Superfoods? Overview of Moringa and Matcha

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Superfoods? Overview of Moringa and Matcha
Food supplements Wellness Foods Europe

Overview of Moringa and Matcha
Dr Sylvia Pfaff, FIS Europe

There are probably lots of reasons why              Demographic developments, the related increase
people no longer know what optimum nutri-           in health awareness and the considerable pur­
tion is: One of these is that scientists are con-   chasing power among the older generation are
stantly changing the nutrition rules. Another       certainly reasons for the high demand. The regu­
is the increasing appearance of often bizarre       latory framework for marketing communica­
diets promising optimum results and claim-          tions is very tight. The Health Claims Regula­
ing to have the right remedy for every ill. No      tion (EC) No. 1924/2006 and the German Food
wonder a third of people in Germany are             Supplements Ordinance (NemV) establish clear
avid consumers of food supplements such as          rules on this. Statements on a product’s mode
vitamin preparations, plant extracts or cap-        of action can only be made using the authorised
sules with omega 3 fatty acids. The market          claims (see EU Register on Nutrition and Health
for these supplements in Europe is six billion      Claims), which must be supported by scientific
euros. The annual growth rate of three to five      evidence. The German Food Supplements Ordi­
per cent is further proof of how lucrative this     nance defines food supplements as “food which
business is.                                        1.) is intended to supplement the normal diet,

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Superfoods? Overview of Moringa and Matcha
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                2.) is a concentrated source of nutrients or other                      bel. This enables the German authorities to
                substances with nutritional or physiological ef­                        keep track of the offer and maintain controls
                fect on their own or in combined form and 3.)                           more easily.
                is marketed in dose form (...)”. Nutrients in the                          One particular sphere of food supplements
                context of this ordinance are vitamins and mi­                          is that of dried plant parts or plant extracts.
                nerals including trace elements. The German                             Examples of these are tea, herbs and spices.
                Food Supplements Ordinance also makes a                                 Their positive effect on the human organism
                statement concerning the packaging and pub­                             has been known and valued for thousands of
                licity of a product: “The labelling, presentation                       years. What is “novel” in this respect is the
                and advertising of a food supplement must not                           introduction of exotic plants such as moringa
                state or imply that a balanced or varied diet can­                      and matcha, which have been used in the diet
                not provide appropriate quantities of nutrients                         in their countries of origin for decades.
                in general.”
                    Additionally, a marketer (producer or im­                           Moringa oleifera – the tree of life > Moringa be­
                porter) of a food supplement must submit a                              longs to the family of moringaceae. The name
                notification to the German Federal Office of                            comes from the word for drumstick, which de­
                Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL),                              scribes the appearance of the pods. Moringa
                at the latest when first placing it on the mar­                         is also known as the ben oil tree, from the oil
                ket, together with a sample of the product la­                          which is derived from the pod seeds. Virtually all
                                                                                        parts of the plant can be used in the diet: leaves,
                                                                                        fruit, blossoms, seeds and oil, as well as the pow­
                                                                                        der from the leaves. Because of the long trans­
                                                                                        port routes, western countries place the highest
                                                                                        value on moringa in powder or capsule form.
                                                                                        These presentation forms are basic require­
                                                                                        ments for classification as food supplements.
                                                                                        The shoots taste like horseradish and the fruit
                                                                                        tastes like asparagus. Because of the high con­
                                                                                        centration of nutrients, moringa is considered to
                                                                                        be the supplement with the richest supply of vital
                                                                                        substan­ces on the market. It contains 90 impor­
                                                                                        tant nutrients in sufficient concentrations. Here
                                                                                        are some examples:
                                                                                        17 x as much calcium as milk,
                                                                                        15 x as much potassium as bananas,
                                                                                        7 x as much vitamin C as oranges,
                                                                                        7 x as much vitamin B1, B2 as yeast,
                                                                                        6 x as much polyphenols as red wine,
                                                                                        4.5 x as much folic acid as beef liver,
                                                                                        4.5 x as much vitamin E as wheat seedlings,
                                                                                        4 x as much vitamin A and 2.5 x as much caro­
                                                               Photo©: Dr. Goerg GmbH

                                                                                        tene as carrots

                                                                                        Overall, regular intake of moringa can help en­
                                                                                        hance and protect the immune system. How­ever,
                                                                                        these claims are based on traditional use in the

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Superfoods? Overview of Moringa and Matcha
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countries of origin. So far there have been few      – While the plant is a source of flavonoids,
scientific studies carried out directly on humans.     the main bioactives, which seem to be
Many of the existing studies draw their findings       somewhat unique to this plant, include the
from animal experiments on rats or mice. One of        isothiocyanate class of molecules (struc­
these studies, which was undertaken by French          turally similar to sulphorophane), the car­
researchers and published in the Dakar Med             bamates and their glycosides. Niazirine
Journal, found that moringa roots have anti-­          and RBITC seem to be important compo­
inflammatory properties and could be helpful in        nents. This plant appears to have a small
the treatment of acute inflammatory conditions         paracetamol content – interestingly, as gly­
such as bronchitis and rheumatoid arthritis.           cosides.
   In the study the researchers administered         – There appear to be anti-amnaesiac proper-
either distilled water (the control group) or          ties associated with moringa leaf extracts,
10 mg/kg indomethacin (an anti-inflamma­               although the exact molecule underlying
tory drug) or a root extract of moringa oleif-         these benefits is not known and the poten­
era (750 mg/kg or 1000 mg/kg) to a group of            cy is not absolute.
rats. 30 minutes later, a swelling was induced       – Moringa may inhibit cholesterol absorp­
on the rats’ paws by means of an injection of          tion from the intestines, but this does not
carrageenan.                                           appear to be involved with the inhibition
   It was shown that 750 mg/kg moringa ex­             of fatty acid absorption.
tract inhibited the development of oedema            – The limited evidence in humans suggests
one, three, and five hours after the injection.        there may be a hypolipidaemic effect of
Increasing the dosage to 1000 mg/kg did not            moringa supplementation in diabetics.
inhibit oedema development any further after         – Currently unknown components in the
one hour and three hours, but it did increase          leaves appear to possess fairly respectable
it after five hours. Indomethacin inhibited            anti-bacterial properties
oedema development at comparable levels to           – Moringa appears to be a respectable anti-
the 750 mg/kg dose of moringa extract.                 oxidant in vitro from the point of view of
   The website has a very good             scavenging free radicals, but it fails to out­
review of the scientific studies on moringa.           perform vitamin C, and it is less potent
The authors are committed to unbiased re­              than many other medicinal herbs
porting on health supplements and diet. In           – The antioxidant effects of the leaf extracts
their article on scientific research into mo­          apparently also occur in the kidney, where
ringa they cite 140 references, which they ar­         they may protect against oxidative toxins
range into individual topics. Here are some          – Moringa appears to have anti-cancer
examples of the authors’ comments:                     properties in vitro against pancreatic can­
– As far as the overall macronutrient and              cer, but this occurs at a relatively high con­
   phenolic contents of moringa oleifera are           centration and may not be optimum fol­
   concerned, the stem and root portions               lowing oral ingestion of the supplement
   of the plant appear to have the least bio­        – Moringa appears to have quite potent anti-
   actives of interest (phenolics, proteins and        fertility actions in pregnant rats, and may
   fatty acids), which supports the use of the         be able to induce abortion. It is therefore
   leaf extracts as the medicinal component.           not recommended for pregnant women.
   The flowers appear to have a high pheno­
   lic content and, as with most seeds, mor­         Moringa leaves are also a good source of pro­
   inga’s seeds contain mainly proteins and          tein. There are 9 essential amino acids required
   fatty acids.                                      for human protein synthesis: histidine, isoleu­

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Superfoods? Overview of Moringa and Matcha
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                cine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine,    “This supplement needs to be approached with
                threonine, tryptophan and valine. Mo­ringa           a measure of scepticism. While there is definite­
                provides these in quantities which are more          ly some good research substantiating the use
                than sufficient compared with the stan­dards for     of moringa, there are also some drawbacks.
                small children stipulated by the World Health        As the tree is so economical, supplements are
                Organisation (WHO), the Food and Agri­               cheap and easy to produce. These low over­
                culture Organisation (FAO) and the United            head costs make it ideal for companies to mass
                Nations Organisation (UNO).                          produce moringa and market it based on its nu­
                   A further use stems from the ability of the       trient content and antioxidant potential. While
                seeds to disinfect and purify water. 0.2 g ground    these properties are notable, they are not amaz­
                moringa seed can turn 1 litre of contaminated        ing.”
                water into drinking water. The water-purifying
                effect of moringa is chiefly due to the coagula­     Matcha – green gold > Matcha, meaning
                ting action of certain ingredients in the seeds.     “ground”, is made from tencha tea, one of the
                The bacteria and suspended particles clump to­       oldest tea sorts in Japan. The tea leaves ripen
                gether to form agglomerates, which sink to the       slowly in shaded plantations. The freshly dried
                bottom or can be filtered out. The ingredients       leaves are then slowly ground to a fine, jade-
                of the seeds also have direct bactericide pro­       green powder using traditional granite grind­
                perties.                                             stone mills. Only the leaf particles are ground
                                                                     – not the stem or leaf skeleton. It is important
                Oral use of moringa powder > As already men­         to select the best and finest organic quality. The
                tioned, there have so far been few studies car­      tea is prepared by pouring a modicum of hot
                ried out on humans. This means it is only possi­     water over a small amount of the powder and
                ble to calculate the recommended intake based        beating the mixture to a smooth, uniform con­
                on animal experiments using aqueous extracts         sistency with a bamboo whisk until it becomes
                from the leaves. On the basis of these experi­       frothy. Matcha prepared in this way is classed as
                ments, the optimum dose for humans has been          a food product, but it is also available in powder
                calculated as 29 mg per kilogram body weight.        or capsule form, making it suitable for use as a
                The question arises as to whether this dose is       dietary supplement.
                sufficient to achieve a positive result. At the         In contrast to normal leaf teas which re­
                same time it is also known that high doses can       lease only a fraction of their active ingredients
                have the reverse effect and produce negative re­     through infusion in hot water, the whole tea
                sults, such as a genotoxic effect on cells.          leaf with all its valuable substances is ingested
                    When using moringa it should be noted that       100 % in the case of matcha powder. As a re­
                it is a plant which grows naturally and over the     sult, matcha tea contains roughly 15 times more
                course of time is subject to influences from the     active ingredients than any other conventional
                soil and air as well as from contact with people     sort of green tea. It is also particularly rich in
                and animals. This includes microbiological           antioxidants. One of these, epigallocatechin gal­
                contaminations and combustion products from          late (EGCG), a catechin and very potent anti­
                exhaust emissions in the countries of produc­        oxidant, belongs to the flavenoids, a subcatego­
                tion. For this reason it is not advisable to buy a   ry of polyphenols.
                moringa product which has come onto the Ger­            A host of positive effects are attributed to
                man market without being sterilised.                 EGCG. According to some studies, it may have
                    As a result of their research into the various   an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as a posi­
                studies, the authors of come to a        tive effect on disorders of the immune sys­
                sobering conclusion:                                 tem. Studies also indicate health-promoting ef­

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fects with cancer. It appears to inhibit tumour
growth. EGCG is even being investigated in
Alzheimer’s research. Researchers hope that the
extract from green tea might prevent the disease
at a very early stage. However, it is not yet clear
whether EGCG alone is responsible for these
effects. Scientists also consider it possible that
there are interactions with other ingredients.
Apart from this, it would be necessary to drink
large amounts every day rather than a 100 mil­
lilitre cup.
    Matcha capsules supply energy and have
other properties which have a positive effect
on the human organism:
– A high catechin content (up to 15 %), and
    thus a high content of antioxidants. Matcha
    is rich in vitamin A, C, E and B complex and
    contains 900 % more beta carotene than            Photo©: Dr. Goerg GmbH

– The caffeine is bound to tannins, which
    slows down release into the bloodstream.          – In a study reported on in the American
Matcha capsules were developed for consum­              Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was found
ers who want to benefit from its advantages             that green tea extract resulted in a signifi­
and ener­gising effect in a quick, uncompli­            cant increase in energy expenditure (which
cated, efficient way. The key argument in fa­           is a measure of metabolism), as well as
vour of capsules is that they are easy to take.         having a significant effect on fat oxidation.
    The effects of green tea such as matcha           – A study tested the effect of regularly tak­
have been investigated over a long peri­                ing green tea extract and found that over
od of time. The Australian website Archeus              10 weeks, endurance exercise performance
provides a good overview of the scientific              was boosted by up to 24 % with 0.5 %
studies:                                                green tea extract supplementation and by
– As early as 1994 the British Journal of the           up to 8 % with 0.2 % by-weight addition
    National Cancer Institute published the re­         to food. Reporting in the online edition
    sults of an epidemiological study indicat­          of the American Journal of Physio­logy-
    ing that drinking green tea reduced the risk        Regulatory, Integrative and Compara-
    of oesophageal cancer in Chinese men and            tive Physio­logy, researchers at the Biolog­
    women by nearly sixty per cent. Researchers         ical Sciences Labo­ratories of Kao Corp.,
    from the University of Purdue, West Lafay­          Tochigi, Japan, said the 8–24 % increase
    ette, Indiana, recently concluded that a com­       in swimming time-to-exhaustion was
    pound in green tea inhibits the growth of           “accompanied by lower respiratory quo­
    cancer cells                                        tients and higher rates of fat oxidation.”
– Antioxidant compounds (catechins) in green          – Drinking green tea could modulate the ef­
    tea could help promote exercise-induced ab­         fect of smoking on lung cancer. Results of
    dominal fat loss, according to a new study          a hospital-based, randomised study con­
    from the American Journal of Clinical Nu-           ducted in Taiwan were presented at the
    trition.                                            AACR-IASLC Joint Conference on Mole­

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                  cular Origins of Lung Cancer, held 11-14            Conclusion > Scientific methods of analysis have
                  January 2010.                                       improved continually in recent decades. Besides
                – A study published in the Journal of Perio-          classic animal experiments, ethically justifiable
                  dontology revealed yet another benefit of           studies are also carried out directly on humans.
                  green tea consumption. Researchers found            If these findings are not yet conclusive – as in
                  that routine intake of green tea may also           the case of moringa – it is advisable to use such
                  help promote healthy teeth and gums. The            supplements with caution. It can easily happen
                  study analysed the periodontal health of 940        that an overdose ends up doing more harm than
                  men, and found that the periodontal health          good. A larger number of studies are available
                  of those who regularly drank green tea was          on the effectiveness of green tea such as matcha.
                  superior to that of subjects who consumed           These definitely show a positive effect on well­
                  less green tea.                                     being.
                – Seven cups of green tea a day over the long            Nevertheless, legislators must stem the
                  term may massively reduce the risk of death         tide of effusive marketing of these “positive”
                  from colorectal cancer and heart disease.           properties. Legislators act as a sort of shield
                  This is suggested by a new study from Ja­           for the consumer, who would otherwise be
                  pan. Compared to results in people drink­           unable to distinguish between serious and
                  ing less than one cup a day, seven or more          misleading offers. At the same time, consum­
                  cups of green tea a day may reduce the risk         ers themselves should exercise caution as a
                  of dying from heart disease by a massive            general measure, since these products are not
                  75 per cent, as reported by scientists from         part of our normal diet and we lack experi­
                  Okayama University in the Annals of Epi­            ence with the dosage. You can also get too
                  demiology.                                          much of a good thing!

                In summary, it can be said that whether as a          References >
                powder for blending with hot water or in cap­         [1] Anja Steinbuch, Das Geschäft mit den Vita­
                sule form, matcha has a positive all-round ef­        minen, Handelsblatt online, 06.11.2013 (Quelle:
                fect on the immune system. This has led to  
                new marketing forms being developed, such as          technologie-update/healthcare/       nahrungser­
                matcha white sausage, matcha lemonade and             gaenzungsmittel-das-geschaeft-mit-den-vitamin­
                matcha smoothie                                       en/9024728.html)
                   Matcha white sausage is in fact pea-green in       [2] EU Register on nutrition and health claims
                colour. It provides all the benefits of matcha. Its   (Quelle: event=
                inventor Werner Gropp and co-creator butcher          search&CFID=1299854&CFTOKEN=9309c1
                Markus Hinterberger recognised the potential          8b27f9c6b7-0827E116-CA81-856A-015E9A3
                of ground green matcha tea as a condiment due         68B85397B&jsessionid=92122005b2ce48432
                to the possibility of using the whole leaf with       4826e743c0682a4b652TR)
                all its properties. The experiment was an imme­       [3] Sigrid Schmid, Patricia Blau, Kommunika­
                diate success. The traditional Bavarian Weiss­        tion für Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, Chancen
                wurst was enhanced by the green colour and            und Herausforderungen in Zeiten der Health-
                refined by the slightly tart flavour.                 Claims-Verordnung, Jahrbuch Healthcare Mar­
                   Matcha powder can also be mixed into               keting 2013 (Quelle:­
                drinks or fruit purees, in which case its earthy      admin/user_upload/JB_HCM_2013_ GIM.pdf)
                taste dissipates. This wide range of possibilities    [4]  Nahrungsergänzungsmittelverordnung
                makes matcha ideal for introducing new health         (NemV) vom 24. Mai 2004 (BGBl. I S. 1011),
                trends into the diet.                                 die zuletzt durch Artikel 2 der Verordnung vom

14 | Wellness Foods Europe – November 2014
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23. Oktober 2013 (BGBl. I S. 3889) geändert        gerufen am 13.10.2014 (Quelle. http://www.
worden ist (Quelle: http://www.gesetze-im-inter­­samt.pdf)               [16] Kim Denne, Matcha Green Tea Lemonade
[5] Moringa Oleifera: Der Baum des Lebens,         & Smoothie Recipes, aufgerufen am 15.10.2014
aufgerufen am 13.10.2014 (Quelle: https://blau­    (Quelle:    http://www.foodandhappinessblog.                com/matcha-green-tea-lemonade-smoothie-
[6]   Moringa, Wikipedia, aufgerufen am            recipes-2/)
13.10.2014 (Quelle:
wiki/ Moringa)
[7] Michael Ravensthorpe, Studie zeigt: Morin­     For more information:
ga oleifera wirkt deutlich entzündungs­hemmend,    Dr Sylvia Pfaff, FIS Europe,
01.01.2014 (Quelle: http://info.kopp-verlag.       Bahnhofstr. 10,
                                                   48455 Bad Bentheim, Germany
de/medizin-und-gesundheit/ge­sundes-leben/         Tel +49 5922 904003
michael-ravensthorpe/studie-zeigt-moringa-         E-Mail
[8] Kurtis Frank und unbekannten Autoren,
Moringa oleifera, Scientific Research, Examine,
18.08.2014 (Quelle:­
[9] Fragen und Antworten zu Moringa, auf­
gerufen am 13.10.2014 (Quelle: http://www.­
[10] Michael Gehrmann, Matcha – die Krö­
nung des Grüntees, aufgerufen am 13.10.2014
(Quelle: http://www.matcha-grü
[11] Jörg Römer, Trend-Getränk Matcha:
Schaumschläger aus Japan, Spiegel online Ge­
sundheit, 10.02.2013 (Quelle: http://www.­cha-tee-
[12] Matcha Kapseln, aufgerufen am 15.10.2014
[13] Matcha Scientific Studies, aufgerufen am
15.10.2014 (Quelle­ges/
[14] Cathy Wong, Matcha - what should I know
about it?, aufgerufen am 15.10.2014 (Quelle:
[15] Wissenwertes zur Matcha-Weisswurst, auf­

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