Summer Camps Register for summer fun across parks, zoo & golf - Cleveland Metroparks

Page created by Louise Ramos
Summer Camps Register for summer fun across parks, zoo & golf - Cleveland Metroparks
                                     Click this icon appearing in articles
                                            to view videos on the subject.


MARCH 2021

Summer Camps
Register for summer fun
across parks, zoo & golf

Maple Sugaring
Experience Rocky River
Reservation’s sweetest tradition

Spring Style
Shop new Cleveland Metroparks
spring apparel

Youth fishing at
Ohio & Erie Canal
Summer Camps Register for summer fun across parks, zoo & golf - Cleveland Metroparks
CONTENTS                                         A LETTER FROM BRIAN ZIMMERMAN
                                                                                    Warmer Days Around the Bend
          2 Letter from Brian & Pathfinder
                                                                                    March has arrived, and as warmer days are now upon us, there are
                                                                                    signs of spring everywhere you look across our Emerald Necklace.
          3 Summer Camp Magic                                                       On the bluffs and shores of Lake Erie, a growing variety of birds call
                                                                                    with increased activity. Along forested trails, the first ephemeral
                                                                                    wildflowers begin to sprout. And in the deep woods, spring peepers
          4 Naturalist’s Almanac &                                                  and salamanders scurry to vernal pools for their annual migration.
            Outdoor Summer Camps
                                                                                    There’s exploration around every bend this spring.
          5 Nature Preschool                                                    Our March Emerald Necklace issue is a great resource not only for
                                                            planning your next adventure in Cleveland Metroparks but also for learning about
                                                            important conservation topics to our region. In this issue you can learn about the
          6 Maple Sugaring                                  seasonal celebration of maple sugaring in Ohio, the origins and importance of World
                                                            Water Day, easy steps to help combat climate change and new shipping proposals to
                                                            help protect our Great Lakes.
          7 Summer Zoo Camps
                                                            The March Emerald Necklace is also our camp issue! While summer is a few months away,
                                                            registration is now open for a variety of summer camps that offer adventure-based
          8 Junior Golf Classes & Camps                     fun including kayaking, climbing, sailing, mountain biking, golf and more as well as
                                                            education and conservation-based camps at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Spending time
          9		Nature Shops &                                 outdoors is linked to many benefits including a stronger immune system and increased
             Gift of Nature                                 concentration, and Cleveland Metroparks camps offer a variety of great activities for
                                                            children of all ages. You can also learn about our Nature Preschool, which is now in its
         10		 New Shipping Proposals &                      fourth year!
              Changing Climate’s Impact
                                                            As the weather continues to warm throughout the month, it also brings more
         11		 World Water Day &                             opportunities for outdoor recreation. As you explore our parks, please stay connected
              Friday Fish Fry                               to our website for the latest updates on park projects. This spring, of course, marks the
                                                            completion of our biggest trail projects to date that will provide more connections
         12		Directory & Map                                to and from downtown Cleveland and Lake Erie. The Whiskey Island Connector, Red
                                                            Line Greenway and Wendy Park Bridge will soon be open for public exploration and
             Click or touch a section above to access       adventure.
             it directly. Click on the home button
             (shown here) at the top corner of each         After a long winter, spring is always a transformative time in Cleveland Metroparks
             page to return you here.                       and this year there’s so much to be excited for. I can’t wait to see you out there!

                  NEWEST FEATURE! Click this
                  icon appearing in articles to
                  view videos on the subject.               Brian Zimmerman
                                                            Cleveland Metroparks CEO

                                                                      Pathfinder powered by PNC

                                             Pathfinder               Download thepowered  by to all 18 park reservations.
                                                                                   free guide
                                                                      The digital version of the Pathfinder can be easily stored on your
                                                                                                                          WITH   YOUR
                                                                      phone and taken with you as a reference point when visiting Cleveland
                                                                      Metroparks. You can also download by going to: clevelandmetroparks.

                                                     The digital version of the Pathfinder
                                                     can be easily stored on your phone
                                                      and taken with you as a reference
                                                  point when visiting Cleveland Metroparks.

                                                  You can also download by going to:

2   Emerald Necklace March 2021 | Vol. 70 #3
Summer Camps Register for summer fun across parks, zoo & golf - Cleveland Metroparks

      Summer Camp Magic

       he timeless tradition                                grow, time spent in nature         owls, snakes and turtles, explore rivers
       of going to camp in                                  helps children develop             and forests, and play in the sand along the
       the summer creates                                   resilience, confidence and         shores of Lake Erie.
life-long memories of                                       problem-solving abilities.
                                                                                               Summer camps provide children with
adventurous fun for children.                               Camps are the perfect vehicle
                                                                                               opportunities to discover magic and
When the world still seems                                  for fostering these crucial life
                                                                                               mystery in the real world. Catching
impossibly big and filled                                   skills. Friendships are forged
                                                                                               a fleeting glimpse of a red fox in the
with magic, it takes little                                 through the collaboration
                                                                                               woods or watching a monarch butterfly
more than a hollowed-out                                    of building a log fort,
                                                                                               emerge from its chrysalis can leave a
tree or glistening creek to                                 achievement is recognized
                                                                                               lasting impression on a child’s mind.
provide everything needed                                   in the patient endeavors of
                                                                                               Even downtime spent looking up at the
for hours of imaginative play.                              catching crayfish, and a sense
                                                                                               clouds, enjoying the warmth of the sun,
Nothing is more elemental                                   of wonder and appreciation
                                                                                               or listening to the crashing waves hit the
to the summer camp                                          for the world around them
                                                                                               seemingly endless lake shore can create
experience than time spent                                  blossoms into a healthy and
                                                                                               deeply enriching sensory experiences
outdoors laughing, playing, and learning.      life-long love of nature.
                                                                                                          that follow children long into
Outdoor experiences are vital for children.    There is nowhere better                                    adulthood. It is this connection
Exploration of the natural world helps         to experience the magic                                    with nature that helps children
to build strong bodies and minds and           of camp than Cleveland                                     to value and feel a part of the
playing in nature helps to stoke the fire of   Metroparks. High-                                          world around them. Forging
imagination and adventure. Children are        quality summer camp                                        a bond between themselves
simply in their element when digging in        experiences are led by                                     and this amazing region we
the dirt and hopping across creeks. In a       professionally trained                                     call “home” is a gift each child
world of increasing social and academic        staff and offer immersive,                                 deserves to experience. Years
pressures, time spent outdoors can be          engaging opportunities for                                 later, as the world grows
a powerful tool in managing stress and         children to learn, recreate,                               more demanding and time
capturing some of the beauty and magic         and fall in love with the                                  flies by ever more quickly, the
that makes childhood so special.               outdoors. Throughout our                                   formative memories of camp
                                               18 reservations, kids can                                  will help to ensure each child
The natural world provides the best
                                               learn to golf, fish, kayak,                                always carries a little piece of
classroom and playground imaginable for
                                               or discover the natural                                    summer magic in their hearts.
children of all ages. Preschoolers develop
                                               world in their own backyard. They can
fine and gross motor skills by sorting                                                                          Bethany Majeski, Manager
                                               get up-close with live Ohio animals like
stones and climbing fallen logs. As they                                                                      North Chagrin Nature Center

   Register at Look inside for more camps including preschool, golf, outdoor recreation and Zoo camps.

Summer Camps Register for summer fun across parks, zoo & golf - Cleveland Metroparks

    Frogs & Salamanders Come Marching In!
                                March heralds the beginning of                 Cleveland Metroparks. Countless
                                spring with increasingly warmer                wood frogs, spotted and Jefferson
                                days, signaling birds to stir and              salamanders and spring peepers
                                become more active. From the high              are on the move migrating to vernal                    Eastern phoebe
                                bluffs and shores of Huntington                pools. Males are first to arrive staking
                                and Lakefront Reservations, one can            territories and advertising for the
                                witness wide diversity of countless            soon arriving females. The chorus
       Spotted salamander                                                      peaks with thousands of male frogs
                                diving ducks, grebes and loons as
                                they prepare to push north towards             singing as competition is fierce for
                                nesting grounds. Late in the month,            the opportunity to breed. Within a
                                the first spring migrants, including           few short days this annual event is
                                hardy Eastern phoebes, fox sparrows,           over and the adults migrate back
                                and yellow-bellied sapsuckers, begin           to the forest leaving their eggs to
                                to appear in greater numbers.                  develop into another generation of
                                                                               amphibians all before the heart of           Yellow-bellied sapsucker
         American bullfrog      March brings one of the most awe-              summer will dry out these temporary
                                inspiring events in the forests of                                                        Photos by Jen Goellnitz,
Photos by Marty Calabrese                                                      pools.                                     Fairview Park

Outdoor Recreation Summer Camps
      outh seeking adventure-          experience sailing, stand up            certified instructors devoted
      based fun this summer            paddleboarding, kayaking,               to sharing their passion for the
      should consider                  rock climbing, mountain                 outdoors with your child. Campers
Cleveland Metroparks                   biking, and more. Youth 10-15           will experience the camaraderie
Outdoor Recreation Summer              years old will be inspired to           and sense of adventure outdoor
Camps. Participants will               challenge themselves and                recreation provides.
have an opportunity to learn           hone their skills under the                                     Rachel Nagle
new skills or build on their           guidance of experienced,                        Outdoor Recreation Manager

                               Register at
CAMP                         DESCRIPTION                                                      LOCATION
Paddlesports                  Discover the art of kayaking and stand up                        Hinckley
                              paddleboarding through fun, interactive games that               Reservation
Youth Day
                              promote boat control.

Climb the Ledge               Hike through natural rock cliffs, learn rock climbing &          Hinckley
                              bouldering techniques and try slacklining!                       Reservation
Youth Day
Youth Sailing Camp            Experience the water in a new way, as you learn                  Lakefront
                              sailing terminology, etiquette, reading the wind, and            Reservation
                              maneuvering a sailboat.

Teen Mountain Bike            Experience biking on natural surface trails where                Bedford
                              balance, control, and fun are the focus.                         Reservation
Skills Camp
Adventure Seeker Series       Combine the thrills during this 3-day camp that includes         Hinckley
                              rock climbing, paddling, and wilderness skills.                  Reservation
Watersports Adventure         Engage with the water during this 3-day camp filled              Lakefront
                              with SUPing, kayaking, and sailing.                              Reservation
           Cleveland Metroparks will be following all state-mandated polices regarding safety during COVID.
4   Emerald Necklace March 2021
Summer Camps Register for summer fun across parks, zoo & golf - Cleveland Metroparks

                                         Immersing Young Children in the Outdoors:
                                         The Benefits of Nature Preschool
                                                     world and their place within it. Our two       in dirt and then jump in a few puddles
                                                     schools are located in the beautiful Rocky     before finishing up with counting how
                                                     River and North Chagrin Reservations.          many cardinals we saw on that day’s hike.
                                                     By taking the best practices of early          Our curriculum is child-centered, taught
                                                     childhood education and infusing them          by experienced educators, and based on
                                                     into the outdoors, we do everything that       Ohio’s Early Learning and Development
                                                     might be found in a traditional preschool      Standards.
                                                                                                                                    Erica Anton
                                                     with a nature-based twist.
                                                                                                        Nature Preschool Program Administrator
                                                     Encouraging Curiosity and Exploration
                                                     Young children are one of the most                        To learn more, visit

                                                     curious creatures around. By immersing
        ature is a powerful influence                children in nature, we foster a sense of
        in children’s growth and                     wonder that encourages them to ask
        development. Spending time                   questions that interest them and then we
outdoors is linked to a variety of benefits,         help them seek out the answers. We build
including a stronger immune system,                  confidence by supporting children in
lower levels of anxiety and increased                taking (well-supervised) risks. Every day is
concentration. What better classroom                 an adventure, a new discovery and a new
could there be for young children?                   way for children to connect with each
Supporting the Whole Child                           other and with other living things. We
                                                     start off in our outdoor classroom singing
Cleveland Metroparks Nature Preschool is
now preparing for its fourth year helping
                                                     a rhyming song about frogs before                      2021-2022
                                                     moving on to rolling logs. Afterwards,
children, ages three to five, develop a
                                                     we might practice writing our names               Preschool Registration
deep-seated appreciation for the natural
                                                                                                    If you are interested in sending your child to
                                                                                                    Cleveland Metroparks Nature Preschool and
                             Nature Preschool Summer
                                                                                                    would like to know more, join us for a VIRTUAL
                                                                                                    OPEN HOUSE on either Wednesday, February

                             Mini Sessions Coming Soon                                              17 or Friday, February 19. If we missed you on
                                                                                                    these dates, you can find the recorded sessions
                                                    • Focused on engaging, whole-child              on website.
Can’t wait for the 2021-22 school year for
                                                      development                                   Registration for the 2021-2022 school year
your child to start a high-quality, unique
preschool experience? Do you have a 3–5             Summer Mini Sessions will be held at the        begins on February 22 for Cuyahoga County
year-old who loves to explore nature?               following dates and locations                   and Hinckley Township residents. All other
Don’t miss Cleveland Metroparks Nature                                                              residents can register beginning March 3.
                                                    • Rocky River Reservation: June 7 – July 2
Preschool Summer Mini Sessions.
Our Summer Mini Sessions are perfect for
                                                    • North Chagrin Reservation: July 12 – 30       For full registration information including virtual
your child, because they are…                       • Five-day AM sessions and three-day PM         open houses, fees, and requirements, please visit
                                                      sessions available.                 
• An extension of our highly popular
  school-year Nature Preschool program              • Sessions are three hours per day

• Taught by expert staff who hold                   • Customize your summer experience and
  degrees in Early Childhood Education                sign up for one or more weeks!
                                                    For more information or to register, visit
• Licensed though the Ohio Department
  of Job and Family Services

 Cleveland Metroparks will be following all state-mandated polices regarding safety during COVID.

Summer Camps Register for summer fun across parks, zoo & golf - Cleveland Metroparks

    Maple Sugaring:
                                                                                  A Seasonal Celebration

       ere in Northeast Ohio, we are           Sap Flows with Fluctuations                              is put into an elevated gathering tank and
       fortunate to fully experience all       In late winter and early spring while                    slowly released into an evaporator which has
       four seasons. Our hot summers           trees are still dormant, air temperatures                a rectangular pan with a very hot enclosed
and snowy winters are broken up                rise above freezing during the day and                   fire beneath it. Since the sap is about 98%
by warm, rainy springs and colorful            dip back below at night. This fluctuation                water, the heat evaporates the water in the
autumns. With each of these seasons            causes pressure to develop in the trees                  form of steam as gravity moves the sap
comes a variety of natural processes           making their sap flow. During this time,                 through various chambers in the evaporator
that have created cultural traditions          sugar maple trees are tapped by drilling                 pan. As the sap boils, it thickens into syrup
including one unique to our part of the        a small hole and inserting a spile, which                and is poured off from the evaporator when
earth — maple sugaring.                        is like a metal straw. Sap flows through                 it attains 219 degrees and the approval of
                                                                                                        the syrup maker. It is later cooked one final
Sweetest Sap of All                            the spile and is collected into a container.
                                                                                                        time before it is considered finished.
                                               Tapping the trees does not hurt them if
Maple sugaring is the process of
                                               they are at least 10-12 inches in diameter.              American Indians and early settlers to the
collecting sap from sugar maple trees
                                               Tapping a stand (group) of sugar maple                   Northeast boiled sugar maple sap down
(Acer saccharum) and cooking it into
                                               trees, also called a sugarbush, allows for               completely to make sugar crystals that were
syrup. All trees have sap, but sugar
                                               many trees to be tapped together in one                  easy to transport and used them to add
maple sap is 2-3% sugar, making it
                                               area. Some large sugaring operations use                 flavor to their food. It wasn’t until collection
the sweetest. Sugar maples are found
                                               elaborate tubing systems between the                     and storage methods improved that
in large numbers in the Northeastern
                                               trees to collect sap, but smaller ones still             syrup was made in large quantities. Maple
part of North America, which also has
                                               collect in buckets or bags and physically                sugaring has been done at Rocky River
the perfect climate for maple syrup
                                               take the sap to a sugarhouse to be made                  Reservation’s Maple Grove Picnic Area each
production. Canada makes the most
                                               into syrup.                                              year since 1982. Join us in person or virtually
syrup and Vermont is the top maple
                                                                                                        this March to learn more about how pure
syrup producing state in the United            The Process of Making Syrup                              Ohio maple syrup is made.
States. Ohio is generally ranked around
                                               It takes 10 gallons of sap to make just one
5th in production with most of our                                                                                             Karen Lakus, Naturalist
                                               quart of syrup. At the sugarhouse, the sap
syrup coming from Geauga County.                                                                                             Rocky River Nature Center

                                     Maple Sugaring at Rocky River Reservation
                                       March 6 - 7, 13 - 14 • 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
                                      Rocky River Reservation • Maple Grove Picnic Area
                                  Take a self-guided hike through the sugarbush to find out about
                                  the history of maple sugaring. Learn about the techniques that
                                  have been used through time to gather sap and then watch as it
                                  is turned into syrup at the sugar house. Naturalists and volunteers
                                  will be on hand to answer questions. Cleveland Metroparks food
                                  truck will serve up delicious maple-themed treats for purchase
                                  and maple candy will be offered for sale while supplies last. Masks
                                  are required at the event.

6   Emerald Necklace March 2021
Summer Camps Register for summer fun across parks, zoo & golf - Cleveland Metroparks

Prehistoric Zoo Camps
                 in the Parks                                                                           Space is limited. Register online at

 Campers in age groups 5-6, 7-8, or 9-10 can participate in any of the four camps on alternate weeks, so they can spend more than one session
 at Summer Day Camp. All camps will explore the entire Zoo, but each week will focus on a new theme and provide a unique experience.

 PROGRAMS AGES 5 – 6                        PROGRAMS AGES 7 – 8                       PROGRAMS AGES 9 – 10                         PROGRAMS AGES 11 – 12
 Animal Coverings                           Animal Groups                             Animal Classification                        Wildlife Biology
 Campers will learn why different types     Campers will learn about the main         Campers learn about how different            Campers ages 11-12 will participate
 of animals are covered with different      groups of animals and what makes          species are classified and what              in our Wildlife Biology program.
 things, and how their coverings help       them unique enough to be separated        adaptations make them different from         This program allows older campers
 protect them throughout their lives.       into different groups.                    each other and perfectly suited to live in   to explore the Zoo and Brookside
                                                                                      their environment.                           Reservation while learning about
 Basic Needs                                Life Cycles                                                                            the importance of observation and
 Campers will learn about the basic         From producers and consumers, to          Zoo Scene Investigators:                     exploration.
 needs in every animal’s life and how       carnivores and herbivores, campers will   Food Webs
 they use their differences to find each    learn about the different roles animals   Campers will explore and investigate         PROGRAMS AGES 13 – 14
 thing they need.                           play in an ecosystem and how their role   animal mysteries each day that
                                                                                                                                   Counselor in Training
                                            can affect the lives of animals around    illustrate the importance of food webs
 Conservation                               them.                                     throughout the natural world.
                                                                                                                                   Our “Counselor-In-Training” leadership
 While exploring the Zoo, campers                                                                                                  camp for ages 13-14 allows participants
 will learn what we do, and what they       Conservation                              Conservation                                 to develop their leadership skills by
 can do at home to help conserve            While exploring the Zoo, campers will     While exploring the Zoo, campers will        working alongside our staff, and
 the natural world. Campers will also       learn what we do, and what they can       learn what we do, and what they can          participating in team building and
 learn about why conservation is so         do at home to help conserve the natural   do at home to help conserve the natural      challenge activities!
 important to the animals that live         world. Campers will also learn about      world. Campers will also learn about
 throughout the world.                      why conservation is so important to the   why conservation is so important to the
                                            animals that live throughout the world.   animals that live throughout the world.
 During this holiday week, campers will     Enrichment                                Enrichment
 learn what enrichment is, and how the      During this holiday week, campers will    During this holiday week, campers will
 Zoo provides mental stimulation to         learn what enrichment is, and how the     learn what enrichment is, and how the
 the animals in its collection.             Zoo provides mental stimulation to the    Zoo provides mental stimulation to the
                                            animals in its collection.                animals in its collection.

                                      2021 ZOO SUMMER DAY CAMP THEMES BY SESSION/WEEK
           Session         Week of              Ages 5 – 6               Ages 7 – 8        Ages 9 – 10             Ages 11 – 12          Ages 13 – 14
                 1        6/7 – 6/11       Animal Coverings         Animal Groups      Classification                                Counselor in Training
                 2       6/14 – 6/18       Basic Needs              Life Cycles        ZSI: Food Webs          Wildlife Biology
                 3       6/21 – 6/25       Conservation             Conservation       Conservation                                  Counselor in Training
                 4        6/28 – 7/2       Animal Coverings         Animal Groups      Classification          Wildlife Biology
                 5        7/6 – 7/9*       Enrichment               Enrichment         Enrichment                                    Counselor in Training
                 6       7/12 – 7/16       Basic Needs              Life Cycles        ZSI: Food Webs          Wildlife Biology
                 7       7/19 – 7/23       Conservation             Conservation       Conservation                                  Counselor in Training
                 8       7/26 – 7/30       Animal Coverings         Animal Groups      Classification          Wildlife Biology
                 9        8/2 – 8/6        Basic Needs              Life Cycles        ZSI: Food Webs                                Counselor in Training
                10        8/9 – 8/13       Conservation             Conservation       Conservation            Wildlife Biology
                                   * Discount week

Summer Camps Register for summer fun across parks, zoo & golf - Cleveland Metroparks
Sign Up Now for Golf Academy or Day Camps
                                                                               JUNIOR ACADEMY OF GOLF SERIES
ACADEMY OF GOLF SERIES                                     Location          Day & Dates                            Times        Sessions Max        Cost
Cleveland Metroparks Academy of Golf provides
a variety of high-quality learning opportunities
                                                                                            Junior Fundamental Series
for golfers of every skill level, gender, and age          Manakiki          Wednesday, June 2 – June 23         10 – 11 a.m.       4         6      $100
by helping individuals meet their personal golf            Manakiki          Wednesday, June 2 – June 23          4 – 5 p.m.        4         6      $100
goals, and to learn golf skills, traditions, rules, and
etiquette.                                                 Seneca            Monday, April 26 – May 17            4 – 5 p.m.        4         6      $100

From One Day Skill Building Clinics, including             Seneca            Wednesday, June 23 – July 14         1 – 2 p.m.        4         6      $100
a Spring Warm Up to help you choose the class              Seneca            Tuesday, Sept 7 – Sept 28            4 – 5 p.m.        4         6      $100
best for you, to multiple session classes
                                                           Shawnee Hills     Thursday, May 27 – June 17           4 – 5 p.m.        4         6      $100
helping you improve you game, visit to register.                  Sleepy Hollow     Tuesday, June 8 – June 29            4 – 5 p.m.        4         6      $100
                                                           Sleepy Hollow     Thursday, July 8 – July 29           4 – 5 p.m.        4         6      $100

GOLF JUNIOR DAY CAMP                                                            Junior Fundamental Series 2 –” The Next Step”
The Junior Day Camp is a five day camp, Monday             Shawnee Hills     Tuesday, July 6 – July 27            4 – 5 p.m.        4         6      $100
to Friday, offered at Seneca or Washington Golf                                                    High School Prep
Courses. This experience for young golfers, ages
7 to 17 years old, includes instruction, etiquette,        Seneca            Tuesday, June 8 – June 29          Noon – 2 p.m.       4         8      $135
rules and on course play in a fun and enjoyable            Washington        Monday, July 12 – August 2           3 – 5 p.m.        4         8      $135
atmosphere. Sessions run from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.
                                                                                                 Junior Learn-N-Play
 Location          Age Group               Dates           Seneca            Tuesday, June 8 – July 13            8 – 11 a.m.       6        12      $180
                    7 – 17 years         June 7 – 11       Seneca            Wednesday, June 9 – July 14          8 – 11 a.m.       6        12      $180
 Five-Day           7 – 17 years         June 14 – 18      Shawnee Par 3     Friday, June 4 – July 9              8 – 11 a.m.       6        12      $180
 Camps held         7 – 17 years         June 21 – 25      Washington        Monday, June 7 – July 19*            8 – 11 a.m.       6        12      $180
 at Seneca or
                    7 – 17 years       June 28 – July 2               Register online for camp or classes at                               * No class July 5
 Golf Course        7 – 17 years         July 12 – 16

 Fee $225           7 – 17 years         July 19 – 23
                    7 – 17 years         July 26 – 30
                    7 – 17 years         August 2 – 6

Juniors should bring a packed lunch. A lunch option
is available at Seneca, $7 per day or $30 for the
week. Extended care is available for children arriving
at 8 a.m. and staying until 5 p.m. An additional fee of
$25 cover extended care for the entire week.

Seneca Golf Course:            Washington Golf Course:
975 Valley Parkway             3841 Washington Park Blvd
Broadview Heights, OH          Newburgh Heights, OH        Book your tee time today!           Manakiki                          Shawnee Hills
440-526-0043                   216-641-1864                                                    440-942-2500 | Willoughby Hills   440-232-7184 | Bedford
                                                           Big Met                             Mastick Woods                     Sleepy Hollow
Camp Director:                 Camp Director:              440-331-1070 | Fairview Park        216-267-5626 | Cleveland          440-526-4285 | Brecksville
Geoff Koller, PGA              Benjamin Ladaika, PGA
                                                           Little Met                          Seneca                            Washington
8   Emerald Necklace March 2021                            216-941-9672 | Cleveland            440-526-0043 | Broadview Hts.     216-641-1864 | Newburgh Hts.
Summer Camps Register for summer fun across parks, zoo & golf - Cleveland Metroparks
Nature Shop

Save a little green with our monthly specials!
          FEBRUARY                                           MARCH                                                     APRIL
      DEAL OF THE MONTH                                DEAL OF THE MONTH                                         DEAL OF THE MONTH
                      I Heart Cap
                               I Heart

  Sleeve Tee
                                                             Mystery Bags
          28                                                         $
                                                                       10 ea.
   Offer valid 2/1/2021
    – 2/28/2021 while                                                                                       Adventure Skills Guides
                                                         Each bag contains over $40 worth
                                                    of merchandise. No returns or exchanges.
                                                                                                                                  9.95 ea.
                                                                                                                Offer valid 4/1/2021 – 4/30/2021 while supplies last.
                     supplies last.                Offer valid 3/1/2021 – 3/31/2021 while supplies last.
  Shop online at      Shop online at                Shop online at

                          Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store
                           Open daily. Snowshoe rentals available
                           with 4+ inches of compact snow. Please
                              call ahead for weather conditions.
                                                                                                           Youth Tie                                    Hinckley
                                      330-278-2160                                                                                                      Buzzard
                          Monday – Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.                                         Dye Tee
                              Sunday 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.                                                  $20

  Shop online for a great selection of park apparel and merchandise at

                                                      Highlighting Your Donations at Work!
Lakefront Reservation                             North Chagrin Reservation                                  Donations from individuals, foundations,
Wendy Park, located on the shore of Lake          An area of Beecher’s Brook, a tributary                    organizations, corporations, and
Erie at the mouth of Cuyahoga River, is a         of the Chagrin River, features steep,                      governmental agencies help make
hub for recreation, a hotspot for migratory       severely eroded streambanks that are                       important projects like these possible. See
birds and monarch butterflies, and home           causing increased sediment in the river. A                 below for more information, or to make
to the soon-to-be-completed Wendy Park            combination of federal and private funds                   your tax-deductible donation today.
Bridge. Private donations are helping fund        are supporting an important restoration                    • Visit
a nature-based shoreline design to combat         project that will allow Cleveland                          • Send your check, made payable to
a quickly eroding stretch of its coast. The       Metroparks to stabilize the streambank,                      Cleveland Metroparks.
design will mimic the natural shoreline,          improve in-stream habitat, and restore                       Mail to: Cleveland Metroparks
incorporate native materials, maintain            floodplain riparian habitat. The project                     Development Department, 4101 Fulton
natural coastal processes, and provide            also includes replacement of an existing                     Parkway, Cleveland, OH 44144
learning opportunities for other natural          undersized culvert that is currently a                     • Contact Sarah Wilson at
resource professionals in NE Ohio.                barrier to fish passage.                                     (216) 635-3261.
Summer Camps Register for summer fun across parks, zoo & golf - Cleveland Metroparks

  New Shipping Proposals
 Ship discharging ballast water
                                                      …To Help The Great Lakes

                                                              argo ships from all over the world     tons, or about 2,100 African elephants
                                                              travel to the Great Lakes and carry    in weight. When a ship is empty, it floats
                                                              a wide variety of materials: steel,    higher in the water and can become
                                                      oil, iron ore, grain, and… water? Yes,         unstable during travel. Water is pumped
                                                      water! When a transoceanic ship is full, it    into storage areas called ballast tanks and
                  Creative commons photo, Wikipedia   can hold a massive amount – over 30,000        the water weight helps keep a ship steady.

                                                                                                     Ballast Water Brings Problems
        The American Courage is a Great Lakes only vessel,
       known as a “Laker”, and is exempt from new ballast                                            If a ship draws in water at the start of a
                                         water proposals.                                            journey (Caspian Sea) then discharges
                                                                                                     it elsewhere (Port of Cleveland), it can
                                                                                                     introduce non-native organisms or
                                                                                                     pollutants and disrupt delicate aquatic
                                                                                                     ecosystems. Over the years, the Great Lakes
                                                                                                     has seen at least 80 species introduced via
                                                                                                     ballast water. Round gobies eat the eggs of
                                                                              Photo by Kyle Lanzer   native fish and reduce native populations.
                                                                                                     Zebra and quagga mussels from Europe are

   A changing climate’s impact                                                                       estimated to cost the Great Lakes region
                                                                                                     $500 million dollars annually in damage to
   on the world, water and you                                                                       water intake pipes, boat hulls, docks, and

  Climate change can be challenging to fully grasp at a global scale and even                        “Swish and Spit” Proposal
  more difficult to connect with on a personal level. The year 2020 will not                         In 2021, the U.S. EPA, Coast Guard, and
  be soon forgotten, including negative effects from climate change.                                 state governors have new proposals to help
  • 2020 tied as the hottest year on record                                                          prevent invasive species and pollutants
  • Arctic sea ice in September was the second lowest on record                                      from entering the Great Lakes. Proposed
                                                                                                     changes will require all seagoing cargo
  • 2020 had the most active Atlantic hurricane season on record, and                                ships and barges to swap freshwater in
  • Several countries (U.S., Australia, Russia, Brazil) fought record-breaking wildfires.            ballasts with ocean saltwater. The practice,
  We experience our own impacts from climate change here in northeast Ohio. From                     sometimes referred to as “swish and spit”, is
  observed data (not forecasted), Cuyahoga County’s Climate Action Plan documents                    meant to make ballast tanks inhospitable
  increased annual temperatures and rainfall, more extreme precipitation, decreased                  for freshwater creatures. Expanded funding
  ice cover on Lake Erie and a longer growing season. These stressors result in                      for research will aim to improve prevention
  health impacts, stream bank and shoreline erosion, flooding, invasive species                      technologies like ultraviolet filters, physical
  introductions, freshwater pollution and native plant and animal declines.                          barriers, and chemical treatment of ballast
                                                                                                     water. The new proposals also would
  Actions for a better tomorrow                                                                      limit certain harsh chemicals and paints
  Together, we can each do our part individually and collectively to move the                        currently used, which is expected to
  needle on climate change. Whether signing up for a Master Rain Gardener course,                    reduce pollutants in the Great Lakes. These
  walking to the store, caring for the trees in your yard or neighborhood, or planting               proposals, should they become law, are
  new trees or a vegetable garden these actions not only connect you with your                       positive steps to safeguard Lake Erie and
  community, but also contribute to a better tomorrow. And if you want to feel                       associated rivers and streams.
  directly linked to global efforts, tag your social media with #Water2Me and share
                                                                                                          Mark Warman, Aquatic Invasive Species
  those actions with the global community that celebrates World Water Day every
                                                                                                                          Project Coordinator
                                             Jennifer Grieser, Director of Natural Resources

10 Emerald Necklace March 2021

  World Water Day
  Explore the Value of Water
               Tag your social media with #Water2Me

     lowers are blooming, birds are         day-to-day life and learning why it must
     singing, and we get to celebrate       be preserved. Let’s look at a couple ways
     World Water Day!                       Northeast Ohio is particularly impacted by                                    rely on Lake Erie and the Cuyahoga River.
The United Nations (UN) established         fresh water and why it’s so important to                                      Protecting our water keeps restaurants safe,
World Water Day in 1992, declaring          protect.                                                                      boats running, and fisherman productive.
that March 22nd would be a holiday          Water is one of the most fundamental                                          Clean water doesn’t just give us coffee and
celebrating the importance of fresh         parts of our lives, though it is easy to forget                               jobs, it allows us to have fun! The people
water to the world. Since then, the         how much we use it. Water from Lake Erie                                      of Northeast Ohio can fish, kayak, ski, swim
UN has provided yearly themes that          is in your morning coffee, it hydrates you                                    and so much more thanks to Lake Erie
encourage people to learn about and         throughout the day, and helps you clean                                       and the many rivers and streams that flow
protect the incredible resource that        your plates after dinner. Keeping Lake Erie                                   into it. World Water Day lets us remember
is water. Past themes have focused          clean guarantees that humans have safe                                        that by protecting our bodies of water, we
on sustainable development, food            drinking water, while protecting the habitat                                  safeguard the health of our communities,
security, and global warming.               of many plants and animals. The lake also                                     ecosystems and traditions for years to come.
The theme for 2021 is “valuing water”,      plays a key role in our economy. Cleveland                                                             Peter Frank, Naturalist
celebrating how water helps us in our       is a port city with plenty of businesses that                                                  Watershed Stewardship Center

                                         Cleveland Metroparks
                                         Friday Fish Fry is back!
                                         The famous annual Cleveland Metroparks Friday Fish
                                         Fry returns for curbside pick-up only
                                         at three locations.
                                         Curbside pick-up will be available at: Big Met, Emerald
                                         Necklace Marina and Merwin’s Wharf.                     Orders for all locations online at
                                         Pick-up times are from 3 p.m. – 8 p.m. on Fridays
                                         beginning February 19 through April 2, 2021.             Phone orders are also accepted

                                         Fish Fry Menu:                                                                                              (440) 331-1070

                                         Hush Puppies                                                                Fish Dinner
                                         Served with honey butter ..........................................$7.00    Two pieces of cod, fried or baked, served with choice of
                                         Side Salad                                                                  potato, coleslaw, and rye bread.............................$15.00
                                         Romaine side salad, with shredded carrots, tomatoes,                        Additional piece of fish ............................................$4.00
                                         cucumbers, red onion, shredded cheddar, and croutons.                       1/2 Pound Fried Shrimp Dinner
                                         Served with your choice of ranch or Italian dressing. $6.00                 1/2 pound of fried shrimp, served with your choice of
                                         New England Clam Chowder                                                    potato, coleslaw, and rye bread ............................$15.00
                                         Served with oyster crackers ........................................$5.00   Fish Sandwich
                                         Potato and Cheese Pierogies                                                 One piece of fried cod topped with tartar sauce, lettuce,
                                         Six potato and cheese filled pierogies topped with                          and tomato served with coleslaw, and fresh cut French
                                         caramelized onions and a side of sour cream............ $8.00               fries........................................................................ $10.00

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Emerald Necklace®                                                                          Directory
Published monthly by:                        Board of Park Commissioners                   Cleveland Metroparks                    Rental Facilities
Cleveland Metroparks                         Dan T. Moore     Bruce G. Rinker              Administration Offices                  216-635-3304
216-635-3200                                 President           Vice President
                                                                                           216-635-3200/24-hour info
                                             Debra K. Berry      Brian M. Zimmerman
                                             Vice President      Chief Executive Officer   4101 Fulton Parkway                     Outdoor Experiences and
                                                                                           Cleveland, OH 44144                     Education
     Nature Center                                                                         Cleveland Metroparks Police
                                                                                           Accidents or Emergencies                Nature Centers:
                                                                                           440-333-4911                            Brecksville Nature Center
                                                                                                                                   9000 Chippewa Creek Drive
     Swim Area                                                                             Cleveland Metroparks Zoo &              Brecksville, OH 44141
                                                                                           The RainForest                          Brecksville Reservation
                                                                                           216-661-6500/24-hour info               440-526-1012
                                                                                           3900 Wildlife Way
                                                                                           Cleveland, OH 44109                     CanalWay Center
                                                                                                    4524 E. 49th Street
                                         RIVERGATE                                                                                 Cuyahoga Heights, OH 44125
                                                                                           Cleveland Metroparks Golf               Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation
                                                                                           Golf Services/440-232-7247              216-206-1000
                                                                                           (course info & inquiries)
                                                                                             North Chagrin Nature Center
                                                                                                                                   401 Buttermilk Falls Parkway
                                                                                           The Chalet Recreation Area              Mayfield Village, OH 44094
                                                                                           16200 Valley Parkway                    North Chagrin Reservation
                                                                                           Strongsville, OH 44136                  440-473-3370
                                                                                           Mill Stream Run Reservation
                                                                                           440-572-9990                            Rocky River Nature Center
                                                                                                                                   24000 Valley Parkway
                                                                                           Lakefront Reservation                   North Olmsted, OH 44070
                                                                                           Administration Building                 Rocky River Reservation
                                                                                           8701 Lakeshore Blvd.                    440-734-6660
                                                                                           Cleveland, OH 44108
                                                                                           216-881-8141                            Watershed Stewardship Center
                                                                                                                                   2277 W. Ridgewood Drive
                                                                                           Volunteer Services                      Parma, OH 44134
                                                                                           440-331-8237                            West Creek Reservation
Cleveland Metroparks does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
gender, religion, age or disability in employment, services or access to programs or
activities.                                                                                 Cover photo: Youth fishing at Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation
Emerald Necklace is also available online at                        Additional photos courtesy of Cleveland Metroparks photo archive, unless
                                                                                            otherwise noted.
© Registered trademarks of Cleveland Metroparks.
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