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国际空间科学研究所 - 北京
                 太空|TAIKONG      ISSI-BJ Magazine
                                            No. 14 July 2019

IMPRINT                                                   FOREWORD

太空 | TAIKONG                     On January 23-25, 2019, the three-          with a short introduction to ISSI-BJ
ISSI-BJ Magazine                 day Forum on “Discover the Sky by           and to CAS Strategic Priority Program
License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
                                 the Longest Wavelength with Small           on Space Science. Following that, the
                                 Satellite Constellation” was successfully   future low frequency space missions
                                 organized by the International Space        were discussed, such as SUNRISE and
                                 Science Institute in Beijing (ISSI-BJ).     DSL Mission at Lunar Orbit. The rest of
Address: No.1 Nanertiao,         ISSI-BJ Forums are informal, free           the first day, as well as the beginning
Zhongguancun,                    debates, and brainstorming meetings         of the second day of the Forum were
Haidian District,
                                 among high-level participants on open       dedicated to the expert presentations
Beijing, China
                                 questions of scientific nature. About       on various science cases related to
Postcode: 100190
Phone: +86-10-62582811           30 leading scientists from 10 countries     the low frequency radio. Then, global
Website: www.issibj.ac.cn        participated in this forum, which was       spectrum experiments were introduced
                                 convened by Xuelei Chen (NAOC, CAS,         and discussed, followed by the talks
                                 China), Ji Wu (NSSC, CAS, China),           on past and current space missions,
                                 Jack Burns (Colorado University, USA),      such as CE-4 Longjiang, CE-4 NCLE,
                                 Joe Silk (JHU/IAP, USA/France), Leon        and CE-4 LFRS. The last day of the
                                 Koopmans (Groningen University, The         Forum was dedicated to the topic of the
See the list on the back cover
                                 Netherlands), Hanna Rothkaehl (SRC,         instruments and technology for space
                                 PAS, Poland), and Maurizio Falanga          missions. and an open discussion on
                                 (ISSI-BJ, China).                           science and technology of the missions,
Editor                                                                       the international collaboration, as well as
                                 The aim of this Forum was to discuss        on the future work plan, including outline
Anna Yang,
                                 the low frequency radio observation,        of the forum report, as it appears in this
International Space Science
Institute - Beijing, China
                                 which is hampered on the ground by          issue of the TAIKONG magazine.
                                 the ionosphere and man-made radio
                                 frequency interferences, and so far         I wish to thank the conveners and
                                 our knowledge about the sky in this         organizers of the Forum, as well as the
                                 part of the electromagnetic spectrum        ISSI-BJ staff, Lijuan En, Anna Yang,
                                 is very limited. During the Forum, the      and Xiaolong Dong, for actively and
                                 participants discussed various science      cheerfully supporting the organization

FRONT                            themes related to the low frequency
                                 radio, such as the signature of cosmic
                                                                             of the Forum. In particular, I wish to
                                                                             thank the authors, who with dedication,
COVER                            dark age and dawn, the solar system,        enthusiasm,         and       seriousness,
                                 galactic and extragalactic sources,         conducted the editing of this report. Let
                                 the propagation effects, and data           me also thank all those who participated
DSL mission concept.
                                 analysis methods. The Forum started         actively in this stimulating Forum.
Image Credit: NAOC

                                                                                                    Maurizio Falanga,

                                                                                                    Executive Director

                       2     太空|TAIKONG

Over the last century,             part of the spectrum might      low      frequency       radio
astronomical observations          provide unique probes           observation       and     data
have expanded from the             for the dark ages after         processing. In particular,
optical to the radio, infrared,    the Big Bang and Cosmic         it focused on a possible
ultraviolet,     X-ray     and     Dawn when first stars and       future lunar orbit array
gamma-ray bands of the             galaxies formed. It may         mission of Discovering
electromagnetic spectrum,          also shed light on many         Sky     at    the    Longest
and further supplemented           astrophysical phenomena,        wavelengths (DSL). The
by     non-electromagnetic         from active processes in        proposed array is made up
observations such as the           Sun and planets, through        of satellites flying in linear
cosmic ray, neutrino, and          exoplanets,      interstellar   formation, making both
gravitational waves. These         medium and galactic , to        interferometric and single
new observational domains          radio galaxies, quasars,        antenna observations on
brought many unexpected            clusters and intergalactic      the orbit behind the Moon,
discoveries, which greatly         medium. They might also         shielded from the Earth-
changed our view of the            reveal previously unknown       originated radio frequency
Universe, and gave deep            objects or phenomena.           interferences. This mission
insight on the fundamental         This Forum is dedicated         concept is under intensive
laws of Nature. However,           to the exploration of this      study by the Chinese
at the longest wavelengths         new observational window        Academy of Sciences
of the electromagnetic             of the electromagnetic          (CAS) in collaboration with
spectrum, our view is              spectrum.                       national and international
still incomplete, as the                                           partners.
observations at frequencies        The Forum reviewed our
below ~30 MHz are                  current understanding on
strongly hampered by the           various science subjects
ionosphere and human-              related to the low frequency
made radio frequency               radio window, previous
interferences (RFIs). Even         and ongoing observations,
at ~100 MHz high precision         recent progress, and key
observations can still be          science problems to be
affected by these factors.         solved. It then discussed
Observations        at      this   concepts and technologies
unexplored low frequency           related to space-based

                                                                    太空|TAIKONG            3

        2.1.     Early ground and space experiments

Radio astronomy was born           up to ~40 m (Braude et al.      Europe, the LWA2 (Long
at what we would call now          1978). At about the same        Wavelength       Array)    in
long wavelengths: the              time decametric radio           the USA, and the MWA
pioneering     observations        telescopes were put in          3
                                                                        (Murchison Widefield
conducted by Karl Jansky           operation in the USA at Clark   Array) in Australia, They
in 1932-33 were performed          Lake (Erickson et al. 1982)     all are considered to be
at the wavelength of about         and in France at Nançay         pathfinders for the next
15 m. Further development          (Nançay Decameter Array,        generation large radio
of radio astronomy was             NDA, Boischot et al.            astronomy facility, the SKA
carried out with a strong          1980). Some observations        (Square Kilometre Array 4).
emphasis      on     shorter       below 30MHz were made           However, these facilities
wavelengths. This was              from ground facilities at       will not address the
dictated by both the               Tasmania in the south and       strengthening science case
astrophysical      research        Canada in the north (Reber      for radio astronomy studies
agenda and difficulties of         1994, Bridle & Purton 1968,     at ultra-long-wavelengths,
astronomy      observations        Caswell 1976, Cane &            longer than ~10 m. The
at decametric and longer           Whitham 1977, Cane 1978.        only solution for addressing
wavelengths      due      to       Roger et al. 1999). Around      the science case of ultra-
ionosphere opacity. There          the turn of the century,        long wavelength radio
were only few noticeable           the interest to cosmology       astronomy is in placing
exceptions      of     radio       and astrophysics in the         a telescope beyond the
astronomy facilities that          long wavelength spectrum        ionosphere,      in   Space
operated at frequencies            domain            stimulated    (Jester & Falcke 2009,
below       ~60         MHz        deployment of several           Boonstra et al. 2016).
(wavelengths longer than           large      meter-wavelength
~5 m). One of them was the         facilities such as LOFAR1       In the 1970s, the IMP-6
Ukrainian T-shaped Radio           (Low Frequency Array)           (Brown 1973), the Radio
Telescope (UTR) able to            centered in the Netherlands     Astronomy Explore (RAE)-1
observe at wavelengths             and spread throughout           (Alexander & Novaco 1974)
1        http://www.lofar.org
2        http://lwa.unm.edu
3        http://mwatelescope.org
4        http://astronomers.skatelescope.org

    4   太空|TAIKONG
Figure 1: The RAE-2 sky map at 4.70 MHz. Credit: Novico & Brown 1978.

and RAE-2 (Alexander et         observation.     However,      wavelengths, (ii) the ever
al. 1975) satellites made       these    single   antenna      rising level of human-
low      frequency      radio   observations had poor          produced radio frequency
observations from space.        angular resolution despite     interference (RFI), and
The data collected by           a remarkably long antenna      (iii)   the     astrophysics-
these satellites showed         deployed in space (Novaco      driven demand for higher
that the Earth have strong      & Brown 1978).                 angular resolution, which
natural radio emissions at                                     in turn requires aperture
the kilometric wavelengths,     Space-borne            radio   sizes (i.e., interferometric
and that man-made radio         astronomy is a logical         baselines) larger than the
frequency      interferences    and inevitable step in the     Earth diameter. The latter
are visible from space.         overall development of         necessitates        extension
The Moon can shield             astronomical science. It       of the global very long
the      spacecraft      from   is driven by three factors:    interferometer      baselines
these emissions of the          (i) the afore-mentioned        (VLBI) to orbital dimensions,
Earth, so the far side          opacity of the ionosphere      creating     Space       VLBI
of the Moon provides            at long and atmosphere         (SVLBI)     systems.      The
an     ideal    environment     at     short     (millimeter   history of SVLBI began
for low frequency radio         and          sub-millimetre)   almost        simultaneously

                                                                太空|TAIKONG           5
with the invention of the       TDRSS       (Levy    et  al.   wavelengths shorter than
VLBI technique as such in       1986), and two first-          those under consideration
the middle of the 1960s.        generation        dedicated    in this Report, lessons
To date, interferometric        SVLBI       missions,   the    learned from their design,
baselines    longer    than     Japan-led VSOP/HALCA           construction, tests and
the     Earth      diameter     (1997–2003, Hirabayashi        operations         (Gurvits
produced      astrophysical     et al. 1998) and Russia-led    2018, 2019) might be
results in the first SVLBI      RadioAstron (2011-2019,        relevant for a prospective
demonstration experiment        Kardashev et al. 2013).        ULW spaceborne radio
with the geostationary          While all three implemented    interferometer.
communication      satellite,   SVLBI systems operated at

      2.2.     The exploration of the Solar System with space radio
      astronomy instruments

The main low frequency          PWS, Cassini/RPWS and          range of the major radio
radio sources in the Solar      Juno/Waves instruments.        astronomy space probes.
System are related to           Solar observations at low      The space radio astronomy
Solar activity on one hand,     frequency    have     been     instruments are limited in
and planetary aurora on         also studied on the long       sensitivity (single antenna,
the other hand. Many            run with the ISEE3, WIND       bright sky background,
space probe including           or    STEREO     missions.     limited power and downlink
radio astronomy receivers       Terrestrial      kilometric    rate,     limited     antenna
explored our Solar System.      radiation was observed         gain…), but they were
The outer planets (Jupiter,     by many space missions         developed included so-
Saturn,      Uranus     and     (RAE, Swedish Viking,          called “Direction-Finding”
Neptune) low frequency          FAST, Cluster, Interball,      or       “Goniopolarimetric”
radio    emissions     have     Geotail…).                     capabilities, which allows
been discovered by the                                         to retrieve the flux, direction
Voyager PRA (Planetary          Figure 2      shows     the    of arrival and polarization of
Radio            Astronomy)     normalized power spectral      any dominant radio source
experiment. The Jupiter         densities for low frequency    in the sky (see Cecconi
and Saturn radio emissions      Solar and Planetary radio      2011).
have been extensively           emissions, as well as the
studied by the Gallileo/        observation       frequency

 6     太空|TAIKONG
The analysis of data
acquired      with    space-
borne radio astronomy
instruments              with
capabilities have provided
the Solar system science
communities with many
observational      evidences
of relativistic accelerated
particles        populations
interacting with a colder
ambient plasma, through
plasma instabilities (e.g.,
in the Solar Wind or in the
auroral regions of planetary
magnetospheres).         Low
frequency radio astronomy
is thus a powerful remote
sensing tool for probing
energetic distant plasma.

                                  Figure 2: Planetary radio emissions. Credit: Terrestrial in
                                  red, Jupiter in black, Saturn in green, Uranus and Neptune
                                  in blue, extracted from Cecconi, et al (2018); and space
                                  probes observation spectral range.

      2.3.     The various mission concepts

Single co-located low-          physics        phenomena.      as is shown for example
frequency antenna systems       Strong celestial signals can   in Chang'e 4 (CE4) lunar
are well suited for space       even be spatially located,     lander (see Sec.2.4) or
science and for studying        at least for one or a few      Cassini. As at frequencies
solar   system     plasma       strong dominating sources      below about 15 MHz the

                                                                 太空|TAIKONG           7
antenna      patterns      are   science usually requires        separate signals coming
spatially symmetrical, a         high spatial resolution to      from the front of the array
rough indication is needed       isolate a particular source     versus coming from the
of the source’s origin.          for research on transient       back, a planar array needs
For planetary sciences           behavior,       morphology,     to change it orientation over
this often is the case. The      polarization, or for spectral   time. In the DSL concept
enabling factor for being        analysis. A space-based         (Boonstra et al. 2016,
able to observe in full          constellation     of   small    Huang et al. 2018) this is
polarization and to localize     satellites   operating     in   achieved by making use of
sources is the number of         aperture synthesis mode         lunar orbit precession.
degrees of freedom of the        or operating as a phased-
system. For this reason,         array can provide this.         Different         deployment
ideally a spacecraft would       Creating sky images are         locations      of     satellite
have three orthogonal            done either by forming          aperture synthesis ‘clouds’
dipoles. If space is limited     several (parallel) broad-       in space have their pro’s
and only one outer wall of       band beams, or by               and con’s. One could
a spacecraft can be used,        creating a full narrow-band     deploy them far from Earth’s
such as for CE4-RS, then         cross correlation matrix,       transmitters such as in the
monopoles can be used as         and sending these to Earth      Sun-Earth L2 Lagrangian
well. Spatial nulling of radio   for further processing and      point (e.g. FIRST, Bergman
interference, either external    analysis.                       et al., 2009; SURO, Blott et
or self-generated, can in                                        al. 2013). At that location
principle also be applied.       The     constellation   can     the satellites would only
However, this consumes           have fixed relative satellite   slowly drift, which would
at least one degree of           positions, or the satellites    allow longer satellite cross-
freedom,      so     systems     can be slowly drifting,         correlation        integration
should be made flexible          provided their relative         times and lower downlink
in terms of online and           positions are known. As         data rates. However, the
offline processing. In this      with ground-based radio         aperture filling would be
way one could exchange           interferometry, the celestial   very     sparse      resulting
for     example       optimal    radio signals observed by       in a somewhat limited
polarization performance         the satellites are mutually     instantaneous          source
for              interference    correlated, filling the so-     separation capability.
suppression.                     called aperture plane,
                                 or aperture sphere for          In relatively low altitude
Galactic    and     extra-       three-dimensional     array.    Lunar orbit a dynamic two
galactic radio astronomy         As a planar array cannot        or three-dimensional array

 8     太空|TAIKONG
of satellites such as OLFAR       data rates. Low altitude        orbit as proposed in DARIS
(Engelen et al. 2013), and        Lunar orbits are unstable,      (Saks et al. 2010). Another
DSL would have excellent          but putting satellites in the   concept is the deployment
aperture coverage. But            same orbit, as a linear array   of a rotating tethered string
due to the fast changing          as in the DSL concept, this     of antennas as proposed in
satellite relative positions,     issue is circumvented.          Kruithof et al. (2017). Such
the correlation integration                                       a constellation could be
times need to be split in very    A solution that optimizes       combined with one or more
short intervals, resulting in     aperture filling and downlink   free-flyers to provide the
relatively large downlink         rates is a constellation in     third aperture dimension.
                                  an Earth leading or trailing

3.      THE CE-4 MISSION

The Chang'e project is an         Earth, a communication          projects are carried out:
ongoing series of Chinese         relay satellite Queqiao         the Longjiang satellites on
robotic missions to the           (Magpie       Bridge)     is    lunar orbit; the Netherland-
Moon. The Chang'e 4               launched before the lander      China        Low-Frequency
mission put an lander on          to a halo orbit around the      Explorer on board the
far side of the Moon for the      Earth-Moon       Lagrangian     Queqiao satellite, and the
first time, the landing site is   point L2. Taking the            very low radio frequency
at the Aitken Basin near the      opportunity to go to the        spectrometer on the lander.
lunar south pole. To provide      far side of the Moon, three
communication link with           ultralong wavelength radio

      3.1.      Longjiang satellites

The Longjiang 1 and 2             planned to reach the Moon       30MHz. These two satellites
satellites were launched          by their own thruster, then     were made by the Harbin
into space on May 21, 2018        form a two element lunar        Institution of Technology.
together with the CE-4            interferometer on orbit         Longjiang 2 successfully
lunar probe’s relay satellite.    to do the interferometric       reached its destination
These two satellites were         measurement on 1MHz to          near the Moon on May 25,

                                                                   太空|TAIKONG           9
2018, and entered a lunar      The Upper antenna is made      were scheduled with the
orbit with the perilune at     by the Polish Academy of       aim of studying radiation
350km and the apolune          Sciences, and the lower        characteristic of celestial
at 13700km. However,           antenna is made by the         sources.      The     Earth
Longjiang 1 suffered an        National Space Science         occultation     experiments
anomaly and failed to enter    Center, Chinese Academy        and       other     planets
lunar orbit. The objective     of Sciences. The low           occultation     experiments
for Longjiang 2 was to do      frequency interferometer       have been scheduled.
spectrum     measurement       (LFI) is installed on the      However, due to limitation
at          1MHz~30MHz,        Longjiang 1 and 2. The         of the battery power, the
corresponding     to    the    specifications are listed in   payload worked only 10 to
wavelength     of    300m      Table 1.                       20 minutes per orbit.
to 10m. As illustrated
in Figure 3, the low           Some key technologies          Up to Deccember 2018,
frequency interferometer       of       low     frequency     the total observing time
(LFI), was installed on        interferometer have been       was more than 1000
the Longjiang 1 and 2.         validated in this mission,     min, the number of Earth
LFI included deployable        including      deployable      occultation is more than
antenna, digital receiver,     Antenna, low frequency         20, and the number of
communication      ranging     data receiver, internal        Jupiter occultation more
and timing synchronization     calibration and so on.         than 6. Preliminary analysis
unit.                          The observational plan         of the data had showed
                                                              significant RFIs from the
                                                              Earth, and the shielding by
                                                              the Moon is clearly seen.
                                                              As illustrated in Figure 4,
                                                              three channels of LFI had
                                                              observed almost identical
                                                              Earth RFI suppression
                                                              phenomenon by the Moon.

Figure 3: Longjiang satellite and LWF. Credit: NSSC.

 10     太空|TAIKONG
Items                               Value
 Longjiang 2                    Weight                          50kg
                                Lifetime                        1year
                                Orbit                           apolune 13700km
                                                                perilune 350km
                                                                inclination 36.248deg
                                                                duration 21hour
 Low Frequency Interferometer   Weight                          2kg
                                Power                           15w
                                Antenna                         Triple dipole
                                                                Length 1m
                                Frequency range                 1MHz~30MHz
                                Channel number                  3
                                Spectrum resolution
3.2.      The CE-4 lander

The far side of the              on the far side of the moon,   components of the electric
Moon is recognized as            a Very Low Frequency           field of the waves from
the best place for low           Radio Spectrometer is          solar burst or cosmic
frequency radio astronomy        installed on the Chang'e       space. According to the
observations. The Moon           4 Lander (Figure 5). Its       theory of electromagnetic
can effectively shield radio     scientific mission is mainly   wave propagation, the
waves from the Earth, as         to explore the radiating       intensity and polarization
well as those from the           characteristics     of   the   characteristics      of     the
Sun at night. Therefore,         electric fields from radio     total electric field can be
low-frequency          radio     bursts during the lunar        obtained by processing
astronomical observation         day, and to study the          of the three electric
at 10KHz~40MHz offers            ionospheric characteristics    field components. The
the opportunity to discover      over the landing area.         frequency spectrum and
new     phenomena       and                                     time-varying      information
laws in the evolution of         The Very Low-Frequency         of the electric field can be
celestial bodies. Using the      Radio Spectrometer uses        obtained too. In addition,
opportunity of Chang'e-4         three orthogonal active        using      the      amplitude
exploration probe landing        antennas to receive three      and phase of the three-
                                                                component electric field,
                                                                the direction of arrival of the
                                                                wave can also be obtained
                                                                after data processing.

                                                                The composition of the
                                                                very low frequency radio
                                                                Spectrometer system is
                                                                shown in Figure 6. As
                                                                shown in Figure 6, the
                                                                very low-frequency radio
                                                                Spectrometer is mainly
                                                                composed of electronic
                                                                unit, preamplifier, three
                                                                receiving antennas and
Figure 5: Tripole antennas of the very low frequency radio
                                                                cable s. The electronic unit
spectrometer. Credit: Institute of Elecotrnics, CAS.

 12     太空|TAIKONG
Figure 6: System of the very low frequency radio spectrometer. Credit: Institute of Elecotrnics,

is composed of controller,      landed on the far side of        internal calibration and data
distributor, clock module,      the moon successfully.           acquisition modes were
multi-channel      receiver,    At 00:40 on January 4,           carried out respectively.
internal         calibration    the receiving antennas A,        The equipment worked
module, and interfaces          B and C of VLFRS were            normally, the telemetry
with the Lander. The main       deployed smoothly under          data were normal and the
performance requirements        the control of ground            scientific data were correct.
of low frequency radio          commands,      and   their
spectrum analyzer are           deployment lengths were
shown in Table 2.               5 m. At 9:20 on January 5,
                                2019, the low-frequency
On January 3,          2019,    radio spectrum analyzer
Chang'e-4 lunar        probe    was powered up. The

                                                                   太空|TAIKONG            13
Frequency                                   100kHz~40MHz

 Sensitivity                                 7.5nV/√Hz

 Dynamic Range                               ≥ 95dB

 Frequency                                   ≤ 5KHz (100KHz~2.0MHz)

 Resolution                                  ≤ 200KHz (1.0MHz~40MHz)
 Receive Antenna                             Three 5m orthogonal monopole antennas

 Bit-Rate                                    ≤5Mbps

 Power                                       24W

Table 2: Technical Specifications of VLFRS

      3.3.     The NCLE experiment

The       Netherlands-China    signal, NCLE also aims        cross-calibration with Earth
Low-Frequency Explorer         at observing the Sun and      based radio telescopes,
(NCLE) is a low-frequency      large solar system planets.   and the band above 80
radio astronomy and space                                    kHz MHz suitable for space
science payload on-board       The payload is outside the    science, and planetary and
the CE4 relay satellite        Earth’s ionosphere and        plasma physics. Although
orbiting the Earth-Moon L2     relatively far away from      the digital electronics is
Lagrangian point. NCLE         terrestrial    interference   capable to cover the entire
is a pathfinder mission for    although that will still      band in one go, the band
a much larger future array     be detectable. NCLE is        was split in five sub-bands
of small satellites aimed      equipped with three length    for system linearity reasons
at observing the earliest      5m monopoles that can         (Prinsloo et al. 2018).
phases of our universe, the    be configured as (two)        Currently NCLE is in the
Dark Ages period in which      dipoles. It covers the        commissioning phase.
the first stars and galaxies   1-30 MHz band virtually
were formed. Apart from        inaccessible from Earth
constraining       estimates   for radio astronomers, the
of the global Dark Ages        band 30-80 MHz allowing

 14      太空|TAIKONG

      4.1.     Potential of Discovery

Radio astronomy began in        tool for studying pulsars,      –           transformational
1933 from the unexpected        HI       emission        and    discoveries,     was    built
discovery of a radio noise      conducting         planetary    with at least one its main
of extraterrestrial origin      radar          experiments.     specification significantly
detected by Karl Jansky.        The Very Large Array            exceeding       any   other
Throughout its history over     (VLA) and Westerbork            instrument.     Such     the
more than eight decades,        Synthesis Radio Telescope       specification might deal
radio astronomy offers          significantly outperformed      with sensitivity, spectral,
numerous examples of            original expectations as        time or angular resolution,
unexpected discoveries.         radio imaging instruments       spectrum coverage, etc.
These include detections        in continuum and spectral       In other words, broadening
of radio emission from          line regimes. The latest        up coverage of at least
celestial radio sources in      example is the Canadian         one major parameter of a
continuum (e.g., pulsars,       Hydrogen            Intensity   new experimental facility
Fast Radio Bursts) and          Mapping         Experiment,     practically      guarantees
spectral lines (e.g., OH        CHIME,        which      has    outstanding discoveries.
masers).         Moreover,      become recently the most
almost all major radio          productive discoverer of        In this sense, there is every
astronomy          facilities   Fast Radio Bursts (FRB’s).      reason to expect that a
built in the past nearly        Even from the name of this      prospective space-based
60 years demonstrated           experiment it is obvious        ultra-long       wavelength
their superb potential in       that the original prime task    facility    will    continue
making discoveries not          of the CHIME observatory        the trend of delivering
in the areas for which          was unrelated to FRB’s.         unexpected        pioneering
they had been built. For        All these and many other        discoveries. The reason
instance, the Arecibo radio     examples have in common         for such the expectation
telescope was conceived         one major characteristic:       is simple: just as many
as a facility for studying      each radio astronomy            other outstanding radio
back-scattering effects in      instrument that proved          astronomy facilities of the
the ionosphere, and not         to carry a potential for        past decades, the ULW
as a prime astronomical         outstanding,      sometimes     radio observatory will open

                                                                 太空|TAIKONG           15
up a large unexplored area        spectrum      of      cosmic     in the large unchartered
of a major parameter of a         emission. While all declared     spectrum domain have
telescope, its spectrum           science tasks of the ULW         a potential of becoming
coverage. The ULW domain          facility do deserve careful      dominant in the facility’s
is the last unexplored area       observational        studies,    operational      agenda.
of the electromagnetic            unexpected       discoveries     Expect unexpected!

      4.2.      Cosmic Dawn and Dark Ages

The Big Bang left its elusive     sky     that   have      been    by all inflationary models,
fingerprints on the cosmos,       detected and mapped as           requires a thousand fold
but the mystery remains.          millions of tiny ripples, the    increase      in   precision
The scientific consensus is       seeds of all large-scale         in measuring the PNG
that all we see in the visible    structure in the universe.       parameter fNL. The Planck
universe emerged from             However, this approach           satellite        experiment,
what is called “inflation”,       limits cosmology to at most      and any future CMB
an       immensely       rapid    0.1 percent precision. This      experiments, are limited
expansion that occurred           falls well short of what we      at best to fNL ~ 10. Future
some trillionth of a trillionth   need to search for the           surveys of billions of
of a second after the Big         fingerprints of inflation. The   galaxies will yield fNL~1.
Bang. The rapid expansion         only guaranteed signal,          To improve precision by
left a pattern of scattered       primordial non-Gaussianity       another 100-fold, we need
photons on the microwave          (PNG), robustly predicted        to go beyond galaxies, to

Figure 7: The Dark age and Cosmic Dawn. Credit: NAOC.

 16     太空|TAIKONG
Figure 8: The global signal (left) and the corresponding power spectrum (right) for different
model parameters. The colored dots on the right panel mark the different stages of evolution:
Lyman alpha coupling (red dot), heating transition (green dot) and mid point of reionization (blue
dot). The black solid curve is the standard model. Credit: Cohen et al. 2018.

their millions of gas cloud      formation, when the signal        energies above 13.6 eV
precursors, detectable by        during the dark ages              ionizes neutral hydrogen
searching in the so-called       (the period prior to star         in     the      intergalactic
“dark ages” before there         formation) is fully dictated      medium. These processes
were any galaxies, via           by atomic physics. As soon        are responsible for the
highly redshifted (z~50,         as the first stars form, their    deep absorption trough
the sweet spot for the           lights dramatically change        (centered at the frequency
predicted signal) 21 cm          the environment strongly          of about 60-90 MHz)
absorption against the           affecting the 21-cm signal.       and the emission peak
CMB. Sensitivity at such         During      cosmic       dawn     (at 100-150 MHz) in the
low frequencies (~30 MHz)        (Figure 7), ultraviolet (Lyα)     global signal (Figure 8).
may only be achievable           radiation produced by first       Owing to the patchiness
by the far-side lunar radio      stars couples the 21-cm           of primordial star formation
arrays (Jester & Falcke          signal to the thermal state       and the finite distance
2009).                           of the gas, which is cooled       from each source out to
                                 by the expansion of the           which the photons can
At lower redshift, the shape     Universe and heated by            propagate before being
and the features of the          X-ray radiation of first black    absorbed or scattered,
21-cm signal are tied to         holes. In addition, radiation     the radiative backgrounds
the astrophysics of galaxy       produced by stars at              (Lyα, X-ray, ionizing) are

                                                                     太空|TAIKONG            17
fluctuations of the dark age
                                                              and cosmic dawn requires
                                                              very high sensitivity and
                                                              stability, which could only
                                                              be achieved with a very
                                                              large area array on the far
                                                              side of the Moon in the
                                                              distant future. However, a
                                                              small array such as the DSL
                                                              could map the foreground
                                                              radiation, which would be a
                                                              useful and necessary first
                                                              step toward that direction.
                                                              The signal-to-noise ratio
                                                              of a global spectrum
                                                              detection       is    however
                                                              independent of the receiver
Figure 9: The number of cross dipoles required for high-z     collecting area (for a filling
21cm tomography. Credit: Jester & Falcke 2009.                factor of unity, as is the
                                                              case for three orthogonal
                                                              dipoles) and hence could
not uniform across the sky.    pattern of Baryon Acoustic     be carried out with a
These fluctuations result      Oscillations in the 21-        modest mission. The global
in variability of the 21-      cm power spectrum from         spectrum can be measured
cm across the sky. Exotic      cosmic     dawn     (Fialkov   to a high precision of
processes, such as baryon-     2014). However, in most        interest     to    cosmology
dark matter scattering         cases,     star   formation    study      with     a   single
(Barkana 2018) or neutrino     “contaminates” the signal      antenna in a short time, as
decay, might affect thermal    from cosmic dawn and           already demonstrated by
and ionization histories of    reionization, and the dark     experiments such as the
the gas, modifying the 21-     ages remain the optimal        EDGES, SCI-HI, SARAS,
cm signal from the dark        period in cosmic history to    and so on. The sensitivity
ages, cosmic dawn and          search for the imprints of     however        depends      on
reionization. For instance,    the exotic physics.            effective control of the
velocity-dependent                                            systematics.       In   some
scattering     cross-section   Due to the large foreground    aspects, a space-borne
results     in    enhanced     radiation, mapping the         experiment can be very

 18     太空|TAIKONG
advantageous    as    the       ground reflection artifact      frequency-dependent
problem of ionosphere           which may generate fake         beam effect must be tamed
distortion can be largely       absorption signals (Bradley     for the measurement to be
avoided. A lunar orbit          et al. 2019). However,          successful.
mission also helps to           the RFIs generated by
reduce the effect of            the satellite itself and any

      4.3.     Helio Physics and Space Weather

The active Sun exercises        the most violent of which are   observational capabilities
a fundamental influence         identified above the solar      CME in particular to
on the Earth's geosystem        surface as coronal mass         describe 3D structures
thereby    affecting      the   ejections (CME), clouds         evolution in time.
quality of life on Earth        of highly ionized plasma
and the performance of          ejected into interplanetary     Three main types of radio
technological      systems.     space. Despite their great      bursts are observed from
Plasma          instabilities   importance to life on Earth,    the Sun particularly in its
below the solar surface         the physical mechanisms         active state, both related
(chromosphere)                  governing such events are       to flares and CMEs.
sporadically      generate      poorly understood. This         Type II bursts have a
bursty releases of energy       is in part due to limited       frequency drift with time

Figure 10: An example of solar burst detected by PL610 single LOFAR station P. Credit: Space.

                                                                 太空|TAIKONG           19
at rates consistent with
the speed of the shock
through the solar corona
and interplanetary medium
(~1000-2000 km/s). Type
III bursts are emitted by
mildly relativistic (~0.1
- 0.3 c) electron beams
propagating through the
corona and interplanetary
space that excite plasma
waves at the local plasma
frequency. Their frequency
drift rate is much higher      Figure 11: The IPS measurement. Credit: Space Research
than that of Type II bursts.   Center, Polish Academy of Sciences.
Type IV bursts are emitted
by energetic electrons in      subsystem       is   strongly    emissions, future missions
the coronal magnetic field     coupled via the electric         such as DSL will allow
structure                      field, particle precipitation,   monitoring and modelling
                               heat flows and small scale       of plasma instabilities in
To develop a quantitative      interaction. The wave-           the solar corona and wave-
model of energy transfer       particle interactions in         particle interactions in
from Sun to the ionosphere-    radiation belts region are       the activity centres of the
magnetosphere system it is     one of the key parameters        Sun. DSL will offer great
necessary to consider the      in     understanding       the   opportunities for radio
plasma wave interaction.       global physical processes        studies of the solar wind
It is very hard to judge       which govern the near-           and the heliosphere. It
which physical process         Earth environment. The           will permit observations of
dominates      during     a    efficiency of the solar driver   solar radio bursts at low
geomagnetic disturbance,       depends on the prevailing        frequencies with much
in particular it seems         specific properties and          higher spatial resolution
necessary     to bind the      preconditioning of the           than possible from any
observations from different    near-Earth environment.          current space mission. It
region of Sun-Earth system.                                     will also allow observations
                               By providing dynamic             much further out from the
The      magnetosphere-        spectra   and     detailed       solar surface than possible
ionosphere-thermosphere        imaging of the solar radio       from the ground, where

 20    太空|TAIKONG
Figure 12: The LOFAR4SW experiment. Credit: Space Research Center, Polish Academy of

the ionosphere confines            relative       contributions    for all-sky astronomical
the field of view to within        of shocks and ejecta in         measurements.
a few solar radii. DSL will        interplanetary CMEs and         Complementary terrestrial
dynamically image the              track the evolution of these    LOFAR observations will
evolution of CME structures        structures separately. The      provide the heliospheric
as they propagate out into         combined in situ and remote     context       for       DSL
interplanetary space and           solar observations could in     diagnostics. The ongoing
potentially impacts on the         the next decade give us a       project LOFAR4SW in the
Earth's magnetosphere              much better understanding       frame of European H2020
                                   of heliophysics, solar-         program will deliver the full
In      combination        with    terrestrial physics, and        conceptual and technical
interstellar           plasma      space weather.           DSL    design for creating a new
scintillation             (IPS)    will also provide an ideal      leading-edge      European
measurements              from     low-noise facility for IPS      research facility for space
terrestrial radio telescopes,      observations in its own         weather science. In a major
particularly     LOFAR,       it   right, with the additional      innovation,     LOFAR4SW
should be possible to              virtue     of      providing    will prepare for a large
distinguish between the            heliospheric      calibration   scale high-end research

                                                                    太空|TAIKONG           21
facility in which completely   signal   paths   provide            radio astronomy and space
simultaneous, independent      continuous access to two            weather research.
observing modes and            research     communities:

      4.4.     The Planets, Exoplanets

The Earth and the four giant   instability (CMI), operating        via similar mechanisms.
planets in the solar system    at the local electron               If detected, they would
have      magnetospheres,      cyclotron frequency in the          provide many parameters
where energized keV-MeV        magnetospheres of these             on      the   exoplanetary
electrons produce intense      radio-planets, is confirmed         system. The observation
non-thermal low frequency      as the general mechanism            would however be very
radio emissions in the         for radio emission at the           difficult, many spacecraft
auroral regions near and       polar regions. Planetary            and integration will be
above the magnetic poles,      lightning is another source         required.
and these affected by the      of low frequency radio
solar wind and satellite       emission.                           Ground      and     space
interactions. The solar                                            measurement           are
system radio sources are       The radio waves may also            complementary.         In
very bright, Jupiter and Sun   be produced by exoplanets           particular,        space-
have equivalent brightness
in decametric range. The
planetary radio emissions
are intense but sporadic
and strongly anisotropic.
The Jupiter is alway active,
and emits up to 40 MHz
which can be observed
from the ground. The other
planetary radio sources are
emitting primarily below 1
MHz. which puts them far
below the cutoff frequency
of the Earth ionosphere.
                               Figure 13: The flux density of various low frequency sources.
The     Cyclotron      Maser
                               Credit: B. Cecconi et al. (2018).

 22    太空|TAIKONG
borne observation and          sensing    capability     for    the planetary emission on
monitoring may provide         auroral plasma study. The        hourly time scale. In future,
useful information at the      DSL is a near-linear array       more systematic lunar orbit
lower frequencies. The         and has limited snapshot-        observation may also be
fine structure of the radio    imaging           capability,    achieved with a swarm of
emission provides remote       nevertheless it can observe      satellites

     4.5.      Cosmic Ray and Neutrinos

The research on nature         particle physics. Since the      cosmic ray and neutrinos.
and sources for the highest    neutrinos are chargeless         When       a    high-energy
energy particles is one of     weakly            interacting,   particle interaction occurs
the major topics of modern     ultrahigh energy neutrinos       in a dense medium like ice,
high-energy astrophysics       (UHEN) can propagate             rock salt, lunar regolith,
and particle physics. To       unaffected over cosmic           and the atmosphere, it
date a couple of tens of       distances, and therefore         draw electrons off the
cosmic ray events have         their arrival directions carry   surrounding medium and
been      observed      with   direct information on their      transferring    them     into
energies in excess of          sources. Observations of         the shower disk. With the
1020 eV, these are the so-     UHEN would open up a             annihilation    of   shower
called     ultra-high-energy   new window on the highest-       positrons in flight, there
cosmic rays (UHECR).           energy          astrophysical    will be a net excess of
According to our current       process.                         electrons.     These     fast
understanding       of   the                                    excess electrons can emit
Universe, such particles       The big problems of both         radio waves through the
should not exist because       UHECR and UHEN event             Cherenkov       mechanism.
of the spectrum cut-off ~6     detection are not from the       Using this mechanism
× 1019eV caused by the         character of the event, but      many experiments have
Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin        from their extreme rarity.       been       performed       or
(GZK) effect. In any case,     The Moon offers a very huge      proposed to detect high-
these particles need further   natural detector volume,         energy cosmic particles,
experimental investigation.    and is first proposed by         as GLUE (Gorham et al.
Detection of UHE neutrinos     G.A. Askaryan (Askaryan          2004), LUNASKA (James
is also of great importance    1962) to be a target to          et al. 2010), and NuMoon
for both astrophysics and      detect showers initiated by      (Scholten et al., 2009) etc.,

                                                                 太空|TAIKONG           23
which are all based on             terrestrial radio telescopes,    UHEN events per year.
the terrestrial telescopes.        a lunar orbit radio telescope    With      the   decreasing
However, the radio signal          will be more competitive         of the orbit height, the
attenuation over the long          since it is close to the lunar   UHECR detections will
distance between the Moon          surface and lack of the          be increased greatly. The
and the Earth severely             atmosphere.        Preliminary   joint observations between
limits the detections, and         studies show that a DSL-         multi elements of the array
the refracting of radio            like array operating at the      will further provide the
waves by the ionosphere            frequencies (
observations of DSL will        new multi-frequency all-       will reveal the distribution
provide an excellent means      sky map at the ultralong       of the ISM, showing the
of tracing the ISM in this      wavelength where ISM           ionized gas around the
phase. Besides information      absorption       become        solar system in detail
dervied from the pulsar         significant and    highly
dispersion measure, the         sensitive to frequency

      4.7.     Extragalactic Radio Sources

One of the major goals of an    synchrotron self-absorption    However,       the   particle
ultra-low frequency survey      spectrum if the source were    acceleration mechanisms
would be building the first     sufficiently compact and       in galaxy clusters are
catalog of extragalactic        optically thick (Jester &      unknown. Low frequency
radio        sources       at   Falcke 2009). The strength     observations could probe
frequencies lower than 30       of magnetic field and          the giant radio halos in
MHz. Most sources in the        the free-free absorption       merging clusters, or mini
radio sky are extragalactic     by the local electrons         halos in cool-core clusters.
sources, mainly including       can also modify the            The steep spectra of
active galactic nuclei,         observed spectral energy       cluster halos imply that
radio galaxies, and galaxy      distribution. In addition,     lower frequencies are more
clusters. However, there is     due to the spectral aging      promising to detect the
till barely any observational   effect    (Alexander    and    cluster halos, specifically
constraints on the spectral     Leahy, 1987; Blundell and      for low mass and high-
energy distribution of them     Rawlings, 2001), lower-        redshift objects (Cassano
at frequencies lower than       frequency      observations    et al. 2006, 2008). Savini
20 MHz. Any observations        probe the older parts of a     et al. (2018) have found
of the spectral indices         source and can therefore       the first evidence of diffuse
of these sources will           be used to constrain the       ultra-steep-spectrum radio
constrain the mechanisms        age of a source.               emission surrounding the
of radiation and absorption,                                   cool core of a cluster, which
and shed light on the           Galaxy      clusters     are   means that under particular
nature and environments         extended radio sources,        circumstances, both a mini
of the sources. In deed,        where the plasma in the        and giant halo could co-
the typical synchrotron         intracluster medium emits      exist in a single cluster.
spectrum would change to        synchrotron       radiation.   Observational constraints

                                                                太空|TAIKONG           25
on the spectral properties        could further constrain the     formation history and the
and the sizes of them                                             magnetic fields of clusters

      4.8.      SETI

The Search for Extra-             interference (RFI) and          the requirements of high
terrestrial       Intelligence    other astrophysical signals.    time      and     frequency
(SETI) is always important        Using the Moon to shield the    resolution can be quite a
for humans’ curiosity, and        RFI from the Earth, the DSL     challenge with the current
aims to test the hypothesis       project could significantly     technologies, the DSL array
that           extraterrestrial   reduce the number of false      observing at the far side
civilizations emit detectable     positives from terrestrial      of the Moon will be a very
signals using a technique         transmissions, and increase     promising complementary
similar to what we have,          the confidence in the           to the bands covered
preferentially in radio band      detection. The advantages       by     the    ground-based
(e.g. Croft et al. 2018).         of using an interferometer      experiments,         placing
A major issue with the            array with a wide field of      extra constraints on the
detection of SETI signals is      view in searching for a         prevalence of civilizations
to distinguish the signal from    SETI signal are highlighted     in the Universe.
terrestrial radio frequency       in Garrett (2018). Although


The Discovering Sky at            mission is to map the sky       cosmic dawn, as it is not
the Longest wavelength            below 30 MHz using the          affect by the ionosphere
(DSL) concept consists            constellation of satellites     disturbance     and    RFIs
of a constellation of             as     an      interferometer   in ground observation.
satellites circling the Moon      array. Another goal of the      The linear configuration
on nearly-identical orbit,        mission is to make high         allows      the     relative
forming a linear array while      precision global spectrum       positions of each satellite
making         interferometric    measurement over the            to be measured with very
observations         of   the     frequency range of interest     limited    instrumentation-
sky. A major goal of the          to study of the dark age and    -star sensor camera for

 26     太空|TAIKONG
Figure 14: An artist’s concept of the DSL mission. Credit: NAOC.

angular measurement, and         are      each       equipped    the high frequency band
microwave line for distance      with     electrically   short   spectrometer which shall
measurement, the latter          antennas and receivers          make the global spectrum
also serves as inter-satellite   to make interferometric         measurement        in   the
data communication and           observations, while the         frequency above 30 MHz.
synchronization      system.     mother satellite will collect   At present we consider
The constellation includes       the digital signals from        a circular orbit of 300 km
one mother satellite and a       the daughter satellites for     height which is sufficiently
number of (tentatively set       interferometry correlation,     stable against lunar gravity
as 8) daughter satellites.       and transmit the data           perturbations.
The daughter satellites          back to Earth. It also has

      5.1.      Array Configuration

The           constellation      observations with a range       satellites will be docked in
is    designed     to    be      of     different  baselines     the mother satellite during
reconfigurable in orbit,         formed       between    the     launch and lunar transfer,
allowing    interferometric      satellites. The daughter        then sequentially released

                                                                   太空|TAIKONG          27
after entering into the lunar     The gaps between the               all directions, and the Moon
orbit to form the linear          rings can be partially             only shields a small fraction
array. An artist impression       filled by using bandwidth          of the sky, there is a mirror
is shown in Figure 14.            synthesis and by varying           symmetry between the two
                                  the     relative   distance        sides of the plane which
The daughter satellites           between the satellites. It         cannot be distinguished
form multiple baselines,          should be emphasized               using the interferometry
Figure 15      shows     the      that the satellites do             data of a single orbit
evolution of the baseline         not need to have fixed             alone. However, the orbital
vectors     between      the      relative positions, as long        plane processes a full 360
daughter      satellites  as      as the positions can be            degrees in 1.29 years,
the array circles around,         determined the array could         so after a few orbits, the
generating concentric rings       work.                              aperture plane will be tilted.
in the so called uv plane (u,                                        Sources in both halves of
v are Cartesian coordinates       As the short dipole antenna        the hemispheres will have
in units of wavelength).          are sensitive more or less in      different projections on

Figure 15: Evolution of the spatial aperture plane filling after one orbit of DSL (down) as it orbits
the Moon (up). Credit: NSSC.

 28      太空|TAIKONG
of the maximum baseline
                                                                 would not improve the
                                                                 imaging resolution, but the
                                                                 technological difficulty in
                                                                 position measurement and
                                                                 data communication would
                                                                 increase         significantly.
                                                                 Most      of    the     known
                                                                 radiation mechanisms at
                                                                 low frequency such as
                                                                 the synchrotron and free-
                                                                 free radiation produce
                                                                 continuum           radiation,
                                                                 for which high spectral
                                                                 resolution is not needed.
                                                                 The foreground subtraction
Figure 16: Cumulative filling of the 3D aperture over            of the redshifted 21cm
respectively 90, 180, 270 and 360 degrees of orbit precession.   line also only requires
Credit: NSSC.                                                    a     moderate        spectral
                                                                 resolution. An exception
the two aperture planes         The angular resolution of        to this is found in the radio
and can in principle be         the array is determined          recombination lines, which
separated.          Figure 16   by the maximum baseline.         requires a sub-kHz spectral
shows     the      cumulative   However,         interstellar    resolution. However, as the
filling over time (many         medium (ISM) scattering          satellite array is circulating
orbits) of the aperture         can broaden the point            the moon and the baselines
with    visibility     sample   source to about 0.5 degree       are moving, fine spectral
points. After 360 degree        at such low frequency,           resolutions are required to
precession, the visibility      and the broadening by            keep coherence.
filled a 3D “doughnut”          interplanetary      medium
shaped structure. This          (IPM) may be even larger         Detection         sensitivity
dataset is similar to a 3D      (Jester & Falcke 2009). The      at long wavelengths is
hologram, and a sky image       maximum baseline for DSL         strongly influenced by
can be reconstructed by         is set as 100 km, which          the confusion of multiple
linear inversion (Huang         at    1MHz     corresponds       sources nominally above
et al. 2018), as shown in       to a resolution of 0.17          the sensitivity. Confusion
Figure 17.                      degree. Further increase         limits identification and

                                                                   太空|TAIKONG            29
measurement of individual
sources,     and      occurs
when there is more than
one source in every 30
synthesized beam areas.
Extrapolation of source
count statistics of the VLA
74 MHz and the Parkes
80/178 MHz Catalog lead
to an estimated one sigma
confusion noise limit of 5.6
Jy and 65 mJy for 1 MHz
                               Figure 17: A reconstructed sky map with simulated DSL
(10’ beam size) and 10 MHz
                               observation. A few bright spots are added to the lower left part
(1’ beam), respectively.
                               of the map the to illustrate the reconstruction for point sources.
After observing with 8
                               Credit: Q. Huang et al. (2018).
antennas at 1 MHz (1
MHz bandwidth) for a few
                               would allow a detection           MHz) to cover the full 20-
weeks, DSL will reach
                               of the dark age signal at         100 MHz range
the confusion noise limit
                               SNR=10. Reaching this 5
above, which effectively
                               mK accuracy requires >60          A summary of the DSL
sets the limit to imaging
                               dB pass-band calibration.         requirements     is  listed
sensitivity of DSL. At 10
                               For foreground subtraction,       in Table 3. It basically
MHz mapping sensitivity is
                               the full band needs to be         covers all requirements the
limited by integration time
                               observed with a spectral          science cases described
primarily, not by confusion.
                               resolution of 1 MHz. We           above, appended with
                               expect that these need to         a     few     requirements
For the Dark Ages science
                               be combined with higher-          stemming from technical
case, the goal is to reach 5
                               frequency    measurement          considerations as will be
mK error on the brightness
                               of the global sky from the        explained in the following
temperature estimate at 20
                               ground and possible from          sections.
MHz, within eight months
of mission duration: this      space (i.e. DARE at >40

 30    太空|TAIKONG
No.           Requirement                          Value
               1    Frequency range                 1~30MHz for imaging
                                                    30~120MHz for high precision
               2    Spectral resolution             1MHz for imaging
                                                    10kHz for high precision
               3    Total integration time          1.29y for imaging
               4    Baselines                       Maximum length 100km
                                                    Minimum length 100m
               5    Mission lifetime                5y

             Table 3: Summary of DSL requirements

      5.2.      Satellite and Payloads

The mother and daughter          satellite carries the ring of   the    first  consideration
satellites are launched          daughter satellites on its      for     antenna     design,
together to lunar orbit. As      external sides. This combo      and thermal effect and
illustrated in Figure 18, the    sits above a propulsion         mechanical strength will
upper part of the mother         module, which propels           also be taken into account.
satellite has deployable         the satellites during the       A deployable ground plate
solar panels, high gain          Earth to Moon transfer and      will be mounted right under
antenna       (for    ground     separated after entering the    the antenna to ensure the
communication), high gain        lunar orbit. The daughter       beam pattern not affected
ISL antenna and other            satellites are then released    by the satellite itself. A
sensors and antennas,            one by one.                     precise calibration system
and on top of these sit                                          will be embedded into
the cone-shaped high             To measure the 21cm global      the receiver as a core
frequency       spectrometer     spectrum in the frequency       module, and differential
(HFS) antenna and its            range     30-120MHz,     a      measurement       will   be
ground       plane     which     dedicated     spectrometer      used in the receiving
shield it from the rest of       is placed on the mother         system.
the mother satellite. The        satellite. A frequency-
lower part of the mother         independent     beam    is

                                                                   太空|TAIKONG         31
bands (1 kHz) within the
                                                               1-30 MHz range are used
                                                               for interferometry.

                                                               The satellites will naturally
                                                               have      some        velocity
                                                               differences     under      the
                                                               irregular gravity field of the
                                                               Moon, and without control
                                                               they may run away. The
                                                               formation is automatically
                                                               controlled to keep the
                                                               linear array stable. A
Figure 18: A split diagram of the Mother satellite. Credit:
                                                               reconfiguration      strategy
                                                               which balances the fuel
                                                               consumption among all
                                                               daughter satellites include
                                                               two steps, step 1: keep S1
                                                               stationary, S2-S8 shrink;
                                                               step2: keep S8 station,
                                                               S1-S7 expand, as shown
                                                               in Figure 20. We estimate
                                                               the reconfiguration period
                                                               is about 20 days, each
                                                               satellites needs 80mm/s
Figure 19: Daughter satellite with LFIS antenna deployed.
                                                               delta-V in each formation
Credit: NSSC.
                                                               reconfiguration        control
Each daughter satellite       better than 1 ̊ , attitude       period.
is an identical cuboid,       stability better than 0.1 ̊/s,
                                                               The            inter-satellite
which carries a low           and attitude measurement
                                                               communication, ranging,
frequency interferometer      better than 0.01 ̊. Each
                                                               clock synchronization and
and spectrometer (LFIS),      has      three    orthogonal
                                                               angular       measurement
as shown in Figure 19.        short dipole antenna, a
                                                               is provided by the inter-
The daughter satellites       receiver, and a digitizer.
                                                               satellite dynamic baseline
have three axis stabilized    Limited by the inter-satellite
                                                               apparatus (ISDBA). It uses
with respect to the Moon,     communication bandwidth,
                                                               microwave link (Ka band)
with pointing accuracy        a selection of 1000 narrow

 32     太空|TAIKONG
No                 Item                           Value
             1     Antenna                        2.5m three-dipoles
             2     Frequency range                1MHz-30MHz
             3     Spectral resolution points     8192
             4     Receiver gain stability        0.02dB
             5     Sensitivity                    1000K@30MHz (1MHZ,
                                                  10minutes integrated time)

            Table 4: Summary of LFIS parameter

for data communication (40       mentioned            science    determined by comparing
MHz) between the mother          requirements.      For   the    with star map (Figure 22).
and daughter satellites.         angular       measurement,      The baseline positioning
The same microwave line          an LED light array is put       precision is set to be
is also used for ranging         on the mother satellite         1m each direction (1/10
and synchronization by           for identification, and the     wavelength at 30 MHz).
using the dual one-way           star sensor cameras on          This requires a ranging
ranging (DOWR) principle         the daughter satellites will    precision of 1 m and an
(Figure 21). The scope           take photos in the direction    angular precision of 10urad
of inter-satellite baseline      of the mother satellite         at 100km. The parameters
is from 100m to 100km in         against background stars,       are     summarized        in
order to meet the above-         the baseline direction is       Table 5.

Figure 20: Formation reconfiguration strategy. Credit: NSSC.

                                                                   太空|TAIKONG          33
Figure 21: The principle diagram of dual one way ranging measurement. Credit: NSSC.

Figure 22: Angular position determination. Credit: NSSC.

              No                Item                            Value
             1     Communication distance          1km-100km
             2     Ranging accuracy                1m@100km
             3     Clock synchronization           3.3ns@100km
             4     Inter-satellite data transmission Adjustable, up to 40Mbps for
                   rate                              each daughter satellite
             5     Angular accuracy                10urad@100km

            Table 5: ISDBA parameters

 34     太空|TAIKONG

A number of both ground-       science objectives, from       approaches in their design,
based and space-borne          the detailed study of the      so that they provide both
low     frequency      radio   Sun and planets and            independent checks and
experiments are currently      space weather, to the          also complementary to
operating or being planned.    exploration of the dark        each other.
These experiments are          ages and cosmic dawn,
aimed for many different       and adopted different

     6.1.      Ground Global Spectrum Experiments

Examples     of    current     Hidrógeno Neutro (SCI-         the exception of EDGES.
ground-based Global 21-        HI, Voytek et al. 2014), the   These include:
cm experiments operating       Large-aperture Experiment
between 50 and 200 MHz         to detect the Dark Ages        • An upper limit for the
include: the Experiment        (LEDA, Price et al. 2018),     absorption amplitude of
to Detect the Global           Probing Radio Intensity        0.89 K at 95% confidence
Epoch of Reionization          at high-z from Marion          by LEDA (Bernardi et al.
(EoR) Signature (EDGES,        (PRIzM, Philip et al. 2019),   2016);
Bowman et al. 2018a),          and the Cosmic Twilight
the    Shaped    Antenna       Polarimeter (CTP, Nhan         • Upper limits of 1-10 K by
measurement     of     the     et al. 2019). Monsalve et      SCI-HI (Voytek et al. 2014);
background          RAdio      al. (2019) summarized the
Spectrum (SARAS, Singh         results from these single-     • Upper limits on the power
et al. 2018), the Sonda        antenna experiments and        spectrum by MWA (Ewall-
Cosmológica de las Islas       several radio arrays, all of   Wice et al. 2016) and by
para la Detección de           which are upper limits with    LOFAR (Gehlot et al. 2018).

            6.1.1.    The EDGES experiment

The Experiment to Detect       (EDGES) is a pioneering        measured the sky-averaged
the Global EoR Signature       experiment  that   has         radio  spectrum      since

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