Take the fight to the Tories - For Socialist Solutions - Inside: Jeremy Corbyn MP Richard Burgon MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP Holly Turner Rachel Garnham

Take the fight to the Tories - For Socialist Solutions - Inside: Jeremy Corbyn MP Richard Burgon MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP Holly Turner Rachel Garnham

             t to  th  e T orie s -
Take the figh
               t So  lu tio n s
   For Socialis

       Alisdare Hickson CC BY NC    Steve Eason CC BY NC SA       Alisdare Hickson CC BY SA

                                                      Jeremy Corbyn M
                                                      Richard Burgon
                                                                       y MP
                                                       Bell Ribeiro-Add
                                                       Holly Turner
                                                       Rachel Garnham

Read Labour Outlook at www.labouroutlook.org and @LabourOutlook
Take the fight to the Tories - For Socialist Solutions - Inside: Jeremy Corbyn MP Richard Burgon MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP Holly Turner Rachel Garnham
Steve Eason CC BY NC SA

    Socialist solutions to the crisis                                                              Richard Burgon

 This crisis has not only shone a             I am optimistic we can win the                and taxes on the super-rich, then that’s
 spotlight on the huge inequalities in        progressive change needed because             the very least Labour should be arguing
 our society – it has deepened them.          the public agree with us. Polls show          for.
                                              people want a more inclusive and
 It’s been a good crisis for some. British                                                  Even the Tories have had to adopt the
                                              equal society out of this crisis.
 billionaires increased their wealth by                                                     language of ‘levelling up’ and ‘building
 £106bn during the pandemic. But it’s         And I am optimistic because the               back better’. Of course that’s empty
 been a disaster for the majority.            Thatcherite ideas rammed down                 rhetoric.
                                              people’s throats for decades are on the
 Tens of thousands of people needlessly                                                     But the left can use that space to fight
                                              ropes. It wasn’t long ago that we were
 lost their lives. We’ve seen a growing                                                     for a better society - from a wealth
                                              told the state should play no role in the
 corporate takeover of government and                                                       tax on the super-rich, to a Green New
                                              economy. After the banking crisis and
 the stench of corruption as billions in                                                    Deal that means we don’t deal with
                                              now this crisis, nobody can seriously
 Covid contracts are handed to those                                                        the climate crisis as badly as the Covid
                                              argue that.
 with friends in high places.                                                               crises. For a National Care Service that
                                              So change is in the air. But if left to its   treats older people with dignity and
 We’ve seen the crisis used as cover for
                                              own devices that change will mean a           for a 15% pay raise for NHS staff. For
 further outsourcing – with Serco and
                                              Tory Party using the state to bail out        a minimum wage of £10 per hour, for
 others put in charge of Test and Trace.
                                              the billionaires while leaving the rest of    millions of new council homes and for
 We’ve seen an education recovery fund        society to sink.                              so much more, this is the moment for
 that gives working class kids just £1                                                      progressives to seize the agenda and
                                              So we on the left need to be winning
 per day. And we’ve seen the crisis used                                                    fight for a society that serves the many,
                                              the argument – in our party, in our
 to drive down wages and conditions                                                         not the few.
                                              unions, in our communities for a
 through “fire and rehire”.
                                              progressive way out of this crisis.           • Richard Burgon is MP for Leeds
 This crisis must be the moment when                                                        East and Secretary of the Socialist
                                              The wind is in our sails. When even a
 we ditch the free-market model that                                                        Campaign Group of MPs
                                              centrist US President is announcing
 has failed people and planet and
                                              the end of trickle down economics, a
 replace it with a better society.
                                              massive public investment programme

                                              We need system change,
                                              not climate change!
                                              In November, Britain will host COP 26, an annual summit of all the countries which
                                              are part of the UN’s climate change treaty.
                                              This will be a vital moment to strengthen the climate justice movement and
                                              demand real action from the UK, US and international community to tackle climate
                                              catastrophe, with a global climate strike day on November 5 and mobilisations
                                              around the country on November 6.
                                              • Find out more from the Campaign Against Climate Change:
                         FOE Scotland CC BY

Labour Outlook
Take the fight to the Tories - For Socialist Solutions - Inside: Jeremy Corbyn MP Richard Burgon MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP Holly Turner Rachel Garnham
No to Tory class
warfare - for
an economy
                                                Siân Errington,
that delivers                                   Labour Assembl
                                                Against Austerit
for people and
planet                                     as ‘fire and rehire’ rip), escalating poverty
                                           and deepening wealth inequalities that
                                                                                           public transport, universal, world class
                                                                                           public services and homes for all - and
                                           could be ended.                                 for substantial increases in public sector
Despite the Tory spin, faithfully echoed                                                   pay and the minimum wage as part of
by much of the media, Boris Johnson’s      It is women, Black and Asian and
                                                                                           raising incomes for everyone.
Government is carrying forward their       disabled people that have been the
decade of economic class warfare – as      hardest hit by both Tory austerity              Instead of the meek opposition being
exemplified by year upon year of vicious   and their disastrous handling of the            provided by Keir Starmer, now is the time
austerity and cuts - by using the crisis   pandemic.                                       for Labour to put forward a radical vision
to continue their restructure of our                                                       of the future, putting people’s jobs and
                                           And we know the Tories do not have the
economy to further benefit the very                                                        livelihoods ahead of the needs of the
                                           ambitious policies needed to address the
wealthiest.                                                                                mega-rich. To win again, Labour must
                                           climate emergency – any action they do
                                                                                           stand for an ambitious, bold economic
Millions of people every day experience    take is insufficient and designed to look
                                                                                           alternative on the scale needed to match
the destruction and privatisation of our   after the wealthiest first.
                                                                                           the challenges we face and that can
public services, the real-terms pay cuts   But there is an alternative – polling shows     deliver a truly green, equal and socially
for public service workers and beyond,     the popularity of socialist policies. This      just economy.
the drastic increase in job losses (with   includes policies such as expanding
many more to come unless further action                                                    • Join over 20,000 in signing the
                                           public ownership and a massive
is taken) the rise and rise of insecure                                                    People’s Plan for jobs and livelihoods
                                           programme of public investment to –
work (ensured by letting practices such                                                    at bit.ly/planforthepeople
                                           amongst other things – rebuild decent

NHS staff fight                            It’s no surprise that we have 100,000
                                           vacancies across the NHS (predicted to
                                                                                           rate which will have consequences for us
                                           rise to 250,000 by 2030), when we have
for pay justice                            seen our pay cut by up to a fifth. We
                                           know from polling that 1 in 3 Nurses
                                                                                           After a decade of cuts to our wages, the
                                                                                           government’s recent offer of a 1 percent
                                                                                           pay rise increase – a further real terms
                                           want to quit so we are hurtling into an
                                                                                           pay cut - is a kick in the teeth and adds
  Holly Turner,
                                           increasingly alarming situation. How
                                                                                           insult to severe injury. We have publicly
                y No                       on earth can we be expected to retain
  NHS Workers Sa                           our highly skilled and experienced staff
                                                                                           urged the Labour Party Leadership to
                                                                                           take more action and support us in
                                           when they are repeatedly beaten down
                                                                                           our fight for pay justice. Keir Starmer
                                           and degraded by this Government? As
                                                                                           has failed to make clear what he thinks
                                           workers we have been left trying to plug
                                                                                           acceptable pay rise should be, other than
                                           the recruitment crisis, whilst not being
                                                                                           it should be “at least 2.1%” and “fair”.
                                           paid properly and even as we continue
                                                                                           This is not good enough, as leader of the
                                           to give our all, we are repeatedly
                                                                                           opposition and representing a party with
                                           ignored regarding our pay and now
                                                                                           a proud history of championing public
                                           this Government has delayed our pay
                                                                                           services and fair treatment of workers,
                                           anniversary which should have been in
                                                                                           we should be able to count on his
                                           April - why?
                                                                                           support. We expect to see the party that
                                           We all need to be taking this situation         formed the NHS, get behind the workers
                                           very seriously, because if we don’t force       in their fight to save it.
                                           change the NHS will become increasingly
                                                                                           What we are seeing now is workers
Last summer a group of Nurses created      dangerous. This is about safety and
                                                                                           becoming organised, building power
NHS Workers Say No, a campaign             standards is why we are fighting for pay
                                                                                           within their unions and increasing the
group fighting for pay justice for all     justice as safety is intrinsically linked to
                                                                                           pressure in fighting for we are owed, and
NHS workers after a decade of real         that. Without a restorative pay increase
                                                                                           we are united in doing that. So if you are
terms cuts to our wages. We kicked off     an already chronically understaffed
                                                                                           a nurse or healthcare worker, or an ally
the #NHSPay15 movement to increase         workforce will be destroyed, and would
                                                                                           of our profession, then please support us
pressure on the Government to pay us       be a move which would speed up
                                                                                           in our fight.
what we are owed. Major Health Trade       privatisation in the NHS. We will see
Unions such as GMB and UNITE also          more NHS staff leaving or potentially           • Follow the campaign at twitter.com/
support our demands and are actively       working for outsourced companies and            NurseSayNO
campaigning with us.                       privatisation will speed up at an alarming

                                                                                 www.labouroutlook.org @LabourOutlook
Take the fight to the Tories - For Socialist Solutions - Inside: Jeremy Corbyn MP Richard Burgon MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP Holly Turner Rachel Garnham
Stand up to the                               Hence, they’ve fallen back on their
                                               favourite tried and tested tactic: divide
                                                                                                  Say no
                                               and rule. Faced with a resurgent
 racist Tories’                                Tory Party that openly boasts about
                                               prosecuting a ‘war on woke’, Labour can’t          to Tory
 divide and rule                               sit on the fence or, worse still, elect to
                                               take part in it. Some Labour grandees
                                                                                                  denial of
                                               seem to have missed a fundamental
                  y MP
                                               point: the more ground we cede to the
  Bell Ribeiro-Add                             Tories, the more they win.

                                               The very framing of culture war carries
                              The latest       the implication that the issues discussed
                              Queen’s          under its aegis somehow float free from
                              Speech was       material reality, as if trans people aren’t
                              a reminder                                                          MPs Bell Ribeiro Addy MP, Diane
                                               subject to disproportionate levels of
                              that the                                                            Abbott, Apsana Begum and
                                               poverty, violence and homelessness, or
                              Government                                                          Zarah Sultana, leading trade
                                               as if the Black Lives Matter movement
                              is more                                                             unionists, black community
                                               wasn’t a response to the actual racism
                              interested                                                          organisations and others
                                               experienced by Black people in Britain.
                              in cracking                                                         are amongst signatories to a
                              down than        Our 2017 General Election campaign was             Stand Up To Racism campaign
 levelling up. The 31 bills announced this     by far the best answer we’ve had to a              statement demanding that the
 year laid out a clear anti-democratic         collapsing vote share and the undiluted            Government recognise that
 agenda, building on some of the similarly     social conservatism the Tories have                “Institutional racism is neither a
 authoritarian legislation brought             adopted in the wake of Brexit. By talking          perception nor a narrative, nor
 forwards in the last Parliament: voter        about the material issues facing people in         an anachronism. It is a reality
 suppression, strongarming student             our country, we were able to short-circuit         embedded in the police, criminal
 societies, cracking down on protest and       the Brexit debate and get a fresh hearing.         justice system, health, education
 looking to shore up their grip on power.      Ultimately, the culture war is just one            and employment.”
 They sent a clear message that Boris          front of the wider Tory war on working             • Add your name at
 Johnson’s Government is more interested       class people and the few against the               http://bit.ly/SUTRstatement
 in centralising wealth and power whilst       many. Rather than pandering to the
 stoking the divisions they exploited to       imagined prejudices of Red Wall voters
 gain power in the first place.                and taking the culture war on its own
                                               terms, Labour needs to find a new
                                                                                                               STAND UP
 We need to understand that the erosions
 of civil liberties come from a place of
                                               way of talking about these issues that
                                               centres the idea of social solidarity and
                                                                                                               TO RACISM

 anxiety as well as strength. The Tories are   strengthens the bonds between class and
 terrified firstly by the immediate threat     race.
 of a growing groups of social discontents
 after a decade of vicious austerity,          • Bell Ribeiro-Addy is MP fo Streatham
 secondly by the long-term demographic         and co-chair of the Socialist Campaign

 challenge they face as a party deserted       Group of MPs
 by young people and thirdly by the
 evident lack of a plan for dealing with
 these things.

                                                                                        No justice
                                                                                        No peace
                                                                                                                                                Not to be flyposted

                                                                                        D @AntiRacismDay K standuptoracism.org.uk

                                                                                                                          Alisdare Hickson CC BY NC

Labour Outlook
Take the fight to the Tories - For Socialist Solutions - Inside: Jeremy Corbyn MP Richard Burgon MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP Holly Turner Rachel Garnham
The battle for Labour Party democracy
                                            governing on a programme of people           through imposition of candidates, abuse
 Rachel Garnham                             first, investment not cuts, and supporting   of disciplinary processes, and Starmer’s
                paign for
 Vice Chair, Cam                            public services, has been able to regain     disregard of the pledges on which he was
 Labour Party Dem
                                            majorities in seats lost in 2019 and win a   elected. We as grassroots members need
                                            significant victory in the Senedd elec-      to continue to defend and make the most
                                            tions. This is a direct outcome of Party     of available processes – for example, we
Recent elections and polling demonstrate    democracy – a huge benefit to people in      must win policies and places on the new
that only through building a coalition      Wales, and to all of us in demonstrating     National Women’s Committee at Labour
of those who want to see a challenge to     a centre-left Labour government is not       Party women’s conference, we have
this profit-before-people, incompetent      only possible but successful.                important elections to the Conference
and corrupt Tory government and who                                                      Arrangements Committee and Nation-
                                            Labour was created to represent working
support a society for many not the few,                                                  al Constitutional Committee over the
                                            people in parliament. To successfully
particularly engaging young voters, can                                                  summer and we have annual conference
                                            do this we need to grow and inspire
we win progressive administrations who                                                   coming up, where we can promote mo-
                                            our membership, empowering those
will challenge the status quo. To do that                                                tions to maintain a left, popular platform
                                            members, representing ordinary people
we must defend our democratic pro-                                                       and, according to media reports, win a
                                            across the full diversity of the popu-
cesses within the Labour Party, trying to                                                rule change to restore the whip to Jeremy
                                            lation, to have a genuine influence on
ensure our leaderships at every level are                                                Corbyn. There are many hurdles, but
                                            candidates and to develop the policies
in touch with grassroots members and                                                     in 2017 we showed against all the odds
                                            we need to achieve a transformational
trade unionists and thereby in touch with                                                that a left Labour government could be
                                            Labour government.
the communities in which they need to                                                    possible. Only through defending, and
win support to win elections.               Our current democratic structures            making the most of, Party democracy can
                                            include members’ rights to select can-       we hope to win in the future.
This is demonstrated most clearly in
                                            didates, agree policies, and organise at
Wales, where Mark Drakeford as Leader,                                                   • To get involved, visit the Campaign
                                            a local level to promote Labour values.
elected on a left platform by grassroots                                                 for Labour Party Democracy at
                                            But Party democracy is under attack,
members and trade unionists and now                                                      www.clpd.org.uk

  Women Will Not Be Silenced
  Labour Outlook was proud to support        is a pressing need for us to reconnect      Twitter: twitter.com/NoSilence101
  the recent launch of Women Will            with one another and rebuild our
                                                                                         Facebook: fb.com/
  Not Be Silenced. We publish below a        solidarity to enable us to continue our
  statement from their launch and ways       struggle for women’s most basic and
  you can get in touch:                      fundamental human rights.                   Web: womenwillnotbesilenced.
  “Sisters, we have observed that society    We believe that women have a basic
  is becoming a difficult and more           right to be safe, to speak up and to be     You can read the full version of this
  hostile place for women and the gains      heard. We also have a right to have         statement at www.labouroutlook.
  great women leaders have fought for        control over our own bodies, but            org
  over many decades are being rolled         these rights are under assault. Women
  back.                                      must have a right to resources and
                                             to fair and equitable access to every
  We believe that women have not
                                             institution within society.”
  achieved equality on any level. There

                                                                                www.labouroutlook.org @LabourOutlook
Take the fight to the Tories - For Socialist Solutions - Inside: Jeremy Corbyn MP Richard Burgon MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP Holly Turner Rachel Garnham
We need a push for peace, not nukes and NATO
                                                    from abroad. That project lives on today        its repeated violation of the human rights
        Sam Browse, La                              – wars on Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya,          of Palestinians and their right to self-
        Outlook contrib
                                                    despite the lofty promises of so-called         determination.
                                                    “muscular liberals”, have left millions
                                                                                                    And we should fight against attempts to
                                                    dead and lives devastated, while private
      The Tory Government’s disastrous                                                              move Labour’s foreign policy to the right
                                                    corporations profit from access to oil
      response to the ongoing Coronavirus                                                           and ditch the anti-war internationalism of
                                                    and contracts won by miraculously new
      crisis has enriched big business while                                                        the Jeremy Corbyn years, as represented
                                                    found political influence.
      3 million go without support and many                                                         by recent attempts to push the party
      struggle on pitiful levels of Statutory       And now, as the new multipolar global           into backing more nuclear weapons and
      Sick Pay; reduced some incomes to less        economy erodes the dominance of a US-           NATO expansion.
      than minimum wage; and created an             based ruling class, America and its allies
                                                                                                    Our fight, today, is global. It demands an
      unemployment crisis predicted to reach        resuscitate the logic of mid-20th century
                                                                                                    internationalist and an anti-imperialist
      a horrifying 2.2 million out of work.         international relations to prosecute a
                                                                                                    response – one that opposes the
                                                    Cold War against China.
      For the Left, it’s important to also                                                          rush to war and the threat of nuclear
      understand that this Tory approach of         Rather than defend empire in decline            annihilation, while it supports those
      protecting profits, not people, extends       and the profits of British and American         struggling everywhere for a world that
      beyond Britain’s borders.                     big business, we should embrace the new         puts people before profit.
                                                    multipolarity and commit to addressing
      That’s what motivates the recently
                                                    the real cross-border challenges faced by
      announced £16.5bn increase in military
                                                    the global “many”: tackling the climate
      spending, it’s what drives Boris Johnsons’
                                                    emergency, vaccinating the globe against
      announcement that Britain – despite
                                                    this pandemic and those of the future,
      its legal obligations under the nuclear
                                                    and extending support to the millions of
      non-proliferation treaty – will expand
                                                    refugees, fleeing from war, persecution,
      its nuclear arsenal, and it’s what has
                                                    and the damage caused to their homes
      instigated the order to send an aircraft
                                                    and livelihoods by catastrophic global
      carrier to the South Pacific.
      All these actions entail a view of Britain
                                                    We should also express our solidarity
      which derogates to it a right to intervene,
                                                    with those fighting back against the rule
      with impunity, in the affairs of other
                                                    of profit over people – most recently
      countries – a view which, as the Black
                                                    in Peru and Bolivia, where the left
      Lives Matter protestors remind us, has
                                                    have formed governments, but also in
      historically justified an imperialism
                                                    Palestine, where the US relies on an ally
      dedicated to extracting profits, by force,
                                                    for regional influence – Israel – despite

      Keep speaking up for Palestine                                                                     Matt Willgress,

      Millions of people around the world,          The fundamental injustices remain.              Group of Labour MPs said, “A long-
      including here in Britain, protested          For 54 years Gaza and the West Bank,            lasting peace for both Palestinians and
      against the Israeli Government’s recent       including East Jerusalem, have been             Israelis can only be secured through a
      attacks on the Palestinian people.            illegally occupied by Israel. Gaza              just solution that tackles the underlying
                                                    has been under siege for 14 years.              injustices: Israel’s illegal occupation, its
      Those who stand in solidarity with
                                                    Palestinians with Israeli citizenship are       colonial settlements, its denial of the
      Palestine will welcome the ceasefire but
                                                    denied equal rights and millions more           right of Palestinian refugees to return,
      will not stop speaking up against the
                                                    are scattered across the region and wider       its violations of human rights and
      illegal occupation of Palestine and for the
                                                    world as refugees.                              international law and its siege of Gaza.”
      Palestinian peoples’ rights.
                                                    The overwhelming might and firepower            Keep speaking up, keep protesting and
                                                    of Israel - its military, police and armed      build solidarity in the labour movement
                                                    citizens - means that this is not a conflict,   and beyond for justice for Palestine!
                                                    it is the systematic oppression of the
                                                                                                             • Join the Palestine Solidarity
                                                    Palestinians. We
                                                                                                                  Campaign at www.
                                                    must stand with
                                                    the oppressed
                                                    against the
                                                    oppressor.                                                    • Follow Labour &
                                                                                                                   Palestine at twitter.
                                                    As the recent
                                                    statement from
                                                                                                                      and fb.com/
                                                    the Socialist

Alisdare Hickson CC BY NC

    Labour Outlook
Take the fight to the Tories - For Socialist Solutions - Inside: Jeremy Corbyn MP Richard Burgon MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP Holly Turner Rachel Garnham
Solidarity                                    to reverse some of the 240 anti-Cuba

                                                                                            No return to
                                              measures imposed under Trump. Unfor-
                                              tunately, there is little evidence of this
with Cuba                                     being a priority and there is a powerful
                                              right-wing Cuban American lobby in the
                                                                                            Blair Wars
against the US                                US working very hard to stop it.
                                              The blockade continues to be the main
                                                                                            Within Labour in recent months,

                                                                                            we have seen numerous voices –
                                              obstacle to Cuba’s economic devel-
                                                                                            including Shadow Defence Minister
                                              opment, and during the height of the
                                                                                            John Healey MP and the ‘Open
                                              pandemic, the US blocked a shipment of
                                                                                            Labour’ group – try to argue for a
   Ryan Smith, Cuba
                                              vital medical supplies from China from
                                                                                            turn away from the foreign policies
                   ign                        entering Cuba. The shipment included
   Solidarity Campa                           more than two million masks, 400,000
                                                                                            of the Jeremy Corbyn years and
                                                                                            towards backing NATO, nuclear
                                              rapid diagnostic kits and 104 ventilators.
                                                                                            weapons and a general return
In June, the world voted on the illegal US    The Cuban Government labelled the
                                                                                            to the failed politics of ‘liberal
blockade of Cuba at the United Nations        move as “another twist of this genocidal,
                                                                                            interventionism’ which led to the
General Assembly for the twenty-ninth         inhumane policy.”
                                                                                            disastrous wars in Iraq, Libya and
time. When the last vote took place in        It is because of this that solidarity with    elsewhere.
2019, 187 countries voted in favour of        Cuba is as vital as ever.
Cuba’s resolution calling for an ‘end to                                                    Andrew Murray and Lindsey German
the economic, commercial and financial        • TAKE ACTION: Ask your MP to                 of the Stop the War Coalition have
embargo’ imposed by the United States.        oppose the US blockade at www.                produced a must-read response to
                                              cuba-solidarity.org.uk/edm                    a publication from ‘Open Labour’,
The Cuba Solidarity Campaign had                                                            setting out clearly the case for anti-
hoped that Biden administration take a        A longer version of this article can be
                                                                                            war internationalism and opposing a
constructive approach by acting swiftly       found at www.labouroutlook.org
                                                                                            new Cold War, with a foreword from
                                                                                            Jeremy Corbyn MP.
                                                                                            As the introduction to the pamphlet
Bolivia shows a                               (MAS) led by Luis Arce securing victory by
                                              a massive 27% margin in the Presidential
                                                                                            says “not only are the main lines
                                                                                            of Stop the War’s policies popular
                                              election in October 2020, after massive
better world is
                                                                                            in the country, but they are also
                                              street protests rocked the coup regime.       overwhelmingly popular among the
                                                                                            Labour Party membership. And the
                                              The new government has faced an enor-
                                              mous task after Añez’s coup regime was        contemporary international situation
                                              characterised by widespread repression,       makes them as relevant as ever.”
                                              corruption and incompetence, but in a         • Read it at http://bit.ly/blair-wars
  Tim Young                                   range of areas – from ending austerity,
  Friends of Bolivia                          to kick-starting the economy by increas-
                                              ing people’s spending power and public
                                              investment, to increasing expenditure on      Upcoming event
When a US-backed military coup in             health to 10% for the first time, to oppos-

                                                                                            Why socialists
November 2019 denied Evo Morales              ing privatisation of natural resources and
another term as Bolivia’s elected             introducing a new wealth tax – Bolivia’s
President, he identified corporate            left is again showing us that there is an
capitalism’s desire for the country’s vast
lithium resources as the driving factor –
                                              Internationalists must give our support
                                                                                            a united
to the usual chorus of denials.
                                              to the people of Bolivia against any
But then followed the giveaway remark         attempts by reactionary forces, inside
of Elon Musk, boss of the electric car firm
Tesla whose products depend on lithium:
                                              and outside the country, to turn the clock
                                              back against the advances in democracy,       Ireland
“We will coup whoever we want. Deal           equality and social progress.                 Saturday July 3 at 2pm
with it.”
                                              • Friends of Bolivia on Twitter: twitter.     Register at https://bit.ly/
But the coup regime under ‘interim presi-     com/BoliviaFriends                            unitedirelandlabouroutlookforum
dent’ Jeanine Añez lasted less than a year,
with the Movement Towards Socialism           Facebook: fb.com/BoliviaFriends               With special guest Francie Molloy MP
                                                                                            (Sinn Fein) Chair Rachel Garnham
                                                                                            (former Labour NEC member) plus
                                                                                            more participants to be announced.
                                                                                            With plenty of time for questions
                                                                                            & discussion. This is the fourth in a
                                                                                            series of “Why Socialists...” forums
                                                                                            hosted by Labour Outlook.
                                                                                            Hosted by Labour Outlook. Kindly
                                                                                            streamed by Arise.

                                                                                    www.labouroutlook.org @LabourOutlook
Take the fight to the Tories - For Socialist Solutions - Inside: Jeremy Corbyn MP Richard Burgon MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP Holly Turner Rachel Garnham
Vaccine Justice: No-one is safe
until everyone is safe
   Jeremy Corbyn M

While many people in the UK have             Not only are richer countries hoarding
now had both vaccines, many poorer           vaccines; they are preventing poorer
countries will have to wait years to         countries from producing their own. The
protect their people. Some rich countries    United States now supports a waiver –
have acquired enough doses to vaccinate      albeit limited – of intellectual property
their entire populations nearly three        law to allow all countries to produce
times over, while experts suggest that       vaccines. But the UK, the EU, and other
nine out of ten people in poor countries     major powers continue to block it.
will not receive a vaccine this year.
                                             Our movement must put pressure on
The longer this situation continues, the     them to change course, and to challenge
more the likelihood increases of more        the rigged trade system as a whole that
vaccine-resistant variants emerging and      routinely prevents vital products like
dragging the entire world frighteningly      medicines getting to those who need          • Jeremy Corbyn’s Peace and Justice
backwards.                                   them. This pandemic has compounded           Project is running a Pandemic
                                             already existing crises of inequality. If    Solidarity campaign.
This is to say nothing of the economic
                                             we are to learn its lessons, we must         You can find out more and sign up
impact; Oxfam calculates that the virus’
                                             campaign for a society that works for the    here: www.thecorbynproject.com/
economic impact may push half a billion
                                             many, not the few.                           projects
people into poverty.

Build the resistance to the Tories – support the
People’s Assembly Against Austerity
The People’s Assembly Against Austerity unites those opposing the Tories’ reactionary agenda and has local groups all over the
country. Labour Outlook urges all readers to get involved.
Twitter: twitter.com/pplsassembly
Facebook: fb.com/ThePeoplesAssembly
Website: thepeoplesassembly.org.uk
If you are in the Labour Party, be sure to                                                               Assembly
connect with the Labour Assembly Against
Austerity too at:
Twitter: twitter.com/LabourAssembly
Facebook: fb.com/labour.assembly.against.austerity

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                                             best news and views from the Left every
                                             day, brough to you by the Arise –              Read Labour Outlook every day at
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                                             Regular columnists include Socialist
                                             Campaign Group MPs such as Richard
                                             Burgon, John McDonnell. Apsana Begum,
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                                             We also feature campaigners from
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                                                                                 www.labouroutlook.org @LabourOutlook
Take the fight to the Tories - For Socialist Solutions - Inside: Jeremy Corbyn MP Richard Burgon MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP Holly Turner Rachel Garnham Take the fight to the Tories - For Socialist Solutions - Inside: Jeremy Corbyn MP Richard Burgon MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP Holly Turner Rachel Garnham
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