Surgical Procedure Trainings Catalogue 2018-2019

Page created by Valerie Warren
Surgical Procedure Trainings Catalogue 2018-2019
Procedure Trainings
     Training Catalogue 2018–2019

       Training and Education Center

       Medical Expert Training
Surgical Procedure Trainings Catalogue 2018-2019
Introduction Letter

Dear All,                                             and technology-based environments combine the
Olympus organizes Professional Education              excellence of theory and practice in order to train
activities in close cooperation with healthcare       healthcare professionals.
experts and leading teaching hospitals in Europe.
These Medical Expert Training will support you in     I am looking forward to meeting you in one of our
widening and improving medical and technical skills   Medical Expert Training around Europe!
in an empathetic and comprehensible manner for
professional excellence in order to improve patient   Best regards
                                                      Sven Boettjer
Professional Education offers the perfect fit with
Medical Expert Training in various educational
formats and procedures in General Surgery, Urology,
Gynecology and Ear Nose Throat. Lectures,
discussions, hands-on sessions, live-demonstration

Surgical Procedure Trainings Catalogue 2018-2019
Table of Content
Training Catalogue 2018–2019

1.	Introduction Letter ....................................................................... 2          6.	Gynecology Trainings .................................................................         21
                                                                                                               Advanced Laparoscopic Gynecological Surgery ...............................                    21
2.	Important Facts ............................................................................ 4             Advanced Laparoscopic Treatment of
                                                                                                               Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis .......................................................        22
3. Training Location Addresses ....................................................... 5                       Advanced Laparoscopic Colposacropexy and Myomectomy ...........                                25
                                                                                                               Advanced Laparoscopic Treatment of
4.	ENT Trainings ............................................................................... 6            Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis .......................................................        26
    Endoscopic Sinus Surgery ........................................................... 6 –7                  Advanced Laparoscopic Abdominopelvic Surgical Anantomy
    NBI Endoscopy in the management of the UADT tumors ..................... 8                                 and Techniques .............................................................................   27
    Transoral Endoscopic Surgical Approach ......................................... 9                         Laparoscopic Hysterectomy ..........................................................           28
    Field of Sleep & Rhinology ............................................................. 10
    Clinical Benefits of NBI in Diagnostic Endoscopy in Laryngology ..... 11                               7.	Urology Trainings .......................................................................      29
                                                                                                               Enucleation and Vaporization of the Prostate with Plasma ..................                    29
5.	Surgical Trainings .......................................................................        12       Advanced Laparoscopic Nephrectomy and Partial Nephrectomy .......                              30
    Advanced Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery ......................................                    12       Basic and Advanced Techniques in Laparoscopic Urology – EERPE ...                              31
    Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery ...................................................               13       NMIBC Management Bipolar TUR-BT & NBI .....................................                    32
    Liver Surgery .................................................................................   14       Plasma Enucleation of the Prostate ..................................................          33
    Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery ...................................................               15       Techniques in Flexible Ureterorenoscopy and PCNL ..........................                    34
    Transanal Minimally Invasie Surgery (TAMIS) –                                                              Nonmuscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Management –
    Reversed Total Mesorectal Excision (TME) ........................................                 16       Advances in EN-BLOC Resection and Narrow Band Imaging .............                            35
    Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision (TATME) ....................................                  17
    Thyroidectomy With Nerve Monitoring ............................................                  18
    Thyroidectomy ..............................................................................      19
    Upper Surgery ...............................................................................     20

Surgical Procedure Trainings Catalogue 2018-2019
Eight Important Facts
Rules for Successful Training Participation

 1                                                   4                                              7
         Registrations must be submitted via           Please inform us or your local                 All participants need to accept the terms
           the online tool. Please contact your          Olympus representative in case of any          of use and privacy notice of our Medical
           local Olympus representative.                 cancellation at least three weeks              Expert Trainings.
                                                         before training begins.

2                                                    5                                              8
         The registration deadline is four               All Medical Expert Trainings are held in       The dress code for all training sessions
         weeks before the training start date. You       English                                        is business casual.
         will find all course information on
         en/Professional/Education/ as well

3                                                    6
          e reserve the right to cancel any
         W                                               Hotel rooms will be reserved in
         course with fewer than six participants.        our corporate hotels; please contact
                                                         your local Olympus representative for
                                                         further information.

Surgical Procedure Trainings Catalogue 2018-2019
Training Location Address

                             Olympus Medical                                                     Training & Education Center
                             Training Center                                                     Hamburg West
                             Olympus Surgical Technologies Europe                                Olympus Europa SE & Co. KG
                             Kuehnstrasse 61                                                     Hohe Weide 17b
                             22045 Hamburg, Germany                                              20259 Hamburg, Germany

                             Senior Training Center Manager:                                     Training Center Manager:
                             Beatrix Althaus                                                     Jenny Bredenbeck


                             ENDO CLUB Academy                                                   Headquarter
                             Hamburg-Eppendorf University Hospital                               Olympus Europa SE & Co. KG
                             (UKE), Building O30                                                 Amsinckstraße 63
                             Martinistrasse 52                                                   20097 Hamburg, Germany
                             22046 Hamburg, Germany

                             Training Center Manager:
                             Thi-Than-Thao Dao


Important Online Addresses   Registration for training courses:

                             Global professional education website:

Surgical Procedure Trainings Catalogue 2018-2019
Medical Expert Training in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Hands-On Training

                                                                                                                 Training Concept
                                                                                                                 Endoscopic Sinus Surgery techniques have developed rapidly
                                                           Prof. Manuel Bernal-Sprekelsen
                                                           Hospital Clinic Barcelona, Spain                      over the last twenty years and remain the gold-standard
                                                           Head of ENT Department
                                                                                                                 approach for sinus procedures. Although most surgeons
                                                Target Group                                                     receive adequate training in basic sinus surgery techniques,
                                                · Intermediate ENT surgeons                                      there has been considerable advancements in these
                                                                                                                 techniques, indications and extent of surgery feasible with
                                                Course Requirements                                              endoscopic techniques. Continuous education with didactic
                                                ·	S peak, read and write English on a moderate level            and practical courses represents the most valuable tool to
                                                · Experience in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery                         remain abreast of such developments and maintain surgical
                                                                                                                 skills. The main goal of this training opportunity provided
    Universitat de Barcelona                    Training Contents                                                by leading experts in this field is to provide the participants
    Barcelona, Spain
                                                · Surgical anatomy and radiology                                 with a safe and supported environment to gain instructions
    1.5 days                                    · Handling of endoscopes and camera                              and Hands-on Training in all aspects of Endoscopic Sinus
                                                ·	Identification of anatomical landmarks of the nose and        Surgery.
    Prof. Manuel Bernal-Sprekelsen
    Prof. Anshul Sama                            sinuses. Resection of the uncinate process and middle
    Prof. Isam Alobid                            meatal antrostomy                                               Course objectives
    Prof. Cristobal Langdon
                                                · “Intact bulla” – technique to the frontal                      ·	Reviewing the endoscopic anatomy of the nose and sinuses
    For dates & places please contact
                                                · Anterior ethmoidectomy and anterior ethmoidal artery           ·	Providing the opportunity to improve the skills handling
    your local Sales Representative
                                                · Approach to the sphenopalatine and maxillary arteries           endoscopes and instruments in the nose and to learn,
    Dates are subject to change, please check

                                                                                                                                                                                       ENT – Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
    and register online:                        · Posterior ethmoidectomy                                         step-by-step, the endoscopic surgery of the nasal cavity
    register online here                        · Frontal approaches Draf IIb to III                              and sinuses, including access to the frontal, exposure of the
                                                 Endoscopic Dacriocystorhinostomy                                 ethmoidal and sphenopalatine arteries, endoscopic DCR,
                                                · Canthotomy and Cantholysis                                      orbital and optical nerve decompression, canthotomy and
                                                · Sphenoidotomy and exposure to sella                             cantholysis etc
                                                · Orbital and optical nerve decompression                        ·	Learning decision-making in the management
                                                · Medial maxillectomy                                             of sinonasal lesions
                                                ·	N asoseptal flap, inferior turbinate and lateral wall flaps   ·	A stepwise surgical approach to the nose and sinuses
                                                                                                                  on bio labs

Surgical Procedure Trainings Catalogue 2018-2019
Medical Expert Training in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Hands-On Training

                                                                                                                 Training Concept
                                                                                                                 Endoscopic Sinus Surgery techniques have developed rapidly
                                                           Prof. Anshul Sama
                                                           Nottingham University Hospital, United Kingdom        over the last twenty years and remain the gold-standard
                                                           Consultant Rhinologist
                                                                                                                 approach for sinus procedures. Although most surgeons
                                                Target Group                                                     receive adequate training in basic sinus surgery techniques,
                                                · Intermediate ENT surgeons                                      there has been considerable advancements in these
                                                                                                                 techniques, indications and extent of surgery feasible with
                                                Course Requirements                                              endoscopic techniques. Continuous education with didactic
                                                ·	S peak, read and write English on a moderate level            and practical courses represents the most valuable tool to
                                                · Experience in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery                         remain abreast of such developments and maintain surgical
                                                                                                                 skills. The main goal of this training opportunity provided
    Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf      Training Contents                                                by leading experts in this field is to provide the participants
    Hamburg, Germany
                                                · Surgical anatomy and radiology                                 with a safe and supported environment to gain instructions
    1.5 days                                    · Handling of endoscopes and camera                              and Hands-on Training in all aspects of Endoscopic Sinus
                                                ·	Identification of anatomical landmarks of the nose and        Surgery.
    Prof. Anshul Sama
    Prof. Manuel Bernal-Sprekelsen               sinuses. Resection of the uncinate process and middle
    Prof. Isam Alobid                            meatal antrostomy                                               Course objectives
    Prof. Cristobal Langdon
    Prof. Christos Georgalas
                                                · “Intact bulla” – technique to the frontal                      ·	Reviewing the endoscopic anatomy of the nose and sinuses

    For dates & places please contact
                                                · Anterior ethmoidectomy and anterior ethmoidal artery           ·	Providing the opportunity to improve the skills handling
    your local Sales Representative             · Approach to the sphenopalatine and maxillary arteries           endoscopes and instruments in the nose and to learn,

                                                                                                                                                                                       ENT – Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
    Dates are subject to change, please check   · Posterior ethmoidectomy                                         step-by-step, the endoscopic surgery of the nasal cavity
    and register online:                        · Frontal approaches Draf IIb to III                              and sinuses, including access to the frontal, exposure of the
    register online here  
                                                 Endoscopic Dacriocystohinostomy                                  ethmoidal and sphenopalatine arteries, endoscopic DCR,
                                                · Canthotomy and Cantholysis                                      orbital and optical nerve decompression, canthotomy and
                                                · Sphenoidotomy and exposure to sella                             cantholysis etc
                                                · Orbital and optical nerve decompression                        ·	Learning decision-making in the management
                                                · Medial maxillectomy                                             of sinonasal lesions
                                                ·	N asoseptal flap, inferior turbinate and lateral wall flaps   ·	A stepwise surgical approach to the nose and sinuses
                                                                                                                  on bio labs

Surgical Procedure Trainings Catalogue 2018-2019
Medical Expert Training in NBI Endoscopy in the management of the UADT tumors
Advanced Peer-to-Peer Training and Live-Surgery

                                                                                                                   Training Concept
                                                                                                                   In the last few years NBI technology, which is already widely
                                                                 Prof. Giorgio Peretti                             used in various endoscopic applications, has proven to
                                                                 Genova, Italy
                                                                                                                   be useful also in ENT medicine and in the pre-operative,
                                                     Target Group                                                  intra-operative and post-operative staging of patients affected
                                                     · Intermediate ENT surgeons                                   by squamous cell carcinoma in the head and neck area.

                                                     Course Requirements                                           This theoretical and practical course is a valid step
                                                     ·	S peak, read and write English on a moderate level         towards learning how to interpret the vascular pattern
                                                     ·	E xperience in NBI Endoscopy in the upper aero-digestive   typical of neoplastic and preneoplastic lesions. It also

                                                                                                                                                                                         ENT – NBI Endoscopy in the management of the UADT tumors
                                                      tract                                                        aims at interpreting the physical characteristics, methods
    Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria, San Martino                                                                 and diagnostic advantages of this technology both via
    Genova, Italy
                                                     Training Contents                                             theoretical lessons and practical applications in the OR
    2.5 days                                         ·	“Biological endoscopy” concept in the modern evaluation    and in the consulting room.
                                                      of UADT tumors
    Prof. Giorgio Peretti                            ·	Technology and principle of NBI                            The main idea of these advanced courses is a peer-to-peer

    For dates & places please contact
                                                     ·	NBI and HDTV in the endoscopic evaluation of UADT tumors   approach. With having both possibilities, letting a smaller
    your local Sales Representative                  ·	Live surgery                                               group join in the OR as well as establishing a real-time,
    Dates are subject to change, please check        ·	V isit to the ENT office                                   high quality video transmission of larynx surgeries into the
    and register online:                             ·	A bnormal NBI vascular patterns of the UADT                lecture room with allowing vivid communication between
    register online here  
                                                     ·	Results of the HDTV-NBI study for the oral cavity and      audience and Prof. Peretti, questions can be asked
                                                      hypopharynx                                                  immediately. In addition to that, on the afternoons of day one
                                                     ·	Results of the HDTV-NBI study for the oral cavity and      and two you will have the chance to get a clinical studies
                                                      oropharynx                                                   update on experiences made with NBI in laryngology as
                                                     ·	Endoscopic diagnostic work-up for neoplastic lesions       well as get an clinical study update by the presentations
                                                      of the UADT with special emphasis for those of the larynx    of Prof. Peretti.
                                                     ·	T he “optical biopsy” concept and its application
                                                      in the oral cavity and oropharynx

Surgical Procedure Trainings Catalogue 2018-2019
Medical Expert Training in Transoral Endoscopic Surgical Approach
Hands-On Training

                                                                                                                  Training Concept
                                                                                                                  In the past years, transoral techniques to approach
                                                           Prof. Mario Fernández
                                                           Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón,       oropharyngeal tumors have increasingly replaced external
                                                           Madrid, Spain
                                                                                                                  approaches as they obviate the need of splitting the
                                                Target Group                                                      mandible reducing thus the postoperative morbidity.
                                                · Intermediate ENT surgeons                                       With the raise of HPV+ associated squamous cell carcinomas
                                                                                                                  and the development of minimally invasive techniques there
                                                Course Requirements                                               is a shift in paradigm of the oropharyngeal cancer treatment,
                                                ·	S peak, read and write English on a moderate level             the inside-out anatomy becoming the new scenario for the
                                                · Experience in transoral approach                                head and neck surgeon, more used to external approaches.
                                                                                                                  The course is suitable for head and neck surgeons interested
    Universitat de Barcelona                    Training Contents                                                 in improving / implementing the transoral approach in
    Barcelona, Spain
                                                ·	General overview of the transoral approach to the Oropharynx   routine practice avoiding the costs of a robotic platform.
    1 day                                       ·	Introduction to Transoral Endoscopic Ultrasonic Surgery        The main goal is to describe the most important landmarks
                                                 (TOUSS) from the concept to the reality                          and surgical considerations for the transoral resection
    Prof. Mario Fernández

                                                                                                                                                                                          ENT – Transoral Endoscopic Surgical Approach
    Prof. Isabel Vilaseca                       ·	Technical requirements (endoscopic systems, FKWO, arm,         of oropharynx tumours. Assistants will do a complete
    Prof. Frances-Xavier Avilés                  specific instruments)                                            anatomical dissection of the oropharynx on a bio lab
    For dates & places please contact           ·	T ips and tricks for trans-oral approach to the Oropharynx     learning the basics of exposure with a Feyh-Kastenbauer
    your local Sales Representative
                                                 and the base of the tongue                                       retractor (FK-retractor), the EndoEye System, and to use
    Dates are subject to change, please check
                                                ·	B io lab dissection                                            different energy devices (Thunderbeat) specifically designed
    and register online:
    register online here                         · EXERCICE 1: Superficial dissection of the Oropharynx           to reach every anatomical corner and to avoid surgical
                                                 ·	E XERCICE 2: Deep dissection of the Oropharynx                bleeding. The dissection will be performed step by step,
                                                   and parapharyngeal space                                       following the recommendations of specific guidelines.
                                                · Bio lab dissection
                                                 · EXERCICE 3: Transoral approach to the base of the tongue       Course objectives
                                                 · EXERCICE 4: (optional) Supraglotis and Hypopharynx             ·	Familiarizing with the intraoral anatomy of lateral pharyngeal
                                                                                                                   wall, base of the tongue and parapharyngeal space
                                                                                                                  ·	Learning the TOUSS approach

Surgical Procedure Trainings Catalogue 2018-2019
Medical Expert Training in the field of Sleep & Rhinology
Advanced Peer-to-Peer Training and Live-Surgery

                                                                                                          Training Concept
                                                           Prof. Bhik Kotecha                             Treatment of sleep disordered breathing disorders is
                                                           Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital
                                                           London, UK                                     becoming ever more popular as research and awareness
                                                           ENT Consultant
                                                                                                          increases. There are multiple operative treatments available
                                                Target Group                                              to the modern sleep surgeon. This is especially true with
                                                · Intermediate ENT surgeons                               turbinate, palatal, tonsillar and tongue base procedures.

                                                Course Requirements                                       This course has been specifically designed for those interested
                                                ·	S peak, read and write English on a moderate level     in sleep surgery and also turbinate surgery. The course faculty
                                                · Experience in the field of Sleep & Rhinology            has developed this course, based on their experience in
                                                                                                          sleep surgery, in order to exchange results and benefit from
    Queens Hospital                             Training Contents                                         interaction.
    London, UK
                                                ·	Welcome and introduction
    1.5 days                                    ·	Radiofrequency technology                              During this training course, surgeons with an interest in sleep
                                                ·	Inferior turbinate reduction                           surgery and turbinate surgery will engage in live surgery.
    Prof. Bhik Kotecha
    Prof. Vik Veer                              ·	A ssessment of SDB patients and DISE                   The main focus will be on peer-to-peer interactions, live

    For dates & places please contact
                                                ·	R adiofrequency ablation of palate and tongue base     surgery, and theoretical presentations with tips and tricks.
    your local Sales Representative             ·	ProCut palatoplasty
    Dates are subject to change, please check   ·	Tonsil reduction
    and register online:                        ·	Panel discussion with Q&A session
    register online here  
                                                ·	L ive surgery with four procedures, e.g.:

                                                                                                                                                                                 ENT – Field of Sleep & Rhinology
                                                 ·	R FITT turbinate reduction
                                                 ·	R FITT base of tongue and palate
                                                 ·	ProCut Palatoplasty
                                                 ·	DISE

Medical Expert Training in Clinical Benefits of NBI
in Diagnostic Endoscopy in Laryngology
Advanced Peer-to-Peer Training and Live-Surgery

                                                                                                                      Training Concept
                                                            Prof. Jan Klozar                                          High definition Endoscopy using NBI is a useful method in
                                                            University Hospital Motol
                                                            Prague, Czech Republic                                    diagnosing premalignant and malignant lesions in mucous
                                                            Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
                                                                                                                      membranes in the region of head and neck. It is also suitable
                                                Target Group                                                          to better define the borders of malignant lesions and serves
                                                · Intermediate ENT surgeons                                           in follow up after treatment of these tumors.

                                                                                                                                                                                            ENT – Clinical Benefits of NBI in Diagnostic Endoscopy in Laryngology
                                                Course Requirements                                                   In this Medical Expert Training you will get acquaintance with
                                                ·	S peak, read and write English on a moderate level                 endoscopic methods using NBI in the outpatient diagnostics
                                                ·	E xperience in Flexible Endoscopy and NBI                          of premalignant and malignant lesions of the upper aero
                                                                                                                      digestive tract.
    University Hospital Motol                   Training Contents
    Prague, Czech Republic
                                                ·	Epidemiology, risk factors and natural history of the
    2 days                                       preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the UATD
                                                ·	Technology and principles of NBI and HD TV Videoendoscopy
    Prof. Jan Klozar (Course director)
    Dr. Michal Zábrodsk                         ·	N BI and HDTV in the evaluation of patients with upper
    Dr. Petr Lukeš                               UADT lesions (local anesthesia, patient preparation,
    For dates & places please contact            Videoendoscopy step-by-step)
    your local Sales Representative
                                                ·	O utpatient endoscopic diagnostic protocol of patient with
    Dates are subject to change, please check
                                                 suspected lesion of the upper UADT
    and register online:
    register online here                        ·	S tudy protocol of NBI and HDTV Videoendoscopy
                                                ·	Parallel session
                                                 ·	Practical part in outpatient office
                                                 · Clinical cases
                                                ·	NBI Videoendoscopy in the prehistological diagnosis of the
                                                 UADT lesions
                                                ·	N BI imaging in the surveillance of previously irradiated

Medical Expert Training in Advanced Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery
Peer-to-Peer Training and Live-Surgery

                                                                                                            Training Concept
                                                           Prof. Dr. Yves Van Nieuwenhove                   With the ongoing obesity epidemic, bariatric surgery has
                                                           Ghent University Hospital
                                                           Belgium                                          been evolving rapidly. At this moment, the laparoscopic RY
                                                           Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery
                                                                                                            gastric bypass is considered the gold standard, achieving
                                                Target Group                                                25 – 35 % total weight loss with very low morbidity. This low
                                                ·	Bariatric surgeons                                       morbidity has been the result of surgical progress and
                                                ·	G eneral surgeons performing bariatric surgery           improvements in anesthesia as well as the development of
                                                                                                            cuttingedge technologies. One such improvement has been
                                                Course Requirements                                         the combination of ultrasonic dissection energy with bipolar
                                                ·	S peak, read and write English on a moderate level       sealing capabilities.
                                                ·	E xperienced Advanced Laparoscopic

                                                                                                                                                                                     General Surgery – Advanced Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery
    Ghent University Hospital                    Bariatric Surgery level                                    During the first day of this Medical Expert Training you will see
    Ghent, Belgium
                                                                                                            how the patients are guided through the care pathway for
    1.5 days                                    Training Contents                                           bariatric surgery. On the technical side, hand-sewn RY gastric
                                                ·	Care pathway for bariatric surgery in Ghent              bypass will be highlighted along with the conversion from one
    Prof. Yves van Nieuwenhove                  ·	H and-sewn RY gastric bypass                             type of bariatric surgery to another as well as the procedure

    For dates & places please contact
                                                ·	C onversion from LAGB to RY gastric                      to “undo” an RY gastric bypass. Specific Anesthesiological
    your local Sales Representative             ·	A nesthesiological tips (Prof. Dr. L. De Baerdemaeker)   tips will be provided by Prof. L. De Baerdemaeker, cofounder
    Dates are subject to change, please check   ·	U ndo of RY gastric bypass                               of the European Society for Perioperative Care of the Obese
    and register online:                        ·	Vessel sealing technology                                Patient (ESPCOP). On day two, live surgery will feature at
    register online here  
                                                ·	L ive surgery with four to five procedures, e.g.:        least two hand-sewn RY gastric bypass procedures and one
                                                 ·	S traightforward laparoscopic RY gastric bypass         or more revision procedures.
                                                 ·	O ther revision bariatric procedure

Medical Expert Training in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
Peer-to-Peer Training and Live-Surgery

                                                                                                                  Training Concept
                                                           Prof. Stéphane Berdah                                  Since the late 1980s, Laparoscopy has clearly become the
                                                           North University Hospital
                                                           Marseille, France                                      gold standard for colorectal surgery. Nevertheless, even in
                                                           Head of Department of Digestive and General Surgery
                                                                                                                  developed countries, less than 60 % of colorectal procedures
                                                Target Group                                                      are started laparoscopically. Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
                                                · Experienced general and colorectal surgeons                     is technically demanding, and this difficulty may partially
                                                                                                                  explain limited indications for laparoscopic colectomies and
                                                Course Requirements                                               protectomies. In the literature, the learning curve is estimated
                                                ·	S peak, read and write English on a moderate level             to be approx. 30 cases. This is a minimum threshold, which
                                                ·	E xperienced Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery level             is why our faculty suggest 50 to 100 cases to be necessary
                                                                                                                  to be confident with this technique. Different methods
    C.E.R.C.                                    Training Contents                                                 are useful for improving laparoscopic skills or reducing
    Marseille, France
                                                ·	Clinical experience in laparoscopic colorectal surgery         the learning curve: simulations, sharing experiences, etc.
    1.5 day                                      ·	Lectures: results and tips & tricks to reduce complications   Our aim is to provide a comprehensive update on the

                                                                                                                                                                                          General Surgery – Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
                                                 ·	V ideo sessions: left/right Hemicolectomy, Sigmoidectomy      technical key points in colorectal surgery. We have built
    Stéphane Berdah MD, PhD                        and rectal surgery                                             a scientific program aimed to offer lectures on the main
    For dates & places please contact
                                                ·	Vessel sealing technology                                      relevant topics and live surgery so that by the end of the
    your local Sales Representative             ·	L ive surgery, for example:                                    Medical Expert Training the participants can expect to have
    Dates are subject to change, please check    ·	Left/right Hemicolectomy                                      a detailed comprehension of laparoscopic colectomies and
    and register online:                         ·	Sigmoidectomy                                                 protectomies.
    register online here  
                                                 ·	Rectal surgery
                                                                                                                  Day 1: Theory – Focusing on technical key points
                                                                                                                  Day 2: Live Surgery – Observation in the OR

Medical Expert Training in Liver Surgery
Peer-to-Peer Training and Live-Surgery

                                                                                                                Training Concept
                                                             Luca Aldrighetti, MD, PhD                          Liver Surgery has evolved and improved dramatically in
                                                             San Raffaele Hospital
                                                             Milan, Italy                                       recent years: Indeed, indications for surgery for primary and
                                                             Head of the Hepatobiliary Surgery Division
                                                                                                                secondary tumors of the liver have been widened, so that
                                                  Target Group                                                  hepatic resections are frequently required and performed.
                                                  · HPB surgeons                                                A good level of safety has been achieved in Liver Surgery
                                                  · General surgeons with experiences in Liver Surgery          thanks to innovation in both surgical techniques and
                                                                                                                anesthetic management. This has led to acceptable
                                                  Course Requirements                                           morbidity and mortality rates for procedures carried out
                                                  ·	S peak, read and write English on a moderate level         by experts.
                                                  ·	E xperienced Liver Surgery level                           Technical and technological advances led to a widespread
    San Raffaele Hospital                                                                                       diffusion of minimally-invasive technique even in the field of
    Milan, Italy
                                                  Training Contents                                             Liver Surgery, given its benefit in term of short-term results
    2 days                                        ·	Surgical anatomy of the liver                              and oncological adequacy. Furthermore, new approaches
                                                  ·	O pen and laparoscopic liver resections: principles of     have been described (ALPPS, parenchymal sparing and
    Luca Aldrighetti, MD, PhD (course director)
    Michele Paganelli, MD                          technique in parenchymal transection                         ultrasound-guided surgery).
    Marco Catena, MD, PhD                         ·	Vessel sealing technology                                  In this setting, Liver Surgery has become a highly specialized
    Francesca Ratti, MD
                                                  ·	Video training                                             branch, requiring specific and dedicated knowledge.
    For dates & places please contact
                                                   ·	L aparoscopic left/right Hepatectomy                      Technical and cultural education/training of general surgeons
    your local Sales Representative
                                                   ·	A pproach to Hepatocaval confluence during laparoscopic   does not generally allow for acquisition of the appropriate
    Dates are subject to change, please check
                                                     right Hepatectomy                                          knowledge for providing the patient suffering from liver

                                                                                                                                                                                       General Surgery – Liver Surgery
    and register online:
    register online here                           ·	L aparoscopic ALPPS procedure                             cancer an adequate standard of care: In this setting, a
                                                  ·	Perioperative management of open and laparoscopic          dedicated training course becomes mandatory.
                                                   hepatectomies                                                In this Medical Expert Training you will improve your knowledge
                                                  ·	Presentation of live session cases                         of technical issues in the field of open and laparoscopic Liver
                                                  ·	L ive surgery (two procedures in parallel) e.g.:           Surgery, with specific focus on new technologies and surgical
                                                   ·	O pen Liver Resection                                     tips and tricks. During the course you will receive lessons on
                                                   ·	L aparoscopic Liver Resection                             surgical anatomy and technical backgrounds, and you will be
                                                  ·	Principles of intra-operative ultrasound in open and       actively involved in major open and laparoscopic Liver Surgery,
                                                   laparoscopic Liver Surgery                                   receiving specific tutoring in the surgical field.

Masterclass in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
Peer-to-Peer Training, Live Surgery and Hands-On Training

                                                             Prof. Brice Gayet
                                                                                                                                 ·	L ive demonstration in the operating room – presentation of
                                                             Institut Mutualiste Montsouris                                       instrumentation
                                                             Paris, France
                                                             Head of the Department of Medical and Surgical Digestive Diseases   ·	C omplications, tricks and pitfalls of Coloprotectomy and
                                                             Director of the MET in colorectal surgery at iLumens
                                                                                                                                  their management
                                                Target Group
                                                · Experienced colorectal surgeons                                                Training Concept
                                                                                                                                 The rapid growth in diagnostic techniques and the treatment
                                                Course Requirements                                                              of medical diseases make the ongoing education of
                                                ·	S peak, read and write English on a moderate level                            surgeons essential. Increasingly, surgeons must exercise
                                                ·	E xperienced Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery level                            their profession by defining quality criteria in order to gain
                                                                                                                                 their patients confidence and to justify their fee scales.
    iLumens                                     Training Contents                                                                The assurance of quality and safety is a criteria increasingly
    Institut Mutualiste Montsouris
    Paris, France                               ·	Laparoscopic organization                                                     demanded by patients, who are now better informed and
                                                ·	Anaesthetic considerations                                                    by private as well as public health-care administrators being

                                                                                                                                                                                                         General Surgery – Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
    3 days
                                                ·	Patient positioning                                                           responsible for the funding and reimbursement of health-care
    Prof. Brice Gayet                           ·	Trocar positioning right Colectomy                                            expenditures. In order to ensure optimal quality of surgical
    Dr. David Fuks
                                                ·	Colectomies (video)                                                           practice in France, in Europe, and around the world, it appeared
    Dr. Christine Denet
                                                ·	C hemotherapy and hepatic metastases                                          essential to create a school of surgery designed to provide
    For dates & places please contact
    your local Sales Representative             ·	Surgical anatomy of the rectum                                                periodic retraining (every five years) of surgeons right from
    Dates are subject to change, please check
                                                ·	S ingle incision laparoscopic Colectomy                                       the beginning of their specialist practice.
    and register online:                        ·	Rectal cancer                                                                 The program deals with the laparoscopic technology applied
    register online here  
                                                ·	Proctectomy and total mesorectum excision (video)                             to the complexity of a colorectal operation. It includes
                                                ·	Sphincter preservation                                                        practical instructions, the execution of colorectal resection
                                                ·	Biolabs                                                                       on human bio labs under the direction of the course faculty
                                                ·	S plenic flexure mobilization                                                 and interactive live sessions.
                                                ·	Vascular pedicles
                                                ·	Left and right colic and rectal resection                                     This MASTERCLASS is designed for colorectal surgeons
                                                ·	Nerve locations                                                               who already have experience in Laparoscopy and Open
                                                ·	Rectal prolapse                                                               Colorectal Surgery.

Medical Expert Training in Transanal Minimally Invasive Surgery (TAMIS) –

                                                                                                                                                                                         General Surgery – Transanal Minimally Invasie Surgery (TAMIS) – Reversed Total Mesorectal Excision (TME)
Reversed Total Mesorectal Excision (TME)
Peer-to-Peer Training, Live Surgery and Hands-On Training

                                                                                                                 Training Concept
                                                           Prof. H.J. Bonjer                                     Rectal cancer management and Rectal Cancer Surgery are
                                                           VU University Medical Center
                                                           Amsterdam, The Netherlands                            progressing and new techniques aimed at better functioning
                                                           Head of Gastrointestinal Surgery Department
                                                                                                                 procedures and better oncological outcomes are being
                                                Target Group                                                     developed. Transanal Minimally Invasive Surgery (TAMIS)
                                                ·	E xperienced colorectal surgeons                              techniques have the potential to manage advanced rectal
                                                 interested in TAMIS/TME                                         lesions and instances of low-level rectal cancer with a lower
                                                                                                                 rate of morbidity and more radicality.
                                                Course Requirements                                              The increased incidence of early rectal lesions due to
                                                ·	S peak, read and write English on a moderate level            screening will increase interest in TAMIS techniques.
                                                ·	E xperienced TAMIS –  T ME level                              Single port Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEM) is
    Vrije University Medical Center                                                                              an accessible new technique which can be performed with
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands
                                                Training Contents                                                standard endoscopic instruments. The training of surgeons is
    2 days                                      ·	Introduction Rectal Cancer Surgery                            essential to maintain the high-quality and oncologically sound
                                                ·	Introduction taTME                                            outcomes currently obtained in specialized TME centers.
    Prof. H. Jaap Bonjer (Chairman)
    Dr. Jurriaan B. Tuynman                     ·	L ive surgery; TAMIS-taTME                                    The evolvement of transanal single port surgery has led to
    For dates & places please contact
                                                ·	O perative setup, instruments and Vessel Sealing Technology   the development of a new approach for the treatment of
    your local Sales Representative             ·	COLOR 3 study; randomized abdominal TME versus                rectal carcinoma, the transanal Total Mesorectal Excision
    Dates are subject to change, please check    TAMIS-taTME                                                     (taTME). In this way the rectum and the total mesorectum
    and register online:                        ·	Video sessions:                                               are mobilized completely in a reversed way transanally with
    register online here  
                                                 ·	TAMIS procedure step by step                                 modern minimally invasive instruments and Energy Devices
                                                 ·	Anastomosis                                                  with potentially better radicality and less neural damage.
                                                 ·	C omplications, tips, tricks and pitfalls                    This Medical Expert Training in “TransAnal Minimally Invasive
                                                ·	General introduction                                          Surgery (TAMIS) – reversed Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision
                                                 ·	Evolution of rectal cancer                                   (TME)” is a two-day Hands-on Training course and an
                                                 ·	Indication for taTME                                         introduction to both these surgical techniques. The first day is
                                                 ·	Future of taTME                                              dedicated to the techniques, pitfalls, and live surgery of TAMIS
                                                ·	Introduction to bio lab training                              and taTME surgery directly attended in the OR environment.
                                                ·	B io lab anatomy                                              On day two you will have the opportunity to practice both
                                                ·	H ands-on Training on bio lab model                           techniques on a bio lab in the Hands-on Training course.

Medical Expert Training in Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision (taTME)
Peer-to-Peer Training, Live Surgery and Hands-On Training

                                                                                                                     learning curve, implementation has been a long process.
                                                             André D’Hoore M.D., Ph.D., EBSQCR                       Specifically, laparoscopic Total Mesorectal Excision (TME) has
                                                             UZ Leuven, Belgium
                                                             Associate Professor of Surgery – Colorectal Surgeon     specific technical hurdles, which have resulted in significant
                                                             Chair Department of Abdominal Surgery
                                                                                                                     conversion rates. The COLOR II trial (a European randomized
                                                Target Group                                                         controlled trial comparing laparoscopic and open rectal
                                                ·	E xperienced colorectal surgeons interested in TAMIS/TME          cancer surgery) reported a relatively high conversion rate
                                                                                                                     of 17 %. Recently the ROLLAR trial failed to demonstrate
                                                Course Requirements                                                  superiority of a robotic approach.
                                                ·	S peak, read and write English on a moderate level                A transanal approach using the TAMIS platform is a new
                                                ·	E xperienced taTME level                                          approach. It has the advantage of facilitating the most distal

                                                                                                                                                                                           General Surgery – Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision (TATME)
                                                                                                                     part of the TME dissection and gives the surgeon full control
    Gasthuisberg University Hospital            Training Contents                                                    on the distal resection margin and type of anastomosis
    Leuven, Belgium
                                                ·	M inimally invasive rectal cancer surgery: a critical appraisal   (hand-sewn or stapled). The technique allows a single-
    2 days                                      ·	T he background of taTME                                          stapled low pelvic anastomosis to be performed.
                                                ·	Surgical technique and pitfalls                                   Therefore the TAMIS platform has the potential to stimulate
    André D’Hoore, M.D., Ph.D., EBSQCR
    Albert Wolthuis, M.D., EBSQCR               ·	Pelvic nerve preservation in taTME                                a broader implementation of minimally invasive rectal cancer
    Montroni Isacco, M.D.                       ·	Vessel sealing technology                                         surgery while minimizing the conversion rate.
    For dates & places please contact           ·	Introduction to the bio lab
    your local Sales Representative
                                                ·	Bio lab                                                           This Medical Expert Training in “Transanal Total Mesorectal
    Dates are subject to change, please check
                                                ·	Wrap-up                                                           Excision (taTME)” is a two-day Hands-on Training course.
    and register online:
    register online here                        ·	Case presentation                                                 The course will provide an in-depth understanding of and
                                                ·	Live surgery                                                      current evidence for minimally invasive rectal cancer surgery
                                                                                                                     and the versatile use of the new TAMIS platform.
                                                Training Concept                                                     The technique of taTME will be extensively highlighted for
                                                The development of laparoscopic surgery has changed the              of a safe implementation.
                                                practice of colorectal surgery. In view of different significant     A bio lab will allow Hands-on Training of some of the basics
                                                short- and long-term benefits and equivalence of oncologic           of the technique.
                                                efficacy, a minimally invasive approach is now the standard of       Live Surgery will allow a better understanding of the set-up
                                                care for Colorectal Cancer Surgery. However, due to a steep          for this new approach.

Medical Expert Training in Thyroidectomy With Nerve Monitoring
Peer-to-Peer Training and Live-Surgery

                                                                                                            Training Concept
                                                                                                            Thyroidectomy is the most commonly performed procedure
                                                              Dr. Sam Van Slycke
                                                              OLV Clinic                                    in endocrine surgery. For many years, a clamp-and-tie
                                                              Aalst, Belgium
                                                                                                            technique was the gold standard in terms of procedures.
                                                Target Group                                                Nowadays, with the advanced vessel sealing systems, the
                                                · Surgeons with an interest in thyroid surgery              thyroidectomy procedure has become a more accessible
                                                                                                            procedure with less blood loss and a shorter procedure time.
                                                Course Requirements                                         Although a huge technical evolution, a thorough knowledge
                                                ·	S peak, read and write English on a moderate level       of anatomy and physiology still remains the most important
                                                ·	E xperienced Thyroidectomy With Nerve Monitoring level   part of the procedure. With advanced sealing instruments
                                                                                                            and continuous vagal nerve monitoring, the endocrine
    OLV Clinic                                  Training Contents                                           surgeon has ultramodern instruments to ensure a safe
    Aalst, Belgium

                                                                                                                                                                                  General Surgery – Thyroidectomy With Nerve Monitoring
                                                ·	Clinical experiences in thyroidectomy lectures:          and well-performed procedure. The fact that the number
    1.5 days                                     ·	Complications                                           for thyroid surgery is increasing makes investments in this
                                                 ·	Results                                                 field obvious and interesting. This training course serves
    Dr. Sam Van Slycke                           ·	T ips and tricks to avoid complications                 the purpose of providing some theoretical insights into the
    For dates & places please contact
                                                 ·	Principles of Neuromonitoring                           newest technologies with video and live demonstrations
    your local Sales Representative             ·	Video sessions:                                          where the participants can actively participate.
    Dates are subject to change, please check    ·	Total Thyroidectomy
    and register online:                         ·	Hemithyroidectomy                                       During this training course, surgeons with an interest in
    register online here  
                                                ·	Vessel sealing technology                                thyroid surgery will see and assist in total Thyroidectomy and
                                                ·	Live surgery with three or four procedures, e.g.:        Hemithyroidectomy performed with the Open Fine Jaw device
                                                 ·	Total Thyroidectomy                                     under continuous vagal nerve monitoring. The main focus will
                                                 ·	Hemithyroidectomy                                       be on peer-to-peer interactions, live surgery, and theoretical
                                                 ·	Redo Surgery                                            presentations with tips and tricks.

Medical Expert Training in Thyroidectomy
Peer-to-Peer Training and Live-Surgery

                                                                                                                   Training Concept
                                                             Prof. Gabriele Materazzi                              Thyroidectomy is the most commonly performed procedure
                                                             University Hospital
                                                             Pisa, Italy                                           in endocrine surgery. For many years, a clamp-and-tie
                                                             Head of Endocrine Surgery
                                                                                                                   technique was the gold standard procedure. Nowadays, with
                                                 Target Group                                                      the advanced vessel sealing systems, thyroidectomy has
                                                 · Surgeons with an interest in thyroid surgery                    become a more accessible procedure with less blood loss
                                                                                                                   and a shorter operation time. Although the huge technical
                                                 Course Requirements                                               evolution, a thorough knowledge of anatomy and physiology
                                                 ·	S peak, read and write English on a moderate level             still remains the most important part of the procedure. With
                                                 ·	E xperienced Thyroidectomy level                               advanced sealing technologies, the endocrine surgeon has
                                                                                                                   ultramodern instruments to perform a safe and well-performed
    University Hospital Pisa                     Training Contents                                                 procedure. Increasing indications for thyroid surgery demand
                                                 ·	Surgical anatomy with tips and tricks to avoid complications   a higher focus on Training offerings in this field.
    1.5 days                                     ·	MIVAT step by step
                                                 ·	Vessel sealing technology                                      During this training course, surgeons with an interest in
    Prof. Gabriele Materazzi (Course Director)
    Dr. Lorenzo Fregoli                          ·	Video sessions:                                                thyroid surgery will see total Thyroidectomies and

    For dates & places please contact
                                                  ·	MIVAT                                                         Hemithyroidectomies performed with a Hybrid Energy System.
    your local Sales Representative               ·	Total Thyroidectomy with lateral neck dissection              The main focus will be peer-to-peer interaction, live surgery
    Dates are subject to change, please check    ·	Live surgery with four or five procedures, e.g.:               and theoretical presentations including tips and tricks.
    and register online:                          ·	Total Thyroidectomy
    register online here  

                                                                                                                                                                                        General Surgery – Thyroidectomy
                                                  ·	Hemithyroidectomy
                                                  ·	MIVAT

Medical Expert Training in Upper Surgery
Peer-to-Peer Training and Live-Surgery

                                                                                                                Training Concept
                                                           Prof. Riccardo Rosati                                Minimally Invasive Surgery has become the approach of
                                                           Ospedale San Raffaele
                                                           Milan, Italy                                         choice for the treatment of benign and malignant diseases
                                                           Specialist in General Surgery and Thoracic Surgery
                                                                                                                of the esophagus and stomach. The laparoscopic and
                                                Target Group                                                    thoracoscopic approach with the application of E.R.A.S.
                                                ·	U pper GI Surgeons with experience in laparoscopic           protocols has led to a significant reduction of the surgical
                                                 surgery                                                        impact on the patient, leading to faster functional recovery
                                                                                                                and shorter hospital stays. In particular, with minimally
                                                Course Requirements                                             invasive Esophagectomy and Gastrectomy being very complex
                                                ·	S peak, read and write English on a moderate level           procedures, they should be performed by experienced
                                                ·	E xperienced Upper Surgery level                             and trained surgeons in high-volume hospitals. The full
    Ospedale San Raffaele                                                                                       involvement of other individuals – such as gastroenterologists,
    Milan, Italy
                                                Training Contents                                               anesthetists, and oncologists – throughout the entire care
    1.5 days                                    ·	Functional and benign diseases of the esophagus              process is mandatory. Currently, many important innovations,
                                                 ·	G.E.R.D.                                                    such as the use of indocyanine green fluorescence
    Prof. Riccardo Rosati (Course Director)
    Dr. Paolo Parise                             ·	G iant paraesophageal hernia                                angiography to better visualize the blood supply of the
    Dr. Andrea Cossu                             ·	Achalasia                                                   anastomotic ends and new tissue-sealing devices, have been
    Dr. Ugo Elmore
                                                 ·	Zenker and epiphrenic diverticula                           introduced to improve our surgical performance and results.
    For dates & places please contact
                                                ·	M alignant diseases of the esophagus and stomach             The course focuses on minimally invasive techniques for
    your local Sales Representative
                                                 ·	S taging of upper GI cancers                                malignant and functional esophageal and gastric diseases.
    Dates are subject to change, please check

                                                                                                                                                                                       General Surgery – Upper Surgery
    and register online:                         ·	M ultimodal treatments of upper GI cancers                  The course is structured over two days. Day one is dedicated
    register online here                         ·	Endoscopic treatment of early lesions                       to a theoretical update and the deepening of knowledge with
                                                 ·	E.R.A.S. protocols                                          regard to upper GI diseases with a special focus on
                                                 ·	A nesthesiology in upper GI surgery                         multidisciplinary treatments, perioperative management
                                                 ·	M inimally Invasive Surgery for gastric cancer              pathways and the presentation of new technologies. Day
                                                 ·	M inimally Invasive Surgery for esophageal cancer           two will be entirely dedicated to live surgery with the
                                                ·	Vessel sealing technology                                    presentation of clinical cases and open live discussion
                                                ·	Presentation of clinical cases                               within the operating room.
                                                ·	Patient positioning                                          The aim of the course is to provide an update on surgical
                                                ·	OR                                                           techniques and perioperative management of upper GI diseases.

Medical Expert Training in Advanced Laparoscopic Gynecological Surgery
Peer-to-Peer Training, Live Surgery and Hands-On Training

                                                                                                          procedures according to the many hundreds of randomized
                                                           Prof. Giovanni Scambia                         studies. Our vision is that Laparoscopy should be part of the
                                                           Policlinico A. Gemelli
                                                           Rome, Italy                                    fundamental skill of a modern gynecologist in addition to a
                                                           Head of Gynecology
                                                                                                          thorough knowledge of high-tech laparoscopic instrumentation,
                                                Target Group                                              which is rapidly evolving and requires a specific learning path.
                                                · Experienced gynecologists
                                                                                                          Moreover, although many principles of open surgery may
                                                Course Requirements                                       be applied, performing laparoscopic procedures requires
                                                ·	S peak, read and write English on a moderate level     special skills. Thus, didactic, practical courses represent
                                                ·	E xperienced Advanced Laparoscopic Gynecological       the most valuable tool to reduce the time of apprenticeship,

                                                                                                                                                                                  Gynecology – Advanced Laparoscopic Gynecological Surgery
                                                 Surgery level                                            learn the different surgical techniques, develop the necessary
    Policlinico Agostino Gemelli                                                                          psychomotor abilities, and become comfortable with the
    Rome, Italy
                                                Training Contents                                         equipment. The main goal of the Medical Expert Training is
    2 days                                      ·	Vessel Sealing Technology and imaging                  to provide the participants with the required knowledge of
                                                ·	Laparoscopic Hysterectomy                              Laparoscopy and psychomotor skills as well as practice the
    Prof. Giovanni Scambia
    Dr. Cristiano Rossitto                      ·	R adical surgery for oncological diseases              procedure on animal models in order to apply the learned
    Dr. Salvatore Gueli Alletti                 ·	Laparoscopic Lymphadenectomy                           techniques to live surgery.
    Dr. Stefano Cianci
    Dr. Emanuele Perrone
                                                ·	Laparoscopic complications
    Dr. Stefano Uccella                         ·	H ands-on in wet-lab environment                       The didactic session is aimed at the acquisition and
    Dr. Francesco Cosentino
                                                 ·	Bilateral Adnexectomy                                 improvement of the endoscopic techniques for dissection and
    For dates & places please contact
                                                 ·	Hysterectomy                                          suturing. Moreover, the main steps of each gynecological
    your local Sales Representative
                                                 ·	Pelvic Lymphadenectomy                                operation are described. Short videos of different laparoscopic
    Dates are subject to change, please check
    and register online:                         ·	M anagement of complications in Laparoscopy           operations are an integral part of the Medical Expert Training.
    register online here                        ·	Live surgery
                                                ·	Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy for larger uteri       The practical session consists of training in an wet-lab
                                                                                                          environment. The second day will be dedicated to live surgery.
                                                Training Concept                                          Several kinds of operations are performed on experimental
                                                Laparoscopic techniques are becoming more and more        models. Special attention is paid both to dissection techniques
                                                interesting for gynecological surgeons, and Laparoscopy   and laparoscopic suturing, which is particularly difficult for
                                                is emerging as the gold-standard approach for many        surgeons new to this type of procedure.

Medical Expert Training in Advanced Laparoscopic Treatment
of Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis
Peer-to-Peer Training and Live-Surgery

                                                                                                                     critical points. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive update on
                                                           Prof. Mario Malzoni                                       the overall management of this disease, from diagnosis to clinical
                                                           Clinica Malzoni
                                                           Avellino, Italy                                           and surgical treatment, with special attention to the reproductive

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Gynecology – Advanced Laparoscopic Treatment of Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis
                                                           Head of Advanced Endoscopic Gynecology
                                                                                                                     outcome. We are convinced that the best management of patients
                                                Target Group                                                         affected by endometriosis may arise from the creation of a
                                                ·	Gynecologists experienced in laparoscopic GYN                     specialized network of referral centers for diagnosis and treatment.
                                                ·	Gynecologists performing/interested in endometriosis              To achieve this, complete knowledge of the disease is crucial for
                                                                                                                     any clinician facing it in his daily practice, in order to make the best
                                                Course Requirements                                                  possible use of advancing science to improve the care of patients.
                                                ·	S peak, read and write English on a moderate level                We built this scientific program in order to offer lectures on the main
                                                ·	E xperienced Advanced Laparoscopic Treatment                      topics and live surgery and ultrasound sessions with interactive
                                                   of Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis level                          debates to show their practical application, enabling course
    Casa di Cura C.G. Ruesch
    Naples, Italy                                                                                                    participants to have a detailed comprehension of the anatomical
                                                Training Contents                                                    knowledge and surgical skills needed to correctly perform
    1.5 days                                    ·	Surgical anatomy of female pelvis                                 endoscopic surgery to treat endometriosis, ultrasound exam
                                                ·	U ltrasound evaluation of pelvic endometriosis                    requirements to perform an accurate mapping of the lesions,
    Prof. Mario Malzoni
                                                ·	Ovarian endometrioma:                                             information about other imaging techniques appropriate
    For dates & places please contact              ·	M anagement and surgical treatment technique                   for presurgical evaluation of patients, correct principles of
    your local Sales Representative                ·	W hat is the impact on the ovarian reserve?                    medical treatment and management of infertile patients with
    Dates are subject to change, please check   ·	Endoscopic surgery for pelvic endometriosis:                      endometriosis.
    and register online:                           ·	T ips and tricks
    register online here  
                                                ·	M edical treatment options for patients with endometriosis        The Medical Expert Training is divided into two days:
                                                ·	Vessel Sealing Technology                                         Day 1 – Theory
                                                ·	L ive surgery with up to three procedures, e.g.:                  Day 2 – Live Surgery including attendance inside the OR
                                                   ·	D eep pelvic endometriosis with bowel involvement/urinary      The theoretical part focuses on acquiring full knowledge of the
                                                      tract involvement/severe adhesions                             endometriotic disease both from the diagnostic and therapeutic
                                                                                                                     point of view, with particular attention to the evaluation of surgical
                                                Training Concept                                                     indications, techniques used, the anatomical basis necessary for
                                                Nowadays, there is a common awareness endometriosis is probably      optimal treatment, and benefits arising from the use of new hybrid
                                                the most challenging among gynecologic benign diseases in terms      energy devices, as well as the impact of treatment strategies on
                                                of epidemiologic spread and impact on women’s quality of life and    the reproductive potential of the patient. The second day will be
                                                the management of these patients is still characterized by several   entirely dedicated to the live surgery in the operating room.

Medical Expert Training in Advanced Laparoscopic Treatment
of Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis
Peer-to-Peer Training and Live-Surgery

                                                                                                                          Training Concept
                                                           Prof. Renato Seracchioli                                       Laparoscopic excision of endometriosis is the surgical
                                                           Sant’ Orsola Malpighi Academic Hospital
                                                           Bologna, Italy                                                 cornerstone of high quality, multidisciplinary approach to

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Gynecology – Advanced Laparoscopic Treatment of Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis
                                                           Director of U.O. Gynecology and Reproductive Pathophysiology
                                                                                                                          correctly treat the disease. However, it remains one of the most
                                                 Target Group                                                             challenging procedures among gynecological surgeries. During
                                                 ·	Gynecologists experienced in laparoscopic GYN                         surgical treatment of endometriosis, all lesions have to be
                                                 ·	Gynecologists performing/interested in endometriosis                  meticulously and completely removed, with maximum attention
                                                                                                                          for sparing the anatomical and functional integrity of pelvic and
                                                 Course Requirements                                                      reproductive organs. Making use of the available technology
                                                 ·	S peak, read and write English on a moderate level                    and standardizing a surgical method are crucial for improving
                                                 ·	E xperienced Advanced Laparoscopic Treatment                          surgical and functional outcomes of endometriosis surgery.
    Sant’ Orsola- Malpighi Academic Hospital      of Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis level                                We believe that management of endometriosis is to be
    Bologna, Italy
                                                                                                                          performed in dedicated centers, by specialists who have
    1.5 days                                     Training Contents                                                        consistent background about the disease nature, its diagnosis
                                                 ·	U ltrasound mapping for endometriosis lesions: Practical tips         and its management. In order to accomplish this, we are
    Prof. Renato Seracchioli (Course Director)
    Dr. Mohamed Mabrouk                          ·	Surgery for ovarian endometriosis: Impact on ovarian reserve          organizing several Medical Expert Training (MET) courses,
    Dr. Valentina Martelli                       ·	N on-surgical treatment of endometriosis                              aiming to train and share experiences with our colleagues
    Dr. Diego Raimondo
                                                 ·	Retroperitoneal pelvic anatomy:                                       from different hospitals and countries.
    For dates & places please contact
                                                  What do we need to know for adequate, functional surgery?
    your local Sales Representative
                                                 ·	Surgery for deep endometriosis: Tips and tricks                       This Medical Expert Training is designed for gynecologists
    Dates are subject to change, please check
    and register online:                         ·	C omplications of endometriosis surgery                               and fertility specialists with major interest in management
    register online here                         ·	Energy-based Surgery and Vessel Sealing Technology                    of endometriosis. The scientific program is established to
                                                 ·	Interactive session and discussion of particular cases:               interactively help participants obtain detailed knowledge of
                                                  What would you do?                                                      pelvic anatomy, comprehensive skills, tips and tricks required
                                                 ·	L ive surgery with two procedures:                                    for surgical management of endometriosis. The updated
                                                  Laparoscopic exicsion of deep endometriosis                             guidelines for diagnosis and non-surgical management
                                                                                                                          of endometriosis will also be discussed. The participating
                                                                                                                          colleagues will be invited to be present in the OR during
                                                                                                                          surgery, to discuss the surgical details and the OR setup with
                                                                                                                          the surgeons and the surgical staff.

Medical Expert Training in Advanced Laparoscopic Treatment
of Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis
Peer-to-Peer Training and Live-Surgery

                                                                                                              Training Concept
                                                           Dr. Pere N. Barri-Soldevila                        With the evolution of gynecological surgery, the gold-standard
                                                           Hospital Universitari Quirón Dexeus
                                                           Barcelona, Spain                                   approach for most procedures is endoscopically. However,

                                                                                                                                                                                       Gynecology – Advanced Laparoscopic Treatment of Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis
                                                           Chief of Gynecological Surgery
                                                                                                              analysing national surveys in most European countries, the
                                                Target Group                                                  rate of minimally invasive approaches in major procedures
                                                · Advanced Gynecology surgeons                                rarely exceeds 20 %. Teaching & Training is needed not only
                                                                                                              to improve these data, but mainly to standardize the surgical
                                                Course Requirements                                           techniques and their outcomes. The use of multipurpose
                                                ·	S peak, read and write English on a moderate level         energy devices may help making the learning curve easier
                                                ·	E xperienced Advanced Laparoscopic Treatment               and faster.
                                                 of Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis level
    Hospital Universitario Quiron Dexeus                                                                      During the first day of this Medical Expert Training
    Barcelona, Spain
                                                Training Contents                                             discussions will focus on indications and the tips and tricks
    2 days                                      ·	H ow to set up a Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis Unit      of laparoscopic treatment of deep infiltrating endometriosis.
                                                ·	T he importance of diagnostic workup                       Special interest will be given to the diagnostic workup and
    Dr. Pere N. Barri-Soldevila                 ·	D iscussion about indications, the limits of radicalism,   the fertility preservation. Additionally, special video cases and

    For dates & places please contact
                                                 functionality and risks                                      the faculty’s data will be shared with you. On day two, live
    your local Sales Representative              ·	Bowel endometriosis                                       surgery will feature two surgical treatments of deep infiltrating
    Dates are subject to change, please check    ·	U rinary tract endometriosis                              endometriosis. You are expected to be in the OR interacting
    and register online:                        ·	H ow to access pelvic space in non-oncologic situations:   with the surgical team.
    register online here  
                                                 Tips & tricks for Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis surgery
                                                ·	Presentation of special video cases and data
                                                ·	Fertility preservation in endometriosis
                                                 ·	T he drawback of unnecessary/incomplete procedures
                                                ·	Vessel Sealing Technology
                                                ·	L ive surgery with two procedures:
                                                 Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis

You can also read