STUDENT PLANNER 2019/2020 - - Weston College

Page created by Nathaniel Cross
STUDENT PLANNER 2019/2020 - - Weston College

STUDENT PLANNER 2019/2020 - - Weston College
CONTENTS                          PRINCIPAL’S

4    Essentials                   We are very pleased to welcome                  Should you need any further
4    Key dates                    you as a student of Weston College.             information please ask your personal
                                                                                  tutor or contact any member of
6    Useful contacts                                                              Student Services who will be happy
6    Absence hotlines             Whether you are joining straight from
                                                                                  to help.
                                  school, returning for another year with us,
8    Bus passes
                                  or coming back in to education as a mature
9    Bus routes                   student. We hope that you will quickly settle
                                                                                  May I take this opportunity to wish
                                                                                  you an enjoyable and successful
                                  in to College life and take full advantage of
                                                                                  year at Weston College.
                                  all that we offer.
10   Our culture
11   Good citizen code            We ask that you commit time, energy and
12   Respect                      effort to your studies in order to obtain the
13   Expectations                 best possible achievements.
14   Equality and diversity                                                       Dr Paul Phillips CBE PhD. D.Lit Ed.D
                                  We will continue to work hard to provide
15   Safety and security          learning opportunities, environments and
16   Safeguarding                 resources of the highest quality, to support
                                  your educational journey.

                                  Weston College recognises the importance
18   Student services             of developing good English and maths skills
18   Outside of the classroom     for employment and progression to higher-
20   Enrichment and sport         level learning. We are therefore committed
22   The Hair and Beauty Centre   to supporting the improvement of your
24   University Centre Weston     English and maths skills within your study
25   Student Voice
25   Progression (ASPECT)         Weston College is committed to the
26   Finance                      principles of safeguarding and equality
                                  and diversity, meaning we will do all we
                                  can to ensure your safety and protection
                                  while being opposed to any form of
28   Your learning experience     discrimination. We hope that you, too, will
28   Study programmes             share these inclusive values.
29   Personal tutors
                                  This handbook and planner provides
                                  you with important information
                                  which will support you during
30 LibraryPlus                    your time with us.
32 Digital Learning

34 English and maths

STUDENT PLANNER 2019/2020 - - Weston College

                                                                              KEY DATES 2019/2020
    Start of term Monday      9th September, 2019
    Part time courses start 	(week commencing) Monday 16th September, 2019
    Half term Monday          28th October, 2019 to
                              Friday 21st November, 2019
    End of term               Friday 20th December, 2019

    Start of term Monday 6th January, 2020
    Half term 	Monday 17th February, 2020
                  to Friday 21st February, 2020
    End of term   Friday 3rd April, 2020

    Start of term           Tuesday 21st April, 2020
    Half term               Monday 25th May, 2020
                            to Friday 29th May, 2020
    End of term             Friday 3rd July, 2020

    GCSE AQA English 2nd June, 2020 and 5th June, 2020
    GCSE AQA Maths 	19th May, 2020, 4th June, 2020
                     and 8th June, 2020

    Freshers’ Fair          Wednesday 11th September 2019
    Brighter Futures Fair   12-14th November 2019

    PREVENT                 Monday 30th September, 2019
    Sexual, Health and
    Alcohol Guidance        Monday   16th December, 2019
    Body and Mind (BAM)     Monday   14th January, 2020
    Digital You             Monday   10th February, 2020
    National Careers Week   Monday   2nd March, 2020
    Raising and Giving
    Week (RAG)              Monday 23rd March, 2019


STUDENT PLANNER 2019/2020 - - Weston College

                                                                                         USEFUL CONTACTS
    Activities and sports		            01934 411 450
    ASPECT 		                          01934 411 506
    Bus passes		                       01934 411 571
    College switchboard		              01934 411 411
    Learner support fund childcare     01934 411 571
    Learning support 		                01934 411 558
    LibraryPlus 		                     01934 411 493
    LibraryPlus Text to Renew          07860 023 339
    Get Active and academies           01934 411 450
    Student bursaries 		               01934 411 571
    Student clubs and societies        01934 411 715
    English and maths 		               01934 411545
    Examinations 		                    01934 411 467
    University Centre Weston 		        01934 411 403
    Welfare support 		                 01934 411 476 / 595 / 623 / 750

     Safeguarding 01934 411 464

    Advanced Engineering and Computing            Inclusive Practice
    01934 411 194                                 01934 411 697 • 07773 969 344    

    Apprenticeships and Traineeships              Professional Studies, Access to HE
    01934 411 594                                 and Animal Science      01934 411 567
    Building Automotive and Civil
    Engineering                                   Service Sectors
    01934 411 792                                 01934 421250   

    Creative Arts                                 Sixth Form
    01934 411 669                                 01934 411 666    

    Health Science, Social Care                   Sport
    and Counselling                               01934 421251
    01934 411 520                       

STUDENT PLANNER 2019/2020 - - Weston College
BUS TRAVEL                                                                                                                                      TRAIN

    Weston College offers a                       BAKERS DOLPHIN                               TERMS AND CONDITIONS:
    subsidised bus pass to all full-              Learners can purchase this travel pass
                                                                                                                                                    From September 2019 all 16
                                                  that provides them with access to the        •B
                                                                                                 us passes cover the “West of England” First
    time students. Students are                                                                 Bus Zone and can be used on all First Buses,        and 17 year-olds are able to
                                                  College’s direct coach routes from:
    entitled to one subsidised                                                                  except privately chartered services such as the     purchase a new railcard. The
    pass per term (three term                     •   Blagdon
                                                                                                Bristol and Weston Airport Flyer
                                                                                                                                                    16-to-17 Saver will entitle
    year). Bus passes are available               •   Bridgwater                               •B
                                                                                                 us passes last for an entire term (three term     holders to a 50% discount on
    for purchase from the                         •   Clevedon                                  year) and allow unlimited travel (Monday to         season tickets, peak, off-peak
    online college shop and all                   •   Nailsea                                   Friday or Monday to Sunday depending on
                                                  •   Portishead                                pass purchased)                                     and advance fares. For just a
    WestonCollege receptions.                                                                                                                       one-off payment of £30.
    2019/20 will be the first year                Learners must have a specific Weston         • If you lose or replace your phone, First Bus
    the College offering two                      College Bakers Dolphin travel pass to          can transfer your ticket once a year to a new      The quickest and easiest way to buy is
                                                                                                 device. There is a charge for further changes      online at All you
    bus passes for learners to                    access these services. This pass costs £75
                                                  per term. All timetable information can be                                                        need is:
    choose from.                                                                               •F
                                                                                                 or those without a smart phone, a physical
                                                  found on the College’s website.               bus pass is available from all college receptions
                                                                                                                                                    - Evidence of age - a valid UK driving
                                                                                                                                                    licence, passport or national ID card
                                                                                                                                                    - A good quality digital passport-style
    FIRST BUS                                     Autumn term passes are issued at             • Weston
                                                                                                      College is not authorised to issue
                                                  enrolment, Spring and Summer Term              temporary passes or give cash for travel           photo ready to upload
    Access to all West of Englandf First Bus
                                                  passes are issued during the last week of                                                         - A debit or credit card for payment
    routes via the mTicket.
                                                  the preceding term.                          •S
                                                                                                 tudents are required to follow the Student
    What students need to do:                                                                   Code of Conduct at all times while on buses         Alternatively you can the 16-17 saver by
                                                                                                in order to avoid disciplinary action from the      calling 0345 301 1656* (7am to 10pm
    •P  urchase bus pass voucher code from       A bus pass is issued under the condition
                                                                                                College or sanctions by the bus company
                                                  that you have at least 85% attendance.                                                            every day except Christmas Day).
       Weston College
    • Download First Bus mTicket app              For more information on First Bus            • For up-to-date bus timetables download the UK
    • Create mTicket account and link voucher    timetables: call 01172 444 040 or visit         Bus Checker App available on the App Store,
       code to your account                                     Google Play and Windows Phone.

    You’re ready to go! Just use the QR code      For any questions you may have
    on the app when boarding a                    regarding mTicket’s: check out the FAQs
    First Bus service.                            at:
    There are currently three types of passes
    available to full time students:              If you require further help, contact First
                                                  by using the details below:
    Five Day Pass      Monday to Friday term     Online Support Form: www.firstgroup.
                        time only: £75 per term   com/help-andsupport/help-our-apps/
    Seven Day Pass    Monday to Sunday           contact-app-support
                        including half term
                        (but not Christmas and    Email:
                        Easter holidays): £115    Phone: 0345 602 0121 • 7am – 10pm • 7
                        per term                  days a week.
    Bus Pass          M
                       onday to Sunday
                      (valid for a 17 week
                      period): £115

STUDENT PLANNER 2019/2020 - - Weston College

                                                                                                  Portishead to WSM                               Time     Blagdon to WSM                           Time

                                                                                                  Portishead Post Office Bus stop                 07:30    Bladgon                                  07:30

                                                                                                  South West Skills Campus                        08:20    Wrington                                 07:45

                                                                                                  Knightston Campus                               08:30    Lower Langford                           07:52

                                                                                                  Loxton Road Campus                              08:40    Churchill                                07:55

                                                                                                  WSM to Portishead                               Time     Sandford                                 08:00

                                        NEW SERVICES                                              Loxton Road Campus                                       Banwell                                  08:05

                                        TO ALL CAMPUSES
      Knightstone Campus
                                                                                                  Knightston Campus                                17:15   South West Skills Campus                 08:20
      This campus is in Weston-super-
                                                                                                                                                           Knightston Campus                        08:30
      Mare town centre. The closest                                                               South West Skills Campus                        17:25

      bus stops for this campus are     Bridgwater to WSM                                Time     Portishead Post Office Bus stop                 18:05    Loxton Road Campus                       08:40

      either:                                                                                                                                              WSM to Blagdon                           Time
                                        Bridgwater Rear of Angel Place                   07:20
                                                                                                                                                           Loxton Road Campus
      • Weston College (5, 7)           West Huntspill School Bus Stop
                                                                                                  Nailsea, Backwell and                           Time
      • Regent Street (3, 5, 7, 20)                                                                                                                        Knightston Campus                        17:15
                                        Highbridge Cemetery Bus Stop                     07:45    Congresbury to WSM
      • Marine Parade (20, 126,                                                                                                                           South West Skills Campus                 17:25
         X1, X2, X5, X7)                Burnham on Sea Pier Street Bus Stop              07:50    Nailsea Stockway South bus stop                 07:35
                                                                                                                                                           Banwell                                  17:35
      • Weston Railway Station         East Brent Knoll Inn Brent Road                  08:05    Backwell Crossroads bus stop                    07:45
                                                                                                                                                           Sandford                                 17:45
         (A3)                                                                                     Cleeve Lord Nelson bus stop                     07:50
                                        Lympsham Coppice End Corner Bus Stop             08:10                                                             Churchill                                17:48
                                                                                                  Congresbury Ship and Castle bus stop            07:55
                                        Riverside Holiday Park Bus Stop                  08:13                                                             Lower Langford                           17:52
                                                                                                  South West Skills Campus                        08:20
                                        Loxton Road Campus Loxton Road Campus Bus stop   08:20                                                             Wrington                                 18:00
                                                                                                  Knightstone Campus                              08:30
      South West Skills Campus          Knightston Campus Weston College Bus stop SS     08:30                                                             Bladgon                                  18:15
      This campus is on Locking                                                                   Loxton Campus                                   08:40
                                        South West Skills Campus Borough Arms Bus stop   08:40
      Road and has stops right                                                                    WSM to Nailsea, Backwell and,
      outside. Routes which stop        WSM to Bridgwater                                Time     Congresbury                                              Rolls Royce Apprentices
      outside or nearby to this         South West Skills Campus Borough Arms Bus stop   16:50    Loxton Campus                                   17:10    Monday to Thursday                       Time
      campus are:
                                        Knightston Campus Weston College Bus stop SS     17:00    Knightstone Campus                              17:15    Gloucester Rd, Filton College bus stop   07:15
                                                                                                                                                           South West Skills Campus                 8:00
      • X1, X2                          Loxton Road Campus Loxton Road Campus Bus stop   17:10    South West Skills Campus                        17:25

      • X5                              Riverside Holiday Park Bus Stop                   17:17   Congresbury Ship and Castle bus stop            17:45    South West Skills Campus                 16:15

                                                                                                  Cleeve Lord Nelson bus stop                     17:50    Gloucester Rd, Filton College bus stop   17:00
                                        Lympsham Coppice End Corner Bus Stop             17:20
                                                                                                  Backwell Crossroads bus stop                    18:00    Friday                                   Time
                                        East Brent Knoll Inn Brent Road                  17:25
                                                                                                  Nailsea Stockway South bus stop                 18:10    Gloucester Rd, Filton College bus stop   07:15
      Loxton Campus                     Burnham on Sea Pier Street Bus Stop              17:40
                                                                                                                                                           South West Skills Campus                 8:00
      This campus is on Loxton          Highbridge Cemetery Bus Stop                     17:45
      Road. The following services                                                                GKN Apprentices
                                                                                                                                                           South West Skills Campus                 12:30
                                        West Huntspill School Bus Stop                   17:50
      stop directly at Loxton                                                                                                                              Gloucester Rd, Filton College bus stop   13:15
                                                                                                  Monday to Thursday                              Time
      Campus:                           Bridgwater Rear of Angel Place                   18:10
                                                                                                  Waterside Drive bus stop Park Av Bristol        06:50
                                                                                                  Filton College Bus stop Gloucester Rd Bristol   07:15

                                        Clevedon to WSM                                  Time     South West Skills Campus                        08:00

                                        Clevedon Triangle Bus stop S                              South West Skills Campus                        16:15
    For more information
                                                                                                  Filton College bus stop                         17:30
    and bus timetables, visit:          South West Skills Campus                         08:20                    Knightston Campus
                                                                                                  Friday                                          Time
    /getting-to-college                 Loxton Road Campus                               08:40
                                                                                                  Waterside Drive bus stop Park Av Bristol        06:50

                                                                                                  Filton College bus stop Gloucester Rd Bristol   07:15
                                        WSM to Clevedon                                  Time
                                                                                                  South West Skills Campus                        08:00
                                        Loxton Road Campus                               17:10
                                                                                                  South West Skills Campus                        12:30
                                        Knightston Campus                                17:15
                                                                                                  Filton College bus stop                         13:30
                                        South West Skills Campus                         17:25
                                                                                                  Waterside Drive bus stop                        13:45
                                        Clevedon Triangle Bus stop S                     17:55


STUDENT PLANNER 2019/2020 - - Weston College
Respect                                                                                            Good citizen code
Weston College is a place of learning with a shared purpose of                                     When you join Weston College you represent the Weston College
‘Creating brighter futures’. We aim to create a secure and welcoming                               Group at all times.
environment for all members of our community. So that everyone can
enjoy learning to their full potential, Weston College expects all staff,
students and visitors to maintain our culture of respect.

Yourself                       The environment                     The opportunity to learn        1. Know your audience               3. Respect and protect the         4. Maintain a positive
• We make and support         • We are a safe place.             • We aim to achieve our full                                       local community                     online profile
                                                                                                   • Your
                                                                                                         behaviour reflects on not
   healthy choices.            • We keep College property            potential.                     just the College, but you, your   •K
                                                                                                                                         eep college premises and its     • It’s not just your physical
• We ask for help when we        clean and tidy.                  • We attend punctually.          friends and your family            neighbourhood tidy and free           behaviour that can damage
   need it.                    • We aim to make all the           • We complete our work                                              of rubbish                            both yours and the College
                                                                                                     emember your behaviour
                                                                                                                                                                              Group’s reputation; consider
• We report and harassment       College accessible.                 on time.                      can have either a positive or      •R
                                                                                                                                         espect college and local
                                                                                                                                                                              your online activity at all times
   or bullying.                • We support College               • We notify the College         negative impact on your future      facilities
                                                                                                                                                                              and how others might interpret
                                                                                                    choices and options.
• We challenge                   policies.                           when we can’t attend.                                            •S
                                                                                                                                         moking is only permitted in         certain statements and/or
   inappropriate behaviour.    • We dress properly.               • We switch mobile phones                                           designated smoking areas              images.
                                                                                                   2. Avoid any form of anti-
• We contribute positively.   • We use technology                   off during lessons,          social behaviour                    •R
                                                                                                                                         espect others using              5. Respect security and
• We tell people when            appropriately.                      meetings and whilst in the                                        neighbourhood facilities, such     health and safety measures
                                                                                                   • Boisterous
                                                                                                              behaviour can be
   they’ve got it right.       • We eat and drink in                 library.                                                          as shops, parks and public
                                                                                                     intimidating to others
                                                                                                                                        transport                          •R
                                                                                                                                                                             espect college and
• We give constructive           designated areas.
                                                                                                     pitting and swearing is                                               community security measures
   feedback when people get                                                                         offensive
                                                                                                                                         ny damage will trigger            (including staff)
   it wrong.                   Other people                                                                                             college disciplinary procedures
                                                                                                   • Any
                                                                                                        reports of anti-social        and in some cases a criminal       •A
                                                                                                                                                                             dhere to college procedures,
• We accept help when         • We treat everyone fairly.                                                                                                                 including fire alarms and
                                                                                                     behaviour could trigger college    investigation
   we need it.                 • We listen to each other.                                           disciplinary procedures and                                            security barriers.
• We are ambitious for        • We celebrate our diversity.                                                                          •S
                                                                                                                                         tudent car parks are a
                                                                                                     in some cases a criminal
                                                                                                                                        privilege, not a right. Wherever
   ourselves.                  • We promote equality.                                               investigation.
                                                                                                                                        you park, please ensure you
                               • We are inclusive and friendly.                                                                        do not cause damage or
                               • We think about the impact                                                                             inconvenience to anyone else’s
                                  of what we say and do.                                                                                property, including blocking
                                                                                                                                        driveways and parking on
                               • We offer help when we can.                                                                                                              Remember: Weston College Group
                                                                                                                                        private land.                      disciplinary procedures apply to
                                                                                                                                                                           students both on and off-campus.                                                                         
STUDENT PLANNER 2019/2020 - - Weston College
Our Values                                    Our Aims
Expect respect                                                    We will put the Learner first.                 Aim 1: Provide a safe, supportive and

Give it, get it
                                                                                                                inclusive learning culture where learners
                                                                  We will be Entrepreneurial in approach
                                                                                                                can thrive.
                                                                  and innovative in our thinking.
                                                                                                                Aim 2: Meet the needs of employers,
                                                                  We will be Ambitious and aspirational.
                                                                                                                the local economy and regional skills
                                                                  We will value Diversity and celebrate         shortages through a curriculum offer
                                                                  success.                                      that puts employability at its centre.
                                                                  We will Enable collaboration and work         Aim 3: Develop partnerships,
                                                                  in partnership.                               collaborations and models of learning
                                                                                                                that increase opportunity for different
                  Our                            Our              We will be Responsive to the needs of
                                                                                                                groups of learners within their immediate
              differences                     reputation          individuals, business and the community.
                                                                  We will provide a Safe and sustainable
                                                                                                                Aim 4: Enable learners to succeed,
                                                                  place to study and work.
                                                                                                                progress and meet future challenges by
                                                                  We will be LEADERS in our field and have       providing high quality teaching, learning
            Our                                          Our      a reputation for excellence.                  and assessment.
                            Expect                     property
                                                                                                                Aim 5: Harness and use technology
                                                                                                                to support innovation in learning and
                                                                  Our Mission                                   smarter, more efficient working practices.

                                                                  ‘Creating brighter futures’ is the            Aim 6: Remain a financially robust,
                                                                  underpinning mission and purpose of           sustainable and resilient organisation that
           Ourselves                                community
                                                                  the Weston College Group. It is driven to     can continue to develop and invest in its
                                                                  achieve this for all its learners and staff   facilities, infrastructure and workforce.
                                                                  through the development of a learning
                        Our                 Our                   and working culture that is inclusive,
                       College            choices                 aspirational and focused on assuring
                                                                  success and progression.                                        
STUDENT PLANNER 2019/2020 - - Weston College

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                 T LEAR                                                                           T LEARN
                                            ul. Saf
                                                    e.                                                                 .           Safe.
                             Re s p e c t f
                                                                                                     y . R e s pectful
               R e a d y.                                                                       Read

                             I Will:                                                                         I Will:
                                                                                                   Arrive to lessons prepared to learn.

            Be friendly, inclusive and respectful to others in                                               Arrive on time.
           line with the Weston College RESPECT statements.
                                                                                           Switch my phone to silent and store it out of reach.
           Use language that is appropriate and respectful
                                                                                        Use my mobile device and other technology appropriately.
           Keep the college and learning environments clean
                                and tidy                                                                 Keep myself hydrated.

           Respect security and health and safety measures                                    Make an effort to plan and manage my time.
           including wearing college ID and produce it when
                              requested.                                                        Ask questions and purposefully engage.

           Adhere to college procedures including fire alarms                                  Commit fully to each task and apply effort.
                         and security barriers.
                                                                                             Discuss topics with peers and remain focussed.
            Give out the relevant faculty/department phone
           number to those who may need to make contact in                                   Communicate with the teacher when I am faced
               case of an emergency during lesson time.                                              with a barrier to learning.

                                                                                          Remain patient and quiet whilst others are talking and
                                                                                             allow others to speak without interruption.

                                                                                             Be friendly, inclusive and respectful to others.

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15                                                                                                                                                          16
STUDENT PLANNER 2019/2020 - - Weston College
SAFETY & SECURITY                                                                                       EQUALITY & DIVERSITY

                                                                                                                                                                                                         OUR CULTURE
     We are committed to providing a                       announcement warning. If you hear one of
     safe and secure environment at                        these alerts you must follow instructions         WHAT DOES IT MEAN?
                                                           from a member of staff or run to place            This means Weston College                      This means if someone is offended
     Weston College.                                                                                         welcomes all students, whatever their
                                                           of safety, hide in an office, classroom, or                                                      by your behaviour(s), whether you
                                                           workspace and lock or barricade the door.         circumstances. We believe that everyone        intended it or not, and whether the
     As a student, you must wear your college              Tell a member of staff and the police.            has the right to be treated fairly, with       behaviour was aimed at them personally
     identity (ID) card at all times on campus.            Further details can be found on eIL ‘Bomb’       dignity and respect and we value and           or not, it may be considered harassment.
     Your ID card and lanyard will be provided                                                               celebrate the diversity that everyone
                                                            lerts – the ‘whisper’ evacuation - bomb
     at enrolment, enabling you to pass through                                                              brings to the College.                         Bullying is the persistent, intentional
                                                           threat or suspect package - if a call is
     security gates. You will also need your ID                                                                                                             harming of another person with an
                                                           received, the Principal will order the
     card to access technology and resources in                                                              We want Weston College to be a                 unequal power relationship.
                                                           affected building to be evacuated. A staff
     LibraryPlus.                                          member will alert other staff and students        place where you feel comfortable and
                                                           to evacuate the building via a particular         safe enough to be yourself and enjoy           Harassment and bullying may be verbal,
     FORGOT OR LOST YOUR ID                                staircase or exit route, to an alternative        learning. Our Equality and Diversity           physical, emotional or non-verbal. This
     CARD?                                                 assembly point. Known as the ‘Whisper’            Policy applies to every member of
                                                                                                             Weston College, including students, staff
                                                                                                                                                            includes, for example:
                                                           evacuation the procedure is undertaken
     If you have forgotten your card, report                                                                 and visitors.
                                                           quietly and in an orderly fashion                                                                • Physical assault – kicking, hitting,
     to reception and they will issue you with
     a temporary card after confirming your               •D
                                                            isciplinary action, in the form of a                                                              punching etc.
     student status.                                       gross misconduct charge, will be taken
                                                           against anyone maliciously starting a fire        SPACE FOR PRAYER AND                           • Verbal assault – insults, swearing,
     SECURITY PROCEDURES                                   evacuation, whistle wave lockdown or              REFLECTION                                        disrespectful language
     If you lose your ID card there is a £5                bomb evacuation                                   There are designated quiet rooms               • Pornographic or other offensive pin-
     replacement charge. Contact the College                                                                 available at each campus for prayer and           ups displayed publicly or accessed
                                                            irst aid – if you or another student
     Information Services team at the campus                                                                 reflection.                                       through the internet or circulated via
                                                           becomes ill or has an accident while at
     reception.                                                                                              Ask at the campus reception or                    email
                                                           College you should contact reception (dial
     Weston College has a number of systems                                                                  LibraryPlus for further details.               • Jokes, gestures or graffiti that offend
                                                           0 from any internal telephone). Ask for a
     and procedures in place to ensure safe and            first aider and detail where you are and                                                            others
     secure campuses, including:                           the nature of the problem                                                                        • Intimidation – use of written, spoken
       losed circuit television across each              •N
                                                            o smoking or vaping in College buildings        HARASSMENT AND                                    or physical threat to influence the
      campus                                               or near main entrances – designated               BULLYING                                          behaviour of another (this includes use
                                                           smoking areas are available at each               We take a zero tolerance approach to              of text messages or entries on social
     • Screening and searching – see the College’s
                                                           campus                                            harassment and bullying which means               sites, i.e. Facebook)
        Student Safety and Disciplinary Policy for
                                                                                                             anyone proven responsible for unlawful
        further details.                                  •H
                                                            oods and caps – while on campus we ask                                                         • Offensive clothing, e.g. swastikas on
                                                                                                             discrimination, harassment or bullying
       mergency evacuation procedures –                   all non-religious headwear is removed for                                                           jackets or caps.
                                                                                                             can be asked to leave the College.
      familiarise yourself with the “fire action           identification purposes
      procedure” and “assembly point” signs               •E
                                                            -safety – for advice and guidance on            Harassment can be related to age,              Harassment and bullying must be
      and notices                                          e-safety, you can contact your personal           disability, gender identity, marital status,   reported. If you see it, or experience it,
     • Fire alarms – if you hear a continuous             tutor or a member of LibraryPlus                  pregnancy or maternity, ethnicity,             please report it to your Personal Tutor
        ringing bell or see a flashing red light please   •R
                                                            isk assessments – to ensure your safety         race, religion or belief, sex or sexual        or a member of the Student Welfare
        leave the building immediately and leave           we ‘risk assess’ all College buildings,           orientation. It is legally defined as:         and Pastoral Support Services Team.
        personal belongings. If you have mobility          spaces and activities, including organised        “Unwanted conduct which has the
        issues, wait at your nearest refuge point.         trips out of college. You will find a ‘generic’   purpose or effect of:
        ‘Whistle Wave’ lockdown for terrorist,             risk assessment posted in each classroom
                                                                                                             • Violating the other person’s dignity;
        armed intruder or attacker – we operate a          and work space for information. If you
        ‘Run, Hide, Tell’ procedure in the event of        need more information on                          • Creating an intimidating, hostile,
        an armed intruder accessing our buildings.         risk assessments please ask your tutor.              degrading, humiliating or offensive
        The warning signal for this is either short                                                             environment.”
        sharp blasts on a whistle or a tannoy


                                                OUR CULTURE
     Weston College is committed
     to safeguarding and promoting
     the welfare of children, young
     people and adults at Risk.

     We expect the whole college
     community to share this commitment
     including the aims of our Safeguarding
     of Children and Adults at Risk Policy
     and Procedure.

     If you have a concern about your own
     or another student’s wellbeing, safety
     or rights you can talk to any member of
     staff or ask to speak to a member of the

     While we cannot promise to keep
     confidentiality we will support you
     to find solutions to your issues and
     concerns within the agreed local
     policies and procedures.

     How to contact a College
     Safeguarding Officer:
     Call 01934 411464
     (365 days a year, 24 hours a day)
     or email

WELFARE &                                                                                      HEALTHCARE

                                                                                                                                                                                        SUPPORT SERVICES
     SUPPORT                                                                                        Support and guidance with health issues including sexual
                                                                                                    health, first aid, support to stop smoking, medical healthcare
                                                                                                    plans, healthy eating and more is available at all campuses. To
     Support at Weston College is strong, well developed and provides a                             make an appointment please drop in to our Student Services
     confidential non-judgemental service for all students at all campuses daily.                   area at each campus or call/email on the contact details below.

     WELFARE OFFICERS                               Drop in to our Student Services area,           KNIGHTSTONE CAMPUS                         ADDITIONAL LEARNING
     Welfare officers offer the opportunity to      available at all campuses or email or book an
                                                                                                    Luci Gibson                                SUPPORT
     access information, advice and support with    appointment on the contact details below.
                                                                                                             Weston College students receive
     a wide range of issues which could impact                                                      01934 411 535
                                                    If you have any concerns or are worried                                                    an outstanding level of Learning
     on your learning including emotional health/
                                                    about a friend, we are here to help.                                                       Support. Our innovative and unique
     mental health, course/college concerns,                                                        LOXTON CAMPUS                              Specialist Support Model ensures
     homelessness, finance, drug/alcohol            For more information visit
                                                                                                    Charlotte Shelton                          staff have the specialist skills and
     concerns and attendance.             
                                                                                                        knowledge to deliver high-quality,
                                                                                                    01934 411 640                              personalised support programmes
                                                                                                                                               that effectively meet the needs of
                                                                                                    SOUTH WEST SKILLS                          students with Special Educational
     WESTON COLLEGE WELFARE OFFICERS:                                                               CAMPUS                                     Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
                                                                                                                                               Our ethos of empowerment enables
     Student Welfare and Pastoral                                                         
                                                                                                                                               students to take control of their own
                                                                                                    01934 411658
     Support Services Manager                                                                                                                  learning, learning difficulties and/or
                                                                                                                                               disabilities (LDD) and develop the
                                                                                                    COUNSELLING                                necessary skills and strategies to
                      Mandy Lee                                      Kate Clarke
                                                                                                    Counselling offers an opportunity to       become independent students.
                                                                                                    talk in a private and relaxed setting
                                              07891 618 053                  with someone who plays no other            For information and support please
                      07810 883 255                                  01934 411 595                  role in your life. Counselling could       call 01934 411 558 or email
                      01934 411 476                                                                 help you with relationship difficulties,
                                                                                                    self-esteem, personal loss, decision
                                                                                                    making and moving on.
                      Danielle Lewis                                 Heidi Milner
                            Appointments can be booked
                      07891 618 053                                  07747 842 976                  through Welfare or by calling
                      01934 411 595                                  01934 411 750                  01934 411 506.
                                                                                                                                                     DID YOU KNOW?
                                                                                                                                                 We are the first college in the
                      Emma Craig                                     Eleanor Maspero                                                             country to be win the national
                      emma.craig                                     eleanor.maspero                                                               beacon award for mental
                                                                                                   health and wellbeing support.
                      07725 909 090                                  07976794915
                      01934 411 648                                  01934 412184


                                                                                                                                                                                             SUPPORT SERVICES
     Enrichment is an important part of your College life and something
     we actively encourage.                                                                         WESTON                                      BODY AND
     Enrichment activities enable you to develop new hobbies and interests by getting involved      SPORT                                       MIND
     with activities and other students outside of your study programme.
                                                                                                    Weston Sport recognises the                 ‘Body and Mind’ (BAM) is your
     A wide range of activities and sports are offered throughout the week and across the           abilities and efforts of our top            opportunity to improve your
     College sites. If there is something that you would like to do that we don’t currently offer   athletes and aims to support                health and wellbeing during
     please come and tell us and we will see what can be done.
                                                                                                    them to achieve their potential.            your time at Weston College.
                                                                                                    As a student at Weston College, you will
                                                                                                                                                Each campus has its own programme
                                                                                                    have the opportunity to combine your
                                                                                                                                                designed to offer you support,
                                                                                                    academic studies with high-level sporting
                                                                                                                                                guidance and enrichment through a
                                                                                                    provision, which will allow you to fully
                                                                                                                                                variety of sessions, such as art therapy,
                                                                                                    immerse yourself as a student-athlete.
                                                                                                                                                table tennis, Wednesday walks and

                                                                                                    Weston Sport prides itself on its
                                                                                                    athlete-centred approach, which will
                                                                                                                                                The BAM programme is shaped
                                                                                                    enable you to develop your sporting
     The Students’ Union is here for                 experiences to make your life whilst at
                                                                                                    performance, in a professionally
                                                                                                                                                by you, so if you would like to try
     you, when you enrol at college                  College even better.                                                                       something new or access your
                                                                                                    structured environment.
     you are automatically a member,                                                                                                            favourite hobbies at College please get
                                                     The students’ union is run by students for
     all students whether part time,                                                                                                            in contact with us:
                                                     the students and is responsible for:           Additionally, athletes will get access to
     full time or apprenticeships are                                                                                                 
                                                     • Student representation across all sites     our outstanding sports facilities which
     members of the Union.                              and study programmes                        include a Sport England specification
                                                     • Social activities                                                                       We hope you will find something that
                                                                                                    sports hall, FA and World Rugby
     There is an executive team of students          • Campaigns                                                                               you want to be involved in.
                                                                                                    approved 3G artificial pitch and
     that are elected every year to represent        • Charity activities
                                                     • Trips.                                      performance gym.
     your views and opinions and offer you
     the best college experience possible.
     The team is made up of a President,             Our values:
     Vice President, Secretary and Campus
                                                                                                    KEY CONTACT:
                                                     The Students’ Union exists to make your
     Officers for each campus. This ensures                                                         Academy manager:
                                                     lives as students better. One of the key
     all students voices are heard across all of                                                    Joel Parker
                                                     ways we work to do this is to ensure
     our campuses.                                                                        
                                                     that your voice is heard on your course.
                                                     We believe that students should be
     The Students’ Union is also a member of         active partners in their learning while
     the National Union of Students (NUS),           at the College, and we work closely
     this means you are entitled to purchase         with departments and faculties to make
     a Totum card (previously known as the           changes that will benefit students.
     NUS Extra card) at a cost of £12.               If you want to get involved with the
                                                     Students’ Union, let us know:
     This gives you access to hundreds of  
     discounts at restaurants, shops and


                                                                                SUPPORT SERVICES
     Our Hair and Beauty
     Centre is a vibrant focal
     point at the heart of the
     Knightstone Campus.

     With a total of five purpose-built
     commercial salons, a barber salon
     and a specialist media make-up
     facility, the Hair and Beauty Centre
     provides our hair and beauty
     students with the very latest
     industry-standard facilities, and      SALONS WILL OPEN:
     can provide the public with high       Monday 09.00-19.00
     quality hair and beauty treatments     Tuesday / Wednesday and
     at competitive prices.                 Thursday 09.00-21.00
                                            Friday 09.00-16.00
     We offer a range of services to
     the public. All treatments are
     performed to a very high standard
                                            can be made through our reception
     by trainees under the supervision
                                            on 01934 411794.
     of experienced, qualified staff.

     Check out what we
     do at



UCW is the first-class University Centre on your        Your Weston College 5-year Pathway!
                                                        As a Weston College student, here’s what
We are rated as GOLD in the Teaching Excellence         you can expect:
Framework and have just achieved our best ever
results in the National Student Survey.                 • A guaranteed interview or conditional
                                                           offer for one of UCW’s 45+ higher
Our degrees are delivered in partnership with              education courses.
Bath Spa University, Hartpury University and UWE        • A scholarship of up to £350.
Bristol, and UCW students get to take advantage
of all of the fantastic facilities we have right here   • Expert, personalised guidance on all
in Weston.                                                 aspects of uni life, including applications,
                                                           finance and accommodation.
Class sizes with us tend to be smaller than at
traditional universities, and we also pride ourselves   • Ongoing support from UCW’s student
on offering outstanding support.                           services team and your lecturers.
                                                        • Careers advice and a degree with
Come along to our next Open Day to meet our                employability at its heart to help you land
students and staff and find out more about how             your dream job.
we could help you achieve your ambitions with
higher education!                                       • An invitation to our free Head Start
                                                           programme between finishing College
We offer Honours Degrees, Foundation Degrees,              and starting at UCW.
Honours Top-up Degrees, Degree Apprenticeships
                                                        • A memorable Graduation Day to
and Higher National Certificates and Diplomas in
subject areas including:                                   celebrate your successes with your loved
                                                           ones in style.
• Business, Law and Management
                                                        It’s never too soon to start thinking
• Computing and Digital Technologies                    about your future!
• Counselling and Healthcare
• Education and Early Years
• Engineering and Construction
• Film and Photography
• Games and Animation
                                                        GET IN TOUCH
• Hair, Make-up and Prosthetics                     
• Graphic Design and Art
• Music                                             
• Performing Arts and Dance
                                                              01934 411 409
• Science
• Sport                                                                                                   Teaching
• Uniformed Services                                                                                      Framework

                                               SUPPORT SERVICES
     Weston College values the
     views and ideas of its students
     and is committed to involving
     them in its strategic decision
     making and operational

     Having your say could not be easier
     – you can let us know what you think
     through forums on Moodle, the website,
     social media, responding to student
     surveys, putting comments in our
     suggestion boxes, attending course
     review meetings, through tutorials and
     by talking to the staff who teach and
     support you. Make a difference – become
     your class representative

     During induction each class will be
     given the opportunity to elect a
     student as a class representative.
     The class representative will be
     invited to termly forums to share
     the views and ideas of students
     in their class.


                                                                                       SUPPORT SERVICES
       & GUIDANCE
                                              FOR MORE INFORMATION:
                                              Be sure to check ASPECT’s
                                              Sharepoint page for lots of useful
                                              resources and video tutorials, as well
                                              as their monthly webinars on topics
                                              like student finance and more.
       The College’s careers team,
       ASPECT offer learners
                                              To book an appointment contact the
       advice and guidance on                 team on the below details. You can
       careers, employability and             find a full breakdown of the College’s
       UCAS through a range of                careers prorgamme on our website.
       group tutorials and 1:1s, to
       support you through the      
       processes of deciding what             01934 411 506
       your next steps will be.     

       ASPECT will work with your
       curriculum area to ensure you are
       provided with a wide range of
       resources, activities and visits so
       you leave Weston College with
       the right skills and experience to
       succeed within your chosen career or
     31education pathway.

       ASPECT coordinate our very own
       careers and employers fair, where
       every November we invite over 60
       employers, universities and other
       organisations from all over the
       country to make you aware of all the
       options that are open to you.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SUPPORT SERVICES
                                                                                                                     FUND                                      DESCRIPTION

                                                                                                                                9.60 per term time week with a maximum of £3.20 on any day for use in
     Weston College administers                         STUDENT STATUS LETTERS                                                 college based provision. Available for students aged 16 to 18 at the 31 August
     a number of sources of funds                       Students often need to prove their                                     2019 whose parent/s or themselves receives on of the following:
     that are available to students.                    current educational status. A student                                  • Income Support
     Funds are awarded to                               status letter will confirm for the                                     • Income based Jobseekers Allowance
     support barriers to accessing                      2018 /2019 academic year:                                              • Income related Employment Support Allowance
     learning, to support excellent                                                                                PACKAGE     • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
     attendance and to contribute                       • Your name and address                                                • The guarantee element of State Pension Credit

     towards the costs incurred by                      • Course title                                                         • Child Tax Credit (provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit AND
                                                                                                                                  have a gross income of no more than £16190)
     participating in education.                        • Course start and end dates
                                                                                                                               • Working Tax Credit run-on
                                                        • Whether it is full time or part time
                                                                                                                               • Universal Credit with net earnings £7400 or under
     For more information on financial                  •N
                                                          umber of timetabled hours
     support visit                                       per week                                                              A package of support comprising up to £250 in monetary payments, for full,                                                                                                 time students £160 in Spring and Summer Term Bus Passes (Mon-Fri pass), if
                                                                                                                               applicable up to £400 towards Professional Start Up Kit and Uniform and if
     call 01934 411571 or
                                                        You can request a Student Status letter                       19+      applicable up to £250 towards residential trips. Available for students aged 19
                                                        from the reception of your campus                          LEARNER     and over at the 31 August 2019 who:
                                                        of study and when it is ready you can                      SUPPORT     • Attend a further education course (not an apprenticeship)
                                                        collect it from there.                                       FUND      • Have a residual household income under £32000 (Gross income less £1130 for
                                                                                                                                  each child aged 18 or under in the household)
                                                                                                                               Maintain good attendance across all areas of their programme for the qualifying
                                                                                                                                p to £160 per child per week available to students aged 16-19 at the start of
     This table outlines the main funding available:                                                                           their course who have a child aged 0 – 14 and who:
                                                                                                                               • Attend a further education course (not an apprenticeship)
                                                                                                                    CARE TO
           FUND                                           DESCRIPTION                                                LEARN     Payments are made direct to childcare providers from the beginning of the
                                                                                                                               course provided that you apply (
                      A package of support comprising up to £250 in monetary payments, £160 in Spring and                      care-to-learn) before your course starts or within the first 28 days, applications
                      Summer Term Bus Passes (Mon-Fri pass), if applicable up to £400 towards Professional                     after that will be paid from date the application is received
                      Start Up Kit and Uniform and if applicable up to £250 towards residential trips. Available                p to £3250 (subject to funds). Available to students aged 20 and over at the 31
                      for students aged 16-18 at the 31 August 2019 who:                                                       August 2019 who:
          16 TO 18
                      • Attend a further education course (not an apprenticeship)                                              • Are eligible to 19+ Learner Support Fund
          BURSARY                                                                                                     20+
                        ave a residual household income under £32000 (Gross income less £1130 for each            CHILDCARE   • Have a child / children aged 0 -14 who need childcare support during college
                       child aged 18 or under in the household)                                                      FUND      attendance
                        aintain good attendance across all areas of their programme for                                       Payments are made direct to childcare providers for the duration of academic
                       the qualifying periods                                                                                  year (applications need to be made each academic year for continuing studies)
                      A package of support comprising up to £975 in monetary payment, £225 in Autumn,                           package of support comprising up to £250 in monetary payments, for full
                      Spring and Summer Term Bus Passes (Mon –Fri pass), if applicable up to if applicable                     time students £160 in Spring and Summer Term Bus Passes (Mon-Fri pass), if
                      up to £400 towards Professional Start Up Kit and Uniform and if applicable up to £250                    applicable up to £400 towards Professional Start Up Kit and Uniform and if
                      towards residential trips. Available for students aged 16 to 18 at the 31 August 2019 who:               applicable up to £250 towards residential trips. Available for students aged 19
                      • Attend a further education course (not an apprenticeship)                                 ADVANCED    and over at the 31 August 2019 who:
         GUARANTEED                                                                                                 LEARNER
                      • Maintain good attendance across all areas of their programme for the qualifying periods               • Attend a L3 or higher further education course (not an apprenticeship)
           BURSARY                                                                                                    LOAN
                         AND are:                                                                                              • Have taken out an Advanced Learner Loan to pay for their course
                      • A Care leavers / in care or                                                                            • Have a residual household income under £32000 (Gross income less £1130 for
                      • Receiving Income Support / Universal Credit or                                                         each child aged 18 or under in the household)
                      • Receiving Disability Living Allowance / Personal Independence Payments and                            Maintain good attendance across all areas of their programme for the qualifying
                         Employment Support Allowance / Universal Credit                                                       periods


                                                                                                                                                                                      LEARNING EXPERIENCES
     PLACEMENTS                                                                                                                              TUTORS
     Work experience is a key                           at College within the work place.            The college has a newly formed          As a student of Weston
     ingredient to your future career                  •D
                                                         evelop your confidence and                 team of designated Work Placement       College, you will have
                                                        increase your awareness of the career        Officers that are specifically here
     and an essential part of your                                                                   to help and support all students        a personal tutor who is
                                                        opportunities within a particular
     programme of study. Undertaking                                                                 with sourcing valuable placements,      responsible for your academic
                                                        sector area.
     a vocationally relevant placement                                                               supporting a high quality placement     and pastoral support. They are
     will not only help you with                                                                     and working with you as a key link      your first point of contact and
                                                       Through industry specific work placements,    between you and our wide and diverse
     future employment but it is                       Weston College students have a unique         range of employers. The opportunities   will oversee your whole learning
     also an opportunity for you to                    and valuable opportunity to put learning      are endless and our team is committed   experience.
     gain practical and first-hand                     into practice. Dependent on your programme    to helping you create your brighter
                                                                                                     future. Our team are happy to
     experience of the world of work                   of study, placements can range from 5-45                                              Your personal tutor has a number of
                                                       days where you will become an employee        answer any queries relating to work
     before you leave college and take                                                                                                       responsibilities, including:
                                                       of a business or company. The college will    experience or industry placements.
     your next steps.                                                                                                                        • Ensuring you are on the right study
                                                       support you into becoming work-ready,                                                    programme, fully inducted and
                                                       ensuring that you are equipped with the       We want to hear from you! Get in           aware of the expectations of your
     The Government expects all students to            skills that will make you successful during   touch with any one of our team today:      programme
     undertake meaningful work placement, or           your placement.
                                                                                                                                             • Ensuring you are safe and secure
     some form of work-related experience as
     part of your study programme in Further
                                                                                                     Simon Bone                                 within the College environment
                                                       We hope that every college learner will       Work Placement Manager                  •S
                                                                                                                                               etting SMART and challenging
                                                       finish placements having enhanced or                  targets and agreeing an action plan
                                                       acquired specific industry knowledge; by                                               with you
     Two thirds of employers’ rate work                applying and developing these practical
     experience as being of significant or critical    skills, you are increasing your chances of    Anna Coleman                            •R
                                                                                                                                               eviewing and monitoring your
                                                                                                                                              progress regularly against these set
     value for young entrants to the labour            succeeding in skilled employment or further   Work Placement Officer
     market. As a college we recognise that an         education routes.                   
     appropriate work experience, or industry                                                                                                •D
                                                                                                                                               eveloping career action plans and
                                                                                                                                              supporting you towards your chosen
     placement can be highly beneficial to a learner
                                                       HOW LONG WILL I GO FOR?                       Ray Stewart                              progression route
     providing them with an opportunity to:
                                                       The College has a minimum expectation for     Work Placement Officer                  • Ensuring you have all of the
                                                       students with regards to work placement                   required support you need during
       urther develop and apply the personal          where it is not a mandatory part of your                                                 your programme to ensure you are
      and social skills needed for the work place      technical qualification:                      Amanda Martin                              successful
       evelop your employability “soft skills”
                                                                                                     Work Placement Officer                  •M
                                                                                                                                               onitoring your attendance and
      such as communicating, adapting to
      change, teamwork and problem solving.
                                                       WORK EXPERIENCE                                   punctuality and liaising with
                                                       Level 2 study programme 5 days                                                         appropriate support staff and
       xperience personal growth: to develop                                                                                                 departments where necessary
      self-reliance, step outside your comfort         Level 3, year 1 study programme 5 days
                                                                                                     Rachael Moger                           •P
                                                                                                                                               roviding references for employment
      zone, build confidence and learn about
                                                                                                     Work Placement Officer                   or Higher Education up to three
      themselves to identify your strengths and        INDUSTRY PLACEMENTS                                years after you leave the College
      preferences for future career options.
                                                       Level 3, year 2 study programme 45-60 days*                                           •D
                                                                                                                                               eveloping your wider and
       roaden your understanding of a
                                                       *certain courses will require students to                                              employability skills to support your
      particular industry or job role
                                                       undertake a more substantial placement as                                              intended progression.
       rovide an opportunity to apply                 part of your programme.
      theoretical and technical skills developed

DIGITAL                                                                                 MICROSOFT AT

                                                                                                                                                                                        DIGITAL LEARNING
      LEARNING                                                                                WESTON COLLEGE
      Throughout your course, technology will be part of your                                 As part of your learning experience at Weston College, you have
      learning and work experience. You should expect the                                     access to the full Microsoft Office 365 online dashboard. Simply
      following from your course:                                                             login at with your Weston College username
                                                                                              and password to access a range of features, including:
      • Online access to your course resources   • Develop the digital skills you need for
      and content                                   the workplace and managing your
                                                                                              ONEDRIVE ONLINE                             FREE MICROSOFT
                                                    working life
        pportunities to learn beyond the                                                     STORAGE                                     OFFICE 365 SOFTWARE
       classroom through online activities,      • Opportunities to achieve Microsoft        Access your work from anywhere,             DOWNLOAD
       collaborative projects, resources and        Office certification.                     including your mobile phone with the        During your time at Weston College you
       links                                                                                  OneDrive app. With automatic backup         can download the full Microsoft Office
                                                 As a Weston College learner you will         and online sharing, you will never need a   365 software free on up to five devices.
        nline submission for assignment work    also have access to a wide range of          memory stick again.
       with online feedback and grading          bookable and drop-in technology                                                          MOBILE DEVICE SUPPORT
                                                 resources from LibraryPlus to power          ONENOTE DIGITAL NOTE                        WITH A RANGE OF
        lectronic communication with your       your digital learning experience.            TAKING                                      MICROSOFT APPS
       course tutor
                                                                                              Organise yourself and take notes with       Download Microsoft Office applications
                                                 Need help with the basics? Contact
                                                                                              the OneNote application. Build a handy      to your Android, Apple or Microsoft
        iew your individual progress, targets   LibraryPlus to book a one-to-one
                                                                                              ‘to do’ list and manage your course         device for free, including all of the above
       and attendance                            session on accessing and using our
                                                                                              content from any device.                    features.
                                                 digital services.

                                                                                              MICROSOFT TEAMS                             MANY MORE ONLINE APPS
                                                                                              During your time at Weston College you      There is much more to see in Microsoft
                                                                                              can download the full Microsoft Office      Office 365 to support your learning
                                                                                              365 software free on up to five devices.    at Weston College as well as develop
                                                                                                                                          valuable digital skills for employment.
                                                                                              YAMMER COLLEGE                              Sign in at to see more
                                                                                              NETWORK                                     and download the apps for your mobile
                                                                                                                                          device. Help and advice for using
                                                                                              Join groups and take part in discussion
                                                                                                                                          Microsoft Office 365 apps and software
                                                                                              in our online Yammer community,
                                                                                                                                          is available through Weston College
                                                                                              available only to Weston College users.
                                                                                              Find out about events and activities
                                                                                              taking place around the College.
                                                                                                                                          NOT FEELING CONFIDENT?
                                                                                              OUTLOOK EMAIL                               Book a one-to-one session with a
                                                                                                                                          LibraryPlus learning technologist to help
                                                                                              All Weston College learners have access
                                                                                                                                          you get the most from Office 365.
                                                                                              to a full Outlook email account with a
                                                                                              calendar to organise your week.

MICROSOFT                                                                                      LIBRARYPLUS

                                                                                                                                                                                                   LIBRARY PLUS
     As a Microsoft Showcase College
     we offer a range of Microsoft
                                                      To gain certification, we recommend
                                                      following these four stages:                  FACILITIES AND
     training and certifications.                     1. Skills analysis
                                                         Your staff can identify their weaknesses
                                                         using the GMetrix skills analysis tool.
     This includes:                                                                                 LibraryPlus is the award-                      •C
                                                                                                                                                     omfortable collaborative working
                                                      2. Learning solutions                                                                         areas
      • Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)                                                           winning vibrant central learning
                                                         They can gain skills using LearnKey
        Certification                                    video training tools.                      hub at Weston College. With                    • A wide range of one-to-one support
        available for Word 2016, Excel 2016,                                                        a LibraryPlus on each campus,                  •H
                                                                                                                                                     elp with technology and accessing
        PowerPoint 2016 and Outlook 2016.             3. Practice test                                                                              digital resources
                                                         The GMetrix practice tests will provide
                                                                                                    you have access to the full
      • Microsoft Office Specialist Expert               staff with a comprehensive report on       range of services, resources                   •D
                                                                                                                                                     edicated Higher Education study
        Certification                                                                                                                               support and rooms.
        available for Word 2016, Excel 2016.
                                                         their readiness.                           and support available.
                                                                                                                                                   • Microsoft Office specialist certifications
                                                      4. Certification exam
      • Microsoft Technology Associate                  The final stage is the Microsoft
                                                                                                    In LibraryPlus centres, you will have
         (MTA) Certification                             Certification Exam, which takes around     access to:
                                                                                                                                                   You can access all our online resources,
         available for a range of technical skills.      an hour.                                                                                  including our catalogue search by
                                                                                                    • A wide range of technology resources,
      • Microsoft Certified Educator                                                                                                               visiting our ‘LibraryPlus Online’
                                                                                                       including: cameras, laptops and tablets
        certification designed specifically                                                                                                        Sharepoint site.
                                                      The skills analysis and digital learning is
        for teachers.                                 independent and flexible according to your    • Advanced booking of computers and
                                                      availability.                                    technology via our online self-service
                                                                                                                                                   To stay up-to-date on what’s happening
                                                                                                                                                   at LibraryPlus, follow @wclibraryplus on
                                                                                                    • A large catalogue of loanable books         Twitter. Contact LibraryPlus: 01934 411
                                                      GET IN TOUCH                                     and eBooks                                  493
                                                      01934 411 411                                 • Subscribed online resources including
                                                                Mintel (market research), Britannica
                                                                             (encyclopedia) and EBSCO (online

                                                                            20%                     RESOURCE BOOKING
                                                                            our online
                                                                                                    As a Weston College student you can book a wide range of technology through
                                                                                                    the self-service booking system at Simply shop for your
                                                                      learning package and          items, select a collection time and check out in order to book a variety of devices.
                                                                        certification exam


                                                                                           ENGLISH & MATHS
     & MATHS
     At Weston College we focus on teaching you the skills that
     are going to benefit you when it comes to applying for
     university, getting a job, or progressing on to further study.

     Having a good understanding of English and maths is more important than
     you might realise, and every course that we offer includes English and maths
     development. If you don’t have a grade C or level 4 at GCSE in either subject
     when you join us, you will attend discrete classes to help you work towards
     this level.


                                   DO YOU HAVE GCSE
                                   GRADES 9-4 OR A*-C
                                    IN ENGLISH AND

                NO                                                  YES
          Do you have GCSE
                                                             You will continue to
          grades 3-1/D-G or
                                                            develop your English
      Functional Skills at Level
                                                           and maths skills as part
       1 to 2 in English and/or
                                                           of your course and you
                                                            can access additional
                                                              academic support
                                                            through LibraryPlus.

       We will support you to work towards a             Functional Skills is a stepping
      GCSE grade 4 through discrete sessions               stone towards GCSE level.
      which are a key part of your programme.           You will attend discrete 1 hour
      Dependent on your prior attainment or               sessions and 30 minutes of
      an assessment you will either enrol on a          tutorial support per week, and
                                                         sit the Functional Skills exam
      GCSE class or an appropriate Functional
                                                         when you and your tutor feel
                 Skills programme.
                                                                 your are ready.

Knightstone Campus
Knightstone Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 2AL
01934 411 411

Loxton Campus
Loxton Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 4QU
01934 411 600

South West Skills Campus
Locking Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 8NL
01934 411 411

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