Supplemental information The global spread of misinformation on spiders

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Supplemental information The global spread of misinformation on spiders
Supplemental information
The global spread of misinformation on spiders

Stefano Mammola, Jagoba Malumbres-Olarte, Valeria Arabesky, Diego Alejandro Barrales-
Alcalá, Aimee Lynn Barrion-Dupo, Marco Antonio Benamú, Tharina L. Bird, Maria Bogomolova,
Pedro Cardoso, Maria Chatzaki, Ren-Chung Cheng, Tien-Ai Chu, Leticia M. Classen-Rodríguez,
Iva Čupić, Naufal Urfi Dhiya'ulhaq, André-Philippe Drapeau Picard, Hisham K. El-Hennawy,
Mert Elverici, Caroline S. Fukushima, Zeana Ganem, Efrat Gavish-Regev, Naledi T. Gonnye, Axel
Hacala, Charles R. Haddad, Thomas Hesselberg, Tammy Ai Tian Ho, Thanakorn Into, Marco
Isaia, Dharmaraj Jayaraman, Nanguei Karuaera, Rajashree Khalap, Kiran Khalap, Dongyoung
Kim, Tuuli Korhonen, Simona Kralj-Fišer, Heidi Land, Shou-Wang Lin, Sarah Loboda, Elizabeth
Lowe, Yael Lubin, Alejandro Martínez, Zingisile Mbo, Marija Miličić, Grace Mwende Kioko,
Veronica Nanni, Yusoff Norma-Rashid, Daniel Nwankwo, Christina J. Painting, Aleck Pang,
Paolo Pantini, Martina Pavlek, Richard Pearce, Booppa Petcharad, Julien Pétillon, Onjaherizo
Christian Raberahona, Philip Russo, Joni A. Saarinen, Laura Segura-Hernández, Lenka Sentenská,
Gabriele Uhl, Leilani Walker, Charles M. Warui, Konrad Wiśniewski, Alireza Zamani, Angela
Chuang, Catherine Scott
FIGURE S1. Connections among countries in the network. One-mode (or unipartite) network
projected from a bi-partite network (Figure 1A) showing relationships among nodes of type 1
(countries). Size of each node is proportional to the number of spider-related news a given country
has published between 2010 and 2020. Color coding for nodes refers to the primary language of
each country. Connection thickness weights the number of times a given country has reported on
human-spider encounters occurring in another country.
TABLE S1. Estimated regression parameters. Model estimates in equation 1 (eq. 1) are based
on a Bernoulli generalized linear mixed model (eq. 1), testing the relationships between whether
an article is sensationalistic or not and different predictors. Model estimates in equation 2 (eq. 2)
are based on an exponential random graph model, expressing the influence of the different
predictors on the probability of network nodes to form connections. SE = Standard error; CI = 95%
confidence interval; p = p-value based on the z test.

 Model    Predictor                                Estimate ± SE            CI          z        p

          Intercept                                  -1.49 ± 0.37      -2.22 – -0.76     -       -

          Year of Publication                        0.02 ± 0.05       -0.06 – 0.11    0.54    0.588

          Type_of_newspaper [Magazine]                  0.04 ± 0.15    -0.25 – 0.34    0.28    0.778

          Type_of_newspaper [Online newspaper]      -0.01 ± 0.09       -0.18 – 0.16    -0.11   0.910

          Circulation [International]                0.35 ± 0.12       0.11 – 0.60     2.84    0.005

          Circulation [National]                     0.51 ± 0.09       0.34 – 0.67     5.87
Expert_doctor [yes]              0.04 ± 0.12    -0.19 – 0.26    0.31     0.759

        Expert_arachnologist [yes]       -0.49 ± 0.10   -0.69 – -0.29   -4.81

News article data and news-level attributes

We analyzed a global database of news articles on human-spider encounters published online by

newspapers and magazines in 2010–2020S1. The database is unique in that it covers a global scale

while providing an in-depth expert-based assessment of each news article's content and its quality.
We refer to Mammola et al. (ref.         ) for a lengthy description of the database, data collection

methodology, and data validation. We also report essential information below.

       We retrieved news articles across 81 countries and 40 languages using Google News. We

included news articles that referred to an encounter between a human and a spider (which may or

may not have resulted in a biting event). We disregarded all media articles reporting general

information about spiders, arachnophobia, and research findings on spider biology. The total

sample size was 5,348 unique news articles, reporting 6,204 human-spider encountersS1. However,

many of these human-spider encounters were reported by multiple news sources, leaving a total of

2,644 unique encounters—of which 1,121 are classified as bites and 147 as deadly bites. For each

news article, we collected the following news-level attributes:

1) date of publication (“Year” and “Month”);

2) language (“Language”);

3) newspaper circulation (“Circulation”; categorical variable with three levels: “Regional”,

“National”, and “International”);

4) country in which the news was published (“Country”)

5) type of human-spider encounter (“Type_event”; categorical variable with three levels:

“Encounter”, “Bite”, and “Deadly bite”);

6) genus of the species involved in the event (“Genus”);
7) longitude and latitude coordinates of the human-spider encounter (“x” and “y”);

8) presence/absence of photos of the species and the bite (variables “Photo_”);

9) consultancy of spider experts, doctors, or other professionals (variables “Expert_”); and

10) quality of the article, measured as presence/absence of errors and an assessment of

sensationalism (see details in the next section).

Assessment of sensationalism and errors

For a given news article, it is possible to assess the quality of information along two axes. A first

axis pertains to the correctness, measuring whether the content is factually right or wrongS2. A

second axis pertains to sensationalism, measuring whether the content contains cognitive attraction

stimuli to clickbait viewers and spread more efficientlyS3.

        In assessing sensationalism and errors, we followed standard approaches for content

analyses of newspaper articlesS3–S7. We assessed each article as sensationalistic or neutral by

evaluating the title, subheadings, main text, and photographs/video content. Sensationalistic

articles consistently use emotional words and imagesS4 (e.g., referring to exaggerated spider body

sizeS8–S10 or hairinessS9). In our case, frequent words associated with sensationalistic content were

‘alarm’, ‘agony’, ‘attack’, ‘boom’, ‘deadly’, ‘creepy crawly’, ‘devil’, ‘fear’, ‘hell’, ‘killer’,

‘murderer’, ‘nasty’, ‘nightmare’, ‘panic’, ‘terrible’, ‘terrifying’, and ‘terror’.

        Furthermore, we evaluated the title, subheadings, main text, and photographs/video content

assessing four types of errors, namely: i) errors in images (photographs/figures), when the species

depicted did not correspond to the species mentioned in the text, or when the attribution was not

possible (e.g., blurry photographs); ii) errors pertaining to incorrect taxonomic information (e.g.,

‘spiders are insects’); iii) errors pertaining to unrealistic outcomes of envenomations, in the
description of venom toxicity, and other physiological or medical aspects or terminology; and iv)

errors in spider’s anatomy (e.g., “spider sting”).

        Given that the assessments of sensationalism and errors entails a degree of subjectivity,

whenever possible (articles in English, French, Spanish, and Italian) two to three authors assessed

each news item independently. For each article, the assessors classified errors and sensationalism

independently and compared their scores. We estimated inter-rater agreement between multiple

raters via Cohen’s kappa statistic (ranging from –1 to 1, with values above 0.8 indicating very high

to near-perfect agreements among scorers)S11. In our case, all values were above 0.8, thus we

assumed the effect of subjectivity was trivial across our database (details on the analysis in ref. S1).

Furthermore, discrepancies in scores were discussed to reach a consensus on the final scores.

Country-level attributes

For each country for which we found spider-related news, we further collected country-level

attributes that could be relevant predictors for the importance in driving the flow of news articles

on spiders in the network. The variables and sources are described in the following subsections.

Note that we discuss here all variables that we originally considered potentially relevant for

explaining the observed patterns of information spread across countries; some of these variables

were later removed due to multicollinearity or high prevalence of missing data (see details in the

section “Data exploration”).

News-related variables

Based on the original database, we calculated the number of news published in each country

between 2010–2020 (“N° of news”), the proportion of sensationalistic news (“Sensationalism”;
see pie charts in Figure 1A), and the proportion of news containing errors (“Errors”). We also

extracted the most widely spoken language in each country (“Language”).

Spider-related variables

For each country, we derived the known number of spiders (“N° of spiders”) and the number of

deadly spiders (“N° of deadly spiders”) to test our hypothesis that countries with more spiders,

especially medically important species, would have a higher degree of centrality and

connectedness. It must be noted that information on the number of species by country introduces

some bias—e.g., more information is available and more species are described in temperate

regionsS12—and therefore these variables represent only a rough estimate of the actual species

diversity in those countries.

       We first downloaded the daily species export from the World Spider Catalog (WSC)S13 on

01 September 2021. We translated the distribution (country, continent, or range of countries) given

by the WSC for each species into a list of corresponding 3-letter ISO country codes. For example,

we translated “North America” to the list “CAN, MEX, USA,” and “Egypt to Yemen” to “EGY,

SAU, YEM.” We used this dataset to extract the total number of species present in each country

in our spider news database. We then searched for published checklists of spider species for each

country. For countries with checklists (n = 53), we compared the total number of species reported

from the checklist to the estimate generated from the WSC and used the larger estimate for

analyses. For countries without a checklist (n = 28), we used the WSC estimate. To estimate the

number of ‘deadly’ spiders (i.e., species capable of fatal envenomations), we used the WSC dataset

described above to extract records of spider species in all genera considered to be medically

important (Atrax, Hadronyche, Hexopthalma, Illawarra, Latrodectus, Loxosceles, Phoneutria, and
SicariusS14) for each country. We then inspected all published country checklists for records of

species in these genera and added them to the dataset if they were missing from the WSC data.

Finally, we checked the literature (including country checklists and the primary taxonomic

literature) to determine whether each ‘deadly’ species in the WSC dataset had been recorded from

each country. If we found no evidence that a species had been recorded from a given country, it

was scored as ‘not present’ unless it had been recorded from neighboring countries, in which case

it was scored as ‘presumed present’. We included records of introduced species that had been

recorded even from a single specimen.

       Furthermore, we calculated the number of spider experts (arachnologists) working in each

country to test our hypothesis that news articles that interviewed arachnologists were less likely to

be sensationalist and have factual errors. We approximated this number from the anonymized

member     list   by   country   of   the   International   Society    of   Arachnology     (“ISA”; in 2021. This information was provided to us by the secretary of the

society (Dunlop J.A., personal communication on 1 September 2021).

       Degree of arachnophobia across different countries would also be important to include as

a predictor although we excluded this information because reports of phobias were not available

in a standardized way that would be comparable across the globe.

Socio-economic descriptors

We derived a number of socio-economic descriptors for each country, based on the UNESCO

Institute of Statistics (UIS) and other sources (specified below). The UIS provides free data on

more than 1,000 indicators which may be found in the UIS Data Centre (all data from UIS were

last updated on 24 October 2016; we last accessed them on 21 July 2021). We hypothesized that
countries with a higher education level (including education index, reading score, and science

score), degree of communication (i.e. internet users), development index (including the Human

Development Index and the number of researchers), as well as press freedom, would have a higher

degree of connectedness among countries (Figure S1).

       As proxies for education level in the country, we extracted the country education index

(“Education”), the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) score in reading

(“PISA reading”), and the PISA score in science (“PISA science”). The education index is an

average of mean years of schooling of adults and expected years of schooling of children, both

expressed as an index obtained by scaling with the corresponding maxima. We derived this index

based on expected years of schooling and mean years of schooling from UIS

( PISA scores are obtained by testing skills and knowledge of 15-year-

old students in reading and science; we sourced these indices from the Organisation for Economic

Cooperation and Development, PISA results for 2018 (; accessed on 8

September 2020).

       As a proxy for the degree of development in communication, we calculated the number of

internet users (“Internet users”), namely the number of people with access to the worldwide

network by country. We sourced internet users from the International Telecommunication Union

(; accessed on 2 September 2021).

       As a proxy for country development, we calculated the Human Development Index

(“HDI”) and the number of researchers in the country (“N° of Researchers”). HDI is a composite

index measuring average achievement in three basic dimensions of human development—a long

and healthy life, knowledge, and a decent standard of living. We expressed the number of

researchers    per   million    inhabitants    in    full-time   equivalent    from     the   UIS
(;             accessed    on    2

September 2021).

       Finally, we derived two variables related to journalism, The World Press Freedom Index

(“Press Freedom”) by Reporters without Borders (; accessed on 2

September 2021) and the number of newspapers (“N° of Newspapers”) from the UIS

(; accessed on 2

September 2021).

Data exploration

For data exploration, we followed the general protocol by ref. S15.

Handling of missing data

Most country-level socio-economic descriptors had missing data (i.e., we could not derive

information for some countries). Depending on the variables, the proportion of missing data ranged

from 1 to 30%. Since exponential random graph models (see below) do not allow missing data and

considering the high level of multicollinearity (the existence of a high correlation between

covariates) among socio-economic descriptors, we decided to impute missing data. We used data

imputation based on multiple linear regressions, as implemented in the function fill of the R

package ‘BAT’ version 2.7.1S16,S17. The predicted value for missing observations is obtained by

regressing the missing variable on other variables. This preserves relationships among variables

involved in the imputation model, but not variability around predicted values. Therefore, it is

recommended to perform imputation only when the number of missing data is low. Based on

evidence from trait-based ecologyS18, we decided to exclude any variable with >4% missing data,
namely PISA reading (30.86% missing data) and PISA science (29.63%). Note that both PISA

indexes were positively correlated with HDI and Education (all Pearson’s r > 0.65). We performed

imputation for Education (2.47% missing data), Internet users (2.47%), N° of Newspapers (3.7%),

Press Freedom (1.23%), and HDI (2.47%).

Variable distribution and outliers

We inspected variable distribution and the presence of outliers using Cleveland’s dot plots.

Following this visual inspection, we log-transformed N° of news, ISA, and N° of newspapers to

homogenize their distributions. We also scaled all continuous variables to facilitate model

convergence. Furthermore, we checked the balance of the number of observations for levels in the

variable Language. To balance factor levels, we grouped all Languages with less than 10

observations in the category ‘Others’. Since English is the most widely used language

internationally, we set ‘English’ as the baseline.


We explored collinearity among covariates using Pearson’s r correlations, setting the threshold for

collinearity at |r| > 0.5. The introduction of highly correlated predictors in a regression model often

leads to a confusing statistical analysis where, for example, dropping one covariate can make

others significant or change the sign of estimatesS15. As a result of this analysis, we excluded ISA

and N° of newspapers as they were reciprocally correlated (r = 0.7) and both positively correlated

with N° of news (both r > 0.6). We excluded HDI and Education as they were reciprocally

correlated (r = 0.95) and both correlated with Internet users (both r > 0.8). Finally, we excluded

N° of spiders as it was collinear with N° of deadly spiders (r = 0.52).
Statistical analyses

We performed all analyses and calculations in R version 4.1.0 S19. We used the package

“ggplot2” version 3.3.4S20 for visualizations. In all regression-type analyses, we followed ref. S21

for model construction and validation. In discussing model results, we adopted an evidence-

based languageS22, referring to effect sizes, directions of effects, and variance explained rather

than significanceS23. Exact model estimates and p-values can be found in Tables S1.

Relationships between sensationalism, errors, and news-level attributes

First, we explored the role of different news-level attributes in explaining the probability of a given

piece of news being sensationalistic. We fitted generalized linear mixed models with the package

lme4 version 1.1-27.1S24. Given that the response variable is incidence data (sensationalist or not),

we chose a Bernoulli family distribution (0–1, discrete). The structure of the model, in R notation,


(eq. 1) Sensationalism ~ Year + Type_of_newspaper + Circulation + Type_event + Photo_species

+ Photo_bite + Expert_doctor + Expert_arachnologist + Expert_others + Errors + (1 | Genus) + (1

| Language) + (1 | Country_search) + (1 | ID_Event)

Note that the variable presence of errors in a news article (“Errors”) was included as a predictor to

check whether there was covariation between sensationalism and errors. Given that the two

variables turned out to be tightly associated (Figure 1B), we did not run an additional model with

Error as a response variable, as it would have yielded comparable results. The random part of the
models allowed us to control for publication language, the country of the search, and the taxonomic

identity of the species involved in the human-spider encounter. In other words, by the design of

the study, we assumed that articles from the same countries and language, and dealing with

congeneric species, should be more similar to one another in their news-level attributes than

expected from random. Treating these variables as fixed factors would have consumed too many

degrees of freedom given the high number of levels for each of these factors. Furthermore, we

include a fourth random factor (“ID_event”) to account for pseudo-replication, namely the fact

that multiple articles may refer to the same human-spider encounters. We corrected for this source

of data non-independency under the assumption that articles on the same human-spider encounter

may be, on average, more similar to one another than expected from random. We introduced all

random effects as random-intercept factors because we did not expect them to influence the

direction of effects.

        In the model, the final sample size after removing missing data was 5,816 observations.

We validated models by constructing standard validation plots with the R package performance

version 0.7.2S25. We also checked for spatial and temporal dependency by plotting model residuals

against the year and month of publication and the longitude and latitude of the centroid of the

country in which the news was published. Inspection of these plots revealed no obvious spatial

and temporal patterns.

Global flow of spider-related information

We used network analyses to visualize and model the flow of spider-related information among

countries. We constructed and manipulated networks with the packages ‘igraph’ version 1.2.6 S26

and ‘tidygraph’ version 1.2.0 S27. First, we constructed a bipartite directed network to link each
country with each spider-related event reported by the online press. In the network, the first node

type represented individual countries, and the second node type represented the identifier for

each human-spider encounter reported in the press (ID_event) (Figure 1A). We then projected

the bipartite network as a one-mode network (or unipartite network) with the ‘igraph’ function

bipartite.projection. This allowed us to visualize the relationships amongst the nodes of type 1

(countries). In the one-mode network, all nodes are treated as the same type, and directionality is

lost (Figure S1).

       We modeled connections among countries within the network using exponential random

graph models. These are a family of regression-like models that can infer how network

relationships are formed, using the network itself as a response variable. To model the

probability of each node to form connections, we introduced the one-mode network with binary

edge weights as a response variable in an exponential random graph model fitted within the R

package ‘ergm’ version 4.1.2S28,S29. We selected as covariates the non-collinear predictors

selected after data exploration (see section “Data exploration”). However, in contrast to the

previous analysis (eq. 1), we included Language as a fixed term because random effects are not

implemented in exponential random graph models yet. Also, we excluded press freedom from

the model, as the variable was not identifiable in the model. The structure of the model had the

formula (in R notation):

(eq. 2) Network ~ edge + nodeCov(“Sensationalism”) + nodeCov(“Errors”) + nodeCov(“Internet

            users”) + nodeCov(“N° of deadly spiders”) + nodeMatch(“Language”) +

Where edge is the intercept-like term; nodeCovariate and nodeFactor test the overall probability

of the node types forming connections with any other nodes based on the continuous and

categorical covariates, respectively; and nodeMatch tests whether node types have a greater

probability of forming connections within the levels of a given grouping factor. The model

sample size was 79 observations, namely the number of nodes (countries) in the network. As a

means of model validation, we generated an empty network with the same dimensionality as our

response network and used the final model to simulate, over 1,000 runs, whether the model was

able to converge to the edge probability of the real network.


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Author contribution

Conceptualization: SM, JM-O, CS, AC; Data collection & validation: all authors; Data analysis &

visualization: SM; Writing (first draft): SM; Writing, contributions: JM-O, CS, AC; All authors

read the text, provided comments, suggestions, and corrections, and approved the final version.

Inclusion and diversity statement

Our data collection was truly a global collective endeavor, involving researchers speaking over 41

languages and representing diverse cultures and ethnicities. Nearly half of the authors are early

career researchers (including undergraduate students), and our author list is unbiased in terms of

gender and covers all continents (including 28 countries in the Global South).

       One or more of the authors of this paper self-identifies as an underrepresented ethnic

minority in science. One or more of the authors of this paper self-identifies as a member of the

LGBTQ+ community. One or more of the authors of this paper self-identifies as living with a

disability. One or more of the authors of this paper received support from a program designed to

increase minority representation in science. The author list of this paper includes contributors from

the location where the research was conducted who participated in the data collection, design,

analysis, and/or interpretation of the work.

The database used in the analyses is available in FigShare (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.14822301)

and fully described in an associated data paperS1. The R code to generate analyses and figures is

available in GitHub (

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