Synthetic plasmonic lattice formation through invariant frequency comb excitation in graphene structures

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Synthetic plasmonic lattice formation through invariant frequency comb excitation in graphene structures
Nanophotonics 2021; 10(15): 3813–3821

Research article

Zahra Jalali-Mola and Saeid Asgarnezhad-Zorgabad*

Synthetic plasmonic lattice formation through
invariant frequency comb excitation in graphene
Received April 13, 2021; accepted September 7, 2021;
 1 Introduction
published online September 22, 2021
 Synthetic lattice (SL) [1] provides a platform for photonic
Abstract: Nonlinear surface-plasmon polaritons (NSPPs) structures to couple the integral degree of freedom of light
in nanophotonic waveguides excite with dissimilar tempo- such as orbital angular momentum and FC with geomet-
ral properties due to input field modifications and material rical dimensions of the waveguide to form higher-order
characteristics, but they possess similar nonlinear spec- synthetic space [2, 3]. This multidimensional property
tral evolution. In this work, we uncover the origin of this observes both theoretically and experimentally in various
similarity and establish that the spectral dynamics is an physical systems from photonics [4, 5] and cold atoms [6] to
inherent property of the system that depends on the syn- non Hermitian systems [7] and topological circuits [8]. SL
thetic dimension and is beyond waveguide geometrical also provides artificial gauge fields for a bosonic structure,
dimensionality. To this aim, we design an ultralow loss which yields control over spectral and temporal behaviors
nonlinear plasmonic waveguide, to establish the invari- of light and hence is valuable for topological lasing [9, 10],
ance of the surface plasmonic frequency combs (FCs) and breaking time-reversal symmetry [11], etc.
phase singularities for plasmonic peregrine waves and Recently, SL with the periodic-boundary condition is
Akhmediev breather. By finely tuning the nonlinear coeffi- introduced to the reconstruction of the FCs [12], to control
cient of the interaction interface, we uncover the conserva- the light manipulation in a nonlinear waveguide [13] and
tion conditions through this plasmonic system and use the to induce a synthetic Hall effect for photons [14]. In previ-
mean-value evolution of the quantum NSPP field commen- ous investigations, these lattices are constructed as pho-
surate with the Schrödinger equation to evaluate spectral tonic structures with negligible dissipation and dispersion,
dynamics of the plasmonic FCs (PFCs). Through providing whose internal degree of light acts as a synthetic dimen-
suppressed interface losses and modified nonlinearity as sion. Besides, plasmonic structures act as nanoscopic
dual requirements for conservative conditions, we propose nonlinear waveguides that transport surface-plasmon pol-
exciting PFCs as equally spaced invariant quantities of this aritons (SPPs) instead of photons. Nonlinear SPP (NSPP)
plasmonic scheme and prove that the spectral dynamics wave propagation is a well-explored topic within these
of the NSPPs within the interaction interface yields the media both in the presence and absence of gain [15–17].
formation of plasmonic analog of the synthetic photonic It is also well-known that the combination of nonlinear
lattice, which we termed synthetic plasmonic lattice (SPL). response and gain amplification can be exploited to excite
 and sustain nonlinear waves such as different classes of
Keywords: frequency combs; plasmonic phase singularity;
synthetic lattice; ultra-low loss graphene. solitons. As these hybrid interfaces possess the same non-
 linearity and dispersion, there must be similarities such
 as the internal degree of freedom between these non-
 linear waves. As spatiotemporal profiles of these NSPPs
*Corresponding author: Saeid Asgarnezhad-Zorgabad, Independent are quite dissimilar, these hidden similarities should be
Researcher, Personal Research Laboratory, West Ferdows Blvd., beyond waveguide geometrical dimensionality and may
Tehran 1483633987, Iran, E-mail: be related to synthetic dimension. Consequently, natural questions that may arise are
Zahra Jalali-Mola, Independent Researcher, Personal Research Lab-
 whether we can propose an SL for plasmonic nanostruc-
oratory, West Ferdows Blvd., Tehran 1483633987, Iran. https://orcid
.org/0000-0003-3311-5835 tures, and what would be the consequence of this synthetic

 Open Access. ©2021 Zahra Jalali-Mola and Saeid Asgarnezhad-Zorgabad, published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Synthetic plasmonic lattice formation through invariant frequency comb excitation in graphene structures
3814 | Z. Jalali-Mola and S. Asgarnezhad-Zorgabad: Synthetic plasmonic lattice formation

plasmonic lattice (SPL)? Quite generally, constructing an
SPL using an internal degree of freedom of SPPs has
not yet been investigated and this concept should be a
subject of potential applications from quantum nanopho-
tonics [18] to ultrafast-nanoplasmonics [19]. Note that our
work is conceptually novel, as we introduce the concept Figure 1: Nonlinear plasmonic waveguide configuration for exciting
of synthetic dimension to dissipative nanophotonic struc- invariant PFC and constructing SPL. Our suggested scheme
 comprises a plasmonic scheme placed as the bottom layer and a
tures such as plasmonic waveguides, and also this work is
 nonlinear medium situated on top. This nonlinear waveguide should
methodologically novel, as we develop a framework based
 possess tunable nonlinearity and vanishing loss. (3) ( ) is the
on quantum nonlinear averaging of SPP field, to uncover nonlinear coefficient of the medium, L = 0 is its linear absorption
the similarities between various NSPPs, and to discover the coefficient, and we assume M := Im[ (k , )] as suppressed loss of
invariants of a plasmonic scheme in a loss-compensated the plasmonic layer.
waveguide. Finally, we propose a general nonlinear plas-
monic waveguide configuration that comprises a tunable
nonlinear layer situated on top of a plasmonic scheme with a nonlinear waveguide with vanishing loss and tunable
vanishing loss; consequently, our work can be extended to nonlinearity. In what follows, we elucidate the key essen-
other low-loss hybrid nanostructures. We justify SL forma- tial components of each layer that validate the invariance
tion within a nonlinear plasmonic structure in three steps,
 of PFCs yielding formation of SPL.
namely, (i) first, we elucidate the robust PFCs propagation,
(ii) we uncover the conservative conditions, and (iii) we
introduce loss suppression and careful nonlinearity modi-
fication as dual requirements to generate robust PFCs and 2.1 Nonlinear material description
to form SPL.
 Various materials possess optical nonlinearity that may
 serve as the upper layer of our nonlinear plasmonic
1.1 Physical picture of our scheme scheme. However, we consider a nonlinear medium that
 simultaneously fulfills two criteria, namely, (i) possesses
In this work, we aim to uncover the mutual propagation
 suppressed linear absorption and (ii) the nonlinear param-
properties between plasmonic peregrine wave and Akhme-
 eter related to this layer is tunable. This nonlinear medium
diev breather. The key result of this work is that in a
 supports different classes of nonlinear waves such as
plasmonic waveguide with suppressed loss and tunable
 Akhmedive breather and peregrine wave and provides
nonlinear coefficient, PFCs act as an invariant across dif-
 opportunities to excite and generate robust FCs, which are
ferent types of nonlinear waves and we interpret them
 required to construct an SPL.
in terms of a synthetic dimension to construct an SPL.
Consequently, our work introduces two novel concepts to
nonlinear plasmonic nanostructures, namely, (i) unveil- 2.2 Plasmonic layer description
ing PFCs as synthetic dimension, and (ii) exploiting this
synthetic dimension to form an SPL. To elucidate these Besides, our proposed plasmonic layer should possess
concepts, we design a nonlinear graphene nanostructure ultra-low Ohmic loss for our wavelength of interest.
that fulfills conservation conditions and can be exploited Although various ultralow loss schemes can serve as the
to validate our results. bottom layer, our scheme is double-layer graphene that can
 be modeled as substrate-graphene–dielectric–graphene
 multilayer, as it is indicated in Figure 1. We introduce
2 Model gain to the bottom graphene layer by trigger laser irradia-
 tion through a photoinverted scheme and adjust a suitable
To uncover the invariant parameters of NSPPs, we sug- laser power to suppress the Ohmic-loss of the waveguide
gest a nonlinear plasmonic nanostructure as it is shown through gain-loss competition. Our ultralow loss plas-
in Figure 1. This scheme is a general extension to non- monic scheme is an extension to previous researches
linear hybrid plasmonic configurations that comprise a [15–17], for which we exploit the gain-induced loss
nonlinear medium situated on top of a plasmonic layer. compensation in double-layer graphene structure (see
In order to achieve the robust PFCs, establish the con- Section S.2 of the supplementary information) instead of
servation conditions, and construct the SPL, we require employing negative-index metamaterial structure.
Synthetic plasmonic lattice formation through invariant frequency comb excitation in graphene structures
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2.3 General description of excitation 3.2 Surface plasmon-field excitation
To sum up, we propose a nonlinear plasmonic waveg- The graphene structure-nonlinear medium interface hence
uide that fulfills suppressed interface losses and modified excite stable SPP with reciprocal chromatic dispersion
nonlinearity as dual requirements for conservative condi- () = (−), with constant phase = ( )xl − tl and
tions and supports different classes of NSPP waves such with group velocity g = [ ∕ ]−1 . The group-velocity
as plasmonic Akhemediev breather and peregrine waves. dispersion of the SPP field is 2 = 2 ∕ 2 and the self
Robust PFCs excite as a consequence of these plasmonic focusing nonlinearity is W > 0.2 We tuned these nonlinear
fields that act as invariants of the system and can be inter- coefficient through adjusting the control
 √ parameter. Next,
preted in terms of synthetic dimension. The existence of we consider frequency grid as f = (2 2 )∕(W 2 ), tem-
this synthetic dimension would yield apparition of plas- poral grid as 0 ∼ 1∕( ), absorption coefficient as ̄ =
monic counterparts of synthetic lattice that we termed as 2 Im[( )] + Im[kC ( )]; ≪ 1 the perturbation parame-
SPL. ter, and finally we normalize the probe pulse envelope as
 u = [ΩP ∕ ] exp{− ̄ x}. This pulse is then stable in rotated
 time ( = t − x∕ g ) for a few nonlinear LNL = 1∕( 2 W) and
3 Approach dispersion lengths LD = 02 ∕2 .

We present our quantitative approach towards robust NSPP
propagation in three steps. First, we present the key param-
 3.3 Spectral evolution of nonlinear SPP
eters required to describe our nonlinear waveguide. Next, The evolution of the SPP field then depends on two
we describe the SPP field excitation in our scheme. Finally, nonlinear parameters, i.e. dispersion 2 ( ), and non-
we elucidate the Fourier evolution of NSPP fields. linearity ( ). Excited NSPPs propagate through an
 effective interface Seff , within a characteristic time scale
 tS and evolution of these nonlinear fields would yield FCs
3.1 Essential parameters related to scheme generation. In a medium with higher-order dispersion
 n , we define PFCs as discrete frequency components
We quantitatively model our nonlinear waveguide in terms
 associated with compressed plasmonic pulse envelope
of the parameters related to the nonlinear medium and
 that excite with a central frequency SPP , with frequency
plasmonic scheme. We consider the nonlinear coefficient
 spacing that propagates through the interface as
of the upper layer as (3) ( ), its linear absorption is L = 0 ∑ ∑
 n = SPP + n (Dn ∕n!)δn for Dn = n=2,3,… (n ∕n!) n .
and we further assume that the suppressed linear absorp-
 The mth PFCs has mode frequency m , amplitude
tion and enhanced nonlinear coefficient are simultane- ̃ m (x, m ) that would excite and propagate through the
ously achievable through adjusting a control parameter
 interface. Total energy of the FCs and the total num-
of the system. Besides, our proposed plasmonic structure ∑
 ber of excited plasmon modes are E ∝ m |A ̃ m (x, m )|2
is double-layer graphene, the bottom layer possesses gain ∑
 and  ∝ m |A ̃ m (x, m )| ∕( p + m ),
 2 respectively.
and the upper graphene is lossy. We consider the suscepti-
 The total SPP field related to PFCs Ψ ̃ := Ψ ̃ (x, 
 ̃) =
bility of the lossy graphene as (L) (k, ) [20], gain-assisted ̃
 F(r)A(x, ̃ ) exp{i( ̃ )x}; F(r) : = F(y, z) the plasmonic
graphene as (G) (k, ) [21] and evaluate the effective
 pulse envelope function, propagates through the interface
susceptibility of the coupled system as (C) (k, ).1 Conse-
 whose dynamics described by nonlinear spectral evolution
quently, we achieve the dielectric function of the double-
layer graphene as (k, ) = 1 − (C) (k, )V(k); V(k) the
coupling matrix between two layers. This double layer ̃
 Ψ ∑ ( ̃) ̃∗ ̃
 i ̃ +
 = ( )Ψ d 
 ̃ Ψ ̃ A − 
 Ψ . (1)
 x ∫ + 
excites SPP for det{ (k, )} = 0 [22], and ultra low-loss m
 2 m m

SPP field propagates for Im[det{ (k, )}] = 0. The combi-
 We note that the NSPP propagation within the nonlinear
nation of the nonlinear material and this graphene nanos-
 medium-graphene interface is similar to previous works
tructure provides a nonlinear plasmonic waveguide that
 [15–17] as both systems possess group-velocity dispersion
fulfills conservative conditions and hence is suitable to
 and self-phase modulation. However, this work differs from
excite invariant PFCs.
 our previous works due to exploiting NSPP similarities

1 We present the detailed quantitative steps of derivation in
Section S.2 of supplementary information. 2 ( ) ∝ (3) ( ) for a nonlinear material.
Synthetic plasmonic lattice formation through invariant frequency comb excitation in graphene structures
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to establish conservation conditions, introduce frequency the robust spectral dynamics to a synthetic photonic lattice
comb as a synthetic dimension, and constructing SPL. in Section 4.3.

3.4 Simulation parameters and scheme 4.1 Robust FCs generation
 The excited and propagated NSPPs are described
Now, we introduce the simulation parameters to justify by u(x, t) = |u(x, t)| exp{i NL − ̄ ( )x}; ̄ ( ) = Im(( )),
invariant PFCs excitation. In our scheme stable NSPP possess self focusing nonlinearity and weak second-order
with SPP = 1.57 eV propagates with group velocity disper- dispersion that affects the plasmonic pulse envelope. The
sion 2 = (−4.42 + 0.4i) × 10−12 s2 cm−1 , and with non- NSPPs thereby excite as plasmonic peregrine wave and
linear coefficient W = (2.98 + 0.6i) × 10−11 s2 cm−1 , and Akhmediev breather and their phases undergo nonlinear
the group velocity of the excited SPP is g = 2 × 104 m∕s. dynamical evolution that propagates as modified pattern,
The normalized nonlinear parameter is g2 = 1.01 and fre- as it is represented in Figure 2(a) and (c). Due to SPP
quency grid is f = 0.045 s−1 . For gain-assisted graphene pulse compression, a maximum plasmonic field inten-
we have Im[kG ] = 0.07 cm−1 and for coupled system sity |u(x, t)|2 ↦ umax and two dark points |u(x, t)|2 ↦ 0 is
we have Im[kC ] = −0.02 cm−1 , hence ̄ = Im[Ka ( ) + expected due to growth-return cycle for both NSPP waves.
kC ( )] = 0.04 ≈ 0. Therefore, our proposed structure is the The SPP phase corresponds to these dark points are singu-
best fit to vanishing loss and tunable nonlinear parame- lar, as we depict in Figure 2(a) and (c), which we term as
ter and hence is a suitable candidate for invariant PFCs phase singularities (PSs). To achieve PSs, we assume input
excitation and SPL formation. plasmonic field as an evanescent wave with input power
 To simulate SPP propagation in this nonlinear plas- √
 Pp characterized by 0 (x = 0, t) = Pp exp{i l − ̄ x} and
monic system, we assume (i) SPP waves propagate as far consider the seeded noise as a perturbation with amplitude
plasmonic fields, (ii) the plasmonic phases are constant uN = 0.08u0 and modulation frequency mod as ΔuN =
(i.e. x − t = Const.), and (iii) use mean field-averaging uN cos[2 mod t] that introduces a small perturbation to
[16, 17, 23] to consider the evanescent coupling effect. plasmonic field. We then achieve the SPP dynamics by
Finally, we note that our constructed synthetic lattice can numerically solving the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
also be achieved in other plasmonic schemes. To this aim, [15, 17, 23] for u(x = 0, t) = 0 (x = 0, t) + ΔuN . Next, we
the interaction interface should satisfy the dual require- investigate the amplitude of the plasmonic peregrine wave
ment of loss suppression and nonlinearity modulation. We and Akhmediev breather in Fourier space in Figure 2(b)
note that our proposal is a general extension to other non- and (d).
linear plasmonic schemes, and the formation of SPL and
invariant PFCs in any other configuration can also be inves-
tigated using our theory. We exploit our method for a plas-
monic configuration comprises nonlinear atomic ensemble
as a specific example and elucidate all detailed elucida-
tions such as mechanisms required to excite and probe the
system within this hybrid design, the details of the non-
linear medium, and all detailed calculations of graphene
nanostructure in § S.1 of the supplementary information.

4 Results
 Figure 2: Panel (a) represents the phase dynamics of NSPPs through
We present the results of this paper in three sections: Akhmediev breather formation and panel (b) denotes corresponding
first, we investigate the temporal and spectral dynamics of spectral analysis. Panel (c) depicts the phase dynamics of NSPP
the plasmonic peregrine and Akhmediev breather phases through plasmonic peregrine wave and panel (d) represents its
 spectral evolution. For this figure P0 = 10μW, 0 = 10μs,
within the interaction interface in Section 4.1. Next, in
 = 1 MHz, uN = 0.08 MHz. Panels (a) and (b) are plotted for
Section 4.2 we evaluate the spatial-spectral evolution of modulation parameter a = 0.32 and for panels (c) and (d) we choose
the energy flux and number of plasmon modes to achieve a = 0.5. Magenta dots in panels (a) and (c) represent the
the conservative parameters of the system. Finally, we map coordinates of PSs. Other parameters are given in the text.
Synthetic plasmonic lattice formation through invariant frequency comb excitation in graphene structures
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 Various nonlinear plasmonic phases such as periodic the suppressed Ohmic loss. The nonlinear coefficient
(Figure 2(a)) and single PSs (Figure 2(c)) are excited by tun- related to transparency window is ( l ), we introduce
ing the modulation parameter through plasmonic Akhme- Δ : = 4Im[A∗1 A2 A3 A∗4 exp{iΔt x}] as SPP field detuning
diev breather and peregrine wave formation, respectively. for four-wave mixing process, define phase-matching
Figure 2(b) and (d) demonstrate that the FCs correspond parameter Δt = ( ch ) + ( + ) − ( 0 ) − 4 ( − );
 ∑′ ∑
to these PSs generate for both NSPP excitation and these ( l ) = ( l ) + k( l ) + n (2 − ln ) ( l )|An ( l )| ,

quantities are invariant against input field modulation. consider effective nonlinear parameter as eff =
Consequently, PSs are the similar features of the excit- ( ch ) + ( 0 ) − ( − ) − ( + ) and consider kl as
ing nonlinear waves, for peregrine wave and Akhmediev corresponding wavenumber of the propagated modes.
breather. For a characteristic frequency ch = 10 MHz, Following the technical details of derivation as in
robust FCs up to comb ≈ 3 ch are achieved through plas- Section S.3 A2, we evaluate the spatial dynamics of energy
monic PS. Consequently, similar frequency comb gener- flux as ∑
ation and their stable propagation through interaction ∝ −( ̄ ) + eff Δ, (2)
 x m
interface are referred to as invariant of NSPPs. The FCs
| | < 2 ch can propagate for a few propagation lengths and number of stable plasmon modes as
−5.5LNL < x < −4LNL and hence would produce a robust [ ]
  ∑ ( ) ( − ) ( + )
plateau, as it is shown clearly in Figure 2(b) and (d), which ∝ −( ̄ ) + 0
 + + Δ.
we exploit this square to design a plasmonic version of SL.
 x m
 2 0 0 + − 0 + +
 The dynamical evolution of the PFC, their robust-
4.2 Invariants of nonlinear system ness, and conservative conditions hence are limited by
The formation of robust PFCs and their robustness against the nonlinear coefficient ( ) and loss of the system. We
external field modulation can be elucidated through the introduce loss suppression and careful nonlinear modula-
apparition of hidden invariants of this nonlinear system, tion are dual requirements for conservation of energy and
which we termed invariant parameters. One of the key number of plasmon modes and hence, we expect robust
theoretical results of this work is that the PFCs act as FCs generation only for ultra-low interface ̄ ↦ 0, and for
invariant features across different types of nonlinear waves finely tuned nonlinear coefficient. To characterize modi-
excitation. PFCs are invariant of this plasmonic system fied nonlinearity, we consider the nonlinear coefficient as
if we fulfill two conditions simultaneously, namely, (i) ( ̃ ) = 0 + 1 ̃ + 2 ̃ 2 + ( ̃ 3 ). The energy can
 , which is the number of plasmonic frequency combs, be a conservative quantity of the system (i.e. ( E∕ x) ≈ 0)
remains as constant along interaction direction (x) for any by taking ( ̃ ) = 0 + 1 ̃ whereas we achieve the
kind of nonlinear plasmonic waves, and, (ii) the output conservation of the excited FCs (i.e. (  ∕ x) ≈ 0) for
spectral envelope I N ( ) after a few nonlinear propagation ( ̃ ) = 0 + 1 ̃ + 2 ̃ 2 . Consequently, the energy
lengths would be the same for both plasmonic peregrine flux and number of plasmonic modes are simultaneous
and Akhmediev breather. In this section we establish that invariants of the system for
the PFCs stably propagate in the interaction interface and ( )
obtain a modified nonlinear evolution equation that can be ( ̃ ) = 0 1 + . (4)
used for different classes of NSPPs in the presence of con-
servative conditions. In Section 4.3, we prove the similarity This equation establishes that the apparition of conser-
between the spectral evolution of the plasmonic peregrine vation within a plasmonic system is independent of the
wave and Akhmediev breather and justify the formation of SPP field dispersion/dissipation. The conservation of PFCs
invariant PFCs. across different classes of NSPPs is an essential step
 We note that our robust FCs propagate for characteris- to justify the invariance of FCs within our system (see
tic length Leff = ̄ −1 [1 − exp{− ̄ L}] and within nonlinear Section S.3 A2 of supplementary information for more
timescale tS = 0 + [ln{(neff Seff )−1 }]. To achieve the details). In what follows, we describe the nonlinear spec-
invariant parameters, we evaluate the spatial variation of tral evolution of the NSPP field in the presence of conserved
the energy flux and number of plasmon modes associated  , E, and use our modified nonlinear equation to establish
with NSPPs within spectral domain. In our analysis, we the apparition of invariant PFCs.
consider the FCs correspond to central SPP modes SPP , To describe the NSPP evolution, we should solve non-
 ± = SPP ± m situated within the electromagnetically linear Schrödinger equation considering conservative con-
induced transparency window commensurate with ditions and by assuming nonlinearity as Eq. (4), which is
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challenging due to the plasmonic field being propagated 4.3 Nonlinear spectral dynamics and
within the dispersive interface. To remedy this limitation, synthetic lattice formation
we consider SPP field as electromagnetic waves that can be
quantized through interaction interface and use the quan- In this section, first, we achieve the output spectral enve-
tum SPP approach that is independent of interface disper- lope function of the NSPP waves for peregrine and Akhme-
sion. Here we consider the NSPP field as time-harmonic diev breather cases with and without the existence of
profile  (r , t) : =  exp{i t} + c.c.;  ∈ {E, B}, next, conservatives, to establish the invariance of PFCs in our
we consider Weyl gauge field and evaluate vector poten- hybrid system that can be interpreted as a synthetic dimen-
tial A(r , t). Following Ref. [24], we expand this potential sion. Next, we exploit this synthetic space to construct an
in terms of amplitude and frequency of each mode and SPL.
evaluate the time average classic energy for this SPP To investigate the spectral dynamics and evaluate the
field. The quantum counterpart of this energy yields the output envelope profiles
 √ of the NSPPs, we assume SPP
quantization of PFCs with bosonic annihilation creation field as A(x, ) : = Pp exp{i S − i( )x} and numeri-
operators b̂ (b̂† ).3 We consider the nonlinear coefficient of cally solve Eq. (5) considering x0 = −10LNL . For a lossy
the interface as  0 , and rewrite the interaction Hamilto- plasmonic interface with (3) ( ) : =  0 , the plasmonic
nian for the stable nonlinear quantum plasmon mode as peregrine waves and Akhmediev breather have differ-
I = m ∬ d ̃ d ( 0 ∕2)b̂† b̂† ̃ b̂ − 
 ̃ b̂ ̃ m . Next, we use
 m + 
 ent output spectral envelope, as it is clearly shown in
Eq. (4) and use the Heisenberg equation of motion [25] Figure 3(b) and (d) (dashed blue curves), indicating that
to evaluate the dynamics of the mean-field value associ- in the interaction interface with constant nonlinearity,
ated with the stable plasmon mode ( ⟨Â m ⟩∕ x) [26], and PFCs are not robust and invariant of the system. We also
include the dispersion term due to plasmonic field. We then investigate the spectral-spatial dynamics of phase (x, )
achieve the evolution of NSPPs similar to Eq. (1) but with (Figure 3(a) for Akhmediev breather and Figure 3(c) for
including invariant parameters as plasmonic peregrine wave) and output spectral envelope of
 the corresponding NSPP waves in the presence of conserva-
 Ã ∑ [ ]
 = i( )Ã +  Λ( 
 ̃ )|Am |2 Am + c.c., (5) tion conditions, representing that the output spectral pro-
 x m file of the NSPPs for both plasmonic Akhmediev breather
 (Figure 3(b) red curve) and peregrine wave (Figure 3(b) red
for  the Fourier transform operator and Λ is the non- curve) becomes the same.
linearity that is linearized in the presence of conserved
energy and invariant number of excited SPP modes (see
supplementary material § S.3 B).

4.2.1 Discussion on the universality of FCs

In this work, we uncover the invariants only for plas-
monic peregrine wave and Akhemediev breather, which
means that our approach falls short of providing a uni-
versal description of nonlinear SPPs and frequency comb
generation. Here, PFCs propagation and SPL formation are
highly limited by loss suppression and nonlinear modifi-
cation.4 Consequently, our predicted effects would depend Figure 3: Spectral evolution of NSPPs through the interaction
on robust PFC generation and conservation conditions, interface: panel (a) is the spectral phase variation (x , ) panel (b)
and hence are device-dependent. The extension of sta- represents the logarithmic spectral harmonic intensity of the
ble FC formation to other classes of solitons needs careful plasmonic breather as a function of perturbation frequency. Panel
 (c) denotes the phase variation and (d) is spectral logarithmic power
investigations and goes beyond the scope of this work.
 density for plasmonic peregrine wave excitation. In both panels (b)
 and (d) the blue dotted-dashed line represents the input field and
 red solid-line denotes the NSPP excitation in the presence of
3 As SPP wave conservatives are independent of interface dispersion, invariants [Eq. (4)]. Despite the dissimilar phase variation, excited
without the loss of generality, we consider ( ) = 0. FCs are the invariant of the nonlinear system. See the text for more
4 We termed this dual requirement as conservative condition. details.
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 Our results hence indicate that in a nonlinear waveg- length, our synthetic structure can be considered as a
uide fulfilling the vanishing loss and tunable nonlinearity, two-dimensional lattice in x– plane.
( , E) are conserved parameters of the systems. In this
case, the interaction interface supports the stable propaga- 4.3.2 Quantitative description
tion of plasmonic peregrine wave and Akhmediev breather
for a few propagation lengths with similar output spectral We assume PFCs excite with frequency components n =
probe envelope. Consequently, FC is the hidden conserved ±n , and with propagation constant n = NL + Δ L ;
parameter among both NSPPs, and propagated PFCs are ∑
 NL = n n cos(kn ) is the nonlinear part of propaga-
interpreted as a synthetic dimension in our scheme. We ∑
 tion constant for n : =  m Am (0)A∗m−n (0) the correla-
exploit this synthetic dimension to construct an SPL. We tion between different harmonic side-bands. We assume
present our qualitative and quantitative approach towards  as Eq. (4) to include the conservative conditions
SPL formation in two steps, namely, (i) well-defined syn- and consider only the nearest neighbor effect in our
thetic dimension and (ii) constructing synthetic lattice. In analysis. The total electric field for each PFCs are
what follows we describe these two steps in detail. ∑
 then |E| = an (x) exp{i[ωn t − ξn x]}. We then achieve
 the phase matching condition for PFCs in terms of
 system parameters as Δ L = ng ∕c.5 These character-
4.3.1 Qualitative description ized PFCs then act as a synthetic dimension for
 two NSPP waves. The dynamical evolution of an is
Qualitatively, we prove that PFCs are invariant of excited then achieved through coupled-mode equation x an (x) =
NSPPs and they propagate as discrete frequency compo- −( eff ∕2)an (x) + i[an+1 (x) −  ∗ an−1 (x)]. Following Ref.
nents with equal frequency spacing : = EIT ∕ , they act [1], the Hamiltonian describing this coupled-mode
as an internal degree of freedom for SPPs and can be equation is 0 = n [|n + 1⟩⟨n| + |n − 1⟩⟨n|] (see further
considered as a synthetic dimension [1]. Consequently, mathematical details in Section S.4). To extend this Hamil-
we assume x∕LNL and ∕ ch to construct SPL as it is tonian to a two-dimensional case, we need to consider
qualitatively represented in Figure 4(b). To SPL forma- hopping along x-axis as well. Within a characteristic x– 
tion, we need to characterize lattice sites and hopping plane presented in Figure 4(a), we assume that the ampli-
between these sites. In our scheme, discrete FCs effectively tude of PFCs are robust and consequently, we consider the
act as lattice sites, and we consider SPP field overlap- phase variation along this direction.
ping between FCs and their nearest neighbor as hopping We write the Hamiltonian of SPL in x– plane in terms
between PFCs, which qualitatively describes SPL forma- of hoppings i, j and i, j in the most general case6
tion. As these combs are stable for a limited propagation ∑ ∑
 SPL = i, j âi, j â†i+n, j + i, j âi, j â†i, j+1 + H.C., (6)
 i, j,n i, j

 and consider the evolution of this lattice along the inter-
 action interface as | (x)⟩ = exp{iSPL x}| (x = x0 )⟩. This
 system is a synthetic lattice corresponding to the non-
 linear interaction within a plasmonic interface, hence its
 dynamics are described through the annihilation-creation
 operators â (↠), and complex hoppings i, j , i, j . To
 achieve the SPL Hamiltonian, we also include the dis-
 sipation to the SPP wave dispersion ( ) ↦ ( ) + i ̄ .
 Equation (6) indicate that SPL has square-type structure
 but with complex coefficients that yield anomalous hop-
 ping phase between lattice sites i, j, we termed as i, j ,
 which is nonzero for specific plateau within our SPL.
Figure 4: Mapping between the stable FCs to a synthetic dimension:
panel (a) represents the power spectrum of the spectral harmonic
side-bands for | | < 2 ch and −5.5LNL < x < −4LNL correspond to 5 c is the speed of light in vacuum.
robust propagation of FCs. The inset of this figure represents the 6 i ∈ {− , … ,  } and j are dummy variables along and x direc-
correlation between the FCs. Panel (b) is the qualitative description tions respectively, and {n} represents any set of neighbors along the
of the synthetic lattice corresponding to frequency comb excitation. frequency direction, however we only consider n = 1.
3820 | Z. Jalali-Mola and S. Asgarnezhad-Zorgabad: Synthetic plasmonic lattice formation

 low-loss plasmonic scheme represented in [15–17] that the
 gain compensated graphene structure play the role of the
 metamaterial layer. In particular, we uncover that the FCs
 and PSs are similar features for plasmonic peregrine waves
 and Akhmediev breather.
 Next, we prove that the linearized nonlinear coeffi-
 cient provides similar PFCs that can be interpreted as the
 internal degrees of freedom and thereby act as synthetic
 dimensions. Qualitatively, we achieve this finely tuned
 nonlinearity as control parameters. Our analysis thereby
 indicates that dual requirement of the vanishing losses, lin-
 earizing the interface nonlinearity, and the existences of
 robust FCs with preserved number of excitation are require-
 ments to constructing an SPL. We quantitatively describe
 the robust FCs generation through quantum NSPP field for-
 malism commensurate with the Schrödinger approach and
Figure 5: Observation of anomalous phase hopping, and nonzero
 we also perform the mean-value averaging to achieve the
phase trajectories through different NSPP field excitation: Dashed
blue curve is the trajectory of nonzero phase hoppings i, j ≠ 0 for
 Fourier dynamics of NSPPs in the presence of conserva-
the plasmonic rogue wave formation, and red dashed-dotted curve tive conditions. Our approach justifies the existence of the
is the corresponding phase trajectory for the breather formation. anomalous hopping phase through characteristic recipro-
 cal trajectories, which depend on input field modulation
 and can be exploited to various effects, from nonuniform
For our nonlinear plasmonic system, this hopping phase
 magnetic flux to anomalous gauge field.
depends on the modulation parameter, is different for vari-
ous nonlinear field excitation and we achieve this non-zero Author contribution: All the authors have accepted respon-
flux ( i, j ≠ 0) only for specific spatial-spectral trajecto- sibility for the entire content of this submitted manuscript
ries, as it is clearly shown in Figure 5. These trajectories are and approved submission.
reciprocal, frequency dependent and can be exploited to Research funding: None declared.
introduce anomalous artificial gauge field, and is suitable Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare no
to produce nonuniform synthetic magnetic fields. conflicts of interest regarding this article.

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