result of                   Residential Market
 The formal retail sector in Tanzania
                                                    government led initiatives in the
                                                                                                           Although, we anticipate the market to
 remains             undersupplied.     However,
                                                    manufacturing, processing and assembling
                                                                                                           remain subdued there has been an
 there has been increased interest
                                                    industries. In the period under review, a total
                                                                                                           increase      in   demand     for     prime
 from international retailers due to the
                                                    of 8,477 new industries of large, medium
 growing prospects in the sector with
                                                    and small categories were established
 some of the major retail brands
                                                    according to Bank of Tanzania.                         Retail Market
 debuting in the market. These have
                                                    This growth has led to increase in the                 The sector is anticipated to record
 included Home, KFC, Subway, Game
                                                    supply of locally manufactured goods.                  increased international retailers interest
 and Mr. Price.
                                                    However, Dar es Salaam’s industrial market             in 2021 due to the growing opportunities
 During the period under review, the
                                                    has remained subdued in light of this                  in the sector.
 sector suffered significant setback
Please get in touch with us

Ahaad Meskiri                                                        Arafa Ahmed
Managing Director                                                                                                                                                 Mnaina Msafiri
                                                                     Head – Valuation & advisory
+255 713339354
ahaad.meskiri@tz.knightfrank.com                                     +255 713044243                                                                               Manager - OSCA
                                                                     arafa.ahmed@tz.knightfrank.com                                                               +255 717145273
Meja Elisha                                                          Othman Jumbe                                                                                 mnaina.msafiri@tz.knightfrank.com
Head – Property Management                                           Head – Agency
+255 713185859                                                       +255 784251447
meja.elisha@tz.knightfrank.com                                       othman.jumbe@tz.knightfrank.com

Julius Mvaa                                                          Safia Khalfan
Head- Commercial Agency                                              Retail Manager
+255 653621387                                                       +255 713283430
julius.mvaa@tz.knightfrank.com                                       safia.khalfan@tz.knightfrank.com

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                                                                        This report is published for general information only. Although high standards have been used in the preparation of the
                                                                        information, analysis, views and projections presented in this report, no legal responsibility can be accepted by Knight Frank
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