Quarter 3, 2019 Review of Irish Merger and Acquisition Activity - Corporate Finance - Investec

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Quarter 3, 2019 Review of Irish Merger and Acquisition Activity - Corporate Finance - Investec
Corporate Finance

Review of Irish Merger and Acquisition Activity

               Quarter 3, 2019

              Prepared by Investec Corporate Finance
Review of Irish M&A activity

M&A Tracker Summary, Q3 2019
   Quarterly Value and Volume Trend
                          €8bn                                                                                                                                        94               100

                          €7bn                                                                                                         80
                                       €4.8bn              5.9bn                                                                                                               67      80
                          €6bn                                                                                       70
                                            64                                                                                                            62
                                                                                 58                60
                          €5bn                                52                                                                                                              €4.3bn   60

                          €4bn                                                                                                                                       €3.9bn

                          €3bn                                                                                                                                                         40
                                                                            €1.3bn            €1.3bn                                                                                   20
                          €1bn                                                                                                                        €0.6bn
                                 -                                                                                                                                                     0
                                      Q3 2017 Q4 2017 Q1 2018 Q2 2018 Q3 2018 Q4 2018 Q1 2019 Q2 2019 Q3 2019

                                                                                            Values                                          Volumes

                                                                            Most Active Sectors (by volume)

                                               19                                                                           9
                                                                                                                                                                      Retail, Food / Food
                     IT & Telecoms                                                     Health & Pharmaceutical
                                                                                                                                                                  Services, Financial Services
                                                                                Transaction Type (by volume)

                                 17                                                                              15                                                            14

             Foreign Acquisitions                                                          Irish Deals (In-market)                                                     Financial Investor

                                                                                         Investec Commentary
   • Q3’19 saw a decline in deal volume following what was a record high for Q2’19. There were 67 deals announced during the quarter,
     representing a decline of 29% relative to the highest ever quarterly volume in Q2’19
   • There was a sharp increase in transaction value from Q2’19 to Q3’19, with a total combined value of €4.33bn across the
     disclosed transactions
   • Notable transactions which were announced during the quarter include CRH’s disposal of its European distribution business to The
     Blackstone Group (€1.64bn) and Henderson Park’s take private of Green REIT (€1.55bn)
   • Irish companies were active overseas during the quarter, with a total of 17 transactions (34 in Q2’19)
   • There were 15 in-market transactions during Q3’19 spread across all sectors, bringing YTD in-market transactions to 50
   • The IT and Telecoms sector was the most active in Q3’19, with 19 transactions during the quarter. It was followed by the Health and
     Pharmaceuticals sector (9 transactions), with the Retail, Food / Food Services and Financial Services sectors all recording 8 transactions
   • Q1’19-Q3’19 saw the announcement of 223 transactions, ahead of the previous year, which recorded 188 transactions over the
     same period
Trade Sale: Acquisition of an Irish corporate by Irish / overseas corporate
Financial Buyers & Investors: Acquisition of, or 20% or more investment in, an Irish corporate by Irish / overseas financial investors including private equity
Overseas Transaction: Acquisition or disposal of overseas corporate by Irish corporate / private equity
Review of Irish M&A activity

Investec Commentary
Q3’19 saw a decline in deal volume following what was a record high for Q2’19. There were 67 deals announced
during the quarter, representing a decline of 29% relative to the record-breaking Q2’19. This is in line with
global and European M&A trends in which we are seeing a decline in activity. There was a significant increase in
transaction value from Q2’19 to Q3’19, with a total combined value of €4.33bn across the disclosed transactions.
This increase in value is driven by a number of large disclosed transactions which were announced during the
quarter, including CRH’s disposal of its European distribution business to Blackstone (€1.64bn) and Henderson
Park’s take private of Green REIT (€1.55bn)

The 2 largest transactions noted above accounted for approximately 74% of the total disclosed deal value for the
quarter, with the 10 largest transactions accounting for 97% of the total disclosed value. Other notable transactions
during the quarter include Pramerica Real Estate Capital’s buyout of York Capital’s stake in Core Industrial REIT,
Avenue Capital’s acquisition of a 25% stake in alternative lender Castlehaven Finance and the acquisition of 23
Connecticut highway service plazas by a consortium led by Applegreen.

Irish companies were active overseas during the quarter, with a total of 17 transactions (34 in Q2’19). Interestingly,
7 of the aforementioned transactions were acquisitions of UK based companies. One such transaction was
Greencore’s acquisition of Freshtime UK, its first purchase since completing the disposal of its US operations at the
end of 2018.

Not all Irish companies sought to acquire abroad, with a count of 15 in-market transactions in Q3’19, bringing YTD
in-market transactions to 50. The in-market transactions were spread across all sectors, ranging from Financial
Services to Retail and Construction. Irish Life owned Invesco acquired Acumen & Trust during the period, whilst in
the retail sector, we saw Dunnes Stores acquire independent retailer JC Savage and Connollys Car Garage acquire
Hyundai Galway. In the Construction sector, John Sisk & Son acquired Vision Built Group.

Buyouts and acquisitions made by PE owned companies were accountable for 14 transactions during the quarter,
as a buy and build theme continues across the Irish market. Notable players in this space include Montagu backed
OASIS, Sovereign Capital’s Arachas Corporate Brokers and Capvest’s Valeo Foods, each of which transacted
during the quarter.

The IT and Telecoms sector was the top performer of Q3’19, with 19 transactions during the quarter. The largest
disclosed transaction in the sector was Cellnex Telecom’s €210m cross border acquisition of communication
infrastructure provider Cignal. Accenture contributed 6 deals to the sector’s tally. Other active sectors for Q3’19
were Health and Pharmaceuticals (9 transactions), Retail, Food / Food Services and Financial Services (each with 7

With a deal volume of 67, Q3’19 lagged behind the previous quarter. However, it remained a relatively strong
quarter for Irish M&A activity despite global headwinds and market trends. Disclosed deals comprised 21 of the 67
recorded deals, giving a deal value of €4.33bn. Q1’19-Q3’19 saw the announcement of 223 transactions, ahead
of the previous year, which recorded 188 transactions over the same period. A consistent Q4 will be important to
round off a good year for Irish M&A.
About and Key Contacts at Investec Corporate Finance
Investec is a leading provider of independent corporate finance advisory services in Ireland. We have a highly
experienced team of professionals working in our Dublin office. With a track record spanning some of Ireland’s
highest profile deals, Investec Corporate Finance has become an advisor of choice within the Irish market for
leading companies, private equity funds and entrepreneurs.

Liam Booth                                         Shane Lawlor
Managing Director                                  Director, Head of Corporate Broking
Tel: +353 (1) 421 0345                             Tel: +353 (1) 421 0347
liam.booth@investec.ie                             shane.lawlor@investec.ie

Jonathan Simmons                                   Tommy Conway
Director                                           Director, Head of Equity Capital Markets
Tel: +353 (1) 421 0351                             Tel: +353 (1) 421 0358
jonathan.simmons@investec.ie                       tommy.conway@investec.ie

Eoin Kennedy
Tel: +353 (1) 421 0386
Review of Irish M&A activity

M&A Transaction Values and Volumes

Quarterly Value Trends: Q3 2017 - Q3 2019
   €6.0bn          €4.8bn                                                            €5.1bn                                                            €4.3bn
   €4.0bn                                                                                                                           €3.9bn
   €2.0bn                                            €1.3bn           €1.3bn
   €8.0bn                                                                                                           €0.6bn
   €6.0bn-         €4.8bn                                                            €5.1bn
                   Q3 2017         Q4 2017           Q1 2018          Q2 2018        Q3 2018         Q4 2018        Q1 2019         Q2 2019           Q3 2019
   €4.0bn                                                                                                                           €3.9bn
   €2.0bn                                            €1.3bn           €1.3bn
                   Q3 2017         Q4 2017           Q1 2018          Q2 2018        Q3 2018         Q4 2018        Q1 2019         Q2 2019           Q3 2019

Quarterly Volume Trends: Q3 2017 - Q3 2019
         100                                                                                                                            94
         90                                                                                           80
                                                                                       70                                                               67
         70          64                                                                                              62
                                                       58              60
         60                          52
         100                                                                                                                            94

         90                                                                                           80
                                                                                       70                                                               67
         70          64                                                                                              62
                                                       58              60
         60                          52
                  Q3 2017          Q4 2017          Q1 2018             Q2 2018         Q3 2018        Q4 2018        Q1 2019           Q2 2019       Q3 2019


Q3 2019 Transactions
                  Q3 2017          Q4 2017          Q1 2018             Q2 2018         Q3 2018        Q4 2018        Q1 2019           Q2 2019       Q3 2019

                   >        500m

              251m -        500m

              101m -        250m

               51m -        100m

                20m -        50m             4.5%

                     <       20m                       13.4%

               Non-Disclosed                                                                                                       70.1%

                               0.0%          10.0%            20.0%      30.0%       40.0%          50.0%        60.0%          70.0%         80.0%

                                                                            Volume          Value
Review of Irish M&A activity

         M&A Transaction Type

         Q3 2019 Activity by Counterparty

                                                                                                                    Financial Buyers
                                                                         Trade Sale                                                      Overseas Transaction
                                                                   Trade Sale                                                        Overseas Transaction
                                                                                                                 & Investors
                                                     Irish buyer   UK buyer     US buyer       Other                       Irish seller     Acquisitions          Disposals                Total
                                            Irish buyer      UK buyer     US buyer       Other                      Irish seller        Acquisitions          Disposals                 Total
         Value (€ million)                                    €0     €1,629          €5        €250                            €2,075               €374                €0               €4,332
Value (€ million)
         Disclosed deals                             €0         0€1,629        4      €5        1 €250         3       €2,075       5          €374      8            €0      0    €4,332 21
          deals      deals                            0       15       4       3        1       7       3      3              5     9              8     9              0     0        21 46
Undisclosed deals
        Total number of deals
                                                     15       15
                                                                       3       7
                                                                                        7       8
                                                                                                        3      6
                                                                                                                              9    14
                                                                                                                                                   9 17                 0     0
                                                                                                                                                                                          46 67

Total number of deals                                15                7                8               6                    14                   17                    0                 67
           Trade Sale: Acquisition of an Irish corporate by Irish / overseas corporate
Notes:     Financial Buyers & Investors: Acquisition of, or 20% or more investment in, an Irish corporate by Irish / overseas financial investors including private equity
Trade Sale:  Acquisition
           Overseas      of an IrishAcquisition
                     Transaction:    corporateorbydisposal
                                                   Irish / overseas  corporate
                                                            of overseas  corporate by Irish corporate / private equity
Financial Buyers & Investors: Acquisition of, or 20% or more investment in, an Irish corporate by Irish / overseas financial investors including private equity
Overseas Transaction: Acquisition or disposal of overseas corporate by Irish corporate / private equity

         Q3 2019 Activity by Sector
                                 Q3 2018 Activity by Sector
                                                                           Q3 2018 Activity by Sector
                                       Professional & Technical
                            Professional & Technical                                   4.7%
                                                      Retail                   4.7%
                                                         Industrial                                                                                                 37.9%
                                             Industrial                                                                                                        37.9%
                            Building, Construction & Property                               9.0%
                 Building, Construction & Property                         0.0%                                                                                  38.3%
                                            Print & Paper
                                                                           0.0% 6.0%
                                            Print & Paper    0.0% 0.0%
                                                Support Services
                                                             0.0%                      4.5%
                                       Support Services    0.0%                           5.9%
                                            Financial Services
                                                                4.5%           10.4%
                                                              0.0% 5.9%
                                                   & Travel
                                                                1.5%       10.4%
                                                         0.0%       3.9%
                                    Leisure        Services
                                            & Travel
                                                           1.5%                10.4%
                                                               3.9%      6.7%
                                             IT & Telecoms
                                Food/Food Services
                                                                           10.4%                                                                       28.4%
                                      IT &&Telecoms
                                            Pharmaceutical                          13.4%                                                       28.4%
                                         Media & Publishing1.8%
                            Health & Pharmaceutical                   4.5%      13.4%
                                                                       0%           5%          10%          15%          20%           25%         30%          35%              40%
                                    Media & Publishing                         4.5%

                                                              0%            5%           10%           Volume 20% Value
                                                                                                      15%             25%                      30%           35%             40%

                                                                                                Volume              Value
Review of Irish M&A activity

Q3 2019 Transactions by Sector
Media and Publishing
Acquiror                                  Country       Target                                                Country           €m      Date

Independent News & Media plc              Ireland       Inm Events DAC (49%)                                  Ireland           n.d.    Jul-19
Keywords Studios plc                      Ireland       TV+SYNCHRON Berlin GmbH                               Germany           3.7     Sep-19
SKY Network Television Limited            New Zealand   RugbyPass Limited                                     Ireland           36.1    Aug-19

Total                                                                                                                           39.8

Health and Pharmaceutical
Acquiror                                  Country       Target                                                Country           €m      Date

Bon Secours Mercy Health                  USA           Bon Secours Health Systems                            Ireland           n.d.    Jul-19
Connected Health Limited                  UK            Home Care Plus Limited                                Ireland           n.d.    Aug-19
Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc                  Ireland       pan-RAF inhibitor programme                           UK                3.1     Jul-19
Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc                  Ireland       Cavion                                                USA               47.0    Aug-19
LloydsPharmacy Ireland Limited            Ireland       Median Healthcare Services                            Ireland           n.d.    Jul-19
Lucid Group Communications Limited        UK            Healthcare 21 Group                                   Ireland           n.d.    Sep-19
Merieux NutriSciences Corporation         USA           Advanced Laboratory Testing Limited                   Ireland           n.d.    Sep-19
Uniphar plc                               Ireland       Durbin plc                                            UK                26.0    Aug-19
Waterland Private Equity Investments BV   Netherlands   Silver Stream Healthcare Management Limited           Ireland           n.d.    Jul-19

Total                                                                                                                           76.1

IT and Telecoms
Acquiror                                  Country       Target                                                Country           €m      Date

Accenture                                 Ireland       Northstream AB                                        Sweden            n.d.    Aug-19
Accenture                                 Ireland       Pragsis Technologies SL                               Spain             n.d.    Sep-19
Accenture                                 Ireland       Fairway Technologies, Inc.                            USA               n.d.    Aug-19
Accenture                                 Ireland       Parker Fitzgerald Limited                             UK                n.d.    Aug-19
Accenture                                 Ireland       Analytics 8 LP                                        Australia         15.0    Aug-19
Accenture                                 Ireland       Insitum Consultoria Europa SL                         Mexico            n.d.    Aug-19
Blancco Technology Group plc              UK            YouGetItBack Limited                                  Ireland           5.3     Jul-19
Cellnex Telecom                           Spain         Cignal                                                Ireland           210.0   Sep-19
Hibernia Services Limited                 Ireland       Sabeo Technologies (Enterprise Tech Division)         Ireland           n.d.    Aug-19
Johnson Controls International            Ireland       Aspro Crest Limited                                   UK                n.d.    Jul-19
MarketStar Corporation                    USA           Product2Market                                        Ireland           n.d.    Sep-19
OASIS                                     Ireland       Archive Document Data Storage                         UK                n.d.    Aug-19
Pico Quantitative Trading LLC             USA           Corvil Limited                                        Ireland           n.d.    Jul-19
Taoglas Limited                           Ireland       Firmwave Limited                                      Ireland           n.d.    Aug-19
Terra S.p.A.                              Italy         Rubelite Technologies Limited                         Ireland           4.0     Jul-19
The Sage Group plc                        UK            Ocrex Limited                                         Ireland           55.0    Sep-19
TransPerfect Translations International   USA           MoGi Group                                            Ireland           n.d.    Sep-19
Xenon Venture Equity                      USA           Metricfire Limited                                    Ireland           n.d.    Sep-19
Xpring                                    USA           Logos Network                                         Ireland           n.d.    Sep-19

Total                                                                                                                           289.3

Food/Food Services
Acquiror                                  Country       Target                                                Country           €m      Date

Dawn Farm Foods Limited                   Ireland       Haas GmbH                                             Germany           n.d.    Sep-19
Fane Valley Co-op                         UK            Robert Smyth & Sons                                   Ireland           17.3    Jul-19
Goode Partners LLC                        USA           Strong Roots (Undisclosed Stake)                      Ireland           n.d.    Aug-19
Greencore Group plc                       Ireland       Freshtime UK Limited                                  UK                62.0    Sep-19
ISIF, Management                          Ireland       West Cork Distillers Limited (62%)                    Ireland           18.0    Sep-19
The Hershey Company                       USA           Fulfil Nutrition (Undisclosed stake)                  Ireland           n.d.    Aug-19
Valeo Foods                               Ireland       Yellow Chips B.V.; Kettle Foods Limited               Netherlands, UK   73.0    Sep-19

Total                                                                                                                           170.3

Leisure and Travel
Acquiror                                  Country       Target                                                Country           €m      Date

Extreme Event Ireland Ltd.                Ireland       CityScape                                             Ireland           n.d.    Jul-19

Total                                                                                                                           0.0

Financial Services
Acquiror                                  Country       Target                                                Country           €m      Date

Arachas Corporate Brokers Limited         Ireland       Murray & Spelman Limited                              Ireland           n.d.    Jul-19
Avenue Capital Group                      USA           Castlehaven Finance (25%)                             Ireland           250.0   Aug-19
Baker Tilly Chartered Accountants         Ireland       Barr Pomeroy Limited                                  Ireland           n.d.    Sep-19
Bluechip Financial                        USA           Arachas Financial Planning                            Ireland           4.5     Aug-19
DMS Governance Limited                    Ireland       Host Capital Limited                                  UK                n.d.    Sep-19
Element Global                            USA           Clarinova Limited                                     Ireland           n.d.    Aug-19
Invesco Limited                           Ireland       Acumen & Trust Designated Activity Company            Ireland           n.d.    Aug-19

Total                                                                                                                           254.5
Review of Irish M&A activity

Q3 2019 Transactions by Sector
Support Services
Acquiror                                   Country          Target                                               Country   €m        Date

Indeed Ireland Operations Limited          Ireland          Blackstone Point Limited                             UK        n.d.      Jul-19
Meptagon Group                             Israel           BMD & Co. Limited (75% Stake)                        Ireland   n.d.      Sep-19
Spencer Stuart                             USA              MERC Partners                                        Ireland   n.d.      Jul-19

Total                                                                                                                      0.0

Building, Construction and Property
Acquiror                                   Country          Target                                               Country   €m        Date

Pramerica Real Estate Capital              USA              Core Industrial REIT plc                             Ireland   94.0      Aug-19
Henderson Park                             UK               Green REIT plc                                       Ireland   1,551.0   Aug-19
John Sisk & Son Limited                    Ireland          Vision Built Limited                                 Ireland   n.d.      Aug-19
Kingspan Group plc                         Ireland          WeGo Floortec GmbH                                   Germany   13.0      Jul-19

Total                                                                                                                      1,658.0

Acquiror                                   Country          Target                                               Country   €m        Date

AxFlow                                     Sweden           Induchem Components Limited                          Ireland   n.d.      Jul-19
AxFlow                                     Ireland          Irish Pumps & Valves Limited                         Ireland   n.d.      Jul-19
Beauparc Utilities Limited                 Ireland          WERS Waste Limited                                   Ireland   n.d.      Aug-19
EP UK Investments Limited                  Czech Republic   Tynagh Energy Ltd (80% Stake)                        Ireland   n.d.      Sep-19
OQEMA AG                                   Germany          Fusion Bespoke Manufacturing Limited                 Ireland   n.d.      Aug-19
The Blackstone Group                       USA              Europe Distribution Business of CRH plc              Ireland   1,640.0   Jul-19

Total                                                                                                                      1,640.0

Professional and Technical
Acquiror                                   Country          Target                                               Country   €m        Date

John O'Connor Solicitors                   Ireland          Peter Morrissey & Company                            Ireland   n.d.      Jul-19

Total                                                                                                                      0.0

Acquiror                                   Country          Target                                               Country   €m        Date

Investor Consortium incl. Applegreen plc   Ireland          Project Services LLC                                 USA       204.0     Aug-19
BoyleSports Ltd                            Ireland          Reva Racing Limited (5 shops)                        Ireland   n.d.      Aug-19
Connolly Bros. Car Sales (Sligo) Limited   Ireland          Langtonville Limited t/a Hyundai Galway              Ireland   n.d.      Jul-19
Dunnes Stores                              Ireland          J.C. Savage Supermarket                              Ireland   n.d.      Jul-19
Eason and Son Limited                      Ireland          Trading Businesses of Six Franchised Stores          Ireland   n.d.      Aug-19
Gowan Group Limited                        Ireland          Opel Automobile Ireland Limited                      Ireland   n.d.      Jul-19
Flavour Warehouse Holdings Limited         UK               Total Vapour Limited                                 Ireland   n.d.      Aug-19

Total                                                                                                                      204.0
Review of Irish M&A activity

The information in this report relates to transactions announced during the third quarter of 2019. Financial
consideration is shown in EURO (€), and is based on disclosed figures or market or media estimates at
the time each deal was announced. In cases where the deal consideration was in a foreign currency, the
equivalent amount in EURO (€) has been calculated using the exchange rate that was in force at the time
of the original transaction announcement. Certain transactions which have been announced but which
are subject to approval by the Competition Authority are shown on the assumption that approval will be

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