SWISS Floors 2018 - INTERIUS

Page created by Wendy Fitzgerald
SWISS Floors 2018 - INTERIUS
SWISS Floors   2018
SWISS Floors 2018 - INTERIUS
                     SWISS KRONO – A STRONG BRAND FAMILY

           As a Swiss family company, we develop design solutions
      for sophisticated living spaces made from natural raw materials –
             in more than 121 countries, with expertise born from
      years of experience and outstanding interior and exterior results.

      PARTNERSHIP                         SWISS MADE                        RESPONSIBILITY
 We work together with you          Our products are developed         We are dedicated to a high level
     to develop first-class      and manufactured using certified         of resource efficiency and
solutions that truly suit your     wood from sustainable Swiss         renewable energy. Our strategy:
    needs. We are always         forestry. This outstanding quality      complete usage of material
 at your side, even after the        reflects the high demands        flows, short distances, renewable
 end of a project. Your trust    we place on ourselves every day       energy sources and a high level
       is what drives us.              in order to provide you               of energy efficiency.
                                  with the best possible solution.

                     For more information, please go to:
SWISS Floors 2018 - INTERIUS
SWISS accessories              Facts and figures

premium                                                 sockelleisten                  TECHNISCHE DATEN

collection                                              Skirting board
                                                                                       Technical Data
                                                                                       Données techniques
                                                        Battiscopa                     Dati tecnici
                                                        Zócalo                         Datos técnicos
                                                        Rodapés                        Dados Técnicos
                                                          51                             58

                                                        swiss Match                    Nutzungs-
                                                        Profile und Sockelleisten      klassen
Strukturen               KOLLEKTIONEN                   Profiles and Skirting boards   Utilisation Categories
Surface textures         Collections                    Profils et plinthes            Utilisation Catégories
Structures               Collections                    Profili e Battiscopa           Classe di utilizzo
Strutture                Collezioni                     Perfiles y zócalos             Categorias de uso
Estructures              Colecciones                    Perfis e rodapés               Classes de Utilização
Texturas de superficie   Colecções                        52                             59
  06                       12–41
                                                        swiss silver                   verpackungs-
PREMIUMVORTEILe          decorübersicht                 Aluminium Profile              einheiten
Premium advantages       Decor Overview                 Aluminium profiles             Packaging
Avantages premium        Aperçu des décors              Profils en aluminium           Unité d’emballage
Vantaggi premium         Panoramica delle decorazioni   Profili in alluminio           Unità di confezionamento
Ventajas premium         Vista general de decoración    Perfiles de aluminio           Unidades de embalaje
Vantagens premium        Vista Geral dos Decorativos    Perfis de alumínio             Embalagem
  08                       42                             54                             60

DIMENSIONEN              decorliste                     provent Bodenunterlage         swiss Quality
Dimensions               Decor List                     Floor underlay                   62
Dimensions               Liste des décors               Support de plancher
Dimensioni               Lista delle decorazioni        Tappetino sottopavimento
Dimensiones              Lista de decoración            Base para pavimentos
Dimensões                Lista dos Decorativos          Base para pavimento
  10                       44                             55
SWISS Floors 2018 - INTERIUS

surface textures
premium advantages
decor overview
decor List
SWISS Floors 2018 - INTERIUS
SWISS Floors 2018 - INTERIUS
premium collection             06

                                                                 Surface textures

Strukturen                                                       Estructures
                                                                 Texturas de superficie


                                                                                          SL   Stone

                                                                  CF       Fine Wood

PM     Premium Matt                        RU   Rustic Saw Cut                            SA   Satin

               NM     Natural Matt Oiled                         WG          Woodgrain
SWISS Floors 2018 - INTERIUS
strukturen            07

                  WD    Wood Design

CP   Chromepore                       BD   Brushed

CD   Stylish
SWISS Floors 2018 - INTERIUS
premium collection   8

                                                               Premium advantages
                                                               Avantages premium
                                                               Vantaggi premium

PremiumVorteile                                                Ventajas premium
                                                               Vantagens premium

                          Wasserresistente HDF-Platte          Pannelli HDF di basso assorbi-
                          für den Einsatz in Bereichen         mento d'acqua per l'impiego in
                          mit erhöhter Feuchtigkeit.           aree con alti livelli di umidità.

                          Water resistant HDF coreboard        Tableros HDF de baja absorción
                          suitable for installation in moist   al agua para uso en áreas con
                          areas.                               altos niveles de humedad.

                          Support HDF résistant à l'eau        Placas HDF de baixa absorção
                          pour des pièces à plus fort taux     de água para uso em áreas com
                          d' humidité.                         elevados níveis de humidade.

                          Übergrosse Paneelen für              Pannelli extra grandi per
                          optische Highlights                  creare accenti ottici e per una
                          und schnelle Verlegung.              posa veloce.

                          Oversize panels for                  Paneles extragrandes para
                          visual highlights and quick          destacar elementos visualmen-
                          installation.                        te, de colocación rápida.

                          Panneaux surdimensionnés             Painéis sobredimensionados
                          pour un bel aspect visuel et         para destaques visuais e rápida
                          une pose rapide.                     instalação.

                          Synchronporen-Struktur für           Struttura a pori sincroni
                          eine authentische Echtholz-          per un autentico effetto vero
                          Wirkung.                             legno.

                          Synchronised grain structure for     Estructura de poros sincrónicos
                          an authentic real wood effect.       para un efecto de madera genui-
                                                               na auténtico.

                          Structure à pores synchrones         Estrutura de vasos sincroniza-
                          pour effet bois véritable authen-    dos para um efeito autêntico de
                          tique.                               madeira verdadeira.

                          Zusätzliche Schutzschicht            Strato di protezione supplemen-
                          für die beste Kratz-                 tare per una migliore resistenza
                          und Abriebfestigkeit.                ai graffi e all'abrasione.

                          Additional layer for the best        Capa de protección adicional
                          scratch and abrasion resistance.     para mejor resistencia al rayado
                                                               ya la abrasión.

                          Couche de protection supplémen-      Capa protetora adicional para
                          taire pour la meilleur résistance    melhor resistência a arranhões
                          aux rayures et à l’abrasion.         e à abrasão.
SWISS Floors 2018 - INTERIUS
premium vorteile   09

                        AQUASTOP BENEFITS

                             Der 48-Stunden Feuchteschutz vor Zwischenfällen im
                             Haushalt mit Wasser und kleineren «Unfällen» von

                             Une protection de 48 contre les incidents liquides domes-
                             tiques et les «accidents» de nos amis les bêtes.

                             Protezione per 48 ore contro le fuoriuscite domestiche e
                             sporcizia causati da animali domestici.

                             The 48 h protection against everyday household spills and
                             pet messes.

                             Protección durante 48 horas contra derrames y suciedad
                             causada por animales domesticos.

                             Proteção durante 48 horas contra derramamentos domésti-
                             cos e sujidade provocada por animais de estimação.


                        natural Resources       chilD & Pet friendLy        wet Moppable
SWISS Floors 2018 - INTERIUS
premium collection                        10


dimensionen                                                                             dimensiones


                                                                  SWISS                                      SWISS                               SWISS
                                                                  noblesse                                   mega                                aquastop *
                                                                  v4 wide *                                    16                                  12
          2025 mm | 79.72"

                                               1380 mm | 54.33"

                                                                                          1380 mm | 54.33"

                                                                                                                              1380 mm | 54.33"

 244 mm                              244 mm                                   398 mm                                 193 mm
   9.6"                                9.6"                                    15.67"                                  7.6"
                                             IN ONE
                              solid chrome




                              sync chrome
                                             * MULTICOLOR
                              noblesse v4

           1380 mm | 54.33"

                              noblesse *


  193 mm

premium collection                         12

swiss aquastop

         1380 mm | 54.33"

193 mm

                             AC 5 / Kl. 33
12 mm

                                                  Multicolor *

                                                  D 4936 PM
                                                  Brooklyn Eiche
                                                  Brooklyn Oak
                                                  Chêne Brooklyn
                                                  Rovere Brooklyn
                                                  Roble Brooklyn
                                                  Carvalho Brooklyn
SWISS AQUASTOP            13

Multicolor *                Multicolor *

                     NEW                      NEW                       NEW
D 4935 PM                   D 4934 PM               D 4939 PM
Manhattan Eiche             Queens Eiche            Lapacho
Manhattan Oak               Queens Oak              Lapacho
Chêne Manhattan             Chêne Queens            Lapacho
Rovere Manhattan            Rovere Queens           Lapacho
Roble Manhattan             Roble Queens            Lapacho
Carvalho Manhattan          Carvalho Queens         Lapacho

Multicolor *                Multicolor *

                     NEW                      NEW                       NEW
D 3948 RU                   D 3949 RU               D 4938 PM
Mixed Wood Brown            Mixed Wood Grey         Majestic Nussbaum
                                                    Majestic Walnut
                                                    Noyer Majestic
                                                    Noce Majestic
                                                    Nogal Majestic
                                                    Nogueira Majestic

                                                                         * view Page 11
premium collection                         14

swiss liberty

         1380 mm | 54.33"

193 mm

                             AC 5 / Kl. 33
8 mm

                                                  D 4491 NM
                                                  Santiago Eiche
                                                  Santiago Oak
                                                  Chêne Santiago
                                                  Rovere Santiago
                                                  Roble Santiago
                                                  Carvalho Santiago

D 3784 NM
Lucerne Eiche
Lucerne Oak
Chêne Lucerne
Rovere Lucerne
Roble Lucerne
Carvalho Lucerne
SWISS liberty   15

                 D 4931 PM                      D 4748 NM
                 Natureiche Brown               Rio Eiche
                 Natura Oak Brown               Rio Oak
                 Chêne naturel Brown            Chêne Rio
                 Rovere naturale Brown          Rovere Rio
                 Roble natural Brown            Roble Rio
                 Carvalho natural Brown         Carvalho Rio

                 D 4933 PM                      D 8014 NM
                 Natureiche Coal                New York Eiche
                 Natura Oak Coal                New York Oak
                 Chêne naturel Coal             Chêne New York
                 Rovere naturale Coal           Rovere New York
                 Roble natural Coal             Roble New York
                 Carvalho natural Coal          Carvalho New York
premium collection                          16

swiss mega

          1380 mm | 54.33"

398 mm

                              AC 5 / Kl. 33
8 mm

                                               D 4482 SL
SWISS mega   17

                          D 4483 SL

              D 4479 SL   D 4481 SL
              Sydney      Cardiff
premium collection                         18

swiss giant

         2025 mm | 79.72"

244 mm

                             AC 5 / Kl. 33
                                              D 3728 CD
12 mm                                         Weisshorn Eiche
  ½"                                          Weisshorn Oak
                                              Chêne Weisshorn
                                              Rovere Weisshorn
                                              Roble Weisshorn
                                              Carvalho Weisshorn

D 3729 CD                                     D 3730 CD
Matterhorn Eiche                              Pilatus Eiche
Matterhorn Oak                                Pilatus Oak
Chêne Matterhorn                              Chêne Pilatus
Rovere Matterhorn                             Rovere Pilatus
Roble Matterhorn                              Roble Pilatus
Carvalho Matterhorn                           Carvalho Pilatus
SWISS Giant     19

                      D 3727 CD
                      Säntis Eiche
                      Säntis Oak
                      Chêne Säntis
                      Rovere Säntis
                      Roble Säntis
                      Carvalho Säntis

D 3724 CD             D 3722 CD
Eiger Eiche           Gotthard Eiche
Eiger Oak             Gotthard Oak
Chêne Eiger           Chêne Gotthard
Rovere Eiger          Rovere Gotthard
Roble Eiger           Roble Gotthard
Carvalho Eiger        Carvalho Gotthard
premium collection                         20

swiss Solid chrome

         1380 mm | 54.33"

193 mm

                             AC 5 / Kl. 33
12 mm

D 3035 CP
Davos Eiche
Davos Oak
Chêne Davos
Rovere Davos
Roble Davos
Carvalho Davos
SWISS solid chrome   21

D 4202 CP
Interlaken Eiche
Interlaken Oak
Chêne Interlaken
Rovere Interlaken
Roble Interlaken
Carvalho Interlaken

D 3034 CP
Engelberg Eiche
Engelberg Oak
Chêne Engelberg
Rovere Engelberg
Roble Engelberg
Carvalho Engelberg

D 3033 CP
Zermatt Eiche
Zermatt Oak
Chêne Zermatt
Rovere Zermatt
Roble Zermatt
Carvalho Zermatt

D 3032 CP
Verbier Eiche
Verbier Oak
Chêne Verbier
Rovere Verbier
Roble Verbier
Carvalho Verbier

D 2025 CP
Leysin Eiche
Leysin Oak
Chêne Leysin
Rovere Leysin
Roble Leysin
Carvalho Leysin

D 3030 CP
Arosa Eiche
Arosa Oak
Chêne Arosa
Rovere Arosa
Roble Arosa
Carvalho Arosa
premium collection                         22

swiss solid

         1380 mm | 54.33"

193 mm

                             AC 5 / Kl. 33
12 mm

D 4490 NM
Iceland Eiche
Iceland Oak
Chêne Iceland
Rovere Iceland
Roble Iceland
Carvalho Iceland

D 4491 NM
Santiago Eiche
Santiago Oak
Chêne Santiago
Rovere Santiago
Roble Santiago
Carvalho Santiago

D 2562 PR
Rubio Nussbaum
Noce Rubio
Noyer Rubio
Noce Rubio
Nogal Rubio
Nogueira Rubio

D 4748 NM
Rio Eiche
Rio Oak
Chêne Rio
Rovere Rio
Roble Rio
Carvalho Rio
SWISS solid              23

D 8014 NM
New York Eiche
New York Oak
Chêne New York
Rovere New York
Roble New York
Carvalho New York

D 4940 RU           NEW
Minto Pinie
Minto Pine
Pin Minto
Pino Minto
Pino Minto
Pinha Minto
premium collection                               24


         1380 mm | 54.33"

193 mm

                             AC 4 / Kl. 32
                                                    D 3248 CF                      D 3257 CF
10 mm                                               Penthouse Eiche                Attic Eiche
  ⅜"                                                Penthouse Oak                  Attic Oak
                                                    Chêne Penthouse                Chêne Attic
                                                    Rovere Penthouse               Rovere Attic
                                                    Roble Penthouse                Roble Attic
                                                    Carvalho Penthouse             Carvalho Attic

                                             NEW                             NEW
D 3956 CB                                           D 3959 CB                      D 3253 CF
Maritime Nude Eiche                                 Double Smoked Eiche            Maisonette Eiche
Maritime Nude Oak                                   Double Smoked Oak              Maisonette Oak
Chêne Maritime Nude                                 Chêne Double Smoked            Chêne Maisonette
Rovere Maritime Nude                                Rovere Double Smoked           Rovere Maisonette
Roble Maritime Nude                                 Roble Double Smoked            Roble Maisonette
Carvalho Maritime Nude                              Carvalho Double Smoked         Carvalho Maisonette
SWISS lifestyle                    25

                  D 3960 CB
                  Dusky Eiche
                  Dusky Oak
                  Chêne Dusky
                  Rovere Dusky
                  Roble Dusky
                  Carvalho Dusky
premium collection                         26

swiss sync chrome

         1380 mm | 54.33"

193 mm

                             AC 4 / Kl. 32
8 mm

D 3035 CP
Davos Eiche
Davos Oak
Chêne Davos
Rovere Davos
Roble Davos
Carvalho Davos

D 4202 CP
Interlaken Eiche
Interlaken Oak
Chêne Interlaken
Rovere Interlaken
Roble Interlaken
Carvalho Interlaken

D 3034 CP
Engelberg Eiche
Engelberg Oak
Chêne Engelberg
Rovere Engelberg
Roble Engelberg
Carvalho Engelberg

D 3033 CP
Zermatt Eiche
Zermatt Oak
Chêne Zermatt
Rovere Zermatt
Roble Zermatt
Carvalho Zermatt
SWISS sync chrome   27

D 3032 CP
Verbier Eiche
Verbier Oak
Chêne Verbier
Rovere Verbier
Roble Verbier
Carvalho Verbier

D 2025 CP
Leysin Eiche
Leysin Oak
Chêne Leysin
Rovere Leysin
Roble Leysin
Carvalho Leysin

D 3030 CP
Arosa Eiche
Arosa Oak
Chêne Arosa
Rovere Arosa
Roble Arosa
Carvalho Arosa
premium collection                               28

swiss noblesse v4

         1380 mm | 54.33"

193 mm

                             AC 4 / Kl. 32
8 mm

D 8011 NM
Strassburg Eiche
Strassbourg Oak
Chêne Strasbourg
Rovere Strasburgo
Roble Strassbourg
Carvalho Estrasburgo

D 3950 CA                                    NEW
Nordic Birke
Nordic Birch
Bouleau Nordic
Betulla Nordic
Abedul Nordic
Bétula Nordic

D 3044 RU
Rift Eiche
Rift Oak
Chêne Rift
Rovere Rift
Roble Rift
Carvalho Rift

D 8014 NM
New York Eiche
New York Oak
Chêne New York
Rovere New York
Roble New York
Carvalho New York
SWISS noblesse v4    29

D 8013 NM
Helsinki Eiche
Helsinki Oak
Chêne Helsinki
Rovere Helsinki
Roble Helsinki
Carvalho Helsínquia

D 3245 BD
Eiche Historic
Historic Oak
Chêne Historic
Rovere Historic
Roble Historic
Carvalho Historic

D 3040 NM
Griñon Eiche
Griñon Oak
Chêne Griñon
Rovere Griñon
Roble Griñon
Carvalho Griñon
premium collection         30

D 3953 CA             NEW
Platinum Birke
Platinum Birch
Bouleau Platinum
Betulla Platinum
Abedul Platinum
Bétula Platinum
SWISS noblesse v4         31

D 3180 RU
Lugano Eiche
Lugano Oak
Chêne Lugano
Rovere Lugano
Roble Lugano
Carvalho Lugano

D 2838 BD
Historic Kirsche
Historic Cherry
Cerisier Historic
Ciliegio Historic
Cerezo Historic
Cerejeira Historic

D 4195 SA
Premium Akazie
Premium Acacia
Premium Acacia
Premium Acacia
Premium Acacia
Premium Acácia

D 2774 BD
Pinie Rustic
Pine Rustic
Pin Rustic
Pino Rustic
Pino Rustic
Pinha Rustic

D 3954 CA            NEW
Charcoal Birke
Charcoal Birch
Bouleau Charcoal
Betulla Charcoal
Abedul Charcoal
Bétula Charcoal

D 8012 NM
Tokyo Eiche
Tokyo Oak
Chêne Tokyo
Rovere Tokyo
Roble Tokyo
Carvalho Tokyo
SWISS FLOORS                                     32

swiss noblesse v4 wide

         1380 mm | 54.33"

244 mm

                             AC 4 / Kl. 32
8 mm

D 3961 NM
Brazilian Pecan White

D 3782 NM
Ascona Eiche
Ascona Oak
Chêne Ascona
Rovere Ascona
Roble Ascona
Carvalho Ascona

                                                        Multicolor *

D 4936 PM                                    NEW
Brooklyn Eiche
Brooklyn Oak
Chêne Brooklyn
Rovere Brooklyn
Roble Brooklyn
Carvalho Brooklyn

                                                        Multicolor *

D 4934 PM                                    NEW
Queens Eiche
Queens Oak
Chêne Queens
Rovere Queens
Roble Queens
Carvalho Queens
SWISS noblesse v4 wide    33

                                Multicolor *

D 4935 PM            NEW
Manhattan Eiche
Manhattan Oak
Chêne Manhattan
Rovere Manhattan
Roble Manhattan
Carvalho Manhattan

D 3784 NM
Luzern Eiche
Lucerne Oak
Chêne Lucerne
Rovere Lucerne
Roble Lucerne
Carvalho Lucerne

D 3783 NM
Montreux Eiche
Montreux Oak
Chêne Montreux
Rovere Montreux
Roble Montreux
Carvalho Montreux

                                   * view Page 11
premium collection                         34

swiss noblesse

         1380 mm | 54.33"

                             AC 4 / Kl. 32
193 mm

8 mm

D 8009 WG
Eiche Oristano
Oak Oristano
Chêne Oristano
Rovere Oristano
Roble Oristano
Carvalho Oristano

D 8011 WG
Strassburg Eiche
Strassbourg Oak
Chêne Strasbourg
Rovere Strasburgo
Roble Strassbourg
Carvalho Estrasburgo

D 8007 WG
Nordic Esche
Nordic Ash
Frêne Nordique
Frassino Nordico
Fresno Nordic
Freixo Nórdico

D 2539 WG
Elegance Eiche hell
Elegance Light Oak
Chêne Clair Élégance
Rovere Elegance Chiaro
Roble Elegance Claro
Carvalho Elegance Claro
SWISS noblesse               35

                                   Multicolor *

D 4937 RU               NEW
Motley Wood
Motley Wood
Motley Bois
Legno eterogeneo
Motley madera
Madeira moto

D 3782 NM
Ascona Eiche
Ascona Oak
Chêne Ascona
Rovere Ascona
Roble Ascona
Carvalho Ascona

D 4932 PM               NEW
Natureiche Grey
Natural Oak Grey
Chêne naturel Grey
Rovere naturale Grey
Roble natural Grey
Carvalho natural Grey

                                      * view Page 11
premium collection         36

D 4941 PM             NEW
Biskaya Pinie
Biscaya Pine
Pin Biscaya
Pino Biscaglia
Pino vizcaíno
Pinho da Biscaia
SWISS noblesse       37

D 3043 NM
Cordoba Eiche
Cordoba Oak
Chêne Cordoba
Rovere Cordoba
Roble Cordoba
Carvalho Cordoba

D 8013 NM
Helsinki Eiche
Helsinki Oak
Chêne Helsinki
Rovere Helsinki
Roble Helsinki
Carvalho Helsínquia

D 8014 NM
New York Eiche
New York Oak
Chêne New York
Rovere New York
Roble New York
Carvalho New York

D 3044 RU
Rift Eiche
Rift Oak
Chêne Rift
Rovere Rift
Roble Rift
Carvalho Rift

D 2834 WG
Woodham Eiche
Woodham Oak
Chêne Woodham
Rovere Woodham
Roble Woodham
Carvalho Woodham

D 3963 NM
premium collection              38

D 2836 WG
Elegance Eiche
Elegance Oak
Chêne Élégance
Rovere Elegance
Roble Elegance
Carvalho Elegance

D 467 WG
Amarone Eiche
Amarone Oak
Chêne Amarone
Rovere Amarone
Roble Amarone
Carvalho Amarone

D 2833 WG
Camargue Eiche
Camargue Oak
Chêne Camargue
Rovere Camargue
Roble Camargue
Carvalho Camargue

D 4930 PM                  NEW
Natureiche Classic
Natural Oak Classic
Chêne naturel Classic
Rovere naturale Classic
Roble natural Classic
Carvalho natural Classic

D 3784 NM
Luzern Eiche
Lucerne Oak
Chêne Lucerne
Rovere Lucerne
Roble Lucerne
Carvalho Lucerne

D 4931 PM                  NEW
Natureiche Brown
Natural Oak Brown
Chêne naturel Brown
Rovere naturale Brown
Roble natural Brown
Carvalho natural Brown
SWISS noblesse                39

D 2266 WG
Noce Montepulciano
Noce Montepulciano
Noyer Montepulciano
Noce Montepulciano
Noce Montepulciano
Nogueira Montepulciano

D 2300 WG
American Nussbaum
American Walnut
Noyer Americain
Noce Americano
Nogal Americano
Nogueira Americana

D 2281 WG
Original Merbau

D 2420 WG
Wenge Tropical

D 4933 PM                NEW
Natureiche Coal
Natural Oak Coal
Chêne naturel Coal
Rovere naturale Coal
Roble natural Coal
Carvalho natural Coal
premium collection                         40

swiss prestige

         1380 mm | 54.33"

                             AC 3 / Kl. 31

193 mm

7 mm

8615 WD
White Oak

8657 WD
Fiumicino Oak

8618 WD
Classic Oak

8617 WD
Rustic Oak
SWISS Prestige   41

8652 WD
Laurentina Oak
premium collection                        42

                                                                                 Decor Overview
                                                                                 Aperçu des décors
                                                                                 Panoramica delle decorazioni

Decorübersicht                                                                   Vista general de decoración
                                                                                 Vista Geral dos Decorativos

D 3248                   D 8009                    D 3035                        D 3961                   D 8011
                                                   SWISS SYNC CHROME                                      SWISS NOBLESSE

D 3728                   D 4482                    D 3729                        D 4941                   D 4202
SWISS GIANT              SWISS MEGA                SWISS GIANT                   SWISS NOBLESSE           SWISS SOLID CHROME
                                                                                                          SWISS SYNC CHROME

D 3950                   D 3043                    D 4479                        D 8007                   D 2539

8615                     D 3782                    D 3034                        8657                     D 3724
                         SWISS NOBLESSE            SWISS SYNC CHROME

D 3044                   D 8013                    D 8014                        D 3245                   D 2834

D 3730                   D 3963                    D 3257                        D 2836                   D 3180

D 3953                   D 2838                    D 4491                        D 2833                   D 467
                                                   SWISS SOLID

D 3727                   D 3033                    D 4930                        D 3032                   D 3784
                         SWISS SYNC CHROME                                       SWISS SYNC CHROME        V4 WIDE, SWISS NOBLESSE

D 4490                   D 4932                    D 4931                        8618                     8617
                                                   SWISS NOBLESSE

D 3956                   D 3783                    D 3253                        D 3722                   D 3959
decorübersicht                           43

D 2774                   D 4195                   D 4483              D 2266                   D 4939

D 2562                   D 2300                   D 2281              D 4938                   D 2420

D 4748                   D 3040                   8652                D 2025                   D 3960
SWISS SOLID                                                           SWISS SYNC CHROME

D 3954                   D 4940                   D 8012              D 4481                   D 4933
                                                                                               SWISS NOBLESSE


                                                                                               D 3030
                                                                                               SWISS SOLID CHROME
                                                                                               SWISS SYNC CHROME

D 4935                                            D 3948
SWISS AQUASTOP                                    SWISS AQUASTOP

D 4934                                            D 4937
SWISS AQUASTOP                                    SWISS NOBLESSE

D 4936
                                                  D 3949
                                                  SWISS AQUASTOP
                                                                                           VARIOUS COLORS
                                                                                            IN ONE carton
premium collection                  44

                                                        Decor List
                                                        Liste des décors
                                                        Lista delle decorazioni

Decorliste                                              Lista de decoración
                                                        Lista dos Decorativos

Decor           Produktlinie                              Sockelleiste     Seite
Decor           Product Range                             Skirting board   Page
Décor           Ligne de produit                          Plinthe          Page
Decorazione­    Linea di prodotti                         Battiscopa       Pagina
Decoración­     Línea de productos                        Zócalo           Página
Decor           Gama de Produtos                          Rodapés          Pág

D 467           SWISS NOBLESSE                            D 467 BS         38

D 2025          SWISS SOLID CHROME, SWISS SYNC CHROME     D 2462 BS        21, 27

D 2266          SWISS NOBLESSE                            D 479 BS         39

D 2281          SWISS NOBLESSE                            D 1460 BS        39

D 2300          SWISS NOBLESSE                            D 479 BS         39

D 2420          SWISS NOBLESSE                            D 854 BS         39

D 2539          SWISS NOBLESSE                            D 2834 BS        34

D 2562          SWISS SOLID                               D 854 BS         22

D 2774          SWISS NOBLESSE V4                         D 2747 BS        31

D 2833          SWISS NOBLESSE                            D 2747 BS        38

D 2834          SWISS NOBLESSE                            D 2834 BS        37

D 2836          SWISS NOBLESSE                            D 869 BS         38

D 2838          SWISS NOBLESSE V4                         D 2218 BS        31

D 3030          SWISS SOLID CHROME, SWISS SYNC CHROME     D 2316 BS        21, 27

D 3032          SWISS SOLID CHROME, SWISS SYNC CHROME     D 742 BS         21, 27

D 3033          SWISS SOLID CHROME, SWISS SYNC CHROME     D 2413 BS        21, 26

D 3034          SWISS SOLID CHROME, SWISS SYNC CHROME     D 2527 BS        21, 26

D 3035          SWISS SOLID CHROME, SWISS SYNC CHROME     D 2527 BS        20, 26

D 3040          SWISS NOBLESSE V4                         D 2570 BS        29

D 3043          SWISS NOBLESSE                            D 701 BS         37

D 3044          SWISS NOBLESSE V4, SWISS NOBLESSE         D 1497 BS        28, 37

D 3180          SWISS NOBLESSE V4                         D 2560 BS        31

D 3245          SWISS NOBLESSE V4                         D 633 BS         29

D 3248          SWISS LIFESTYLE                           D 3248 BS        24

D 3253          SWISS LIFESTYLE                           D 3253 BS        24

D 3257          SWISS LIFESTYLE                           D 3257 BS        24

D 3722          SWISS GIANT                               D 3247 BS        19
decorliste                          45

Decor          Produktlinie                                            Sockelleiste     Seite
Decor          Product Range                                           Skirting board   Page
Décor          Ligne de produit                                        Plinthe          Page
Decorazione­   Linea di prodotti                                       Battiscopa       Pagina
Decoración­    Línea de productos                                      Zócalo           Página
Decor          Gama de Produtos                                        Rodapés          Pág

D 3724         SWISS GIANT                                             D 2938 BS        19

D 3727         SWISS GIANT                                             D 3257 BS        19

D 3728         SWISS GIANT                                             D 3248 BS        18

D 3729         SWISS GIANT                                             D 3250 BS        18

D 3730         SWISS GIANT                                             D 2834 BS        18

D 3782         SWISS NOBLESSE V4 WIDE, SWISS NOBLESSE                  D 2938 BS        32, 35

D 3783         SWISS NOBLESSE V4 WIDE                                  D 2439 BS        33

D 3784         SWISS LIBERTY, SWISS NOBLESSE V4 WIDE, SWISS NOBLESSE   D 2747 BS        14, 33, 38

D 3948         SWISS AQUASTOP                                          D 3259 BS        13

D 3949         SWISS AQUASTOP                                          K 101 BS         13

D 3950         SWISS NOBLESSE V4                                       D 3248 BS        28

D 3953         SWISS NOBLESSE V4                                       D 3250 BS        30

D 3954         SWISS NOBLESSE V4                                       D 4933 BS        31

D 3956         SWISS LIFESTYLE                                         D 2413 BS        24

D 3959         SWISS LIFESTYLE                                         D 2570 BS        24

D 3960         SWISS LIFESTYLE                                         D 2570 BS        25

D 3961         SWISS NOBLESSE V4 WIDE                                  D 3248 BS        32

D 3963         SWISS NOBLESSE                                          D 4482 BS        37

D 4195         SWISS NOBLESSE V4                                       D 479 BS         31

D 4202         SWISS SOLID CHROME, SWISS SYNC CHROME                   D 2834 BS        21, 26

D 4479         SWISS MEGA                                              D 4479 BS        17

D 4481         SWISS MEGA                                              D 4481 BS        17

D 4482         SWISS MEGA                                              D 4482 BS        16

D 4483         SWISS MEGA                                              D 4483 BS        17

D 4490         SWISS SOLID                                             D 2570 BS        22

D 4491         SWISS LIBERTY, SWISS SOLID                              D 2413 BS        14, 22

D 4748         SWISS LIBERTY, SWISS SOLID                              D 2439 BS        15, 22
decorliste                         46

Decor          Produktlinie                                                    Sockelleiste     Seite
Decor          Product Range                                                   Skirting board   Page
Décor          Ligne de produit                                                Plinthe          Page
Decorazione­   Linea di prodotti                                               Battiscopa       Pagina
Decoración­    Línea de productos                                              Zócalo           Página
Decor          Gama de Produtos                                                Rodapés          Pág

D 4930         SWISS NOBLESSE                                                  D 869 BS         38

D 4931         SWISS LIBERTY, SWISS NOBLESSE                                   D 3259 BS        15, 38

D 4932         SWISS NOBLESSE                                                  D 2834 BS        35

D 4933         SWISS LIBERTY, SWISS NOBLESSE                                   D 4933 BS        15, 39

D 4934         SWISS AQUASTOP, SWISS NOBLESSE V4 WIDE                          D 3259 BS        13, 32

D 4935         SWISS AQUASTOP, SWISS NOBLESSE V4 WIDE                          D 3257 BS        13, 33

D 4936         SWISS AQUASTOP, SWISS NOBLESSE V4 WIDE                          D 3250 BS        12, 32

D 4937         SWISS NOBLESSE                                                  K 101 BS         35

D 4938         SWISS AQUASTOP                                                  D 854 BS         13

D 4939         SWISS AQUASTOP                                                  D 2218 BS        13

D 4940         SWISS SOLID                                                     K 101 BS         23

D 4941         SWISS NOBLESSE                                                  D 2747 BS        36

D 8007         SWISS NOBLESSE                                                  D 2570 BS        34

D 8009         SWISS NOBLESSE                                                  K 101 BS         34

D 8011         SWISS NOBLESSE V4, SWISS NOBLESSE                               D 701 BS         28, 34

D 8012         SWISS NOBLESSE V4                                               D 8012 BS        31

D 8013         SWISS NOBLESSE V4, SWISS NOBLESSE                               D 2834 BS        29, 37

D 8014         SWISS LIBERTY, SWISS SOLID, SWISS NOBLESSE V4, SWISS NOBLESSE   D 2834 BS        15, 23, 28, 37

8615           SWISS PRESTIGE                                                  D 2745 BS        40

8617           SWISS PRESTIGE                                                  D 742 BS         40

8618           SWISS PRESTIGE                                                  D 2747 BS        40

8652           SWISS PRESTIGE                                                  D 2834 BS        41

8657           SWISS PRESTIGE                                                  D 869 BS         40

skirting boards
floor underlay
16 × 60 × 2800 mm
0.62 × 2.36 × 110.2"
R: 2 mm | 0.08"
10 pcs / pack
SWISS accessories   51

                                   Skirting board

sockelleisten                      Zócalo

K 101 BS               D 467 BS    D 479 BS

D 633 BS               D 701 BS    D 742 BS

D 854 BS               D 869 BS    D 1497 BS

D 2218 BS              D 2235 BS   D 2316 BS

D 2413 BS              D 2439 BS   D 2462 BS

D 2527 BS              D 2560 BS   D 2570 BS

D 2745 BS              D 2747 BS   D 2834 BS

D 2938 BS              D 3247 BS   D 3248 BS

D 3249 BS              D 3250 BS   D 3257 BS

D 3259 BS              D 4479 BS   D 4481 BS

D 4482 BS              D 4483 BS   D 4933 BS

D 8012 BS
SWISS accessories   52
                          Profile und Sockelleisten
                          Profiles and Skirting boards                        2400 mm
                          Profils et plinthes                                   94.5"
                          PROFILI E BATTISCOPA

swiss Match               PERFILES Y ZÓCALOS
                          PERFIS E RODAPÉS


                          Transition profile
                          Seuil de transition
                          Profilo di transizione
                          Junta de dilatación
                          Perfil de dilatação

                                                                                        10 mm
                                                         44 mm | 1.73"


                          Seuil d‘égalisation
                          Profilo di compensazione
                          Junta de transición
                          Perfil de transição

                                                                                        12 mm
                                                          44 mm | 1.73"


                          Seuil de finition
                          Profilo terminale
                          Junquillo remate
                          Perfil Terminal
                                                                                        12 mm

                                                               33 mm | 1.3"


                          Nez de marche
                          Profilo per scale
                          Perfil de escalera
                          Prefil de degrau
                                                                                           18 mm

                                                     50 mm | 1.97"
SWISS match                     53

Viertelstab                                                    Scotia

Quarterround                                                   Scotia
Quart de rond                                                  Scotia
Quadrotto                                                      Scotia
Junquillo remate                                               Scotia
Quadrante                                                      Scotia

                                                     20 mm

                                                                                                                                         15.4 mm

                                 20 mm                                                                                   15.4 mm
                                   ¾"                                                                                      0.6"


Skirting board

                                                                                                                                            80 mm | 3.15"
                                                                                                         70 mm | 2.75"
                                                                               60 mm | 2.36"

                                                                 14 mm                         14 mm                           14 mm
                                                                  ⁹∕₁₆ "                        ⁹∕₁₆ "                          ⁹∕₁₆ "

Mindestbestellmengen               100 Stück pro Dekor und 50 Stück pro Profiltyp
Minimum order quantity             100   pieces per decor and 50 pieces per profile type
Quantitatif minimum                100   piéces par décor et 50 piéces par type de produit
Quantità di ordine minimo          100   pezzi per decoro i 50 pezzi per tipo di profilo
Cantidad minima de pedido          100   piezas por diseño y 50 piezas por tipo de perfil
Quantidade mínima de encomenda     100   peças por decor e 50 peças por tipo de perfil

Produktionszeiten                  Versandbereit innerhalb von 4 Wochen ab Bestellungseingang
Production time                    Ready to ship within 4 weeks from receipt of order
Délais de production               Livrable dans les 4 semaines dés réception de la commande
Tempi di produzione                Spedizione entro 4 settimane dal ricevimento dell‘ordine
Tiempo de producción               Disponible en 4 semanas a partir de la recepción del pedido
Tempos de produção                 Entregas entre 4 semanas da recepção da encomenda

Verfügbare Decore                  Beliebiges Kronoswiss-Decor digital angepasst
Available decors                   Any Kronoswiss decor digitally matched
Décors disponibles                 Tous les décors Kronoswiss-reproduction digitale
Decori disponibili                 Ogni decoro Kronoswiss regolato digitalmente
Diesños disponibles                Cualquier diseño Kronoswiss ajustarse de forma digital
Decors disponíveis                 Qualquer decor Kronoswiss ajustado digitalmente
SWISS accessories           54
                                  Aluminium Profile
                                  Aluminium profiles                                            2700 mm
                                  Profils en aluminium                                           106.3"
                                  Profili in alluminio

swiss silver                      Perfiles de aluminio
                                  Perfis de alumínio
                                                                                       10 pcs / pack


                                  Transition profile
                                  Seuil de transition
                                  Profilo di transizione
                                  Junta de dilatación
                                  Perfil de dilatação                            36 mm | 1.42"

                                                                     8 mm
                                                                       ⁵ ∕₁₆ "

                                                                      max.                                0–6 mm
                                                                    14 mm                                 0–¼"
                                                                       ⁹∕₁₆ "


                                  Seuil d‘égalisation
                                  Profilo di compensazione
                                  Junta de transición
                                  Perfil de transição
                                                                                 44 mm | 1.7"

                                                                     8 mm
                                                                       ⁵ ∕₁₆ "
                                                                      max.                             max.
                                                                    14 mm                              14 mm
                                                                       ⁹∕₁₆ "                          ⁹∕₁₆ "


                                  Seuil de finition
                                  Profilo terminale
                                  Junquillo remate                                  25 mm
                                  Perfil Terminal
                                                                                                        8 mm
                                                                                                        ⁵ ∕₁₆ "

                                                                                                        14 mm
                                                                                                        ⁹∕₁₆ "

Treppenkante selbstklebend

                                  Stairnose self-adhesive
                                  Nez de marche autocollant
                                  Profilo per scale autoadesivo
                                  Perfil de escalera autoadhesivo
                                  Prefil de degrau auto-adesivo                   25 mm

                                                                       25 mm
SWISS accessories                                         55
                                                                      Multifunktionale Bodenunterlage
                                                                      Multifunctional floor underlay
                                                                      Support de plancher multifonctionnel
                                                                      Tappetino sottopavimento multifunzionale

provent                                                               Base multifuncional para pavimentos
                                                                      Base para pavimento multifuncional

                                                                        20 m              1m              3 mm             20 m²
                                                                       65.62 ft          3.28 ft           ⅛“            215.28 sqft

DE  PE Unterlage mit integrierter Feuchtigkeitsbremse                 IT  Supporto PE con barriera antiumidita in PE e scanala-
und Zirkulationsrillen (Micropumping System). Unterstützt             ture di circolazione (sistema Micropumping). Favorisce
die Luftzirkulation unter dem Boden und verhindert                    la circolazione dell’aria sotto il pavimento impedendo la
Schimmelbildung.                                                      formazione di muff.

EN  PE underlay with integrated moisture barrier and                  ES  Base de PE con barrera antihumedad integrada y
circulation grooves (micropumping system). Supports the               ranuras de circulación (Micropumping System). Favorece
circulation of air under the floor and prevents the forma-            la circulación del aire debajo del suelo y previene la for-
tion of mould.                                                        mación de moho.

FR  Sous-couche PE avec systeme stop humidité intégré                 PT  Base de PE com barreira antihumidade integrada
et rainures de circulation (Micropumping System).                     e canais de ventilação (Micropumping System). Favorece
Assiste la circulation de l’air sous le sol empechant la              a circulação de ar debaixo do pavimento e serve com pre-
formation de moisissures.                                             venção da formação de mofo.

                                  LI   T Y T ES T
                               UA                   E

                        CO M


                               RE                       E
                                    SSIO N STR


facts and
technical data
Utilisation categories
swiss quality
f ied Sy st e
          rt i


   IS O


           01                1
                    - IS O

 Fragen Sie nach FSC®-
zertifizierten Produkten

                          Quality and
                          made in Europe
facts and figures                           58

                                                                                                     Technical Data
                                                                                                     Données techniques
                                                                                                     Dati tecnici

TECHNISCHE DATEN                                                                                     Datos técnicos
                                                                                                     Dados Técnicos

                                                                                                                          Weitere Informationen
  Prüfnorm           Prüfinstitut              Prüfung                            Eigenschaften                           finden Sie unter
  Test Standard      Test Institute            Test                               Results
  Teste Standard     Teste Institut            Contrôle                           Propriétés                              For more information,
  Norma tecnica      Istituto di controllo     Controllo                          Proprietà                               please go to:
  Norma de ­prueba   Instituto de inspección   Prueba                             Características               
  Teste Norma        Teste Instituto           Teste                              Resultados
                                                                                                                          Vous trouverez de
                                                                                  Impact Test Category                    plus amples informa-
  EN 13329           WKI                       Resistance to impact test
                                                                                  NK 23-31: IC1, NK 32: IC2, NK 33: IC3   tions à l'adresse
  EN 120             WKI                       Formaldehyde content               E1 HDF
                                                                                                                          Ulteriori informazioni al
  EN 13329           WKI                       Resistance to staining             Group 1-2: Level 5, Group 3: Level 4
                                                                                                                          Encontrará más
                                                                                  Blue wool scale: Not worse than 6,      información en
  EN 13329           WKI                       Light fastness
                                                                                  Grey scale: Not worse than 4  

  EN 13329           WKI                       Resistance to burning cigarette    Level 4                                 Para mais
                                                                                                                          informações, consulte:
  EN 13501-1         MPA                       Reaction to Fire                   Cfl-s1 (flame retardant)

  EN 13329           WKI                       Effect of a moving Furniture Leg   No visible reaction to coaster type 0

                                                                                  No visible changes or damage,
  EN 13329           WKI                       Effect of a castor chair
                                                                                  as defined in EN 425

                                                                                  R ¹⁰ ₂₃/ ₅₀ [(m² K)/W]
                                                                                  7 mm | ⁹⁄₃₂" : 0,054
  DIN EN 12667       eph                       Thermal Resistance                 8 mm | ⁵⁄₁₆" : 0,059
                                                                                  10 mm | ⅜" : 0,075
                                                                                  12 mm | ½" : 0,089

                                               Disposal                           Disposal as per household waste

  SWISS KRONO AG Limited Residential Warranty

DE  SWISS KRONO AG bietet eine der besten Kunden­                          IT  SWISS KRONO AG offre ai suoi clienti la migliore garanzia
garantien auf dem Markt an. Für die kompletten Garantie-                   presente sul mercato. Per informazioni più esaustive sulle
bestimmungen besuchen Sie bitte:                         condizioni di garanzia consultare il sito:

EN  SWISS KRONO AG offers some of the best consum-                         ES  SWISS KRONO AG ofrece una de las mejores garantías
er warranties in the industry. For the complete warranty                   para los clientes en el mercado. Para ver las disposiciones de
details and terms please visit                           garantía completas, sírvase consultar:

FR  SWISS KRONO AG offre à ses clients une des meil-                       PT  SWISS KRONO AG oferece uma das melhores garantias
leures garanties de tout le marché. Pour consulter                         para Clientes no mercado. Para obter as disposições com-
les conditions complètes de la garantie, veuillez visiter                  pletas da garantia, consulte:
le site:
facts and figures                               59

                                                                                                      Utilisation Categories
                                                                                                      Utilisation Catégories
                                                                                                      Classe di utilizzo

Nutzungsklassen                                                                                       Categorias de uso
                                                                                                      Classes de Utilização

                            Geringe Nutzung                          Mittlere Nutzung                        Intensive Nutzung
                            Little utilisation                       Medium utilisation                      Intensive utilisation
                            Utilisation faible                       Utilisation moyenne                     Utilisation intensive
                            Utilizzazione debole                     Utilizzazione media                     Utilizzazione intensiva
                            Uso reducido                             Uso moderado                            Uso intenso
                            Uso reduzid                              Uso moderado                            Uso intensivo

  Vivienda                      AC 1 / Kl. 21                            AC 2 / Kl. 22                           AC 3 / Kl. 23
  Espaços de Habitação
                            Schlaf-, Gästezimmer                     Wohn-, Esszimmer                        Küchen, Eingangsbereiche
                            Bed-, guestrooms                         Living-, dining rooms                   kitchen, entrance halls
                            Chambres à coucher                       Salles à manger et séjours              Cuisines, entrées
                            Camere da letto                          Sale da pranzo e soggiorni              Cucine, ingressi
                            Dormitorios                              Salón, comedor                          Cocindas, entradas
                            quartos                                  Salas de estar e de jantar              Cozinhas e halls de entrada

  Comercial                     AC 3 / Kl. 31                            AC 4 / Kl. 32                           AC 5 / Kl. 33
  Espaços Comerciais
                            Hotelzimmer, Kleinbüros                  Büros, Boutiquen                        Kaufhäuser, Korridore
                            Hotel rooms, small offices               Offices, boutiques                      Stores, corridors
                            Chambres d’hôtel, petits bureaux         Bureaux, boutiques                      Magasins, corridors
                            Camera d’albergo, piccoli uffici         Uffici, boutiques                       Negozi, corridori
                            Habitaciones de hotel                    Oficinas, tiendas                       Grandes superficies, pasillos
                            Quartos de hotel, pequenos escritórios   Escritórios e lojas                     Lojas, grandes superfícies

Geeignet für Schlafbereich            Geeignet für ­Wohnbereich            Geeignet für Essbereich              Geeignet für Küche
Suitable for bedrooms                 Suitable for living rooms            Suitable for dining areas            Suitable for kitchens
Adapté pour la chambre à coucher      Adapté pour le salon                 Adapté pour la salle à manger        Adapté pour la cuisine
Adatto per la zona notte              Adatto per la zona giorno            Adatto per la sala da pranzo         Adatto per la cucina
Adecuado para el ­d ormitorio         Adecuado para el salón               Adecuado para el comedor             Adecuado para la cocina
Adequado para quartos                 Adequado para salas de estar         Adequado para salas de jantar        Adequado para cozinhas

Geeignet für Büros                    Geeignet für Hotellerie              Geeignet für Shops
Suitable for office space             Suitable for hotels                  Suitable for shops                                 Symbolerklärung
Adapté pour les locaux de bureaux     Adapté pour l’hôtellerie             Adapté pour les magasins
                                                                                                                                 Symbol Explanation
Adatto per locali da ufficio          Adatto per alberghi                  Adatto per negozi
                                                                                                                           Explication des symboles
Adecuado para la oficina              Adecuado para hostelería             Adecuado para tiendas
                                                                                                                            Spiegazione dei simboli
Adequado para escritórios             Adequado para hotéis                 Adequado para lojas
                                                                                                                         Explicación de los símbolos
facts and figures    60

                                                       Unité d’emballage
                                                       Unità di confezionamento

verpackungseinheiten                                   Unidades de embalaje

SWISS aquastop                                                                            HDF AC 5 / KL. 33

                          5 Paneelen à 1380 × 193 × 12 mm = 1,332 m² / 16 kg
                          5 Panels à 54.33 × 7.6 × ½" = 14.33 sqft / 35.28 pounds

                          60 Boxen = 79,90 m² / 960 kg
                          60 Boxes = 860.06 sqft / 2116.20 pounds

SWISS liberty                                                                             HDF AC 4 / KL. 32

                          8 Paneelen à 1380 × 193 × 8 mm = 2,131 m² / 15 kg
                          8 Panels à 54.33 × 7.6 × ⁵⁄ ₁₆" = 22.94 sqft / 33.07 pounds

                          56 Boxen = 119,32 m² / 858 kg
                          56 Boxes = 1284.35 sqft / 1891.55 pounds

SWISS Mega                                                                                HDF AC 4 / KL. 32

                          4 Paneelen à 1380 × 398 × 8 mm = 2,197 m² / 16 kg
                          4 Panels à 54.33 × 15.67 × ⁵ ⁄₁₆" = 23.68 sqft / 35.28 pounds

                          58 Boxen = 127,42 m² / 917 kg
                          58 Boxes = 1371.58 sqft / 2021.62 pounds

SWISS giant                                                                               HDF AC 5 / KL. 33

                          3 Paneelen à 2025 × 244 × 12 mm = 1,482 m² / 16 kg
                          3 Panels à 79.72 × 9.6 × ½" = 15.93 sqft / 35.28 pounds

                          48 Boxen = 71,15 m² / 761 kg
                          48 Boxes = 765.85 sqft / 1677.70 pounds

SWISS solid chrome                                                                        HDF AC 5 / KL. 33

                          5 Paneelen à 1380 × 193 × 12 mm = 1,332 m² / 16 kg
                          5 Panels à 54.33 × 7.6 × ½" = 14.33 sqft / 35.28 pounds

                          60 Boxen = 79,90 m² / 960 kg
                          60 Boxes = 860.06 sqft / 2116.20 pounds

SWISS solid                                                                               HDF AC 5 / KL. 33

                          5 Paneelen à 1380 × 193 × 12 mm = 1,332 m² / 16 kg
                          5 Panels à 54.33 × 7.6 × ½" = 14.33 sqft / 35.28 pounds

                          60 Boxen = 79,90 m² / 960 kg
                          60 Boxes = 860.06 sqft / 2116.20 pounds
Verpackungseinheiten     61

SWISS lifestyle                                                                             HDF AC 4 / KL. 32

                              7 Paneelen à 1380 × 193 × 10 mm = 1,864 m² / 16 kg
                              7 Panels à 54.33 × 7.6 × ³ ⁄₈" = 20.07 sqft / 35.28 pounds

                              56 Boxen = 104,41 m² / 896 kg
                              56 Boxes = 1123.81 sqft / 1974 pounds

SWISS sync chrome                                                                           HDF AC 4 / KL. 32

                              8 Paneelen à 1380 × 193 × 8 mm = 2,131 m² / 15 kg
                              8 Panels à 54.33 × 7.6 × ⁵ ⁄₁₆" = 22.94 sqft / 33.07 pounds

                              56 Boxen = 119,32 m² / 840 kg
                              56 Boxes = 1284.35 sqft / 1851.92 pounds

SWISS noblesse v4                                                                           HDF AC 4 / KL. 32

                              8 Paneelen à 1380 × 193 × 8 mm = 2,131 m² / 15 kg
                              8 Panels à 54.33 × 7.6 × ⁵ ⁄₁₆" = 22.94 sqft / 33.07 pounds

                              56 Boxen = 119,32 m² / 858 kg
                              56 Boxes = 1284.35 sqft / 1891.55 pounds

SWISS noblesse v4 wide                                                                      HDF AC 4 / KL. 32

                              6 Paneelen à 1380 × 244 × 8 mm = 2,020 m² / 15 kg
                              6 Panels à 54.33 × 9.6 × ⁵ ⁄₁₆" = 21.75 sqft / 33.07 pounds

                              60 Boxen = 121,22 m² / 906 kg
                              60 Boxes = 1304.79 sqft / 1997.39 pounds

SWISS noblesse                                                                              HDF AC 4 / KL. 32

                              8 Paneelen à 1380 × 193 × 8 mm = 2,131 m² / 15 kg
                              8 Panels à 54.33 × 7.6 × ⁵⁄ ₁₆" = 22.94 sqft / 33.07 pounds

                              56 Boxen = 119,32 m² / 858 kg
                              56 Boxes = 1284.35 sqft / 1891.55 pounds

SWISS prestige                                                                              HDF AC 3 / KL. 31

                              9 Paneelen à 1380 × 193 × 7 mm = 2,397 m² / 15 kg
                              9 Panels à 54.33 × 7.6 × ⁹ ⁄₃₂ " = 25.8 sqft / 33.07 pounds

                              60 Boxen = 143,82 m² / 906 kg
                              60 Boxes = 1548.10 sqft / 1997.39 pounds
facts and figures                                 62

swiss Quality

DE  Die Schweizer Leidenschaft für Qualität, Präzision                    FR  La passion suisse de la qualité, de la précision
sowie die Liebe zum Detail sind die gelebten Erfolgswerte                 et de l'attention portée au moindre détail sont le destin
der SWISS KRONO AG.                                                       de SWISS KRONO AG.

Um unserem Qualitätsanspruch gerecht zu werden, nur erstklassige          Afin de produire en permanence des produits de premier ordre, nous
Produkte zu produzieren, verwenden wir ausschliesslich Rohstoffe          utiliserons exclusivement des matériaux issus d'environnements
aus sorgfältig ausgewählter Umgebung mit erneuerbaren Ressourcen.         soigneusement sélectionnés avec des sources renouvelables. La mission
Die erklärte Mission des FSC ist die weltweite Förderung einer            annoncée du FSC est de promouvoir une gestion adaptée sur le plan
umwelt­freundlichen, sozialförderlichen und ökonomisch tragfähigen        environnemental, bénéfique sur le plan social et viable sur le plan écono-
Bewirtschaftung von Wäldern. Seit SWISS KRONO AG im Jahr 1997             mique des forêts du monde entier. Depuis que SWISS KRONO AG a obtenu
diese Zertifizierung erhalten hat, wird dieser hohe Standard gelebt und   cette certification en 1997, nous nous sommes montrés à la hauteur
in vielen Fällen sogar übertroffen*.                                      de ce standard élevé et nous l' avons même dépassé dans certains cas*.

Darüber hinaus setzt die SWISS KRONO AG auf Ressourceneffizienz           De plus, SWISS KRONO AG se concentre sur l'efficacité des ressources
und nachhaltige Energieversorgung. «Ein geniales Konzept» ist             et un approvisionnement en énergie durable. «Un concept ingénieux»
keine Übertreibung für unsere Systeme, die den Material- und Energie-     ne serait pas un euphémisme pour décrire nos systèmes qui amènent
fluss steuern und verarbeiten. Diese Massnahmen reduzieren nach-          de l'un à l'autre la matière et le flux d'énergie. Il en résulte une réduction
haltig unsere CO2-Emissionen und verbessern den Gesamtwert unserer        des émissions de CO2 et une amélioration de la valeur globale du bois
Holzwerkstoffe in allen Aspekten.                                         sous tous ses aspects.

Zu Beginn reichte es aus, den Erfolg eines Unternehmens durch             Au début, la réussite d'une société tenait simplement au contrôle de
Über­wachung der Produktivität und Kostenkontrolle zu gewährleisten.      la productivité et des coûts. Aujourd'hui, en plus de ces fonctions essen-
Ergänzend zu diesen Schlüsselfunktionen sind heute Innovation,            tielles, la clé du succès réside dans l'innovation, le caractère unique,
Einzigartigkeit, Lernfähigkeit, anspruchsvolle Produkte, durchdachte      la capacité à apprendre, la sophistication des produits, la conception
Service­a ngebote und das Bewusstsein für die Bedürfnisse der             rigoureuse des offres de service et l'intégration des besoins des clients.
Kunden erforderlich, um den Erfolg sicherzustellen. All diese Aspekte     Tous ces aspects sont encadrés par les certifications ISO9001 et
werden bei SWISS KRONO AG von den Zertifizierungen ISO9001 und            ISO14001 de SWISS KRONO AG.
ISO14001 überwacht.
                                                                          * Les produits FSC sont disponibles sur demande
* FSC-Produkte sind auf Anfrage erhältlich

EN The Swiss passion to quality, precision and attention                  IT  La passione svizzera per la qualità, la precisione
to detail are SWISS KRONO AG’s destiny.                                   e la cura dei dettagli sono il destino di SWISS KRONO AG.

In order to constantly produce first class products, we will only use     Per fabbricare costantemente prodotti di prima qualità utilizziamo esclu-
materials sourced from carefully selected environments with               sivamente materiali provenienti da ambienti attentamente selezionati
renewable sources. The FSC’s stated mission is to promote environ-        con fonti rinnovabili. La missione dichiarata di FSC consiste nel promuove-
mentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable         re una gestione delle foreste mondiali adeguata dal punto di vista
management of the world's forests. Since SWISS KRONO AG obtained          ambientale, socialmente positiva ed economicamente fattibile. Da quando
the certification back in 1997, we have lived up, and in many cases       SWISS KRONO AG ha ottenuto questa certificazione nel lontano 1997,
exceed, this high standard*.                                              abbiamo rispettato, e in molti casi superato, questo rigoroso standard*.

Furthermore SWISS KRONO AG focuses on resource efficiency and             Inoltre SWISS KRONO AG attribuisce grande importanza all’efficienza
sustainable energy supply. «An ingenious concept» would not be too        delle risorse e all’approvvigionamento energetico sostenibile.
strong a description of our systems that process the material             Definire «un’idea ingegnosa» i nostri sistemi che lavorano il flusso di
and energy flow from one to another. This reduces CO2 emissions           materiale ed energia reciprocamente non è certo esagerato. Essi
and improves the overall value of wood in all aspects.                    consentono di ridurre le emissioni di CO2 e migliorare il valore globale
                                                                          del legno da tutti i punti di vista.
In the beginning it was enough to ensure the success of a company
by monitoring productivity and cost control. Today, in addition to        Inizialmente era sufficiente garantire il successo di un’azienda moni-
these key functions, innovation, uniqueness, ability to learn, sophis-    torando produttività e controllo dei costi. Oggi oltre a queste funzioni
ticated products, well conceived service offers and awareness             fondamentali per garantire il successo servono anche innovazione, unicità,
of customers needs are required to ensure success. All these aspects      capacità di apprendere, prodotti sofisticati, offerte di servizi progettate
are supervised by SWISS KRONO AG’s ISO9001 and ISO14001                   con cura e consapevolezza dei bisogni dei clienti. Tutti questi aspetti sono
certifications.                                                           monitorati dalle certificazioni ISO9001 e ISO14001 di SWISS KRONO AG.

* FSC products are available on request                                   * I prodotti FSC sono disponibili su richiesta
SWISS Quality                                      63

                                                                                         Certificate of the Swiss Private Sector Energy Agency
                                                                                 Voluntary Climate Protection and Energy Efficiency


ES  La pasión por la calidad, la precisión y la
atención al detalle de los suizos son el destino de                                                             SWISS KRONO AG
                                                                                    SWISS KRONO AG is convinced of the need to stand up for sustainable climate protec-

SWISS KRONO AG.                                                                     tion. By voluntarily declaring its adherence to the Swiss Private Sector Energy Agency
                                                                                    programme, SWISS KRONO AG commits to actively reducing CO2 emissions and opti-
                                                                                    mizing energy efficiency. The Swiss Federal Government, cantons and private sector
                                                                                    partners honor the target agreement.

Con el objetivo de fabricar productos de primera calidad de forma
continua, únicamente utilizamos materiales procedentes de entornos                             Dr. Armin Eberle
                                                                                     Swiss Private Sector Energy Agency      1st January 2017
                                                                                                                                                         Erich A. Kalbermatter
                                                                                                                                                  Swiss Private Sector Energy Agency

seleccionados meticulosamente con recursos renovables. La misión
expresa de FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) consiste en promover una
gestión de los bosques de todo el mundo que sea ambientalmente
adecuada, socialmente beneficiosa y económicamente viable. Desde que                                          Certification of Origin of Swiss Wood
SWISS KRONO AG obtuvo la certificación en 1997, hemos cumplido, y en
muchos casos superado, este alto nivel de calidad*.

Además, SWISS KRONO AG se centra en la eficiencia de los recursos
y en el suministro energético sostenible. «Un concepto sofisticado»
no sería suficiente para describir nuestros sistemas que procesan los
flujos de material y energía de uno a otro. De esta forma se reducen
las emisiones de CO2 y se mejora el valor global de la madera en todos
los aspectos.

Al principio, garantizar el éxito de una empresa mediante el control de                                              The «Certification of Origin of Swiss Wood» guarantees the Swiss origin
                                                                                                                     of the wood used. It communicates the values positively connected with
                                                                                                                     Switzerland towards its forests, their characteristics and processing me-
la productividad y los costes era suficiente. Hoy en día, además de                                                  thods. It also makes a firm statement about the important environmental
                                                                                                                     issues and the general high standard of conditions surrounding the susta-

esas funciones esenciales, para garantizar el éxito también se requiere                                              inability and use of Swiss Wood. All wood, which grows in Swiss forests
                                                                                                                     and is processed in Switzerland or in the principality of Liechtenstein, is
                                                                                                                     eligible to use the Swiss Origin logo. Although at least 70% of the wood
innovación, singularidad, capacidad de aprendizaje, productos sofisticados,                                          must come from Switzerland, for products that require mixed sources of
                                                                                                                     wood, it is possible for some of the wood (max 30%) to come from sour-

ofertas de servicio bien pensadas e identificación de las necesidades de
                                                                                                                     ces outside of Switzerland. However this is only permissible if the wood
                                                                                                                     comes from comparable forestry/production regions, and is equipped
                                                                                                                     with a fully traceable, controlled certification of origin. The utilization of

los clientes. Todos estos aspectos están bajo la supervisión de las certifica-                                       the logo is available to all companies in the wood industry and associated
                                                                                                                     business . However, a prerequisite to using this logo, is a fully documen-
                                                                                                                     ted system of inspection, and complete traceability through all process of
ciones ISO9001 e ISO14001 de SWISS KRONO AG.                                                                         the business. For more information please go to

* Los productos de FSC están disponibles previa solicitud

PT  A paixão suíça pela qualidade, precisão e atenção
ao detalhe são o destino da SWISS KRONO AG.

De forma a produzir constantemente produtos da mais elevada quali-
dade, utilizaremos apenas materiais provenientes de ambientes seleciona-
dos cuidadosamente com fontes renováveis. A missão declarada da FSC
consiste em promover uma gestão das florestas mundiais ambientalmente
adequada, socialmente benéfica e economicamente viável. Desde a
obtenção da certificação em 1997 por parte da SWISS KRONO AG, temos
mantido e, em muitos casos, superado este padrão elevado*.

Além disso, a SWISS KRONO AG centra-se na eficiência de recursos
e no aprovisionamento energético sustentável. «Um conceito engenhoso»
poderia servir de descrição dos nossos sistemas, cujo objetivo consiste
em processar o fluxo de energia e matéria de um para o outro. Tal
reduz as emissões de CO2, melhorando ainda o valor global da madeira
em todos os aspetos.

Inicialmente, a monitorização da produtividade e o controlo de custos
era suficiente para garantir o sucesso de uma empresa. Hoje em
dia, para além destes fatores-chave, são ainda necessárias outras medi-
das para assegurar o sucesso, das quais fazem parte a inovação, a
singularidade, a capacidade de aprendizagem, a sofisticação dos produtos,
a qualidade na conceção das ofertas de serviço e o conhecimento
das necessidades dos clientes. Todos estes aspetos são controlados
pelas certificações ISO9001 e ISO14001 da SWISS KRONO AG.

* Os produtos FSC estão disponíveis mediante pedido
2018 V1.0

Willisauerstrasse 37 / 6122 Menznau / Schweiz
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