Subscription Line Finance - Irish Funds - Walkers Global

Page created by Andrea Gill
Subscription Line Finance - Irish Funds - Walkers Global
   Subscription Line
   Finance - Irish Funds
    Ireland as a Leading Funds Jurisdiction

Ireland has long been a leading domicile for internationally distributed investment funds, covering the widest range of fund types. International
fund promoters are attracted to Ireland due to its open, transparent and well-regulated yet flexible investment environment, a strong emphasis
on investor protection, an efficient tax structure and its innovative business culture.

   Commonly utilised Irish Funds

The fund finance market continues to expand with latest estimates placing the market in excess of $500 - $600 billion. Subscription line
financing (also known as capital call financing) can be broadly summarised as lending against capital commitments owing to a borrower.
Given the popularity of Ireland’s funds industry, it comes as little surprise that Irish funds frequently feature in the fund finance landscape,
increasingly in the context of subscription line financings.

The following table contains a brief overview and comparison of the most common regulated and unregulated Irish fund types and special
purpose vehicles (for the purposes of this article, referred to as ‘funds‘) which we see in the subscription line financing space. We have also
included an overview of the newly re-invigorated Investment Limited Partnership, given its anticipated popularity for PE managers over the
coming years.
Subscription Line Finance - Irish Funds - Walkers Global
Irish Funds: Key Features

                  ICAV                              Section 110                      1907 Limited                    Investment Limited
                                                    Vehicle                          Partnership                     Partnership
Principal         Irish Collective Asset-           Companies Act 2014               Partnership Act 1890            The Investment Limited Partnerships
Legislation:      management Vehicles Acts                                           Limited Partnerships Act        Acts 1994 and 2020.
                  2015 and 2020.                    Section 110 of Taxes             1907.
                                                    Consolidation Act 1997.

Regulated /       Regulated – Central Bank of       Unregulated.                     Unregulated.                    Regulated – Central Bank of Ireland.
Unregulated:      Ireland.

Method of         Equity (shares).                  Debt (notes or loans).           Equity (limited partnership     Equity (limited partnership interests).
Investment:                                                                          interests) & Debt (interest
                                                                                     free loans).

Key Capital       Commitment / Subscription         Note Purchase Agreement.         Limited Partnership             Limited Partnership Agreement.
Commitment        Agreement.                                                         Agreement.

Person            Depending on the Instrument:      Section 110 Board or             General Partner or              General Partner, who may delegate to
responsible for   ICAV Board;                       Investment Manager.              Investment Manager.             the AIFM or Investment Manager.
making Capital    AIFM; or Investment Manager                                        (often the Administrator        (often the Administrator will have an
Calls:            (often the Administrator will                                      will have an operational        operational role).
                  have an operational role).                                         role).

Umbrella Fund     Yes – statutory segregated        Yes – achieved through           No.                             Yes – statutory segregated liability
/ Segregated      liability between sub-funds.      contractual ring fencing.                                        between sub-funds.

Borrowing         Qualifying Investor AIFs: none.   None.                            None.                           Qualifying Investor AIFs: none.
                  Loan Origination Qualifying                                                                        Loan Origination Qualifying Investor
                  Investor AIFs: Must not have                                                                       AIFs: Must not have gross assets of
                  gross assets of more than                                                                          more than 200% of its net asset value.
                  200% o f its net asset value.
                                                                                                                     Retail Investor AIFs: borrowings may
                  Retail Investor AIFs:                                                                              not exceed 25% of net assets.
                  borrowings may not exceed
                  25% of net assets.

Security /        Cannot give guarantee in          None (subject to generally       None.                           Cannot give guarantee in respect
Guarantee         respect of, be responsible for    applicable financial                                             of, be responsible for or secure the
Limitations:      or secure the obligations of      assistance rules).                                               obligations of third parties.
                  third parties.

Security          Central Bank of Ireland: at       Companies Registration           N/A                             N/A
Filings:          closing and no more than 21       Office: typically at closing
                  days after the date of creation   and no more than 21 days         Where GP is an Irish            Where GP is an Irish company may
                  of the security.                  after the date of creation of    company may register            register security against the GP acting
                                                    the security.                    security against the GP         on behalf of the Limited Partnership
                                                                                     acting on behalf of the         – in this scenario the GP would make
                                                    Revenue Commissioners:           Limited    Partnership    –     filings at the Companies Registration
                                                    typically at closing and no      in this scenario the GP         Office & Irish Revenue Commissioners
                                                    more than 21 days after the      would make filings at the       (see Section 110 Vehicle).
                                                    date of creation of security.    Companies      Registration
                                                                                     Office & Irish Revenue
                                                                                     Commissioners (see Section
                                                                                     110 Vehicle).

Other Material    Short term borrowing              A Section 110 vehicle must       Limited Partners cannot         Short term borrowing which is fully
Issues:           which is fully covered by         enter into all transactions on   participate in the              covered by capital commitments is not
                  capital commitments is not        arm’s length terms or risk       management of the 1907          considered leverage for the purposes
                  considered leverage for the       prejudicing its favourable       LP without losing their         of AIFMD.
                  purposes of AIFMD.                tax status.                      limited liability protection.
                                                                                                                     Limited Partners cannot participate in
                                                                                                                     the management of the ILP without
                                                                                                                     losing their limited liability protection.

Subscription Line Finance - Irish Funds - Walkers Global
Subscription Line Finance - Irish Funds

    Key Due Diligence Issues to Consider

As with all financings, it is important to conduct detailed due diligence on the borrower group. Points that need to be confirmed include
confirmation of the legal structure of the borrower, capacity to borrow and create security, duration of the fund, subordination provisions and
existence of any side letters.

The paragraphs below summarise some additional key Irish-centric issues which should be considered when providing subscription line
financing to Irish domiciled funds (both regulated and unregulated). Broadly speaking, the same review points apply in both circumstances but
there are some additional considerations when lending to Irish regulated funds.

Borrowing Limits                                 indebtedness needs to cater for additional
Unregulated fund structures (including Irish     debt issued to investors. Equally, debt
limited partnerships established pursuant to     owing to investors should be subordinated
the Limited Partnerships Act 1907 (“1907         to the financing.
LPs”) and Section 110 vehicles) are not
subject to any statutory borrowing limits.       Capital Commitment Structure
                                                 Investors may constitute a capital
With the exception of loan origination funds,    commitment via a separate Note Purchase
Qualifying Investor Alternative Investor         Agreement (for debt issuers such as
Funds (“QIAIFs”) are also free from statutory    Section 110 vehicles), under Subscription
borrowing limits.                                / Commitment Agreement (common for
                                                 ICAVs) or by accession to the fund formation
Retail Investor Alternative Investment           documents (e.g. signing up to the Limited
Funds (“RIAIFs”) are subject to the              Partnership Agreement of an ILP or 1907 LP).
restriction that borrowings may not exceed
25% of net assets.                               The duration of the capital commitment
                                                 period should survive the maturity of
Undertakings for Collective Investment in        the financing.
Transferrable Securities (“UCITS”) may not
incur temporary borrowings in excess of          It is critical to identify the document creating
10% of net assets and, as such, it is rare to    the capital commitment so that effective
see a UCITS subscription line financing.         security may be taken over it.

                                                 The capital commitment should be clearly
Debt vs Equity Commitment                        quantifiable and any limitations on the
Depending on the nature of the                   delivery of capital calls should be identified
fund, investors may fund their capital           and addressed so that they do not encroach
commitments by way of debt, equity or a          on the lender’s enforcement rights e.g.
combination of both.                             some funds may only deliver capital calls at
                                                 certain times.
Different funds will structure commitments
differently e.g. unregulated Section 110         Delegated Functions
vehicles are funded exclusively by debt (notes   – Capital Calls
or loans), Irish Collective Asset-management     While the right to call for additional capital
Vehicles (“ICAVs”) and Investment Limited        primarily sits with the fund (and in certain
Partnerships (“ILPs”) are funded by equity       cases may be delegated to the investment
(shares or partnership interests).               manager / alternative investment fund
                                                 manager on its behalf), Irish funds often
1907 LPs may be funded by either debt or         delegate the operational process of
equity but, due to nuances in the legislation    delivering capital calls to service providers.
governing 1907 LPs, tend to structure the
funding of the commitment primarily as debt.     Regulated funds most commonly delegate
                                                 the delivery of capital call notices to the
The nature of the commitment will have           administrator (although the investment
a knock-on impact on covenants in the            manager and/or AIFM could equally perform
financing documents e.g. permitted               this role).

Subscription Line Finance - Irish Funds - Walkers Global
Subscription Line Finance - Irish Funds

The mechanism for delivery of capital calls        being held directly by the fund outside of        Notices of assignment cannot be delivered
by unregulated funds varies from transaction       the depositary network.                           prior to closing as it must follow the creation
to transaction but capital calls are often                                                           of the security interest in order to validly
delivered by the unregulated fund itself or by     Where applicable, the interplay between           perfect the security interests created in
an investment manager on its behalf.               the role of the depositary and the rights of      favour of the lender / agent.
                                                   the lender with respect to the subscription
                                                   account in an enforcement scenario is a           Notices of assignment will ideally therefore
In an enforcement scenario the lender will
need complete control over the delivery of         crucial review point - the depositary’s lien      will be delivered as soon as possible following
capital calls – this can be achieved by the        over the subscription account (if applicable)     closing to avoid any risk of a subsequent
relevant service provider(s) entering into         and the ability of the lender to access           holder of security over the same call rights
a side letter with the lender undertaking,         capital call proceeds are amongst the points      serving notice and taking priority.
amongst other things, to refrain from              to be addressed.
                                                                                                     The exact timing of delivery is however
issuing / delivering a capital call notice in an
                                                                                                     usually a commercial matter for lender and
enforcement scenario unless instructed to do
                                                   Governing Law of Security                         fund to agree.
so by the lender.
                                                   Package                                           Documentation should be reviewed to ensure
There are a limited number of deals in the         Irish funds typically establish the capital       that any notice provisions are complied with.
market where the fund assigns its rights           commitment under Irish law (i.e. the LPA,         We are observing an increasing number of
under the relevant service agreement (e.g.         Note Purchase Agreement or Subscription           managers utilising an online ‘investor portal’
Administration Agreement, AIFM Agreement           Agreement are Irish law governed).                – the service provider administering such
or IMA) but it is more common to put a side                                                          portal should give appropriate undertakings
letter in place.                                   In this scenario we would expect the security     to the lender that notices of assignment
                                                   interest over the capital commitment              and capital call notices, if applicable, will be
Delegated Functions – Bank                         to be created pursuant to an Irish law            delivered in accordance with the provisions of
Accounts                                           security agreement.                               the financing documents.

Similarly, Irish funds often appoint service       A typical security package also includes
providers as signatories on their accounts         security over the subscription account and,       Prohibition on Third Party
(including the subscription account into           to the extent that this account is located        Security - Cascading Pledge
which the proceeds of capital calls are paid).     in Ireland, we would also expect Irish law        Irish funds are not subject to general
                                                   security to be put in place (an account control   restrictions on securing their own obligations.
The ability of a service provider to make
                                                   agreement does not create a security interest
transfers from the subscription account
                                                   under Irish law).                                 Regulated Irish funds subject to the Central
in an enforcement scenario will also need
to be addressed under the financing                                                                  Bank’s Alternative Investment Fund Rulebook
documents, usually by way of an account            Notices of Assignment                             are however prohibited from acting as a
control agreement.                                 Irish law requires notices of assignment to       guarantor on behalf of third parties.
                                                   be delivered to investors in order to properly
Typically regulated funds appoint a                perfect and elevate the security assignment       The term “guarantor” is not defined but, in
depositary to maintain bank accounts on its        from an equitable assignment to a                 practical terms, this is understood to mean
behalf but we do see subscription accounts         legal assignment.                                 that regulated funds can guarantee, secure

Subscription Line Finance - Irish Funds

                                          and/or be responsible for the obligations         themselves or included in side letters at the
                                          of themselves and their wholly owned              time of the financing.
                                          subsidiaries but they cannot guarantee, give
                                          security for and/or be responsible for any        Overcall Provisions
                                          third party (e.g. a regulated fund cannot
                                                                                            Notwithstanding the contractual obligations
                                          assume the risk of any beneficiaries under a
                                                                                            undertaken by an investor, it may nevertheless
                                          letter of credit).
                                                                                            default in practice on its obligation to fund
                                                                                            capital calls.
                                          In the context of an umbrella fund, this
                                          prohibition will also operate to prevent a sub-
                                                                                            The consequences for such investor vary
                                          fund securing the obligations of another sub-
                                                                                            from structure to structure but common
                                          fund within the umbrella.
                                                                                            penalties include default interest and
                                                                                            forfeiture of investment.
                                          This issue frequently arises where the
                                          restriction applies to an Irish fund acting as
                                                                                            In such circumstances overcall provisions –
                                          a feeder fund to a third party master fund as
                                                                                            where non-defaulting investors agree to make
                                          part of a wider structure. In this scenario a
                                                                                            up the shortfall, subject to the maximum
                                          ‘cascading pledge’ can be put in place where
                                                                                            amount of their own commitment – may
                                          the Irish feeder creates security in favour of
                                                                                            provide additional protection for the lender.
                                          the master fund in respect of its own capital
                                          commitment to the master fund and the
                                          master fund makes an onward assignment of         Security Filings
                                          this security interest to the lender.
                                                                                            In addition to the requirement for notices of
                                                                                            assignment, Irish funds will need to register
                                          Prohibition on Assignment                         security interests with either the Central
                                          The fund will create security over its capital    Bank or the Irish Companies Registration
                                          call rights by making a security assignment       Office, depending on the legal structure of
                                          of the Note Purchase Agreement (as regards        the fund.
                                          Section 110 vehicles), the Subscription /
                                          Commitment Agreement (for ICAVs) or the           Where security is registered against an Irish
                                          LPA (for ILPs or 1907 LPs).                       company the secured party should also
                                                                                            make a ‘section 1001’ notification to Irish
                                          Any investor consent rights / prohibition on      Revenue where there is a fixed charge over
                                          assignment needs to be dealt with before          book debts.
                                          closing. Where a subscription line financing
                                          is envisaged at fund formation stage, the         Each of these filings are made by local
                                          constituent and subscription documents            counsel immediately post-closing and no
                                          often expressly refer to a sub-line and a         later than the 21 day statutory filing period.
                                          consent to assignment for lending purposes        Failure to make such filings results in a loss
                                          is hardwired into the documents.                  of priority for the secured party and the debt
                                                                                            becomes immediately due and payable.
                                          Waiver of Defences to Funding
                                          As with other jurisdictions, it is commonplace
                                                                                            Limited Recourse & Segregated
                                          for investors in Irish funds to waive any
                                          defences they may have in respect of their
                                          funding obligations under a capital call          ICAVs and ILPs may be established as
                                          issued by a lender following enforcement.         segregated cell entities with segregated
                                                                                            liability between sub-funds (subject to very
                                          In an Irish context an investor may waive any     limited exceptions).This segregated liability
                                          rights with respect to the suspension of NAV      is enshrined in statute but it is standard
                                          or failure to issue shares (as regards an ICAV)   practice to also include segregated liability
                                          or the failure to issue further notes (Section    clauses in financing documents.
                                          110 vehicles) or record contributions to the
                                          limited partnership (ILPs or 1907 LPs).           Unregulated funds such as Section 110
                                                                                            vehicles typically benefit from limited
                                          Such waivers may be built into the                recourse, non-petition and corporate
                                          constituent and subscription documents            obligations clauses.

Walkers’ Global Fund Finance Offering

Walkers is the only law firm to provide full coverage in Ireland and across the Channel Islands. The European fund finance team
collaborates with the global fund finance team in the Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands, Bermuda and across our network of
offices in the Middle East and Asia. Our global strength and presence has enabled us to spearhead clients’ expansion into the European
market. Our team of specialist finance lawyers located in Dublin, London, Jersey and Guernsey, provide commercially focused advice
to lenders and borrowers.

Our multi-disciplinary fund finance team includes lawyers from Walkers’ top-tier fund formation practice providing for an in-depth
understanding of the structures used by investment managers and the legal and commercial issues relevant to fund finance providers. Our
clients include agents, banks, alternative lenders and investment fund managers including private equity, credit, real estate and hedge
funds. We have advised on many types of financing including capital call and subscription financing lines, management fee and GP facilities
as well as NAV and hybrid structures.

   Key Contacts
   If you have any questions on the information set out in this article, please connect with our senior Fund Finance team below or
   your usual Walkers contact.

                                                                                                                     Nicholas Blake-Knox
                Andrew Traynor                                           Ian McNamee                                 Partner - Asset Management
                Partner - Finance & Capital Markets                      Partner - Finance & Capital Markets         & Investment Funds
                T: +353 1 470 6632                                       T: +353 1 470 6643                          T: +353 1 470 6669
                E:                      E:            E:

                Jennifer Fox                                             Sarah Maguire                               Eimear Keane
                Partner - Asset Management                               Partner - Asset Management                  Partner - Asset Management
                & Investment Funds                                       & Investment Funds                          & Investment Funds
                T: +353 1 863 8531                                       T: +353 1 470 6691                          T: +353 1 470 6622
                E:                        E:          E:

                Jonathan Sheehan                                         Aisling Burke                               Eimear Burbridge
                Partner - Tax                                            Partner - Tax                               Of Counsel - Tax
                T: +353 1 470 6639                                       T: +353 1 470 6642                          T: +353 1 470 6627
                E:                    E:          E:

The information contained in this article is necessarily brief and general in nature and does not constitute legal
or taxation advice. Appropriate legal or other professional advice should be sought for any specific matter.

© 2021 All rights reserved. Walkers Ireland LLP

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