Summer Camp 2023 Camp NOARK

Page created by Sara Conner
Summer Camp 2023 Camp NOARK
Camp 2023

Summer Camp 2023 Camp NOARK
Five Outcomes of Camp
   When Girl Scouts come to camp, they do more than just have fun! Our camp programming is
    designed to help girls grow and benefit through the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.

  Strong Sense of Self
  Girl Scouts have confidence in themselves and their abilities; they form positive identities.
  At camp, campers are encouraged to try new activities and practice their skills. Campers have
  the freedom to choose extra activity rotations to add to their daily schedule.

                                                                                              Healthy Relationships
                 Girl Scouts develop and maintain healthy relationships by communicating their feelings.
               In a group living setting like camp, conflict can happen. When it does, our trained counselors
                  discuss any disagreements with campers and help them solve their conflict construcively.

  Challenge Seeking
  Girl Scouts take appropriate risks, try things even if they might fail, and learn from their mistakes.
  At camp, our staff instructors are trained to supervise their specialty area and engage campers in
  healthy risk taking. Campers can try “challange by choice” in an encouraging, uplifting environment.

                                                                                                            Positive Values
                          Girl Scouts act ethically, honestly and responsibly, and show concern for others.
                    Campers learn to share responsibility in keeping their living area clean and assisting in
                                                 cleaning areas shared by all camp during daily “kapers.”

  Community Problem Solving
  Girl Scouts desire to contribute to the world in purposeful and meaningful ways, learn how
  to identify problems in the community, and create “action plans” to solve them.
  As a part of our group living environment at camp, campers create their own rules for their
  groups with the guidance of counselors.

                                          Table of Contents
                                          Summer Schedule .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
                                          Lodging Units .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
                                          Brownie Programs .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
                                          Junior Porgrams  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7
                                          Cadette Programs .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8
                                          Senior/Ambassador Programs  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9
                                          Leadership Programs .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10
                                          Paying for Camp  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12
                                          Cookies to Camp .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 13
2 Summer Camp 2023
Summer Camp 2023 Camp NOARK
Dear Diamonds,

Whether you and your Girl Scout are just beginning
your Girl Scouting adventure, or you’re practically                     Girl Scout
an expert when it comes to the great outdoors, you
                                                                     Promise and Law
know about the greatness that is camp.

Girls need a safe place where they can unplug and
be themselves, a space with amazing views where                           Promise
they can relax, make lifelong memories, and try new                On my honor, I will try:
experiences. Each outdoor experience is packed                         To serve God*
full of Girl Scout tradition and exciting activities,                 and my country,
from art and music to equine and STEM. There’s                   To help people at all times,
something waiting for every girl at camp this                        And to live by the
summer!                                                                Girl Scout Law.

When your camper attends Daisy Twilight Camp                       *Members may substitute for
                                                                 the word God in accordance with
or one of our four sessions of resident camp at                     their own spiritual beliefs.
Camp NOARK, they join over 50 years of Girl Scouts
who found lasting friendships, discovered their                               Law
strengths, challenged themselves and returned                       I will do my best to be
home with an all-new love for the outdoors.                            honest and fair,
                                                                    friendly and helpful,
When you send your Girl Scout to camp, you’ll be
                                                                   considerate and caring,
amazed at what it does to develop courage and
the confidence that follows, to the classroom, the                 courageous and strong,
boardroom, and beyond.                                               and responsible for
                                                                      what I say and do,
Our team is committed to engaging every girl in the                          and to
experience of camp, and we’d love to welcome your                respect myself and others,
Girl Scout to our camping sisterhood!                                 respect authority,
                                                                    use resources wisely,
Yours in Girl Scouting,                                           make the world a better
                                                                    place, and be a sister
Teri Dyer                                                            to every Girl Scout. 
Outdoor Program Manager

              Camp NOARK                         Camp Directory
                                                 Teri Dyer, Outdoor Program Manager
             Kerri Walker, Equine Program Manager
                                                 Sarah Livengood, Program Director
                                                 Alisha Faulkner, Property & Risk Management Director
                   (479) 310-7808

Summer Camp 2023 Camp NOARK
Summer Schedule
                Check out this overview of all our summer programs,
                       and read on to learn more about them!

                             Daisy Twilight Camp, June 2-3

   Session 1, June 4-9                       Session 2, June 11-16
   Saddle Up                                 Artrageous

   Mudstompers                               Tenderfoot

   Night Owl                                 Get a Clue

   On Your Way                               Take the Lead

   CIT II                                    CIT II

   Riding Rookie II                          Riding Rookie II

   Session 3, June 18-23                     Session 4, June 25-30
   Fairies & Friends                         Water Bugs

   Animal Lover                              Saddle Up

   Wildlife & Wonder                         World Explorer

   Whoo, Whoo Lives Here                     Whatever Floats Your Boat

   CIT II (Optional add-on week)             CIT I

   Riding Rookie II (Optional add-on week)   Riding Rookie I


                                                              PLEASE NOTE:
                                                      We are committed to ensuring
    Cadettes                                             our events are accessible
    (ENTERING GRADES 6-8)                                to all participants. If cost
    Seniors/Ambassadors                                 is a factor in your decision,
    (ENTERING GRADES 9-12)                                  please complete the
                                                         Campership form during
    Leadership Program
                                                          the registration process
                                                      (more information on page 12).

4 Summer Camp 2023
Summer Camp 2023 Camp NOARK
Lodging Units

Friendship Lodge
(air conditioning, electricity, indoor plumbing)
 This three level bunkhouse features multiple modern
bathrooms and XL twin beds.

(tent camping, latrines, indoor/outdoor showers)
Tent camp at the Chalet with access to air conditioning and a
modern bathroom. Outdoor showers and latrines onsite.

Enchanted Hollow
(outdoor shower and latrines)
Screened in cabins that sleep 4 on twin beds.

Daisy Patch
(outdoor shower and latrines)
Platform tents with canvas sides that sleep 4 on XL twin beds.

Pooh Corner
(outdoor shower and latrines)
Pitched tents on platforms.

Summer Camp 2023 Camp NOARK
Brownie Programs                                 Fairies & Friends
                                                     (Entering Grades 2-3)
          (ENTERING GRADES 2-3)                      Session 3, June 18-23
                                                     Discover your inner fairy during this magical
Saddle Up (Entering Grades 2-3)                      session! Come daydream with fairy tales, create a
Session 1, June 4-9                                  whimsical fairy house, and stroll along a magical
$400                                                 fairy trail. In addition to classic camp activities
Do you love horses and spending time in the          (including the barn), you’ll dress up, create fairy
barn? Saddle Up is for beginner riders; a start,     wings, and make new Girl Scout friends.
stop, steer program. Spend part of the day on        Badge earned:
horseback, building the best relationship with our
horse friends. Your week will also include barn
chores, exploring horse science, and participating
in traditional camp experiences.                     Water Bugs (Entering Grades 2-3)
Badge earned:                                        Session 4, June 25-30
Pets                                                 $325
                                                     Come have a splashing good time with new
                                                     friends at camp! This week will be filled with
Artrageous (Entering Grades 2-3)                     water adventures – from the pool to special
Session 2, June 11-16                                surprises at our WOW Wednesday water carnival!
$325                                                 Campers will also learn about the wonderful
Let your imagination run wild as you make your       world that exists below the water as they explore
own unique jewelry, colorful tie-dye creations,      how they can be a friend to nature and protect
and more! Artrageous campers will experience         the waterways around them.
traditional camp activities plus LOTS of time        Journey Earned:
crafting. You will draw, paint and create as you
                                                     WOW! Wonders of Water
find inspiration in the beauty of the woods.
Badge earned:
Outdoor Art Creator

6 Summer Camp 2023
Summer Camp 2023 Camp NOARK
Junior Programs
          (ENTERING GRADES 4-5)

Mudstompers (Entering Grades 4-5)
Session 1, June 4-9
Ready to get wet, messy, muddy, and have a
good time? Mudstompers will have you creating
messy crafts, creek stompin’, and enjoying water
activities! You’ll clean-up and get hands-on
learning with STEM projects. We guarantee you’ll
have a messy good time!
Badge earned:
Paddle Boat Design

Tenderfoot (Entering Grades 4-5)
Session 2, June 11-16
$425                                               Animal Lover (Entering Grades 4-5)
Mastered stop, start, steer? Tenderfoot is the     Session 3, June 18-23
week for you! Practice safe horse handling,        $350
grooming, barn chores, etc. If your skill level    Imagine meeting a monkey or a kangaroo! These
allows, you may even start and control the trot!   animals live in the wild and would be hard to find
Badge earned:                                      in our backyard, but there are lots of animals
Horseback Riding                                   that do live at camp! Join us as we learn about
                                                   both camp furry friends in the barn and those far
                                                   away. Make animal crafts and learn about animal
                                                   homes, all while enjoying everything Camp
                                                   NOARK has to offer.
                                                   Badge earned:
                                                   Animal Habitats

                                                   Saddle Up (Entering Grades 4-6)
                                                   Session 4, June 25-30
                                                   Do you love horses and spending time in the
                                                   barn? Saddle Up is for beginner riders; a start,
                                                   stop, steer program. Spend part of the day on
                                                   horseback, building the best relationship with our
                                                   horse friends. Your week will also include barn
                                                   chores, exploring horse science, and participating
                                                   in traditional camp experiences.
                                                   Badge earned:
                                                   Horseback Riding

Summer Camp 2023 Camp NOARK
Cadette Programs                                   Wildlife & Wonder (Entering Grades 6-7)
                                                        Session 3, June 18-23
           (ENTERING GRADES 6-8)                        $350
                                                        Explore the mysteries of camp at night while
                                                        exploring connections between animals (including
Night Owl (Entering Grades 6-8)                         horses) and humans. Go on a night hike, stargaze and
Session 1, June 4-9                                     plan a PJ party in the dining hall! You will stay up late
$325                                                    and enjoy breakfast in your unit, but won’t miss out
Do you like to stay up late and sleeping in the next    on any traditional camp fun.
day? Then come and experience the wonders               Badge earned:
of camp after the sun goes down. Enjoy a glow           Animal Helpers
party, hike with the light of the moon as your
guide, and find constellations while experiencing
camp activities at night.                               World Explorer (Entering Grades 7-8)
Badge earned:                                           Session 4, June 25-30
Night Owl                                               $325
                                                        Become a culinary champ during this tasty week at
                                                        camp. Sharpen your chef skills by making delectable
Get a Clue (Entering Grade 6)                           treats using a variety of methods Practice cooking
Session 2, June 11-16                                   in an oven and over a fire to get ready for your own
$325                                                    “chopped” challenge hosted by Camp NOARK staff.
Join us on a quest to crack the case! Put your          Badge earned:
skills to the test as you help your team solve          New Cuisines
the mystery. A special agent wears many hats—
detective, scientist, psychologist, enforcer of the                                      See Junior page
law. Help us Get a Clue.                                                                   for another
Badge earned:                                                                            session option:
Special Agent                                                                              Saddle Up

Take the Lead (Entering Grades 7-8)
Session 2, June 11-16
This foundational leadership program is for Girl
Scouts who are just starting their leadership
journey. Program aides mentor younger Girl
Scouts by sharing skills, testing their knowledge,
and trying out their new roles as budding leaders.
Experience all your favorite parts about camp
while learning exciting leadership skills!
Badge earned:
                                            See S/A page for
                                            another session
                                             Whoo, Whoo
                                              Lives Here

8 Summer Camp 2023
Summer Camp 2023 Camp NOARK
Senior/Ambassador Programs
                                      (ENTERING GRADES 9-12)

Whoo, Whoo Lives Here                              Whatever Floats Your Boat
(Entering Grades 8-9)                              (Entering Grades 9-12)
Session 3, June 18-23                              Session 4, June 25-30
$350                                               $425
Enjoy this camp sampler with a special focus       Paddle boarding, canoeing, swimming at the pool,
on animals, science, and late nights. There will   hiking to waterfalls and kayaking! If it’s water
be special animal focused STEM activities,         fun at camp then we have it planned just for you.
community helper animals, night hikes, some        When you come to camp it’s “Whatever Floats
barn time and more.                                your Boat” and we may even build a raft to get
Badge earned:
Voice for Animals/Animal Helpers                   Badge earned:
                                                   Senior: Adventurer
On Your Way (Entering Grades 9-12)                 Ambassador: Ultimate Recreation Challange
Session 1, June 4-9
Make new friends and more as you uncover all
that Camp NOARK has to offer including spending
time at the barn. From singing songs and playing
games to trying your hand at hatchet throwing or
the archery range—it’s a classic camp experience
that you design!

Badge earned:
Trail Adventurer

Summer Camp 2023 Camp NOARK
Leadership Program

CIT II (Entering Grades 10-12)                         Riding Rookie II (Entering Grades 10-12)
Session 1, June 4-9                                    Session 1, June 4-9
Session 2, June 11-16                                  Session 2, June 11-16
$600                                                   $700
Session 3, June 18-23                                  Session 3, June 18-23
Additional $50                                         Additional $75
Girl Scouts interested in a future job as a camp       Riders comfortable and competent around horses
counselor or who want to expand their leadership       and the facility, who are interested in being Junior
skills may participate in our CIT I (entering grades   Assistants, come test your strength and knowledge
9–10) or CIT II (entering grades 11–12) summer         in both equine program and large animal care.
leadership experience.                                 Riding Rookie II is tandem enrolled in CIT II.

Session 3 CITs will intergrate into other units as     Session 3 CITs will intergrate into other units as
Junior Counselors.                                     Junior Barn Assistants.

Prereq. CIT I or VIT                                   Prereq. CIT I or VIT
Badge earned:                                          Badge earned:
CIT II                                                 CIT II

CIT I (Entering Grades 9-12)                           Riding Rookie I (Entering Grades 9-12)
Session 4, June 25-30                                  Session 4, June 25-30
$385                                                   $435
Girl Scouts interested in a future job as a camp       Riders comfortable and competent around horses
counselor or who want to expand their leadership       and the facility, who are interested in being Junior
skills may participate in our CIT I (entering grades   Assistants, come test your strength and knowledge
9–10) or CIT II (entering grades 11–12) summer         in both equine program and large animal care.
leadership experience.                                 When you attend Riding Rookie, you are tandem
Badge earned:                                          enrolled in CIT I.
CIT I                                                  Badge earned:
                                                       CIT I

                                                                         are held to a
                                                                       high standard of
                                                                      maturity and have
                                                                     roles in the planning
                                                                         of “all-camp”
10 Summer Camp 2023
Daily Schedule                                  Daisy Twilight Camp
                                                        June 2, 9am-June 3, 1pm
An average day at camp? No such thing!                  Girl Scouts entering 1st grade can try
You and your fellow Girl Scouts will work               out camp during this one-night camp
directly with your counselors to create your            session. Experience a colorful sampling of
ideal schedule while you adventure at Camp              everything Camp NOARK has to offer. Make
NOARK! Here’s an example of what a day at               outdoor art, visit horses at the barn, play
camp might look like:                                   games in the meadow, hike a trail, and sing
                                                        songs around the campfire. Participants will
   6-8 am        Wake Up
                                                        stay in the Friendship Lodge and will receive
     8 am        Flag Raising Ceremony                  Camp NOARK’s summer camp 2023 patch.

  8:15 am        Breakfast
  9-11 am        Activity
                                                        Junior Counselors/Barn
    12 pm        Lunch
     1 pm        Turtle Time
                                                        These programs are for campers 16 years
   2-6 pm        Activity                               or older, who have already completed a
                                                        Counselor in Training (CIT) or Riding Rookie
     6 pm        Flag Retiring Ceremony                 I program and would like to further enhance
                                                        their leadership skills by learning what
  6:15 pm        Dinner
                                                        it’s like to be a Camp Counselor or Barn
     7 pm        Evening Unit Time                      Assistant. Under the supervision of camp
                                                        staff, they have an active role in working
     8 pm        Showers                                with campers and sleep in a unit with
                 Lights Out!                            younger girls. Hours can be used toward
     9 pm
                                                        Service to Girl Scouting bars and presidential
                                 Turtle Time
                                                        service awards. There is an application and
                                Feet in your own        interview process for this program.
                               bed! Relax or nap!
                                                        Email for an
                                 Bring a book or
                               quiet activity to do     application.
                                during this time.

                                                      Open House
                                                      May 20
                                                      Tour Camp NOARK and see where your camper
                                                      will eat, sleep, hike, and play. Take your family
                                                      on our self-guided walking tour. Visit the Trading
                                                      Post and meet the staff to have all your questions

                                                      Open House is FREE.
                                                      Registration is required.


Deposits and Fees
A $50 non-refundable deposit per session is due with each
registration. The deposit serves as the first payment of the total
camp fee. Deposits may be made online or by calling (800)632-
6894. Diamonds Dollars cannot be accepted for the deposit. All
remaining fees must be paid by May 10.  Registration closes May 5.

Refund Policy
Refund of camp fees, including Diamonds Dollars, excluding the
$50 deposit and membership fee, will be given for cancellations made by May 10. Camper fees will
not be refunded if a camper leaves camp due to homesickness, illness or misconduct. Camper fees
will not be refunded if camper arrives with head lice or a temperature greater than 99 degrees.
Camperships are not refundable.

          Financial Aid “Camperships” for Camp

                                                    How do I know we will receive a
 What is a “campership”?
 Camperships are scholarships funded by the
                                                    Campership applications will be reviewed April 3,
 generosity of donors who contribute to our
                                                    2023, All applicants will receive notification by April
 campership fund each year. Our goal is to
                                                    7, 2023.
 make camp a possibility for all girls. Financial
 difficulties should never be the reason a girl
                                                    Do I do anything after I receive a
 can’t experience the life-changing lessons
 found at camp.
                                                    All girls receiving a campersip must write a thank
 How much can we apply for?                         you card to their donor(s) who made camp a reality.
 First-time applicants may apply for up to 100%     These must be received by April 30, 2023.
 of the cost of the camp session, less the $50
                                                    How can I contribute to camperships?
 deposit. Second-time applicants may apply
                                                    Camperships do not exist without the generosity of
 for up to 50% of the cost of the camp session,
                                                    our donors. If your family is interested in donating
 less the $50 deposit. Third-time applicants can
                                                    to camperships to make camp a reality for a
 apply for up to 25% of the cost of the camp
                                                    sister Girl Scout, please email funddevelopment@
 session, less the $50 deposit. Priority will be
                                           or visit girlscoutsdiamonds.
 given to first-time applicants
                                                    org/give to donate directly to the campership fund.
 How do I apply for camperships?
 You must register for camp and pay the $50
 deposit, then complete the registration form

 When is the deadline to apply?
 Campership applications open February 1,
 2023, and all applications are due by April 1,

12 Summer Camp 2023                                 More Info? Email
Cookies to Camp

Girl Scouts - Diamonds encourages girls to participate in the
Girl Scout Cookie Program and Fall Product Program and             Diamonds Dollars
select Diamonds Dollars as a reward to assist in covering          There are two kinds of Diamonds
camp fees. Girl Scouts can apply Diamonds Dollars earned           Dollars to choose during reward
during the 2021 Fall Product Program*, 2022 Cookie Program*,       selection and Girl Scouts should
and 2022 Fall Product Program** to their 2023 camp                 choose wisely! If their plan is to
registrations.                                                     use Diamonds Dollars toward camp
                                                                   fees, they need to select Traditional
Diamonds Dollars are earned by participating in the annual         Diamonds Dollars. Diamonds Dollars
Girl Scout Cookie Program. Diamonds Dollars can be applied         cannot be converted from online to
to any part of the registration, excluding the deposit.            traditional or traditional to online
                                                                   once reward orders are submitted.
         How much can you earn?
Begin planning for the 2024 camp season now! Diamonds              Traditional
Dollars earned during the 2023 Cookie Program can be applied       These Diamonds Dollars can be used
to 2024 camp registrations. Girl Scouts can select Diamonds
                                                                   within Girl Scouts – Diamonds for
Dollars as their preferred reward choice at as many levels as
                                                                   camp, council-sponsored events,
they choose. Diamonds Dollars are cumulative, see the chart
below to see how much you can earn!                                annual membership dues, council
                                                                   travel, and brick and mortar council
                                                                   shop purchases.
      Cookies Sold                  Amount Earned
                                                                   At this time, we cannot accept
                                                                   payment of Traditional Diamonds
         200+ boxes                            $5                  Dollars online. Traditional Diamonds
                                                                   Dollars payments must be made by
         300+ boxes                           $10
                                                                   phone or in person.
         400+ boxes                           $15

         500+ boxes                           $20                  Online
                                                                   Online Diamonds Dollars can only be
         600+ boxes                           $25                  used to make online shop purchases
                                                                   at and are not
         750+ boxes                           $35                  eligible for camp fees, trading post
                                                                   merchandise or care package
        1000+ boxes                           $50                  purchases.

         1250+ boxes                          $75

        1500+ boxes                           $100

  Total Possible Earned                      $335

*Diamonds Dollars earned during the 2022 membership year (2021
Fall Product Program and 2022 Cookie Program) are good through
June 30, 2023.

**Diamonds Dollars earned during the 2023 membership year (2022
Fall Product Program and 2023 Cookie Program) are good through
June 30, 2024. Due to timing, the use of 2023 Cookie Diamonds                                         13
Dollars may not be available to apply toward 2023 camp sessions.
Are you ready to camp like a Girl Scout?

Girl Scouts – Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas
11311 Arcade Drive | Little Rock, Arkansas 72212
(800) 632-6894 |
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