SUMMER 2020 2021 - City of Hobart

SUMMER 2020 2021 - City of Hobart
SUMMER 2020 – 2021                                 We reopened in winter a little apprehensively,
                                                   and with a limited program but you all bounced
                                                   back and our spring program bounced right
                                                   back with you. We are still signing people in,
                                                   sanitising hands and surfaces and limiting our
                                                   numbers so that you can feel comfortable
                                                   visiting us. While we have had smaller numbers
                                                   in some areas, our Zumba class has grown so
                                                   much in popularity that we have added an extra
The Positive Ageing Team and the City of           class. We have had a good turnout for our
Hobart wish all of you – customers, program        series of talks with approximately 28 people
users and centre hirers, volunteers, friends and   attending each one and our dining program is
your families a safe and joyful Christmas and      receiving lots of positive comments.
New Year. We look forward to a great 2021.         We look forward to welcoming you to our
We’re sure everyone will be happy to say           summer events which includes our famous
goodbye to 2020. It has on many fronts been a      Christmas Long Table Luncheon, two
difficult and challenging year. Many of us have    Wine, Savoury and Song events with Slim
said goodbye to people we love and to a way of     Pickins, and The Breed, an author talk with
life we have loved. We have also missed            Dr Katherine Johnson and lots more.
friends and family, the opportunity to meet new
members of our families and of course missed       Staffing Update
the freedom to travel.
                                                   Sadly, we bid farewell to the inimitable
However there are positives, one of which is       Della O’Brien as she retires from her role of
how lucky we have been to be sequestered           Mathers and Criterion House Coordinator, with
here on the beautiful Island of Tasmania, with     Friday 4 December being her last day working
limited restrictions, for most of the year. Many   with us.
people have also fostered new friendships and
                                                   Della has brought a lovely warmth and calm to
discovered kindness within ourselves and from
                                                   Mathers over the past two and half years. We will
others. From phoning lots of you while we were
                                                   all miss her helpful and delightful personality and
closed, many of you have talked of your love for
                                                   wish Della all the best for her future endeavours.
your gardens and your pets and a feeling of
closeness with others through use of the phone     Junu Shrestha, who works every afternoon to
and computers.                                     keep our centre clean and hygienic is expanding
                                                   her role at Mathers. Junu will now be working
                                                   Friday mornings, helping to set up programs and
                                                   activities and to support Centre users.

108–110 Bathurst Street, Hobart 7000
T. 6234 1441
SUMMER 2020 2021 - City of Hobart
Thank you to Volunteers and
Friends of Mathers House
Many of our programs and events are proudly       We all want to be safe, healthy and active in the
supported by volunteers and organisations who     community, so please look after yourself which in
strongly believe in inclusive, engaging and       turn will help us to look after you.
accessible opportunities for the older            We are asking everyone who enters the building
community.                                        to sanitise their hands and sign in.
We thank you for your ongoing involvement in      Please see below a list of things that you also
Positive Ageing across our beautiful city, and    need to be aware of.
thank you for your commitment to the program.
Enjoy your well-earned break!
                                                  Please don’t come to the centre if:
                                                  • You have COVID-19 and you are still under
Christmas/New Year Opening Hours                    instructions to quarantine;

Mathers and Criterion House will close for        • You are unwell including with fever (or night
the Christmas and New Year break. Our last          sweats/chills) or respiratory symptoms,
day open to the community in 2020 will be           e.g. shortness of breath, cough or sore throat;
Friday 18 December and we look forward to           or
welcoming you all back on Monday                  • If you are awaiting the results of a
11 January 2021.                                    COVID-19 test.

In anticipation of a greater demand than normal   Keeping your distance
and in response to comments from last year,       Please respect others if they still wish to
hot meals will be available in our Café with a    maintain a 1.5 metre distance from you and if
summer twist.                                     they would prefer not to have any physical
                                                  contact. Each person needs to do what makes
2021 Summer Public Holidays                       them feel comfortable.
Australia Day: Tuesday 26 January
Royal Hobart Regatta: Monday 8 February
                                                  • Wash or sanitise your hands on entering the
Mathers House Office Hours                          building and also use the sanitisers we have
                                                    provided when touching different surfaces.
Monday – Friday, 9 am – 3 pm
                                                  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow or use
Mathers House Café Hours                            a tissue. Dispose of the tissue in a bin
Monday – Friday, 10 am – 2 pm                       immediately afterwards and then wash your
                                                  • All surfaces will be cleaned regularly through
For Mathers House or Positive Ageing program        the day – door handles, light switches, tables
enquiries, or to register for the What’s On         and chairs after each usage.
newsletter, which includes full details of
upcoming events, please contact Mathers           • Don’t touch your face, eyes, or mouth – even
House on 6234 1441 or email                         with gloves.

108–110 Bathurst Street, Hobart 7000
T. 6234 1441
SUMMER 2020 2021 - City of Hobart
Hobart Old Time String Band
EVENTS                                                The Hobart Old Time String Band is a
                                                      community band of more than 20 musicians,
Christmas Long Table Luncheon                         formed in 2001 by Mike Grant and Fred Pribac
Join us to celebrate the festive season with          as a follow-on from Adult Education classes
community friends over a long table lunch.            offered by Fred since 1999. They get faces
Three courses of Christmas delights will be           smiling and toes tapping and have a reputation
served. Festive costume dress is encouraged           for their quality, fun hillbilly sound.
to get you all into the Christmas spirit.             Most of their material is drawn from traditional
Do let us know if you are coming along so we          and modern Appalachian folk song and tune
can stock up on food.                                 sources, plus a few novelty songs.
                                                      This event is presented as part of the City of
When: Tuesday 8 December,                             Hobart Christmas Entertainment Program.
      12 noon – 2 pm
                                                      When: Saturday 12 and 19 December,
Where: Dining Room, Mathers House
                                                            11 am – 2 pm
Cost:   $25 paid when booking
                                                      Where: Mathers Lane
                                                      Cost:   Free
Thursday 3 December
                                                      NO BOOKINGS REQUIRED

Planning for the Future –
Living Well At Home
Life often presents setbacks. Being prepared
with the right information and the right questions,
keeps you in control. This session will help you
to think about, talk, and plan for your own
well-being. There will be a short presentation
followed by an interactive fun workshop where         Ho-Ho-Hobart Christmas Carols
you make a “wellness map.” People often need          The Ho-Ho-Hobart Christmas Choir is a group of
information and support to get the right help at      fun, festive singers who love (seriously LOVE) to
home – and having a map of your needs and             sing Christmas carols, and would sing them all
preferences is a great starting point.                year round if anyone would put up with them!
The session will help to simplify the many            Join them for some festive cheer and socially
messages and programs available for older             distanced carol singing. Ho-Ho-Hobart will be
people who need support at home. At the end of        outdoors in the forecourt so you can sing along
the session, support people are available for         from a safe distance.
those who wish to discuss a personal situation.       Don’t forget you can pop in to Mathers House
When: Wednesday 9 December,                           Café for lunch afterwards.
      11.30 am – 12.30 pm                             When: Wednesday 16 December,
Where: Nell Pascoe Room, Criterion House                     11.45 am – 12.15 pm
                                                      Where: Forecourt Mathers House
Cost:   Free
                                                      Cost: Free
                                                      NO BOOKINGS REQUIRED

108–110 Bathurst Street, Hobart 7000
T. 6234 1441
SUMMER 2020 2021 - City of Hobart
Growing Wilder at Long Beach                       Cathy’s Craft Classes – Japanese Braiding
The City of Hobart’s Bush Adventures and           Come and join us to
Positive Ageing Team will once again provide       learn Japanese
a charming day out, this time at Long Beach,       Braiding. This
Sandy Bay.                                         relaxing craft is
Enjoy morning tea, then join Rob from the          suitable for all levels
Bush Adventures Team for a special look at         and abilities
the wonders of the River Derwent, explore the      including tired and
world of our rare and endangered Handfish, and     arthritic hands.
hear tales of our majestic marine mammals.         When: Monday 1 February, 10 am – 11.30 am
Afterwards sit back and enjoy a little music and   Where: Lower Level, Mathers House
a social barbecue lunch.
                                                   Cost: $5 for class payable on booking
Bus departs Mathers House at 10 am and             BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL AS ONLY
returns by 2 pm.                                   8 PLACES AVAILABLE
When: Tuesday 19 January
Bring: Weather appropriate clothes and             Mosaic Heirloom Workshops
        comfortable walking shoes                  with Donna Ritchie
Walk grade: Very easy
                                                                              The workshop will
Meet: Dining Room, Mathers House, 9.45 am                                     offer people the
       OR Long Beach, Sandy Bay (end of
                                                                              chance to make a
       Long Point Road), 10.30 am
                                                                              mirror or wall panel
Cost: $15 includes bus, morning tea and                                       using broken
       BBQ style lunch                                                        crockery.
BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL and PAYMENT                                                   You can bring along
required by Tuesday 12 January                                                   some crockery that
                                                                                 has a special meaning
Wine, Savoury and Song – Slim Pickins                                            to you. For example a
                                                   lovely old milk jug that's chipped or broken. This
                                                   can be incorporated into the mosaic so you can
                                                   enjoy it on a daily basis, rather than having it
                                                   stored away in a cupboard.
                                                   Donna has more than 20 years’ experience
                                                   running workshops and makes sure they’re fun
                                                   and engaging. She will provide tiles, goggles,
Come along and join Slim Pickins for an            glue, grout, mirror, boards, reference material
afternoon where you will be entertained with       and all instructions.
great music ranging from blue grassy standards
to bit of folk to Australian tunes.                When: Mondays 1, 15 and 22 February,
                                                         1 pm – 3 pm
Refreshments will be served.
                                                   Where: Lower Level, Mathers House
When: Friday 29 January, 2.30 pm – 4 pm
                                                   Cost:    FREE
Where: Dining Room, Mathers House
                                                   BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL AS ONLY
Cost: $5 covers entertainment and refreshments
                                                   8 PLACES AVAILABLE
108–110 Bathurst Street, Hobart 7000
T. 6234 1441
SUMMER 2020 2021 - City of Hobart
Medication and Ageing with Daniel Hoyle:
                                                   Presentation and Q&A
                                                   Daniel is a Certified Geriatric Pharmacist who
                                                   provides medication review services to
Speakers Series – Dr Katherine Johnson             community and residential care clients. He is a
                                                   Lecturer at Hobart’s School of Pharmacy and
                                                   Pharmacology (UTAS) and has recently
                                                   completed a PhD that evaluated a nation-wide
                                                   project to improve the use of sedating
                                                   medications in aged care facilities
                                                   (Reducing Use of Sedatives; RedUSe).
                                                   Come join Daniel in a discussion about
                                                   medication management followed by a Q&A
                                                   When: Wednesday 10 February,
Dr Johnson will talk to us about the inspiration         11 am – 12 noon
behind her books and her journey as a writer.      Where: Lower Level, Mathers House
A science writer and novelist based in             Cost:    $3
Tasmania, Dr Johnson has been published in         A light afternoon tea will be provided.
Forty South, The Conversation, Good Weekend
(Sydney Morning Herald) and CSIRO’s ECOS           BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL
magazine. Her novels include Pescador’s
Wake, The Better Son, Matryoshka and Paris         Cathy’s Craft Classes – Sashiko Stitching
Savages, which was released in the UK in July,
where it was The Times Historical Fiction Book     Join Cathy for her latest craft class. Come and
of the Month (July), and is due for release in     explore the gentle Japanese craft of Sashiko
Italy in 2021. Katherine also tutors creative      stitching. Learn the basics then use them in a
writing at the University of Tasmania.             totally modern way.; Connect via            .When:   Mondays 15 and 22 February,
@KJohnsonauthor                                             10 am – 11.30 am
When: Wednesday 3 February,                        Where: Lower Level, Mathers House
      11 am – 12 noon
                                                   Cost:    $5 for 2 classes payable on booking
Where: Lower Level, Mathers House
                                                   BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL AS ONLY
Cost:   $3                                         8 PLACES AVAILABLE
A light afternoon tea will be provided

108–110 Bathurst Street, Hobart 7000
T. 6234 1441
SUMMER 2020 2021 - City of Hobart
Simple Healthy Eating                                For no matter how bad it gets, there are always
Join Martin Modinger (retired chef) and get          happy days.
some simple healthy eating advice. This is a
highly interactive session, so bring your own        This project is supported by the City of Hobart
wisdom and hear from others in the group.            and assisted through Arts Tasmania by the
                                                     Minister for the Arts.
Martin takes a light hearted approach to food so
it’s sure to be a fun and engaging hour and          When: Wednesday 20 and Friday 22 February,
you’ll get all your questions answered.                    1 pm – 1.40 pm

Don’t forget you can stay and have a hot meal        Where: Forecourt, Mathers House
between 12 noon and 1 pm in our Café at very         Cost:   Free
reasonable prices.
                                                     BOOKINGS NOT REQUIRED
When: Wednesday 17 February,
      11 am – 12 noon
Where: Lower Level, Mathers House                    Come along for Tantalising Trivia
                                                     with Quiz Master ‘Quiz Quiztofferson’
Cost:   Free
                                                     If you’ve been before you will
BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL                                   know the questions will be
                                                     entertaining and that it’s your
                                                     life experience that will help
                                                     with the answers, rather than
Lunchtime Theatre
                                                     any academic achievements.
Happy Days by Samuel Beckett
                                                     Refreshments will be provided.
The Black Bag Trilogy presents Jane Longhurst        Prizes will be the pride of winning!
in association with Blue Cow Theatre:
                                                     Why not have lunch in our Café beforehand.
In a parched landscape, beneath a drooping
                                                     When: Wednesday 24 February,
parasol, a woman stands buried to the waist in             1.30 pm – 3 pm
the earth. All about her is scorched and
damaged. She talks and talks, ad-libbing for her     Where: Lower Level, Mathers House
life. That’s how Winnie survives another day.        Cost:   FREE
Another happy day. Samuel Beckett is the             BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL
playwright of existential despair and Happy
Days is steeped in his anxiety. But we defy
anyone to be depressed by it!                        Wine, Savoury and Song – The Breed
Throughout January, acclaimed Tasmanian              Come along and enjoy The Breed who will
actor Jane Longhurst will bring Winnie to life in    entertain you with a selection of 60s tunes.
a series of free, lunchtime, pop up                  You’re welcome to sing along or just sit and
performances.                                        relax and enjoy the music.
Directed by Robert Jarman, with Iain Lang as         Refreshments will be served.
Willie and design by Jill Munro, this is a not-to-   When: Friday 26 February, 2.30 pm – 4 pm
be-missed opportunity to discover the genius of
Beckett staged anew each time.                       Where: Dining Room, Mathers House
                                                     Cost:   $5 covers entertainment and refreshments
                                                     BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL

108–110 Bathurst Street, Hobart 7000
T. 6234 1441
SUMMER 2020 2021 - City of Hobart
Images from City of Hobart 2020 Seniors Week Events

                                                                Albert Hudson performing

                                                               ‘Popular Pipes’ in the Hobart

                                                                    Town Hall Ballroom

                                                                on Wednesday 14 October.

      The Australian Army Band

      Tasmania performing at the

            Hobart City Hall

        on Sunday 18 October.

                                            Info Hub
                               Are you constantly being told “Oh you can find that on the internet”?
                               Are you confused about how to fill in a form on the internet?
                               Do you want to find out more about what you are entitled to?
                               Do you want to book tickets to an event and find increasingly that only
                               way to do that is online?
                               Our wonderful Info Hub volunteers are ready and able to help with
                               your enquiries. Drop in 10 am – 1 pm, Monday to Friday for help from
                               one of our volunteer team in the foyer!

108–110 Bathurst Street, Hobart 7000
T. 6234 1441
SUMMER 2020 2021 - City of Hobart
Please see Ongoing Programs information for holiday break times.

MONDAY             By appointment                     Computer Learning
                   10 am – 11 am or 11 am – 12 noon   Zumba Gold
                   11 am – 1 pm                       Craft Corner
                   1 pm – 1.45 pm                     Strength, Flexibility and Balance
                   1 pm – 3 pm                        Mah Jong Club

TUESDAY            By appointment                     Computer Learning
                   10.30 am – 11.30 am                Ukulele
                   11.30 am – 12 noon                 Laughter Yoga (1 December only)

WEDNESDAY          10 am – 11.30 am                   T’ai Chi
                   1 pm – 3 pm                        Scrabble

THURSDAY           9.45 am – 10.45 am                 Sing-a-long
                   11 am – 12 noon                    Broadway Boogie
                   11.15 am – 12.15 pm                Pilates for Older Adults
                   12.30 pm – 1 pm                    Serenity in the City: Meditation

FRIDAY             By appointment                     Computer Learning
                   10 am – 12 noon                    Midcity School for Seniors 2021
                   10 am – 12 noon                    IT Learning Club

SATURDAY           1 pm – 4 pm
                                                      Recycled Musos: Music Jam
                   (last Saturday of the month)

108–110 Bathurst Street, Hobart 7000
T. 6234 1441
SUMMER 2020 2021 - City of Hobart
                                       Christmas Long Table Luncheon
                  Tuesday 8
                                       (12 noon – 2 pm)
                                       Planning for the Future – Living Well at Home
                  Wednesday 9
DECEMBER                               (11.30 am – 12.30 pm)
  2020   Saturday 12                   Hobart Old Time String Band (11 am – 2 pm)
                                       Ho-Ho-Hobart Christmas Carols
                  Wednesday 16
                                       (Forecourt) (11.45 am – 12.15 pm)
                  Saturday 19          Hobart Old Time String Band (11 am – 2 pm)
                  Tuesday 19           Growing Wilder at Long Beach (10 am – 2 pm)
                                       Wine, Savoury and Song with Slim Pickins
   2021           Friday 29
                                       (2.30 pm – 4 pm)
                                       Cathy’s Craft Class – Japanese Braiding
                  Monday 1
                                       (10 am – 11.30 am)
                  Monday 1, 15, 22     Mosaic Heirloom Workshops – Donna Ritchie
                                       Speakers Series – Katherine Johnson Talk
                  Wednesday 3
                                       (11 am – 12 noon)
                                       Daniel Hoyle – Medication and Ageing:
                  Wednesday 10
                                       Presentation and Q&A (11 am – 12 noon)
                                       Cathy’s Craft Class – Sashiko Stitching
FEBRUARY Monday 15 & 22
                                       (10 am – 11.30 am)
         Wednesday 17                  Simple Healthy Eating (11 am – 12 noon)
                                       Lunchtime Theatre – Samuel Beckett’s Happy
                  Wednesday 20
                                       Days (Forecourt) (1 pm – 1.40 pm)
                                       Lunchtime Theatre – Samuel Beckett’s Happy
                  Friday 22
                                       Days (Forecourt) (1 pm – 1.40 pm)
                  Wednesday 24         Trivia Quiz (1.30 pm – 3 pm)
                                       Wine, Savoury and Song with The Breed
                  Friday 26
                                       (2.30 pm – 4 pm)

108–110 Bathurst Street, Hobart 7000
T. 6234 1441
SUMMER 2020 2021 - City of Hobart
Strength, Flexibility and Balance
ONGOING PROGRAMS                                    As a qualified Fitness Instructor, Hiroko
                                                    presents a program very popular and effective
Computer Learning at Mathers House
                                                    in building strength and improving balance.
Mathers House offers one-to-one computer
                                                    When: Mondays, 1 pm – 1.45 pm
tuition that focus on building confidence in
dealing with computers, tablets or smart            Last session 14 December
                                                    First session 11 January
phones. These lessons are perfect for near or
complete beginners who can learn at their own       Where: Nell Pascoe Room, Criterion House
pace.                                               Cost: $5 payable on the day
When: Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays                 BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL
       by appointment only
                                                    Mah Jong Monday
Where: Computer Room, Mathers House
                                                    Mah Jong Monday is a fun, friendly and
Cost: FREE
                                                    non-competitive afternoon. It’s a tile-based
BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL                                  game that originated in China. The group at
                                                    Mathers House play Western style following
Zumba Gold with Ash                                 ‘The Mah Jong Player’s Companion’.
A great fun way to exercise, get fit and            If you have never played
participate in a program to suit everyone.          before and would like to
Come along and try our Zumba rhythms for            learn, please contact staff
fitness and fun.                                    at Mathers House on
When: Mondays, 10 am – 11 am or                     6234 1441.
         11 am – 12 noon                            When: Mondays, 1 pm – 3 pm
Last session 14 December                            Last session 14 December
First session 18 January                            First session 11January
Where: Nell Pascoe Room, Criterion House            Where: Dining Room, Mathers House
Cost: $5 payable on the day                         Cost: FREE
BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL                                  BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL

Craft Corner                                        The Ukulele Experience
                                                    Explore the fun world of Ukulele with Alkeiya
Enjoy the company of other crafters while
                                                    and Theo and learn the basics in playing and
working on your craft project. Drop in for a chat
                                                    singing. All levels welcome. You can borrow a
and share different patterns and ideas in the
                                                    ukulele from Mathers House if you just want to
comfort of the Mathers House Café.                  see if this is for you.
Everyone is welcome – no experience required.       When: Tuesdays, 10.30 am – 11.30 am
When: Mondays 11 am – 1 pm                          Last session 15 December
First session for 2021 will be 11 January           First session 12 January
Where: Dining Room, Mathers House                   Where: Lower Level, Mathers House
Cost: FREE                                          Cost: $5 payable on the day
                                                    BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL

108–110 Bathurst Street, Hobart 7000
T. 6234 1441
Laughter Yoga
                         Scientific studies have
                         shown that laughter          Scrabble with Friends
                         yoga and the improved
                                                      Join us for a friendly game of scrabble. You
                         blood circulation it
                                                      are also welcome to join the group for a social
                         brings have a number
                         of other long term           lunch beforehand from 12 noon.
                         health benefits.             New players are always welcome.
Lois will lead you through a series of gentle         When: Wednesdays from 13 January,
movements and scenarios that stimulate your                 1 pm – 3 pm
breathing. This self-induced laughter tricks
                                                      Last class for 2020 is 16 December
your body into producing more of the “feel
good” chemicals called endorphins that                Where: Dining Room, Mathers House
improve your mood. Laughter Yoga is not               Cost:   FREE for scrabble (lunch at own cost)
about listening to jokes, or adopting any typical
                                                      NO BOOKINGS REQUIRED
“yoga poses” or stretches.
If you would like to give it a try just come along.
When: Tuesdays, 11.30 am – 12 noon                    Sing-a-long
Only session in this season is 1 December.            Come and sing popular
Classes will then stop until the autumn program.      songs in a friendly,
Where: Nell Pascoe Room, Criterion House              relaxed atmosphere.
                                                      Enthusiasm is more
Cost:   Free
                                                      important than a great
BOOKINGS NOT REQUIRED                                 singing voice.
                                                      When: Thursdays, 9.45 am – 10.45 am
T’ai Chi with Professor John Dickey
John Dickey has been practicing Yang-style            Where: Lower Level, Mathers House
T’ai Chi since 1983, and for the last seven           Cost:   $5 payable on the day
years has been practicing Wild Goose Chi
                                                      NO BOOKINGS REQUIRED
Gong with Wendy Hartshorn, and other
Chi Gong forms as taught by Simon Blow.
This practice is primarily for health and             Broadway Boogie with Ash
well-being, and it can improve balance and
                                                      Broadway Boogie is a low impact musical
                                                      theatre style movement class with no singing
When: Wednesdays from 13 January,                     involved. Just turn up to enjoy the fun.
      10 am – 11 am
                                                      When: Thursdays, 11 am – 12 noon
Program extension from 11 am – 11.30 am for
                                                      Last session 17 December
anyone wanting to go longer.
                                                      First session 21 January
Last class for 2020 is 16 December
                                                      Where: Nell Pascoe Room, Criterion House
Where: Nell Pascoe Room, Criterion House
                                                      Cost:   $5 payable on the day
Cost:   $2 payable on the day
                                                      BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL

108–110 Bathurst Street, Hobart 7000
T. 6234 1441
Pilates for Older Adults                              Information Technology (IT)
Hiroko is a qualified Fitness Instructor              – Learning Club
experienced in assisting people of all ages and       Devices, data and digital rights; emails and
fitness levels. These sessions are suitable for       etickets; wisdom and websites; online banking,
open level and beginners.                             online money, online shopping and online
Please note that this is floor work on a yoga mat.    security; passwords, photos and privacy –
Pilates is great to strengthen your core muscles,     these are just some of the topics that were
increase your flexibility and improve your balance.   covered in the Positive Ageing IT Learning
Many of Hiroko’s clients say that they have           Club in 2020 (classes finishing on 11
improved their posture, decreased lower back pain     December). We meet fortnightly on Fridays
and feel better overall.                              and learn from each other and from lots of
When: Thursdays, 11.15 am – 12.15 pm                  different people and places.
Last session 17 December
                                                      Sign up for the 2021 IT Learning Club –
First session 14 January                              Summer/Autumn group, 10 meetings from
Where: Lower Level, Mathers House                     12 February to 18 June.
Cost: $5 payable on the day
                                                      When: Fridays fortnightly, 10 am – 12 noon
                                                      Where: Lower Level, Mathers House
Serenity in the City: Meditation                      Last session this year 27 November
Take time out and give yourself the gift of peace     Summer group runs from Friday 12 February
and serenity with 30 minutes of a simple guided       Cost: FREE (morning tea included)
meditation. Drop in sessions, new people always       Enquiries and bookings to Mathers House
welcome. Come whenever you feel you need to.          on 6234 1441 or to Rosa on 0418 649 024
When: Thursdays, 12.30 pm – 1 pm
Not running in December, recommences on
Thursday 28 January
Where: Lower Level, Mathers House                     Recycled Musos!!
                                                      Music Jam: Last Saturday of the month
Cost: FREE
                                                      Come and join our “Recycled Musos” jam and
                                                      re-ignite your passion for music. All you need
                                                      to bring is your instrument (no amplifiers) or
Midcity School for Seniors 2021
                                                      voice and easy to read lyrics and chord chart
This popular speaker’s program welcomes               (maximum 2 pages) along with a few copies.
ongoing and new members. SFS has finished
                                                      If you are a vocalist, please bring charts with
for this year and will recommence on Friday
5 February 2021.                                      the key in which you sing. We are also looking
                                                      for volunteers to help out on the day.
Enrolments for 2021 will commence from
Monday 1 February 2021. Those enrolled in             When: Last Saturday of the month
2020 are encouraged to re-enrol via phone on                    1 pm – 4 pm
6234 1441 and finalise payment at the first class     Recycled Musos are taking a break for
on 5 February 2021. New enrolment enquiries           December 2020 and January 2021 and will
can be made via phone with registration finalised     return in February.
at a later date.                                      Where: Lower Level, Mathers House
When: Fridays, 10 am – 12 noon                        Cost:      Free
Where: Nell Pascoe Room, Criterion House              Contact: Craig Collins 0411 106 144
Cost: $30 annual fee + $2 for morning tea             NO BOOKINGS REQUIRED
108–110 Bathurst Street, Hobart 7000
T. 6234 1441
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