Services Trade of Commonwealth Member Countries: Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic - INTERNATIONAL TRADE WORKING PAPER - The Commonwealth
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ISSN 2413-3175 2021/03 INTERNATIONAL TRADE WORKING PAPER Services Trade of Commonwealth Member Countries: Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Ben Shepherd and Anirudh Shingal
International Trade Working Paper 2021/03 ISSN 2413-3175 © Commonwealth Secretariat 2021 By Ben Shepherd (principal) and Anirudh Shingal (consultant). Please cite this paper as: Shepherd, B and A Shingal (2021), ‘Services Trade of Commonwealth Member Countries: Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic’, International Trade Working Paper 2021/03, Commonwealth Secretariat, London. The authors would like to thank Prachi Agarwal for excellent research support. This material has been funded by UK aid from the UK government; however the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s official policies. The International Trade Working Paper series promptly documents and disseminates reviews, analytical work and think-pieces to facilitate the exchange of ideas and to stimulate debates and discussions on issues that are of interest to developing countries in general and Commonwealth members in particular. The issues considered in the papers may be evolving in nature, leading to further work and refinement at a later stage. The views expressed here are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the Commonwealth Secretariat. For more information contact the Series Editor: Dr Brendan Vickers, b.vickers@ Abstract In most Commonwealth member countries, services account for at least half of total economic activity in terms of gross domestic product. Levels are particularly high in high-income countries but also in some small island states, where activities like tourism and finance – both services – are important in the overall economy. This paper analyses services exports of Commonwealth coun- tries and develops a conceptual framework about the impacts of COVID-19 on services exports. It presents a set of case studies from Commonwealth countries to identify the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic for services trade, and the responses by governments and private sector actors, including the possibilities for cross-modal substitution in services supply due to digital technologies. The case studies cover a wide range of sectors, namely education, information tech- nology, health, tourism and finance. The available evidence, which is scarce, suggests that country experiences have varied depending on the pre-existing pattern of sectoral specialisation, as well as the level of online connectivity. JEL Classifications: F10, L80, O14 Keywords: services trade, servicification, Commonwealth, trade, COVID-19
International Trade Working Paper 2021/03 1 Contents Executive summary 3 1. Introduction 5 2. Commonwealth services trade: What do the data say? 7 3. COVID-19 and services trade: Conceptual framework 11 4. Case studies 14 5. Conclusion and policy implications 31 Notes 32 References 33
2 Services Trade of Commonwealth Member Countries: Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Abbreviations and Acronyms ADB Asian Development Bank BATIS Balanced Trade in Services BEST Barbados Employment & Sustainable Transformation BPO business process outsourcing DoT Department of Telecommunications (India) EU European Union FCA Financial Conduct Authority FSCM Financial Services Commission Mauritius GATS General Agreement on Trade in Services GDP gross domestic product ICT information and communication technology ILO International Labour Organization IMF International Monetary Fund IT information technology ITA International Trade Administration ITES IT-enabled services KEPSA Kenya Private Sector Alliance KNBS Kenya National Bureau of Statistics MSMEs micro, small and medium enterprises OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ONS Office of National Statistics OSP Other Service Provider NASSCOM National Association of Software and Service Companies (India) RBI Reserve Bank of India SMEs small and medium enterprises TiSMoS Trade in Services by Mode of Supply TiVA Trade in Value Added UK United Kingdom UNDP United Nations Development Programme USA United States of America VDI virtual desktop infrastructure VPN virtual private network WDI World Development Indicators WTO World Trade Organization
International Trade Working Paper 2021/03 3 Executive summary Expansion of services is a key dynamic in the towards increased Mode 1 trade through online global economy, extending to all regions and interactions, the ability to trade in this way is income groups. This process of servicification dependent on infrastructure, technological has two main components. On the one hand, capacity, human capital and connectivity, and changes in consumption patterns as a result is not always an option for service providers in of increasing per capita incomes tend to shift low- and middle-income countries. demand and therefore production towards Among Commonwealth countries, 10 report services. But, at the same time, technological monthly trade in services data to the World change means that more and more activities Trade Organization (WTO). These high fre- within industrial firms are in fact services. quency data make it possible to provide some Commonwealth countries are no strangers indicative analysis of the impact of the COVID- to this emerging feature of the global economy. 19 pandemic on services trade, although the In most member countries, services account for information available is necessarily very partial at least half of total economic activity in terms in terms of country experiences. of gross domestic product (GDP). On average, The extent of the declines in services exports services account for 57.7 per cent of GDP in the is very striking. Tanzania and Uganda, for Commonwealth. Levels are particularly high in example, have seen their services exports col- high-income countries but also in some small lapse: in June 2020, Tanzania’s exports were island states, where activities like tourism and only 19 per cent of the level seen in December finance – both services – are important in the 2019; for Uganda in September 2020 the fig- overall economy. ure was 29 per cent. These economic shocks Intra-Commonwealth trade is substantial in are massive, and suggest that substitution of absolute terms, amounting to US$214.06 bil- activities towards Mode 1 (see further below) lion in 2019, but it accounts for only a modest has proved difficult, perhaps because of infra- proportion of world trade in services (around 4 structure and connectivity issues or perhaps per cent). More significant in percentage terms as a result of the nature of the services being is extra-Commonwealth trade, which makes up traded. Large declines are not limited to devel- 30 per cent of world services exports. The over- oping countries: Australia’s services exports in all picture that emerges is that Commonwealth September 2020 were only 58 per cent of their countries are active participants in the global level in December 2019. services economy, but that, while intra-Com- Dynamic patterns are of particular inter- monwealth trade is not negligible, on an aggre- est. Whereas Uganda and Tanzania have seen gate basis Commonwealth countries tend to a major negative shock and no sign of recov- be more heavily engaged in services trade with ery yet, Bangladesh saw its services exports non-Commonwealth countries. fall by as much as 43 per cent but by July 2020 The General Agreement on Trade in Services they had already recovered to 87 per cent of (GATS) recognises four modes of supply their December 2019 level. Even more strik- for services trade, depending on how they ingly, Malta’s exports fell by 19 per cent but in move across borders. Modes 2 and 4, which September 2020 were 10 per cent higher than in directly involve movement of individuals, December 2019. These results suggest that, while account for around 15 per cent of the value of all countries have been subject to shocks from Commonwealth exports. The largest aggregate, the COVID-19 pandemic, extents and recovery however, is Mode 3 sales by foreign affiliates. paths have varied substantially. There is no clear Finally, Mode 1 accounts for 35 per cent of the pattern according to development level, so it is value of Commonwealth services exports. likely, though it is impossible to be sure based Against this background, there is clear on currently available data, that it is sectoral vulnerability to the economic effects of the specialisation that is key. This issue looms large COVID-19 pandemic, which has made in-per- in relation to cross-modal substitution. son interactions more difficult or impossible. Against this background, this paper pres- While there is substantial evidence of a shift ents a set of case studies from Commonwealth
4 Services Trade of Commonwealth Member Countries: Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic countries. The aim is to distil the available Encouraging news also comes from coun- information – which is typically qualitative – to tries with established capacity in IT-enabled identify the challenges posed by the COVID-19 services, such as India and Kenya. The pan- pandemic for services trade, and the responses demic has provided these countries with an by governments and private sector actors. The opportunity to capitalise on this capacity as case studies cover a wide range of sectors and more and more services activities move online. countries, as follows: Ultimately, the data will likely show some degree of cross-modal substitution in services • Education: Australia and Canada trade, away from Modes 2 and 4 and towards • Information technology: India and Kenya Mode 1, although country experiences will of • Health: South Africa and Singapore course vary. It remains unclear as to whether • Tourism: Rwanda, Vanuatu and Barbados or not this type of substitution will compen- • Finance: Mauritius and the UK sate for the huge demand shock that services markets have seen, as GDP growth has turned While experiences are heterogeneous in terms negative in much of the world as a result of the of baselines and experiences, a number of key combined effect of the pandemic and the mea- points arise from taking them together. sures required to contain its spread. The most The available evidence, which is scarce, sug- likely scenario is that cross-modal substitution gests that country experiences have varied offsets the negative impact of this shock less depending on the pre-existing pattern of sec- than fully, so an overall contraction in services toral specialisation, as well as the level of online trade, likely still a substantial one, will be seen connectivity. Countries with large tourism and as a result of the pandemic, even after account- travel sectors have been hard hit, as the global ing for differences across the four GATS modes tourist economy has contracted substantially. of supply. Similarly, countries with limited internet con- Tourism is a sector that the crisis has hit nectivity have had apparent difficulty moving particularly hard, as it relies almost exclusively other types of activities online. While most on consumer movements (Mode 2 trade). But countries do not report monthly trade in ser- countries have been active in adopting mea- vices data to the WTO, the available information sures to try and support both businesses and suggests that, among Commonwealth countries, workers, so as to avoid the very worst social con- the pandemic may have hit African members sequences of the economic shock, and also to particularly hard from a services trade perspec- facilitate tourism and travel within the confines tive. But high-income countries have not been of what is considered safe and prudent from spared, with Australia standing out as having the point of view of managing the pandemic. seen a significant decline in its services exports. Rwanda has made intelligent use of testing pro- While the data paint a generally worry- tocols in an effort to both reassure inward trav- ing picture of Commonwealth services trade ellers and avoid imported contagion. Barbados during the pandemic, evidence from the case has proved particularly innovative, looking studies shows that industry and governments to take advantage of a new market in “work in member countries have been active in tak- from home” travel – a long-term stay on the ing measures to sustain economic activity dur- continuum between short-term tourism and ing the pandemic, and lay the groundwork for long-term residency. While the pain from the a successful recovery once the emergency has combined public health and economic shocks passed. On the one hand, Canada has managed is very real in this sector in particular, the case the risks inherent in travel for educational pur- studies show that creative and concerted action poses by requiring educational institutions to can nonetheless provide some degree of cush- have an approved pandemic action plan before ion to those most directly affected. their foreign students can be authorised to Health services are at the very centre of the enter or re-enter. As a result, industry projec- pandemic and governmental responses to it. tions for the education sector in Canada are not Health tourism has been a growing sector for as strongly negative as those in Australia, where regional high performers, like Singapore and international students have not been exempted South Africa. But, as with tourism, trade in from entry restrictions. this sector is almost exclusively in Mode 2, and
International Trade Working Paper 2021/03 5 technological means for shifting to Mode 1 are Taking these country and sectoral experi- still limited in scope and availability. Singapore ences together, it is clear that the services sec- has adopted a risk-based entry protocol, with tor, including traded services, has been hit facilitated procedures for countries, mostly with a major economic shock, potentially one in the region, identified as carrying relatively with little precedent in terms of size, scope and limited risk of COVID-19 transmission. South nature. It is important for governments to work Africa has adopted an approach similar to together with affected industries to support Rwanda’s in the case of tourism, by allowing employees and others who suffer very direct entry from all countries but with a requirement negative consequences, but to do so in a way for negative testing. Both approaches have that maintains an open trading environment. broader aims than just supporting the health Intelligent use of regulatory measures to allow services sector, but part of their effect is to make for low-risk interactions or movements of indi- it possible for some amount of health tourism viduals is another way that governments can try to continue. and cushion the impact of the pandemic for the Financial services represent an interesting most affected sectors, but this approach neces- example because, like IT services, there is a sarily runs up against hard boundaries in terms significant amount of activity that can be con- of the primary need to manage public health ducted online. Moreover, financial sector inno- risks in the short term. Given recent approv- vation, such as contactless payments, can even als of vaccines in some countries, there is room help control the spread of COVID-19. But, even to hope that 2021 will see the beginnings of with the ability to innovate and move activity economic recoveries, though primarily in the online, governments have recognised the need developed world first. Nonetheless, developing to deal with a major economic shock, given that countries can potentially benefit from increased many countries are moving to slower or nega- demand for their output, provided that coun- tive GDP growth as a result of both the pan- tries work together in the interim to preserve a demic itself and the measures taken to control it. relatively open trading system. 1. Introduction Expansion of services is a key dynamic in the Trade in Value Added (TiVA) database show global economy, extending to all regions and that 25 per cent of its gross exports of manufac- income groups (Hoekman and Shepherd, tured goods is actually embodied services value forthcoming). The process of servicification, as added. In other words, manufacturing firms it is known, has two main components. On the not only employ large numbers of workers per- one hand, changes in consumption patterns as forming services-oriented tasks but also source a result of increasing per capita incomes tend to significant proportions of their intermediate shift demand and therefore production towards inputs from services firms. Thus, services are services. However, at the same time, technolog- increasingly embodied in global goods trade. ical change means that more and more activi- Figure 1 shows that Commonwealth coun- ties within industrial firms are in fact services. tries are no strangers to this emerging feature For instance, car manufacturers rely on service of the global economy; the figure is based on providers ranging from engineers and com- 2018 data, the most recent year for which data puter scientists to post-sales representatives are widely available. In most countries, ser- and janitorial staff to produce their output, with vices accounts for at least half of total economic fewer workers engaged in core manufacturing activity in terms of gross domestic product tasks on increasingly automated production (GDP). Taking the simple average across coun- lines (e.g. Miroudot, 2019). Taking India as an tries shows that services account for 57.7 per example, data for 2015 from the Organisation cent of GDP in the Commonwealth. Levels are for Economic Co-operation and Development particularly high in high-income countries but (OECD)-World Trade Organization (WTO) also in some small island states, where activities
6 Services Trade of Commonwealth Member Countries: Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Figure 1. Services as a percentage of GDP (left axis) and services trade relative to GDP (right axis), Commonwealth countries, 2018 (%) 80 250 70 200 60 50 150 40 % % 30 100 20 50 10 0 0 St. Vincent and the… South Africa Canada Kiribati Samoa Ghana Lesotho Rwanda Uganda Malaysia Australia Fiji New Zealand Solomon Islands Dominica Botswana Cameroon Gambia, The Sri Lanka Jamaica Nauru Tonga Kenya Malawi Eswatini Namibia Nigeria Seychelles Bahamas, The Guyana Mauritius Tanzania Bangladesh Belize Grenada St. Kitts and Nevis Sierra Leone Brunei Darussalam India Singapore St. Lucia Malta Vanuatu Mozambique Zambia Maldives Pakistan Trinidad and Tobago Cyprus Papua New Guinea United Kingdom Antigua and Barbuda Note: Data not available for all countries. Bars indicate services as a percentage of GDP; line indicates services trade relative to GDP. Source: WDI. like tourism and finance – both services – are and employment in services sectors, leading to important in the overall economy. By contrast, hardship. It is not going too far to say that the the figure also shows that services are traded economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic relatively less in most countries. Trade data are being felt most acutely in those services sec- are the sum of exports and imports, and are tors that require in-person interactions, from recorded on a gross shipments basis, whereas personal services like hairdressing and per- national accounts data like GDP take net sonal care, to higher education, to tourism and exports (exports less imports) and are recorded travel. This said, digital divides and limitations on a value added basis that subtracts the value in access to relevant technologies hamper the of intermediate inputs. As a result, it is possible ability of some Commonwealth countries to for trade to be greater than 100 per cent relative engage in trade in even those services for which to GDP in some cases. GDP is simply used here remote transactions are more feasible. It is likely to provide a baseline by which to scale services that existing divides have been exacerbated trade integration. In most countries, services by COVID-19, and the extent to which it has trade is not insignificant, but it is only in the accelerated reliance on digital technologies, in high-income countries and in particular some turn impacting the process of servicification in of the small island economies that it stands out Commonwealth countries. as a major part of their overall trade integration. Against this background, the purpose Taking the simple average across countries, the of this report is to look at the ways in which ratio of services trade to GDP is 37.4 per cent. Commonwealth countries have responded to Historically, services have been seen as these challenges with the aims of safeguarding requiring physical proximity between producer incomes and wellbeing. The next section delves and consumer. While that requirement has been further into the available data to provide a base- steadily breaking down over time, thanks to line picture of Commonwealth services trade, changes in technology that make remote trans- although limited availability of such data means actions more feasible, it remains true in some that the exercise is subject to numerous cave- sectors that are of particular importance to some ats. Section 3 then discusses from a conceptual Commonwealth countries, such as tourism. As point of view the types of economic challenges such, the COVID-19 pandemic has posed huge that the pandemic has posed for the services problems to services firms and workers around sector. The core of the report is Section 4, which the world, including in the Commonwealth. The presents a set of case studies from all around inability to engage in person-to-person interac- the Commonwealth, focusing on both the tions as a result of health restrictions, combined challenges faced and the innovative responses with a shift in consumer preferences away from adopted by governments and the private sector. such activities, has meant that many countries Section 5 concludes by discussing the policy have seen substantial drops in economic activity implications of our findings.
International Trade Working Paper 2021/03 7 2. Commonwealth services trade: What do the data say? While services trade has been an important item including intra-Commonwealth trade. Given on the global trade agenda since the 1980s, when the lack of directly reported data in many cases, the General Agreement on Trade in Services the analysis is necessarily subject to extensive (GATS) was negotiated during the Uruguay caveats. But, if these are kept in mind, the results Round, quantitative analysis remains challeng- can be understood as providing an indication of ing. The reason is that many countries do not the baseline situation (Section 2.1). Section 2.2 collect comprehensive data on international looks at a small number of countries that report trade in services, in the sense of data that are high-frequency services data to the WTO, in an disaggregated by sector and by partner country. effort to consider the changes that have taken While almost all countries have some limited place during the COVID-19 pandemic. data on services trade in their balance of pay- ments statistics, in most cases these only identify 2.1 Establishing a baseline trade with an aggregate “world” partner. As such, Any attempt to talk systematically about it is not possible for most countries to identify intra-Commonwealth services trade neces- the proportion of their services trade that takes sarily involves statistical operations designed place with a particular group of partners. This to approximate the huge amount of missing finding applies just as much to intra-Common- data owing to lack of country collection and wealth services trade as it does to trade within reporting. The WTO Secretariat has produced other groupings. Kumar and Shepherd (2019) an experimental Balanced Trade in Services look at the case of the Pacific Islands Forum (BATIS) dataset that does exactly this in the countries and conclude that, among them, only most rigorous way of any currently available Australia has fully disaggregated trade in ser- source, with data now available up to 2019. vices data. This conclusion is striking in light of Figure 2 shows total world services exports the dependence of some of these countries on for 2019. The chart distinguishes three types their services sectors, as discussed above. of trade relationship: where both partners Against this background, this section attempts are Commonwealth countries (intra-Com- to say as much as possible about the services monwealth trade); where one partner is a trade of Commonwealth member countries, Commonwealth country but the other is not Figure 2. Breakdown of world services exports by group, 2019 (US$ billion and %) 214.06, 4% 1791.05, 30% 3987.63, 66% Both Commonwealth One Commonwealth No Commonwealth Source: WTO BATIS database.
8 Services Trade of Commonwealth Member Countries: Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic (extra-Commonwealth trade); and where neither services exports. The overall picture that emerges partner is a Commonwealth country (non-Com- is that Commonwealth countries are active par- monwealth trade). The data show that intra- ticipants in the global services economy, but that, Commonwealth trade is substantial in absolute while intra-Commonwealth trade is not negligi- terms, amounting to US$214.06 billion, but that ble, on an aggregate basis Commonwealth coun- it accounts for only a modest proportion of world tries tend to be more heavily engaged in services trade in services (around 4 per cent). More sig- trade with non-Commonwealth countries. nificant in percentage terms is extra-Common- Figure 3 reinforces this impression by pre- wealth trade, which makes up 30 per cent of world senting the data at the level of individual Figure 3. Services exports by Commonwealth countries, by partner, 2019 (%) ZMB ZAF WSM VUT VCT UGA TZA TUV TTO TON SYC SWZ SLE SLB SGP RWA PNG PAK NZL NGA NAM MYS MWI MUS MOZ Country MLT MDV LSO LKA LCA KNA KIR KEN JAM IND GUY GRD GHA GBR FJI DMA CYP CMR CAN BWA BRN BRB BLZ BHS BGD AUS ATG 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Commonwealth Non-Commonwealth Source: WTO BATIS database.
International Trade Working Paper 2021/03 9 countries. For most members, non-Common- there has also been some shift towards online wealth markets are more important outlets service provision. The key takeaway, however, than Commonwealth markets for their services is that the pre-crisis baseline of intra-Com- exports. Intra-Commonwealth trade is rela- monwealth services trade displays significant tively more important in some African coun- vulnerabilities to a shock like the COVID-19 tries and in the Pacific, though the proportion pandemic, based on its sectoral composition. in total trade is higher than 50 per cent in only Thus far, the analysis has focused on “ser- two cases. vices trade” as it is recorded in the balance of Figure 4 shows the sectoral composition of payments. But the WTO’s GATS, which pro- intra-Commonwealth trade in 2019. Three vides the legal framework for international sectors account for the lion’s share of trade: services trade, recognises four ways in which transportation, travel and other business ser- services can be provided internationally, not vices. Transportation is linked in large part to all of which are fully captured by the balance merchandise trade: moving goods from one of payments. Mode 1 refers to pure cross- country to another requires transport services, border supply, for example when a lawyer in whether the mode is sea, air or land. Travel is Saint Lucia advises a client in Canada by email, an aggregate of tourism and business travel. without either party moving from their home Finally, other business services is a broad location. Mode 2 involves movement of the aggregate that includes a wide range of services consumer, for example when the Canadian cli- activities, from professional services, to back ent flies to Saint Lucia to receive legal advice office services, to consulting. Also significant, then returns to Canada. Mode 3 is sales by though smaller than these three sectors, is the foreign affiliates, which captures the case of a finance and insurance aggregate as well as tele- law firm in Saint Lucia establishing an office communications. Clearly, given the importance in Canada and using it to provide services to of tourism in intra-Commonwealth services Canadian individuals and firms. Finally, Mode trade, it is likely that the COVID-19 pandemic, 4 involves temporary movement of the service which has made in-person travel both more dif- provider, for example when the lawyer travels ficult and less appealing to consumers, has had from Saint Lucia to Canada to advise their cli- a major depressive effect on intra-Common- ent then returns home. wealth trade; the next subsection investigates An additional mechanism not dealt with the mechanisms in more detail. Other business under the GATS is trade in embodied services – services and telecommunications, by contrast, that is, services used as inputs in the produc- could see different dynamics at play: in-person tion of goods. Under WTO law and standard interactions have become more difficult but statistical practice, these services are effectively Figure 4. Sectoral breakdown of intra-Commonwealth services trade, 2019 (US$ billion and %) 2.29, 1% Transport 13.1 5, 6% Travel 39.80, 19% Construction 55.35, 26% Finance and insurance Telecommunications, computer, and information services 60.85, 28% Other business services 20.26, 10% Other commercial services 19.74, 9% Government goods and services n.i.e. 2.61, 1% Source: WTO BATIS database.
10 Services Trade of Commonwealth Member Countries: Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic counted as part of goods trade, as they make up Modes 2 and 4, which directly involve move- part of the gross value of shipped goods, and ment of individuals, account for around 15 per do not move across borders other than through cent of the value of Commonwealth exports. their physical form embodied in goods. While This 15 per cent can expect to be significantly methods exist to identify the proportion of adversely affected by the pandemic, and cov- goods trade that embodied services inputs ers activities like tourism and travel. The largest account for, they are difficult to apply in many aggregate, however, is Mode 3 sales by foreign Commonwealth countries, owing to lack of affiliates. The impact of COVID-19 in this case data. This paper therefore focuses on the four is unclear, because it depends on the extent to GATS modes of supply, which are better under- which services sold in local markets still require stood, though still subject to data issues. personal interactions. Finally, Mode 1 accounts Although the four modes of supply have for 35 per cent of the value of Commonwealth been part of the trade landscape since the services exports. As set out in more detail below, WTO’s establishment in 1995, countries do not it is likely that Mode 1 has seen some growth in systematically collect data according to these relative terms during the pandemic, as activities categories. An analysis in these terms is impor- have increasingly shifted online. tant for present purposes, however, as different modes of supply involve different levels of in- 2.2 Recent developments person contact, and therefore are more or less susceptible to disruption from the COVID-19 Among Commonwealth countries, 10 report pandemic. monthly trade in services data to WTO.1 These Using the available data, the WTO high-frequency data make it possible to pro- Secretariat and its partners have prepared an vide some indicative analysis of the impact of experimental dataset on Trade in Services by the pandemic on services trade. Figure 6 shows Mode of Supply (TiSMoS). Unlike BATIS, this that most countries reporting data have seen does not disaggregate flows bilaterally but only major reductions in services exports from early provides data with an aggregate “world” part- 2020. The figure is presented in index terms, ner. It is therefore impossible to identify intra- so 80 indicates a decrease of 20 per cent from Commonwealth trade flows by mode of supply. January 2019, where all countries are set equal However, the dataset does allow us to analyse to 100. The figure thus does not take account of Commonwealth exports to all partners together absolute differences in country size. in that way. Figure 5 presents results, using the The extent of the declines in services exports latest year for which data are available (2017). is striking. Tanzania and Uganda have seen their services exports collapse: in June 2020, Tanzania’s exports were only 19 per cent of Figure 5. Commonwealth services exports by mode the level seen in December 2019; for Uganda of supply, 2017 (US$ billion and %) in September 2020 the figure was 29 per cent. 79.34, 4% These economic shocks are massive, and sug- gest that substitution of activities towards Mode 1 (see further below) has proved difficult, perhaps because of infrastructure and connec- tivity issues, or perhaps as a result of the nature 716.57, 35% of the services being traded. Large declines are not limited to developing countries: Australia’s services exports in September 2020 were only 1022.27, 51% 58 per cent of their level in December 2019. Dynamic patterns are of particular inter- est. Whereas Uganda and Tanzania have seen 210.21, 10% a major negative shock and no sign of recov- ery yet, Bangladesh saw its services exports fall by as much as 43 per cent but by July 2020 Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 they had already recovered to 87 per cent of their December 2019 level. Even more strik- Source: WTO TiSMoS database. ingly, Malta’s exports fell by 19 per cent but in
International Trade Working Paper 2021/03 11 Figure 6. Monthly exports of services, Commonwealth countries, 2019–2020 (December 2019 = 100) 120 100 80 Index 60 40 20 0 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Month Australia Bangladesh Canada India Malta Pakistan Tanzania Uganda United Kingdom Source: WTO. September 2020 were 10 per cent higher than Economies that are highly dependent on ser- in December 2019. These results suggest that, vices trade that requires in-person interactions, while all countries have been subject to shocks such as tourism, have likely seen steep and from the COVID-19 pandemic, extents and sustained declines in their exports. Examples recovery paths have varied substantially. There include the Caribbean countries, as well as the is no clear pattern according to development Pacific Islands. The key result is that the COVID- level, so it is likely, though it is impossible to 19 pandemic, while a global phenomenon, has be sure based on currently available data, that played out differently across countries when it it is sectoral specialisation that is key. This issue comes to services trade. Part of this effect owes looms large in relation to cross-modal substitu- to pre-existing patterns of specialisation, but it tion, discussed below. is likely that government responses are also part The picture provided here is necessarily of the story. The case studies in Section 4 pro- partial, based on data reported to the WTO. vide more detailed evidence on this point. 3. COVID-19 and services trade: Conceptual framework Reasoning from first principles, there are two specifically those that require in-person contact. sets of effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on The pandemic has given rise to two shocks that services trade, but they act in opposite direc- affect that propensity of producers and consum- tions. As a result, the overall impact is ambig- ers to meet in person. The first is that preferences uous, and we will need to await the release of have clearly changed in response to the increased data in the future before being able to make a risk profile of in-person interactions, so parties full empirical assessment of the impact of the have increasingly preferred to refrain from them crisis. when possible. The second aspect is regula- On the one hand, the pandemic constitutes tory: many countries have restricted the ability a clear drag on some types of services trade, of people to meet physically, and in particular
12 Services Trade of Commonwealth Member Countries: Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic to travel across borders for that purpose. While captures trade in services taking place through regimes differ across countries and through online means. Anecdotally, there has been a time, a fair summary is that in-person meetings substantial movement online of some types of have become both less desirable, because of the in-person interactions, to take account of the perception of increased risk, and more difficult changes noted above. Business meetings, nego- from a regulatory compliance standpoint. tiations and information exchanges have sys- Against the background of the GATS modes tematically moved online in many parts of the of supply discussed above, these kinds of world, subject to having access to the necessary shocks have clear implications for Modes 2 and infrastructure and services. As such, in some 4. In the case of Mode 2, it is consumers whose sectors, there is a countervailing force in the movements are impeded, with a correspond- direction of increased services trade in Mode 1 ing reduction in trade. For Mode 4 it is service specifically, as substitution across modes takes suppliers, again with a consequent reduction in place in response to the pandemic. The strength trade. The case of Mode 3 is more ambiguous. of this positive effect relative to the negative one The investment transactions at the base of Mode discussed above is an empirical question, which 3 can, in principle, take place without in-person cannot be answered definitively given the data interactions, although they have traditionally currently available. It will surely vary substan- been an important part of large-scale invest- tially from one sector to another, as well as across ment decisions. But, for statistical purposes, countries, and at the regional level within coun- the value of Mode 3 trade is not the value of tries. The interaction between those two variables investment in an overseas services business but – namely, country patterns of specialisation – the value of sales by that business. So the twin will be a major determinant of the size of the shocks referred to above again play a role. To the overall economic shock to which national econ- extent that in-person interactions have become omies are subjected as a result of the pandemic, less desirable or less feasible, one effect may be at least through the trade vector (Figure 7). to reduce the sales of foreign owned firms in On top of these issues specific to services, sectors where such interactions are important. with the possibility of substitution effects that Examples include hotels and restaurants, as they open up, there is also the more general well as distribution (although some parts of the issue of the massive economic shock resulting retail sector have been exempted from restric- from the pandemic itself, as well as the mea- tions in order to facilitate the supply of essential sures taken to limit its spread. Trade is highly goods). In any case, for Modes 2 and 4 in par- responsive to changes in market size (GDP), ticular, but also potentially for Mode 3, it seems and Figure 8 shows that the best information highly likely that an effect of the pandemic has currently available suggests that GDP will con- been to reduce trade. Given the unprecedented tract markedly across the Commonwealth as a scale and scope of the emergency, it is likely, as result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The figure suggested by the partial data reviewed above, shows actual GDP for 2019 less International that the extent of that reduction is large. Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts as at October The case of Mode 1 is quite different, however. 2020 for 2020 GDP. All but nine Commonwealth Since it focuses on pure cross-border supply, it countries for which data are available have a Figure 7. Summary of pandemic effects on services trade • Fall in Mode 2 trade Reduced in- • Fall in Mode 4 trade person • Fall in Mode 3 sales, and interactions potentially also investments Increased online • Increase in Mode 1 trade interactions
International Trade Working Paper 2021/03 13 forecast of negative GDP growth for 2020. For Commonwealth is one of economic contrac- 19 countries, the forecast fall in GDP is 10 per tion, in many cases to a severe extent. Against cent or greater. While there is much to be learnt this backdrop, it is unlikely that any increase from the experiences and policies of those in Mode 1 trade would offset the fall in trade countries – including Bangladesh, Guyana, coming from decreased trade in Modes 2 and 4, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda – that and possibly also Mode 3, as well as the general have maintained substantially positive growth negative shock to demand associated with these forecasts, the overwhelming picture for the very large falls in GDP. Figure 8. Forecast change in GDP, 2019–2020 (current US$) Zambia Vanuatu Uganda Tuvalu Trinidad and Tobago Tonga Tanzania St. Vincent and the Grenadines St. Lucia St. Kitts and Nevis Sri Lanka South Africa Solomon Islands Singapore Sierra Leone Seychelles Samoa Rwanda Papua New Guinea Nigeria New Zealand Namibia Mozambique Mauritius Malta Maldives Malaysia Malawi Lesotho Kiribati Kenya Jamaica Guyana Grenada Ghana Fiji Eswatini Dominica Cyprus Cameroon Brunei Darussalam Botswana Belize Barbados Bangladesh The Bahamas Antigua and Barbuda -40.00 -30.00 -20.00 -10.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 % Source: IMF World Economic Outlook database.
14 Services Trade of Commonwealth Member Countries: Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic 4. Case studies As the above discussion demonstrates, the of suitably disaggregated and up-to-date data to COVID-19 pandemic represents a major shock demonstrate these impacts quantitatively. to economies all around the world. As part of this, there are particular challenges for services 4.1 Education services sectors and services trade in Commonwealth 4.1.1 Australia countries, including intra-Commonwealth Australia has a large and competitive higher transactions. While the challenges are signifi- education sector, drawing students from around cant and real, it is important to highlight the the world but in particular from geographically ways in which governments in countries in close countries in East and Southeast Asia. all regions and at all income levels have taken Education services are Australia’s third largest steps to mitigate the damage flowing from the export, amounting to AU$18.8 billion in 2014– shock, and to take advantage of any opportuni- 2015 (Deloitte Access Economics, 2015). In ties they may perceive to try and cushion the addition, spending by students, as well as other impact of a major global economic contrac- knock-on effects, makes a further contribu- tion. This section therefore presents a set of tion to the Australian economy. Deloitte Access sectoral case studies, looking at five sectors in Economics (2015) estimates that 1.3 per cent of 11 Commonwealth countries. The objective the country’s total employment is supported by is to provide an overview of the types of mea- education exports. sures governments and industries have adopted Figure 9 shows that the sector has been in response to the pandemic, with the aim of undergoing rapid growth in terms of exports informing the Commonwealth membership over recent years. Total exports approximately more broadly so that instances of best practice tripled between 2005 and 2017, the latest year can be readily identified, and adapted to indi- for which TiSMoS data are available. The same vidual contexts. An ancillary objective is to source shows that the sector’s exports were highlight (mostly qualitatively) the impacts of accounted for nearly exclusively (99.4 per cent COVID-19 on different services sectors, which in 2017) by Mode 2 transactions – that is, the is an important contribution given the absence physical movement of students from their Figure 9. Australia’s education services exports, 2005–2017 (US$ billion, left axis, and % of total services exports, right axis) 14 6 12 5 10 4 US$ billion 8 3 % 6 2 4 1 2 0 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Exports % of Total Source: WTO TiSMoS database.
International Trade Working Paper 2021/03 15 home country to Australia in order to follow a issue for educators is the need to maintain qual- course of study. ity in online instruction models, which were Traditionally, delivery of education services previously unfamiliar to many. has relied on extensive in-person contact, given The federal government has recognised the the need for close interactions between educa- disruption the pandemic has caused for the tors and students, as well as among students sector. It has therefore decided to make changes completing group work. As such, the COVID- to the rules governing student visas, with the 19 pandemic has posed particular challenges. aim of facilitating post-study work for students Australia’s response to the pandemic has been already in Australia, as well as rapidly allow- very robust, involving an almost complete ing for entry by new and returning students shutdown of inward international travel. In currently outside the country (Universities September 2020, the entire country recorded Australia, 2020). An open question is whether only 3,720 international arrivals, a decrease of the sector will durably transition to greater use 99.5 per cent compared with the same month of online platforms, which could potentially see in 2019 (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2020). some shift from a nearly exclusive reliance on As noted above, Australia has seen a substan- Mode 2 trade to increased reliance on Mode tial decline in its services exports during the 1 trade. Under that scenario, some students COVID-19 pandemic. The case of education would remain in their home countries and fol- is somewhat particular, however. Unlike tour- low online courses of study at Australian insti- ists, who arrive, stay for a short period and then tutions. There is as yet no concrete indication leave, students can be present within the coun- that such a shift is taking place in more than a try for much longer periods, corresponding temporary way, as a result of pandemic-related with academic years. As such, when the pan- travel restrictions. Given that there is still some demic crisis hit, many students were already level of uncertainty as to how and when the present within Australia and were not directly pandemic will abate sufficiently for travel to affected by the restrictions on international resume normalcy, the question must remain an arrivals. Nonetheless, industry forecasts sug- open one. gest that, if strict restrictions are maintained, Overall, the Australian education sector has the number of foreign students in Australia shown considerable resilience in the face of a could decline by as much as 50 per cent, which major shock owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. would obviously have major implications for The response has been led by industry but the export revenues and jobs, given the sector’s rel- government has also taken steps to facilitate ative size (Hurley, 2020). So far, the decline in continued access to the Australian market for international student numbers has been much foreign students. Experience to date shows evi- more muted, at around 8 per cent compared dence of a substantial but not catastrophic loss with 2019 (Department of Education, Skills and of students, but, while government and indus- Employment, 2020). However, the Australian try have both laid the foundations for recovery, academic year follows the calendar year, so it its time, path and extent will depend on broader is likely that numbers in 2021 will see a larger developments, in relation to both management effect, as entries will be greatly limited. of the pandemic itself and the growth path of As these data indicate, the education sector in the world economy in the medium term. Australia has been relatively resilient in the face of major disruptions caused by the COVID-19 4.1.2 Canada pandemic. As government measures limited The international education sector is also an in-person interactions, universities moved rap- important one for Canada, which has been idly to provide online instruction (Ross, 2020). ranked sixth in terms of the most popular des- While the shift to online learning has required tinations for inward students in higher educa- major changes from educators and students tion (Gera, nd). Between 2004 and 2015, the alike, the fact that international student num- international student population at Canadian bers have not witnessed a precipitous decline institutions of higher learning more than dou- suggests that, at least as an interim measure, the bled, with substantial numbers coming from change in delivery mode has been acceptable to Commonwealth partners, especially India those most closely involved in the sector. A key (ibid.). In part, Canada is appealing as an
16 Services Trade of Commonwealth Member Countries: Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic international education destination because it affect international students. In Australia, as has a relatively liberal approach to subsequently discussed above, inward movements of non- granting residency to graduates. Australian citizens have been reduced to close Figure 10 shows that exports of education to zero, with no special exemption for stu- services have been increasing faster than overall dents. Canada, by contrast, has continued to services imports since 2005. In 2017, the sector allow entry to registered students provided accounted for just over 1.2 per cent of total ser- that their institution has a COVID-19 readi- vices exports, which reflects Canada’s relatively ness plan that the relevant province of territory diversified economy. As in the Australian case, has approved.2 this figure is a lower bound for the true impor- Partly as a result of this approach, indus- tance of the sector to the Canadian economy, as try estimates suggest that Canada’s universi- students also inject purchasing power, and rela- ties may see only a modest decline in revenue tives similarly import tourism and travel services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, on when they come to visit students in Canada. the order of 1.4 per cent in 2020 (IbisWorld, Like Australia, Canada adopted extensive 2020). The Canadian case study shows that travel restrictions in light of the COVID-19 combined action by industry and government pandemic. Given that education services are can help deal with the negative effects of the largely exported via Mode 2, this step had obvi- COVID-19 pandemic, although the medium- ous implications for foreign students seeking to term outlook for the sector is still unknown. enter Canada for study purposes. Given the dif- As in the Australian case, there is an ongo- ficulty of safely ensuring in-person interactions, ing question as to the level of future interna- the sector has undergone an extensive transi- tional student arrivals, assuming that travel tion to online learning (Study International, restrictions are eased further. In the Canadian 2020). Students already in Canada have there- case, inward travel is still possible for regis- fore been able to undertake online courses in tered students, but, as consumer preferences the same way as their Canadian counterparts, for travel have changed markedly as a result while those outside have also used online of the pandemic (McKinsey, 2020), it is pos- resources and have thereby effectively shifted sible that some are opting to remain in their their trade from Mode 2 to Mode 1. home countries and pursue online learning. A notable difference from the Australian case It is unclear whether this will continue in the relates to the way in which travel restrictions future. Figure 10. Canada’s exports of education services, 2005–2017 (US$ billion, left axis, and % of total services exports, right axis) 5 1.4 4.5 1.2 4 3.5 1 3 US$ billion 0.8 2.5 % 0.6 2 1.5 0.4 1 0.2 0.5 0 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Exports % of Total Source: WTO TiSMoS database.
International Trade Working Paper 2021/03 17 4.2 Information technology and IT-enabled destined for other Commonwealth members. services Meanwhile, the distribution of India’s Mode 3 4.2.1 India IT/ITES exports by destination during 2018/19 According to data from the latest available sur- suggests that at least a fifth of the business by vey on software and IT-enabled services (ITES) foreign affiliates of Indian firms may be within exports by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI, the Commonwealth (UK 11 per cent, Canada 5 2019), IT and IT-related services accounted per cent, Singapore 3.5 per cent). for 40 per cent of India’s total services exports In terms of delivery, nearly three-fourths of in financial years 2017/18 and 2018/19. India’s India’s IT/ITES exports were delivered by Mode total exports of IT and IT-related services, 1 in 2018/19 (registering 9 per cent growth rela- delivered by Modes 1, 2 and 4, during 2018/19 tive to 2017/18, see Table 2). This suggests that were US$117.9 billion. This was an 8.8 per the bulk of India’s exports in this sector may cent increase over the corresponding value in be relatively insulated from the adverse effects 2017/18 (see Table 1). The bulk of these exports generated by the pandemic. comprised IT services (65 per cent share) fol- However, data security, client confidential- lowed by business process outsourcing (BPO) ity, access to information and communications services (25 per cent share). technology (ICT) and related issues render even While most of these non-Mode 3 exports remotely deliverable Mode 1 services activi- were destined for the USA and Canada (com- ties infeasible (Shingal, A., 2020). Of course, bined 61 per cent share), according to data the most immediate fallout of the nationwide from the RBI Survey, 12 per cent went to the lockdown imposed in India in mid-March was UK, 6 per cent to East and South Asia, and 3.3 the inability of IT and ITES employees to get to per cent to Australia and New Zealand during the office (Heyes, 2020). The most immediate fiscal year 2018/19. Thus, more than a quar- response to the pandemic, thus, was the imple- ter of India’s total IT services exports deliv- mentation of remote working solutions. For ered by Modes 1, 2 and 4 on average may be instance, one survey shows that the IT/business Table 1. Distribution of India’s IT and IT-related services exports by sub-sector Sector 2017/18 Share (%) 2018/19 Share (%) Growth (%) ($ billion) ($ billion) Computer services 74 68.2 79.8 67.7 7.8 IT services 70.3 64.9 76.2 64.6 8.4 Software product 3.7 3.3 3.6 3.1 −2.7 development ITES 34.4 31.8 38.1 32.3 10.8 BPO 26.7 24.7 29.3 24.8 9.7 Engineering services 7.7 7.1 8.8 7.5 14.3 Total (M1+M2+M4) 108.4 100 117.9 100 8.8 Note: Computer services and ITES sum to 100 per cent; other sectors are parts of those two aggregates. Source: RBI Survey on Computer Software and ITES Exports, 2018/19. Table 2. Distribution of India’s IT and IT-related services exports by mode of delivery Mode 2017/18 Share (%) 2018/19 Share (%) Growth (%) ($ billion) ($ billion) Mode 1 91.3 69.5 99.5 74.0 9.0 Mode 2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 −67.7 Mode 3 22.8 17.4 16.7 12.4 −27.1 Mode 4 17.0 13.0 18.3 13.6 7.3 Total (M1-M4) 131.3 100.0 134.5 100.0 2.4 Source: RBI Survey on Computer Software and ITES Exports, 2018/19.
18 Services Trade of Commonwealth Member Countries: Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic process management industry enabled 77 per or OSP during the relaxation period of up to cent of its workforce to work from home within INR 500,000 per work from home location, weeks of the nationwide lockdown imposed in along with the threat of cancellation of OSP March (Shingal, R., 2020). registration (Phadnis, 2020). Initial concerns around security of data Innovative business solutions and govern- (Flinders, 2020) and potential impacts on ment support have enabled over 90 per cent of productivity, owing either to infrastructure the country’s IT workforce to work from home; quality or to lack of supervision/control, were this figure surpasses the country’s average of promptly addressed through newer solutions. 70 per cent. On the whole, facilitating a digi- These included (i) setting up virtual private tal framework for virtual collaborations, main- network (VPN)/virtual desktop infrastructure taining regular communication with clients (VDI) solutions at the homes of the employ- and revisiting business continuity plans helped ees; (ii) enabling network access, including in promptly responding to concerns around client networks, as well as examining band- implementation of an effective work from width infrastructure and availability in areas home solution. The result is that, according to where employees reside; and (iii) address- the RBI’s provisional estimates,3 India has con- ing challenges related to device tracking, and tinued to export services worth US$17 billion deployment, leveraging and installing virtual every month since April 2020 despite the pan- environments to support a secured remote demic and lockdown, which is only $1 billion working environment. In other instances, less than what the country was exporting, on industry-specific requirements for processes average, in the first quarter of 2020. that needed call-recording or processing of data posed a bigger challenge that necessitated addi- 4.2.2 Kenya tional controls, given the sensitivity of informa- Known as the Silicon Savannah of Africa, the tion involved (Shingal, R., 2020). ICT sector of Kenya contributed 1.3 per cent These solutions would not have been possible of the country’s GDP in 2018, according to the had the government not streamlined its policies Kenya Economic Survey of 2019. The sector by granting much-needed relaxations. In a bid grew at 11.4 per cent in 2018 as a result of the to keep employees safe and to implement work continued expansion of e-commerce and the from home, India’s software services body, the telecommunications sector, including mobile National Association of Software and Service phone connectivity and internet expansion, and Companies (NASSCOM), approached the gov- contributed 7.3 per cent to Kenya’s economic ernment’s Department of Telecommunications growth in 2018 (KNBS, 2019). It employed (DoT) to waive the Other Service Providers 131,200 people in 2018, of 4.7 per cent of the (OSPs) requirements pertaining to work from country’s total employment. According to the home for IT/ITES employees, as an interim latest data from the IMF’s Balance of Payments emergency measure. The DoT initially relaxed database, ICT services comprised 11.2 per cent these restrictions up to 30 April 2020, thus of Kenya’s total services exports in 2019, val- lifting the connectivity restrictions to enable ued at US$478.4 million (Figure 11, based on employees to work from home. This deadline TiSMoS data), around 90 per cent of which was then extended to 31 December 2020. The was delivered via Mode 1 “cross-border” and restrictions that have been relaxed include (i) 10 per cent by Mode 3 “commercial presence” the mandatory security deposit of INR 10 mil- (Figure 12). In 2018, the State Department for lion per office location to enable work from Trade (2018) reported that Kenya had been home for employees; (ii) the requirement to go exporting software development services to through an authorised Provider Provisioned global companies located in India, the USA, VPN for the work from home facility (OSPs South Africa, Spain and Germany and was a were permitted to use a secure VPN config- pioneer in ICT services in Africa, exporting ured using a static IP address by themselves to ICT services to its neighbours in the region connect to the client/enterprise server). At the (Kenya Investment Authority, 2016). same time, the DoT prescribed penalties for While the Kenyan IT sector has grown tre- any violation of the terms and conditions of the mendously over the past decade, it is estimated work from home facility by any agent/employee that it will contract by 13.8 per cent as a result
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