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Foreword The certification process ‘Sustainable Construction in HafenCity’ is of pivotal importance to the sustainable development strategy of HafenCity Hamburg. Essentially, the strategy is based on five levels: 1. reuse of an old port and industrial area; 2. high urban density and high degree of mixed-use in the proposed core area of HafenCity, leading to efficient and sustainable land use; 3. a sustainable transport concept which includes connecting the underground railway in HafenCity with the existing town center, hydrogen-fuelled buses and promoting HafenCity as a ‘walkable’ city; 4. a local and district heating network based on very low carbon limits which uses a significant amount of renewable energy sources; and 5. a certification system for buildings. While the first three levels may now be considered as planning norms, as essential constituents of public goods in sustainable 21st century inner cities – albeit with enormous consequences for private investment – the other levels mainly result from market processes. The concepts for heating energy supply are based on two already closed deals (2003 and 2009) following a pan-European tender process, while the certification of buildings is an ongoing market development and learning process which will remain open until the last HafenCity project is completed in around 2025. Following the adoption of the Masterplan in 2000, sustain- ability activities were concentrated initially on the first four of the levels cited above. However, the lack of an existing German building certification system became increasingly apparent, particularly since those found elsewhere, e.g. the American or the British systems, could not be adapted to German requirements or the specific possibilities in HafenCity. In order to establish the most appropriate sustainable building stan- dards for more than 2 million m2 of gross floor area (GFA) of new builds, HafenCity Hamburg GmbH com- missioned the consultants Gesellschaft für ökologische Bautechnik Berlin mbH (GföB) to develop a certifica- tion system for HafenCity on the basis of available international standards and preliminary German studies. The HafenCity Ecolabel is awarded at two levels, ‘gold’ and ‘silver’, and represents the first transparent and comprehensible standard for the certification of sustainable buildings in Germany. The ‘Sustainable Construction in HafenCity’ certification system has been in use since 2007. Up to early 2010, around 200,000 m2 GFA building volume had been pre-certified or was pending certification. Completed and preliminarily certified buildings include the Unilever building and Katharinen Primary School with its residential units; those currently under construction include the new Spiegel headquarters. The certification option has triggered a considerable sustainability drive in HafenCity. Expectations of users and developers alike have grown – the latter wishing to increase and secure the competitiveness of their buildings in the long-term. By publishing and making available the catalog of criteria for the HafenCity Ecolabel, the aspirations of all involved parties were formulated at an early stage in the development process; this provides architects and consultants with a brief which affirms the desired ecological framework as an aid to finding creative solutions during the architectural competition stage. It also promotes the combination of aesthetic and technical design qualities alongside sustainabil- ity, with its inherent greater efficiency potential. This is of particular importance since the investment and rental markets are not willing to carry higher rental or investment costs for buildings of better quality at the present time. However, it is exactly such systematic use of ecologically sustainable building standards that will help expand markets, and it is in this context that tendentially expensive inner-city locations such as HafenCity can become a driving force for market development, both in Hamburg and in the inner-city markets of other large German property locations. Furthermore, the clustering of sustainable building projects in HafenCity helps to stimulate national and international awareness, also promoting
the issue of sustainable building through the media – especially when sustainable construction and outstanding architecture coincide successfully, as in the case of the Unilever building in HafenCity, dubbed the world’s best office building in 2009. Since the development of a dense cluster of extremely sustainable buildings is so significant for the Hafen- City sustainability concept, the HafenCity certification system has been completely revised and is available as of 2010. The new edition includes the revisions to the EnEV 2009 (German regulations for energy saving in buildings and building systems), which incorporates improvements gained from experience with certifi- cation since 2007 and its extension to cover new uses, primarily hotels, retail and mixed-use properties. As a result, all main building types in HafenCity now have their own certification class. This creates the pre- conditions for the target of having at least 30% of future buildings meet requirements for the gold Ecola- bel and encourages clients and users to aim for this high standard. The certificate will continue to be awarded by HafenCity Hamburg GmbH; it was also developed by GföB and is issued on the basis of independent certification by qualified institutional auditors. The revision was carried out in close collaboration and in conformity with the high standards of criteria of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council), which has been issuing its own certificates since early 2009. However, there are three reasons for retaining an indepen- dent HafenCity system: 1. The HafenCity system focuses more specifically on possibilities in the HafenCity inner-city core. 2. It includes a contractual agreement between HafenCity Hamburg GmbH and clients with the aim not only of achieving built quality, but also, once sustainable buildings are in operation, ensuring actual quality of use by measuring energy efficiency. 3. It also makes it possible on the one hand to obtain a DGNB certificate in parallel at low cost due to the overlapping certification documentation; on the other hand, the HafenCity system is able to respond better and faster to new opportunities and requirements, due to its extensive market experience and flexibility, hence exploiting potential in HafenCity more effectively than the DGNB certificate. We hope that the revisions and the transparency of the documentation criteria will increase the already immense willingness of developers and users to opt for certification of their buildings in HafenCity, to design and build particularly sustainable buildings and to use them in a sustainable manner. At the same time, we hope that the Ecolabel certification system of HafenCity Hamburg GmbH will help to encourage the establishment of sustainable construction in other areas of Hamburg and in the rest of Germany. In this spirit, I wish the ‘Sustainable Construction in HafenCity’ certification process every success. Jürgen Bruns-Berentelg HafenCity Hamburg GmbH 3
Compiled by Gesellschaft für ökologische Bautechnik Berlin mbH Martin Hoffmann, Alexander Rudolphi Mulackstraße 19, 10119 Berlin Commissioned by HafenCity Hamburg GmbH Osakaallee 11, 20457 Hamburg Fully revised edition 2010 4
Conte nts Introduction 6 HafenCity EcoLabel 8 HafenCity Eco Award 10 Certification procedure 11 Certification flow chart 12 Verifiable proof and documentation 13 Mix of uses and use variants 14 K 1: Sustainable management of energy resources 16 K 2: Sustainable management of public goods 22 K 3: Use of ecofriendly construction materials 30 K 4: Special consideration of health and well-being 36 K 5: Sustainable building operations 48 5
Intr oduction By the early 2020s, when the HafenCity development is finished, the built area of Hamburg’s city center will have been enlarged by around 40% and enriched by a wide mix of uses – including housing, services, arts, recreation, tourism and commerce – just a stone’s throw away from the city hall and main railway station. Urban planning objectives for the area prescribe the development of a fine-grained structure of urban land uses; modern inner-city density will be interspersed with a series of interesting public spaces, while the existing pattern of land and water areas characteristic of the port will be retained. These are the most exciting development sites in Hamburg for investment continuing into the 21st century, providing more than 40,000 jobs and around 5,500 new homes. The HafenCity development can make a very valuable contribution to sustainable development in Hamburg. Old port and industrial areas in a central location are making way for an area of high urban density, offering a wide variety of uses and excellent integration into the public transport network. At the same time, health and environmental protection measures have become increasingly significant for potential investment recoverability in buildings in recent years, while public and private developers’ willing- ness to take responsibility for managing the natural environment and its finite resources sustainably has also taken a great leap forward. Western and central HafenCity 6
To reflect these trends, the HafenCity Ecolabel (in gold or silver) and the HafenCity Eco Award were intro- duced in 2007. They are designed to reward developers for sustainable management of energy, public goods and materials in construction and for delivering a healthy and comfortable environment in which the building’s ultimate users can work, rest or play. By certifying the developers’ sustainable innovations, the accolades also attract public awareness to the individual building projects, which increases the prestige of the HafenCity project as a whole. Publication of this revised and updated edition replaces the previous series ‘Sustainable Construction in HafenCity’ (numbers 1-3), which was compiled for residential and office uses only. This single booklet now sets out the new unified system that embraces all uses – including various mixed uses in one building. The same criteria apply to all types of use, where relevant, although different criteria may apply where expedi- ent. A building is deemed sustainable if the resources consumed for its construction and operation are modest, the comfort of users is high and operational costs remain low in the long term. Certification differentiates between residential, office, hotel and retail uses. In the case of retail and hotel uses, two variants for each apply. Further variants such as gastronomy or education will be added in the future, if required. All types of use that occupy more than 10% of usable floor area (UFA)1 must be listed and evaluated separately. Small-scale uses occupying less than 10% of UFA can be incorporated into evaluation of other types of uses. Award of a ‘gold’ or ‘silver’ standard Ecolabel can only be made to a building as a whole. 1 Usable floor area (UA), in compliance with DIN 277 (2005), is the proportion of floor area that serves the function as scheduled in the specific land use allocation; not included are circulation areas (such as entrances, stairwells, lifts, corridors) and technical operation areas (heating, machinery and technical operation rooms) 7
H a f e n C i t y Ec o l a b e l The Ecolabel is awarded in ‘silver’ or ‘gold’ by HafenCity Hamburg GmbH (HCH) to buildings that have achieved ‘special’ or ‘excellent’ rating in at least three of the five categories of sustainable construction detailed below. In each case, all criteria within the various categories must be fulfilled to achieve special or excellent rating (no choices available). To achieve the gold Ecolabel, all the criteria for the silver rating must also be attained. In every case, it is mandatory to fulfill the conditions of Category 1, which deals with the sustainable management of energy resources. The Ecolabel can be applied for early in the planning phase by site purchasers and developers (hereafter the ‘applicant’). A preliminary certificate is issued after a contractual agreement has been signed, undertaking to implement the requirements. This means that the Ecolabel can be used for publicity purposes from the point at which marketing of the project gets under way, before construction commences. Ecolabel for special achievement in the category concerned Ecolabel for excellent achievement in the category concerned The Ecolabel for excellent achievement rating (gold) demands higher standards for all require- ments in the respective categories than the silver Ecolabel (for special achievement); in some cases, additional criteria must also be met. Certification is issued on the proviso that the appli- cant (property owner) enters into an agreement with HCH in which her or she undertakes to fulfill the required criteria in the selected categories and standards. The agreed ‘special’ and ‘excellent’ sustainable construction achievement ratings are documented by the applicant or his or her appointed consultants in a manner that will be comprehensible and verifiable by third parties after completion of the project. An Ecolabel is then awarded on condition that the terms of the agreement have been met. Special achievement (silver) covers ecological building qualities that generate either no extra costs if stipulated at an early stage of the process or additional construction costs that are seen as economically justifiable. Investments are deemed justifiable if they can be largely amortized through operations in the short term. Excellent achievement rating (gold) is concerned with the ecological qualities of a building that can be accomplished through innovative measures if some extra costs are incurred at the plan- ning stage and during implementation and construction of the building project. To achieve ‘gold’, the criteria of both ‘silver’ and ‘gold’ must be met in the chosen categories. The various categories of sustainable construction are listed below, together with the essential requirements for each category and the two Ecolabel rankings. Differentiation in terms of type of use is covered in the introduction to each category. Ec o l a b e l C at e g o r y 1 : S u s ta i n a b l e m a n a g e m e n t o f e n e r gy r e s o u r c e s ( m a n d ato r y c at e g o r y ) Lower total primary energy demand than that of the reference building stipulated in the German regulations for energy saving in buildings and building systems (EnEV) or DIN V 18599 and undercutting permissible transmission heat loss or the permissible heat transfer coefficient Markedly lower total primary energy demand and markedly undercutting permissible transmission heat loss or the permissible heat transfer coefficient 8
Ec o l a b e l C at e g o r y 2 : S u s ta i n a b l e m a n a g e m e n t o f p u b l i c g o o d s Architectural competition, no heavy metal contamination of water bodies, modest demand for potable water, space efficiency, family-oriented design, bicycle parking Public access to ground floors and basement floors (plinth level) or housing with low car ownership, limited potable water demand, use of roof area, increased space efficiency Ec o l a b e l C at e g o r y 3 : Us e o f e c o f r i e n d ly c o n s t r u c t i o n m at e r i a l s Compliance with requirements regarding construction materials containing halogen, biocides, heavy metals, organic solvents and construction materials described as sensi- tizing, ecologically harmful Life cycle analysis of building materials used and undercutting of reference values for selected global impact parameters, wide use of renewable resources Ec o l a b e l C at e g o r y 4 : S p e c i a l c o n s i d e r at i o n o f h e a lt h a n d w e l l - b e i n g Target values for indoor air quality (TVOC), thermal comfort (categories in accordance with DIN EN 15251), acoustic comfort (reverberation time) and user influence (regarding indoor climate, lighting and glare protection) Lower target values for indoor air quality (TVOC), thermal comfort (categories in accordance with DIN EN 15251), acoustic comfort (reverberation time) and user influ- ence (indoor climate, lighting and glare protection), plus 20% of area suitable for people with allergies Ec o l a b e l C at e g o r y 5 : S u s ta i n a b l e fa c i l i t y o p e r at i o n s Optimization of durability, flexibility of use and building operational costs, modularity of building and variability of design, barrier-free access to all floors Special solutions for variable use of building components. Compilation of product documentation and its inclusion into building operation manuals or room data sheets 9
H a f e n C i t y Ec o A w a r d The HafenCity Eco Award is to be awarded to buildings of every type of use in recognition of their outstanding ecological quality. Projects selected for a shortlist will be buildings that meet the criteria of the Ecolabel (silver or gold). Evaluation for the Eco Award will particularly focus on examining and considering the integration of individual ecological features into the overall concept and the form of the building. The HafenCity Eco Award is designed to bolster the positive public impact of an outstanding ecological building. Following on from the concept of the Ecolabel, this additional distinction will honor an applicant’s special commitment and highlight the special status of the building within HafenCity. By default, the construction of new buildings takes away a little of our environment, i.e. archi- tecture always has an initial negative impact on natural surroundings, which should then be made up for through ‘ecological measures’. On the other hand, buildings can also be an attrac- tive complement to our natural environment (not simply because they provide shelter or perform certain functions). The built environment represents something akin to a ‘second nature’, which offers a sense of stability in our social systems. Architectural and engineering achievements can contribute essential qualities to this ‘second nature’. Generally, outstanding green buildings imply higher costs for design services and implementa- tion, with amortization only to be expected in the medium or long term. The positive impact of this commitment on the general public is difficult to measure in financial terms. The HafenCity Ecolabel and Eco Award will help to promote public awareness of that engagement. HCH plans to present the HafenCity Eco Award every two years or so. The shortlisted building projects will be evaluated by a professional jury. There is no legal entitlement to the Eco Award. 10
Certification procedure In order to assess sustainable construction projects, criteria relevant to their content as well as instruments to quantify the success of ecological and engineering design targets are needed. Instruments for assessing quantity can be determined through the choice of indicators (e.g. energy demand or air quality), through simple ‘fulfilled/not fulfilled’ confirmation (e.g. of product properties) or, for qualitative assessment, through subjective evaluation of a result. The criteria for the Ecolabel were chosen with regard to practice-oriented aspects of ecological structural engi- neering possibilities on the one hand and economic, legal and building operations requirements on the other. Examples are given for each of the specified targets; each mandatory requirement regarding the selection of building products and construction methods was checked to confirm its suitability for tender and implementation and was tested positively. All requirements were checked for compliance with the relevant technical regulations and standards. All design targets and evaluation procedures have been selected or described so that technical assessment can be carried out and is easy to comprehend. Assessment procedures that rely on indicators will be based on standard methods, or on processes and techniques well known to experts. It is envisaged that applicants apply for the Ecolabel they are targeting in the chosen catego- ries prior to the start of the design process or architectural competition. An early start is essential, as numerous subordinate targets must be taken into consideration in the early design stages and should be stated in the architects’ competition brief. This will facilitate the timely and necessary cooperation between architects and consultants (building physics and building services engineers). The Ecolabel is a graphic symbol and the copyright is owned by HCH. When applying for a HafenCity Ecolabel the applicant agrees to meet the pertinent criteria in the design and implementation of the project. Once the agreement on the Ecolabel has been signed and the preliminary certificate is issued, the applicant is given copyright to use the Ecolabel logo for marketing the building. • The certification procedure commences with a letter of intent and application by the applicant. • After formal checking of the application, HCH enters into an agreement with the applicant in which he or she is contracted to meet the relevant design targets and to provide verifiable documentation. • Non-compliance with the agreement will result in contractual penalties and if neces- sary withdrawal of the Ecolabel. If there is reasonable doubt of compliance with the agreement, independent experts may be called upon at the applicant’s expense. The onus is on the applicant to meet the agreed certification targets, or on the professional consultant appointed by the applicant. The documentation for the final certification is checked by technical experts certified by the HCH and appointed by and paid for at the applicant’s expense, not by HCH. The right to use the Ecolabel logo does not imply any quality or warranty claims against HCH whatsoever. 11
c e r t i f i c a t i o n F l o w ch a r t Information on certification system Criteria in the certification Request for certification Interested applicants categories (see this booklet) Clarification with architects Registration for certification and consultants Assessment of application Decision on award Applicant’s decision Agreement with applicant Preliminary right of use Consultants for sustainable Advising construction Design and implementation the design team Appointed by applicant External laboratory Carrying out the Completion of construction Appointed by applicant measurements Request/requirement for additional information Documentation Assessment of documents by external examiner Documentation of execution Evaluation of results by external examiner A f f i r m at i o n Permanent of certification right of use 12
Verifiable proof and documentation The proof and documentation necessary for assessing the project are to be compiled on the instructions of and at the expense of the applicant. Checklists of the required documentation are available for each category and quality target. Depending on the category and sub-target, the required documentation could include: • Description of the building physics concept and possibly numerical proof and simula- tion methods which would, in any case, be required for high-standard construction projects. These include, for example, calculations in accordance with EnEV, indoor climate calculations or climate simulations, calculations of fire loads, etc. • Description of the building physics concept and numerical proof in excess of standard methods. This includes conversion of energy demand into primary energy figures, drawing up a construction waste balance sheet, additional indoor environment fac- tors, etc. Calculation methods are given in the implementation guidelines where applicable. • Documentation of specification texts, to verify the inclusion of the criteria in the additional technical contract terms (zusätzliche technische Vertragsbedingungen, ZTV) or in main items. Generally these are written specifications for the chosen construc- tion products and/or specific features of the construction. • Compilation of binding material declarations and documentation of materials by the appointed contractors in compliance with the tender documents. Information can be compiled by the project management, site management or the main contractor. Having binding declarations for all specified materials is a clear advantage for clients. Experience has shown them to be a valuable instrument, as they are legal proof of specified materials and quality of work, which may be useful to support any warranty claims by the client. • Depending on the category, measurements can be taken to provide proof of the agreed properties, such as airtightness (blower door test), indoor air (TVOC), certain comfort indicators, etc. Measurements must be taken at the end of the construction works. The HafenCity Ecolabel contractual agreement attaches great importance to the documenta- tion and proof of structural and technical results. Documentation on conformity and compli- ance with the required standards must be checked by an HCH-approved assessor appointed and paid for by the applicant. The final Ecolabel will not be issued until a positive performance assessment has been submitted. If the documentation is not submitted on the due date, contractual penalties will be imposed; unverified performance will result in the termination of the right to use the Ecolabel emblem. Documentation must be presented for the whole building and, only where necessary, split into the relevant types of use. The required documentation is to be marked _G (Building) for the general category comprising all types of use or marked to indicate the specific types of use: _B (Office), _W (Residential), _H (Hotel) or _R (Retail). A detailed list of required assessment docu- ments is available in the documentation guidelines (available upon request). 13
Mix of uses and use variants Certificates are issued for whole buildings only. Sub-areas with special uses cannot be certified separately. One of the express urban design objectives of HafenCity is to provide buildings with mixed uses. Category 2 defines the minimum requirements for an appropriate mix. All residential, hotel and office buildings, for example, should be open for public use on the ground floor or basement floor (plinth), if possible. Commercial buildings should as a rule include a combination of residential or office use. If different types of use are combined in one building, all partial usable floor space that occu- pies more than 10% of the total building area must comply with the requirements outlined in the following chapters. This separation into different types of use does not affect the require- ments of the EnEV for zoning buildings. Certification in a specific category and up to a specific performance rating implies that the criteria are met for all types of use. A combination of Ecolabel standards and categories for different uses within one building is not permitted (either ‘gold’ or ‘silver’ for the entire building). Small uses that make up less than 10% of the total usable floor space can be added to other types of use within the building for assessment purposes. Allocating areas in this way is not mandatory; such areas can be counted separately, subject to agreement with HCH. For exam- ple, if in a five-story residential dwelling one third of the ground floor is being used for retail and offices, these areas can, for simplicity’s sake, be counted as residential space, or they can be counted separately according to their respective use. However, if one type of use accounts for more than 10% of the total usable floor space, for example just over half a story, it must be counted separately. Differentiation of types of use is according to the gross floor area; shared circulation spaces must be accounted for proportionally. In borderline cases, the allocation of types of use must be agreed with HCH. Two possible variants are available for hotel and retail uses. A separate variant for gastronomy (restaurant) does not exist. Space used for gastronomy within a hotel is allocated to the hotel area for purposes of certification; other gastronomy areas must be allocated to commercial areas. H o t e l va r i a n t Irrespective of the classification of the hotel standard, two types of hotel are differentiated: 1. Hotel garni2 (bed and breakfast hotel, including apartment hotels) without additional facilities such as restaurants, or similar 2. Hotel2 with additional facilities, such as event and conference rooms, restaurant, pool or spa (sauna, whirlpool, gym, etc.) 2 According to the definition of mode of use in the DIN EN ISO 18513 14
For simplicity’s sake, a hotel garni includes all use concepts in which the area of hotel rooms exceeds 80% of the main usable floor space, irrespective of whether they are simply hotel rooms or apartments. Buildings in which more than 20% of the main usable floor space is allocated to gastronomy or other uses should have such areas assessed separately. The actual primary energy demand of the hotel variant is harder to predict than that of the hotel garni variant, owing to the higher technical input. For that reason, a higher tolerance is permitted for this type of use during the monitoring phase. There are no other dissimilarities in the criteria for the variants. R e ta i l va r i a n t Retail use also covers such gastronomy areas that are not part of hotel uses. Irrespective of the size of the usable floor space, there are two options: 1. Retail 1: retail building with one occupier 2. Retail 2: retail building with several occupiers, such as shopping centers, etc. In commercial buildings with one occupier (Retail 1), the occupier and his or her interests, certification included, are generally known. The requirements for certification can be planned for by the applicant and consequently will need little extra coordination. In commercial buildings (Retail 2) designed for several users, only some of the prospective tenants will be known. For the applicant this means that requirements for a later certification cannot be planned for without risk, since they may not be of interest to future tenants. Parts of the construction, such as fitting out, are generally carried out by the tenants. The result is that a markedly higher degree of coordination is needed for documentation and measure- ments than with Retail 1. For the Retail 2 variant, compliance with the required lower primary energy demand applies only to a part of the rental area. Due to the high degree of influence of individual tenants, the actual primary energy demand is more difficult to predict than for Retail 1. For this reason, a higher tolerance is allowed for with this type of use during the monitoring phase. Other dissimilarities in terms of requirements for the variants apply to Category 2, regarding space efficiency. In Categories 3 and 4, the rental area is only partly counted in; in Category 5 some partial aspects for Retail 2 are not considered; instead, the modularity of the building or the convertibility of its design have been included in the considerations. 15
K 1: Sustainable management of energy resources Innovative buildings have been associated with considerably lower energy demand in recent years in Germany than that stipulated by the respective version of the Energy Saving Ordinance EnEV. Examples of passive houses, zero energy houses or buildings generating an annual surplus of energy demonstrate that constructing new buildings can make a significant contribution to saving energy and resources. Furthermore, specifying non-fossil energy sources will improve the energy balance of building operations. Looking at the overall primary energy demand of a building in accordance with DIN V 18599, the applicant has considerable freedom in the way in which energy saving components can be combined. The overall energy demand of a building can be optimized through insulation of the building envelope, type of heating system, hot water supply and cooling, as well as through electric power demand. In addition, the choice of energy source and the proportion of renewable energy can positively influence total primary energy demand. The very low primary energy performance for local or district heating supply in HafenCity allows the total primary energy demand Q‘‘p,max stipulated in the EnEV to be met with a comparatively high transmission heat loss. To prevent certification of buildings with low insulation standards, the relevant criteria for transmission heat loss must be met. In accordance with the criteria in the EnEV, additional undercutting of the maximum permissible transmission heat loss H‘T,max is stipulated for residen- tial dwellings, and for non-residential dwellings the maximum permissible heat transfer coeffi- _ cient (U-value) must be undercut. Table 2 in Appendix 2 of the EnEV distinguishes between the heat transfer coefficients in non-residential dwellings according to room temperature zones (>/
C r i t e r i a f o r s p e c i a l a ch i e v e m e n t ( s i lv e r ) To qualify for special achievement for the sustainable management of energy resources, the following will be assessed for all types of use: • Undercutting the permissible total primary energy demand Q‘‘p,max Residential of the EnEV 2009 by 30% and Office • Undercutting the permissible transmission heat loss H‘T,max of the EnEV 2009 by 20% Hotel Retail • Undercutting the permissible total primary energy demand Q‘‘p,max Residential of the EnEV 2009 by 15% and _ Office • Undercutting the permissible heat transfer coefficient U of the EnEV 2009 in compliance with Appendix 2 Table 2 by 20% Hotel Retail 1 • Undercutting the permissible total primary energy demand Q‘‘p,max Residential of the EnEV 2009 by 15% and _ • Undercutting the permissible heat transfer coefficient U of the EnEV Office 2009 in compliance with Appendix 2 Table 2 by 20% • Proof for all common areas and at least 70% of rental areas Hotel Retail 2 For Retail 2 areas, up to 30% of rental area for which the need for cooling, lighting, etc. cannot be forecast may be omitted from the assessment of total primary energy demand. The excep- tion is to be taken into consideration in the measuring concept for the monitoring. 17
C r i t e r i a f o r e x c e l l e n t a ch i e v e m e n t ( g o l d ) Excellent achievement rating in the management of energy resources is based on the following: • Undercutting the permissible total primary energy demand Q‘‘p,max Residential in the EnEV 2009 by 45% and Office • Undercutting the permissible transmission heat loss H‘T,max in the EnEV 2009 by 30% Hotel Retail • Undercutting the permissible total primary energy demand Q‘‘p,max Residential in the EnEV 2009 by 30% and _ Office • Undercutting the permissible heat transfer coefficient U in the EnEV 2009 in compliance with Appendix 2 Table 2 Line 1 by 40% (opaque Hotel building components) and Line 2-4 by 30% (all other building components) Retail 1 • Undercutting the permissible total primary energy demand Q‘‘p,max Residential in the EnEV 2009 by 15% and _ • Undercutting the permissible heat transfer coefficient U in the EnEV Office 2009 in compliance with Appendix 2 Table 2 by 20% • Proof for all common areas and at least 85% of rental areas Hotel Retail 2 For Retail 2 areas, up to 15% of rental areas for which the need for cooling, lighting, etc. can- not be forecast can be omitted from the assessment of the total primary energy demand. The exception is to be taken into consideration in the measuring concept for monitoring. Note: The specification applies to the types of use marked in green. 18
C r i t e r i a f o r m o n i to r i n g During the first two years of the building’s intended use (occupied, rented out, etc.) the total energy demand must be recorded, converted into primary energy and checked against the target values. The intended use of the building is achieved when at least 70% of the area is used as planned. The necessary data for the flow of electricity and media in the building should be recorded using the appropriate measuring techniques. The agreed calculation of the total primary energy balance is to be carried out on an annual basis. Preliminary checks at the end of the first year can help to identify trends and the possible need for corrections at an early stage. The agreed corrections must be made if the characteristic value of the cumulative average consumption recorded during the two years – if applicable, corrected to include exceptional air conditioning/ventilation deviations and changes relative to the assumptions made in the EnEV regarding uses – is more than 5% above projected demand. C o r r e c t i n g va r i at i o n s If the target values are exceeded by more than 5%, the weak points must be identified and rectified in the appropriate areas (systems, components, etc.). The improvement measures must be documented in the same way as the original construction work. The necessary im- provements must be tested for effectiveness after a year, as described above. The results of the test must be made accessible for inspection. C r i t e r i a f o r m o n i to r i n g r e s u lt s The declared efficiency of a building is accomplished if the total primary energy demand does not exceed the tolerances listed in Table 1 Table 1: Monitoring tolerances Type of use max tolerance Office 5% Residential 5% Hotel (B&B) 15% Hotel 25% Retail Type 1 15% Retail Type 2 25% Optimization in areas or systems (underground car park ventilation, lifts) which are not cov- ered by the evaluation in DIN V 18599, can be, if different from the anticipated value in the monitoring, calculated with an additional 5%, providing this will achieve savings of more than 5% in relation to the areas in the buildings which have been accounted for as specified in the EnEV. Proof of the anticipated savings must be provided, including a clear description of the approach applied. 19
D o c u m e n tat i o n o f e n e r gy e f f i c i e n c y If services in work stage 8, listed in Appendix 11, § 33 in the Official Scale of Fees for Services by Architects and Engineers (HOAI), regarding the required compilation and handing over of ‘required documents, manuals and test records’ have been commissioned and executed, a large part of the information will already be available and, presented in the form stipulated in the documentation guidelines, can be used as proof for this category. Special services, such as the execution of performance and operational measurements, should be carried out by qualified experts. The following summary provides important information on the documentation of sub-sections. A complete list of requirements is included in the docu- mentation guidelines. Structural insulation (Documentation: K1_G_1) • Documentation of the construction and thermal protection index values of the most important exterior building components • Test records for airtightness Indoor climate, heating, ventilation (Documentation: K1_G_2-4) • Technical documents, manuals and inspection documents • Maintenance and servicing plans • Records of the final acceptance procedures • The detailed briefing of the occupiers by the contractor must be checked by the applicant and minuted Hot water demand (Documentation: K1_G_2) • Documentation of the fitted appliances with the connected load and operation manuals, etc. Lighting (Documentation: K1_G_5) • Documentation of the installed building components/products in external walls, lighting (lamps) and control devices including technical and physical index values • Maintenance and servicing plans • Records of the final acceptance procedures • Design documentation, simulations Unaccounted energy optimization measures (Documentation: K1_G_6) • Documentation of optimization measures for systems that have not been accounted for in the EnEV, such as ventilation systems in underground car parks, lifts, etc. • Description of technical standards and achieved reduction in energy demand 20
M o n i to r i n g ( D o c u m e n tat i o n : K 1 _ G _ 7 ) During the first two years of intended use, the energy consumption is to be measured, which is part of the evaluation in compliance with DIN V 18599. Consumption is to be converted into primary energy, as set out in the guidelines, and compared with the target values. The required data for electricity and media flows in the building are to be measured using the measuring techniques described above. The agreed calculation of the total energy demand is to be prepared annually. A preliminary balance after one year can help to ascertain trends and necessary corrections recognized in advance. 21
K 2: Sustainable management of public goods The category ‘Sustainable Management of Public Goods’ addresses areas in which individual applicants take on special responsibility, beyond immediate control over building projects of their own, for the environment and society. The objective of architectural competitions is to promote high standards of urban design and architecture. Avoiding polluting the River Elbe or installing water-saving sanitaryware throughout contribute to the sustainable management of public goods. Similarly, providing public access to ground floors or basement floors (plinths) enhances the attractiveness of HafenCity and hence also contributes to the common good. This is also true for the car-free living alternative. People with disabilities rely on accessible buildings, and their lives or the time they spend in HafenCity would be restricted without a certain level of appropri- ately equipped areas, rooms and apartments. Other qualities that make a contribution to common welfare are the provision of sufficient bicycle parking spaces, the design of family friendly shopping facilities and disruption-free delivery and waste management access to retail areas. D e s ig n q ualiti e s Incorporating all urban, functional, design-related, economic and ecological criteria in the design of a building and its associated open spaces is a huge challenge for the builder and planner. Architectural competitions provide builders with a choice of real design options and the oppor- tunity to attain a high level of sustainable quality. During the process of architectural competi- tion a great deal of attention is paid to all matters of public interest through the composition of the panels of judges (including representatives from politics, the Hamburg Ministry for Urban Development and Environment and HafenCity Hamburg GmbH). Requiring the winner of the competition to execute the design process until stages 1 to 4 at least, and part of work stage 5 (design of typical details), in compliance with § 15 HOAI, ensures that the winning design actually delivers quality. Requirements of the ‘fifth elevation’, the roof, should ensure that additional areas are secured for the common good. These include green roofs, solar active surfaces or roof terraces. Areas re- quired for technical equipment should be reduced to a minimum, and external technical struc- tures which are visible should be of a high standard of design. H e av y m e ta l c o n ta m i n at i o n o f wat e r Copper or zinc roofing and façades may be specified for either a traditional or contemporary appearance of the building. Both materials have a long life but, through slight but constant erosion, contribute to the pollution of water bodies. Within the context of sustainable construction, therefore, buildings with copper or zinc roofing, or guttering made of these metals, will be prescribed suitable filtering equipment to avoid pollution through heavy metals. The erosion of zinc from steel panels and steel sections that are exposed to weathering can be avoided by coating them. System-induced ancillary areas of zinc sheeting or copper and zinc panels with an exposed area covering less than 10% of the building’s total footprint are tolerated within the scope of the guidelines. 22
C a r e f u l m a n a g e m e n t o f f r e sh wat e r Production and supply of potable water has not yet reached its limits in Central Europe, as in many other regions around the world, but does incur considerable expenditure. Sparing use of potable water is not limited to reducing consumption, but includes the use of stormwater and grey water. Installing water-saving sanitaryware, such as monobloc mixer taps with flow regulators, toilet bowls designed for low flush volumes (6 liters), dual flush WCs and water-saving showers, will reduce operational costs for water and the energy needed to heat it. Substituting a proportion of water with processed water requires the installation of additional pipes for grey water as well as for the distribution of (treated) process water, for use in toilets for example. Installation of water-less urinals, which has already been successfully done in many public buildings, can directly reduce the consumption of potable water and cleaning. Appendix 1 describes how the index value for water consumption4 (WKW) is to be calculated, by adding the (potable) water demand to the waste water quantity. The lower the index values for water consumption, the better the evaluation of the building. The demands of staff in offices are assessed, as are those of staff and clients in commercial buildings and of guests in hotels. The water demand for cleaning the building is added to this. Reference values for office and commercial buildings are based on the statistical index values. Special rating is achieved by keeping within the reference value, while an excellent rating re- quires undercutting the reference value by 25%. The assessment of potable water consumption in hotels is based on the operating figures pub- lished by the Hotelverband Deutschland (German Hotel Association IHA) for average water demand per person and per night in Germany, according to hotel classification. According to the Hotel- und Gaststättenverband5 (German Hotel and Catering Association), the installation of water-saving showerheads has met with a positive response from guests. Currently, there are no index values available for water consumption by central facilities in hotels, such as restaurants, swimming pools, etc. As a result, no difference is made in the assessment of the two types, hotel and hotel garni. The statistically recognizable differences6 between hotel categories are taken into account by applying a correction factor. Water in hotel rooms is mainly used for showering/bathing, which can only be reduced by limiting the flow, but not by using process water. Potential savings are generally lower than in administration buildings for example, where water is mainly used to flush toilets, etc. The refer- ence values for hotels take into account the use of widely available water-efficient sanitaryware. Therefore, savings of 10% over and above the reference value will achieve an excellent perfor- mance rating. P u b l i c a cc e ss Giving public access to ground floor or basement floor (plinth) areas can enhance the urban quality of the district. Without public access to ground floor areas, the associated open spaces are less appealing to passersby. A hotel with a restaurant or other facilities open to the public on any ground or basement floor (plinth), will offer such qualities. The same applies to office and residential dwellings with small-scale areas for trade or commercial uses. In buildings primarily used for commerce this should be offset by the availability of cultural facilities. Buildings which 4 The calculation method for potable water demand is based on the criteria fact sheet No. 14 of the Deutsches Gütezeichen Nachhaltiges Bauen (German Sustainable Building Certificate) 5 6 according to a statement by the Hotel Association, dated 21.07.2009 23
are solely for residential and office use, or hotels garni, should incorporate additional public use in these areas (e.g. as rented space). At basement floor level, the use of plinth areas for shops, cafés or service industries, e.g. in the recreation sector (sports, etc.) will enhance the quality of the promenade. In many areas of HafenCity, provision for public use will constitute a part of an excellent achievement rating. For areas in HafenCity where such an increased mix of uses would not be needed or feasible, requirements for reduced-car residential areas, as outlined below, can be applied to offset this. Transp ort an d mob ility cr ite r ia A large proportion of local private traffic is generated by residents of a building arriving and departing, or by people working for one of the firms based in the building. Noise and vehicle exhaust pollution is associated with motorized traffic and it endangers children and other non-motorized road users. Land taken up by transport infrastructure decreases the availability of open spaces. Reducing private car use can be seen as an important contribution to sustain- able development in HafenCity. The consumption of land for transport infrastructure within the site area is mainly laid down in the urban land use plan (Bauleitplanung) and, hence, individual applicants only have limited influence. However, the type and degree of use of traffic infrastructure is within the applicant’s sphere of influence. By ensuring ease of transport for cyclists as well as providing local car- sharing opportunities, users and residents will have alternatives to car owning, which also include deliberately forgoing car ownership. B i c yc l e pa r k i n g Encouraging the use of bicycles is an important contribution to ecofriendly and energy effi- cient transport and is easy to achieve on a large scale, since most car journeys are of less than 5 km. To motivate people to cycle rather than use the car, the necessary bicycle infrastructure must be in place, ranging from appropriate numbers of accessible, covered bicycle parking spaces to facilities for changing clothes, showering and drying cycling kit. Special achievement rating can be obtained through provision of a certain number of parking spaces per workplace, apartment or sales area in addition to a certain degree of comfort above and beyond the legal planning requirements. An excellent achievement rating must deliver a higher number of parking spaces, with a considerable degree of comfort. Low car-d e p e n d e n cy h o u s i n g An assessment of private motorized transport per building can be adduced from the number of required car parking spaces. The Hamburger Globalrichtlinie ‘Notwendige Stellplätze und notwendige Fahrradplätze’ (Hamburg General Guideline ‘Required car parking spaces and required bicycle parking spaces’) demands evidence that 0.8 car parking spaces have been allowed for per apartment. At the Saarlandstraße7 project in Hamburg, a low car-dependency housing scheme with 210 residential units, only 0.15 car parking spaces per unit were provided for visitors and car-sharing. The residents entered into a contractual agreement renouncing the right to own a private car. In areas like HafenCity, which are not planned as car-free zones, a reduction to ‘low car’ status for specific buildings cannot be applied throughout, since the construction of plinth basements was necessary to make buildings flood resilient. Therefore, the target for a sustainable mobility concept is securing car parking for a maximum of 25% of the figure stipulated in the General Guideline. The standard for excellent achievement rating in 7 Low car housing at Saarlandstraße, with a car parking factor (car-sharing) of 0.15; for more information see 24
terms of low car-use housing will be accomplished by providing no more than 0.2 car parking spaces per apartment (in compliance with No. 2.5.4 in the Hamburger Globalrichtlinie). To ensure that car parking spaces and the related local traffic infrastructure remain minimal, all residents in the building have to declare in a contractual agreement that they will refrain from owning a car. In buildings for residential use only, for which the local development plan (Bebauungsplan) does not make the compulsory requirement of ground floor heights of 5 m (the finished floor height of the first upper story must be at least 5 m above the adjacent road level), low car housing constitutes an excellent achievement rating, in place of the requirement to accommo- date public uses on the ground floor or in the basement floor (plinth). In view of the growing acceptance of car-sharing schemes, it is recommended that such mea- sures should be considered during the design phase. Fa m i ly f r i e n d l i n e ss Promoting family friendly structures and adapting the built environment to the needs of families is an important component for sustainable demographic development. In particular, public areas in retail spaces and hotels should be appropriately designed and fitted with the necessary technical equipment. Car parking spaces of at least 2.7 m width make getting in and out of a car with children easier. Automatic doors make entering and leaving a building with children or a pram easier. The safety of children will be ensured through installing finger protection or finger protection frames for the doors. Additionally, spaces for childcare and baby changing facilities are needed. D e m a n d s o n s pa c e – l a n d u s e e f f i c i e n c y The HafenCity urban development project is converting former industrial and port areas into inner-city urban, mixed-use spaces. The port extension of 1862 gave the site its characteristic appearance, much of which will be retained. Today, docks, quays and various historical build- ings – refurbished and put to new uses – define the typical character of HafenCity. Some of the industrial legacy, for example the gas works and a railway depot, had to be demolished during decontamination of the soil. Conversion measures therefore not only release considerable potential by reversing soil sealing, but also recycle contaminated areas. For this reason, all buildings that are erected in HafenCity are deemed to have a low demand for land8. Within the new buildings, the optimized proportion of usable floor space to gross floor area (index value for area efficiency) not only enhances the costs of construction and operation, but also offers advantages through reducing environmental impact and sealing of ground surfaces. If in Retail 2 buildings the characteristic value for area efficiency is larger than 0.5, special achievement rating is attained, and if it is higher than 0.65, excellent achievement rating is attained. Area efficiency is determined by calculating the ratio of rentable area (commercial premises) (MF-G) and non-rentable area (MF-0), in compliance with the ‘Richtlinie zur Berech- nung der Mietfläche für gewerblichen Raum (MF-G) der Gesellschaft für Immobilien- wirtschaftliche Forschung e. V. (Gif)’ (Society of Property Researchers’ standard for calculation of rental area in commercial premises). 8 within Criterion No. 15 of the Certification System of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) conversion is the target value with the highest number of points. 25
C r i t e r i a f o r s p e c i a l a ch i e v e m e n t ( s i lv e r ) Special achievement in sustainable management of public goods is based on the following: Holding an architectural competition (Documentation: K2_G_1) • Holding an architectural competition with representatives of public Residential interests in the competition jury. The composition of the jury is to be Office agreed with the awarding body of the Ecolabel. Appointing the compe- tition winner to perform work stages 1 to 5 in accordance with § 15 Hotel HOAI, at least, and work stage 5 in part (design of typical details), ensures that the awarded design quality is implemented. Retail Preventing heavy metal contamination in water bodies (Documentation: K2_G_2) • Preventing the discharge of heavy metals into water bodies and soil Residential Office Hotel Retail Limiting fresh water demand (Documentation: K2_G_3) • Adhering to the reference value for fresh water demand Residential (water demand index value) in accordance with Appendix 1 Office Hotel Retail Family friendliness (Documentation: K2_G_4) • 5% of all car parking spaces to be family friendly (min width 2.7 m) Residential • Easy to use doors with automatic door openers for prams/push chairs • Child-safety ensured through doors with finger protection or finger Office protection frames • Baby changing room for fathers and mothers Hotel • Areas for childcare • Children’s play area with play equipment and seating Retail Note: The performance specification applies to all types of use marked in green 26
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