Sub-6 GHz mMIMO Base Stations Meet 5G's Size and Weight Challenges - Macom

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Sub-6 GHz mMIMO Base Stations Meet 5G's Size and Weight Challenges - Macom
Cover   Feature
                                                                                             Invited Paper

Sub-6 GHz mMIMO Base
Stations Meet 5G’s Size and
Weight Challenges
Walter Honcharenko
MACOM, Lowell, Mass.

Base station deployment and site acquisition constraints require smaller, lighter 5G massive
MIMO (mMIMO) radios and antennas. Improved signal processing, high efficiency devices and
integration from discrete lineups to front-end modules (FEM) make it possible.

          he RF and microwave in-        ever-increasing demand for data—            tem where interference is managed.
          dustry has made consid-        requires a fundamental change in            Here is where mMIMO systems
          erable progress toward         cellular communication RF system            come into the picture. mMIMO,
          enabling commercial sub-       architecture and design. With so            with many more transceivers and
6 GHz 5G wireless infrastructure,        many users, devices, automobiles,           antenna elements than are used
with mmWave fixed wireless trials        smart meters, low-power wide-area           in 4G systems, uses beamforming
progressing in parallel. The early       devices and other machine-to-ma-            signal processing to direct RF en-
excitement surrounding 5G has            chine communication, the capacity           ergy to users and reduce interfer-
given way to a defined set of indus-     of 4G cellular systems employing            ence by dynamically steering an-
try standards, and component and         fixed sector antenna systems will fall      tenna beams away from interfering
system manufacturers have vari-          short. At the highest level of com-         sources, in both azimuth and eleva-
ously aligned on practical, scalable     munication theory, it is well known         tion. By steering RF energy to users
5G base station architectures that       that maximizing throughput over a           and away from interference, SINR,
deliver the promise of faster data       wireless channel requires maximiz-          throughput and overall system ca-
throughput and expansive capacity        ing signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) or         pacity improve.
to serve subscriber, IoT and other       signal-to-interference+noise ratios
applications.                            (SINR). High density cellular net-          mMIMO CHALLENGES
   The evolution from 4G to 5G—          works are typically interference lim-          With 5G antenna array and mMI-
and the anticipated 100× capac-          ited, not noise limited, forcing the        MO technology coming to fruition,
ity improvement required by our          RF architecture to evolve into a sys-       wireless network operators will face
                       Reprinted with permission of MICROWAVE JOURNAL® from the February 2019 issue.
                                               ©2019 Horizon House Publications, Inc.
Sub-6 GHz mMIMO Base Stations Meet 5G's Size and Weight Challenges - Macom
deployment challenges as they make               These challenges must be met          rable indoor coverage. Diffraction
the transition from 4G LTE to 5G             with smaller, denser sub-6 GHz 5G         losses, aperture efficiencies and
base stations, an incremental evolu-         base station designs. In parallel,        path loss all suffer as a function of
tion that will see both technologies         base station weight and volume re-        frequency (i.e., 6 to 12 dB/octave),
comingled for what is likely to be an        main critical considerations for sys-     while penetration losses increase
extended period. Occupying similar           tem designers, given the nontrivial       dramatically at higher frequencies
physical footprints, 4G LTE and 5G           labor and equipment costs imposed         due to the skin depth and conduc-
base stations will, wherever possible,       on wireless operators for installa-       tivity of coated glass, conductive
populate existing co-located cell            tion and subsequent maintenance.          (moist) masonry, brick faces and
towers and rooftop installations, con-       Where operating costs were cal-           other materials.
figured as they are today to minimize        culated based on just the aperture            Health and safety requirements
interference and coverage gaps.              size of the antenna, tower opera-         dictate that EIRP emission limits (1
    As 5G base stations proliferate          tors have largely moved to a pricing      mW/cm2) and exclusion zones re-
across existing sites, available instal-     model where charges are calculated        main within acceptable levels in
lation space will shrink dramatically,       using base station weight, aperture       the transition from 4G LTE to 5G,
space that is already at a premium           area and volume. Initial installation     so raising EIRP levels will naturally
from continued 4G LTE base station           costs are also determined by the          introduce some placement chal-
deployments in some regions. In-             location, weight and type of instal-      lenges. These will be compounded
deed, many cell towers have already          lation: tower or rooftop, one or two      with the implementation of mMIMO
been pushed to the brink of their            people, crane, etc. The initial 4G        beamforming techniques if theoreti-
hosting capacities, evidenced by             systems were split into a radio head      cal maximum power is used. Where
the increasingly and chaotically-clut-       and an antenna, where the radio was       conventional antennas point hori-
tered towers dotting today’s metro           often on the ground and the passive       zontally, beam steered antenna ar-
environments. Figure 1 shows a               antenna mounted on the tower. In          rays will radiate in many directions,
typical tower installation with two          other installations, both radio and       even down into pedestrian walk-
tiers of antennas, radios, RF cables         antenna were located on the tower,        ways. This health and safety con-
and power feed lines, which repre-           with commensurate costs. 5G mMI-          cern will introduce additional con-
sent approximately 250 kg weight             MO antennas, by definition, will          straints for acquiring urban 5G base
on each sector. Wind loading, ice            position the active electronics on        station sites, intensifying the pres-
loading and moment arms are key              the tower, immediately behind the         sure to design smaller, lower power
factors as base stations multiply on         antenna, in a single integrated unit.     base stations that can be flexibly
a tower, with concern for base sta-              Of course, base station size and      deployed while preserving safety.
tion resilience and service continuity       weight have always and will always
in poor weather conditions.                  be central concerns for RF com-           REDUCING SIZE AND WEIGHT
                                             ponent providers, base station de-           When it comes to optimizing sub-
                                             signers and operators. A looming          6 GHz base station size and weight,
                                             shortage of tower and rooftop real        several design considerations must
                                             estate will only exacerbate these         be considered, from the component
                                             problems. On the path to realiz-          to the system, with power consump-
                                             ing commercial-scale mmWave 5G            tion, efficiency and thermal dissipa-
                                             connectivity, site acquisition will be-   tion the most important.
                                             come infinitely more difficult, given        Antenna aperture size is wholly
                                             the 100 m spacing between base            dependent on the number of on-
                                             stations that frequency and phys-         board antenna elements, which
                                             ics require for uniform coverage.         depends on the desired network
                                             mmWave base station equipment             capacity and expected interference.
                                             installed on lamp posts, street signs,    Whether the array has 64, 128 or
                                             bus stop shelters and other struc-        192 elements, the physical dimen-
                                             tures will need to be far lighter and     sion is determined by the physics
                                             less obtrusive than anything that has     of the array, scanning angle require-
                                             come before.                              ments, grating lobe performance
                                                 Site acquisition challenges will be   and beam widths. The volume and
                                             compounded by concerns over the           depth of the base station, deter-
                                             effective isotropic radiated power        mined by the underlying electronics
                                             (EIRP). While 4G LTE and sub-6 GHz        and heat sinking, can absolutely be
                                             5G base stations may exhibit com-         optimized; here, we see plenty of
                                             parable EIRP levels when account-         room for improvement.
                                             ing for beamforming gain, increas-           A key system size consideration
                                             ingly higher frequencies will require     frequently overlooked with 5G mMI-
                                             higher RF power to compensate             MO is the dramatic increase in sig-
  Fig. 1 Typical cell tower installation,   for building penetration losses and       nal processing hardware required,
with two tiers of radios and antennas.       boost the EIRP to achieve compa-          compared to typical LTE systems.
Sub-6 GHz mMIMO Base Stations Meet 5G's Size and Weight Challenges - Macom
                                                                                                  The mMIMO system may have 192 antenna elements
                                                                                                  connected to 64 transmit/receive (TRx) FEMs with 16
                                                                                                  transceiver RFICs and four digital front-ends (DFE), a
                                                                                                  16× increase in digital signal processing compared to
                                                                                                  the four transceivers in a typical LTE 4T MIMO system
                                                                                                  (see Figure 2). Add a 5× increase in bandwidth when
                                                                                                  moving from 20 to 100 MHz, for example, and the sig-
                                                                                                  nal processing multiplier is staggering. The stackup in
             4T Antenna                                                                           Figure 3 illustrates the functions in a typical mMIMO in-
                                                     mMIMO Antenna
                                                                                                  tegrated antenna and radio. The top panel contains the

                                                                           Integrated Assembly
                                                                                                  antenna elements, and the layers below the antenna
                                                                                                  contain the RF and digital circuitry. While the TRx FEM,
                                                                                                  RFIC and DFE layers are shown as separate boards, in
                                                                                                  practice the three functions will be combined into one
                                                                                                  or two densely packed boards to minimize interconnec-
                                                                                                     Perhaps even more jarring than the additional hard-
                                                                                                  ware in a mMIMO system is the attendant impact on







                                                                                                  power consumption and heat dissipation. Previously,
        Signal Conditioning

                    4T LTE RRH                               mMIMO Radio

                    CPRI                                      CPRI

             Baseband                                  Baseband
 (a)                                   (b)

  Fig. 2 Architecture of a conventional 4T LTE remote radio
head (a) vs. a mMIMO radio containing 192 antenna elements
and 64 TRx FEMs (b).                                                                               Fig. 3   Notional mMIMO radio stackup.

                              FEM            4 Channel RFIC/Transceiver                                      16 Channel DFE Function
                                                     D/A      P Q          DPD                   CFR    Shaping             IFFT

                                                              Q P                                        Pulse
                                                     A/D                                                Shaping             FFT

                                                     D/A      P Q          DPD                   CFR    Shaping             IFFT
                                                     A/D      Q P                                       Shaping             FFT

                              FEM            4 Channel RFIC/Transceiver                                                                Beamforming/
                                                     D/A      P Q          DPD                   CFR    Shaping             IFFT        Estimation/   to Baseband
                                                              Q P                                        Pulse                         Management
                                                     A/D                                                Shaping             FFT

                                                     D/A      P Q          DPD                   CFR    Shaping             IFFT

                                                              Q P                                        Pulse
                                                     A/D                                                Shaping             FFT

                  64 Total FEMs                 16 x of 4                                               4 x of 16
              in 64 TRx Architecture          Channel RFIC                                             Channel DFE

 Fig. 4     Typical mMIMO radio functional block diagram.
power amplifier (PA) power con-                   functional block diagram is shown in                      mance and superior power density
sumption was the most important                   Figure 4. This architecture is typical                    and efficiency compared to LDMOS
factor when designing base sta-                   of all mMIMO designs, with some                           devices, meeting the exacting ther-
tion heat sinks and power supplies.               differences in the partitioning of                        mal specifications while preserving
Now, the power consumption of                     logic (e.g., 8- or 16-channel DFEs)                       valuable PCB space for the tightly-
the signal processing electronics is              or discrete component instead of                          clustered mMIMO antenna arrays.
approaching, and in some cases,                   integrated FEMs. This example                             Space-saving multifunction MMICs
eclipsing that of the onboard PAs.                shows, from left to right, 64 RF and                      and multi-chip modules (MCM) are
    The significant increase in signal            transceiver paths divided among                           supplanting discrete ICs and single-
processing hardware can be offset                 16 transceiver RFICs driving four                         function devices, enabling inte-
to an extent by optimizing the sig-               DFEs. The DFEs process the digi-                          grated RFICs for 5G base stations.
nal and waveform conditioning al-                 tal data from the 64 channels and                         FEMs are benefiting from a similarly
gorithms applied to the transmitted               are connected to the beamforming                          streamlined design approach us-
signals. Legacy signal conditioning               processor and baseband interface                          ing integrated assemblies incorpo-
algorithms such as crest factor re-               processor. The emergence of RF                            rating PAs, T/R switches, matching
duction and digital predistortion                 SOCs with direct sampling analog-                         circuits, low noise amplifiers, digital
(DPD) were primarily developed for                to-digital converters (ADC) and                           step attenuators, controllers and
macro base stations with very high-               digital-to-analog converters (DAC)                        DPD couplers packaged in compact
power PAs, a more complicated and                 capable of ~60 GSPS help to shrink                        packages (see Figure 5). With drain
taxing processing workload than is                the size and weight of 5G antennas                        efficiencies approaching 60 percent
required for the smaller, lower pow-              by reducing the steps required for                        and optimized integration of the
er PAs populating mMIMO anten-                    analog up- and down-conversion                            Tx and Rx components, as well as
nas. These algorithms easily con-                 in conventional transceiver archi-                        DPD feedback paths, using FEMs in
sumed 75 percent of the available                 tectures. This reduces the overall                        mMIMO radios and TRx boards has
signal processing resources in the                component count and cost by elimi-                        many benefits:
DFE processors, whether custom                    nating mixers, converters and local                       • Reuse portions of the transceiver
ASIC/SOCs or FPGAs. By stream-                    oscillators.                                                  board layout.
lining these algorithms for 5G                                                                              • Optimize device-to-heat sink
mMIMO architectures and redistrib-                FEM BENEFITS                                                  thermal management.
uting the functionality across several              The emergence of GaN on Si                              • Optimize power levels, feedback
logic blocks, a minimal set of opti-              PAs provides wideband perfor-                                 loops, VSWR and control circuitry.
mized algorithms will improve sig-                                                                          • Manage isolation and noise with-
nal processing efficiency, reducing                        Radome                                               in the FEM.
overall power consumption.                          AI or Mg                                                • Enable dynamic power saving
    To illustrate the 16× multiplier                Housing                                                     modes.
of the digital signal processing and                                                                        • Improve final yields compared to
transceivers in a mMIMO system, a                                                                               discrete designs, since the inte-
                                                                                                                grated FEM is fully tested.
                                                                                                                Using the FEM design approach,
 To Filter                                                                                                  redesigning a mMIMO radio for a dif-
   and                            TX In                                                                     ferent number of antenna elements,
 Antenna                          PA Control                                                                frequency band or power level is sim-
                                  RX Out
                                                      Vias                                                  plified, as FEMs are “plug and play”
                 50 Ω                                      Thermal                                          modules, with standardized interfac-
                                                                                                            es, control logic and RF levels part of
                                                                   Fins                                     the design methodology.
 Fig. 5     Simplified FEM block diagram.         Fig. 6     Integrated mMIMO radio.
                                                                                                            THERMAL DESIGN
                                                                                                               In all mMIMO designs, where the
      Radome                                                                                                antenna and electronics are con-
  AI or Mg
                                                                                                            tained in one enclosure (see Figure
  Housing                                                                                                   6), the majority of the product engi-
                                                                                                            neering focus is managing thermal
                                                                                      Thermal Dissipation

     Vias                                                                                                   performance. The engineering ef-
  Thermal                                                                                                   forts for signal processing, RF de-
                                                                                                            sign, digital design, board layout,
                                                                                                            power design are indeed complex,
                                                                                                            but ultimately the mechanical/ther-
      Bonded                                                                                                mal/design and product environ-
                                                                                                            mental requirements will determine
                                                                                                            the volume and weight. Conven-
Fig. 7      Integrated mMIMO radio cross section showing layers and heat conduction paths.                 tional 4G radio heads are built with
the radio inside the heat sink, fins     the heat from the RFICs conducts        options for the foreseeable future.
surrounding the entire package.          out through the lid. This allows heat   By alleviating the signal processing
With a mMIMO design, the antenna         to be dissipated in multiple direc-     and conversion workload and ex-
and its radome are very poor con-        tions, rather than unidirectionally     ploiting higher levels of integration,
ductors of heat, limiting thermal dis-   from the FEMs and RFICs. Heat can       from discrete components to FEMs,
sipation to the rear of the mMIMO        be removed through the top lid and      significant reductions in base station
radio.                                   the bottom of the package through       size and weight can be achieved.
   By leveraging advanced packag-        the ground vias and baseplate, dis-        The expected roadmap for FEMs,
ing techniques for the MMICs and         tributing heat more efficiently and     SOCs and full single module solu-
MCMs within the FEM, additional          enabling a cooler device in a smaller   tions, from optical in to RF out, is a
cooling and space-saving benefits        footprint. Alternatively, the FEM can   natural progression of technology.
can be achieved. Figure 7 illustrates    channel heat through both the ther-     Integration of the optical interfaces,
a simplified mMIMO design, not           mal vias and the lid, to dissipate as   with direct sampling RF Tx and Rx
including the power supplies and         much heat as possible.                  and the required signal condition-
fiber interfaces. The case housing                                               ing, will define a true SOC. These
has extruded fins bonded into the        SUMMARY                                 evolving capabilities will enable 5G
housing to save casting weight and          The impending proliferation of 5G    mMIMO base stations to become
increase thermal efficiency. The TRx     base stations operating sub-6 GHz,      ubiquitous, fitting comfortably in
board integrates the FEMs and RF-        later at mmWave, will undoubtedly       the contours of our metro and sub-
ICs, with the FEMs conducting heat       strain tower and rooftop deploy-        urban landscapes.n
down through thermal vias, while         ment flexibility and site acquisition
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