SUPERIOR SUN - Shop at Home: Edwardo's Pizza - Copper Area News Publishers

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SUPERIOR SUN - Shop at Home: Edwardo's Pizza - Copper Area News Publishers
Mila Besich | Superior Sun

                                   Shop at Home: Edwardo’s Pizza
                                                                              Page 9

                                                                             A community publication of
                             Volume 97 Number 18   Periodicals Postage Paid at Superior, Arizona 85173   Wednesday, May 5, 2021   50¢
SUPERIOR SUN - Shop at Home: Edwardo's Pizza - Copper Area News Publishers
2 | Superior Sun                                                                                                                                            May 5, 2021

                                                                                Henry Cartwright
 Henry “Hank” Cartwright, 89, passed away of natural                            his GED. He spent his younger, wilder years raising          unwind after a long day at work,
causes at Banner Baywood Hospital in Mesa on April 27,                          hell in Coolidge, Winslow, Ray and Superior. With his        there was frequently trouble.
2021. His children were both by his side. He was born in                        father and mother busy operating businesses, which           Fistfights were a nightly occurrence
Ray on Oct. 16, 1931, the middle son of John and Minnie                         ranged from restaurants to retail stores, much of the        and knives and guns were frequently
Cartwright, who were also blessed with four daughters.                          responsibility of raising Hank fell to his older sister,     brandished.These were rough times
  He is survived by his brother, Jack; son, Michael;                            Catherine, with whom he always had a very special bond.      involving the toughest of men.
daughter, Marcia; grandsons, Mike and Steven;                                   The job of raising younger brother, Jack, however, fell        In 1954 he landed a job as a copper
great-grandsons, Nathan and Christian; and great-                               largely to Hank. Jack and Hank developed a deep and          miner in Ray where he became a
granddaughters, Meghan, Shannon and Karah.                                      lasting friendship with each other and with their sister     heavy equipment operator. Marcia
 Hank resided in Arizona his entire life, where he earned                       Betty, who was often part of their adventures.               was born there the same year he
                                                                                  At the tender age of 18 while skating at an outdoor        hired on with the Kennecott Copper.
                                                                                roller rink near the Galloping Goose in Coolidge he          For the next 38 years he worked his hands to the bone in

    The Superior Sun                                                            spied a young lady with whom he fell in love at first
                                                                                sight. Her name was Doris Harmon and she was from
                                                                                                                                             that hot, dusty mine literally moving mountains to provide
                                                                                                                                             for his family and slowly worked his way up the ranks to
                          USPS 529-320                                          the neighboring town of Valley Farms. That was the           become a Senior Mining Operations Foreman.
 James Carnes…................................................Publisher         beginning of a beautiful, life-long love affair that would      Hank never complained. He was the best role model a
 Michael Carnes ...................................... General Manager          last almost 70 years. They married in 1950 and had two       son or daughter could ask for. After retiring in 1992, he
 Jennifer Carnes.........................................… Managing Editor      children, Michael in 1951 and Marcia in 1954.                relocated to Apache Junction where he lived for the rest of
 Mila Besich..................................................Advertising         While in Coolidge and later in Winslow, Hank did all       his life.
 John Hernandez........................................Reporter                 kinds of jobs. He worked at a bottling plant, helped his       Hank feared no man. He never went looking for trouble.
 Cat Brown.................................................Reporter
                                                                                father with construction projects, assisted with farming     However, when trouble found him, which was frequently
                                  Email:                                        and ranching, drove, loaded and unloaded delivery trucks     the case in the rough and tumble towns in which he lived
         ;                                 and whatever other work he could find. Some say he           and worked, the situation was usually settled by a single
          ;                                   developed his incredible physical strength by doing these    blow or sometimes two from his mighty hands. No man
                                            jobs.                                                        dared to challenge him twice.
                                                     As just one example, he could single-handedly load a
                                                                                500-pound bale of cotton onto the back of a flatbed truck
                                                                                                                                               Some called him “The Baddest (expletive deleted) in
                                                                                                                                             the Valley.” But most knew him simply as father, friend,
      Find us at                                        and frequently did so during picking season.                 coworker, relative or neighbor. Hank was a man who
     Follow us at                                      Everyone worked hard and when the sun went down             could tell a story and make you laugh until your sides
                                                                                they played hard. When field hands came into town to         hurt; a man who loved people; a fair man with a friendly
 Published each Wednesday in Superior, Arizona by Copper Area
 News Publishers. Subscription rates in advance: $35.50 per year or                                                                          smile, a man who did business with a handshake, a man
 $31.50 for 6 months in Pinal County; $40.50 per year or $36.50 for 6                                                                        who would give you the shirt off his back if you needed
 months elsewhere in the U.S. Change of address should be sent to                                                                            it; a real person and a real man in the truest sense of the
 the publishers at P.O. Box 579, Kearny, AZ 85137.                                                                                           word.
             Member: Arizona Newspaper Association
                                                                                                                                               No formal services are planned. Hank let it be known
                                                                                                                                             that he did not want a bunch of people looking at him in
 Second class postage is paid at Superior, Arizona. Postmaster: Address                                                                      his weakness or “blubbering, bawling or applauding over
 changes to The Superior Sun, P.O. Box 579, Kearny, AZ 85137.
                                                                                                                                             his grave.” He and wife Doris will eventually be laid to
                   Telephone (520) 363-5554                                                                                                  rest at Mountain View Mausoleum in Mesa at which time
                                                                                                                                             the family envisions holding a celebration of their lives.
                      Fax (520) 363-9663
                                                                                                                                             Details to follow.
 “There are numerous countries in the world where the politicians have seized
 absolute power and muzzled the press. There is no country in the world
 where the press has seized absolute power and muzzled the politicians”
                                                        —David Brinkley                                                                          Superior Funeral Home
   For just $2 a month, you can download                                          Monsoon Mechanical LLC                                       Serving all of your Funeral, Memorial,
  and read all community                                                                                                         Cremation and Pre-Planning Needs
      publications. Downloads available
                                                                                  Air Conditioning & Heating                                       
            the day of publication.                                                Service • Installation • Maintenance                                   379 South Ray Road, Superior
                                                                                            Licensed – Bonded – Insured
    Subscribe online at:                                                                                                                        (520) 689-2692
   or use your phone to scan the QR code.                                              (480) 229-8966                                                           Rob Bulman, Owner

                                                                                                  Ike Martinez                                 Dedicated to providing services to the families of
                                                                                                            the Copper Corridor with care and compassion
SUPERIOR SUN - Shop at Home: Edwardo's Pizza - Copper Area News Publishers
May 5, 2021                                                                                                                                                                 Superior Sun | 3

                                                                      COPPER CORRIDOR CHURCH DIRECTORY
       Casa De Salvacion                           Church of Jesus Christ                 Church of Jesus Christ                       Church of the Good                              Family Life Christian Center
       201 E. Kino (& Catalina)                                                                                                                                                             56 Kellner Ave., Superior
                                                    of Latter-day Saints                   of Latter-day Saints                            Shepherd                                     “When Life Hurts – Only God Heals”
              Mammoth                                        Kearny Ward                  San Manuel Ward • 101 S. Giffin Ave.          Bottom of School Hill, Kearny
                                                                                                                                                                                         Pastors Dennis & Sandy VanGorp
           Carlos Gonzalez                                 200 Hammond Dr.                       Bishop Jim Bingham                         Pastor Jimmy Nelson                                   520-689-2202
            520-487-2219                                Bishop Brian Coleman                        520-385-4866                               520-363-7283
 Domingo: Escuela Dominical 10-10:45 a.m.                                                                                                           Sunday Prayer 9:45 a.m.
                                                       Sunday Morning Meetings:               Sunday Morning Meetings:
    Servicio de Alabanza 11 a.m.                                                                                                           Sunday Worship 9 a.m.                               Worship 10:30 a.m.
                                                           Sacrament 10 a.m.                       Sacrament 10 a.m.
 Lunes: Servicio de Oracion 6:30 p.m.                                                                                             UMC in cooperation with the Episcopal Church & the    2nd Sunday Miracle Service 6 p.m.
                                                         Scripture Study 11 a.m.                Scripture Study 11 a.m.
  Miercoles: Estudio Biblico 6:30 p.m.                                                                                                 Evangelical Lutheran Church of America            Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m.
                                                                                                                                   We stand in awe of God and of one another           Everyone is Welcome • Assembly of God

     First Baptist Church                             First Baptist Church                                                           Infant Jesus of Prague                             Kearny Church of Christ
      103 W. Galiuro, Mammoth                         1st & Nichols, San Manuel                                                         Catholic Church                                     103 Hammond Dr., Kearny
        Pastor Joe Ventimiglia                           Pastor Kevin Duncan                                                            501 Victoria Circle, Kearny                         Minister George Randall
            520-405-0510                                      385-4655                             Advertise                        Rev. Fr. George Kunnel (Pastor)                              520-363-7711
        Sunday School – 9 a.m.                        Sunday Bible Study 9:45 a.m.                Your Church                                520-363-7205                                  Sunday Bible Study 10 a.m.
       Sunday Worship – 10 a.m.
   Prayer Meeting Wed. – 5:30 p.m.
                                                           Worship 11 a.m.                           Here!                        Daily Masses Tues. 5:30 p.m.; Thurs. 8:30 a.m.            Sunday Worship 11 a.m.
  Movie Night Last Friday of the Month – 7 p.m.
                                                   Sunday Evening Discipleship 5 p.m.                                              Saturday Vigil 6 p.m.; Sunday Mass 9 a.m.                Evening Worship 6 p.m.
                                                    Sunday Evening Worship 6 p.m.                                                   Sunday Religious Ed for Children, Youth               Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m.
        “The Church on the Hill”
                                                   Wednesday Prayer Meeting 6 p.m.                                                Ministry & Jr. High Youth Groups 10:15 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Serving All of the Copper Basin Area

    Lighthouse Assembly                               Living Word Chapel                    Living Word Chapel-                    Oracle Assembly of God                              Oracle Church of Christ
           of God                                      Copper Corridor                             Oracle                                      1145 Robles Rd.                                     2425 El Paseo
   Hwy. 77, MP 134, 1/2 mi S of Winkelman                Love God, Love People              Casual, Relevant, Contemporary                         Oracle                                             Oracle
           Pastor David Wade                              Pastor James Ruiz                        Pastor James Ruiz                       Pastor Nathan Hogan                                    Richard Ferris
             520-356-6718                                  520-896-2771                              520-896-2771                                                                                 520-818-6554
                                                                                              Join us at 8:45 or 10:30 a.m.              Sunday Prayer 10 a.m.
 Worship Service 9 & 11 a.m.; Evening 6:30 p.m.            Join us at 5 p.m.
      Wednesday Family Night 7 p.m.                                                                 3941 W. Hwy. 77                    Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.                           Sunday Bible Study 10 a.m.
                                                       402 Danbury Rd., Kearny                                                                                                               Sunday Worship 11 a.m.
          We Welcome You!                                                              Find us on Facebook @              Find us on Facebook @ LWC Oracle
                                                                LWC Kearny

     Oracle Seventh-Day                              Oracle Union Church                       Pathway of Hope                         Presbyterian Church                                  St. Francis of Assisi
      Adventist Church                                   705 E. American Ave.                 Foursquare Church                            of Superior                                       Catholic Church
               2150 Hwy 77                                      Oracle                      3270 E. Armstrong Ln., Tucson               100 Magma Ave., Superior                            11 Church Ave., Superior
                  Oracle                                 Pastor Dr. Ed Nelson                    (Behind Golden Goose)
                                                                                                                                                520-689-2631                                    Fr. Samuel Jandeh
                                                            520-784-1868                         Pastor Karen Kelly
          Pastor Michael Soto                                                                                                                                                                     520-689-2250
                                                                                                   520-344-4417                      Worship Service Sunday: 10 a.m.
  Saturday Sabbath School 9:30 a.m.                  Sunday Services 9 & 10:30 a.m.                                                         All are welcome.                              Weekday Mass Tues.-Fri. 8 a.m.
                                                                                               Saturday Worship 9 a.m.
  Saturday Worship Service 11 a.m.                  Wednesday Bible Study 11 a.m.                                                                                                      Saturday 5 p.m. • Sunday 9 & 11 a.m.
                                                                                         A House of Prayer, Healing & Salvation      Anonymous prayer box located at
                                                  Thursday Prayer Time 11 a.m. to Noon                                                                  Confession: Sat. 4-4:45 p.m. or by req.
                                                                                                                                  Save Money Market. We will pray for you!

          San Pedro Valley                              Set Free Church                  Superior Harvest Church                           Vista United
           Baptist Church                                302 Danbury, Kearny                Hill St. & Stone Ave., Superior              Methodist Church                                 To be included in
     Dudleyville Road, Dudleyville                       Pastor Daniel Sostre
                                                                                            Pastor Albert M. Rodriguez
                                                                                                 480-354-4499 H
                                                                                                                                               JOIN US ONLINE
                                                                                                                                             Sunday live at 10 a.m.                       the weekly church
       Pastor Anthony DaCunha
            520-357-7353                                 Sunday Service 10 a.m.                  480-329-3647 C
                                                                                                                                              (Or stream anytime)
                                                                                                                                                                                           listing, please call
                                                   Followed by Fellowship Luncheon
      Sunday School 9:45 a.m.                          Food Boxes Upon Request
                                                                                           Sunday Morning Service 10 a.m.
                                                                                            Wednesday Bible Study 5 p.m.
                                                                                                                                            Facebook/Vista UMC                            520-363-5554 or
      Morning Worship 11 a.m.
       Evening Service 6 p.m.
                                                                                                    Victory in Jesus
                                                                                                                                     Community, Friendship & Faith
                                                                                                                                             Fred Baum, Pastor
                                                           Sinners Welcome
   Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7 p.m.                                                                                                             520-825-1985
SUPERIOR SUN - Shop at Home: Edwardo's Pizza - Copper Area News Publishers
4 | Superior Sun                                                                                                                                    May 5, 2021

 Town of Superior Announces New Building Permit Process
                    By Todd Pryor                              Arizona Department of Housing to give them regulatory              call for a special inspection if they are on a tight schedule
                 Superior Town Manager                         authority over all manufactured homes. We also have had            or do not want to wait a week; they will have to pay the
                                                               to modify our code to conform to the state rules. This took        road fees for that convenience. If the initial is failed, re-
This year, the town was forced to take over building           some time, as the state’s laws on older models are very            inspections will cost an additional inspection fee, so it is
permits in the town. Pinal County determined they              restrictive. Fires in manufactured homes built before 1976         important to verify you are ready before you call for one.
would no longer be able to serve Superior, due to the          are almost three times more likely to result in death, so            We have also extended the exemptions for projects
cost of travel time. This has been a challenging learning      whenever these are remodeled, they are required to be              so that any project that costs less than $1,500 will not
experience, and we have encountered numerous                   made more fire safe, and a state permit is required. The           require a permit. If the project requires an inspection but
difficulties. We are making some adjustments to make           town has no leeway to adopt a less restrictive code. We            is otherwise exempt, such as for a power panel, they will
the process easier and cheaper, including lowering the         have extended the permit exemptions to these homes,                only be charged for the $110 inspection. Most routine
inspection fees by 60% and exempting most small repairs        so minor repairs and cosmetic changes do not key this              repairs are exempted.
from permitting. We will continue to minimize the              requirement.                                                         As we work through this new program, we will continue
necessary inconvenience of building code enforcement,           Lastly, we have to have an inspector. We have no                  to make adjustments to make it as fair and reasonable as
and we are taking concerns raised by the public seriously.     certified inspectors in-house, and it would take too               possible. We also need to ensure that the work is done
 There have been many rumors concerning this change.           long to get one certified to be ready on day one. We will          safely and maintains the homeowner’s property value
To address the most prevalent, this was not our choice.        continue to train in-house inspectors, but to be prepared          by assuring that the work is code compliant and can be
The county decided to drop the town, much to our               by the deadline, we had to hire a contractor. We put out a         financed by a possible buyer. Unpermitted and non-code-
chagrin. Given a choice, we would have never taken on          request for qualifications, and two vendors applied, both          compliant work can jeopardize FHA appraisals and limit
this program.                                                  out of Phoenix. Colibryn was selected. As neither vendor           financing options, as well as decreasing the appraised
 The program requires several components. First, we had        was local, the costs of inspections rose significantly over        value.
to update our building code, as ours was so out of date you    the county.                                                          A group of concerned citizens have circulated a
can no longer certify inspectors. It also no longer complied    To solve this issue, we have set a scheduled once-a-week          petition requesting that Pinal County take back over the
with state law, as municipalities are not allowed to adopt     inspection. As long as the inspection is on that day, you          permitting for the town. The town is in agreement with
a less restrictive code than the State Fire Marshal. We        will only be charged for the inspection itself, and the town       this petition, and it agrees with the requests that we have
did not reinvent the wheel, and as Pinal County was            will pay the road fees. This drops the cost from $265 per          made to county management. We would like to thank
in the process of updating their code, we copied their         inspection to $110. Residents will still have the option to        these citizens for their support.
exemptions and code adoption. Updating the code takes
several public hearings with planning and zoning and the
town council, but it was customized and adopted after
about six months of work.
                                                                                    Superior Library open again
 Next, we worked on the forms. We obtained the formats
from other municipalities, customized them, made them            The Superior Public Library announced that it would reopen       • Patrons will be required to wear a face mask and
web-fillable, adopted them, and uploaded them to the           on May 3. There are a lot of rules governing the public’s visits   temperature will be taken upon entering the library by staff
website. We also adopted a guide to use filling them out.      to the library, all to keep patrons and employees safe.            at the circulation desk. We urge anyone who is feeling ill to
 We also had to adopt fees. Again, Pinal County was in           The new rules are:                                               not come in the library.
the process of updating their fees, so we copied their         • Open by appointment only.                                        • Only one computer will be available upstairs. The
ordinance. Pinal County will be finalizing their adoption of   • Hours: 12 –5 pm Monday through Friday.                           30-minute time limit will remain and will not be extended.
these rates soon, so we will be operating under the same       • Five people allowed in the library at one time.                  Staff will have to sanitize and disinfect the computer station
fee structure as they are.                                     • There is a 30-minute time limit that they can stay in the        after each use. Computer keyboard will be covered with a
 We were required by state law to sign an IGA with the         library.                                                           clear plastic cover to make it easier to clean and disinfect.
                                                               • Only the upstairs will be open. Children will be allowed         A person can call the library and request a time slot. If the
                                                               downstairs to browse and select a book and then come up            person does not show at the time requested it will be open for
                                                               and check it out upstairs. Children 10 and under must be           whomever wants to use it.
                Felix Bermejo with
                                                               accompanied by an adult. No playing or lingering downstairs.       • Chromebooks will be available for check out to use in the

 Peace Pest Control                                            • No meeting space will be available.                              library. There are four chairs where people can sit with their
                                                                                                                                  laptops, iPhones or iPads and use the WIFI. Time limit is 30
                                                                                                                                  minutes. They are spaced 6 feet apart. After a person gets up
 Offers complete satisfaction for                                                                                                 from a chair, staff will have to sanitize chair.
   all your pest control needs.                                                                                                   • Newspapers and magazines will be removed to discourage
 Pest • Termites • Rodents • Bird Control •                                                                                       people from lingering. These items are hard to sanitize.
    Bees • Scorpions • Roaches • Spiders                                                                                          • Copies will be made by staff and fax service will be
                                                                                                                                  available. Printing can be done from the computer or
                                                                                                                                  devices using Printer - On App and can be picked up at the
                        Contact Felix Bermejo
                                                                                                                                  circulation desk.
                              (520) 466-9408                                                                                      • We have installed sneeze guards at the circulation desk.
                               (520) 280-6915                                                                                     Staff can scan cards and books or DVD barcodes through
                         PO Box 310, Eloy, AZ 85131                                                                               the plexiglass for lower contact. All returned items will be
                                                                                                                                  checked in and will be dropped in the book drop by person
                                                                                                                                  returning the item and then will be quarantined for 72 hours
                                     com                        New Location                                                      following CDC guidelines. After the quarantine period items
 We Thank Our Customers!                                        550 N. Willow St.                                                 are wiped with a sanitizing solution before returning to
                  Se Habla Español                              (at Ash & Hackney)
                                                                                                                                  shelves for patron check out. Staff are required to wear gloves
                                                                                                                                                        Continued on page 9
SUPERIOR SUN - Shop at Home: Edwardo's Pizza - Copper Area News Publishers
May 5, 2021                                                                                                                                           Superior Sun | 5

                                                                          TOWN OF SUPERIOR
                                                                199 N. Lobb Avenue, PO Box 218, Superior, AZ 85173

                                                                     PERMIT EXEMPTIONS
This Information Bulletin describes the          Cosmetic Changes                                         within any heating or cooling equipment             as provided in this code in all occupancy
regulations covering construction work that                                                               regulated by this code.                             types except single family residential. In
                                                 Painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets,
is exempt from building, electrical, plumbing,                                                       2.   Replacement of any part that does not               single family residential occupancies, the
                                                 counter tops and similar finish work are all
and mechanical or combination permits in                                                                  alter its approval or make it unsafe.               replacement of “like for like” plumbing
                                                 exempt. More specifically:
Town of Superior. For further information                                                            3.   Portable evaporative cooler.                        shall be exempt.
                                                 1. Flooring of wood, vinyl, ceramic, stone,
see the 2018 International Building Code”                                                            4.   Self-contained refrigeration system            2.   The clearing of stoppages or the repairing
                                                      masonry or carpeting.
(IBC), “International Plumbing Code” (IPC),                                                               containing 10 pounds (4.54 kg) or less of           of leaks in pipes, valves or fixtures and
                                                 2. Installation or removal of non-structural
“International Mechanical Code” (IMC),                                                                    refrigerant and actuated by motors of 1             the removal and reinstallation of water
                                                      interior wall partitions if no utilities are
2011 “National Electrical Code” (NEC),                                                                    horsepower (0.75 kW) or less.                       closets, provided such repairs do not
“Town Code”, “Zoning Ordinance”, and                                                                 5.   Portable heating appliance.                         involve or require the replacement
                                                 3. Adding or replacing insulation in walls,
Building Safety Department Policy.                                                                   6.   Portable ventilation equipment.                     or rearrangement of valves, pipes, or
                                                      floors, or ceilings.
Exemption from the permit requirements shall     4. Painting, interior or exterior, and              7.   Portable cooling unit.                              fixtures.
not be deemed to grant authorization for any          wallpapering.                                  Paving and Platforms                                3.   Replacing like for like or repairing
work to be done in any manner in violation of    5. Replacing cabinets or countertops.                                                                        existing plumbing fixtures such as toilet,
                                                                                                     Platforms, walks and driveways not more than             tub, sink, garbage disposal, water heater,
the provisions the building code.                6. Nonfixed and movable fixtures, cases,
                                                                                                     30 inches above and not over a basement or               or faucets.
                                                      racks, counters and partitions not over 5
**NOTE: Construction work may not                                                                    story below are exempt. This includes concrete      4.   General landscaping including lawn
                                                      feet 9 inches (1753 mm) in height.
require a building permit, but it is not                                                             walkways, not in a Town right-of-way, and                sprinkler systems, subject to water
always exempt from Planning and from             Windows                                             patio slabs.                                             conservation requirements.
the Development or other public agency           Replacing existing windows or doors with no         Patio covers Decks and Awnings                      Electrical
requirements.                                    structural changes in single family residential                                                         1. Satellite dishes and residential antennas
                                                                                                     1.   Patio and porch cover structures, built
WHEN IS A PERMIT REQUIRED?                       occupancies.                                                                                                 for wireless communications.
                                                                                                          as additions to one- and two-family
In Town of Superior, if the proposed             Free-Standing Shade Structures and Accessory             dwellings and subject to all of the            2. Reinstallation of branch circuit
construction work is not listed as exempt in     Buildings.                                               following conditions are exempt:                    overcurrent devices of the required
this Bulletin or the codes referenced above,                                                              a) Up to 120 square feet and extend a               capacity in the same location.
                                                 Free-standing ramadas, gazebos, livestock,                                                              3. Electrical wiring, devices, appliances,
it may require a permit. For clarification or                                                                 maximum of 8 feet from the dwelling.
                                                 hay and similar structures, one single-                                                                      apparatus or equipment operating at
additional grade information visit the Town                                                               b) The attachment to the dwelling is
                                                 story detached accessory structures used                                                                     less than 25 volts and not capable of
of Superior engineering department located                                                                    supported on bearing wall of the
                                                 as tool and storage sheds, playhouses and                                                                    supplying more than 50 watts of energy.
at 199 N Lobb Ave, Superior, AZ 85173 or call                                                                 existing structure and not fascia.
                                                 similar uses, shall be exempt from building                                                             4. Replacing existing appliances or internal
engineering department at (520) 689-5752.                                                                 c) Required yard setbacks are not
                                                 permits provided they are not greater than                                                                   light fixtures.
PERMIT EXEMPTIONS                                200s.f. in area and set back requirements                    encroached upon.
                                                                                                          d) Use a minimum of 2” X 6” rafter             5. Installation of low-voltage wiring for
                                                 are not encroached. Shade cloth structures                                                                   security alarm systems.
A Permit will not be required for the                                                                         material and a minimum of 4”x6”
                                                 constructed for nursery or agricultural                                                                 6. Minor repair work, including the
following:                                                                                                    Beams.
                                                 purposes, not including service systems.                                                                     replacement of lamps or the connection
Emergency repairs                                Swings and other playground equipment                    e) Structure must be securely fastened.
                                                                                                     2.   Decks not over 30” above finished grade,            of approved portable electrical equipment
Where equipment replacements and repairs         accessory to detached one- and two-family                                                                    to approved permanently installed
                                                 dwellings.                                               less than 200 sq. ft., and with no structure
must be performed in an emergency situation,                                                              on the deck.                                        receptacles.
the permit application for the Inspections       Fencing and Small Retaining Walls                   3.   Attached engineered Aluminum Awnings           Small Above Ground Pools
Services only shall be submitted within the                                                               that do not exceed 1000 sq.ft. roof area.
                                                 Fences not over 6 feet (1829 mm) high.                                                                  Prefabricated swimming pools accessory to
next working business day to the building                                                            4.   Window awnings supported by an
                                                 Retaining walls that are not over 4 feet 40                                                             a Group R-3 occupancy that are less than 18
official.                                                                                                 exterior wall which do not project more
                                                 inches (1219 1016 mm) in height measured                                                                inches (457 mm) deep, are not greater than
Small Residential Projects                       from the bottom top of the footing to the top            than 54-inches.
                                                                                                     5.   Retractable Awnings shall be exempt from       5,000 gallons (18,925 L) and are installed
Project with a value in labor in materials       of the wall, unless supporting a surcharge or                                                           entirely above ground.
                                                 impounding Class I, II or IIIA liquids. Wall             building permits if the awning area does
under $1500 are exempt from permitting in
                                                 heights shall not exceed 10 feet above finished          not exceed 120 sq.ft. and does not extend      Water Tanks
single family residential occupancies. (Market
                                                 grade maximum wall height of then feet above             more than 8 feet from the structure.
value labor and materials or actual receipts                                                                                                             Water tanks are exempt when not exceeding
for cost of materials can be provided).          finished grade.                                     Plumbing                                            5000 gallons in capacity, supported directly on
                                                 Replacement of HVAC Equipment (“Like for            1. The stopping of leaks in drains, water,          grade, and the ratio of height to diameter or
Roofing Replacement
                                                 Like”)                                                  soil, waste or vent pipe. If any concealed      width is equal to or less than 2 to 1.
Roof replacement or roof recover with the                                                                trap, drainpipe, water, soil, waste or vent
                                                 The repair or replacing of electrical HVAC                                                              Inspection Only
same type of material as the original roofing.                                                           pipe becomes defective and it becomes
Replacing or adding gutters or downspouts        equipment such as a furnace, condenser unit,            necessary to remove and replace the             If it is determined an inspection required for
and replacing or adding soffit, gable, or roof   and evaporative cooler with the same type and           same with new material, such work shall         an otherwise exempted project, the applicant
ventilation are also exempt.                     rating in the same location.                            be considered as new work and a permit          shall only be charged for any necessary
                                                 1. Steam, hot or chilled water piping                   shall be obtained and inspection made           inspections and plan reviews.
SUPERIOR SUN - Shop at Home: Edwardo's Pizza - Copper Area News Publishers
6 | Superior Sun                                                                                                                        May 5, 2021

    Celebrate Cinco de Mayo – Superior style
                                                                                          Billie Jo Villaverde’s Folklorico Dance       695 W. Main Street, Superior, Az 85173.
                                                                                         Group will be performing at Porter’s Sa-        The dancers performing will be Angelina
                                                                                         loon and Grill on Cinco de Mayo 6-8 p.m.       Arriola, Gabriella Salcido, Natalie Quiroz,
                                                                                         Porter’s Saloon and Grill will also be serv-   Tanae Babino, Andrea Silvas and Erika
                                                                                         ing Cinco de mayo specials and is located      Vasquez.

                                                                                              Superior’s Lady Panthers
                                                                                                 win big over Ray
                                                                                                  By Nathaniel A. Lopez                 3 hits, followed by Myika Cruz with 2 hits,
                                                                                                       Superior Sun                     and Danika Bryant with 2 hits as well as 5
                                                                                                                                        RBIs. Bryant also pitched all five innings
                                                                                          The Superior softball team started off        earning 8 strikeouts.
                                                                                         last week with a redemption victory over        On Friday, April 30, the Lady Panthers
                                                                                         the Ray Bearcats, to whom they had             traveled to San Manuel to face off against
                                                                                         lost by one point in their first game. The     the Miners for the second time this season,
                                                                                         redemption game started off somewhat           hoping to walk away with a better outcome
                                                                                         slow, with both teams tied 1-1 by the top      than last game’s 1-12 loss. The first inning
                                                                                         of the third. The third inning proved to       proved to be good for Superior, putting
Folklorico is coming to Porter’s Saloon and Grill just in time for Cinco de Mayo.        be where the Lady Panthers drew the            three points on the board, giving them a
Pictured are, from left, Natalie Quiroz, Billie Jo Villaverde, Andrea Silvas, Tanae      dividing line, and racked up 10 points. The    two-point lead. During the second inning
Babino, Angelina Arriola.					                                     Debbie Torres | Sun   girls followed it with 11 more points in the   the Lady Panther’s defense slipped and
                                                                                         fourth inning. The game was called at the      they allowed the Miners to post four
                                                                                         bottom of the fifth, with a final score of     points. The girls weren’t able to recuperate
                                                                                         22-1. Juliana Navarro lead the team with                     Continued on page 9
SUPERIOR SUN - Shop at Home: Edwardo's Pizza - Copper Area News Publishers
May 5, 2021                                                                                                       Superior Sun | 7

   PRICES GOOD 5/5/21 THROUGH 5/11/21

                          Mom deserves a GREAT MEAL!!
     Beef Tenderloin Steaks                                                                                         Colby & Co-Jack Longhorn
    Bacon Wrapped • Seasoned                                                                                         & Pepper Jack Cheeses
    USDA Choice Angus Cuts                                                                                               Bulk Family Portions
            $8.99/lb                                                                                                       $2.99/lb
                                                                Whole Chicken Fryers
                                                                       Tyson Grade A
                                                                      Previously Frozen

                                                                         Pork Riblets
         Beef Rib-Eye Steaks                                Seasoned Cuts • Grill Ready                               Hamburger Beef Patties
            Premium Selected                                                                                             Supremas Fresh Patties
              Great to Grill                                         $1.69/lb                                            3-lb Bag • Fresh Frozen

            $7.99/lb                                      Beef Riblets ..................................$2.49/lb
 Beef T-Bone Steaks .....................$5.99/lb         Imitation Crab Meat ....................... 99¢/lb
            Premium Selected                                       Great for Seafood Salads                         Extra Special W/Purchase
 Beef Briskets ................................$3.99/lb   Marrow Guts.................................$2.49/lb
              Boneless Slabs                                            Tripas De Lecha                               Buy a $60 Meat Box &
 Beef Flank Steaks ........................$7.99/lb       Chile Rellones .................................. $8.99        Receive a BONUS
                    Boneless                                     With Poblano Chiles • 3-pack                        5-lbs of All Meat Franks &
 Beef Carne Asada ........................$4.99/lb        Cheese Tamales ............................. $12.00
          Marinated Beef Steaks                                  Steam & Serve • Dozen Pack                         1-lb of Homemade Chorizo!
 Pollo Asado...................................$1.99/lb   Half Menudos ................................. $35.00     (10 Different $60 Boxes to Choose From)
        Marinated Chicken Portions                                   Complete Pot Ready

   420 W. Main St., Superior, AZ • 520-689-2265 •
8 | Superior Sun                                                                                                                                May 5, 2021

                                                   COPPER CORRIDOR COMMUNITY CALENDAR
Please note: many events have
been canceled or postponed due
                                                JFK Kindergarten Registration
                                                  John F. Kennedy Elementary (Superior)
                                                is accepting Kindergarten Registrations
                                                                                             Eagle One Veteran Outreach
                                                                                              Visit Eagle One Veteran Outreach Center
                                                                                             online at Eagle One
                                                                                                                                             18        Lobitos Preschool Child
to the COVID-19 outbreak. Please
                                                for the 2021-2022 school year. Children      provides veterans a place to learn about         Lobitos Preschool Child Find will
check with organizations when                   must be 5 years of age by Sept. 1, 2021.     and apply for all services available to them.   be held by appointment only from
planning to attend events listed.               Parents/Guardians will need to provide                                                       8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. and 12:30
                                                the child’s original birth certificate,                        MAY                           p.m. - 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May
 Help for Victims of Margo Fire                 immunization record, and proof of                                                            18, at Lobito Preschool Room 305.

  Chuck Jordan, owner of Palo Verde RV
 Park, is offering free used lumber to those
 who have lost their homes by the Margo
                                                residency. Applications are available at
                                                JFK Elementary School, 1500 Panther
                                                Drive, Superior. For more information,
                                                please call the Kennedy office at
                                                                                             6     First Things First Fun Van in
                                                                                              Registration is now open for Fun Van!,
                                                                                                                                             Your child must be 4 years old
                                                                                                                                             by Sept. 1, 2021. We will also be
                                                                                                                                             available to screen children who will
                                                                                                                                             be three years old by September 1
 Fire in Dudleyville. The items available are   520.689.3000 ext. 3049.                      supported by First Things First which will      for developmental delays. Call Eva
 2x4s, 4x4s and ply board. Check in at                                                       be in Dudleyville every Thursday March          Rivera: at 928-228-3822 to make an
 the park office, located on Hwy 77, mile       Support Offered for Copper                   11 - May 20, 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. to            appointment. Bring your child’s birth
 marker 133, near Winkelman. Call 520-          Corridor Low Income Senior-                  provide literacy and parent education for       certificate, immunization record, proof
 356-7930 for more information.                                                              Pinal County caregivers/parents and their       of residence (street address) and your
                                                Owned Homes                                  children 0-5 years old. They will enjoy         child to be tested.
                                                                                             crafts, stories, play time and a free book
Superior Headstart Registration                   The Copper Corridor Economic               each class. This event is free! To register
   Headstart is a free preschool program in
 your area located at 150N. Lobb Ave. Our
                                                Development Coalition (CCEDC)
                                                is supporting the USDA 504 and
                                                Habitat for Humanity’s Aging in Place
                                                                                             call 480-474-8615,email Pam Harrison at
                                                                                                    18        Ballot Drop-Off for
                                                                                                                                                       Special MSMUSD Election
 program promotes school readiness and
 prepares your children for kindergarten.
 In our program your children will receive
 meals, learning experiences that promote
                                                programs to help low-income seniors
                                                to make sure their homes are safe and
                                                healthy. For help in evaluating your
                                                eligibility and in applying contact via
                                                                                             12       Early Voting in
                                                                                               The Mobile Voter Outreach Van will be
                                                                                                                                              The Mobile Voter Outreach Van will be
                                                                                                                                             a Ballot replacement side and a Ballot
                                                                                                                                             drop off site on Election Day, May 18,
 growth in all areas of child development,      email at or            in Mammoth on May 12, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.           8 a.m. to 7 p.m. It will be located at
 and individualized services for all            by phone at 520-788-3672.                    at the Pinal County Courthouse, 118             711 S. McNab Pkwy., San Manuel, in the
 children. Headstart is currently accepting                                                  Catalina Ave., to provide residents early       Mammoth-San Manuel Pre-K through 12
 applications for the upcoming school year.     WIC Program                                  voting opportunities. Drop-off your ballot      School parking lot. For more information,
 If you’re interested you can start the                                                      or request a ballot and vote on site. We        please visit or email
 application process at or         Have you been laid off or had your          will have a secure ballot drop box in the
 you can speak to one of the staff at the       work hours cut back due to the               van. What’s on the Ballot? Mammoth/San
 site. 5206892812 is the number to call         pandemic? Pinal County Public Health’s       Manuel Unified School District- Site Sale
 for more information.                          WIC program may be able to help! WIC         Measure - Prop 455. For more information,                     OCTOBER
                                                serves pregnant, postpartum, and             visit or call 520-866-6846.
                                                breastfeeding moms, as well as children                                                           CV Foundation Annual
Wednesday Night Tacos at San
Manuel Elks
                                                under the age of 5. We provide nutrition
                                                and breastfeeding education, referrals to
                                                community programs, and healthy food
                                                                                             16      Golf Tourney for Softball
                                                                                                                                                  Health Fair
                                                                                                                                               “Get Out and Get Fit!” at the bi-annual
                                                                                                                                             health fair brought to you by the CV
  The San Manuel Elks Lodge will begin          for you and your family. Call 1-866-960-
                                                                                              AZ Force Girls Travel Softball Team 10th       Foundation, which will be held on Saturday,
hosting Wednesday Night Tacos on Oct.           0633 today to find out more and to
                                                                                             Annual AZFORCE Doran Golf Classic will          Oct. 2, from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. on the hospital
7, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. The Elks Lodge is now        schedule your first appointment!
                                                                                             be held at the Foothills Golf Course, 2201      campus, 5880 S. Hospital Drive in Globe. The
open to the public for dine-in with limited                                                  E. Clubhouse Dr., Phoenix, AZ on Sunday,        “Get Fit Run” competition heat will begin at 9
seating for social distancing. Please be        Free Paint For Superior Residents
                                                                                             May 16. Registration is at 7:30 a.m. and        a.m. Mark your calendars! This year’s focus is
advised the final day for tacos will be May                                                  shotgun start is at 8:30 a.m. The 4-Person      beautiful Globe-Miami and all that the region
5. As always we appreciate the support            Great news for Superior Homeowners!        Scramble tournament will cost $95 per           has to offer: hiking, biking, kayaking, fishing,
from the Community.                             The Chamber of Commerce just received a      player, or, $360 for a foursome, to enter.      boating, camping and many other outdoor
Wednesday Night BINGO                           large load of paint.We can supply you with   This includes golf, gift bags, lunch, and on    “ings”.There will be health, wellness and
                                                paint for the inside and outside of your     course prizes. There will be a raffle, silent   safety booths, outdoor activities, food trucks,
  Doors open at 4:30 p.m. for Wednesday         Superior home FREE. As always, exterior      auction and awards. This event will help        arts and crafts and so much more! Booth
night bingo and play starts at 7 p.m., at       trim paint for doors and window trim is      fund the team members, including Superior       operators are requested to provide their
San Pedro Valley Lions Club, 115 S. Main        available too. Call Tiffany Rowell at 480-   softball player Danika Bryant, traveling to     own chairs, tables and canopies if possible.
St. in Mammoth. Come down and enjoy!            815-6955 or the Chamber at 520-689-          national tournaments this summer Text           For more information send an email to:
Remember to wear a face mask. For               0200. There’s still time to paint outside    Coach Rick for a player sign-up sheet at or mail: Shantae Hunter,
information call 520-487-2000.                  before it gets too hot.                      602-386-6386.                                   5880 S. Hospital Drive, Globe, AZ 85501.
                Submit information to, online at or call 520-363-5554. Listings are free.
                 Copper Area News reserves the right to edit or refuse submissions. Submissions are due the Friday before Wednesday publication.
May 5, 2021                                                                                                                                Superior Sun | 9

                    Shop at Home: Edwardo’s Pizzeria & Subs
   n April 2020, COVID-19 brought much             Many small businesses and non-profits in        our local businesses. To date, Copper Area     serving their customers with for both
   of Arizona’s economy to a screeching           Arizona didn’t survive the lockdown. The         News has featured 57 businesses in the         take out and in-person dining. All menu
   halt. All businesses not deemed                businesses that did survive are hanging          Copper Corridor.                               items are available for take out. They
“essential” were ordered closed by                on as best they can. Copper Area News             Local restaurants faced some of the           are still operating with a limited in-
Arizona’s governor Doug Ducey.                    wanted to give something back to the local       toughest challenges when the pandemic          person capacity. They are located at
  The lockdown continued for nearly two           business community. Over the next several        hit; they were forced to reduce their          701 S. Belmont Ave. and they are open
months. When Gov. Ducey finally gave              weeks, our newspapers (Copper Basin              services to take out only and limit their      Wednesday-Monday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
the go ahead to reopen, businesses slowly         News, Superior Sun and San Manuel                capacity when they were finally allowed to     They are closed on Tuesday. To order take
began the road to recovery. Even those            Miner) will be featuring local businesses        re-open.                                       out or for more information, please call
listed as “essential” had a challenge with        and non-profits, encouraging our readers          Superior’s hometown, pizzeria Edwardo’s,      them at 520-689-2628.
this economic recovery.                           to Shop at Home, stay local and support          faced those challenges and immediately
                                                                                                   did all they could to ensure that their
                                                                                                   operations remained safe for those who

                                                                                                   continued to order take out.
                                                                                                    Take home pizza is always a favorite
                                     Continued from page 6                                         for many families. In addition to pizza,
                                                                                                   Edwardo’s is well known for fresh salads,
until the final inning, but fell short by only    will cost you.”                                  tasty sub sandwiches and several other
scoring one point. The game resulted in            Friday, the boys played against San             meal specials. People come from far and
a closer loss, with a final score of 4-10.        Manuel for the second time in the season.        wide to enjoy Edwardo’s pizza, it is clearly
Danika Bryant once again pitched five             The Panthers started off strong closing out      the favorite menu item and they have a
innings, earning 10 strikeouts.                   the first inning with a nine-point lead.         variety of pizza toppings.
 The Panthers started last week with a             “We came out ready to play and had a             One loss for the business operations
tough loss to Ray, following the previous         huge first inning,” said coach Ortega.           was the lack of community meetings that
2-16 loss against the Bearcats. A 1-1 score        The boys’ intensity continued, and they         would be hosted by the Superior Optimist
during the second inning remained until           walked away victorious, with a final score       along with the catering by local businesses
the Bearcats scored four runs in the fifth        of 15-3. Marcos Galindo got the W on the         and pizza parties hosted by the school.        Edwardo’s Pizzeria is open for
inning. The Panthers once again tied it up        mound, and pitched 4 strikeouts during            Despite the challenges of the pandemic,       business. Come on in for some yummy
5-5 in the sixth inning. Falling short by         the game. David Drennan went 3 for 4 at          Edwardo’s Pizza is still operating and         pizza.
four runs, the final score was 6-9.               the bat, with 2 RBIs.
 “We played better this go around, but             “It was a very good team win. It was a
committed to many errors on defense,”             good way to end the regular season,” coach
said coach Manuel Ortega. “Against a good         Ortega concluded, “Now it’s time to get
team like Ray, you can’t make errors or it        ready for state. The best time of the year.”

                                     Continued from page 4
when handling these items and wash their          carts downstairs in the outside patio and
hands frequently. Staff will also wear a mask     when parents or children come and pick up
or face shield.                                   his/her bag they can take as many books
• If a person using the computer requires         as they want. Dates for the program will be
help from staff they must maintain social         announced at a later date. Tentative plans
distancing guidelines and staff must wear a       are to have the program on Tuesdays and
mask. Patrons are required to wear a mask as      will start June 1 through June 29. They will
mentioned earlier.                                have to access downstairs through north side
 The Summer Reading Program this year             of building using the stairwell. The librarian
will be a Grab and Go, Take and Make bag          will be downstairs to give them their bags
program. Flyers will be sent to children at the   and monitor book carts. It worked out really
schools. Notice will be put in the Superior       well last summer.
Sun. Those interested can have parents call         “We are all going to struggle since we
the library to register. Bags will contain a      have such limited staff. Patrons will have to
Reading Log, Activity pages and a craft they      comply with the Library’s Code of Conduct.
can work on at home. Since we were unable         Hopefully we can go back to normal
to have our book sale this year, we will be       operations in the near future,” said lead
putting our withdrawn children’s books on         librarian Josie Campos.

                      Patronize Our Advertisers
10 | Superior Sun                                                                                                                                                                  May 5, 2021

(520) 385-2266 & (520) 363-5554                               Buy Online:                          CLASSIFIED                       Deadline Friday 5 pm
            1. Automobile                          10. Business Services                     25. Instruction                     20. Help Wanted                    20. Help Wanted                     20. Help Wanted
DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive                                               TRAIN ONLINE TO DO MEDICAL BILLING!
maximum value of write off for your taxes.
Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free
                                                    DASCH IN                      Become a Medical Office Professional
                                                                                  online at CTI! Get Trained, Certified &    Build your business                                  TOWN OF KEARNY
pickup. Call for details. 866-932-4184 (AzCAN)     Thrift Shoppe                  ready to work in months! Call 866-459-
                                                                                  5480. (M-F 8am-6pm ET) (AzCAN)             showing beauty                               OPEN CONTINUOUS, UNTIL FILLED
                                                    520.336.8750                                                                 products.                                 ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR
                                                                                                                           Call Beverly McGhee at
 Find your next ride
                                                 375 E. American Ave., Unit 1
                                                         Oracle, AZ
                                                                                           20. Help Wanted                   520-487-0250 or
                                                                                                                                                                           OFFICE ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK
                                                                                                                                                                     Part-Time with the possibility of becoming Full-Time
                                                                                                                            520-444-4568 (cell)                                        Pay $12.15/Hour
     in the classified!
                                                                                    Find your next job                                                        Town of Kearny is a rural community nestled within the Mescal
                                                 Peppersauce                          in the classified!
                                                                                                                                 Call 520-385-2266 or
                                                                                                                             520-363-5554 to place your ad.
                                                                                                                                                              and Tortilla Mountains. The Administration Department is looking

     10. Business Services                       Motorsports                                                                                                  for a master multi-tasker with excellent communication skills
                                                                                                                                                              and an upbeat attitude. Candidates should be able to assist
                                                  TIRE SHOP                                 The Town of Superior is accepting
                                                                                                                                                              management and all visitors to the Town by handling office
                                                                                                                                                              tasks, providing polite and professional assistance via phone,
                                                    136 W. 8th Ave.,
         Oracle                                       San Manuel
                                                                                        applications for Life Guards. Must be able                            mail, and e-mail, making reservations, and generally being a
                                                                                                                                                              helpful and positive presence in the workplace.
                                                                                      to pass a pre-employment drug/alcohol test,
         Electric                                     Offering                           attend a lifeguard certification and CPR
                                                                                                                                                                • Handling office tasks, such as filing, generating reports
  Residential, Commercial                            Passenger                         certification. Applications may be obtained                                and presentations, meetings preparations and reordering
    Kevin Brandt, Owner                              Car & Truck                        from the Town Hall, 199 N. Lobb Avenue,
        520.603.4800                                 Tire Repair                                                                                                • Screening phone calls and routing callers to the appropriate

       ROC 198813 CR11                                                                    Superior, AZ. Positions open till filled.                               party

                                                                                                                                                                • Using computers to generate reports, enter customer
    Licensed, Bonded, Insured                                                                      Starting pay $12.15 hr.                                        payments and conduct research
                                                                                             The Town of Superior is an EOE.                                    • Greet and assist residents, visitors and vendors
          20. Help Wanted                             20. Help Wanted                                                                                           • Municipal accounting and reporting, collect payments from
                                                                                                                                                                  residents, businesses and more
                                                                                                                                                                • Maintain polite and professional communication via phone,

             Job Fair – Now Hiring
                                                                                                                                                                  e-mail, and mail
                                                                                                                                                                • Must possess a High School Diploma or GED
  San Manuel Holdings is hosting a Job Fair this Friday May 7th from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at                                   Copper Triangle Mining               • Administrative experience
        Oracle Community Center, 685 E American Ave, Oracle, AZ 85623.                                                     Services is looking for:             • Excellent computer skills, Microsoft Office suite
                                                                                                                                                                • Customer Service and Attention to Detail
                       Ground floor of an exiting and promising industry!                                                            LABORER
                                                                                                                                                                • Familiarity with office procedures and basic accounting
          We are looking for 35 people in the local communities to be part of our team.                                    Qualifications:                         principles
                                                                                                                           • Valid drivers license              • Working knowledge of office devices and processes
     We will be hiring 25 CULTIVATION TECHS and 10 ONSITE SECURITY GUARDS.                                                                                      • Outstanding communication and organizational skills
                                                                                                                           • Pass background
                                                                                                                                                                • Able to lift 20 pounds
 CULTIVATION TEAM DUTIES:                                        SECURITY GUARD DUTIES:                                      check
 • Manual labor building out the cultivation                     • Operating Onsite security systems                                                            • Have a valid Arizona Driver’s License
                                                                                                                           • Pass drug test                     • Have a copy of Motor Vehicle Driving Record
   facility                                                      • Monitoring cameras                                      • Able to lift 50-lbs
 • Moving plants                                                 • Securing the premises                                                                        • Have communication and teamwork skills
 • Running irrigation lines                                      • Checking in and checking out visitors/                  Job Description:                     • Have commitment to town policies, regulations and safety
 • Setting up equipment                                            employees                                               • Light maintenance                    rules
 • Planting
                                                                 SECURITY GUARD REQUIREMENTS:                                work                             BENEFITS FOR PART TIME EMPLOYEES:
 • Harvesting                                                                                                              • Landscaping                      Paid-Time off for Sick
                                                                 • Must be over the age of 21
 • Cleaning                                                                                                                • Cleaning restrooms
                                                                 • Must have no criminal record                                                               BENEFITS FOR FULL TIME EMPLOYEES:
 • Watering
                                                                 • Must have reliable transportation                       • Some handyman                    Paid-Time off Sick and Vacation, Paid Town Holidays, Paid
 REQUIREMENTS:                                                   • Must be available for overnight shifts                    work                             Medical Insurance, Vision and Part of the Dental Plan, AZ State
 • Must have ability to work as a team                           • Must be ready to start immediately                                                         Retirement
 • Must have a good attitude and ready to work                   • Must have a working cell phone available at                Working with the
                                                                                                                            Town of Superior with             Applications are continuously accepted. Positions will be open
   hard                                                            all times
                                                                                                                                                              until filled. Applications are available online or at the Kearny
 • Must be over the age of 21                                    • NO cultivation experience required                      possibility of getting full
                                                                                                                                                              Town Hall, 912-C Tilbury Drive, Kearny AZ, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00
 • Must have no criminal record                                                                                                       time.                   p.m. Monday through Thursday or call 520-363-5547 and one
 • Must have reliable transportation
 • Must be available full time                                                   Starting @                                     $13.00 to $15.00              can be emailed to you.
 • Must be ready to start immediately                                              $13/hr                                        depending on                          The Town of Kearny is an EEOC employer
 • NO cultivation experience required                                                                                             experience              
                                                                                                                                Applications at:
                                                 Resumes in advance preferred but walk-ins welcome! If you
                                                 have a resume or would like to send us a description of your
                                                                                                                               160 W. Main St.                   Call 520-385-2266 or 520-363-5554
                                                                                                                                                                          to place your ad.
                                                  qualifications. Please send to                     Superior, AZ 85173
May 5, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                             Superior Sun | 11

(520) 385-2266 & (520) 363-5554                                               Buy Online:                                        CLASSIFIED                      Deadline Friday 5 pm
         20. Help Wanted                                        20. Help Wanted                                       20. Help Wanted                             20. Help Wanted                        45. Misc.                                       80. Rentals
                                                                                                                                                                                         Never Pay For Covered Home Repairs Again!

                          Ray Unified School District #3                                                                                                     Superior Unified School
                                                                                                                                                               District is currently
                                                                                                                                                                                         Complete Care Home Warranty COVERS
                                                                                                                                                                                         ALL MAJOR SYSTEMS AND APPLIANCES.
                                                                                                                                                                                         30 DAY RISK FREE. $200.00 OFF 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Oracle Apartments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1256 W. Neal St., Oracle, AZ 85623
                                         Position Announcements                                                                                               accepting applications
                                                                                                                                                                                         FREE Months! 1-877-565-0239 (AzCAN)

                                                                                                                                                                 for a Bus Driver/
                                                                                                                                                                                         DISH Network. $64.99 for 190 Channels!
                                                                                                                                                                                         Blazing Fast Internet, $19.99/mo. (where
                                                                                                                                                                                         available.) Switch & Get a FREE $100 Visa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             “Good things are happening!”
Position Type: Junior/Senior High School Principal/Athletic Director           Position Type: Physical Education Teacher (Grades 7-12)                        Maintenance Worker.
Date Posted: 4/13/2021                                                         Date Posted: 4/12/2021                                                                                    Gift Card. FREE Voice Remote. FREE HD
                                                                                                                                                                                         DVR. FREE Streaming on ALL Devices.               39 modern 1 & 2 bedroom apartments for
Location: Kearny, Arizona                                                      Location: Kearny, Arizona                                                      For more information       Call today! 1-855-722-2290 (AzCAN)                individuals, families and seniors, families,
Closing Date: Until Filled                                                     Closing Date: May 1, 2021                                                        visit our website at     NEED NEW FLOORING? Call Empire Today® to          and disabled. Subsidy depending on
Ray Unified School District is seeking a principal who is:                     Position Goals: Provide a quality physical education program that            schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting     availability and eligibility. Certain income
• Approachable, innovative, and enthusiastic leader who believes               motivates students to develop skills, attitudes and knowledge needed                                      & Flooring. Call Today! 877-591-3539 (AzCAN)      restrictions apply. Federally subsidized.
  in equity and has had successful experiences in leading a diverse            for a lifetime of physical activity.                                             or call the District
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • On-Site Managers Office
  student population.
                                                                               Description:                                                                           Office at                                                            • On-Call Maintenance
• Knowledgeable and supportive of students with varying
• Highly visible throughout campus on a consistent basis.
                                                                               • Contract: 10 Month Position/ 150 days/4-day work week
                                                                               • Start Date 08/2/2021
                                                                                                                                                                      ext. 3001
                                                                                                                                                                                                       80. Rentals                         • Playground/Basketball Hoop
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • 30 Minutes from Tucson
• Has excellent relationship and communication skills.                         Qualification:                                                                                                                                              • Lease, Security Deposit Required
• An involved leader and maintains strong relationships with staff,            • Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college/university                                                 Looking for an affordable 62+ senior apartment?
  parents, and community members.                                                                                                                                                        Superior Arboretum Apartments, immediate           This institution is an equal opportunity
• A strong advocate for school safety and security
• Establishes a positive school culture.
                                                                               • Valid Arizona Elementary or Secondary Teacher Certification with
                                                                                 Physical Education K-12 endorsement (required)
                                                                               • AZ IVP Fingerprint Clearance Card (required)
                                                                                                                                                                  44. Yard Sales         occupancy, one bedroom & studios, on-site
                                                                                                                                                                                         laundry & utility allowance. Rent based
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    provider and employer.

• Develops faculty and celebrates student and staff success.                                                                                                                             on Income Guidelines. 199 W. Gray Dr.,             An equal opportunity employer, committed
                                                                               Salary: Teachers Salary Schedule                                                                          Superior, AZ. Call 1-866-962-4804, www.            to ensuring non-discrimination in all terms,
                                                                                                                                                                                Equal Housing
Description: Ray Junior/Senior High school serves 190 students with
a teaching staff of 12.                                                        Benefits:                                                                         YARD SALE               Opportunity. Wheelchair Accessible. (AzCAN)                 conditions and privileges.
                                                                               • Arizona State Retirement (ASRS)
• 12 Month Position/ 4-day work week
• Start Date 07/01/2021                                                        • Medical, Dental, Vision Insurance
                                                                                                                                                             FRIDAY/SATURDAY                                                                For information and application, come in or

                                                                                                                                                                                            Dalton Realty
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       call (520) 896-2618
Summary: The Principal is the administrative and instructional
                                                                               • Paid Time Off                                                                 MAY 7th & 8th                                                                          T.D.D. (800) 842-4681
                                                                               • Life Insurance
leader of the school. He/She assumes full responsibility for all aspects                                                                                         7am - 3pm                                                                                 Office Hours:
                                                                               • Wellness Program
of the site including implementation of the instructional program,
                                                                                                                                                              665 W. Sonora St.                                                               EQUAL Wednesday-Thursday
facilities operation and maintenance, school/community relations,
                                                                                                                                                                                           Superior, Kearny & Top of the World Rentals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             HOUSING      9 a.m.-2 p.m.
                                                                               Position Type: Night Custodian                                                                                                                              OPPORTUNITY
business affairs of the school as they relate to the overall mission of the
district and the school, and the utilization and development of staff          Date Posted: 4/13/2021                                                             Superior
and faculty. In doing so, he/she makes the most efficient utilization of       Location: Kearny, Arizona                                                      Between Bridge & Church
resources available in providing the maximum instructional benefit to          Closing Date: Until Filled
all students.
• Master’s Degree in Education including course work in education
                                                                               Position Goals: The custodian works under the supervision and
                                                                               is responsible for the care, maintenance and sanitation of District
                                                                               grounds and facilities. Working in accordance with District and health
                                                                                                                                                                  100. Real Estate                  100. Real Estate                                 100. Real Estate
leadership/administration.                                                     Department standards, the Custodian cleans and maintains building
                                                                               and grounds area: cleans classrooms, restrooms, library, offices, gyms,

                                                                                                                                                                               Amy Whatton Realty
• Arizona Principal Certification and AZ IVP Fingerprint Clearance
Card (required)                                                                auditorium, locker rooms, sidewalks, and other areas; performs minor
                                                                               repair and maintenance work and sets up for special events.
• Minimum of three years of successful experience as an administrator          Description:
• Knowledge of education at the appropriate level                              • Part-time Evening, 4 Hours per Day
• Head coaching and Athletic Director                                          • 10 Month Position/ 150 days/4-day work week

Salary: Range $68,000 - $108,000                                               Qualification:                                                                               Phone: 928-812-2816                                      Helping families find their
                                                                               • High School Diploma or GED
                                                                               • Ability to push and pull and use repetitive foot, arm, shoulder, hand                    Email:                                  dream homes since 1986.
                                                                                 and back movements as necessary to complete assignment.
Position Type: Teacher (4 Grades 2021-2022)
Date Posted: 4/13/2021
                                                                               • Ability to regularly lift 50 pounds.
                                                                               • Proficiency in the use of custodial equipment and cleaning chemicals
                                                                                                                                                                                               SAN MANUEL
Location: Kearny, Arizona
Closing Date: Until Filled
                                                                               • Ability to work outside in both heat and cold.
                                                                               • Ability to read and interpret documents such as safety rules,               • 124 Ave A 2 bdrm 2 bath home.
                                                                                                                                                                                           SALE Enlarged kitchen, Ceramic tile flooring, Block
Position Goals: While under the direct supervision of the Principal,
the Teacher will provide sound and consistent instruction to students,
                                                                                 operating and maintenance instructions, and procedure manuals.
                                                                                 Ability to read and interpret Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
                                                                                                                                                              walls in back yard and huge garage. $115,000
modifying curriculum as needed, to support academic growth that
enables each student to reach their full potential.
                                                                               Salary: Hourly $12.39                                                         • 110 4th Ave. Cute as can be with ceramic tile flooring and matching kitchen
                                                                               The physical demands must be met by an employee to successfully
                                                                                                                                                              and bath backsplash. Includes stove and refrigerator. Great views! Must see!
• Contract: 10 Month Position/ 150 days/4-day work week
• Start Date 08/2/2021
                                                                               perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations
                                                                               may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the
• Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college/university
                                                                               essential functions.
                                                                                                                                                             • 111 5th Pl. 2 bdrm 1 ba. with added laundry room. Remodeled kitchen and
                                                                               While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly                                                SOLD
• Valid Arizona Teaching Certification in Appropriate Area
• AZ IVP Fingerprint Clearance Card (required)
                                                                               required to stand; use hands to finger, handle, or feel; reach with            bath, new wood and tile flooring, new  windows, she-shed, workshop. Fenced
                                                                                                                                                              front and back yards. $112,000
                                                                               hands and arms; and talk or hear. The employee will be engaged in
Salary: Teachers Salary Schedule                                               daily strenuous physical activity. The employee is frequently required
                                                                               to climb, balance, bend, stoop, kneel, crouch or crawl. The employee is
• Arizona State Retirement (ASRS)
                                                                               frequently required to lift and carry up to 25 pounds and occasionally
                                                                               lift and move up to 75 pounds. The employee frequently is required
                                                                                                                                                             • 723 Dungan Beautiful 2 bdrm 1 bath home on lg. fenced lot. Lots of trees,
• Medical, Dental, Vision Insurance                                            to move about the District or campus. The employee is occasionally
• Paid Time Off                                                                required to sit.
• Life Insurance
• Wellness Program
                                                                               Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision and the
                                                                               ability to adjust focus.
                                                                                                                                                              shrubs and garden areas. Must see! $92,500

        To formally apply for these positions, please visit the Ray Unified                                                                                                              Amy Whatton Broker
                    School District’s website:                                                                                                                                (928) 812-2816
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