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34                                                                                                              Preventing transmission

By: Selina Rajan, Jonathan Cylus and Martin McKee

                                            Summary: In order to ease lockdown restrictions and prevent a
                                            second wave of infections, countries must be able to find, test, trace,
                                            isolate and support new COVID-19 cases. The simplicity of the ‘test,
                                            trace, isolate’ mantra dramatically understates the multitude of time-
                                            dependent processes that must occur seamlessly for the strategy to
                                            work effectively. We reconceptualise the way out of lockdown as a
Cite this as: Eurohealth 2020; 26(2).
                                            Snakes and Ladders boardgame. To succeed, countries must ensure
                                            that people with COVID-19 progress through the board as quickly as
     This article provides an update        possible by putting in place measures that enhance their public health
     to an article originally published
     as ‘Rajan S, Cylus JD, McKee M.        capacity (i.e. landing on ladders) and prevent setbacks caused by
     What do countries need to do to
     implement effective ‘find, test,       having insufficient capacity (i.e. avoiding snakes).
     trace, isolate and support’ systems?
     Journal of the Royal Society of
     Medicine 2020;113(7):245–50.
                                            Keywords: Test, Trace, Isolate, Preventing Transmission, COVID-19
     It has been re-published under
     the conditions of a Creative
     Commons license.                       Introduction                                  major expansion in capacity. Even the
                                                                                          best resourced public health system would
                                            Any country thinking of easing
                                                                                          struggle given the scale of the pandemic.
                                            COVID-19 lockdowns must be confident
                                                                                          For many, especially those whose capacity
     Selina Rajan is Specialist Public      that they have a robust system in place
     Health Registrar and Research                                                        has been diminished as a consequence of
                                            to find, test, trace, isolate, and support
     Fellow, Department of Health                                                         sustained underinvestment, the challenges
     Services Research and Policy,          (FTTIS) new cases. This is essential
                                                                                          are enormous. To help those who are
     London School of Hygiene               if they are to minimise the risks of a
                                                                                          facing these challenges, we have examined
     and Tropical Medicine, UK;             second wave going out of control. The
     Jonathan Cylus is London Hub                                                         what countries across Europe are doing,
                                            theory is simple. Anyone with symptoms
     Coordinator, European Observatory                                                    seeking where possible lessons that can be
     on Health Systems and Policies,        is tested and, if positive, their contacts
                                                                                          learned from their experiences.
     London School of Economics and         are traced and advised or instructed to
     Political Science & London School
                                            isolate. The reality is somewhat different.
     of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,                                                    This analysis uses information gathered
     UK; Martin McKee is Co-Director,       It requires a complex system with many
                                                                                          from the COVID-19 Health System
     European Observatory on Health         interlinking components, demanding rapid
     Systems and Policies and Professor                                                   Response Monitor (HSRM), created by the
                                            and effective communication between
     of European Health Policy, London                                                    European Observatory on Health Systems
     School of Hygiene and Tropical         different organisations, some of which
                                                                                          and Policies. 1 A network of national
     Medicine, UK. Email: selina.rajan@     are newly created, while others may be                                                                          correspondents from over 50 countries
                                            combining their day to day work with a

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Preventing transmission                                                                                                                           35

has prepared a series of structured reports      are also used to test for other infections      creates a snake because testing sites
on national responses to the pandemic,           but, during a pandemic, countries face          cannot administer tests without the right
regularly updating them as events develop.       supply constraints, a ‘snake’ that inhibits     supplies. Countries offering home testing
                                                 FTTIS before it has a chance to get started.    faced logistic challenges, especially as
Conceptually, we can consider a FTTIS                                                            postal services were often weakened
programme as a complex adaptive system,                                                          because of staff shortages and working
with the individual being tested passing                                                         with social distancing. Some countries
along a non-linear route involving multiple                                                      also faced particular early challenges in
paths, each with feedback loops and with
their speed and direction influenced by a              a complex                                 getting tests to certain high risk settings,
                                                                                                 such as care homes, as in the UK. 4 A
multiplicity of factors, many outside their
control. Practically, however, if we are              system with                                failure to distribute test kits to individuals
                                                                                                 or test sites where they are most needed
to help the busy policymaker, we must
simplify this considerably, something              many interlinking                             will delay access to testing, thus enabling
                                                                                                 new cases to remain undetected and
that we have done by portraying the main
elements of the system as a Snakes and               components                                  transmission to continue.

Ladders boardgame (image). Snakes and
                                                                                                 Developing sufficient skills and
Ladders is remarkably well suited to this        Equipped with the genetic sequence from
                                                                                                 facilities to meet testing needs
exercise. To be successful (i.e. to win the      China, Germany and the United Kingdom
game) countries must ensure that those           managed to manufacture some of the              While few countries were conducting tests
with COVID-19 progress as quickly as             earliest COVID-19 tests outside Asia and        outside of hospitals early in the pandemic,
possible from the start to the finish. If this   Germany quickly purchased millions of           most now do so, for example by building
does not happen, new cases will appear,          them. Germany also published a blueprint        drive-through or mobile testing units, with
and another lockdown will be needed.             that the WHO could share with other             many others, including Austria, the UK,
They can do this most effectively by             countries to support their use of the newly     and Estonia also starting home testing.
putting in place measures that enhance           developed test. However, large scale            Some governments have outsourced
their ability to find, test, trace, isolate,     testing is only possible if laboratories        some components of this work to private
and support (i.e. landing on ladders) and        have all of the items required, from            companies, for example in Finland,
by avoiding setbacks that occur due to           glassware to PCR machines. This requires        Estonia, and the UK, although with
insufficient capacity in the health system       very well-functioning procurement and           varying degrees of success.
and beyond (i.e. avoiding snakes). We            distribution systems, something that many
now run through the boardgame, pointing          countries have struggled to achieve, and        Although these measures can increase
out many of the steps that policymakers          even Germany, widely praised for its            the volume of testing they also present
should be mindful of, highlighting               ability to scale up testing capacity rapidly,   enormous logistical challenges as testing
approaches that countries are currently          has experienced periods when demand             supplies must be distributed to a large
taking to implement a FTTIS system and           has exceeded supply. Countries that do          number of testing sites, while testing on a
thereby “win the game”. Before doing             not manufacture these items themselves          large scale depends on recruitment of staff
so, however, it is important to note an          initially struggled to obtain them in a         who are unlikely to have experience in
important difference from the real game,         global market where they were competing         taking samples. Taking a nasopharyngeal
in which players land on squares at the          against others with greater purchasing          swab does require some degree of
throw of a dice. In this case, countries that    power. Some countries such as Norway,           training about how and (critically) when
went into the pandemic with strong public        have developed and manufactured their           to test to reduce the risk of false negative
health systems and systems of governance         own tests 3 to minimise dependence on           results. 5 Without proper training, tests will
are more likely to land on ladders because       those produced elsewhere. Rather like           be wasted and need to be repeated, which
the capacity is already in place.                printers, where cartridges are specific to      in turn erodes limited capacity (another
                                                 particular brands, PCR machines are often       snake). Recent advances have shown
                                                 licensed for use with specific reagents,        great promise for the use of saliva tests,
Producing and procuring enough
                                                 with global stocks of many of them              which can avoid this trade-off between
testing materials
                                                 rapidly depleted in the early stage of the      availability of trained staff and quality
The game starts with procurement, with           pandemic. In response, some countries,          assurance.
a focus on molecular testing supplies for        including Belgium, the UK, and Canada
nose and throat RT-PCR swabs, the gold           eased regulations to enable more flexible       After taking a swab, samples should reach
standard test recommended 2 by the World         use of reagents, drawing on South Korea’s       the laboratory rapidly. Otherwise they
Health Organization (WHO) to identify            earlier response to MERS.                       may have to be discarded and repeated.
COVID-19 cases. Testing requires reliable                                                        Thus, it is important to ensure that there
supplies of a range of materials, including      Once procured and warehoused, supplies          is a well-coordinated system to ensure
swabs, transport media, reagents, primers,       need to be distributed to testing sites and     transport of samples from test sites to
assays, and PCR machines. Many of these          laboratories. Failure to do so effectively      laboratories. Ideally, testing sites and

                                                                                                               Eurohealth — Vol.26 | No.2 | 2020
36                                  Preventing transmission

 Figure 1: Win the game

 Source: Authors’ compilation

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Preventing transmission                                                                                                                     37

laboratories would be co-located, as in        Any mass testing in high risk settings        include accelerated training of laboratory
hospitals and in some South Korean drive-      must also be done under the strictest of      technicians, as in Israel, or use of robots,
through testing sites. This is a ladder,       infection control precautions to prevent      as in Denmark.
although one that is rare in community         cross contamination, which can lead to
testing sites in Europe. The ultimate goal     falsely positive results. A second type       While there is widespread agreement that
is to develop a test that does not require     of pooling is surveillance sampling of        tests should be conducted within a country,
a laboratory, using a point of care test       wastewater, which has also been shown         where possible, debate continues as to the
that can produce immediate results,            to be a useful early warning system to        other approaches. Countries adopting the
particularly for those without symptoms,       monitor outbreaks 12 and the utility of       first one do generally appear to have been
but those that have been developed so          this approach is now being studied by the     successful and although Germany has
far have not performed sufficiently well       European Commission in a number of            struggled to meet demand more recently
to depend on at population scale. This         European countries.                           rationalising its testing programme of all
approach also removes the need for                                                           incoming travellers to those from high
laboratories, which are a critical rate                                                      risk countries, demand for tests in the
                                               Strengthening lab capacity to rapidly
limiting step in any pathway at population                                                   UK is reported to be many times capacity
                                               analyse samples and immediately

scale. So far, cases that are confirmed                                                      as laboratories have struggled to keep
                                               report the results
through rapid testing usually have to be                                                     pace, with the Prime Minister calling on
verified through PCR swab testing and          The ability to scale up testing will          university laboratories to redeploy staff to
so this approach is still only likely to be    be easier in countries that have              the lighthouse laboratories once again, and
feasible at a low prevalence. Estonia has      had sustained investment in health            resorting to sending more samples abroad.
also offered an innovative approach, using     infrastructure, including laboratory
drones to deliver some samples directly to     equipment, technicians, logistics
laboratories. In the UK, most testing takes
                                               systems, and information technology.
place in just seven commercial mega-           Germany 13 entered the pandemic with a
laboratories, creating transport bottlenecks
                                                                                                tracing is a core
                                               strong diagnostics and chemicals industry,
and reports of discarded samples.              which allowed it to implement large scale

Given the evidence that symptomatic
                                               testing rapidly. 14 In contrast, the UK did
                                               not. Thus, a lack of sufficient laboratory         component of
testing alone is likely to miss a large
proportion of infectious presymptomatic
                                               capacity is another snake that will create
                                               severe delays in processing tests, possibly          public health
and asymptomatic cases, 6 7 there has          requiring substantial re-testing which
also been a move more recently towards         exacerbates an already difficult situation.  Once samples are processed, automated
regular mass testing in high risk settings                                                  reporting can create a ladder, helping to
such as in health and social care settings     Where laboratory capacity is insufficient, deliver results quickly to cases and contact
and areas of increased transmission in         three types of response can be seen. One     tracers who will be able to initiate tracing
Lithuania and England. It remains unclear      involves expanding existing medical          sooner. There are numerous examples
how regular such testing needs to be to        laboratories or repurposing others, such as of countries where this is working,
be effective but some studies suggest an       those involved in veterinary surveillance    including Belgium, Estonia, Iceland,
interval of two days is required, 8 which      in universities, as in Croatia, Cyprus,      Turkey and Lithuania. Rapid initiation
is likely unfeasible for RT-PCR testing.       Estonia, France, Germany, Lithuania, and of contact tracing will reduce the risk of
Others, including Estonia, France, Iceland     Norway, among others. Thus, Germany 13       further transmission. It also increases the
and Germany have also instituted testing       rapidly commissioned testing in 300 local likelihood that suspected cases will agree
for incoming travellers, although their        laboratories and Sweden also used existing to isolate while they wait for their results.
testing policies and capacity differ. A        laboratories in all but 2 of its 21 regions. Without an automated system, results have
secondary but important concern for            A second involves creation of a few          to be telephoned individually to cases,
asymptomatic screening is that it does         centralised mega-laboratories. In the UK,    which is resource intensive and can delay
not help to identify which of the cases        outsourcing companies, many with little      notification and isolation. Some countries
will be most likely to transmit the virus      or no experience of running laboratories,    such as the UK are also planning to
to others, given that very few cases seem      were contracted to construct a few large     implement mass point of care testing and
to be responsible for a large proportion       lighthouse laboratories, creating a highly   it is unclear how this critical component of
of transmission, otherwise known as            centralised system. A third approach, seen automating results will be factored in.
clustering 9 and that RT-PCR can pick          in Ireland and Finland, involved samples
up both infectious and non-infectious          being sent abroad for testing, although      Self-evidently, there must be a system to
cases. Germany and Portugal are also           as the UK has found, if samples are sent     monitor test performance to ensure false
now testing samples in batches, so called      abroad at the wrong temperature they         positives and negatives are minimised.
pooled sampling, 10 taking lessons from        cannot be processed and will be voided.      This may create logistic challenges
the population screening programme in          Other measures that also contribute          for quality assurance where new or
Wuhan and from HIV testing strategies. 11                                                   repurposed laboratories have come on

                                                                                                           Eurohealth — Vol.26 | No.2 | 2020
38                                                                                                                   Preventing transmission

stream, although there are examples, such       were able to meet this target in mid-May       support necessary upgrades in hardware
as those in Italy and Ireland, that can offer   and it is unclear what proportion will         and software and France has also invested
lessons. Further guidance is now required       be experienced contact tracers. There          in improved contact tracing software.
on how to standardise laboratory testing        are various ways to boost the contact          In contrast, 16,000 cases were recently
in different labs using different assays and    tracing workforce. They include inviting       missed in the UK because of a reliance
machines. Quality assurance is critical         experienced environmental health officers,     on outdated Microsoft Excel templates
and mechanisms to monitor this were             sexual health specialists, and retired         to transfer data. In many countries,
implemented in Italy and Ireland.               doctors and nurses, as the UK has done         (including Austria, Belgium, Croatia,
                                                (although uptake is unknown and in             Estonia, France, Greece and Ukraine)
                                                reality this kind of redeployment can only     primary care services are also involved
Building a large, well-trained
                                                ever be temporary to avoid neglecting          in the test, trace, isolate process and
workforce to conduct contact tracing
                                                other serious health problems). Others         can monitor and support cases more
(even in countries using digital
                                                have recruited military personnel (as in       effectively.

                                                Germany and Israel) and medical students
Despite renewed attention, contact              (as in Finland), or recruited volunteers (as
                                                                                               Supporting people in isolation (unless
tracing is a core component of public           in Cyprus). However, in all cases, there
                                                                                               you want to start the game again)
health departments, which have long             can be challenges in ensuring that they are
experience in preventing transmission           all adequately trained.                    Isolation is arguably the most important
of other communicable diseases such                                                        part of the test, trace isolate process
as tuberculosis, hepatitis, and sexually                                                   according to recent evidence. 18 A team of

transmitted infections. Contact tracing                                                    community volunteer contact tracers in
requires a well-resourced existing public                                                  the UK published data 19 from a pilot in

                                                   solutions do not
health infrastructure, with a trained                                                      which it took approximately 80 minutes
workforce that is well connected with                                                      to manage each case, with many contacts
local services. Such a system will enable
clusters and complex outbreaks to be               offer a panacea                         were unwilling to isolate. Cross-
                                                                                           sectional data from May also suggested
detected early. This is an important ladder                                                that only 25% of those with household
that will help to strengthen the FTTI           There has been considerable attention      symptoms of COVID-19 in the UK
process and is crucial for any containment      on digital technology, specifically        actually adhered to isolation guidance. 20
or mitigation strategy. Various strategies      apps as a potential ladder, given their    Measures to support isolation are therefore
have been used to trace contacts, outlined      potential to identify and notify contacts  an important ladder and in Denmark,
elsewhere 15 (also see the article by           quickly. Countries where they have         Finland and Lithuania, people who cannot
Hernández-Quevedo, et al. in this issue)        been implemented include Austria,          isolate are accommodated elsewhere
but each case must be interviewed to            Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada (Alberta),       (albeit for a fee in Finland). The same
ensure that they isolate, identify, and risk    Denmark, Finland, France, Georgia,         approach has also been used successfully
assess their contacts, providing sufficient     Iceland, Ireland, Italy and Germany,       to prevent outbreaks in care homes
information to locate and engage with           where the Corona-Warn-App has been         in South Korea. Without facilities to
them. An inadequate number of contact           downloaded 18 million times since          support vulnerable individuals to isolate,
tracers creates a snake as manual contact       mid-June. England have had to redesign     and especially to minimise any loss of
tracing is time consuming, demanding            its app over the summer, following a       income, it is likely that transmission will
a large workforce. Any delays will lead         pilot in the Isle of Wight and launched    rise, another snake that could set back
to increased transmission. Modelling            in late September, 4 months after it was   the entire process. Enforcing isolation is
suggests that around 80% of non-                anticipated and 2 months after the launch  also critical 15 and many countries, such
household contacts would have to be             in Northern Ireland. However, while        as Lithuania and the UK, impose fines
traced and isolated within 48 hours of the      apps may deliver speed, there is little    but this risks penalising marginalized
first person experiencing symptoms, with        evidence they are effective; 17 coverage   populations disproportionately.
strict adherence to self-isolation and there    and compliance are not guaranteed,         Some countries, including Hungary,
are few examples of countries in Europe         and only 3% of the population have         Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Norway and
where this is happening systematically. 16      downloaded it in France, compared to 30% Ukraine 15 use geolocation data to monitor
                                                in Finland. This means that considerable   the movements of cases, but such efforts
To avoid this snake, several countries have     time is still required to manually trace   still require a dedicated workforce to
recruited paid contact tracers to work in       all contacts. Recognising that digital     enforce it. This requires resources and
call centres, including France (> 8,000),       solutions do not offer a panacea, Belgium  connections to local service providers
the UK (18,000) and Germany (up to five         and France opted for manual contact        who know the local populations. Some
contact tracers per 20,000 inhabitants),        tracing initially. To support the required groups 21 have suggested that community
although an early survey in Germany             increase in capacity, the German Ministry health workers could be trained for
showed that only 24% of departments             of Health committed €50 million to         this purpose.

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                                                                                                                                Eurohealth — Vol.26 | No.2 | 2020
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