Enhance Outage Prediction and Prevention with Artificial Intelligence - IN ANY WEATHER

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Enhance Outage Prediction and Prevention with Artificial Intelligence - IN ANY WEATHER

Enhance Outage
Prediction and Prevention
with Artificial Intelligence

                        Custom content for IBM Weather
                        by Utility Dive's Brand Studio
Enhance Outage Prediction and Prevention with Artificial Intelligence - IN ANY WEATHER
T    rimming trees and otherwise
     managing vegetation encroachment
near power lines are the foundation
of preventing weather-related power
outages. In warm weather, tree limbs
can grow to overhang or brush up against
utility assets. These limbs can break
under the weight of winter snow and ice,
be blown down in strong wind or severe
storms, or spark fires in dry conditions.

For instance, in early August 2020,
tropical storm Isaias brought power
outages to 2.5 million utility customers in
New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.         power lines (only two of those outages
Most of these outages were caused by
trees and branches falling on power lines
                                              appeared unrelated to weather). Costs are
                                              huge: One White House study estimated
in high winds. In some locations, power       that across a decade, weather-related            outages cost the
restoration took a week or more.              outages cost the U.S. economy $18 billion
                                              to $33 billion per year. Just in California,
                                                                                                 U.S. economy
Plant growth is a leading cause of power
outages. According to the Electric Power
                                              utilities spend about $1 billion annually
                                              on vegetation management — nearly all          $18-$33 billion
Research Institute, in one year vegetation
caused 92% of weather-related U.S.
                                              determined by schedules, not observed
                                              conditions and possible risks under                 per year.
power outages. The North American             different conditions.
Electric Reliability Corporation reported
that in 2019, 24 sustained transmission-      When utilities decide how to allocate finite
system outages were caused by                 resources to mitigate outage risks, their
vegetation contact with high-voltage          plans are only partially based on current

Enhance Outage Prediction and Prevention with Artificial Intelligence - IN ANY WEATHER
data and forecasts. Experience and           geospatial data, and satellite imagery
cyclic schedules still substantially shape   — can help utilities target tree trimming
utility plans for vegetation management      more efficiently and effectively. This
and preparation for outage response.         solution also provides far more specific
Meanwhile, climate change is bringing        warnings of weather events, much
more severe weather year-round in            earlier. Several utilities are working with
every region, while also making ordinary     IBM to leverage insights from this type
weather patterns less predictable.           of solution to enhance power-system
                                             resilience and reliability.
So, despite their best efforts, utilities
often incompletely assess where              “Tackling vegetation management and
the greatest risks of vegetation- and        outage prediction together — instead
weather-related outages exist along          of separately, the way it’s often still
their transmission and distribution          done at utilities — significantly reduces
networks. Also, the advance notice they      operational expenditures,” said Robbie
receive of upcoming severe weather           Berglund, weather solutions global
often is not either or specific enough       business unit executive for IBM Energy
for optimal preparation. This can lead       & Utilities.
to more (and more costly) outages,
wasted mitigation or emergency               This playbook explains how
preparation, declining reliability scores,   data-driven, timely, AI-augmented
damaged customer trust, and increased        situational intelligence helps utilities
public and regulatory scrutiny.              minimize risks to people, assets
                                             and the bottom line — while also
Fortunately, new artificial intelligence     enhancing customer service and
(AI) and machine learning technology         speeding power restoration.
— combined with a continuous stream
of highly granular weather data,

Enhance Outage Prediction and Prevention with Artificial Intelligence - IN ANY WEATHER
Advance notice of the likely location,        condition-based approach relies on
                extent and power-system effects of            far more sophisticated analysis than is
                severe weather events can empower             currently used for predicting outages
                utilities to mobilize restoration resources   and monitoring vegetation growth,”
                exactly when and where they will be           said Stuart Ravens, chief analyst for
                needed, for faster outage recovery.           thematic research at GlobalData.
                IBM’s solution predicts weather events
                seven days in advance, giving utilities       At many utilities, vegetation
                substantial time to prepare.                  management and outage prediction

1. Better       “If we believe bad weather is imminent,
                                                              have always been costly, time-
                                                              consuming, complex and largely

Planning with
                it’s essential to determine where we          manual endeavors. Most utilities
                think our repair crews and resources          update their vegetation data and

Rich Data and
                will be needed most,” said Tony O’Hara,       imagery via staff and contractors
                chief technology officer and vice             who use trucks, planes, helicopters

                president of engineering for Canadian         and drones to collect imagery and
                utility New Brunswick Power. “For an          data. In many parts of a power grid,
                extensive restoration effort, we can be       this snapshot of field conditions may
Analysis        spending in excess of a million dollars
                per day on mobilizing people and
                                                              occur only once per year or every few
                                                              years. Utilities also purchase data and
                equipment With advance notice about           imagery from satellite and weather
                weather events, we can pre-posture our        services. This tends to be obtained
                system. We can do specific activities         periodically, not continuously, and
                that will make our system more resilient      it’s typically analyzed manually.
                to that weather.”
                                                              Utilities use all of this information
                Similarly, data-driven insights can           update their existing in-house
                make vegetation management more               models to predict where vegetation
                targeted and nimble. “Shifting from           might most likely cause outages
                routine scheduled inspections to a            throughout the coming year under

Enhance Outage Prediction and Prevention with Artificial Intelligence - IN ANY WEATHER
various weather scenarios. Often,
these models are developed not
by staff or industry experts but by
local colleges or universities.

“It’s usually graduate students who
build outage and vegetation models
for utilities,” said Rob Boucher, senior
offering manager for The Weather
Company, an IBM business. “They’re
smart and skilled, but they lack industry
knowledge. So they’ll devise very
qualitative measures, like how leafy the
trees in a grid box look. That’s not really
the level of information needed to plan       “The Weather company’s core
which trees to trim.”                         competency is weather, and it’s now           "Our algorithms apply
                                              combined with IBM deep industry                    machine-learning
By contrast, IBM collects highly granular     expertise and skills in analytics and AI,”
data and imagery (from satellites,            Berglund said. “The real breakthrough for        techniques to keep
weather services and other resources)         utilities is our vegetation model, the way   learning and improving
to help utilities ascertain how close         we extract data about trees from high
vegetation is growing to power lines —        resolution imagery. The output from our            from a continuous
not just at one point in time, but over
time. IBM’s models use machine learning
                                              vegetation model feeds into our outage-
                                              prediction model, along with weather
                                                                                              stream of rich data."
and AI algorithms, which are trained with     data. Our algorithms apply machine-
                                                                                                                    Rob Boucher
high-resolution historical and current        learning techniques to keep learning and                      senior offering manager for
satellite imagery.                            improving from a continuous stream of             The Weather Company, an IBM business
                                              rich data.”

Enhance Outage Prediction and Prevention with Artificial Intelligence - IN ANY WEATHER
When generating outage predictions, IBM’s
                                            algorithms can consider important nuances.
IBM refines predictive algorithms           For instance, it’s essential for utilities to
                                            understand not just where the leaves are
based on experience with its utility        but also when they fall off the trees. Leaves
partners. Learning from miscalculations     increase wind resistance and hold moisture,
                                            so risks of downed power lines are much
is an essential part of this partnership.   higher before the leaves fall. This has a
                                            big effect on outage predictions related to
                                            severe weather.

                                            IBM refines predictive algorithms based on
                                            experience with its utility partners. Learning
                                            from miscalculations is an essential part
                                            of this partnership. For example, Boucher
                                            noted that a few years ago, unusually wet
                                            and warm summer weather in southeastern
                                            Canada left leaves on the trees throughout
                                            New Brunswick much later than usual.

                                            “They had a big windstorm in mid-October,
                                            and it caused much larger outages than
                                            either IBM or NB Power expected,” Boucher
                                            said. “The leaves created more surface area
                                            for the wind to push against. Lots of trees
                                            were uprooted, and branches came down.
                                            We all learned from that how to better train
                                            our models about the relationship between
                                            vegetation and outages. You can’t just assume
                                            the leaves will be down by a certain date.”

Enhance Outage Prediction and Prevention with Artificial Intelligence - IN ANY WEATHER
Advanced technology for processing          more than they can today,” Sacks said.
                 data, as well as for modeling and           “Before, utilities were challenged to
                 prediction, requires vast IT resources      assess the state of vegetation. They
                 — well beyond what is available to IT       either had too little data, or incomplete
                 and data-analysis departments at all        or old data — or else they had so much
                 but the very largest utilities. Hosting     data that it was hard to interpret. AI
                 this type of predictive service in the      allows you to look across a vast dataset
                 cloud supports the speed, granularity       and pick out the important stuff. It’s
                 and scaling needed to make predictions      your eyes across your service territory.”

2. How New       specific and actionable.
                                                             Sacks emphasized that these

                 “Humans can’t process imagery nearly        intelligent, data-driven resources are
                 as fast as utilities need data,” said       designed to complement, not replace,

Extend Utility
                 Bryan Sacks, head of work and asset         the insight and expertise of utility
                 optimization solutions for IBM. “If you     personnel. People are essential to the

                 give foresters all the detailed satellite   system. The workforce of every utility
                 imagery for 100,000 square miles and        represents a wealth of institutional
                 tell them to circle all the trees in each   knowledge, so the most experienced
Opportunities    image, they wouldn’t be able to do that
                 in a year. And when it’s finally done,
                                                             employees can be the most valuable
                                                             teachers of AI algorithms. Their
                 the data would be stale and irrelevant.     participation in refining predictive
                 AI can tell you instantaneously where       algorithms can be a powerful way to
                 all the trees are. Then, foresters can      capture and extend their contribution to
                 focus on helping utilities manage the       the organization well after they retire.
                 places where trees present problems,
                 which is where they can really make a       “We want to give the experts in charge
                 positive difference.”                       of making decisions some tools to
                                                             make better decisions,” Sacks said.
                 “We have the technology, expertise          Continuing to train these tools with
                 and resources to help utilities see         data-driven and human insight also

Enhance Outage Prediction and Prevention with Artificial Intelligence - IN ANY WEATHER
empowers their eventual successors, so     This can streamline the process of         outages are likely, they’ll probably
algorithms and experts continue to learn   turning data and insight into action.      have to look to nearby utilities for
from and validate each other.                                                         mutual aid,” Berglund said. “That
                                           Also, some level of automated access to    gets expensive.” By contrast, utilities
IBM is working to enable utilities to      this data could enhance collaboration      with access to specific, data-driven
connect their vegetation-management        with vendors and contractors, as well as   predictions will be in a better position
and outage-prediction systems with         other utilities, government entities and   not only to help themselves but also to
other common internal systems for          emergency-response agencies.               support neighbors in times of need.
asset management, workforce and
work-order management, distribution        “When utilities do not precisely
automation, enterprise resource            manage outage risks like vegetation or
planning, and outage restoration.          understand exactly when and where
                                                                                            Utilities with access
                                                                                                to specific, data-
                                                                                          driven predictions will
                                                                                          be in a better position
                                                                                                  not only to help
                                                                                            themselves but also
                                                                                           to support neighbors
                                                                                                in times of need.

Enhance Outage Prediction and Prevention with Artificial Intelligence - IN ANY WEATHER
The accelerating pace of change and
               disruption inside and outside the
               electric-power industry is spurring
                                                                   Adopting new digital
               more utilities to become agile and                      technologies that
               adaptive and to overcome obstacles                       learn, adapt and
               to change. Adopting new digital                   suggest is a sometimes
               technologies that learn, adapt and                challenging but usually
               suggest is a sometimes challenging but
               usually necessary step in the evolution
                                                                   necessary step in the
               of utility culture and operations.                     evolution of utility
                                                                 culture and operations.
3. Building    Building trust in new ways of working
               can be a challenge. Historically, utilities
Trust in New   have been fairly slow to change,
               especially to adopt new technology.
                                                             Pilot projects can be essential to
                                                             demonstrate the value of a new

Technology     Utilities tend to incrementally build the
                                                             technology and build support
                                                             for it across the utility. For this
               trust they require to make significant        reason, IBM often initially focuses
               changes. However, once trust in a new         on creating a model of vegetation
               technology becomes established in             growth using high-resolution satellite
               one part of the organization, it can          imagery for just a small area.
               spread to support additional projects,
               departments and goals. Outage                 “We select part of their service territory,
               prediction and vegetation management,         utilities give us data for their assets
               while important and resource-intensive,       there, and we run our models,” Sacks
               may appear to be relatively easy and          said. “Then we give them our data,
               safe places to start exploring the            and we drive with their arborists and
               potential of data-driven, AI-augmented        foresters out to the target area to check
               insights for complex operations.              how well our model reflects what we
                                                             can see in the field.”

Enhance Outage Prediction and Prevention with Artificial Intelligence - IN ANY WEATHER
"...we can keep an eye out for them,
everywhere, all the time, and tell them about
developing problems before outages happen."
Bryan Sacks
head of work and asset optimization solutions for IBM

Often, IBM’s data predicts field conditions
that utilities didn’t expect. “Most utilities
can’t afford to survey their entire network
every year or season. So they often discover
that trees have grown faster or slower than
expected in some areas,” Sacks said. “That
changes the risks to power lines, which
should shape their tree-trimming plans.
However, often they only know the last time
the area was trimmed, and that’s about it. If
they see more outages happening in an area,
that indicates overgrowth — but they don’t
really know until they go look. Instead, we
can keep an eye out for them, everywhere,
all the time, and tell them about developing
problems before outages happen.”

Traditionally, utilities have been highly   of system and then toss it over the
               siloed organizations — prioritizing         fence to the operational departments,”
               stability over innovation. This             Sacks said. “Engage your vegetation-
               compartmentalization can hinder             and outage-management teams
               useful synergies and efficiencies.          from the very beginning. Encourage
               For instance, while outage prediction       them to work with IT to inform and
               and vegetation management are               reality-check the algorithms. They’ll
               closely related, traditionally they are     trust the new process more if they
               managed and budgeted separately.            know that their voice really counts.”

Conclusion:    “Deploying AI and machine learning to       Early planning conversations around

Steps Toward
               support both vegetation management          applying AI and machine learning to
               and outage prediction is an innovation      predict and prevent more outages

               project,” Sacks observed. “Simply           should include:
               thinking differently about existing
                                                            »   All involved departments,
in Utility
               processes represents significant
               progress.” For instance, a utility might         operational and otherwise. For
               first use AI data to adjust scheduled            instance, finance can provide
Operations     tree-trimming cycles. One area with
               greater growth might be trimmed more
                                                                insight on budgets and measuring
               often, and others less frequently if
               conditions warrant. “The utility gets        »   High-level and front-line
               better results for the same spend,”              employees. From managers to
               Sacks said.                                      arborists, everyone’s experience is
                                                                important information.
               Building a new, intelligent workflow
               requires input from everyone involved       Also, utilities should assess their
               in those operations. “You can’t have        existing models, data sources,
               an IT department implement this kind        processes, resources, capabilities and

regulatory requirements. What has their     analytics-based vegetation management          tools and lessons. The industry culture
track record been for predicting and        a reality. Without strong information          is becoming more ready to capitalize on
managing outage risks? This becomes         management, analytics-based vegetation         artificial intelligence.”
the basis for measuring future progress.    management could be another analytics
                                            project that fails to live up to its initial   Utilities that are moving today to apply
At the same time, utilities should          promise. Done well, it could reap millions     AI in meaningful, useful and innovative
carefully examine vendor claims             in savings and improve grid reliability.”      ways can realize long-term advantages
about how AI works and what it can                                                         in operations and business. Trimming
realistically offer. In a recent article,   Ravens also observed, “Utilities are           precisely the right trees so fewer power
Ravens noted: “From the outset, utilities   getting better at innovation than they         lines come down during storms may
will have to pay close attention to model   used to be. They’re hiring heads of            be the beginning of a long, fruitful
management, data management and             innovation from other industries and           collaboration with algorithms.
change management to make                   looking outside their industry for useful

                                                                                                      Utilities that are
                                                                                                moving today to apply
                                                                                                     AI in meaningful,
                                                                                                 useful and innovative
                                                                                                      ways can realize
                                                                                                long-term advantages
                                                                                                          in operations
                                                                                                         and business.

The Weather Company, an IBM Business, helps people make informed
decisions and take action in the face of weather. Delivering tens of billions
of forecasts daily and the most accurate, personalized and actionable
weather data and insights, it helps millions of consumers and businesses
make better decisions via its enterprise and consumer products, including
The Weather Channel and Weather Underground digital properties. IBM is
an industry leader in open source, cloud technology, and advancing Trusted
AI by incorporating fairness, explainability, and accountability across the
lifecycle of AI applications to propel the world.

IBM helps Energy & Utilities organizations to think differently and
disruptively innovate by combining IBM’s advanced technologies and
cognitive capabilities with The Weather Company’s expertise in weather and
science to help solve the challenges of a changing climate, such as wildfires,
water scarcity and more.

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