Page created by Vanessa Andrews
Study Abroad
                  Auckland | New Zealand 2021

   No1           No 1              No1
New Zealand      Global        In New Zealand
 University*   Reputation**   for Employability***
New Zealand

    Explore Aotearoa
                                                               Māori name: Aotearoa
                                                               Population: 5 million
                                                               Geography: Three main islands (North
                                                               Island, South Island and Stewart Island).
                                                               Total land area the size of Colorado.

    New Zealand
                                                               Largest city: Auckland
                                                               Capital: Wellington
                                                               Official languages: English, Māori,
                                                               New Zealand Sign Language
                                                               Currency: New Zealand Dollar
    Studying abroad can be a life-changing
                                                               Exchange rates: NZ$1 = US$0.64, €0.57
    experience. Living away from home in a new
                                                               (June 2020)
    country and at the edge of your comfort zone,
    you will learn a lot – about your academic                 Warmest months: January, February
    disciplines, about the world and about                     Coldest months: July, August
    yourself. Explore your capabilities and free               Government: Parliamentary democracy,
    your curiosity.                                            member of the Commonwealth.

    Enjoy the unbeatable lifestyle New Zealand
    offers while immersing yourself in our
    internationally-renowned education system.
    Explore our natural wonders and experience a
    multicultural welcome in our modern cities.

    Cover attributions:
    *Times Higher Education and QS World University Rankings
    **QS World Rankings Academic and Employer Reputation,
    number one in NZ 2019
    ***QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2019

Tāmaki Makaurau
                                                Auckland is a great base for exploring further afield. Many of New
         Auckland                               Zealand’s top attractions and most striking landscapes are within a
                                                few hours’ drive. Our study abroad students often spend weekends
         Māori name: Tāmaki Makaurau            exploring the North Island or fly to the stunning South Island during the
         Population: 1.6 million                two-week semester break.
         Nickname: The City of Sails            Our campus and accommodation are in the heart of cosmopolitan
         Climate: Temperatures range from an    Auckland. Placed between the Pacific Ocean and the Tasman Sea,
         average of 24°C (75°F) in summer to    Auckland’s unique geographical position means you can enjoy living
         16°C (60°F) in winter.                 close to stunning beaches, untouched forest and tranquil islands. Add
         Landscape: Two harbours, 50 islands,   to that Auckland’s great urban lifestyle, and it’s clear why Auckland has
         48 volcanoes, hundreds of beaches,     been ranked third for quality of life.
         35 regional parks, rainforests.

                                                AUCKLAND IS NZ’S
                                                MOST CULTURALLY
                                                DIVERSE CITY
                                                39% of Aucklanders were born overseas*
                                                *2015 World Migration Report

**Mercer Quality of Living Survey 2020

                                                                    Ranked in the

    RANKED                                                          WORLD’S
    The University of Auckland is the highest
    ranked university in New Zealand in the 2020 QS Rankings
                                                                    TOP    50
                                                                    for 13 of our subjects*

        More than                             From over

                                                                    AND INSTITUTES

    81          st       QS WORLD
                         RANKINGS *

                                                                    IN THE WORLD FOR
                                                                    GLOBAL IMPACT **
                      1 IN
                     NEW ZEALAND
                     FOR GRADUATE
                     EMPLOYABILITY ***                              240
                                                                    STUDENT CLUBS,
                     MOST INNOVATIVE                                SOCIETIES AND
                     UNIVERSITY IN                                  ASSOCIATIONS
                     NEW ZEALAND
                     According to the Reuters top 75 universities   *QS World University Rankings by Subject 2020
                                                                    **Times Higher Education and QS World University
                                                                    Rankings 2020
                                                                    ***QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2020

What you can study
There are over 100 subjects to choose from and the full course options are available on our website:

 Key       * undergraduate only         Δ postgraduate only          ◊ ranked top 50 worldwide

Academic English Studies*                          Information Management*
Accounting                                         Information Systems
Ancient History                                    Innovation and Entrepreneurship*
Anthropology ◊                                     International Business
Architecture                                       Italian
Art History                                        Japanese
Asian Studies                                      Korean
Bioinformatics                                     Language Teaching and Learning
Biological Sciences                                Latin
Biomedical Engineering*                            Latin American Studies*
Business                                           Law ◊
Business Analytics*                                Linguistics
Chemical and Materials Engineering                 Logic and Computation
Chemistry                                          Management
Chinese                                            Māori Studies
Civil Engineering ◊                                Marine Science
Classical Studies*
Commercial Law
Comparative Literature
                                                   Mechanical Engineering
                                                   Media, Film and Television                                 GUNNING
Computer Science                                   Medical Devices and Technologies Δ
Computer Systems Engineering                       Medical Science                                            Study Abroad student from University
Cook Islands Māori*                                Museums and Cultural Heritage Δ
                                                                                                              of St Andrews, Fife, Scotland.
Construction Management Δ                          Music
Creative Writing Δ                                 Nursing1 ◊
Criminology                                        Operations and Supply Chain Management                     “The University of Auckland is one
Dance                                              Pacific Studies                                            of the best schools in the world for
Data Science                                       Philosophy ◊
                                                                                                              my degree pathway and I loved
Design*                                            Physics
Development Studies Δ                              Politics and International Relations                       the idea of travelling alongside my
Disability Studies*                                Population Health                                          studies. I took papers in Marine
Disaster Management Δ                              Professional Counselling Δ                                 Ecology, Conservation Ecology,
Drama                                              Professional Supervision Δ                                 Fisheries and Aquaculture, and
Earth Sciences (including Geology)                 Property                                                   Freshwater Ecology. Part of my
Economics                                          Psychology ◊
Education ◊                                        Public Policy Δ
                                                                                                              conservation class investigated
Electrical and Electronic Engineering              Russian*                                                   Māori communities and how
Energy Δ                                           Samoan*                                                    interconnected they are with nature
Engineering (including Engineering Science)        Screen Production                                          – I found it fascinating!
English ◊                                          Social Work
Environmental Engineering                          Sociology                                                  “Studying here has allowed me to
Environmental Management Δ                         Software Engineering                                       experience a whole new culture
Environmental Science                              Spanish                                                    and be exposed to life outside
European Studies*                                  Speech Science                                             the bubble of my home university.
Exercise Sciences                                  Sport Health and Physical Education ◊
                                                                                                              The cultural diversity has made a
Finance                                            Statistics
Fine Arts                                          Sustainability                                             massive impact on how I study and
Food Science                                       Taxation                                                   how I live my day-to-day life.
Forensic Science Δ                                 Teaching
French                                             Theology and Religious Studies
                                                                                                              “I aspire to work as a natural
Gender Studies *                                   Tongan*                                                    history and documentary
Geography ◊                                        Translation Studies Δ                                      filmmaker. Studying abroad has
Geophysics                                         Urban Planning                                             allowed me to develop my skills
German                                             Wine Science                                               in order to break into that career,
Global Studies                                     Yacht Engineering Δ
                                                                                                              to see the world from a different
Greek                                              Youth Work
History                                                                                                       perspective, and to generate
Human Services*                                    1
                                                    Only available to undergraduate students coming through
                                                                                                              a worldwide network of job
Indigenous Studies Δ                               special arrangements with our School of Nursing.           opportunities after I graduate.”

    your mind
    Make the most of your study
    abroad experience by choosing
    subjects and courses that
    are unique to New Zealand
    or unavailable at your home

    Māori and Pacific Studies                              Here are some examples of courses you can choose:

    Auckland is well known as the largest Pacific city      Course code       Course                                           Typically offered*
    in the world. Immerse yourself in New Zealand’s         ANTHRO 207        Coming of the Māori: Archaeology of              Semester One
    unique indigenous and diverse culture by taking                           Aotearoa (New Zealand)
    courses in Māori and Pacific Studies at the             Māori 101         Introduction to Written Māori                    Summer School and Semester Two
    University of Auckland. Building an understanding
                                                            Māori 103         Introduction to Spoken Māori                     Semester One and Two
    of diverse indigenous perspectives in our changing
    global will help you developing skills for an           Māori 130         Te Ao Māori: The Māori World                     Summer School,
    international career.                                                                                                      Semester One and Two
    You can develop an understanding of the Pacific         Māori 190         Kapa Haka 1                                      Semester One
    region and its peoples from diverse cultural groups     Māori 202         Decolonising the Screen In Aotearoa              Semester One
    across many different islands, including Samoa, the
                                                            PACIFIC 100       Introduction to the Pacific Studies              Semester One
    Cook Islands, Tonga, Niue, Fiji, Tokelau, Tuvalu and
    Kiribati. Expand your cultural awareness through        PACIFIC 105       The Contemporary Pacific                         Semester Two
    courses in Māori/Pacific languages, arts, society,      PACIFIC 110       Pacific Music and Dance                          Semester One
    performing arts, politics and history.
                                                            PACIFIC 211       Polynesian Warriors: Sport & Pacific Culture     Semester Two

    Social Sciences
    Our School of Social Sciences is home to
    Anthropology; Communication; Conflict and
    Terrorism Studies; Criminology; Development
    Studies; Gender Studies; Media, Film and
    Television; Politics and International Relations;
    Public Policy; Screen Production; and Sociology.
    The School engages critically with researching
    issues confronting humanity in the past, the
    present, and into the future. Our unique
    position in Auckland gives us the opportunity
    to engage with diverse communities, including
    our Māori and Pacific communities, as well as
    communities across Asia and the Pacific Rim.

                                                           Here are some examples of courses you can choose:

                                                            Course code       Course                                               Typically offered*
                                                            ANTHRO 211        Human Sex, Gender and Sexuality                      Semester Two
                                                            ASIAN 303         Asian Identities                                     Semester Two
                                                            COMMS 304         Gender, Politics and the Media                       Semester One
                                                            CRIM 301          Issues in Criminal Justice                           Semester Two
                                                            CRIM 302          Criminology: The Indigenous and the Global           Semester One
                                                            DISABILITY 113G   Making Disabilities: The Construction of Ideas       Semester Two
                                                            GENDER 208        Thinking Gender                                      Semester One
                                                            POLITICS 320      Social Justice                                       Semester Two
                                                            SOCIOL 103        New Zealand Social Policy and Social Justice         Semester Two
                                                            SOCIOL 210        Colonisation, Globalisation and Social Justice       Semester One

Innovation and                                       Here are some examples of courses you can choose:

Entrepreneurship                                      Course code       Course                                         Typically offered*
                                                      DESIGN 101        Why We Design                                  Semester One
Learn how to test innovative ideas, products
or processes, how to finance start-up ventures        DESIGN 102G       Design Futures                                 Semester One and Two
and how to sell and market new products and           ECON 151          Understanding the Global Economy               Summer School and
services locally and internationally. Develop an                                                                       Semester One and Two
innovative mindset and unleash your potential
                                                      ECON 212          Game Theory                                    Semester One
at our business school with triple crown
accreditation.                                        INNOVATE 100      Innovation through Design                      Semester One and Two
As well as academic courses in innovation             INNOVENT 203      The Entrepreneurial Mindset                    Semester One and Two
and entrepreneurship, there are experiential          INNOVENT 204      Understanding Entrepreneurial Opportunities Semester One and Two
programmes, events, workshops and speakers
                                                      INNOVENT 306      Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Action      Semester One and Two
for students interested in being part of the
University’s entrepreneurial community.               INNOVENT 307      Ecosystems for Innovation and                  Semester One and Two
                                                      INTBUS 151        Business across Borders                        Summer School and
                                                                                                                       Semester One
Environmental and
Marine Sciences
Environmental Science at the University of
Auckland focuses on real-world problems and
understanding environmental issues caused by
human activity. We are dedicated to protecting
and restoring natural heritage, minimising
human impact and restoring environmental
Marine Science offers you the chance to learn
about many different facets of our coasts and
oceans, and opens up a world of opportunities
for students who want to study and work in the
marine environment. We have field courses that
use our excellent research facilities at the Leigh
Marine Laboratory, north of Auckland, and our
research vessel Hawere.                              Here are some examples of courses you can choose (some of the options below include 1-5 day field trips):

                                                      Course code      Course                                          Typically offered*
                                                      GLOBAL 101G      Global Issues, Sustainable Futures              Semester One
                                                      BIOSCI 109       Ecology and Evolution – The Continuum of Life Semester One
                                                      EARTHSCI 105     Natural Hazards in New Zealand                  Semester One
                                                      EARTHSCI 202     Earth History                                   Semester One
                                                      EARTHSCI 205     New Zealand: Half a Billion Years on the Edge   Semester One
                                                      ENVSCI 101       Environment, Science and Management             Semester One and Two
                                                      GEOG 102         Geography of the Human Environment              Semester One and Two
                                                      GEOG 205         Environment and Society                         Summer School and Semester Two
                                                      MARINE 303       Freshwater and Estuarine Ecology                Semester One
                                                      SUSTAIN 100      Sustainability and Us                           Semester Two

Population Health                                  Course code    Course                                          Typically offered*
    Our Health Sciences programme provides a           HLTHPSYC 122   Behaviour, Health and Development               Semester Two
    multidisciplinary understanding of health,         MāoriHTH 201   Introduction to Māori Health                    Semester Two
    healthcare and its services in New Zealand. It
                                                       POPLHLTH 111   Population Health                               Semester One
    is a unique non-clinical program of study that
    prepares graduates for a broad range of health     POPLHLTH 203   Health Promotion                                Semester One
    related careers.                                   POPLHLTH 204   Health Care Ethics                              Semester One
    It focuses on population health, considering       POPLHLTH 207   Community and Cultural Development              Semester Two
    issues such as the socio-economic and              POPLHLTH 210   Equity and Inequalities in Health               Semester One
    behavioural factors affecting health and
    health provision. It will provide an in depth      POPLHLTH 211   Introduction to Environmental Health            Semester Two
    understanding of the role governments play in      POPLHLTH 216   Essential Epidemiology                          Semester Two
    determining health policy, how wealth systems      POPLHLTH 311   Shaping Health Policy                           Semester Two
    function, and how the biological and social
    bases of ill-health exist in our communities.

    Sport and Exercise
    The University offers various courses in Sport,
    Health and Physical Education in order to
    provide a range of pathways into careers in
    sport, coaching, dance instruction, sports event
    management, health promotion, community and
    youth support, health and physical education.
    Our Exercise Sciences courses focus on the
    mind, muscle, mechanics and metabolism of
    the human body and the role of exercise in
    human health. There is a growing demand for
    people who can not only research and analyse
    performance techniques, but can also work as
    allied health professionals to maximise human
    performance to improve general health and
    wellbeing through exercise.

                                                       Course code    Course                                       Typically offered*
                                                       EXERSCI 100G   Exercise and Fitness: Myths and Reality      Summer School and Semester Two
                                                       EXERSCI 101    Foundations of Exercise and Sport Sciences   Semester One
                                                       HEALTHED 201   Child and Youth Health Education             Semester One
                                                       SPORT 101      Making a Difference in Sport                 Semester One
                                                       SPORT 202      Sport and Recreation                         Semester One
                                                       SPORT 204      Coaching Sport                               Semester Two
                                                       SPORTHPE 103   Biophysical Foundations                      Semester Two
                                                       SPORTHPE 201   Whakatinanahia (Māori physical culture)      Semester Two
                                                       SPORTHPE 203   Physiology, Exercise and Fitness             Semester Two
                                                       SPORTHPE 303   Health, Fitness and Culture                  Semester Two

Unique opportunities
Maximise your study abroad experience through our short-term programmes and unique opportunities.

Screen Tools – Short course
Screen Tools is a hands-on course designed to set you up with the tools you
need to launch your career in film, television and digital media industries.
Instructed by The Hobbit actor John Callen, this course is ideal for students
with an interest in filmmaking or scriptwriting. Over four weeks, students on
this course work as a production team to produce a serial drama. Field trips
to the Hobbiton movie set and Weta Workshop design and effects studio are

International Research Programme
(Faculty of Arts)
Spend six (or eight) weeks developing multidimensional research skills as you
contribute to research projects that tackle complex, global issues. Research
topics range from refugee resettlement to political branding and indigenous
identity. Students will join a cohort of study abroad research students
and work alongside Faculty of Arts academics on a variety of research
tasks. Research students will begin the programme with an excursion that
introduces students to the cultural context of Aotearoa New Zealand. Full
project details can be found on the University of Auckland Study Abroad          Above: Course instructor John Callen (right) plays Oin in “The Hobbit”.
website.                                                                         PHOTO: Warner Bros.
                                                                                 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Internships (Faculty of Arts)                                                    programmes
Our Faculty of Arts gives study abroad students the chance to gain work          Unleash Space (Kura Matahuna) is our vibrant innovation and
experience through undertaking a project in a real-world workplace. The          entrepreneurship hub, with a state-of-the-art maker space. It is open and
course is career-focused and gives you the opportunity to develop and            free for all students and we provide workshops, bookable meeting rooms,
showcase a variety of transferable skills of value to the workplace: research,   brainstorming spaces, experts and inspiration for your projects and ventures.
critical analysis, report writing, teamwork, project coordination, problem-      For those interested in exploring the world of innovation and
solving, communication and presentation. It is available for students who        entrepreneurship, join a one-day workshop or enter a part-time programme
have completed two years of degree studies and mainly take courses within        in the holidays. We have a range of interactive programmes for everyone.
our Faculty of Arts.                                                             Unleash your potential, wherever you are on your journey.            

                                                                                                   BRIDGET ALANIVA
                                                                                                   Study Abroad student from Michigan
                                                                                                   Technological University, USA.

                                                                                                   “As a Communication, Culture, and Media major,
                                                                                                   my research entails hands-on learning about
                                                                                                   different cultures and the way people interact in
                                                                                                   society. Doing research abroad is one of the best
                                                                                                   ways to gain this experience, as it combines living
                                                                                                   in a different culture with doing historical research
                                                                                                   about it. It is incredible to see the influence of
                                                                                                   Māori culture around campus. The University and
                                                                                                   the surrounding city with all its cultural diversity is
                                                                                                   what makes it such a beautiful place to live, and
                                                                                                   adds to the experience I was looking for when I
                                                                                                   came to New Zealand.”
Accommodation application dates
                                                                                                                                     The sooner you apply, the sooner your
                                                                                                                                     accommodation will be reserved for you.
                                                                                                                                     Accommodation is only guaranteed for
                                                                                                                                     students who submit applications before the
                                                                                                                                     closing dates.*
                                                                                                                                     We encourage you to apply for accommodation
                                                                                                                                     as soon as applications open, even if you have
                                                                                                                                     not yet completed your application to study

     Guaranteed                                                                                                                      at the University of Auckland. This will help
                                                                                                                                     to ensure you are placed in your preferred
                                                                                                                                     accommodation option.

     We commit to offering university accommodation                • Live with Kiwis and other international
                                                                                                                                     Applications for Semester One 2021:
                                                                                                                                     Open on 1 August 2020
                                                                                                                                     Close 15 October 2020
     to every study abroad or exchange student who                   students                                                        Applications for Semester Two 2021:
     applies to the University by the deadline, and                                                                                  Open on 1 April 2021
                                                                   • Free airport pick-up
     upon paying a deposit.                                                                                                          Close 1 May 2021
     Living on campus is a great way for you to                    • Located within easy walking distance of the                     If your home university or provider arranges a University
                                                                     City Campus                                                     housing for you, you do not have to apply individually.
     immerse yourself in University of Auckland life                                                                                 Please check with them first.
     as you adjust to living away from home. From                  • WiFi, water and electricity included in the                     Apply online at
     single rooms in shared flats to studio apartments,              housing cost                                                    *The University’s Accommodation Office will attempt to
     our self-catered and catered residences offer                                                                                   place a student in on-campus accommodation even
     students the opportunity to live within our                   • Membership of the University Recreation                         after deadlines have passed or will assist with seeking
     thriving campus community.                                      Centre included                                                 off-campus accommodation.

                                                                   • Residential Adviser support

                                    Room configurations              Mobility   Bathroom       Catering              2020 residence Recreation, sport and academic              Walking
                                                                     impairment configurations                       semester fees  facilities                                  distance to
                                                                     access                                          – NZ$                                                      City Campus

     Carlaw Park Student Village    Single room                                    Shared           Self-catered    $6,090.00        BBQ, Games Room, Lounge,                     15 mins
                                                                                                                                      Basketball, Study Room
     Grafton Hall                   Single room                                    Shared           Fully-catered   $7,618.86        Social/Games Room, Lounge, Music             15 mins
                                                                                                                                      Room, Basketball, Study Room
     Te Tirohanga o te Tōangaroa    Single room                                    Shared           Self-catered    $5,964.00        SKY TV lounge, BBQ, Social/Games              5 mins
                                                                                                                                      Room, Music Room, Study Room
     UniLodge                       Twin-share apartment (per bed)                 Shared           Self-catered    $4,893.00        SKY TV lounge, Gym, BBQ, Cinema,              5 mins
     Anzac/Beach                    Studio Deluxe                                   Private                          $7,140.00        Games Room, Pool, Study Room
                                    Studio – Anzac                                  Private                          $6,615.00
                                    Studio – Beach                                  Private                          $6,888.00
     UniLodge Whitaker              Studio                                         Private          Self-catered    $7,518.00        Sky TV lounge, Gym, Games room,               8 mins
                                                                                                                                      Study room
     University Hall – Apartments Single room                                      Shared           Self-catered    $5,880.00        Social/Games Room, Lounge,                    8 mins
                                                                                                     with optional                    Basketball
                                                                                                     meal plans
     55 Symonds                     Studio Deluxe                                  Private          Self-catered    $7,917.00        Study Room, TV room, bbq, lounge,            10 mins
                                                                                                                                      Games Room
     Waipārūrū –                    Single room                                    Shared           Self-catered    $5225.00         Social/Games Room, Lounge, Study              8 mins
     Whitaker Block                                                                                  with optional                    Room
     (formerly Whitaker Hall)                                                                        meal plans

     Accommodation fees quoted are in NZD$ per semester in 2020 and do not include any one-time service fees. Where optional meal plans are available, these are an additional weekly
     rate. The fees for 2021 have yet to be finalised at the time of publication but will be available on the Accommodation website in July 2020.

Student life
Clubs, societies                                    Make a difference:                                • Auckland Arts Festival
                                                                                                      • Round the Bays
and associations                                    • Fair Trade Club
                                                    • Generation Zero                                 • Pacifika Festival Auckland
If you want to make great friends, try something
                                                    • Animal Rights Group                             • NZ International Comedy Festival
new, and explore off the beaten track, check
out the Clubs Expo in the first week of semester.   • Help Green our Uni
There are more than 240 student clubs and           To see information about all our clubs, visit
                                                                                                      Sport and recreation
sports teams on campus. Whatever you’re                             The Sport and Recreation team at the University run sports
into, there’s a club for you. The Study Abroad
                                                                                                      programmes for the most social players to the intensely
Students’ Society (also known as SASS) creates
an inclusive community for returned, outgoing,
                                                    Events                                            competitive. Here are some opportunities you can join while
                                                                                                      studying abroad. Also check out the student-led sports
and incoming study abroad students through          Our City Campus is right in the heart of          clubs you can join.
fun events, trips and social mixers.                Auckland and students can discover the range
                                                    of entertainment and events that the University   • Waka Ama Race
Go on an adventure:                                 and Auckland as a city have to offer.             • Sailing
• Canoe Club                                        • Waipapa noho marae                              • High performance rugby programme
• Rock and Alpine (climbing) Club                   • Party in the Spark                              • Tertiary sport
• Tramping (hiking) Club                            • Get Into Nature                                 • Inter-faculty sport
• Underwater Club                                   • Rugby Have a Go                                 • Fitness

                                                           AUDREY KAN
                                                           Study Abroad student from Seattle University,
                                                           Washington, USA.

                                                           “I chose the University of Auckland because it is New Zealand’s world-ranked
                                                           University, and I wanted to experience a different classroom environment. I’m
                                                           currently taking PACIFIC 200: Pacific Studies. The Pacific isn’t covered in the US
                                                           curriculum, and I knew very little about the history, culture, and issues of Pacific
                                                           “New Zealand has the largest concentration of Pacific Islanders in the world, so
                                                           my time here is valuable as my perspective is refined with each Pacific Studies
                                                           lecture. The cultural diversity at the University and in Auckland definitely adds
                                                           to my experience.
                                                           “Studying abroad is a great tool for increasing my international job prospects,
                                                           expanding my global network of contacts, and building an international
                                                           resume. By the end of my study abroad experience at the University of
                                                           Auckland, my goal is to become a more globally competent individual, and
                                                           cultivate personal growth, open-mindedness and an expanded worldview.”
Everything you need to know
Important dates                                                                               Scholarships
                                                                                              The University of Auckland is giving more students the opportunity to
 Summer School 2021                                                                           study in New Zealand and offers partner scholarships for fee-paying study
 Orientation                        Tuesday 5 January                                         abroad students. Check with your home study abroad office to see if you
 Classes start                      Wednesday 6 January                                       are eligible.
 Summer School exams                Monday 15 - Wednesday 17 February                         The University also works with a variety of external agencies and
                                                                                              government bodies to provide scholarship opportunities for students, for
 Summer School ends                 Wednesday 17 February
 Semester One 2021                                                                            • Education New Zealand Travel Awards
 Orientation                        Monday 22 February
                                                                                              • Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
 Classes start                      Monday 1 March
                                                                                              • Fund for Education Abroad Access Partner Scholarship
 Mid-semester break                 Friday 2 - Friday 16 April
 Exams                              Thursday 10 - Monday 28 June
 Semester One ends                  Monday 28 June
                                                                                              Student support
 Semester Two 2021                                                                            The University provides extensive support for study abroad students:
                                                                                              • Dedicated study abroad and international student support teams
 Orientation                        Wednesday 14 July
                                                                                              • 24 hour emergency hot line
 Classes start                      Monday 19 July
                                                                                              • Campus Security
 Mid-semester break                 Monday 30 August - Friday 3 September
                                                                                              • Libraries and Learning Services
 Exams                              Tuesday 19 October - Saturday 6 November
                                                                                              • English language support
 Semester Two ends                  Saturday 6 November
                                                                                              • University Health and Counselling service

Fees and living costs                                                                         • Student Disability Services
                                                                                              • University Recreation Centre
The estimated cost of living can vary depending on your accommodation
                                                                                              • Spiritual and religious support
and lifestyle. Costs are listed in New Zealand dollars based on a semester.
                                                                                              • Support for LGBTQI+ students
                                  Campus housing                        Off-campus
                                                                                              • Auckland University Students Association
                                  (single room in self-                 housing
                                  catering housing)
 Tuition fees                     $12,950*                              $12,950*
                                                                                              Apply now
                                                                                              You can apply:
 Rooms                            $5,225-$6,090                         $3,971-$5,567
                                                                                              • Directly on our website:
 Electricity, Water               Included in the campus                $589
 and Internet                     housing                                                     • Through your home university: contact your study abroad and exchange
 University Recreation            Included in the campus                $209
 Centre                           housing                                                     • Through one of our study abroad providers or organisations

 Food                             $2,280                                $2,280                • Through one of our international representatives:
 Insurance                        $310                                  $310
 Mobile                           $190                                  $190                   Application deadline
 Total                            $20,955-21,790                        $20,499-22,095         Summer School            1 November 2020
*Study Abroad students pay a single flat fee, which covers tuition fees for up to 60 points    Semester One             1 December 2020
(usually four courses) and includes the student services fee. Additional fees may be
charged for over 60-point enrolments.                                                          Semester Two             1 May 2021

Exchange students pay tuition fees to the home university.

Contact us
Phone: +64 9 923 1969                                                                                            

                                                                                                                                                              network member
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