SUMMIT AFRICA 2018 - 7th -8th August 2018 Southern Sun Montecasino, Fourways Johannesburg, South Africa - Security News Network Magazine

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SUMMIT AFRICA 2018 - 7th -8th August 2018 Southern Sun Montecasino, Fourways Johannesburg, South Africa - Security News Network Magazine

7th -8th August 2018
Southern Sun Montecasino, Fourways
Johannesburg, South Africa
SUMMIT AFRICA 2018 - 7th -8th August 2018 Southern Sun Montecasino, Fourways Johannesburg, South Africa - Security News Network Magazine
Dimitri Kanellopoulos                  Jennifer Bezuidenhout
Channel Leader, Middle East & Africa   Director & Senior UX consultant
NCR Corporation                        VIGA

                                       Eddy Mabuza
Wayne L. Hull                          Director
Managing Director                      Ndende Technologies
Accenture Digital, Africa

                                       Kurt Burger
                                       Sales Manager
Jim Tomaney                            Bytes Systems Integration
Chief Operating Officer
Renovite Technologies Inc
                                       Mzukisi Risi
                                       Solutions lead, MEA
Yury Rakov
Technical Account Manager
Kaspersky Lab                          Dr Jacques Ludik
                                       Founder & Ceo, Cortex Logic
                                       Founder & President, Miia
Brian Richardson
Wizzit International

Mike PerK
Managing Director

Petrus Venter
Ethniks Systems

Philip Helberg
Solutions Consultant
Bytes Managed Solutions
DAY ONE                                                 AI TRENDS: THE LATEST BUZZ —
TO BANKING                                              BANKS AND CONSUMERS
Businesses in a wide range of industries face           Financial institutions are exploring AI to help
specific pain points and banks realize this. A           them in several areas: to reduce costs,
valuable opportunity exists for banks of all sizes to   enhance revenue, eliminate fraud and improve
offer services to resolve these issues, but lacking      the customer experience. Some industry
technology and compliance concerns handcuff the          pundits believe that banks could net billions in
financial industry from developing such solutions.       savings by implementing AI solutions.In this
For this reason, banks must deeply understand           session, you'll learn what banks are doing
what innovation entails and what it means to remain     today with AI, and how they and their
compliant while offering new, innovative products        customers can benefit from it.
and services. Banks can empower the delivery of
next-generation banking services, meeting market        HOW BANKS CAN BETTER SERVICE
needs across multiple verticals and delivering          THEIR CUSTOMERS IN A DIGITAL
concrete benefits to both businesses and                 WORLD
consumers.In this session will examine the
                                                        As more consumers turn to smartphones for
challenges, such as compliance concerns and
                                                        simple banking transactions, they've come to
inflexible banking systems that hinder financial
                                                        expect the same modern experience at a bank
institutions from developing innovative products
                                                        branch. What more can banks do to help their
and services. However, recent advancements in
                                                        customers? What is the future of customer
technology can be the bridge to overcome such
                                                        interaction in the digital age?
obstacles and discuss how banks can accomplish
                                                        HOW TO KEEP CASH-CARRYING
PREPARING FOR THE WINDOWS 10                            COSTS DOWN AND CASH-
MIGRATION                                               CARRYING CUSTOMERS HAPPY
Wait. What? Wasn't Windows 7 migration just a
year ago or something?                                  Despite the growing influence of digital
It might seem that windows 7 migration was just a       technology in banking and payments,
year ago or something (and for some late-to-the-        consumers' attachment to cash is likely to die
game institutions, it might even be true).              hard. In fact, cash is projected to grow at the
Nevertheless, Microsoft will be sunsetting Win 7        rate of 2.5-3 percent per year well into the
support in 2020, and now is the time to start           2030s, when its use will begin to wane. In the
mapping the path to Win 10.In this session, you'll      meantime, the challenge for banks is to make
get the information you need to do just that. And       sure that cash is readily available to customers
importantly, you'll learn how to use the new OS to      and relatively inexpensive to manage.
your competitive advantage by creating a richer
user experience.
                                                    HOW CAN TRENDING TECHNOLOGIES
Consumers these days expect their mobile            ENHANCE THE CUSTOMER
experiences to be intuitive and smooth.             EXPERIENCE?
Companies such as Amazon, Starbucks and
Uber have changed consumers' expectations           The Internet of Things is all the rage these
on mobile.That said, banks still lag behind as      days, but how does it fit into the branch
services such as mobile-account opening             experience? The IoT is just one of the tech
sometimes still require a visit to a bank branch.   trends banks should be monitoring, along with
What are the steps needed to take to provide        artificial intelligence, chatbots and big
mobile experiences on par with the biggest
retail brands?
                                                    END OF DAY ONE

LUNCH BREAK                                         DAY TWO
                                                    MOBILE BANKING: WHAT MORE CAN
Privacy. Technology. Transparency. Security.        What more should financial institutions add to
Convenience. Control.                               their apps to better serve the customer and
In a new age of banking that puts account           more clearly differentiate from the competition?
holders in the driver's seat, how can a bank
possibly reconcile all of these demands,            TABLETS: EMPOWERING CUSTOMERS
particularly when one (convenience, for             AND FREEING EMPLOYEES
instance) comes into conflict with another
(security, for instance)?                           Digital solutions and touch points help retail
One thing is certain: Getting the balance right     banks bring their brand to life in their branch
will require banks to think of themselves as        locations—bridging the digital with the physical.
customer partners — and not simply as service       The use of tablets in branches, either as self-
providers.                                          serve tablets for customers or in the hands of
                                                    retail bankers, has proliferated. In this session,
THE KEY TO SUCCESSFUL BRANCH                        we'll look at how tablets in banks can be used to
TRANSFORMATION                                      engage customers, provide a more
                                                    personalized experience, provide on-the-spot
Advanced self-service capabilities and              assistance, increase efficiencies, and generate
innovative new business processes are fine           cost-savings for branches.
and good, but if your employees aren't buying
the concept of tech-driven service delivery, you
can be sure they're not selling it, either. Some    TEA & COFFE BREAK
never will, but others just need effective tools
and training to come up to speed.In this            PLAYING WITH THE 'PAYS': CAN BANKS
session, you'll learn how the most successful       WIN AT THE MOBILE WALLET GAME?
branch transformations have turned tentative        As mobile payments gain traction with
employees into enthusiastic tech                    consumers, what should Banks do to
ambassadors.                                        encourage adoption of their products and
                                                    ensure a first-rate customer experience?
SELF-SERVICE                                          BRANCH TRANSFORMATION AND
                                                      THE ATM CHANNEL
The banking industry talks about “driving” users to
self-service channels. But customers are not cattle   Branch transformation isn't any one thing: It's
and, when treated as such, tend to get huffy and       not universal bankers with digital gadgets; not
take their business elsewhere. “Acclimating” might    sleek self-service devices capable of almost
be a better term. Learn how smart bankers are         any teller function; not IT systems that make
easing account holders into self-service channels     everything work like magic. It's all of these
and earning the added benefit of deeper customer       things, all revolving around the customer. Learn
relationships.                                        how one bank developed a comprehensive
                                                      transformation strategy and pulled it off
Put differently, all ATMs are self-service devices,
                                                      FINTECHS AND BANKS ARE 'PLAYING
but all self-service devices are not ATMs. However    NICE'
there is some confusion about definitions and          Banks are starting to join forces with fintech
distinctions between the two.This session will sort   providers as a strategy for rapidly acquiring
out the differences and provide background on the      digital expertise. What should an institution
pros and cons of various machine types;               look for in an acquisition? And what is the best
functionality, software, connectivity and security    way to ensure that a new fintech partner will
issues; and emerging technology trends that will      benefit both the bank and its customers?
either make today's models increasingly useful or
ultimately obsolete.
                                                      AFTERNOON BREAK
                                                      FRICTION-FREE MOBILE BANKING:
                                                      THE KEYS TO CREATING
                                                      IRRESISTIBLE CUSTOMER
The presenter in this session will deconstruct        EXPERIENCES
successful transformation projects to identify        The mobile app is fast becoming the banking
the basic concepts and important “extras” that        vehicle of choice — not only for millennials, but
contribute to a superior consumer experience.         also for “fast followers” in the boomer
Topics will include:                                  d e m o g r a p h i c . If y o u r m o b i l e b a n k i n g
Ÿ Evolving role of the branch                         transaction set isn't friction-free, you can
Ÿ Customer demographics                               eventually expect a customer loyalty meltdown.
Ÿ People and skill sets needed                        Today, remote deposit capture is a “must-have”
Ÿ Footprint (right-sizing)                            and features such as biometric login, account
Ÿ Technology                                          opening, appointment scheduling and even
Ÿ Amenities                                           mobile payment are in increasing demand.

LUNCH BREAK                                           END OF DAY TWO
                                   Bank Customer Experience Summit Africa
                                            7th -8th August 2018
                                      SOUTHERN SUN MONTE CASINO
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7th -8th August 2018
Southern Sun Monte Casino
Johannesburg South Africa
7th -8th August 2018
Southern Sun Montecasino, Fourways
Johannesburg, South Africa
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