Tanya Torp, CVA 8:30am Breakfast Keynote (Rooms 12-13)
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8:30am Br eak fas t K eyno te (Rooms 12-13) Tanya Torp, CVA Shifting the Paradigm: Fundraising for a More Equitable Future Nonprofits have increasingly played central roles in impacting social solutions within our communities. Modern funders are searching for mechanisms to make maximum impact, but may be causing further disparities. Tanya Torp will answer the questions... How can we move the needle from fundraising band-aid solutions to more intentional systems change models? How do we address the lived experiences of fundraisers from traditionally excluded or maligned communities? How do we center the voices of the populations our work serves? How do we fund hope in the future? Tanya Torp, CVA (she, her, hers) is an agent for social change and has spent her career engaging in community-based initiatives as convener, speaker, trainer, facilitator, writer, and consultant. Her full-time job as Executive Director at Step By Step, Inc encourages and equips young single mothers, ages 12-24, through an empowerment model focusing on mentoring, deep listening, case management, facilitated support groups, peer-to-peer leadership development, and partnering with them as they create their own definitions of success.Additionally, Tanya is a Keynote speaker and workshop leader in the areas of strategic planning for nonprofits, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA), volunteer management, community liaising, women in leadership, participatory grantmaking and radical hospitality. Tanya is also the co-founder of Not The Only One In The Room (NTOO), a social media network of over 900 Black, Indigenous Women of Color in Kentucky offering support, encouragement, and opportunity, and co- founder of Bloodroot Ink, a Black, Indigenous Women of Color writing circle in Kentucky. Tanya lives in Lexington, Kentucky with her husband and their two young sons. Her foster/adoptive family advocates for interventions for neurodivergent children and lifts racial and economic disparity gaps preventing family reunification. Tanya is currently revising her forthcoming book: “Justice House: An Everyday Guide to Radical Hospitality”.www.tanyatorp.comwww.sbslex.org https://www.facebook.com/Tanya-Torp-167135643436785IG: tanyatorpconsultant
Breakout Session 1 9:30am Option 1 - Room 9A The Secret t o Su ccess - Reali ty -b ased Port folio Mana gement Mike Del zotti, F AHP, CF RE, CSPG, FCEP Univer sity of Kentuck y Mar key Cancer Fo undatio n Kel l y Wesl ey T ayl o r , J D Tr ek Advancement We al l agr ee that fundr ais ing is bas ed o n rel atio ns hips. But ha v e you e v e r ta ke n the r eduction fur ther to unders tand that al l rel atio ns hips a re ba se d on infor mation? Ev ents , s har ed memo ries , experiences ; al l popul a ting the inventor ies of o ur inter actio ns . Jus t l ike in o ur pers o nal l ife , the tra c king a nd active util izatio n o f this informatio n, in l arge part, dete rmine s the de pth a nd br eadth of our r el atio ns hips. In this s es s io n we wil l dis cuss how e xpe rie nc e d a nd successful fundr ais er s decide what info rmatio n is impo rta nt, how to a sse mbl e that infor matio n and ho w to util ize it s o that me may mov e our donor r el ationships fo r war d in s er v ice to o ur s uppo rters and our institutions. Michael Del zotti, Pr es ident and CEO o f the UK KELLY WESLEY TAYLOR, J.D. Mar key Cancer F o undatio n, has o ver twenty-s ix Clients often hear Kelly say “You can do year s’ exper ience as a l eader in the no npro fit fiel d. it! Now let’s get started!” She lives to Mike began his no npr o fit career at a publ ic energize others into action. Kelly is an foundation in Lo s Angel es , then mo ved o n as an activator. She wants to understand the executive dir ecto r o f dev el o pment at UCLA, then VP context of a situation, explain why it of Devel opment at S pecial Ol ympics . Mike has been happened, in order to find solutions to the dir ector o f dev el o pment/team l ead fo r Rice nuanced problems. She has a gift for Univer sity and S enio r Dir ecto r o f Phil anthro pic making the complex seem simple and Resour ces at MD Ander s o n Cancer Center. In tho s e works best as a hands-on trainer. r ol es, in additio n to l eading majo r/pl anned gift teams dur ing thr ee $ 1 B+ campaigns , he s ucces s ful l y Kelly co-founded Trek Advancement in dir ected the Neur o degener atio n Co ns o rtium, a 2009. Trek’s guiding philosophies of $65M campaign par tner ing MD Anders o n with MIT good governance, solid leadership, and the Bayl or Co l l ege o f Medicine. Del zo tti is the donor-centered fundraising and mission Immediate Past Chair o f the Natio nal As s o ciatio n o f focused action help clients build Cancer Center Dev el o pment Officers (NACCDO) sustainable fundraising efforts. Kelly is a and is a member o f the CF RE Internatio nal planned giving nerd and uses this passion Par ticipating Or ganizatio n Advis o ry Bo ard. Mike to navigate comprehensive fundraising just compl eted his ter m o n the AFP Gl o bal Executive campaigns. A talented strategic thinker Committee as T r eas ur er . Additio nal l y, Mike received and influencer, Kelly enjoys working with the Geor ge A. Br ak el ey, J r . award fro m AHP and the clients to define their strategic goals and M. Anne Mur phy Awar d fr o m AFP. Mo s t impo rtantl y, help them create their unique roadmap Mike is bl essed with an above-average 17-year-o l d for success. daughter , Car o l ine F io na.
Breakout Session 1 9:30am Option 2 - Room 9B Ment al Fit ness-- How t o Grow Co r e Ment a l Muscles to Th r i ve i n Ch allen gi ng Ti mes Mar ian & Gene Guinn, MG Co aching and Co ns ul ting Our mind is bo th o ur bes t fr iend and wo rs t enemy. Our m ind is c onsta ntl y sabotaging our po tential for bo th perfo rmance and happine ss. A l l ne ga tiv e emotions, incl uding s tr es s , are becaus e o f s el f-s abo tage . In this pr esentatio n, Mar ian and Gene Guinn wil l intro duc e you to re se a rc h based tool s, they hav e l ear ned, as a s tudent o f Shirzad C ha mine , a uthor of Ne w Yor k Times bes ts el l er , Po s itive Intel l igence. T o o l s that s tre ngthe n the pa rt of the br ain that ser ves yo u and quiet the part that s abo tages you. You w il l l e a rn to handl e l ife’s chal l enges with a mo re po s itive minds et, a nd l e ss stre ss. We cal l this mental fitnes s . To get the mos t o ut o f the s es s io n, pl eas e take a few minute s to c ompl e te the Saboteur Asses s ment, and print o r s ave yo ur repo rt when finishe d, to re fe re nc e dur ing our time to gether . https://www.po s itiv eintel l igence.co m/s abo teurs / Mar ian & Gene Guinn, o wners o f MG Co aching & Co ns ul ting, pa rtne rs in l ife a nd w ork, have a passion fo r l eader s hip and hel ping teams wo rk more e ffe c tiv e l y. T he y w ork w ith l eader s as executiv e co aches o r tho ught partners hel ping the m mov e through tr ansitions or achiev e des ir ed co mpetencies . As trainer s the y c re a te a nd de l iv e r wor kshops to dr iv e des ir ed changes in cul ture and hel p l e a de rs a c quire ne w skil l s. A s consul tants, they facil itate strategic pl anning pro ces s e s, e xe c utiv e se a rc he s, a nd enhance boar d engagement. Pr ior to establ is hing MG Co aching & Co ns ul ting, Marian ga ine d re a l - w orl d e xpe rie nc e with l eader ship and management ro l es firs t at the Unive rsity of Ke ntuc ky H ospita l a nd mor e r ecentl y as CEO o f Go d’s Pantry Fo o d Bank, where she suc c e ssful l y l e d the food bank thr ough mul timil l io n-do l l ar campaigns , buil ding proj e c ts a nd signific a nt progra m gr owth. Gene gained exper ience as a l eader in the radio industry, the l a st 15 ye a rs a s Ar ea Pr esident fo r iHear t Radio in the Central Kentucky R e gion, l e a ding the be st a nd br ightest sal es, o n-air , pr o mo tio ns and engineering s taff in the busine ss. Mar ian attended the Univ ers ity o f Kentucky, where s he re c e iv e d both a Ba c he l or a nd Master ’s degr ee in Bus ines s Adminis tratio n. She l ater rec e iv e d post gra dua te cer tification fr o m the Co l l ege o f Executive Co aching and ha s e a rne d the c re de ntia l of Pr ofessional Cer tified Co ach. Gene attended the Unive rsity of Louisv il l e , w he re he r eceived a Bachel o r o f S cience in Bus ines s Adminis tration. H e re c e ntl y re c e iv e d post gr aduate cer tificatio n in co aching fro m the CAPP Ins titute a nd ha s e a rne d the cr edential of As s o ciate Certified Co ach. Outside of wor k , they enj o y travel , bicycl ing, s po rts , and spe nding time w ith fa mil y a nd fr iends.
Breakout Session 1 9:30am Option 3 - Room 14A What 2020-202 1 Gi vi ng Tr end s Tell Us Ab o ut 2022 and B eyond Josh Meyer , Bl o o mer ang In this timel y s es s io n, J o s h Meyer fro m Bl o o merang wil l bre a k dow n a l l of the l eading r esear ch s tudies into 2020-21 fundrais ing and donor be ha v ior, a s w e l l as Bl oomer ang us er data, campaigns , and cas e s tudies , in orde r to re v e a l the key el ements that yo ur no npro fit s ho ul d be fo cus ing o n now to a c hie v e fundr aising succes s in 2022 and beyo nd. In this s es s io n w e 'l l c ov e r: • Recap 2020-21 giv ing tr ends fro m Giving USA, Lil l y Fa mil y Sc hool of Phil anthr opy, The F undr ais ing Effectivenes s Pro ject, and more • Expl or e body o f k no wl edge into do no r behavio r, incl u ding donor l oya l ty a nd donor attr ition • Lear n donor co mmunications , engagement and s tewar dship te c hnique s tha t gener ated r esul ts dur ing the pandemic Joshua Meyer brings more than 20 years of fundraising, volunteer management, and marketing experience to his current role as the VP of Demand Generation for Bloomerang. As a member of the Bloomerang marketing team, Josh manages the organization’ s growth marketing efforts. Through his previous roles at the Human Rights Campaign and OneCause, he has a passion for helping to create positive change and helping nonprofits engage new donors and achieve their fundraising goals.
Breakout Session 1 9:30am Option 4 - Room 14B Part y Wit h a Pu r p o se Kael yn Quer y, Lexingto n Ev ent Co . Join Kael yn in this s es s io n where yo u wil l l earn mo re about ma king a n impa c t thr ough your ev ents to r ais e friends and funds , whil e ensuring you a re n’t w a sting time, money, and effo r ts . As we al l get back to events , the y ma y l ook a l ittl e differ ent than they did pr e-pandemic--no w is the time to figure out how to par ty with a pur po s e and get al l the to o l s yo u need to do it right. Kael yn Quer y is the F o under and CEO o f Lexingto n Event C ompa ny. She star ted her fir s t bus ines s when s he was in high s cho o l , a nd w hil e it didn’t have a name at the time, it s parked a pas s io n in her fo r e nte rta inme nt, hospital ity and ev ents . S ince then, s he’s dedicated her l ife to l e a rning ever ything she can r el ated to the indus try - and has wo rke d in e v e ry aspect of the bus ines s . Kael yn has ser v ed in a number o f ro l es thro ugho ut the community, inc l uding the Chair of the K entuck y Chamber Smal l Bus ines s Po l icy C ounc il (tw o ter ms), a boar d memeber o f the Kentucky Chamber, bo a rd me mbe r of the Lexington Chamber o f Co mmerce, the Lexingto n Chil dren’s T he a tre , T he Dean's Leader s hip Co uns el at the Univers ity o f Kentucky, the F a ye tte Education Foundatio n, and is a member o f the Co rpo ra te C ounse l for Shr iner ’s of Lexingto n. S he was named a "T o p Wedding a nd Ev e nt V e nue " in 2022 by Wedding Ro w, “T o p 10 Wedding Pl anner” by We dding R ow in 2021, “50 Under 50” in 2021 and 2020 by T OPS in Lexingto n; na me d a “Wonde r Woman” in 201 7 by the Richmo nd Bus ines s So ciety; nam e d “Young Entr epr eneur o f the Y ear ” in 2016 by Co mmerce Lexington Inc . during the Sal ute to Smal l Bus ines s awards ; the “Ro o kie o f the Year” in 2015 by the Pr emier Chapter o f Bus ines s Netwo rk Internatio nal ; and a “R ising Sta r” in 2014 by the Lexingto n Y o ung Pro fes s io nal s As s o ciatio n.
Opt ion 1 - Roo m 9A Panel Discussi o n - So ci a l Breakout Session 2 Ent erprise: Develo p i ng 10:30am Revenue t o Meet Yo u r Mi ssion In this session, learn how 3 leading nonprofits in Central Kentucky have harnessed a social enterprise to expand their philanthropy bottom line while serving their clients. Greenhouse17, Refuge for Women, and Lexington Rescue Mission will join this panel, moderated by Yajaira West, VP at PNC and Director of Client & Community Relations, to share how creative business activities can empower clients served and enhance the organization’ s fundraising goals. Corissa Phillips, CF RE, is the exter nal r el atio ns directo r at Gr eenHouse17, a no npr o fit o rganizatio n that nurtures l iv e s har med by intimate par tner abus e. She hel ped to l aunc h the or ganization's s o cial enter pris es ten years ago and rece iv e d the Pave a Path s cho l ar s hip fro m the So cial Enterpris e A l l ia nc e in 2018. Phil l ips br ings mo r e than 20 years o f no npro fit administr ation exper ience to her ro l e. She previo us l y w a s the dir ector of co mmunicatio ns fo r T he Center fo r Wo men a nd Famil ies in Louis v il l e and has hel d po s itio ns in pro gramm ing, community educatio n, and grantmaking Tai ber Glot z, who is or iginal l y fr o m F l o r ida, is a 2021 gr aduate of the Refuge fo r Wo men Kentucky pro gram. She is cur r entl y the T eam Lead fo r Candl e Pro ductio n with Sur vivor Made, the s o cial enterpris e fo r Refuge fo r Women. She is al s o wo r k ing to wards a certificate in 3D Pr inting thr ough a gr ant pr ogram with So mers et Community Co l l ege. Eli s Doan is the Social Enter pr is e Manager fo r Lexington Rescue Mis s io n where he s upervis es l awn car e, l andscaping, and s no w remo val s ervices s taffed by cl ients of the T r ans itio nal Ho us ing Pro gram. T his gives the r esidents v al uabl e wo rk experience, a means of saving for their br ight futures , and a mutual l y beneficial way to s er v e the city o f Lexingto n. Yajaira Aich West is a Vice President at PNC Bank and serves as the Director of Client and Community Relations for central, eastern and southeast Kentucky. In this role she manages the philanthropic investments in the thirteen counties where PNC has a presence, coordinates the client events produced by the bank and leads employee initiatives around volunteerism, health and wellness. Yajaira graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Transylvania University in 2004 and earned a Master of Business Administration from the University of Kentucky's Gatton College of Business and Economics in 2011. Yajaira is an active member of the community. She is currently a member of the board of directors for the Urban League of Lexington-Fayette County, LexArts, was appointed to the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government’ s Racial Justice and Equality Commission, serves on the Advisory Board for the Lexington Public Library, Policy Council for Bluegrass Community Action Partnership and is a committee member of Fayette County Public School's First 5 Lex and Community Partners Leadership Team. She is a graduate of the Commerce Lexington’ s Leadership Lexington and Leadership Central Kentucky, and the Kentucky Chamber Leadership Kentucky program.
Breakout Session 2 10:30am Option 2 - Room 9B To Infinit y and Bey o nd Mo ves Management Ben Mohl er , CF RE, ACF RE GivingThr ee LLC Andr ew Pol ter , CF RE Univer sity of Cincinnati F o undatio n Do you think fundr ais ing metrics are o utdated? Jo in us a s w e re - ima gine the fundr aising pr o ces s to meet do no r expectatio ns and improv e re te ntion! T his session wil l pr o v ide tangibl e ways to inco rpo rate an “infinite donor l oop” into your r el ationship s tr ategies and reimagine metrics that prov ide mutua l be ne fits to fundr aiser s and do no r s al ike! Ben Mohler, M.A., CFRE, ACFRE serves Andrew Polter, CFRE serves as as Principal Consultant and Chief Director of Development for the Executive of GivingThree LLC. He has University of Cincinnati over two decades of experience in Foundation. In this role, he front-line fundraising and leadership represents the College of Arts positions—including roles at Kentucky and Sciences, and works with Community and Technical College donors to build a culture of System, Eastern Kentucky University, philanthropy at UC’ s largest University of North Carolina at college. Polter most recently Charlotte, Cedarville University, and served as Associate Director of The University of Texas at Austin. Development at Eastern Kentucky Mohler is one of just 110 Advanced University. He has additionally Certified Fundraising Executives. He served in development roles at serves on the boards for ACFRE and Miami University, Boston Lyric United Way of Kentucky. Opera, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, and the Chautauqua Institution.
Breakout Session 2 10:30am Option 3 - Room 14A How t o Become a CF RE Wesl ey Scott, CF RE, CF RE Ambas s ado r If you’r e l ooking to adv ance yo ur career o r are ready to bring a de e pe r l e v e l of knowl edge to yo ur fundr ais ing practice, beco ming a Certifie d F und R a ising Executive (CFRE) gets yo u there. This session wil l wal k yo u thro ugh everything yo u need to know to a c hie v e cer tification. Whether you hav en’ t yet s tarted yo ur CFRE appl icatio n or ha v e one in- progre ss, you’l l gain a co mpr ehens iv e unders tanding o f ho w CFRE c e rtific a tion w orks – what it is, its benefits , ho w to get s tarted, el igibil ity require me nts, c ompl e ting the appl icatio n, an o v er v iew o f the exam, fo rmul ating your study pl a n a nd more . Pl us, pr esenter Wes l ey E. S co tt, CFRE, wil l s hare his expe rie nc e a nd a dv ic e from the viewpoint o f s o meo ne who has s ucces s ful l y beco me a C F R E. Wesl ey jokingl y s ays he s tarted his career in phil anthropy in the 3rd gra de - - the first time he r emember s r ais ing mo ney fo r a s cho o l functio n. H ow e v e r, by H igh Sc hool , he was the "go-to " indiv idual fo r s o l iciting do natio ns fo r his youth group a nd re l a te d activities. Wesl ey has spent his pr o fes sio nal career in phil anthro py, sta rting a s a w ork- study student at the Do wn S yndr o me Center o f Lo uis vil l e when he w a s a t Be l l a rmine Univer sity (wher e he r eceiv ed his BA in Ps ycho l o gy and Pol itic a l Sc ie nc e ) a nd managing to tur n inter ns hip in fundrais ing into ful l -time positions. Upon mov ing ba c k to Lexington in 201 6, wher e his wife is fro m, he devo ted himse l f to youth- ba se d phil anthr opy, and cur r entl y s erves as the Directo r o f Phil a nthropy for Shrine rs Chil dr en's Lexingto n. Wesl ey r eceived his MPA fr om the UK Martin Scho o l o f P ubl ic Pol ic y a nd A dministra tion, sat for his CFRE in Augus t o f 2020 (exactl y o ne mo nth a fte r bringing his ne w born daughter home fr o m the ho spital ), and is currentl y purs uing a Ph.D . in Educ a tiona l Leader ship with a fo cus o n yo uth po l icy aro und advers e c hil dhood e xpe rie nc e s (A C Es). In his fr ee time, Wes l ey s er ves as the Bo ard Pres ident of Life A dv e nture C e nte r, e nj oys spending time with his wife and daughter o n their s mal l fa rm in Bourbon C ounty w he re they boar d hor s es , is the Co-VP o f Educatio n fo r the AF P Bl ue gra ss C ha pte r, a nd is a n amateur bour bo n co l l ecto r and avid nerd.
Breakout Session 2 10:30am Option 4 - Room 14B Shi ft ing t he Par a d i gm: F u nd r ai si ng fo r a Mo r e Equ it able Fut u r e Tanya Torp, CVA As executive directors, grassroots organizers, philanthropists and fundraising professionals, we have an opportunity to impact systemic causes of societal issues. How do we move towards a framework that centers those most affected with an eye towards sustainability? This interactive workshop will provide tools to begin transforming your work to reflect equity and inclusion. This workshop is designed as a 101 to 102 level. Tanya Torp, CVA (she, her, hers) is an agent for social change and has spent her career engaging in community-based initiatives as convener, speaker, trainer, facilitator, writer, and consultant. Her full-time job as Executive Director at Step By Step, Inc encourages and equips young single mothers, ages 12-24, through an empowerment model focusing on mentoring, deep listening, case management, facilitated support groups, peer-to-peer leadership development, and partnering with them as they create their own definitions of success.Additionally, Tanya is a Keynote speaker and workshop leader in the areas of strategic planning for nonprofits, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA), volunteer management, community liaising, women in leadership, participatory grantmaking and radical hospitality. Tanya is also the co-founder of Not The Only One In The Room (NTOO), a social media network of over 900 Black, Indigenous Women of Color in Kentucky offering support, encouragement, and opportunity, and co- founder of Bloodroot Ink, a Black, Indigenous Women of Color writing circle in Kentucky. Tanya lives in Lexington, Kentucky with her husband and their two young sons. Her foster/adoptive family advocates for interventions for neurodivergent children and lifts racial and economic disparity gaps preventing family reunification. Tanya is currently revising her forthcoming book: “Justice House: An Everyday Guide to Radical Hospitality”.www.tanyatorp.comwww.sbslex.org https://www.facebook.com/Tanya-Torp-167135643436785IG: tanyatorpconsultant
11:30am Lunch K eyno te (Rooms 12-13) Alice Ferris, MBA, CFRE, ACFRE St ronger: Fi nding Your Pu r p o se i n Ch a llengi ng Ti mes We give in the char itabl e s ecto r. We give o ur money, time, and ener gy...s o metimes to the po int of feel ing abs o l utel y s pent. But if we do n't take car e of our sel v es , ho w can we co ntinue to be changemaker s in the wo r l d? Us ing ikigai, a Japanese concept abo ut yo ur l ife's purpo s e, we wil l expl or e how to dev el o p a minds et that hel ps you find your path in chal l enging times and ho w to str engthen yo ur r es il ience. Alice L. Ferris, MBA, CFRE, ACFRE, Founding Partner, has more than thirty years of professional fundraising experience, not including her tenure as the “top cookie salesperson” in Girl Scouts in McFarland, Wisconsin. Alice started her fundraising career as a volunteer at PBS Wisconsin in Madison, blowing bubbles onto the set during pledge breaks for the Lawrence Welk Show, which launched a more than 30-year affiliation with public broadcasting. As counsel, Alice is Director of Development for KAWC Colorado River Public Media and Border Radio in Yuma, Arizona, and the Annual Fund Manager for the EAA Aviation Foundation. Alice also teaches for the Masters in Nonprofit Leadership at the University of Denver. Before GoalBusters, Alice served as Director of Development for Lowell Observatory, Foundation Director for Flagstaff Medical Center, and Director of Development for KNAU Arizona Public Radio. During her tenure at Lowell Observatory, the membership program more than doubled, and during her time at KNAU, she led the station to its first US$1 million fundraising year. As Foundation Director for Flagstaff Medical Center, Alice directed FMC’ s philanthropic grants program, granting over US$1.3 million for community health in the Flagstaff area. Alice was the 90th professional to receive the Advanced Certified Fundraising Executive (ACFRE) credential and was the 21st recipient of the AFP Founders’ Medallion, recognizing extraordinary service to the sector. She is also a three-time honoree as AFP-Northern Arizona Fundraising Professional of the Year. She currently serves on the Bolz Center for Arts Administration at the Wisconsin School of Business Advisory Board and the University of Wisconsin Communication Arts Program Board. Alice is recognized for her on-air presence on public television and radio pledge drives and national PBS fundraisers, such as Downton Abbey and The Civil War. Alice earned her Bachelor of Arts with a double major in Radio-TV-Film and Economics and her Master of Business Administration with a double major in Accounting and Management from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She obtained her Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) in 1999, her ACFRE in 2010, and has been an AFP Master Teacher since 2006. Alice is a well-reviewed keynote and workshop presenter, with presentations in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. When not fundraising, Alice teaches occasional classes in Chinese cooking. She is also a slow half-marathoner and a retired competition ballroom dancer.
Opt ion 1 - Roo m 9A Panel Discussi o n - Corporat e Part ner sh i p s for t he Great er Go o d Breakout Session 3 Join this panel discussion to dive into 1:00pm why corporations and for-profit organizations partner to make an Karen Harbin is President/CEO of Commonwealth impact with nonprofits. This panel Credit Union and a certified public accountant. will explore how to elevate She's been bettering lives since 1984. Under her corporate and nonprofit partnerships leadership, the credit union has grown to $1.8 billion and investigate the best practices in assets and now serves over 110,000 members. In 2020, Karen was named CEO of the Year by the for relationship building. Learn from National Association of Federally Chartered Credit these community leaders on why they Unions. Karen has 3 children and resides in Frankfort give back and how to build the best with her husband. partnership. Aubrey Vaughan Travis is the Executive Director of the Rubicon Institute, a think tank focused on advancing innovative, market-based policy solutions to address the environmental and national security threats posed by waste. She previously served as the Kentucky State Director for Right on Crime, a center of the Texas Public Policy Foundation focused on criminal justice reform. Prior to working at Right on Crime, Aubrey served as an Executive Advisor in the Public Protection Cabinet under Governor Matt Bevin and as General Counsel to U.S. Senator Rand Paul. She also managed major fundraising on Paul's 2016 presidential campaign. Aubrey received her Bachelor of Arts from Wake Forest University in 2012 and her Juris Doctor from University of Kentucky in 2015. She lives in Lexington with her husband, son, and Labrador retriever, and enjoys volunteering her time with the Cathedral of Christ the King, Catholic Education Opportunities Foundation, and as an officer of the Central Kentucky Lawyers Chapter of the Federalist Society. With 30 years of restaurant experience, Rob Perez has seen first-hand how to build restaurant brands and how prevalent addiction is in the industry he loves. Along with his wife Diane, he founded Dv8 Kitchen as a social enterprise focused on giving second chance employment opportunities to people in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction through vocational, on-the-job training. Dv8 Kitchen focuses on providing top-quality food, service and atmosphere for every guest, and by providing “a better-than-expected” dining experience, the hope is to build a new standard for the second chance employee to live by and to change the way the guests perceive people in addiction recovery. Cynthia Barnes is the Community Relations Manager with CLARK Material Handling Company, where she serves to expand and advance the reach of the CLARK Raising Hope philanthropy program. The Raising Hope program currently supports over 60 local organizations monetarily and through employee volunteerism. Through Raising Hope, she volunteers at the Lexington VA Hospital, The Nest, the Hope Center, and God’s Pantry, among many others. Prior to this, her experience centered on nonprofit fundraising, relationship management, and resource d e v e l o p m e n t w i t h o r g a n i z a t i o n s i n c l u d i n g U n i t e d W a y o f t h e B l u e g r a s s , A l z h e i m e r ’s A s s o c i a t i o n , and the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum. Cynthia is a central Kentucky native and earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Kentucky. Additionally, she holds a master’s degree in Business Administration from Lamar University. She is an active member of Lexington Junior League, volunteers with A Running Start, and serves on advisory councils for Veterans Resources United of Central/Southeastern Kentucky and Lady Veterans Connect. Carol Siler is the Executive Director of Women Leading Kentucky, a position that she has held since September 2013. Under her leadership, new events have been added to the programming including ‘Networking After Hours’, ‘The Leadership Awards Luncheon’, and a variety of workshops and special events that support and empower women. Before coming to Women Leading Kentucky, Carol served as Development Coordinator for WEKU, Eastern Kentucky University’s public radio station. For most of her career, Carol has worked in media sales with various organizations in Kentucky and Virginia. In addition, she has taught History and Historical Geography as adjunct faculty for Eastern Kentucky University. Carol is graduate of Nicholas County High School in Carlisle, KY. She holds a B.A. in History from The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, and an M.A. in History from Eastern Kentucky University She has worked on oral history projects to record and transcribe interviews with people living in Appalachia and has published an article on the tradition of snake handling in rural Appalachian churches. She has performed with The Rose Barn Theatre in Richmond and the Leeds Center for the Arts in Winchester. Carol and her husband, Clark, live in Richmond with their cats Freddie and Delilah. Her daughter, Jessica, is a Doctor of Nursing Practice and has recently relocated from Lexington to Portland, Oregon to take a position with the Oregon Health Sciences University. Carol is grandmother to Gabriel (16), Trinity (14) and mother-in-law to Jeff.
Breakout Session 3 1:00pm Opt ion 2 - Roo m 9B Omnichannel Ap p r o a ch t o Annual Gi vi ng Kar en Ol son, S pectr um Mar k eting Digital vs Dir ect Mail ? Mul ti-Channel vs . Omni-Channel ? Le a rn w ha t is w orking now! The use of an o mni-channel campaign s trategy fo r yo ur fundra ising c a mpa igns, can l ift your r es ul ts by 23-46% o ver a s ingl e channel s tra te gy. No l onge r is it digital vs dir ect mail , it tak es bo th wo rking to gether fo r optimum re sul ts. D ire c t mail with digital ads yiel ds 28% higher co nvers io n rate a nd the physic a l dire c t mail piece is actual l y hel ping increas e o nl ine giving. Le a rn how to ha v e “D igita l and Dir ect Mail ” wo r k to gether and be the perfect co mpl e me nt to e a c h othe r, l ike peanut butter and j el l y! A dedicated and k no wl edgeabl e direct marketing pro fe ssiona l , Ka re n Ol son ma ke s it her business to under s tand her cl ients ’ go al s and hel p the m a c hie v e re sul ts. With ov e r 25 year s of exper ience in the print and marketing co mm unic a tions industry, she ha s hel ped many no n-pr o fit o r ganizatio ns buil d effective campa igns for ra ising mone y, finding new do no r s , getting do no rs to give mo re, fil l ing se a ts for e v e nts a nd re c ruiting new students. Her exper ience in direct mail and util izing c l ie nt da ta for more re l e v a nt communicatio ns co mbined with her co ntinuing educatio n in those fie l ds, ha v e pre pa re d her to make ins ightful r eco mmendatio ns that add new v a l ue . T he a ddition of digita l integr ation to dir ect mail campaigns has hel ped drive inc re a se d re sul ts for nonprofit cl ients. Ol son ser ves as the Members hip Chair o f the AFPA Greate r Louisv il l e C ha pte r a nd is the Industr y Co -Chair fo r the Kentuckiana Po s tal Cus to me r C ounc il . In a ddition to these boar d po s itio ns , Ol s o n has s erved mul tipl e no n-profit orga niza tions ov e r the year s as an adv is o r , co mmittee chair, co mmittee membe r a nd othe r v ol unte e r rol e s. Ol son is a gr aduate o f Bal l State Univers ity, with a Bache l or of Sc ie nc e de gre e in Jour nal ism Gr aphics & Magazine Des ign; a T o p Sal es Pe rforme r for mul tipl e ye a rs; a nd a Cer tified Dir ect Mail S pecial is t. She has pres ented to mul tipl e a udie nc e s, inc l uding Fund Raising Executiv es o f Metro Lo uis vil l e (FREML), Fund R a ising Exe c utiv e s of Souther n Indiana (F RES I), the AFP Greater Lo uis vil l e Cha pte r a nd the A F P Ke ntuc ky State Confer ence. Ol son is the mo ther o f two so ns , as wel l as a do g and ca t. Whe n not a t w ork, you’l l find her cheer ing o n her yo unges t at the bas ebal l fiel d o r gol f c ourse .
Breakout Session 3 1:00pm Opt ion 3 - Roo m 14A Small Shop Success: Ma na gi ng Many Hats Angel a (Angie) Bail ey, CF RE, Chil dren's Advo cacy Cente r Smal l shops r equir e fundr ais ers to "wear many hats " as the y j uggl e c ompe ting pr ior ities. Join Angel a to discus s ho w to prio ritize, o rganize , a nd pl a n your w a y to successful fundr ais ing. Angel a Bail ey began her career wo rking with no npro fit, dire c t se rv ic e institutions. Whil e her pas s ion was in wo men and chil dren's issue s, she found her sel f do ing s pecial events , writing grants , and w orking w ith major donor s to s uppo r t her direct s ervices effo rts . After some ye a rs, it became evident that no t o nl y was Angel a a s kil l ed fundra ise r but tha t she enjoyed the wo r k and decided to dedicate her efforts to fundra ising ful l time. Since beginning her s eco nd career, Angel a ha s ra ise d ov e r a mil l ion dol l ar s in ev ents al o ne, participated in a capita l c a mpa ign r aising 3.2 mil l io n do l l ar s in a s ix-co unty regio n o f Kentuc ky w hic h incl uded some o f the po o r es t co unties in the co untry to fund the constr uction o f the Ho s pice Care Pl us Co mpas s io nate C a re C e nte r in Richmond, KY. T o day Angel a is util izing her o ver 20 years of e xpe rie nc e to buil d a dynamic fundr ais ing pro gram fo r the Chil dren's A dv oc a c y Center of the Bl uegr as s . Angel a hol ds a BA in Co mmunicatio n Studies fro m Eas te rn Ke ntuc ky Univer sity and an MA in Or ganizatio nal Leaders hip fro m India na Wesl eyan Univer s ity.
Breakout Session 3 1:00pm Opt ion 4 - Roo m 1 4B Fast , Free, and F i ni sh ed : DI Y Vi sual Sto r y telli ng Jim Ander son, CF RE, Go al Bus ters We know that s to r ytel l ing, particul arl y thro ugh video , c a n be a pow e rful fundr aising and engagement to o l . But it s eems s o co mpl ic a te d to ge t the right equipment, hir e a pr o ductio n crew, get the right l o cations...a nd so e xpe nsiv e , r ight? Actual l y, anyo ne with a pho ne to day can create qua l ity v isua l storyte l l ing for fr ee with a l ittl e bit o f practice and s o me pl anning. Le a rn how to use "guer r il l a mar k eting" to mak e yo ur pho to s and video s s e e m e ffortl e ss a nd or ganic whil e impr o v ing co ntent engagement. Jim Anderson, CFRE, Partner, has more than 30 years of sales and training experience through his positions with local media and national consumer research companies such as Nielsen Media, Simmons, and Scarborough Research. Consistently recognized as a top revenue producer, Jim earned the Sales Executive of the Year, Negotiator of the Year, New Business, and Over Achiever awards, among many other accolades. Jim’ s teams broke the corporate records for the largest group contract, the highest renewal rate, and the highest annual revenue. Looking for new opportunities in the third sector, Jim migrated into the nonprofit arena in 2005. Jim specializes in marketing and branding strategy, multimedia production, sales and sponsorship training, board and organizational training, and executive coaching. Jim also frequently supports public media on-air fundraising with passionate, entertaining, and compelling on-air appeals coast to coast. Furthermore, in underwriting sales for public broadcasting, Jim’ s teams set records for the highest gross contract year, highest gross contract month, and the highest development year in station history. As counsel, he serves as Underwriting Manager for KAWC Colorado River Public Media and Border Radio in Yuma, Arizona. Jim has extensive multimedia production experience with a focus on education and training programs. He wrote, directed, and produced interactive sales training video programs now implemented in more than 300 television and radio stations. As a director/producer of Interactive Instructional Television and Distance Learning for Northern Arizona University (NAU), Jim produced programming utilized by educators in North America, Europe, and the Pacific Rim. As an instructor at Northern Arizona University, he received superior evaluations from the hundreds of students who participated in his “Communications Analysis” and “Sales, Research, Marketing and Promotion” classes. Jim earned a Bachelor of Arts degree, magna cum laude, in Broadcast Management with dual minors in Business Administration and Spanish Language from NAU. He is an Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Faculty Training Academy graduate and is President of AFP Northern Arizona in 2019- 2020, having previously served in 2013-2014. Jim also served on the AFP International Communications and Marketing Committee and Committee on Directorship. In 2010, Jim was the AFP Northern Arizona Fundraising Professional of the Year. Jim achieved his Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) credential in 2013 and is certified through 2022. Jim speaks Spanish, is an avid photographer, and has more than 75 million views of his photos on Google Maps. He also married his cousin, but it didn’ t last.
Breakout Session 4 2:00pm Opt ion 1 - Roo m 9A When Campaigns/Ma j o r Givi ng I ni ti ati ves Go Wr o ng: How t o prepa r e a nd p i vo t cr eati vely David Cobb, JD, As hl ey| Ro untree We al l assume o ur campaigns wil l run fl awl es s l y, we’l l me e t our goa l s, a nd e na c t our mission. Howev er , we al so kno w that s el do m, if ever , ha ppe ns. C ome j oin David Cobb, with As hl ey Ro untree, as we expl o re ho w to a dj ust to the ine v ita bl e changes in our campaigns and pivo t as is s ues aris e. Par tic ipa nts w il l ha v e the oppor tunity to r eal l y engage in this s es s io n and pl an fo r the unpl a nne d. David Cobb, Senior Vice President, Campaign Division: David joined Ashley|Rountree as an experienced capital campaign fundraiser and senior nonprofit executive with more than 20 years’ experience, leading innovative fund development, public affairs and strategic planning initiatives for a broad range of nonprofits including St. Jude Hospital, Goodwill Industries and Indiana University. David’ s diverse background in fundraising includes having led highly successful capital campaigns, major gifts initiatives, annual funds and events. An attorney, David brings extensive non-profit management experience with a special focus on organizational turnarounds and self- funded program creation.
Breakout Session 4 2:00pm Opt ion 2 - Roo m 9B Engaging You r Ever y o ne ( i nclud i ng y o ur b o ar d !) i n Pla nned G i vi ng Mar k eti ng Cher ian Koshy, CF RE, CAP Endowment Par tner s Quick! Think o f al l the ways to interes t o r co mpel yo ur boa rd to ta l k to frie nds, neighbor s, and co l l eagues abo ut annual o r majo r gift fu ndra ising. D id it w ork? Pr obs not. So no w think ing o f rais ing the bo ard bar to e nga ge pl a nne d giv ing donor s. Just l eft with s tewards hip, right? What if yo u had the a bil ity to de sign the pathway to the el us iv e bo ard advo cate fo r pl anned giv ing? Wha t if you coul d give them the per fect s to ry to tel l a po tential do nor tha t might he l p the m see how a pl anned gift co uld s o l ve the do no r's pro bl em? With a possibl e r ecession on the ho r izo n, you'l l l earn ho w to s impl y and imme dia te l y e nga ge your boar d, vo l unteer s , and s taff to hel p yo u rais e mo re dol l a rs a nd de e pe n donor engagement o n pl anned giving. So unds to o go o d to be true ? In this session, we'l l expl o r e: a. why the contempo r ar y "wis do m" o n bo ard engagement is ga rba ge b. how you can des ign engagement s trategies fo r bo ard a dv oc a te s on ever ything fr o m s impl e to compl ex gifts c. exampl es that yo u can us e at yo ur very next bo ard me e ting to ge t boa rd member s to pr o activ el y advo cate fo r pl anned giving to your orga niza tion Cher ian Koshy is a Cer tified Fund Rais ing Executive (CFR E), Char ter ed Advis o r in Phil anthro py (CAP), & As s o ciatio n of Fundr aising Pr o fes s io nal s Mas ter T rainer. Cherian is the C hie f Devel opment Officer at Endo wment Partners , an inves tme nt management fir m that s o l el y wo rks with no npro fits and foundations. In additio n to 25 + years o f fundrais ing expe rie nc e , he ser ves on numer o us bo ar ds incl uding AFP Gl o bal , and is a r egul ar pr esenter at fundr ais ing co nferences aro und the c ountry and acr oss the gl o be.
Breakout Session 4 2:00pm Opt ion 3 - Roo m 14A Unlocking t he Secr et s t o Su ccessful Stewar d sh i p Mel issa Gr instead & As hl ey T hacker Easter n Kentuck y Univ er s ity A key to or ganizatio nal s ucces s is res o urces , which fo r non- profits, is re l ia nt upon fundr aising. A k ey to fundrais ing is increas ing gifts, w hic h de pe nds on donor r etentio n. A k ey to dono r retentio n is s tewards hip. Pl e a se j oin us to l e a rn about best pr actices in s tewards hip and ho w new twis ts on l ittl e de ta il s c a n hel p your or ganizatio n s ucceed. Whil e Ashl ey is new to the Office Melissa Grinstead has spent her career in higher of Devel opment and Al umni education and for the first 24 years was at her Rel ations, she has wo r k ed in alma mater, Manchester University in northern higher educatio n fo r o v er a Indiana. During her tenure at Manchester, Melissa decade. She ho l ds a Bachelo r o f worked on two successful campaigns which Science in Communicatio n exceeded goal at $52 million and $109 million, Disor der s and a Mas ter o f Publ ic respectively. She relocated to Kentucky in 2014 for the opportunity to lead fund raising efforts, Heal th, as wel l as cer tificatio ns development operations and a campaign at EKU. in stakehol der -fo cus ed s tr ategic During Melissa’ s eight-year tenure at EKU gift pl anning and r eco r ds and commitments have quadrupled. Eastern’ s infor mation management. Pr io r to comprehensive campaign just concluded her cur r ent po s itio n as Dir ecto r exceeding goal by more than $10 million. of Donor Engagement, As hl ey Melissa’ s areas of expertise include campaign ser ved as EKU’ s r eco r ds management, development, annual fund, planned administr ator and univ er s ity gifts, donor stewardship, staff management, ar chivist in EKU S pecial strategic planning, software administration, Col l ections and Ar chiv es . research, prospect management, database administration, gift receipting/acknowledgement, and scholarship administration. She has been a member of CASE since 1991; joined the Association of Fundraising Professionals in 2019; served as treasurer for APRA-IN for six years; and is a charter member (2008) of the Association of Advancement Services Professionals, where she served as chair of the finance committee for four years.
Breakout Session 4 2:00pm Option 4 - Room 14B Create a Fundraising Plan That You’ll Actually Use There are many fundraising emergencies that seem to arise – a donor needs immediate attention, a proposal is due today, or a mailing needs to be approved right now. You know you need to plan, but who has the time when you're putting out fires every day? Building a plan doesn't have to take months and can help reduce the stress in your day-to-day operations, whether you're a one-person shop or a large department. Learn about the critical elements of a fundraising plan, how to create it in less than a day, and how to make it your go-to tool every day. Alice L. Ferris, MBA, CFRE, ACFRE, Founding Partner, has more than thirty years of professional fundraising experience, not including her tenure as the “top cookie salesperson” in Girl Scouts in McFarland, Wisconsin. Alice started her fundraising career as a volunteer at PBS Wisconsin in Madison, blowing bubbles onto the set during pledge breaks for the Lawrence Welk Show, which launched a more than 30-year affiliation with public broadcasting. As counsel, Alice is Director of Development for KAWC Colorado River Public Media and Border Radio in Yuma, Arizona, and the Annual Fund Manager for the EAA Aviation Foundation. Alice also teaches for the Masters in Nonprofit Leadership at the University of Denver. Before GoalBusters, Alice served as Director of Development for Lowell Observatory, Foundation Director for Flagstaff Medical Center, and Director of Development for KNAU Arizona Public Radio. During her tenure at Lowell Observatory, the membership program more than doubled, and during her time at KNAU, she led the station to its first US$1 million fundraising year. As Foundation Director for Flagstaff Medical Center, Alice directed FMC’ s philanthropic grants program, granting over US$1.3 million for community health in the Flagstaff area. Alice was the 90th professional to receive the Advanced Certified Fundraising Executive (ACFRE) credential and was the 21st recipient of the AFP Founders’ Medallion, recognizing extraordinary service to the sector. She is also a three-time honoree as AFP-Northern Arizona Fundraising Professional of the Year. She currently serves on the Bolz Center for Arts Administration at the Wisconsin School of Business Advisory Board and the University of Wisconsin Communication Arts Program Board. Alice is recognized for her on-air presence on public television and radio pledge drives and national PBS fundraisers, such as Downton Abbey and The Civil War. Alice earned her Bachelor of Arts with a double major in Radio-TV-Film and Economics and her Master of Business Administration with a double major in Accounting and Management from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She obtained her Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) in 1999, her ACFRE in 2010, and has been an AFP Master Teacher since 2006. Alice is a well-reviewed keynote and workshop presenter, with presentations in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. When not fundraising, Alice teaches occasional classes in Chinese cooking. She is also a slow half-marathoner and a retired competition ballroom dancer.
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