SURVIVAL GUIDE LAW STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION - University of Saskatchewan College of Law Class of 2024

Page created by Fernando Fischer
SURVIVAL GUIDE LAW STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION - University of Saskatchewan College of Law Class of 2024

University of Saskatchewan
 College of Law Class of 2024
SURVIVAL GUIDE LAW STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION - University of Saskatchewan College of Law Class of 2024
Welcome Letter         2
Class of 2024,
Congratulations on your admittance to the
University of Saskatchewan College of Law!
Welcome to your first year of law school, and to
the community of which you are now a part.             A note on COVID-19:

Whether you are a Saskatoon local or from              Due to the evolving situation of the pandemic,
elsewhere in Canada, the Law Students’                 the LSA wants to acknowledge that the events
Association (“LSA”) has prepared this guide to         and information included in this guide may be
help smooth your transition into law school.           changed.
This guide contains a range of information
- from how to get textbooks if you aren’t in           We will be following the proper health and safety
Saskatoon, to all the fun clubs you can join.          guidelines as mandated by the Saskatchewan
We encourage you to join the Official LSA Social
Group, along with the Class of 2024 group on           For the most up to date information, please see
Facebook. We are also on Instagram                     the The Official U of S LSA Social Group on
@usasklawlsa. The LSA also maintains a social          Facebook.
calendar outlining College, University, and
LSA events throughout the year. This calendar is
updated regularly on the website and announced
on the Social Group page, so tune in, folks.

The LSA exists to serve its students. Council is
available to answer any questions you may
have about school, online learning, social
activities in your city, or life in general. We hope
this guide proves useful.

Good luck in your first of an exciting three years,
and once again, welcome.


                                                        Pain is temporary
                                                        A law degree is forever
                                                        - Ancient law student proverb
SURVIVAL GUIDE LAW STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION - University of Saskatchewan College of Law Class of 2024

 Key Contacts for   Resources and    LSA Participation
 LSA and Faculty      University     and Membership
     P. 4 - 6        Information        P. 12 - 14
                       P. 7 - 11

   How to Get       Student Club    Points of Interest in
    Involved        Information         Saskatoon
    P. 15 - 18        P. 19-20             P. 21
SURVIVAL GUIDE LAW STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION - University of Saskatchewan College of Law Class of 2024
LSA Executive         4

Below is a list of the 2021-2022 LSA Executive. If you have questions
about something specific, like intramural sports, summer jobs,
finals, or wellness, for example, reach out to these individuals.

The LSA has three available first-year positions to be filled.
Campaigning and elections will take place in September. You can
find Council’s contact information on the LSA Website (http://, on Facebook, through your upper year
siblings, or by reaching out to anyone on the LSA.
                                                                               Karim Ismail

    VP SOCIAL                           VP EXTERNAL                              VP
    Julia Conlon                         Parker Chow                      ADMINISTRATION
                                                                             Kane Fritzler

       VP                               VP FINANCE                         VP INDIGENOUS
   ATHLETICS                            Matteo Loconte                       RELATIONS
   Laura Robson                                                                JC Steele

  VP INTERNAL                          VP ACADEMICS                         VP WELLNESS
     Manuel                               Cameron                           Nicole Tryhorn
    Dominguez                             Christensen
SURVIVAL GUIDE LAW STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION - University of Saskatchewan College of Law Class of 2024
LSA Council Members 5

                    LSA COUNCIL MEMBERS

Below is a list of the 2020-2021 LSA council:

Publicity Director:                           Bridget Morrison

Social Directors:                             Taylor Schlamp & Lily Wiebe

Family Rep:                                   Vacant

Women’s Athletic Rep:                         Serana Saini

Men’s Athletic Rep:                           Brandon Forbister

Canadian Bar Association Rep:                 Wendy Cordon

Saskatchewan Trial Lawyers Association Rep:   Sophia Lagimodiere

Second-Year Reps:                             Anna Little & Sam Rzd

                                              Chris Hinchcliffe
Second-Year Faculty Rep:

Third-Year Reps:                              Barbara Baker & Emily Arthur

Third-Year Faculty Rep:                       Meghan Johnson

USSU / University Council Rep:                Levi Perrault

Community Outreach Director:                  Kesley Leik

Indigenous Relations Rep:                     Mark Oldershaw

Logistics and Administration Director:        Walker Paterson
SURVIVAL GUIDE LAW STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION - University of Saskatchewan College of Law Class of 2024
Important Contacts 6

                               Dean Phillipson is the head of the College of Law at the
                               University of Saskatchewan; he oversees the College of Law, its
          MARTIN               faculty relations, as well as the College’s relationships with other
         PHILLIPSON            colleges at the University of Saskatchewan
                               OFFICE: Room 250
                               PHONE: (306) 966-5910

                               Professor Surtees is the official conduit between students,
                               faculty and the various college committees that make decisions
      DOUG SURTEES             regarding student issues. If you are having any academic or
      Associate Dean           personal issues that are affecting your studies, please contact
        Academic               Professor Surtees. He is responsible for academic support and
                               exam accommodation. If you are faced with circumstances that
                               affect your ability to sit midterms or finals, you must speak with
                               Professor Surtees as soon as possible to determine what exam
                               accommodation may be available for you.

                               OFFICE: Room 280
                               PHONE: (306) 966-5242

    ADMISSIONS                       REGISTRATION                              CAREER
     Doreen Petrow &                   Louise Ferguson                        Shari Thomson
    Michelle Halvorson                Academic Program                       Director of Career
    Admissions Officers               & Records Assistant                      Development

•    Admissions                  •   Upper year registration        •   Career Planning programming
•    First Year Registration     •   Grade appeals                      and partnership with students
•    Entrance Scholarships
                                                                        to support future successes

OFFICE: Room 280                 OFFICE: Room 280                   OFFICE: Room 247
PHONE: (306) 966-5892            PHONE: (306) 966-5896              PHONE: (306) 966-1924
EMAIL:                           EMAIL:                             EMAIL: 
SURVIVAL GUIDE LAW STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION - University of Saskatchewan College of Law Class of 2024
Student Information 7

How To Get Textbooks

 You will receive information on required textbooks in your first week of classes.
 — Normally you do not need to buy books before this time, but if you are planning to buy
 new books from the bookstore and require shipping, they are encouraging students to
 order early because of shipping delays. However, buying used books is a great way to save
 money and to connect with upper year students.




If you know other students at different law schools, it might be worth your time to reach out to
them to see if they have the book you need.
SURVIVAL GUIDE LAW STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION - University of Saskatchewan College of Law Class of 2024
Student Information 8

What are Condensed Annotated Notes (“CANs”)?
•   CANs are Condensed Annotated Notes made by former students that summarize cases
    and other important concepts discussed in class and found in required texts and course
•   If you want to supplement your CANS, LSA CANS are provided online through the Official
    LSA Facebook Group in the files section, HOWEVER you should always start by making
    your own. You should not rely solely on them.
•   CANs are not necessarily comprehensive, and some professors have been known in past
    to specifically target sections of course material in exams that are not adequately covered
    in previous years’ CANs. CANs can also include inaccurate information.

How to Get Your Student Card
•   University of Saskatchewan student cards act as your library card, bus pass, and admission
    to the campus gym (hopefully you will need these soon).
    essentials/student-id-cards.php . All you need is a passport style photo in jpeg format that
    is less than 2MB. Provide your first name, last name, date of birth, and NSID or student ID
•   If you lose your card, a new one can be acquired at the Student Card Office located in the
    Bookstore in Marquis Hall (winter semester).

Health and Dental
•   Every registered full time student, unless they opt out, is part of the USSU Health &
    Dental Plan. This means health and dental fees are automatically added to your student
    fees, even if you are on your parent’s coverage or have separate coverage.
•   You can opt-out at Click “opt out” on the right-hand column, select
    “University of Saskatchewan” and upload photos of your health and dental insurance by
    the deadline.
•   Any claims for reimbursement can be made here:
•   There is a blackout period from September until November where you will have to pay
    for all your medical services, you can still submit your forms but reimbursements will not
    be paid until November.
•   More information can be found here:
SURVIVAL GUIDE LAW STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION - University of Saskatchewan College of Law Class of 2024
General Information 9

GENERAL INFORMATION                                         (for Winter term)

Parking                                              $25 per semester for a specific night of
                                                     the week.
•   Campus parking is administered by U of
                                                 •   Metered spaces are available in front of
    S Parking Services in the Animal Science
                                                     the Law Building, the Hospital (across
    Building at 72 Campus Drive. Office
                                                     the street), in the Commerce Loop, and
    hours are 8:00AM-4:30PM Mon-Fri.
                                                     behind the Diefenbaker Center.
    They can be reached at (306) 966-4502
    or at or online at                Bus Pass
•   Parking spaces are awarded by lottery        •   As part of your student fees, all U of S
    prior to the start of the school year.           students receive a bus pass.
    Applications are accepted through            •   You need to have a sticker put on your
    PAWS until 10:00am on August 21st,               student card each semester in order to
    2020. There is also supplementary                use your bus pass – stickers can be
    online sale of unclaimed parking passes          picked up at the Information Kiosk in
    in September. This is only available to          Upper Place Riel (winter term)
    those who signed up for the initial          •   You can opt out if you live outside the
    lottery.                                         city, in residence, or qualify for a
•   Information on the student parking               disability parking pass. Transportation
    online sale can be found in the Parking          information is found here: https://
    channel on PAWS or at: https://                  s t u d e nt s . us as k . c a/ es s e nt i a l s /                        transportation.php
    student.php#ApplyingforParking               •   Saskatoon Transit information can be
•   Parking is available in the public lots on       found at the Information Kiosk in Place
    a daily-charge basis. Lot 4 on the North         Riel, and Transit Services usually has an
    Road near the education building is the          information booth set up during the first
    closest to the Law Building. The Stadium         week of classes in Place Riel. For route
    Parkade across College Drive near the            maps and other information, you can
    PAC almost always has parking available,         also check the Saskatoon Transit website
    and Parking Services sells month and             at:
    term passes for the parkade, however             around/transit
    these are approximately twice the price
    of student parking passes. Both lots
    charge $2.00/hour.
•   Night parking passes are available from
    the Parking Services office or the Place
    Riel Information Kiosk at reduced rates.
    They are valid after 5:00PM in all non-
    gated lots, and are $50 per semester, or
SURVIVAL GUIDE LAW STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION - University of Saskatchewan College of Law Class of 2024
Student Computing 10

Access:                          IT Help Desk:                     encouraged to return
• To access any computer         • The IT Help Desk is             the laptop 1 hour
   on campus you need an            available from 7am –           before the library closes
   NSID and a password.             5pm, Monday to Friday,         as checking it back in
   Your NSID is the three           and provides free              takes some time).
   letter, three number             assistance for any         •   You will be required to
   username given to you            student computing              present your student
   in your registration             concerns, on campus or         card to access a laptop.
   materials.                       personal computers.
• If you do not have an          • Arts Room 70 is the         Computers:
   NSID, go to Room 70              closest IT Help Desk       • Laptops for note-taking
   Arts (IT Help Desk), or, if      location to the Law          in class is common but
   you are a late-accepted          Building.                    not mandatory. There
   student, see a U of S         • The Help Desk can be          are some professors
   Admissions Officer, and          reached by phone until       who also have a no
   they will provide you            10pm at 966-4817, and        laptop policy (they will
   with one. You will need          by email at                  make it very known if
   to have a student card             that is the case).
   or other form of ID.                                        • If you don’t have a
                                                                 laptop or prefer to keep
Wireless:                                                        your computer at home,
• Any issues regarding                                           there are computers on
   wireless access for your                                      campus available for
   laptop including                                              your use:
   wireless configuration                                      • The Law Library has
   can be dealt with in                                          computers and a printer
   Room 70 Arts (IT Help                                         available for all your
   Desk).                                                        computing needs.
• Any personal laptop on                                       • The Arts and Science
   the university network is                                     computer labs are
   required to have                                              available to Law
   Sophos Anti-virus, which                                      students. The
   is provided for free by                                       computers in the
   the university at your        Laptop Loan Program:            Commerce building are
   first log-on.                 • The Law Library               only accessible by
                                    reference desk has two       commerce students.
                                    laptops available to
                                    loan for 6-hour periods
                                    (however, you are
Student Funding 11

                                                     May your college
                                                     memories last as
                                                      long as your
STUDENT FUNDING                                       student loan
Scholarships & Bursaries                               payments.
College of Law has its own bursary/
scholarship program. Most of these awards
do not require an application as you are
automatically considered if you meet the        Student Loans
criteria and those that do require an           Government student loan information
application will be posted (on PAWS or the      relevant to the College of Law can be found
College website) as they become available.      at:
There are also several awards available that
must be applied for individually.               Information regarding eligibility, the
                                                application process, and how to receive
Don’t forget to look into the awards offered    your loan is summarized on that webpage.
by the U of S; there are many scholarships      Note that in order to receive your loan, the
and bursaries outside the College of Law        University must confirm your enrolment
that are open to law students, so make sure     after you have registered for courses.
you fill out an application for them as well.   Information for Saskatchewan residents and
These forms can be found online at https://     out of province residents is included.
LSA Membership                  12

      Law Students’ Association (LSA) Membership
LSA Memberships are a great resource for you to get involved with the College - especially in
a year where school spirit is more important than ever. Membership for the LSA is $30.
Registration will take place Online. There will be an park meet up August

                         YOUR MEMBERSHIP PROVIDES YOU WITH:

•   Discounted access to social, wellness, & athletic events (LSA members pay less than
•   A new freebie LSA item
•   The business discounts offered through the membership cards will continue:
       • Fliosophi 25% discount from 7pm to close on Thursdays,
       •   UNA 10% (Dine in only)
       •   Thirsty Scholar: $7.00 doubles, $6.50 Craft Beers, $6.00 Wings on Thursdays, $5.00 Nachos
       •   More to come- stay tuned!
•   Access to all the campus rec sports teams for FREE
•   A locker in the College of Law building

LSA Events:
•   Academic: The annual textbook sale, the updated set of LSA CAN’s, and ‘Calm
    Week’ (support during finals exams), are all planned and executed by the Academic team
    of the LSA.

•   Career: The LSA facilitates career-building workshops and networking opportunities with
    the legal and academic community, helps organize the annual Career Forum, and the
    CBA Saskatchewan Firm Showcase.

•   Social: The College is a close-knit community. Parties, gatherings, and our annual Formal
    help cultivate friendships across the years, while providing an outlet to decompress. At
    the very least, they’ll get you to put down your torts textbook now and then!

•   Athletic: The LSA organizes coed sports tournaments to socialize, get active, and
    compete against alumni and upper years. More athletic information can be found on
    page 15.

•   Wellness: Yoga classes, financial wellness sessions, spin classes, mental health support,
    and more are scheduled annually by our VP Wellness. Check the Official LSA Facebook
    page for updates!

Everything scheduled can be found on the LSA Google Calendar:
Sibling Match                 13

The 1L Sibling Match is an opportunity for Upper Year students to give advice and connect with 1Ls.
The Match generally takes place at the end of the first day of orientation. In the past, it was done
chaotically and randomly. However, the LSA has moved the sibling match online

•   With the move online, the Sibling Match will be slightly more organized, and the LSA will
    attempt to match 1Ls with Upper Years in which they share interests.
•   The Match will be done in the form of a short survey posted on the LSA Facebook pages
    and begins August 4th.

The 1L Sibling Match is entirely optional but is a fantastic way to meet upper years and start
building your Law School knowledge. Some sibling relationships turn into life long
friendships, and others are a few kind messages and words of advice.

          The Match is what you make it, and is meant to help integrate you into the
                                 Law School experience!

          Please keep an eye on the Offical LSA Social Group and Class of 2024
                        Facebook pages for updates in August!
                         Follow the LSA on Instagram: @usasklawlsa
How to Get Involved 14

Objectives, Elections & Involvement:

  Law Students’ Association (LSA)

  •   The LSA is a liaison between students, faculty, and the University as a whole. This is
      realized through student representatives sitting on various University councils to
      which they regularly communicate opinions and feedback of fellow students. LSA
      members are also often allowed the chance to sit on combined faculty and student
  •   First-Year Participation: LSA Council positions: 2 Class Reps (one from each
      section); 1 Faculty Council Rep. Elections will be held in September – watch for

  Indigenous Law Students’ Association (ILSA)
  The objectives of the organization are to:
         (a) foster a community of academic, professional and social support among
         Aboriginal students;
         (b) represent and support the academic and professional interests of Aboriginal
         students; and
         (c) promote accessible legal education for aboriginal people in a culturally
         sensitive learning environment.
  • Membership is open to all students, full or part-time.
  • Regular voting members are those who have self-identified as “Aboriginal”
     according to the definition commonly accepted in s.35 of the Constitution Act.
  • Associate membership (non-voting) is open to all other students who express a
     genuine interest in Aboriginal culture and Aboriginal legal issues.
  • ILSA hosts several events throughout the year to provide social outlets for students,
     raise funds for a dedicated and culturally appropriate graduation ceremony and
     hosts academic seminars and discussion sessions on topics related to Aboriginal
     people and Aboriginal law.

  President: Jodi Hancheroff; Facebook Page: ILSA USask
How to Get Involved 15

               Laura Robson
                                               ATH ETICS
           REP: Serena Saini                   The College hosts its own annual sporting
                                               tournaments, including softball, golf,
         MEN’S ATHLETIC REP:                   bowling, curling, basketball, soccer, and
           Brandon Forbister                   Challenge Cup hockey tournament .There are
                                               inter-year tournaments. All are encouraged
                                               to participate or attend and cheer on/heckle
                                               your peers! The tentative tournament
Law Games                                      schedule can be found on the LSA google
Law Games is a national sporting and social    calendar.
event. Most Canadian law schools
                                               Campus REC
participate. It’s a great opportunity to
                                               Students can participate in a broad range of REC
commiserate and play with your fellow law
                                               sports. Sign-ups will be held at the College
students from across the country. Law games
                                               and are organized by the Athletic Reps and VP
begins recruiting in early September. The
                                               Athletics. Registration fees for College teams are
Games begin around New Year’s Day and
                                               covered by your $20 LSA fee. Campus Rec
typically run four days. First year students
                                               leagues are recreational. Though some leagues
MUST be back in time for Dispute
                                               have both competitive and non-competitive
Resolution Week starting the first week of
                                               divisions, the games are kept at a relatively non-
class in January 2022 (don’t worry, you will
                                               competitive level. We hope Campus REC will
                                               return for the winter semester.
How to Get Involved 16

   Nunavut Law Student Society                            Caveat Lector

 The U of S has partnered with the            The Caveat Lector is a student-run
 Nunavut Arctic College and the               newsletter that publishes law-related
 Government of Nunavut to create the          and current events material throughout
 Nunavut Law Program, a program               the school year. It’s also a great place to
 aimed at increasing the number of            read student submitted poems, memes,
 practising lawyers in Nunavut and            and hot takes.
 improving access to justice for
 Nunavummiut.                                 Membership is open to all students and
                                              all students are invited to submit articles
 The Nunavut Law Program has 25               for publication at editors’ discretion.
 students studying law in Iqualuit. Their
 program runs for four years—one pre-         Contact: Barbara Baker & Lexi Morash:
 law year, and then three years of law. ; http://
 Facebook Page: Nunavut Law Student
 Society - NLSS

   Legal Follies Association Inc                           Committees
 Legal Follies is a non-profit, charity       Students that are interested in
 organization that hosts a variety show in    becoming involved in a specific
 February showcasing the talent (or lack      aspect of the functioning of the
 thereof) of students, faculty and staff at   college can sit on one or more of
 the College of Law.                          many faculty-chaired committees that
                                              oversee such matters as Admissions,
 Follies is organized and produced by         Orientation, Finance, Speakers, and
 volunteer law students and all proceeds      many more. A call for committee
 from the show go to a local charity.         members will be put out in the fall,
 Students can get involved by particip-       and is open to all students.
 ating on the Board of Directors,
 by performing in the show, or both.          Contact: Any member on the LSA
                                              Executive Council (See page 3).
 Contact: Nicole Tryhorn & Kenya
How to Get Involved 18

CLASSIC is a non-profit legal clinic in downtown Saskatoon, and is run primarily by law
students. Students work under the supervision of a practicing lawyer provide free legal
assistance to low-income clients in Saskatoon who cannot afford traditional legal services.
CLASSIC focuses mainly on Landlord and tenant issues; Labour Standards; employment
insurance; Canada Pension Plan entitlements; SGI Appeals’, Small Claims, and more.
Volunteering at CLASSIC provides an excellent opportunity for law students to gain practical
experience and have the chance to meaningfully help others

Students can become involved in two different ways: by volunteering their time in the clinic
or by applying for the clinical intensive offered by the College of Law, where students
receive university credit for a semester. Information about volunteering at CLASSIC will be
provided through the student Pro Bono coordinators.

Contact: 306-657-6100;

Pro Bono Students Canada
Pro Bono Students Canada is a national network
of law schools, law students, community
organizations and lawyers all working together
to solve traditionally unmet legal problems.

Volunteers acquire marketable skills that look
great on a résumé, and have the opportunity to
meet lawyers and organizations that could be
potential employers or clients; more importantly,
contributing to a project that will provide
community organizations with legal services that
they would not ordinarily have access to can be
a personally rewarding experience

Projects in family law, tax law, corporate law,
health law and many others no matter what your
legal interest, we can pair you up with a local
organization so you can make a difference.

How to Get Involved 19

Join the Facebook page of any club you may have an interest in to get involved online this fall!

    LEVEL Changing Lives                 GREEN LEGAL                    HEALTH LAW CLUB
        Through Law

             1                                 2                                 3
 A national club aimed at          Green Legal is a student          The goal is to provide a
 revealing inequalities in         club that aims to increase        deeper understanding of
 the law. Join and help            environmental                     the field of health law. The
 plan a panel                      awareness and                     club is a platform to
 presentation, trivia              involvement within the            discuss current issues
 nights, and the                   College of Law. The goal          regarding health policy,
 elementary school                 of the group is to take on        medical malpractice and
 program Dare to Dream             practical projects.               mental health.
 Facebook Page:                    President: Alanna                 Facebook Page: USask
 USask Level Chapter               Bugera;                           Health Law Club
                                   Facebook Page: Green

     SPORTS LAW CLUB                CORPORATE LAW CLUB                 CRIMINAL LAW CLUB

             4                                 5                                 6
 The Sports Law Club               The Corporate Law Club            The Criminal Law Club is
 provides opportunity to           is made of students               for students interested in
 gain knowledge &                  interested in corporate           current criminal law
 experience in the areas           and business law. They            issues, trials and more.
 of player management,             put on a “business crawl”         President: Alex Studer;
 salary arbitrations,              for its members and host          Facebook Page:
 contract negotiations             events throughout the             University of
 and arena management.             year.                             Saskatchewan Criminal
 Facebook Page: USask              President: Nicole                 Law Club
 Sports Law Club                   Tryhorn;
                                   Facebook Page: U of S
                                   Corporate Law Club
How to Get Involved 20

     JUST RIGHTS               USASK OUTlaws                  DIVERSITY & LAW

           7                          8                               9
Just Rights is a social    This is the College of         DLA aims to promote
justice advocacy student   Law’s first “Gay-              diversity and
group at the College of    (LGBTQ)-Straight               multiculturalism in the
Law. Each year Just        Alliance”. The focus of        study and practice of
Rights picks a current     the group is to promote        Law.
legal issue to raise       awareness of LGBT              Facebook Page: DLA at
awareness and              rights and, more               USask – Diversity and
fundraise.                 generally, human rights        Law Society
Facebook Page: JUST        issues.
RIGHTS                      Facebook Page:
                           USask OUTLaws

     Sisters-in-Law                        Canadian Bar Association

         10                                          11
Sisters-in-Law club is a    The Canadian Bar Association is known throughout
student group that          the legal community as “the voice of the legal
shares support, helps       profession.” The Saskatchewan Branch of the CBA
communicate                 hosts a number of events over the course of the
information, and builds     school year, giving students opportunities to create
helpful connections for     networks in the legal community through the
the women at USask law      mentorship program and annual wine and cheese
and recent graduates of     events. The CBA Law Students’ Section also host
the college.                speakers and the Saskatchewan Law Firms Show-
Facebook Page: USask        case. Student memberships are $25 and will be
Sisters in Law              available to students during the first weeks of school
                            There are various opportunities to get involved with
                            this club and give back. There is also the opportunity
                            to do an internship abroad over the summer
                            Contact: Wendy Cordon
Bars & Restaurants                    1
            There are many bars and restaurants around
            the city. Some popular areas include 8th
            Street, 2nd Avenue and Broadway. An up
            and coming area is Riversdale and River
            Landing. Let’s support diversity and local

            Las Palapas (Mexican, $$ - $$$)
            Odd Couple (Asian Fusion, $$ - $$$)
            Primal (Italian, $$ - $$$)
            The Hollows (Vegetarian & Gluten Free, $$-$
            Ayden Kitchen & Bar (Canadian, $$$$)
            Sticks and Stones (Japanese Korean, $$-$$$)
            Little Grouse on the Prairie (Italian, Canadian,
            Thien Vietnam (Vietnamese, $)
            Keo’s Thai Kitchen (Thai, $$ - $$$)
            Black Pepper (Indian, $$-$$$)
            Flint Bistro (Canadian, $$-$$$)
            Mano’s Restaurant & Lounge (Italian/Greek, $
            Cactus Club Café (American, $$-$$$)
            Una Pizza + Wine (Pizza, $$-$$$)
            Picaro (Mexican, $$-$$$)
            Drift Sidewalk Café & Vista Lounge (Cafe, $$ -
            Museo Coffee (Café, $$)
            Hometown Diner (Diner, $$-$$$)
            Konga Cafe (Caribbean $$)
            Poached Breakfast Bistro (Café, $$ - $$$)
            Calories (French Gastropub, $$-$$$)


            The Thirsty Scholar
            The Crazy Cactus
            Original Joes (on 8th Street, Thursday Wine
            Night is popular for ½ price wine)

            Louis Pub and Loft (On Campus)
            Yard & Flagon (Broadway)
            Hudsons (Downtown)
            Congress Beer House (2nd Avenue)
            Flint (2nd Avenue)
            Leopold’s Tavern (Broadway)
            Winston’s English Pub & Grill (Downtown)
            The Hose and Hydrant (Off Broadway)
Points of Interest 21

Theatre, Art & Music                     Other
•   Broadway Theatre                     For an entire list of festivals and events
       •          occurring in Saskatoon during the
•   Persephone Theatre                   2020-2021 academic year, check out http://
•   Yuk Yuk’s Comedy Club                events/.
       •   • Remai Modern
          blog/page/comedy-club                 • Renowned art gallery in
•   Capitol Music Club                               downtown
       •          •
•   Barn Playhouse                       • Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park & Zoo
       • https://                               •
         • Nutrien Playland at Kinsmen Park
•   The Bassment                                • Open until late fall
       •                •
•   Amigos Cantina                                   recreation-attractions/events-
       •               attractions/potashcorp-playland-
                                         • OUT Saskatoon
Activities & Sports                             • A community that includes,
                                                     values, and supports people of
•   Husky Athletics
                                                     all gender identities, expressions,
        • Cheap and fun
                                                     and sexualities.
•   Escape City YXE
                                         • Midtown Plaza Shopping Centre
        • Escape rooms located in
                                                • Largest shopping mall in the city
                                         • Scotiabank Theatre Saskatoon & VIP
•   Outdoor Skating Bessborough Hotel
                                                • Largest movie theater; downtown
        • Winter only (obviously)
•   Saskatchewan RUSH Lacrosse Team
•   APEX Trampoline Park Saskatoon
                                         • Landmark Cinemas Saskatoon
                                                • A new movie theatre located in
•   TimberJaxe Throwing Sports
                                                     the Brighton area in Saskatoon
                                                • https://
•   Mar's Mini Golf
                                         • Saskatoon Farmers’ Market
•   Clip N’ Climb
                                                • https://
        • Climbing and obstacle course

The LSA would like to thank OWZW LLP for their generous support. OWZW is a
midsize, full practice law firm in Regina. They are about solving problems and
helping their clients achieve their objectives quickly and efficiently. At OWZW,
they practice smart, results-oriented law in a wide range of practice areas. They
focus on the client’s objectives and providing efficient solutions rather
than ineffective theories. Most importantly, their team approach helps them
develop a relationship with each client, and they have developed a strong
name in the Regina legal community.
Visit OWZW at
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