Sulfide-ore mining AND human health in Minnesota

Page created by Carlos Flores
Sulfide-ore mining AND human health in Minnesota

Sulfide-ore mining AND human health
in Minnesota

    or many years, Minnesotans have been
    reading headlines regarding the pros-
    pecting, permitting and potential for
sulfide-ore copper nickel (sulfide-ore)
hardrock mining in Minnesota. Although
the debate is not a new one, the landscape
surrounding decisions regarding this type
of mining within Minnesota’s borders
is dynamic and constantly changing. As
2021 was ushered in, so were new legisla-
tive and legal efforts affecting sulfide-ore
mining. Amid state and federal legislation
and lawsuits, healthcare providers in Min-
nesota have continued to stay abreast and
weigh in on the potential human health
effects of these decisions. Given the shift-
ing landscape, it is timely to understand
where we are right now and why concerns
for human health remain at the forefront
of this issue.

The Duluth Complex, a geological forma-
tion in northeastern Minnesota, contains
metals that are sought for many modern-
day uses, including copper, nickel and
platinum group metals. These metals are
naturally bound to sulfides in the ore body
and millions of tons of rock are excavated
to obtain a fractional amount of the de-
sired product. At both the mine site and in
tailings and waste rock piles, exposure of
this excavated ore to air and water triggers
a chemical reaction that causes the sulfides
to oxidize; this reaction creating sulfuric

                                                                                            MARCH/APRIL 2022 |   MINNESOTA MEDICINE | 33
Sulfide-ore mining AND human health in Minnesota
acid, sulfate and toxic metals—acid mine       children and so contribute to the rise of     elevated blood lead levels, an alarming
drainage—that then leaches into surface        neurodevelopmental disabilities including     statistic given that there are no safe levels
and ground water.                              autism, attention-hyperactivity disorder      of lead. Many Minnesota physicians have
   Proponents of sulfide-ore mining argue      dyslexia and other cognitive impairments      voiced concern about adding to this exist-
that we need these metals in our lives and     that affect millions of children worldwide.   ing toxic metal burden.
that they can be extracted safely within       The medical literature has produced ex-          Given the geology and chemistry in-
the state regulatory guidelines. Opponents     panding scientific evidence that connects     volved with sulfide ore and the sulfide
of sulfide-ore question whether industry       environmental heavy-metal toxins with         mineral oxidation that occurs as part of
can extract these metals safely without        harmful human health effects.                 the sulfide-ore mining process, leaching
irreversible harm to the surrounding              These concerns add to problems that        of sulfate and toxic metals from mine ore
ecosystem and beyond, particularly in          already exist in Minnesota; a 2011 Minne-     and waste rock will continue for centuries.
water-rich environments. They argue that       sota Department of Health study showed        Sulfate and toxic metals will inevitably
some places are too valuable to expose to      that 10% of newborns in the Minnesota         make their way into surrounding water,
the risks of sulfide-ore mining within the     portion of the Lake Superior basin had        soil, fish, birds and mammals, increasing
same watershed. Many advocate for recy-        elevated blood-mercury levels, with some      the already existing toxic burden. Threats
cling metals that have already been mined,     exceeding the EPA toxic level. The Journal    to fresh water from sulfide-ore mining
which would consume less fossil fuel en-       of Pediatrics reported that 10.3% of Min-     could have devastating effects on our
ergy, have less climate impact and not put     nesota children under 6 years of age had      region. The example of Mount Polley’s
water resources at risk.
   Given the inextricable connection be-
tween ecosystem health, animal health
and human health articulated by the One
Health movement, and the toxic track
record of sulfide-ore mining elsewhere,
concern for human health must be part
of the public dialogue. The World Health
Organization has concluded that environ-
mental risks account for a large fraction of
the global disease burden. Across the total
population, 23% of all deaths worldwide
are attributable to the environment, with
greatest adverse effects to those younger
than 5 years or older than 50. The WHO
also lists 10 environmental toxins with
the greatest concern to human health, and
sulfide-ore mining has the potential to re-
lease six of these including mercury, lead,
arsenic, cadmium, asbestos and particu-
late air pollution.
   Sulfide-ore mining also releases sulfates
that promote methylation of elemental
mercury already present in wetlands and
sediments. These sulfates interact with
sulfate-reducing bacteria to produce the
more bio-toxic form of mercury, methyl-
mercury, a known neurodevelopmental
toxin. Methylmercury and other released
toxins (e.g., lead and arsenic) all have
known harmful effects to human health,
including neurodevelopmental disor-
ders, cancers and heart and lung disease.
Some of these toxins injure the develop-
ing brains of fetuses, infants and young

catastrophic tailings dam failure in British    Physicians, Minnesota Nurses Association,      Gulf of Mexico or the Atlantic Ocean. This
Columbia serves as a sobering example           Minnesota Public Health Organization           geographical feature divides the Rainy
of that reality. The U.S. Government Ac-        along with dozens of individual providers,     River watershed toward the north and the
countability Office produced a report in        and non-profit groups with ties to human       Lake Superior watershed toward the south,
March 2020 that found that the Forest           health all submitted letters in response       although groundwater does not always
Service, Bureau of Land Management, Na-         to the Environmental Impact Statement          reflect surface flow. There are substantial
tional Park Service, Environmental Protec-      prepared for Minnesota’s first proposed        risks and efforts to mitigate the potential
tion Agency and Interior’s office of Surface    sulfide-ore mine. The consensus of these       toxic effects of sulfide-ore mining in wa-
Mining Reclamation and Enforcement              groups representing tens of thousands of       tersheds on both sides of the Divide.
spent, on average, about $287 million an-       healthcare professionals was that a com-          Northern Minnesota encompasses the
nually to address physical safety and envi-     prehensive Health Risk Assessment and          federally designated Boundary Waters
ronmental hazards at abandoned hardrock         Health Impact Assessment should be man-        Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW), Voya-
mines from fiscal years 2008 through            dated as part of an Environmental Impact       geurs National Park, the Superior National
2017, for a total of about $2.9 billion. Bil-   Statement necessary for decisions regard-      Forest and shared border-waters with
lions more are estimated for future costs of    ing sulfide-ore mining. The Minnesota          Canada. Because of this, there are several
ongoing cleanup.                                Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP),           federal laws that pertain to the protection
   The environmental review process             the largest medical specialty organization     of this region. Current mining propos-
for sulfide-ore mining projects has been        in Minnesota, passed a resolution that was     als for north of the Laurentian Divide are
shown to fail repeatedly. The definitive        brought to the Minnesota Environmental         primarily to mine federal minerals that are
study, “Comparisons of Predicted and Ac-        Quality Board as a petition for rulemaking     governed by the Federal Land Policy and
tual Water Quality at Hardrock Mines: The       to require that a Health Impact Assess-        Management Act. In watersheds south of
Reliability of Predictions in Environmental     ment be completed for all future sulfide-      the Laurentian Divide, mining proposals
Impact Statements,” looked at Environ-          ore mining projects in Minnesota. This         primarily involve Minnesota state-owned
mental Impact Statements conducted on           petition has not yet been voted on by the      minerals and surface lands that may be
proposed mining projects and found they         Minnesota Environmental Quality Board.         owned by the federal or state govern-
consistently failed to predict the ground-         In 2019, the American Academy of            ment or by private parties. Mining of
water and surface-water contamination           Family Physicians adopted “Health in           state-owned minerals is governed by state
created by the mines. The factor most           All Policies.” This collaborative approach     regulatory provisions, and the primary
closely associated with mine pollution          aimed to improve the health of all people      constraint is the degree to which these
failures is proximity to groundwater and        by incorporating health considerations         state regulations are or are not protective
to surface water. Earthworks studied 14         into decision-making across all sectors and    or enforced.
copper mines that had been in operation         policy areas. The AAFP supported the rec-         Sulfide-ore mines proposed in either
for more than five years, representing 89%      ommendation that Health in All Policies        the Rainy River Basin and/or the Lake
of the United States copper production in       can be best accomplished by using Health       Superior Basin would be located in Tribal
2010. Pipeline spills or other accidental       Impact Assessments in the federal review       Ceded Territories. Under the Treaty of
releases were seen in 100% of these mines,      of environmental impact statements and         1854, when the Lake Superior bands of
with water collection and treatment sys-        environmental assessments. For years now,      Chippewa ceded lands to the United States
tem failures resulting in water impairment      Minnesota’s collective medical voice, along    government, they retained usufructu-
and acid mine drainage (AMD) occurring          with those of physicians from across the       ary rights to hunt, fish and gather plants
in 92%. The author concluded that these         country, have been asking for a regulatory     throughout this land. Sulfide-ore min-
findings occurred within mines in the arid      process that engages sound and indepen-        ing likely would contaminate tribal food
Southwest; significantly worse impacts can      dent scientific evaluation of a toxic indus-   sources and so create potential abrogation
be expected at mines in wetter climates.        try such as sulfide-ore mining.                of treaty rights.

The voices of healthcare                        The Laurentian Divide: Recognizing             North of the Laurentian Divide
professionals                                   risks on both sides                            Twin Metals Mining Company, a wholly
Because of the likelihood of harmful ef-        The Laurentian divide runs through             owned subsidiary of the large Chilean-
fects to human health, many healthcare          northern Minnesota and serves as a             based conglomerate Antofagasta, has
professionals have individually and collec-     geographic boundary between surface            prospected and developed a plan of opera-
tively voiced concern in relation to sulfide-   watersheds. Simplistically, surface water      tions for mining public lands and miner-
ore mining within Minnesota’s water-rich        north of the Laurentian eventually makes       als in a portion of the Superior National
borders. The Minnesota Medical Asso-            its way to Hudson Bay and water south of       Forest within the Rainy River Watershed
ciation, Minnesota Academy of Family            the Laurentian eventually flows into the       and in the headwaters of the BWCAW.

                                                                                                   MARCH/APRIL 2022 |   MINNESOTA MEDICINE | 35
Mining operations would cause acid mine         • Revise Minnesota’s nonferrous mining        on the adequacy of the state mining rules
drainage, toxic metal-rich runoff that             rules to ban sulfide-ore mining in the     will be delivered to the state district court
would flow directly into the heart of the          watershed of the BWCAW. In addition,       overseeing the challenge by September
BWCAW and into the border waters be-               efforts are being made to utilize sound    2022. If the rules are deemed inadequate,
tween the United States and Canada. Tom            science for scrutiny of a proposed mine    state rulemaking to amend the nonferrous
Myers, PhD, an environmental hydrologist           plan.                                      mining rules will begin.
studying the surface and groundwater flow          In October 2021, the Biden Administra-
through the Rainy River watershed near          tion announced that it was re-starting a      South of the Laurentian Divide
the current proposed mining site stated:        process that could lead to a 20-year ban      In February 2005, the PolyMet company,
“If mineral deposits in the Rainy Headwa-       on new mining activity. The United States     now majority controlled by the Swiss min-
ters are developed, it is not a question of     Forest Service filed an application for       ing giant Glencore, submitted a proposal
whether, but when a leak will occur that        mineral withdrawal of 225,378 acres of Su-    to the DNR for Minnesota’s first proposed
will have major impacts on the water qual-      perior National Forest lands and minerals     copper-nickel sulfide-ore mine; the North-
ity of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area           with the Bureau of Land Management. A         Met Project. The proposed mining opera-
Wilderness.” This impact would also then        90-day public comment period followed,        tion would create an open pit sulfide-ore
flow north into Canadian waters.                with comments being considered in addi-       mine located between Babbitt and Hoyt
    The BWCAW is a national treasure. It        tion to further study by the Forest Service   Lakes in northeastern Minnesota, posi-
is the most frequently visited wilderness       of the potential environmental and socio-     tioned at the headwaters of the St. Louis
in the United States and is a unique fresh-     economic impacts of sulfide-ore mining        River, the largest United States tributary
water ecosystem. Along with the Superior        in the area. Once complete, Interior Secre-   to Lake Superior. Acid mine drainage and
National Forest, this region contains 20%       tary Deb Haaland could direct an admin-       pollution from mine pits and waste storage
of all the freshwater in the entire National    istrative ban on sulfide-ore mining for up    would eventually flow into Lake Superior,
Forest System. Wilderness experiences for       to 20 years.                                  northern Minnesota’s Great Lake, hold-
users from all backgrounds provide an im-          In January 2020, Minnesota U.S. Con-       ing 10% of the world’s surface fresh water.
measurable source of physical, emotional        gresswoman Betty McCollum introduced          There is also potential for some flow north
and spiritual well-being. This region also      The Boundary Waters Wilderness Protec-        to the Rainy River watershed.
provides critical habitat to wildlife as well   tion and Pollution Prevention Act, which         Proposed mining operations would
as a local and regional economy that relies     permanently bans sulfide-ore mining on        blast and excavate more than 500 million
on the preservation of a pristine wilder-       Superior National Forest lands located        tons of waste rock and ore from the earth
ness. Proponents of this mine argue that        in the watershed of the Boundary Waters       over 20 years, the proposed mine opera-
it will provide economic stimulus to the        Canoe Area Wilderness. This bill was          tion duration. The waste tailings would be
region. A 2020 analysis by Harvard Uni-         reintroduced in April 2021. If recently       stored on top of an existing and unlined
versity economists, however, concluded          canceled federal mineral leases hold up       pile of old tailings from a shuttered iron
that “introducing mining in the Superior        against any litigative appeals by Twin Met-   mine. Tailings exposed to rain, snow and
National Forest is very likely to have a        als, an administrative mineral withdrawal     oxygen would trigger the geochemical
negative effect on the regional economy.”       under the Federal Land Policy and Man-        process for acid mine drainage contain-
    In response to the threat that opponents    agement Act and passage of McCollum’s         ing sulfuric acid along with heavy metal
perceive sulfide-ore mining poses to this       bill by Congress would protect all federal    toxins. Drainage seeping into surface and
irreplaceable wilderness, several lawsuits      lands and minerals in the Boundary Wa-        ground water could flow through natural
and legislative efforts are underway. If        ters watershed.                               habitats and vital communities including
successful, these efforts would ultimately         In 2021, the companion Boundary            the reservation lands of the Fond du Lac
aim to:                                         Waters Permanent Protection bills were        Band of Lake Superior Chippewa as well
• Terminate two current federal mineral         introduced in the Minnesota Legislature;      the City of Duluth and multiple adjacent
   leases that were reinstated in 2018 and      they would ban sulfide-ore on state-owned     communities.
   cover nearly 5,000 acres; the Biden ad-      land in the watershed of the BWCAW and           The NorthMet Project environmental
   ministration announced cancellation of       prohibit the issuance of mining permits       review process that began in 2005 was
   these leases in January 2022.                throughout the watershed. As a result of      lengthy and controversial. Despite mul-
• Impose an administrative federal min-         a state lawsuit challenging the adequacy      tiple comments from healthcare organi-
   eral withdrawal under the Federal Land       of Minnesota’s nonferrous mining rules        zations and individuals requesting that
   Policy and Management Act.                   to protect the BWCAW from sulfide-ore         a Health Risk Assessment and a Health
• Pass permanent protection bills in Con-       mining, the Minnesota Department of           Impact Assessment be mandated as part of
   gress and in the Minnesota Legislature.      Natural Resources recently provided a 30-     this process, neither was included. Since
                                                day comment period. The DNR’s decision        November 2018, when the first Minnesota

Department of Natural Resources permit             In response to the mounting concerns      providers have expressed the need for in-
was granted, PolyMet has procured ad-           about the risks of sulfide-ore mining in     dependent scientific scrutiny regarding:
ditional permits from the Minnesota Pol-        Minnesota, members of both the Minne-        • Direct toxic effects resulting from acid
lution Control Agency, and the U.S. Army        sota House and Senate introduced “Prove        mine drainage to:
Corps of Engineers. Many concerns for           It First” legislation in January 2021. If      – Those living in downstream commu-
safety, process, compliance and validity        passed into law, it would require that the        nities.
of the permits have persisted, resulting in     Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and         – Fetuses, infants and children most
legal challenges that have embroiled the        the Minnesota Department of Natural Re-           vulnerable to toxic methylmercury,
courts. Legal decisions to date have not        sources to affirm that a similar mine had         lead and arsenic effects.
upheld the NorthMet permits. The Envi-          successfully operated and closed without       – Low-income and tribal communities
ronmental Protection Agency Office of           environmental contamination for 10 years          that rely on hunting, fishing and wild
Inspector General has found that the EPA                                                          rice gathering for subsistence.
failed to follow its standard procedures in                                                    – People experiencing the BWCAW and
oversight of the NorthMet water pollution                                                        surrounding wilderness who drink un-
permit. A district court also found that            Given THE geology and chemistry              filtered water straight out of the lakes.
the MPCA’s grant of the NorthMet water                                                       • Additional health risks, including air-
pollution permit was subject to “irregu-
                                                    involved with sulfide-ore AND THE          borne and noise pollution resulting
larities of procedure,” including destruc-       sulfide mineral oxidation that occurs         from mining activities that would affect
tion of communications with the EPA. In                                                        the surrounding regions.
April 2021, Minnesota’s Supreme Court
                                                    as part OF THE sulfide-ore mining        • Broader long-term impacts to the social
upheld the Court of Appeals’ decision and        process, leaching of sulfate AND toxic        determinants of health of the region,
reversed the critical permit to mine due to                                                    including:
its indefinite term and the lack of substan-     metals from mine ore AND waste rock           – Interference with the exercise of usu-
tial evidence supporting its plan to control      will continue FOR centuries. Sulfate            fructuary rights for the Lake Superior
acid mine drainage during closure. At the                                                         Bands of Chippewa, guaranteed by the
time of this writing, the NorthMet Project       AND toxic metals will inevitably make            Treaty of 1854, with resulting adverse
remains highly controversial and is still on
hold as litigation continues.
                                                their way INTO surrounding water, soil,           impacts of economic, social, cultural
                                                                                                  and spiritual well-being.
    The Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior        fish, birds AND mammals, increasing           – The overall climate impacts of these
Chippewa (tribal lands shown on page
                                                   THE already existing toxic burden.             heavily fossil fuel-dependent min-
34) proceeded with its own Health Impact                                                          ing operations and the destruction of
Assessment for the NorthMet Project in           Threats TO fresh water FROM sulfide-             thousands of acres of wetlands that
an effort to determine how the loss of lake-
harvested wild rice (manoomin) would
                                                  ore mining could have devastating               sequester carbon.
                                                                                               – The cost of potential loss of the pristine
impact the mental, physical, spiritual and                effects ON OUR region.                  wilderness that serves as a source of
economic health of tribal members. Natu-                                                          mental and spiritual health for individ-
rally occurring stands of manoomin are                                                            uals from across our state and nation.
threatened by a host of environmental per-      before any sulfide-ore mining permit on        – The cost of potential erosion of the
turbations, including the sulfate-contain-      Minnesota soil was granted. At the time           pristine wilderness that has sustained
ing discharges from current and proposed        of this writing, the legislation does not         an outdoor recreation industry in
mining operations. Such sulfate discharges      have bipartisan support. It does, however,        Minnesota that contributes to a stable
are detrimental to the growth and vitality      reflect an expanding skepticism given the         tax base, jobs in a range of sectors and
of wild rice. This first-of-its-kind Health     track record of environmental impact of           the retention of talent and wealth in
Impact Assessment concluded that the            sulfide-ore mines elsewhere and the seri-         Minnesota.
persistent health disparities for tribal com-   ous concerns regarding human and eco-          – The cost of healthcare, special educa-
munities in Minnesota are directly related      logical health.                                   tion and loss of productivity resulting
to the involuntary loss of traditional lands,                                                     from potential human health impair-
subsequent disruption of traditional life-      Overall health concerns                           ments from toxic acid mine drainage.
ways and the loss of traditional, health-       Given the toxic nature of sulfide-ore min-     – The cost of ecosystem damage to the
sustaining foods such as manoomin.              ing, and in an effort to include human            St. Louis River headwaters, the St.
Access to sustainable stands of wild rice is    health concerns within the broader regu-          Louis River and its estuary and the
critical for tribal health.                     latory and litigative debates, healthcare         freshwater of Lake Superior.

                                                                                                 MARCH/APRIL 2022 |   MINNESOTA MEDICINE | 37
   –T  he cost and capability of increas-          that allow state pollution regulators to    human health in all policies and to fulfill
      ing mental health providers to meet           help protect drinking water, people, riv-   our oath to “first, do no harm.” The health
      increasing needs in a region that cur-        ers, streams and wildlife.                  of future generations is at stake. MM
      rently has an inadequate number of        •   Substantial financial support for pro-
                                                                                                Jennifer Pearson, MD, and Emily Onello, MD, are
      mental health professionals and facili-       grams that promote metal recycling and      faculty, University of Minnesota Medical School
      ties to meet even the current needs.          reuse rather than furthering the toxic      Duluth campus. Deb Allert, MD, is a retired family
                                                                                                medicine physician who practiced in Two Harbors
   Healthcare professionals concerned               sulfide-ore extractive industry in water-   for many years. Margaret Saracino, MD, and
about potential harmful effects to human            rich regions such as Minnesota.             Steve Sutherland, MD, are child and adolescent
health from sulfide-ore mining on both          •   Needed economic stimulus to northern
                                                                                                psychiatrists in Duluth. Kris Wegerson, MD, and
                                                                                                John Ipsen, MD, PhD, practiced family medicine
sides of the Laurentian Divide have voiced          Minnesota in ways that are not primar-      for over 20 years in Duluth. Wegerson now
                                                                                                practices in Hayward, Wisconsin; Ipsen is retired.
ongoing need for:                                   ily dependent on mining.
• Upholding the mandate of the National                                                         The views in this article are the opinions of the
   Environmental Policy Act by ensur-           What is needed now?                             authors; they are not intended to represent the
                                                                                                view of their employers.
   ing that human health effects are ad-        We recognize that the siloed thinking
   dressed. This would be accomplished by       of past decades reveals an inexplicable         ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
   completing broadly scoped and scien-         connectedness between industry and              The authors would like to thank Patrick Bright for
                                                                                                his cartography assistance and expertise.
   tifically robust Health Risk Assessments     ecological and human health, which must
   and Health Impact Assessments for            be addressed and reoriented. Minnesota          FOR MORE INFORMATION
   toxic industries such as sulfide-ore min-    contains and borders on a substantial           Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Health
                                                                                                Impact Assessment. Expanding the Narrative of Tribal
   ing anywhere within our U.S. borders,        portion of the world’s fresh water. This        Health: The Effects of Wild Rice Water Quality Rule
   so that science is used to scrutinize po-    geographic reality, amid an expanding           Changes on Tribal Health. Published online October
                                                                                                2018. Accessed July 12, 2021.
   tential harmful effects to human health      crisis for adequate fresh water in multiple     downloads/WQSHIA.pdf
   and the environment before irreversible      places around the planet, requires that we      Gestring B. U.S. Copper Porphyry Mines: The Track Record
   damage is incurred.                          scrutinize the long-term risks and costs of     of Water Quality Impacts Resulting from Pipeline Spills,
                                                                                                Tailings Failures and Water Collection and Treatment
• A Federal Land Policy and Management          damaging this life-sustaining resource in       Failures. EARTHWORKS; 2012.
   Act administrative mineral withdrawal        an effort to extract sulfide-ore, especially    Copper_Mines_Track_Record_-_8-2012.pdf
   of 225,378 acres of Superior National        given the potential to adversely affect         Grandjean P, Landrigan PJ. Neurobehavioural effects of
   Forest lands from the federal mining         human health. As healthcare professionals,      developmental toxicity. Lancet Neurol. 2014;13(3):330-
                                                                                                338. doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(13)70278-3
   program in the BWCAW watershed.              we operate daily with a risk and benefit
                                                                                                Kuipers JR, Maest AS, MacHardy KA, Lawson G.
• Legislation pending in Congress that          lens through which we care for patients.        Comparison of Predicted and Actual Water Quality
                                                                                                at Hardrock Mines: The Reliability of Predictions in
   would permanently ban sulfide-ore            For many of us, weighing in on industry         Environmental Impact Statements. EARTHWORKS; 2006.
   mining on federal public lands in the        has not historically been part of our daily
   watershed of the BWCAW.                      work. Yet, within our interconnected
• Legislation pending in the Minnesota          world, the broader public health impacts
                                                                                                Myers T. Twin Metals Mining and the Boundary Waters
                                                                                                Canoe Area Wilderness, Risk Assessment for Underground
   Legislature that would permanently ban       of certain types of toxic industry on our       Metals Mining.; 2014. https://www.savetheboundarywa-
   sulfide-ore mining on state public lands     patients and broader communities, includ-       final_flow_transport_analysis_tm080914_-_risks_to_
   in the watershed of the BWCAW and            ing our Indigenous communities, have            bwcaw.pdf
                                                                                                Onello E, Allert D, Bauer S, et al. Sulfide mining and
   would prohibit the issuance of mining        become more and more apparent.                  human health in Minnesota. Minn Med. 2016;(November/
   permits in the BWCAW watershed.                 The challenge for healthcare profes-         December):51-55.

• Revisions of Minnesota’s nonferrous           sionals thus becomes: How do we effec-          Pearson J, Ipsen J, Sutherland S, Wegerson K, Onello E.
                                                                                                Risks and costs to human health of sulfide-ore mining
   mining rules to prohibit the siting of       tively advocate for policies and a regula-      near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Hum
                                                                                                Ecol Risk Assess Int J. 2020;26(5):1329-1340. doi:10.1080/1
   sulfide-ore mining in the watershed of       tory process that prioritize human health,
   the Boundary Waters.                         and how do we support new alternatives          Stock JH, Bradt JT. Analysis of proposed 20-year mineral
• “Prove It First” legislation in the Minne-    to risky toxic industries, thereby strength-    leasing withdrawal in Superior National Forest. Ecol Econ.
                                                                                                2020;174:106663. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106663
   sota House and Senate that would pre-        ening economic security without trad-
                                                                                                United States Government Accountability Office.
   vent sulfide-ore mining unless it can be     ing this security for long term risks and       Abandoned Hardrock Mines: Information on Number
                                                                                                of Mines, Expenditures, and Factors That Limit Efforts
   proved that a similar mine operated and      costs to future generations? As healthcare      to Address Hazards- Report to the Ranking Member,
   closed for 10 years without pollution.       professionals, we are drawn to serve our        Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related
• Opposition to mining that adversely           patients and communities by promoting           Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate.;
   impacts treaty rights and downstream         their health and well-being. The ultimate       World Health Organization. Ten chemicals of major public
   communities, including reservations.         challenge is to raise our collective voices     health concern. Published 2020. Accessed January 22,

• Reverse of recent rollbacks to the Clean
                                                beyond the various clinic and hospital          to-story-detail/10-chemicals-of-public-health-concern
   Water Act by reinstating protections         walls within which we work to promote

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