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Wood Properties Affecting Finish Service Life Educational Feature Wood is a biological mate- rial that has widely different properties depending on spe- cies, geographic area where R. Sam Williams—USDA Forest Service* the tree grew, the growth Charles Jourdain—California Redwood Association** George I. Daisey—Rohm and Haas Co.† conditions, size of the tree at Robert W. Springate—Tru-Test Manufacturing Co.†† harvest, sawing, and other manufacturing processes. C urrent knowledge on wood prop- though wood properties themselves erties has accumulated through have not changed, finishing practices Some of the more important decades of research in laborato- need to accommodate changes in spe- wood properties as they re- ries located in many parts of the world cies mix, the dependence on small, fast- and is contained in a number of publica- grown second and third growth timber, late to wood finishing are tions.1–7 Much of this knowledge, par- and more widespread use of wood com- ticularly information on North Ameri- posites to meet lumber demands. Flat- discussed, e.g., growth rate, can wood species, is summarized in the grained lumber produced from small- density, knots, extractives, Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering diameter, rapidly grown trees contains Material.8 Detailed information on wood a higher percentage of knots, wider juvenile wood, grain orien- properties that relate to wood finishing growth rings, and possibly juvenile tation, and weathering char- is given in Chapter 15 of that publica- wood. The ways that these properties tion, in Finishes for Exterior Wood,9 and in affect finishing practices are discussed acteristics. a monograph by Feist.10 The benchmark elsewhere.13 This paper is an overview research conducted by Browne11 during of wood properties. Wood that has been the 1950s and 1960s is still valid and chemically treated (by preservatives, fire stands out as the authoritative work retardants, or bulking agents) and wood properties of these wood-based materi- documenting the effect of wood proper- composites (plywood, flakeboard, and als will be the subject of an additional ties on finish performance, particularly fiberboard) do not usually have the same publication. oil-based film-forming finishes. Detailed properties as the original wood. The information on wood properties is con- tained in these publications. This paper covers wood properties that have the Natural Characteristics greatest effect on finish performance and particularly the properties of lumber Growth Rate available from today’s forests. In temperate climates, tree species add Although dramatic changes have oc- one growth increment, or ring, to their curred to both the country’s timber base12 diameter each year (Figure 1). This ring and to exterior wood finish formulations shows two distinct periods of growth since the 1950s and 1960s, the relation- and therefore two bands, called early- ships between finish performance and wood (springwood) and latewood (sum- wood properties have not changed. Al- merwood). Latewood is denser, harder, smoother, and darker than earlywood, *Forest Products Laboratory, One Gifford Pinchot Dr., and its cells have thicker walls and Madison, WI 53705-2398. smaller cavities. The proportion of ear- **405 Enfrente Dr., Ste. 200, Novato, CA 94949. lywood to latewood, the density differ- † 727 Norristown Rd., Spring House, PA 19477-0904. †† 823 W. Blackhawk, Chicago, IL 60622. ences, and the transition from the less dense earlywood to the more dense late- The use of trade or firm names in this publication is for reader information and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. wood during the growing season can Department of Agriculture of any product or service. vary, depending on species and grow- The Forest Products Laboratory is maintained in coopera- tion with the University of Wisconsin. This article was written Figure 1—Cross section of log ing conditions. Many species have a and prepared by U.S. Government employees on official time, showing heartwood, sapwood, rather gradual change in density during and it is therefore in the public domain and not subject to earlywood, latewood, and pith. the growing season. Some species have copyright. Vol. 72, No. 902, March 2000 35
R.S. Williams et al. added texture to the wood and some- a tree (Figure 4). The influence of knots times make it more difficult to finish on the finishing properties of lumber these species. depends on their size, location, shape, and soundness. When sawing lumber from a log, a nearly round shaped knot Density results when a branch is sawn through The density of wood is one of the at right angles to its length as in flat- most important factors that affect finish- grained lumber. Vertical-grained lum- ing characteristics. Density varies tre- ber may have spike knots, which result mendously from species to species (Table from sawing a branch radially (Figure 5). 1), and this is important because high Oval knots will result from sawing a Figure 2—Paint failure over wide density woods shrink and swell more branch diagonally as in lumber that is latewood bands on plywood. than do low density woods. This dimen- intermediate between flat grain and ver- sional change occurs as wood, particu- tical grain. Knots are further classified larly in exterior applications, gains or as intergrown or encased. Intergrown or rather narrow latewood bands; others loses moisture with changes in the rela- tight knots result from the growth of the have wide latewood bands. For some tive humidity and from periodic wet- stemwood around a living branch (Fig- species, the density differences are not ting caused by rain and dew. Excessive ure 4). After a branch dies, additional very large; others have large differences dimensional change in wood stresses growth on the stem encloses the dead in density between the latewood and film-forming finishes and may cause limb. This results in an encased knot earlywood. However, for all temperate cracking or flaking, or both. where the fibers of the stem are not con- species, the change in density from the tinuous with the fibers of the branch. The amount of warping and check- Because shrinkage is greater across the end of one growing season to the begin- ing that occurs as wood changes dimen- ning of the next is always abrupt. If the knot than in the surrounding wood, en- sion and during the natural weathering cased knots may loosen and fall out caus- difference is large, the stresses imposed process is also directly related to wood on a coating system can be quite large ing a knothole. Encased knots often have density. Cupping is probably the most bark surrounding the knot, which may when dimensional changes occur at this common form of warp for siding. Cup- transition zone. This abrupt transition cause additional discoloration problems ping is the distortion of a board that with light-colored finishes.14 in wood density also causes differences causes a deviation from flatness across in properties for the pith side and bark the width of the piece. Wide boards cup Knots are usually considered defects side of flat-grained lumber. more than narrow boards, and flat- in wood for a number of reasons. The The dimensional changes at the late- grained boards cup more than vertical- wood of the knot itself is different in wood–earlywood interface can cause grained boards. Boards may also bow, density (usually higher), and its grain cracks in film-forming finishes at this crook, or twist from one end to the other. orientation is more or less perpendicu- zone. Paint failure on latewood often Warping is generally caused by uneven lar to the surrounding wood. Grain ori- begins with these cracks. If the bands of shrinking or swelling within the board. entation around the knot is often dis- latewood are narrow enough, as in slow Furthermore, checks or small cracks torted, which makes it difficult to achieve growth trees, the stresses are decreased along the grain may develop from stress an acceptable machined finish on the and there is less tendency for paint to that developed during the initial drying surface of the wood. For structural lum- crack or peel than on the wide latewood (shrinking) or from stresses caused by ber, the size and location of knots are bands. Wide latewood bands are nor- the alternate shrinking and swelling dur- two of the factors that determine grade mally absent from edge-grained cedar ing service. High density (heavy) woods and thus the design values of the lum- and redwood, improving the paintability such as southern pine, Douglas fir, and ber. Knots also affect the appearance of these species. It is well established oak tend to warp and check more than grades of lumber, which include siding that wide latewood bands on softwoods do the low density (light) woods such as and trim. Although knots are usually give a surface that is difficult to finish considered defects, a number of species redwood and western redcedar (Table 1). (Figure 2). They are prominent in south- and grades that exhibit knots with some ern yellow pine and Douglas-fir, two of degree of regularity such as knotty pine, the most common species used for gen- Knots select tight knot (STK) cedar, and rustic eral construction and for the production grades of redwood have been success- A knot is the portion of a branch that fully marketed to feature their knots. of plywood. Coarse grain (i.e., wide an- has become incorporated in the stem of nual growth rings of alternating early- wood and latewood) is a natural result of the rapid growth rate of young-growth forests under the optimal growing con- ditions of intensive silviculture. On the other hand, growth rate does not seem to significantly affect the ability of hard- woods to retain a film-forming finish. They are generally more difficult to fin- ish than softwoods (Table 1). Paint performance on hardwoods, such as oak, is more a function of den- sity and the size and location of vessels rather than distinctions between early- Figure 3—Wood anatomy affects the durability of paint. Left, a nonporous wood wood and latewood (Figure 3). These (softwood or conifer such as southern pine); center, a ring-porous wood (white oak) vessels are common to hardwoods only showing the large open vessels characteristic of this species; and right, a diffuse- and are sometimes much larger than the porous wood (yellow-poplar). surrounding wood cells. They give 36 Journal of Coatings Technology
Wood Properties Affecting Finish Service Life Table 1—Characteristics of Selected Solid Woods for Painting and Finishing Paint-Holding Resistance to Conspicuousness Degree of Specific Characteristic Cupping of Checking Figure on Gravity (I Best, V; (1, Most; (1, Least; Color of Flat-Grained Wood ovendrya Worst)b 4, Least) 2, Most) heartwood Surface Softwood Western redcedar .............. 0.32 I 1 1 Brown Distinct Cypress ................................ 0.46 I 1 1 Light brown Strong Redwood ............................ 0.40 I 1 1 Dark brown Distinct Eastern white pine .............. 0.35 II 2 2 Cream Faint Ponderosa pine .................. 0.42 III 2 2 Cream Distinct White fir ................................ 0.39 III 2 2 White Faint Western hemlock ............... 0.45 III 2 2 Pale brown Faint Spruce ................................. 0.35 III 2 2 White Faint Douglas fir ........................... 0.48 IV 2 3 Pale red Strong Southern yellow pine ......... 0.51 IV 2 2 Light brown Strong Hardwood Eastern cottonwood .......... 0.40 III 4 2 White Faint Magnolia ............................. 0.48 III 2 — Pale brown Faint Yellow poplar ...................... 0.42 III 2 1 Pale brown Faint Lauan (plywood) ................. —c IV 2 2 Brown Faint Yellow birch ......................... 0.62 IV 4 2 Light brown Faint Gum ..................................... 0.52 IV 4 2 Brown Faint Sycamore ............................ 0.59 IV — — Pale brown Faint American elm ..................... 0.50 V or III 4 2 Brown Distinct White oak ............................ 0.64 V or IV 4 2 Brown Distinct Northern red oak ................ 0.63 V or IV 4 2 Brown Distinct (a) Specific gravity based on ovendry weight and volume. (b) Woods ranked in group V are hardwoods with large pores, which require wood filler for durable painting. If all the pores are properly filled before painting, the wood could be classified in group II. (c) The specific gravity of different species varies from 0.33 to 0.55. From the standpoint of finishing, The amount of water vapor that can vary from these average values. Even in knotty grades of siding are better suited be absorbed depends primarily on the very humid areas, the RH is rarely high for natural finishes such as water-repel- relative humidity (RH) of the surround- enough or long enough to bring the mois- lent preservatives and semitransparent ing air. If wood is stored at 0% RH, the ture content of wood above 20%. Wood stains than for paint systems. Paint ad- moisture content will eventually reach that is warmed by the sun experiences a hesion is poor over dense knots, and 0%. If wood is stored at 100% RH, it will virtual RH far below the ambient RH. resin bleeding of knots can discolor most eventually reach fiber saturation (about Wood will dry faster and become drier paints unless they are sealed with shel- 30% water). Of course, if it is kept at a than expected given the ambient RH. lac or a similar product prior to priming. constant RH between these two ex- This is why checking often occurs on tremes, the wood will reach a moisture content between 0 and 30%. The mois- Moisture Content ture content is controlled by the RH, and when the moisture content is in bal- The moisture content of wood is the ance with the RH, the wood is at its amount of water contained in the wood. equilibrium moisture content. This rarely Moisture content includes both water happens because as the RH changes, so absorbed into the wood cell wall and does the moisture content of the wood, free water within the hollow center of and an atmospheric RH is almost al- the cell (and within the vessels for hard- ways changing. It varies through daily woods), and it is expressed as a weight and seasonal cycles, thus driving the percentage. moisture content of wood through daily and seasonal cycles. Equilibrium mois- MC (%) = Mass (undried) – Mass (oven ture content of wood cannot be changed dried) × 100 by the application of finishes. Finishes Mass (oven dried) affect only the rate at which absorption occurs. Finishes can decrease daily and The amount of water that wood can ab- seasonal moisture absorption and des- sorb (i.e., that can be bound in the cell orption, but they do not change the equi- wall) depends on the wood species. Most librium moisture content. species can absorb about 30% of their Wood exposed outdoors cycles weight in water. When the wood reaches around a moisture content of about 12% this limit to the amount of water that in most areas of the United States. In the can be bound in its wood cell walls, it is Southeast, average moisture content can at the fiber saturation point. Wood can be slightly higher, and, in the South- reach the fiber saturation point by ab- Figure 4—Formation of knots in west, the average can be lower (9%). sorbing either liquid water or water va- the stem. Daily and annual moisture content will por. Vol. 72, No. 902, March 2000 37
R.S. Williams et al. by discoloration. The amount of extrac- tives within the heartwood depends on the age of the tree, thus the heartwood of younger trees will naturally have a lower extractive content than that from older trees. Although lumber from younger trees is less durable than lum- ber from old growth trees, extractive bleeding through finishes is less prob- lematic. For clear grades of wood, ex- tractive bleeding can be eliminated with proper priming, good building design, and conscientious construction practices. (b) Water-Insoluble Extractives Water-insoluble extractives, such as pitch and resin, may also interfere with Figure 5—(a) Loose knot in flat grained the appearance of a painted surface. In board and (b) spike knot in vertical- some species, small amounts of pitch grained board (southern pine). form in the wood. In other species, the (a) pitch can form in large deposits called pitch pockets. If the wood is kiln-dried at high temperature, the pitch can be hardened or set in the wood. Specific decking boards; the surface is much drier during its service life. The moisture con- kiln schedules have been developed for than the rest of the board. The dryness tent and thus the dimensions of the piece many wood species to accomplish this. causes shrinkage of the top of the board, will still fluctuate somewhat, depend- Unfortunately, some of these schedules which goes beyond the elastic limit of ing on the cyclic changes in atmospheric can discolor the surface of the wood. If the wood at the surface, and checks form RH, but the dimensional change will not pitch is not set, it can become fluid parallel to the grain. be excessive. Therefore, film-forming fin- enough during periods of warm weather ishes (such as paints) will not be stressed to flow to the surface of the wood. If the As mentioned, fiber saturation is the unnecessarily, and service life should be wood has been painted, the pitch tends greatest amount of water that can be better. to soften and discolor the paint. Young absorbed by wood via water vapor ab- sorption. This absorption is rather slow Plywood, particleboard, hardboard, growth knotty siding products that have compared with the moisture changes and other wood composites undergo a been air-dried rather than kiln-dried may that can occur through absorption of liq- significant change in moisture content be more prone to pitch bleeding. Young uid water. Liquid water can quickly during manufacture. Frequently, the growth products will typically have cause the wood to reach fiber satura- moisture content of these materials is smaller pitch pockets than those found tion, and it is the only way to bring the not known and may vary depending on in old growth. Additionally, knots of moisture content of wood above fiber the manufacturing process. To improve many softwood species contain an abun- saturation. As wood continues to absorb the service life of the finish, wood com- dance of resin that can sometimes cause water above its fiber saturation point, posites should also be conditioned prior paint to turn yellow-brown over the the water is stored in the hollow center to finishing. knots. Primers formulated to block wa- of the wood cell; when all the air in the hollow center has been replaced by wa- ter, the wood is waterlogged and mois- Water-Soluble Extractives ture content can be as high as 200%. The In addition to the physical structure sources and ways by which wood can and moisture content of wood, wood get wet sometimes seem endless. The chemical composition affects the perfor- result is always the same — poor perfor- mance of paints and finishes. Old growth mance, both of the wood and the finish. timber is characterized by a high per- Water also causes peeling of paint. centage of heartwood. Heartwood con- Even if other factors are involved, water tains extraneous compounds such as accelerates paint degradation. If the tannins and other polyphenolics. These moisture content of the wood exceeds compounds, called extractives, impart 20% when the wood is painted, the risk natural decay and insect resistance to of blistering and peeling is increased. heartwood of several species of wood, Moreover, dark water-soluble extractives such as redwood and the cedars. The in woods like redwood and western presence of water-soluble extractives can redcedar may discolor paint shortly af- discolor the surface of paints and fin- ter it is applied. Fortunately, the mois- ishes and is often referred to as extrac- ture content of lumber can be controlled. tive bleeding.15 Although these extrac- But all too often this critical factor is tives can cause problems with discol- neglected during the construction and oration of finishes if not sealed with a finishing processes. It is best to paint stain blocking primer, the decay resis- Figure 6—Microscopic view of wood when its average moisture con- tance that some of them impart to wood softwood with a resin duct. tent is about that expected to prevail greatly outweighs disadvantages caused 38 Journal of Coatings Technology
Wood Properties Affecting Finish Service Life ter-soluble extractives will not block Lignin comprises 20 to 30% of the sanding provides a much better surface these resins. wood surface. It is a polymeric substance for painting. The resins in some softwoods can oc- that glues the celluloses together. Be- cur in small ducts (Figure 6). Depending cause lignin is affected by photodegra- dation more than are celluloses, lignin Juvenile Wood on the grain orientation, a large number of these ducts can intersect the surface degrades and cellulose fibers remain The presence of juvenile wood, which of the lumber. Paint on these surfaces loosely attached to the wood surface. is often characterized by lower density may be more prone to discolor. If vari- Further weathering causes fibers to be and higher longitudinal shrinkage, is re- ous cuts of lumber (i.e., grain orienta- lost from the surface (a process called sponsible for much of the decrease in tion) are used to make finger-jointed erosion), but this process is so slow that strength of young growth timber. Juve- moldings, the discoloration of the vari- on average only about 6 mm (1/4 in.) of nile wood is produced during the early ous pieces of wood in a particular piece wood is lost in a century (Figure 7). This growth and development stages of trees; of molding can cause a checkerboard erosion rate is slower for most hard- therefore, it is located around the pith of pattern of discoloration. This can also woods. the tree. Much of the warp, crook, and occur with water-soluble extractives, Biological attack of a wood surface bow in lumber containing the pith or particularly with finger-jointed western by microorganisms is recognized as a sawn close to the pith is caused by the redcedar or redwood. contributing factor to color change or presence of juvenile wood. Cross- graying of wood. This biological attack, grained cracking of lumber is often a commonly called mildew, does not cause sign of juvenile wood (Figure 8). Because Weathering erosion of the surface, but it may cause of the younger age and smaller diam- initial graying or an unsightly dark gray eter of trees harvested from young Weathering is the general term used and blotchy appearance. The microor- growth forests, a higher proportion of to describe the degradation of materials ganisms primarily responsible for gray the volume in a log consists of juvenile exposed outdoors. This degradation oc- discoloration of wood are commonly wood. Juvenile wood is particularly curs on the surface of all organic materi- found on weathered wood. problematic in the short rotation (har- als, including wood, as well as finishes vested at 20 to 30 years), plantation used on wood, such as paints and stains. grown softwoods. The process occurs through photooxi- Paint Adhesion to dation of the surface catalyzed by ultra- Weathered Wood violet (UV) radiation in sunlight, and it Manufacturing is augmented by other processes such as Although the erosion of the wood washing by rain, changes in tempera- surface through weathering is a slow Characteristics ture, abrasion by windblown particles, process, the chemical changes that occur and changes in moisture content. Al- within a few weeks of outdoor exposure Grain Orientation though the weathering process can take can drastically decrease the adhesion of Several properties of flat-grained lum- many forms depending on the exposed paints subsequently applied to the ber differ from vertical-grained lumber. material, in general, the process begins weathered surface. It is fairly obvious with a color change, followed by slow that a badly weathered, powdery wood erosion (loss of material) from the sur- surface cannot hold paint very well. This face. The surface initially develops slight fact is not so obvious for wood that has checking. With some materials, deep weathered for only two to three weeks. cracks may ultimately develop. Weath- The wood appears sound and much the ering is dependent on the chemical same as unexposed wood. However, makeup of the affected material. Because when smooth-planed boards that had the surface of a material may be com- been preweathered for 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 posed of many different chemicals, not weeks were painted, the paint had a dras- all materials on the surface may erode at tic loss in adhesive strength after four the same rate. weeks of preweathering.16 Similar results The surface of wood consists of four are reported in other publications.17–28 types of organic materials: cellulose, In subsequent studies using similarly hemicellulose, lignin, and extractives. preweathered boards, the time until the Each of these materials is affected by paint started to peel was directly related the weathering process in a different to the preweathering time.29 Additional way. The extractives undergo changes weathering of these panels showed that, upon exposure to sunlight and lighten for panels preweathered 16 weeks, the or darken in color. With some wood paint started to peel within three years. species, this color change can take For panels preweathered for only one place within minutes of exposure. week, the paint started to peel after 13 Changes in the color of the surface are years (Williams, unpublished data). Pan- accompanied by other changes that els that were not preweathered showed affect the wettability and surface no sign of peeling after 13 years. The chemistry of the wood. The mecha- paint system was a commercial oil-alkyd nism of these early changes is not very primer with two acrylic latex topcoats over planed all-heartwood vertical- Figure 7—Western cedar exposed well understood, but these changes to weather for eight years. Top, can have a drastic effect on the sur- grained western redcedar. weathered specimen with top half face chemistry of wood and thus the The best remedy for restoring a protected by a metal strip. Bottom, wood’s interaction with other chemi- weathered wood surface is to sand it side view micrograph of weathered cals such as paint and other finishes with 50 to 80 grit sandpaper. Even if the surface. and adhesives. wood has not been weathered, scuff Vol. 72, No. 902, March 2000 39
R.S. Williams et al. manufacturing practices, closer attention contaminants, but it also roughens the to machine set up and more frequent surface slightly and removes raised sharpening of knives and greater atten- grain. The abrasion of the surface is par- tion to quality control procedures are ticularly important on the latewood por- required when surfacing flat-grained tion of the growth rings where the wood lumber. is more dense, and it is more difficult to attain finish adhesion. Sanding helps prepare this portion of the wood. Under Surface Texture magnification, sanded surfaces emulate Surface quality and texture play an characteristics similar to saw-textured important role in finish performance, and surfaces but to a lesser degree. More the variables that influence the surface surface area is exposed in the sanding characteristics of the wood are numer- process, creating better conditions for ous. Rough sawn, sanded, saw-textured, finish adhesion. and smooth-planed surfaces all influence finishes differently. Moisture Content and Drying Generally speaking, rough sawn and saw-textured surfaces require more fin- Significant regional geographic dif- Figure 8—Warping (top) and ex- ish than smooth-planed surfaces, and ferences exist in lumber drying practices cessive surface degradation (bot- they provide longer lasting performance resulting from species mix, building tom) resulting from juvenile wood. because more finish must be applied. practices, and climate throughout North Rougher surfaces provide more tooth for America. Wood products are available finish adhesion and actually have much green (unseasoned), S-Dry (Surfaced- more surface area. Rough surfaces also Dry, 19% or less moisture content), or These include appearance or figure, di- have far less of a problem with grain kiln-dried (typically 10 to 15% moisture mensional stability, potential for grain raising than does flat-grained lumber content). Only dimension and finish lum- raising and grain separation, and ability because of less grain compression caused ber two inches and thinner in nominal to hold film-forming finishes. The broad by planing processes. As the timber re- thickness (standard 38 mm) may be alternating bands of earlywood and late- source changes from an old growth to a available S-Dry or kiln-dried. Larger di- wood that make up the annual growth young growth supply, the ratio of flat mensions of solid sawn lumber should rings are highly visible on the surface of grain to vertical grain is increasing dra- be assumed to be green. Higher grades flat-grained lumber. This grain figure is matically. For this reason, rough sawn of lumber such as those used for archi- valued for applications such as indoor and saw-textured surfaces are being used tectural finish are normally kiln-dried. paneling where maximum natural grain more frequently in an effort to decrease pattern of the wood is desired. As previ- grain raising and improve finish perfor- ously mentioned, in flat-grained lum- mance on flat-grained wood products. ber, knots will appear round or oval The bark side of flat-grained prod- rather than spiked as in vertical-grained ucts weathers differently than the pith lumber. Since tangential shrinkage is side; therefore, lumber patterns that have about twice the rate of radial shrinkage, an obvious exposed face can be manu- flat-grained lumber can be expected to factured to leave the bark side exposed. shrink across its face much more than This is referred to as “graining the piece.” vertical-grained lumber. Some patterns are reversible and in these Perhaps the greatest difficulty asso- cases it is up to the installer to grain the ciated with the use of flat-grained lum- piece and apply the product with the ber is the increased potential for grain bark side exposed. In cases where the raising and grain separation (Figures 9a customer knows which face of a pattern and 9b). Raised grain, which results in a will be exposed to weathering, the manu- corrugated appearance on the surface of facturer should be notified prior to flat-grained lumber, usually occurs when manufacturing so that the pattern can the harder latewood portion of each an- be grained and manufactured properly. nual growth ring is projected above the Graining solid sawn lumber is a com- level of the softer earlywood. This usu- mon practice that can be done by an ally occurs when dry flat-grained lum- experienced planer or molder operator. ber is allowed to pick up moisture. When This practice, however, is not always the interface between the latewood and practical when manufacturing finger- earlywood becomes loosened, the result jointed lumber, and the chances of en- is separated grain, also known as loos- countering grain raising and the associ- ened grain, shelling, feathering, or lift- ated finish problems may be higher for ing of the grain. Raised or separated these products. For this reason, the use Figure 9—(a) Paint failure caused grain is much more pronounced on the of saw-textured patterns is especially by raised grain; (b) Raised grain on pith side than on the bark side of flat- important with finger-jointed wood sub- book-matched specimens of planed grained lumber. The primary method of strates. lumber. The cross sections of a preventing problems with grain separa- Recent studies have shown that sand- planed board illustrate grain raise tion is to orient the bark side rather than ing surfaces may improve finish perfor- caused by water. Top, surface im- the pith side of the product to the mance and durability. Sanding with 50 mediately following planing but not weather. Since grain raising and grain to 80 grit sandpaper not only cleans the wetted; bottom, the same planed separation can be exacerbated by poor surface by removing dirt, oil, and other surface but wetted. 40 Journal of Coatings Technology
Wood Properties Affecting Finish Service Life Common grades of lumber are usually or other film-forming finishes. Green structures throughout the East Coast of available S-Dry and are less frequently lumber can be used in situations where the United States. kiln-dried. penetrating stains and finishes will be Wood buildings that are properly de- applied, but the wood surface must first signed to shed exterior water and to Wood moisture content is one of the be allowed to dry sufficiently to accept most critical factors governing the per- avoid trapping moisture from interior the finish. This can usually be accom- sources routinely give service lives of formance of paints and other film-form- plished during a few days of dry ing finishes. Typically, paints and other much longer than 100 years. This is par- weather. As described previously, ticularly true if the wood is maintained surface coatings cannot be successfully longer exposure times lead to surface applied to wood that has a surface mois- with a paint finish. The roof of the build- degradation and should be avoided. ing protects the wood from most of the ture content in excess of approximately Other problems associated with the use 20%. If the moisture content is too high, water. The finish stops the weathering of green lumber products include the of the wood’s surface because the pig- continued movement of this moisture natural shrinkage that occurs as these out of the wood may result in extractive ments in the paint completely block the products acclimate to ambient condi- UV radiation in sunlight, which cata- bleeding and blistering and peeling of tions. Checks, splits, and warping may film-forming finishes. For best results lyzes the degradation of the wood. The occur from rapid, uneven shrinkage of paint itself undergoes UV degradation, the wood should be at a moisture con- lumber. These characteristics can be tent typical of what it will have during and a paint system comprised of a primer minimized by using higher grades of and two topcoats lasts about 10 years in its service. For most areas of the United lumber. States and Canada, this is about 12%. full sunlight. During this time, the top- Penetrating finishes such as water-re- coats erode and when the primer begins pellent preservatives and semitranspar- to show, the surface should be repainted. ent stains may be applied to products Performance Expectations By keeping an intact paint film on wood, that have a dry surface but which still the wood’s surface can be protected in- may contain a high enough internal or Unlike building materials such as definitely. core moisture content to be considered steel and masonry, wood is a biological Wood used in exterior landscaping green. Since penetrating finishes do not product. As such, individual pieces vary projects such as decks and fences is gen- block moisture movement, they allow more in appearance, properties, and per- erally considered to have a much shorter the wood to dry but do not blister or formance. The life expectancy of a lum- expected service life. There are a num- peel. ber product is related to a number of ber of reasons for this. Decks and fences direct and indirect factors. Direct factors are often in direct ground contact or in Lumber manufacturing can also have include the properties of a particular spe- an effect on the overall performance of a very close proximity to the ground. This cies, the characteristics of the grade, and results in a higher risk for termite and coating on wood. As previously dis- the quality of manufacture. Indirect fac- cussed, proper drying plays an impor- wood decay fungus infestations. The tors include how the product is used horizontal exposure of decks results in a tant role in producing a wood product after it has left the manufacturing facil- that will be dimensionally stable and much higher degree of weathering from ity. These indirect factors include han- UV radiation, precipitation, and other have a durable finish. Proper kiln dry- dling, storage, installation, and mainte- ing provides the best situation for wood elements. Decks are also directly exposed nance. Siding is but a single component to the wear from foot traffic. For preser- because it creates a balanced piece of of a building. Its performance depends lumber that has an even moisture con- vative-treated wood, the service life is on many critical factors including cli- often determined by the weathering of tent throughout the piece. Kiln-dried mate, the design of the structure, the lumber has less tendency to shrink or the decking boards. The NAHB estimates skill of the person doing the installation, the life expectancy of wood decks and warp, but the most important character- and the interaction with other materials istic from the standpoint of finishing is fences to be 15 years and 12 years, re- such as fasteners, flashing, sheathing, that kiln-dried lumber develops less sur- spectively.30 We consider these life ex- and house-wrap or felt. face checking. Paint applications are es- pectancies to be conservative. There are pecially susceptible to performance fail- Under ideal conditions, wood can many examples of decks and fences last- ures when surface checking of the wood have an almost indefinite service life. As ing much longer when properly de- substrate occurs. These checks initiate a rule of thumb, most low-rise residen- signed, constructed, and maintained. We cracking and peeling of the coating. Kiln- tial structures are designed and built believe that a reasonable expectation of drying dramatically decreases this con- with an intended service life of 100 years. service life for these and other types of dition. It is assumed that after 50 years, the wood landscaping structures is 20 to 25 structure will require extensive renova- years. The finish applied to air-seasoned or tion that will include the replacement of S-Dry lumber is more durable than that the exterior cladding. A service life for applied to green lumber. However, these exterior wood siding on the order of 50 partially dried products will probably to 100 years is therefore generally con- Summary and Conclusions not give the same quality of finish per- sidered acceptable. The National Asso- formance as kiln-dried lumber. While ciation of Home Builders (NAHB)30 gives Of the vast array of wood properties some of the moisture has been removed a life expectancy for wood siding of only that affect the performance of finishes in S-Dry and air-seasoned lumber, a per- 10 years if constantly moistened but up for wood, several stand out as having a centage of excess moisture is still present to 100 years if properly maintained. major effect on the long-term service life in the wood and this can be detrimental Keeping wood and wood products dry of finishes. The growth rate and the grain to film-forming finishes such as paint. is essential for long-term service life. A pattern that results from the growth rate, Partially dried products offer dried sur- service life of 100 years is easily obtained particularly the relative width and den- faces that are satisfactory for applying if the wood is kept dry and maintained sities of the earlywood and latewood, penetrating finishes such as water repel- with a finish. There are many examples affect the dimensional stability and thus lents and semitransparent stains. of wood siding lasting more than 200 the amount of stress at the wood–coat- Green lumber is generally not suit- years; for example, the siding on Mount ing interface. Coating systems lacking able for immediate finishing with paint Vernon and numerous other historic sufficient flexibility can crack as a result Vol. 72, No. 902, March 2000 41
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