STUDENT Handbook - Bath County High School 2020-2021 - Bath County Public Schools

STUDENT Handbook - Bath County High School 2020-2021 - Bath County Public Schools

    Bath County High School

       STUDENT Handbook

All provisions of the student handbook are subject to change per COVID19 restrictions. Please see alternate
                      provisions outlined in Preface titled “A Model One Day at BCHS”
                                     A Student’s “Model One” Day at BCHS
Model 1 is the instructional model selected to begin the start of the 2020-2021 school year. Three other
instructional models could be implemented depending on the status of the COVID-19 outbreak in our region.
Under Model 1, all students who are not 100% remote learning will attend school four days per week, Monday -
Thursday, and will be engaged in remote learning from home on Friday.
Our day will be different….
· The building will open to students at 8:00 AM. Bus riders will enter through the front entrance as usual, car
riders will enter through the lower atrium. Students will be temperature- checked and screened before entering
the building. Students with temperatures of 100.4 F or higher will be placed in isolation until transportation
home is arranged. Parents and students are expected to self-evaluate their health before getting on a bus or
driving to school. If you have symptoms and/or a fever 100.4F or greater, stay home and take appropriate health
measures. Contact the school immediately if you are symptomatic or have been diagnosed with COVID -19.
· At the point of entry, students will be encouraged to pick up a packaged breakfast and drink to take to their
classroom. Breakfast will be available at the entry points from 8:00 AM until 8:30 AM. Students checking in
late may request a breakfast through the end of first period. Breakfasts and Lunches are free for all BCPS
students this year.
· Students will proceed directly to their first period class after being admitted into the building and receiving
their breakfast.
· Students must wear face coverings on the bus and at all times in the hallways. Students and staff must wear a
face covering until all students are in their places and teacher gives permission for the mask to be removed.
There may be classrooms where face coverings must be worn, even with 6’ social distancing, due to the
presence of person(s) who are more at-risk. BCPS will furnish face coverings for all students. Personal face
coverings may be worn but must conform to dress code for appropriateness in the school setting and must
provide a level of protection equal to or exceeding the protection provided by school issued face coverings.
Students are not required to wear face coverings in classrooms where 6 feet of social distancing can be
maintained. Face coverings must be worn anytime 6 feet of social distancing cannot be maintained. If the
teacher, or anyone, is circulating in a room where everyone else is seated with 6’ of spacing, and there is no
stopping or interaction, only the circulating person needs to wear a face covering. If a teacher, or anyone, has
any interaction with another person at a distance less than 6’, then both persons must wear a mask.
· 10 feet of social distancing is required during physical conditioning. Students will be reminded to wear face
coverings and practice social distancing as required. Due to
health concerns, repeated and persistent refusal to wear face covering or practice social distancing may result in
student being placed in 100% remote learning.
· Students are encouraged to bring filled water bottles. Water fountains are being retrofitted as bottle fillers.
Retrofits are not complete at this time. Alternate method bottle filling will be arranged until retrofits are
· While operating in Model One, drink machines will not be in service. Student will be allowed to bring diet,
non-caffeinated drinks to school.
· All restrooms will have limited capacities (largest restrooms have a limit of 3). Students must wear face
coverings at all times in the restroom and wash their hands thoroughly.
· Lockers will not be in use (including the gym lockers) while we are in Model 1.
· Backpacks will be allowed. We are working to reduce the number of books that must be carried in backpacks.
Students are not to leave any items at school. Upon student request, a sling bag will be provided.
· Students will not be required to “dress out” for PE. Students are expected to participate. Physical activities will
be designed to be appropriate for the circumstances. Students are encouraged to wear comfortable clothes and
suitable athletic shoes for PE classes. Clothing and/or shoes cannot be left in the gym and must stay with the
student throughout the day and be taken home at the end of the school day.
· Students will proceed directly to their next class. Release from classes will be coordinated by teachers to
minimize congregation. Teachers are encouraged to give students some socialization time in the classroom to
offset socialization that normally took place in hall transitions.
· Students will walk on right side of the hall (like we drive our cars) while maintaining social distancing as
much as possible. Floors and hall walls will have 6’ position markers and directional arrows. Face coverings
will be worn at all times in the hallways. Students must keep moving in the hallway.
· Classrooms – We are arranging our classrooms so that we have a minimum of 6’ of social distancing
whenever possible. In classrooms where we can practice 6’ of social distancing, masks will not be required
except for activities that require students or teachers to be closer than 6’ (labs, etc). Some classes may meet in
an alternate location so social distancing requirements can be met.
· Lunch procedure - All meals are free to BCPS students. Students will eat lunch in the classroom or an
alternate location. Meals will be pre-packaged and delivered. Meal and drink selection will be limited and ala
carte items may not be available while we are operating under Model One. There will be a charge for extra
items when a la carte items are available. Meals for Fridays will be distributed to students at the exits as they
leave BCHS at the end of the day on Thursdays. Students may bring their meals from home when they come to
school. No delivery of meals will be accepted during the school day. As always, students will not be allowed to
leave the campus to pick up meals.
· Computers are to be taken home every day and fully charged overnight.
· Students will remain in their 7th period class at the end of the day until they are dismissed for their car or bus
BCHS Student Expectations
· First two weeks of school – In addition to introducing new instruction, we will be assessing students for their
base knowledge of subject matter and focusing on learning to use our remote learning system (Canvas).
· Grades - All assignments/ assessments whether given on-campus or remotely are to be completed and will be
graded for the purpose monitoring of academic achievement and earned course credit.
· Attendance – When on-campus, attendance will be recorded each day for every class period. On remote-
learning days (under Model 1 or if 100% remote) attendance will be verified by the student’s verified
participation in the online activities associated with each course. Students and parents are subject to truancy
actions for unverified absences whether in-school or online. Students may be assigned extra remote work for
Credit Recovery to make up for excessive days absent in classes delivered either in-person or online.
· Remote learning – All students will be engaged in (remote online) learning in one form or another.
Assignments delivered remotely are to be completed and will be graded. Most remote instruction will be
delivered via the Canvas learning management system.

· Instructional time – Students should expect approximately 50 minutes of instruction/ activity per class/day
whether the instruction is delivered remotely or in-person. As always, projects, assignments, practice may
increase the amount of time necessary to satisfactorily complete the requirements for the course.
· Visitors – No visitors (including parents and guardians) will be allowed to enter the building without an
appointment. All visitors will be screened and temperature checked before entering the building. Persons with 2
or more COVID-19 symptoms or a temperature 100F or higher will not be admitted. All visitors must wear a
face covering at all times in the building.
· Transportation – Due to bus capacity restrictions, any requests for a change in established bus transportation
must be in made in advance and in writing. Changes to bus transportation will only be granted under emergency
or extenuating circumstances. Requests will only be granted based on available seating capacity on the
requested bus.
· Additional Information – Additional information may be obtained at the FAQ section of the BCPS website,
and, the BCHS Student Handbook. You may contact BCHS with any other questions you may have (540-839-

                                  Remote Learning at BCHS
Remote learning will be a major component of instructional delivery in all Bath County schools. Most of the
remote instruction will be delivered through the Canvas learning management system. Basic tutorials for using
Canvas will be linked to the BCPS website. Besides instruction from BCHS teachers, students may also be
enrolled in an online course titled, Passport to Canvas”. Regardless of whether the student are registered as
Model One (4 days per wk. on campus and one day remote) or if they are registered as 100% remote, either
way they will have remote instruction delivered by an Asynchronous model or a Synchronous Model.
At BCHS, all students will be utilizing one or more of the following remote learning models.

      Asynchronous remote (online)- students have some degree of control over the time they access the
       class, where they access the class ( from home, school, or wherever).The pace at which they progress
       through the course is often determined by the instructor. The course will have a pre-determined
       course end date. In this model, the instructor may be a BCHS teacher who designs and facilitates the
       class, but will more likely be a non-BCHS instructor who is responsible for the design, delivery,
       communication, grading, and recording of grades. A local BCHS staff person is assigned as a “mentor”
       for these courses. Local teachers or others may provide additional tutoring for students enrolled in
       asynchronous online courses.
           o This year, all of our Spanish students are enrolled in this model as we were not able to secure a
               highly-qualified Spanish teacher before school began. These Spanish students will log into the
               course during their regularly scheduled Spanish period. They will be monitored by staff. We are
               attempting to secure additional tutoring support for our Spanish students.
           o Other courses that students requested and are not offered on the BCHS campus will also follow
               the model described for Spanish. Examples of these courses are Latin, French, Mythology, etc.)
               These students are monitored, additional tutoring support is not provided for students opting
               into these courses.

o    Some of our BCHS teachers may use a version of the asynchronous model to deliver their
           instruction for students assigned to them as enrolled under the Model One or Model Four
           (100% remote learning). Teachers will communicate with students, the protocol for remote
           instruction in their course.
   Synchronous remote (online) – Instructor controls the time that students access the class, possibly
    where they access the class (from home, school, or wherever) and the pace at which students progress
    through the course. There is a pre-determined course end date. In this model, the instructor will likely
    be a BCHS teacher who designs and facilitates the class, a non-BCHS instructor could be utilized to
    teach components of these classes. With only a few exceptions (Dual Enrollment through DSLCC
    distance-learning and Jackson River Governor School) a BCHS teacher is responsible for the design,
    delivery, communication, grading, and recording of grades. Generally, the BCHS teacher of record is
    assigned as the “mentor” and “tutor” for these course

           Additional Notes about Remote Learning at BCHS
   Students who opt for 100 % remote learning at initial registration have 10 school days to opt into
    Model One (on-campus) instruction. After 10 days students must wait until the First Quarter grading
    period (9-wks) is over.

   Students who initially registered as Model One students may opt into 100% remote learning at any
    time. These students may opt back into Model One Learning at the end of a grading period (9 weeks)

   All remote assignments have the same expectations for completion as assignments presented in-
    person by the teacher. All assignments will be used for grade computation as determined by the

   Computers are to be brought to school everyday fully charged. Computer chargers should be left at


Absences – 5 Days ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Absences – 10 Days ................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Absences – 15 Days ................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Acceptable Computer System Use ........................................................................................................................................37-38
Accidents & Safety .................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Activity Bus Schedule................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Advanced Studies Diploma Requirements................................................................................................................................. 21
Announcements ......................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Athletics ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Absences and Participation at Extracurricular Events ............................................................................................................... 27
Attendance ................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
BCHS Policy On School Activities, Games, And Practices On Days When School Is Closed ................................................. 27
Bell Schedule ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Bus Routes ................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Cafeteria Procedures .............................................................................................................................................................39-40
Checking In ................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Checking Out ............................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Classes ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Classroom Materials .................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Closed Campus Lunch Policy .................................................................................................................................................... 40
Clubs .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Community Service Hours ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
Credit Review/Recovery ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
Dances........................................................................................................................................................................................ 28
Digital Device Regulation.......................................................................................................................................................... 37
Division Calendar ...................................................................................................................................................................9-10
Dress Code ................................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Dual Enrollment/Advanced Placement/Special Programs ......................................................................................................... 20
Electronic Communication ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Emergencies ............................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Emergency Medical Care ........................................................................................................................................................... 26
Exams ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Extra-Curricular Activities......................................................................................................................................................... 27
Faculty/Staff Directory ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Flower Arrangement/Etc. Deliveries ......................................................................................................................................... 39
Grading System.......................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Graduation Requirements .....................................................................................................................................................20-24
Guidance & Counseling Program .............................................................................................................................................. 25
Honor Roll ................................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Inclement Weather ..................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Interim Progress Reports and Report Cards ............................................................................................................................... 25
Lockers ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Lost & Found ............................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Make-Up Work .......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Moment of Silence ..................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Parental Involvement ................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Pledge of Allegiance .................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Prom........................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Promotion/Retention .................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Remote Learning.......................................................................................................................................................................4-5
Scheduling Process .................................................................................................................................................................... 19
School Attendance Guidelines ..............................................................................................................................................13-15
School Nurse .............................................................................................................................................................................. 13
School Related Accidents .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Standard Diploma Requirements ..........................................................................................................................................23-24
Student Conduct ....................................................................................................................................................................29-33
Student Driver Information ...................................................................................................................................................16-17
Student Fees ............................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Student Records ......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Telephones ................................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Textbooks/Calculators ............................................................................................................................................................... 17
Trespassing ................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Valuables ................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Verified Credits.......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Virtual Virginia .......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Visitors ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Youth Health Risk Behavior Survey .....................................................................................................................................18-19

                                       Mertz Career and Technical
                                     2020-2021 FACULTY and STAFF
Administration                                              Christina Harmon (Senior Spon.)
   Dr. Michael Perry: Principal/Mertz Director              Lisa Miller (Sophomore Spon.)
   Chase Davidson: Athletic Director
   Jane McMullen: Mertz Coordinator/Principal Designee
                                                         Career & Technical Education
Art                                                         Joey Altizer - Carpentry (Senior Spon.)
      Sandra Pichette (8th Grade Spon.)                     Matthew Altizer– Electricity (Freshmen Spon.)
                                                            Dave Guyre - Technology/ITRT (8th Grade Spon.)
                                                            Adaline Hodge - Culinary Arts (Freshmen Spon.)
   Angie Keyser (8th Grade Spon.)
                                                            Jane McMullen - Business Ed. (Senior Spon.)
   Jeanie Rooklin (Senior Spon.)
                                                            Justin Whittington, Auto Mechanics
   Kirby Smith (Freshmen Spon.)
                                                         Instructional Assistants
Foreign Language
                                                            Betty Colvin
   TBA (Sophomore Spon.)
                                                             Carrie Pierce (Freshmen Spon.)
                                                             Mary Rogers
   Caroline McKean
                                                            Katie Keyser, MCTC (Junior Spon.)
   Tammy Layne (Freshmen Spon.)
                                                             Lucy McCune, Guidance
                                                            Susan McRoberts, Bookkeeper
   Michelle Eldredge (Sophomore Spon.)
   Lisa Hamilton (Senior Spon.)
                                                            Dinah Johnson, Manager
                                                            Monique Ingram
                                                            Connie Liptrap
   Melinda Hooker (8th Grade Spon.)
                                                            Lori Nelson
Physical Ed./Driver Education
   Chase Davidson (Junior Spon.)
                                                            Mason Ailstock
   Kris Phillips (8th Grade Spon.)
                                                            Jake Altizer
                                                            Dennis Holmes
                                                             Jody Shifflett
    Heather Hough (Junior Spon.)
                                                            Ron Shifflett
    Kayala Jordan
    Hannah Spencer (Sophomore Spon.)
Social Studies
   Jonathan Bragg (Sophomore Spon.)
   Ryan Borden (Junior Spon.)
                                                            Dewey Knick
   Adam Frye (Sophomore Spon.)
Special Education
                                                            Mark Cook
   April Miller (Sophomore Spon.)

                            2020-2021 DIVISION CALENDAR - REVISED
         Bath County High School                          Valley Elementary School                           Millboro Elementary School
 464 Charger Lane Hot Springs, VA 24445            98 Panther Drive Hot Springs, VA 24445               411 Church Street Millboro, VA 24460
              540-839-2431                                      540-839-5395                               540-997-5452 / 540-839-5804

                                           UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE:
   PER WEEK (Monday-Thursday) AND HAVE 1 DAY (Friday) AS REMOTE LEARNING.

Monday           August 10................... New Teachers Report (8:15 AM-3:30 PM)
Tuesday-Tues.    August 11-25.............. All Teachers Report (8:15 AM-3:30 PM; 30 min. lunch)
                                           (Inservice & Workdays will be defined by Pre-School Workday Calendar)
Wednesday        August 26.….….…... FIRST PUPIL DAY
Monday           September 7.…….... LABOR DAY HOLIDAY - SCHOOLs CLOSED
Monday           September 21………… Progress Reports Sent Home
Friday           October 16…....….…… 1st Grading Period Ends
Monday           October 26……….... PUPIL HOLIDAY
                                      All Staff Report @ 11:30 AM
                                      Parent-Teacher Conferences (Report Cards) 1:00-4:00 PM & 4:30-7:00 PM
Thursday         November 19……....... Progress Reports Sent Home
Tuesday-Thurs.December 15-17.…….. BCHS Exams - Full Day (pending any days missed)** (Exams + Review)
Friday        December 18…..…….. BCHS Exams (pending any days missed)*
Monday        January 4..….….……... PUPIL HOLIDAY
                                   Teacher Workday 8:15 AM-3:30 PM
Tuesday       January 5………….…..… School Resumes / Students Return
Tuesday       January 12…….………… 2nd Grading Period Ends / End of Term 1
Monday        January 18…………..…. SCHOOLs CLOSED
Wednesday     January 20.………..…… Report Cards Sent Home
Thursday         February 25…………. PUPIL HOLIDAY
                                          All Staff Report @ 11:30 AM
                                          Parent-Teacher Conferences (Progress Reports) 1:00-4:00 PM & 4:30-7:00 PM
Friday           February 26……….… PUPIL HOLIDAY
                                     Teacher Inservice 8:15 AM-3:30 PM
Friday         March 19.………....…… 3rd Grading Period Ends
Thursday       March 25………………… Report Cards Sent Home
Monday-Mon. March 29-April 5...... SPRING BREAK - SCHOOLs CLOSED
Tuesday        April 27.………………….. Progress Reports Sent Home
Monday         May 31.….………..... MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY - SCHOOLs CLOSED
Tuesday-Thurs. June 8-10……………….. BCHS Exams - Full Day (pending any days missed)** (Exams + Review)
Friday         June 11....………..….... BCHS Exams (pending any days missed)**
                                          LAST PUPIL DAY
Monday-Tues.     June 14, 15.…………….. Teacher Workdays (8:15 AM-3:30 PM; 30 min. lunch)
                                            (There will be two (2) teacher workdays following the last pupil day.)                  School
Friday           June 18….….…............ Report Cards Mailed Home (no later than one week after last day of school)                Board

                                                                Page 1 of 2
School Board Approved: 7/21/2020

    ** Days missed prior to exams will not affect scheduled exam days.
       Delayed opening on exam days will not affect exams and will result in dismissal at regular time.
       Exam days missed will cause exams to shift according to the number of days missed.

                                        EARLY       TEACHER        STUDENTS AT HOME-REMOTE LEARNING
                 DAYS      HOLIDAYS     DAYS       WORKDAYS            (Days are included with school days.)
  AUGUST           4           0          0            11                                1
  SEPTEMBER       21           1          0            0                                 4
  OCTOBER         21           1          0            1                                 5
  NOVEMBER        16           5          0            0                                 3
  DECEMBER        14           9          0            0                                 3
  JANUARY         18           3          0            1                                 4
  FEBRUARY        18           2          0            2                                 3
  MARCH           20           3          0            0                                 4
  APRIL           19           3          0            0                                 4
  MAY             20           1          0            0                                 4
  JUNE             9           0          0            2                                 2
                  180         28          0            17                               37

                                  Total Scheduled Days     = 197
                                Unscheduled Workdays       = 3
                                           TOTAL DAYS      = 200

                1st – October 16           37           September 21          October 26 *
                2nd – January 12           45           November 19           January 20
                3rd – March 19             45           February 25 *         March 25
                4th – June 11              53           April 27              June 18
                              TOTAL       180             * Parent-Teacher Conferences

                                BUS ROUTES for 2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

The following is a list of bus numbers, bus drivers and bus routes for Bath County Public Schools. Students will
return to school on Wednesday, August 26. It is important to be at your bus stop 5 - 10 minutes early during
the first week of school. Please check the bus route your child will ride. Adjustments may be made to drop off
and pick up times during the first two weeks as fewer students ride the buses due to COVID-19.
     Bus #3, Harold Keyser: Pick Up Starting Time 7:00 AM –Rt. 600 North (Big Back Creek Road), Rt. 601 (Little Back
        Creek Rd.), Rt. 676 (Church Rd.), Rt. 600 South (Lake Rd.), Rt. 39 East to Warm Springs, Rt. 675/620 West Warm
        Springs, Court House Hill, Rt. 642 (Routier Hill), Rt. 220 North to Bath County High School, Rt. 220 South, Rt. 618
        Mitchelltown (Dunn’s Gap Rd.) picking up elementary students, Rt. 220 South to Valley Elementary School.
     Bus #4, Craig Harold: Pick Up Starting Time 7:15 AM - Airport Mountain Road; Rt. 703, Rt. 606, Rt. 220 North, Rt.
        700, Rt. 647, Rt. 220 North picking up students to Valley Elementary School, Rt. 220 North, Rt. 649 (Mitchelltown
        Rd.-Grand View Dr.) picking up high school students, Route 220 North to Bath County High School.
     Bus #6, Betty Bradberry: Pick Up Starting Time 6:50 AM - Douthat Road; Rt. 629 North, Rt. 683 (Blue Grass Hollow),
        Rt. 629, Rt. 39 West, Rt. 630 (Stage Coach Road) to Oak Ridge Station, Rt. 39 East, Route 609 (Bath Alum Cambata
        stop only) turns around and returns to Rt. 39 East, Wildcat School Road, Rt. 39 East, transfer at Windy Cove Church
        with Bus #1 at 7:45 AM, Rt. 39 East to Millboro Elementary School.
     Bus #7, Tammy Stinespring: Pick Up Starting Time 6:55 AM - Millboro; Rt. 633 (Crooked Spur), across railroad
        tracks, Rt. 637, Rt. 665, Rt. 691, Rt. 633 (Tunnel Hill), Rt. 666, Rt. 668, Rt. 633-top of Crooked Spur, Rt. 638 (High
        Country Rd.), Rt. 635 (Ridge Road), Rt.39/42 West, transfer at Windy Cove Church with Bus #1 at 7:45 AM, Rt. 39
        East to Millboro Elementary School.
     Bus #9, Deerfield Route: Pick Up Starting Time 6:50 AM – Rt. 633 (Pig Run), Right on Rt. 629 (Deerfield Rd), Rt. 640
        (Mill Creek Rd), Rt. 39 West to Kool Dri, Rt. 39 West, transfer at Windy Cove Church with Bus #1 at 7:45 AM, Rt. 638,
        to Millboro Elementary School.
     Bus #1, Dave Guyre: Pick Up Starting Time 6:35 AM – Rt. 624 (Westminister Rd. and Whispering Pine Lane),
        proceed to Williamsvile by turning left on Rt. 625 (River Road), continue straight on Rt. 678 (Indian Draft Rd.), left on
        Rt. 614 (Tower Hill), left on Rt. 657 (Pheasant Hollow Rd), turn around at end of road, pick up Williamsville students
        on the way out, right on Rt. 614 (Tower Hill), right on Rt. 678 (Indian Draft) Hatchery Lane, go straight and continue
        onto Rt. 625 East (River Road), turn left on Rt. 629 East (Deerfield Rd.), right on Rt. 678 (Indian Draft Rd., traveling
        south to Windy Cove Church and transfers with Bus #6, #7, #9, #12 at 7:45 AM, Rt. 39 West, Rt. 220 South to Bath
        County High School.
     Bus #10, Darrell Chestnut: Pick Up Starting Time 7:12 AM – Rt. 609 (from bridge to Highland line), Rt. 614 (from
        Burnsville to Route 220), Rt. 220 South picking up students from Sand Hill to Rt. 680 (Chimney Run Road), Rt. 619
        (Klondike), Route 220 South to Bath County High School, Rt. 220 South to Valley Elementary School.
     Bus #12, Sharon Wells: Pick Up Starting Time 7:20 AM - North on Rt. 42, picking up students while traveling North,
        transfers at Windy Cove with Bus #1 at 7:45 AM, Rt. 39, Rt. 633 to Millboro Elementary School, Rt. 666 across tracks
        (picking up elementary school students only) to Millboro Elementary School.
     Bus #13, Steve Sweitzer: Pick Up Starting Time 7:10 AM – Rt. 687, (picking up all students from Alleghany County
        Line, Rt. 605 (Coles Mtn. Road), Rt. 693 (Campbell Hollow Rd), Rt. 687 (Bacova Rd.), Rt. 618 Dunn’s Gap (turn
        around), Rt. 616/650 (Pine Hurst Heights), Rt. 220 North picking up students from Hot Springs to Bath County High
        School, Rt. 220 South to Valley Elementary School.
     Bus #18, Keswick Phillips: Pick Up Starting Time 7:05 AM – Rt. 220 North to Little Valley, Bolar, Rt. 694, Rt. 607, Rt.
        220 South, Rt. 623, Rt. 220 South, Rt. 621 (McGuffin Rd.) Rt. 39 E to Route 687 (Bacova Rd.), turn around at Rt. 603
        (Richardson Gorge), Rt. 220 South to Bath County High School, Rt. 220 South, Rt. 649 (Mitchelltown Rd. – Grand
        View Dr.) picking up elementary students to Valley Elementary School.
    Bus #22, Beverly Adkins: Pick Up Starting Time 7:15 AM - Rt. 220 South, Rt. 608 (Tinkertown), Rt. 220 North, Rt.
        612 (Ashwood Dr.), Rt. 613 (Forestry Road), Rt. 695, Rt. 697 (Virginia Hill), Rt. 695, Rt. 220 North to Rt. 615 (Hot
        Springs Main Street) to Rt. 617 (Thomastown) turn around at Church, Rt. 220 South to Valley Elementary School, Rt.
        220 North, Rt. 618 (Mitchelltown Rd.-Dunn’s Gap Rd.) picking up high school students to Bath County High School.

Should you have any questions, please contact the school your child will be attending: Bath County High School 839-
2431, Millboro Elementary School 997-5452, or Valley Elementary School 839-5395.
Bell Schedule
Regular Bell Schedule                Activity Bell Schedule           12:30Early
                                                                     12:30  EarlyRelease
                                                                                  Release                   2 Hour Delay

         First Lunch
               Lunch                          First
                                              First Lunch
                                                    Lunch                      First
                                                                               First Lunch
                                                                                     Lunch                      First
                                                                                                                First Lunch
Beginning Bell
            Bell 8:23
                  8:25               Beginning
                                     Beginning Bell
                                                 Bell 8:23
                                                       8:25          Beginning
                                                                      Beginning Bell
                                                                                  Bell 8:23
                                                                                        8:25          Beginning
                                                                                                       Beginning Bell
                                                                                                                   Bell 10:23
Period 1
Period 1          8:27-9:20
                  8:27-9:19          Period 1
                                     Period 1          8:27-9:12
                                                       8:27-9:21     Period  1
                                                                      Period 1          8:27-8:54
                                                                                        8:27-9:04     Period  1
                                                                                                       Period 1          10:27-11:03
Period 22         9:25-10:16
                  9:24-10:16         Period
                                     Period 22         9:17-10:02
                                                       9:25-10:11    Period
                                                                      Period 22         8:57-9:24
                                                                                        9:08-9:42     Period
                                                                                                       Period 22         11:07-11:41
Period 33         10:20-11:11
                  10:21-11:13        Period
                                     Period 33         10:06-10:51
                                                       10:15-11:01   Period
                                                                      Period 33         9:27-9:54
                                                                                        9:46-10:20    Period
                                                                                                       Period 33         11:45-12:19
Period 4
Lunch P4          11:15-12:06
                  11:13-11:43        Period 4
                                     Lunch P4          10:55-11:40
                                                       11:01-11:31   Period  4
                                                                      Lunch P4          9:57-10:24
                                                                                        10:20-10:50   Period  4
                                                                                                       Lunch P4          12:23-12:57
 1st Lunch
Period  5/6       12:10-12:40
                  11:43-12:35         1st Lunch
                                     Period  5/6       11:44-12:14
                                                                              5/6       10:27-10:57
                                                                                                               5/6       1:01-1:31
Period 57/8       12:44-1:35
                  12:40-1:32         Period
                                     Period 57/8       12:18-1:03
                                                       12:20-1:05    Period
                                                                      Period 57/8       11:00-11:30
                                                                                        11:16-11:38   Period
                                                                                                       Period 57/8       1:35-2:09
Period 6
Period 9          1:39-2:30
                  1:37-2:29          Period 6
                                     Period 9          1:07-1:52
                                                       1:09-1:52     Period  6
                                                                      Period 9          11:33-12:00
                                                                                        11:42-12:04   Period  6
                                                                                                       Period 9          2:13-2:47
Period 710        2:34-3:25
                  2:34-3:25          Period
                                     Period 710        1:56-2:41
                                                       1:56-2:40     Period
                                                                      Period 710        12:03-12:30
                                                                                        12:08-12:30   Period
                                                                                                       Period 710        2:51-3:25
                                     ACTIVITY 1        2:45-3:25
          Second Lunch                                                                                          Second Lunch
 Beginning Bell 8:25                                                           Second Lunch            Beginning Bell 10:25
 Period 1Second Lunch
                    8:27-9:19                 Second
                                              Second Lunch
                                                     Lunch            Beginning Bell Lunch
                                                                              Second  8:25             Period 1Second Lunch
 Period 2   Bell   8:23
                    9:24-10:16       Beginning
                                     Beginning Bell
                                                Bell 8:23
                                                     8:25            Beginning
                                                                      Period 1 Bell 8:23
                                                                                      8:27-9:04       Beginning
                                                                                                       Period 2 Bell 10:23
 Period 13         8:27-9:20
                    10:21-11:13      Period
                                     Period 11       8:27-9:12
                                                     8:27-9:21       Period
                                                                      Period 12       8:27-8:54
                                                                                      9:08-9:42       Period
                                                                                                       Period 13         10:27-11:03
Period  2
 Period 4/5        9:25-10:16
                    11:18-12:10      Period 2
                                     Period 2        9:17-10:02
                                                     9:25-10:11      Period  2
                                                                      Period 3        8:57-9:24
                                                                                      9:46-10:20      Period  2
                                                                                                       Period 4/5        11:07-11:41
Period  3
 Lunch P6          10:20-11:11
                    12:10-12:40      Period
                                     Period 33       10:06-10:51
                                                     10:15-11:01     Period
                                                                      Period 34/5     9:27-9:54
                                                                                      10:24-10:46     Period  3
                                                                                                       Lunch P6          11:45-12:19
 Period 47/8       11:15-12:06
                    12:40-1:32       Period
                                     Period 44/5     10:55-11:40
                                                     11:05-11:50     Period  4
                                                                      Lunch P6        9:57-10:24
                                                                                      10:46-11:16     Period
                                                                                                       Period 47/8       12:23-12:57
Period  5
 Period 9          12:10-1:01
                    1:37-2:29        Period 5
                                     Lunch P6        11:44-12:29
                                                     11:50-12:20     Period  5
                                                                      Period 7/8      10:27-10:57
                                                                                      11:16-11:38     Period  5
                                                                                                       Period 9          1:01-1:35
  2nd Lunch
 Period  10        1:05-1:35
                    2:34-3:25         2nd Lunch
                                     Period  7/8     12:33-1:03
                                                                              9       11:00-11:30
                                                                                                               10        1:39-2:09
Period 6           1:39-2:30         Period
                                     Period 69       1:07-1:52
                                                     1:09-1:52       Period
                                                                      Period 610      11:33-12:00
                                                                                      12:08-12:30     Period 6           2:13-2:47
Period 7Third Lunch2:34-3:25         Period 7
                                     Period 10       1:56-2:41
                                                     1:56-2:40       Period 7         12:03-12:30     Period 7 Third Lunch
 Beginning Bell 8:25                 ACTIVITY
                                     ACTIVITY 1      2:45-3:25
                                                     2:44-3:25                                         Beginning Bell 10:25
 Period 1           8:27-9:19                                                Third Lunch               Period 1          10:27-11:11
                   st                45 min Classes                  27 min Classes
                                                                      Beginning Bell 8:25             34  min Classes
                                                                                                       Period 2       (1   36 min)
51 min  Classes
 Period 2       (1    53 min)
                                     4 min Passing                   3Period
                                                                       min Passing                    4 min Passing
  min Passing
         3     (5 min   after 1st)
                    10:21-11:13               Third Lunch                    1       8:27-9:04         Period 3          11:55-12:31
                                     40 min Activity
 Period 4/5         11:18-12:10      Beginning Bell   8:25           Period 2         9:08-9:42        Period 4/5        12:35-1:10
 Period 6/7         12:15-1:07       Period 1         8:27-9:21      Period 3         9:46-10:20       Period 6/7       1:14-1:49
 Lunch P8           1:07-1:37        Period 2         9:25-10:11     Period 4/5       10:24-10:46      Lunch P8          1:49-2:19
 Period 9           1:37-2:29        Period 3         10:15-11:01    Period 6/7       10:50-11:12      Period 9          2:19-2:52
 Period 10          2:34-3:25        Period 4/5       11:05-11:50    Lunch P8         11:12-11:42      Period 10         2:56-3:25
                                     Period 6/7       11:54-12:39    Period 9         11:42-12:04
Four Minute Passing Times            Lunch P8         12:39-1:09     Period 10        12:08-12:30
                                     Period 9         1:09-1:52
No bells will ring during            Period 10        1:56-2:40
lunches. Teachers are to             ACTIVITY 1       2:44-3:25
dismiss students to lunch
and class according to the
above schedules.


Every student has a right to educational opportunities that will enable the student to develop his or her fullest potential. Regular
school attendance is a critical factor for academic success. Consistent school attendance has a positive correlation with academic
success and eventually graduating from high school. Since school is a partnership, parents are expected to make sure their children
attend school on a regular basis. Students at the Secondary level must earn 140 clock hours to be awarded course credit in accordance
with the Code of Virginia.

Good school attendance requires cooperation among parents, teachers, students, and administrators. Parents are expected to contact
the school by 10AM if their child is going to be absent from school for any reason. When the student returns to school the parent or
guardian must provide a written note stating the reason for the student’s absence. Parents or guardians will be notified by telephone
whenever a student does not attend school and the school is not aware of the reason for the absence.

Time lost from class for any reason represents a significant loss of educational opportunity for all students. The primary objective of
Bath County Schools School Attendance Guidelines is to establish minimum attendance requirements to ensure the academic success
of every student and adhere to the Code of Virginia.

Student Attendance Policy
Student attendance is a cooperative effort and the School Board involves parents and students in accepting the responsibility for good

Each parent/guardian or person having control or charge of a child within the compulsory attendance age shall be responsible for such
child’s regular and punctual attendance at school as required under provisions of the law.

All absences shall be identified as documented (note/excuse received) or not documented (no note/excuse received). Each student
should present to the main office documentation within 2 days of the absence.

Absences, check-ins, or checkouts for any of the reasons listed below shall not contribute to the maximum number of absences
allowed by this policy.
    1. state mandated testing or other school/division testing programs;
    2. school-sponsored field trips or activities;
    3. all VHSL activities;
    4. late bus or buses which fail to run;
    5. conference with guidance counselor, administrator, or other related staff members;
    6. involuntary court appearance (copy of court order or subpoena required);
    7. death in the family or household (verification may be required);
    8. religious holidays (verification may be required);
    9. College/Technical School visits (letter from Admissions office required)

Absences, check-ins, and checkouts for reasons other than those listed above shall contribute to the total absences allowed by this
policy. For the purpose of record keeping in attendance at the secondary level, three (3) check-ins and/or checkouts shall be equal to
one (1) absence towards the maximum number allowed. Any excessive check-ins, checkouts, or patterns of absences may result in a
review of the attendance plan.

A student is considered Present if he/she:
    1. reports to the classroom or other approved area at the time of the tardy bell
    2. attends a school sponsored event

A student is considered Tardy if he/she:
    1. reports to school after 8:27
    2. reports to class after the tardy bell

A student is considered Absent if he/she:
    1. does not report to school
    2. checks in late missing a class period or periods
    3. fails to report to class (skipping) class during the class period
    4. checks out early missing a class period or periods

*Period absence is more than 25 minutes missed (1/2 class)

Students and their parents/guardians shall be notified in writing by the principal or the principal’s designee when a student’s total
absences in any courses have accumulated to the following levels:
 Five (5) Absences:
    1. A five-day notification letter
    2. Conference with parent/guardian (s) and student

Ten (10) Absences:
      1. A 10-day notification letter
      2. Conference with parent/guardian(s) and student
      3. Driving privileges will be revoked
      4. Beginning of documentation of referral to Juvenile Court

Fifteen (15) Absences:
     1. A 15-day notification letter
     2. Credit review meeting with parent/guardian(s) and student
     3. Referral to Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court

Day 16: When a student’s total absences exceed sixteen (16) days and parents/guardians shall be notified in writing of loss of
credit and of the credit review process to create and initiate a plan for potentially avoiding a loss of credit if necessary.

Credit Review/Recovery Process
Upon notification of a student’s excessive absenteeism and possible loss of credit, the school administrator (principal or designee) will
initiate a credit review team meeting to discuss the circumstances of the student’s absences and any supportive documentation. If the
credit review team determines that an application for an attendance waiver is warranted, the waiver must be submitted within 10 days
of the 15th absence. The waiver application must include a recovery plan that verifies that the student possesses the requisite content
knowledge required to demonstrate mastery of the course. The application for waiver and recovery plan must be submitted to and
approved by the superintendent.
Failure to follow-through on any required stipulations will result in a loss of credit for affected courses. Decisions made by the
building principal may be appealed to the Superintendent.

Report for Suspension of Driver’s License
In addition to any other actions taken pursuant to this policy, if a student who is under 18 years of age has 10 or more unexcused
absences from school on consecutive school days, the principal may notify the juvenile and domestic relations court, which may act to
suspend the student’s driver’s license.

Dismissal Precautions
Principals do not release a student during the school day to any person not authorized by the student’s parent/guardian to assume
responsibility for the pupil. Students are released only on request and authorization of parent or guardian. The superintendent
establishes procedures for release of pupils who are not residing with or under the supervision of a parent/guardian. The burden of
proof on the authority of the person to receive the student is on the requesting party. A formal check-out system is maintained in each

Make-up work
   1. Please be aware that teachers adjust their lesson plans according to proper pacing of class progress; therefore, it is difficult to
      collect make-up work the same day of a student’s absence. Students are responsible for collecting their make-up work upon
   2. If you anticipate a student missing three (3) or more days due to viruses, injuries, surgeries, etc., please call the Guidance
      office before 9:00AM on the 3rd day to request make-up work. All make-up work-up should be picked up that afternoon
      before 4:30PM.
   3. Students have five (5) days to make up work without penalty.
   4. The building administrator may make exceptions for extenuating circumstances (Example: hospitalization).

Checking in
   Any student arriving late should:
    Report to the office, sign-in and turn in a note from a parent/guardian, doctor, dentist, or other professional appointment. No
       notes will be accepted two days after the absence.
    All students must obtain an admit slip before going to class.

    Dabney S. Lancaster Community College Governor School Students must check in at the guidance office immediately upon
         arriving in order to be counted present.
        Student drivers need to remember that driving is a privilege and excessive absences will not be tolerated.
               After 6 tardies student drivers will lose their parking passes for 5 days
               After 12 tardies student drivers will lose their parking passes for 10 days
               After 24 tardies student drivers will lose their parking passes indefinitely.

Checking out
   Any student leaving early should:
    Present a note to the office prior to 8:40AM in the morning. Parents must write a note in the morning for all anticipated
       early dismissals.
    Student Drivers may check out younger siblings with written parent permission.
    Anyone picking up a student must be 18 years of age and will be required to come to the main office for check out. Please
       have your driver’s license ready to check the student. Students will not be permitted to meet the individual picking them up
       outside the building.
    Parental permission is required for all students to check out.

    The school reserves the right to ask for identification from any person checking out a student. It is the responsibility of parents to
    ensure that students do not ride home with others than those designated in writing. Students waiting for transportation should
    wait in the office. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.

Bath County High School is a closed campus. All visitors will be required to enter the building through the front or courtyard
entrance and come directly to the main office to sign in. All visitors will be required to present a photo ID or driver’s license.
Unknown persons or those who cannot produce proper identification will be asked to leave school property. The following
individuals may also be asked to leave the property:
      Anyone whose purpose is unclear of has not legitimate reason for visiting the school
      Any parents/guardians without custodial rights
      Individuals who are not listed on emergency care forms
      Minors who are not students of BCHS who does not have a legitimate reason.
      Students may not bring guests to school.
      Students who are suspended or expelled are not allowed on campus anytime during the suspension or expulsion.
      Students who have dropped out are not allowed on campus at any time while school is in session and risk being charged with

TRESPASSING (BCPS Policy KK; Revised 6/24/08)
Anyone, including students, who enters a school at nighttime without the consent of an authorized person except to attend an approved
meeting or service or who enters or remains on any school property, including school buses, in violation of (i) any direction to vacate
the property by an authorized individual or (ii) any posted notice which contains such information, posted at a place where it
reasonably may be seen may be prosecuted Unauthorized persons who fail to leave the school grounds or school activity as requested
will be considered trespassers. The School Board authorizes the superintendent to take all necessary actions regarding the safety, order
and preservation of the educational environment on School Board property or at school division sponsored activities. Law
enforcement may be called to enforce this policy.

Our goal is for students to enjoy successful school experiences at BCHS. We hold high expectations for our students and we welcome
the opportunity to work cooperatively with parents/guardians as we maintain quality programs and seek to make needed
improvements. The support of family and the community is important to school success, and parents and guardians are encouraged to
take an active role in their children's education.

        Parents/guardians are encouraged to call teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators to ask questions, share concerns,
         and make suggestions at any time. They are strongly encouraged to call or schedule appointments with their child's teachers
         to discuss individual student progress or specific student concerns. If a parent/guardian would like to contact an individual
         teacher, please call the main office and leave a message for the teacher, please do not call teachers at home.
        Non-custodial Parents/Guardians as specified by the Code of Virginia and the Family Education Rights Privacy Act
         (FERPA), non-custodial parents have the full rights as parents for access to student records and for participating in school
         activities, “unless otherwise ordered by the court for good cause shown." It is the responsibility of the custodial parent to
         provide documentation of any restrictions on a non-custodial parent. Duplicate copies of report cards and other written
         communication will be made available to the non-custodial parents upon their requests. If a person not known to school
         officials attempts to contact or pick up a child at school, a photo ID and other verification of identity/relationship to a student
         (including confirmation with the custodial parent) may be required before releasing the student.
If a student or parent/guardian has a concern about a school policy or an employee, they are strongly encouraged to contact the staff
member with whom they have a complaint to discuss the problem as quickly as possible. If either person feels the need of include a
third party, or they are unable to resolve the problem, they should contact the school principal.

Each BCHS staff member has an email address. Email addresses, along with other useful information related to school activities, may
be found on the BCHS website To receive these messages, please make certain that your
phone and email contact information is up-to-date in our PowerSchool system

Each teacher also has an individual webpage to allow students and parents to access to each teacher's individual calendar of due dates
for homework assignments, projects, etc. These calendars will also list other important dates such as test/quiz dates, field trip
information, etc. Homework/projects will be posted as they are assigned; test/quiz dates will be posted as they are announced to the

Parents/guardians will also have access to their child's school information and progress electronically through Parent Portal available
from the BCHS website. Through a secure connection over the Internet, authorized parents/guardians will be able to view and
monitor their child's attendance, assignments, class schedule and grades. Student information is available in “real time” for parent to
view as soon as it is posted by teachers. This powerful database and encourages communication between the school and home. More
immediate access to student records provides the means for teachers and parents/guardians to work together to better address the
instructional needs of our students and to keep them on track for success in school. Teachers will do their best to grade assignments
and post grades/update their gradebooks weekly. A blank space in the gradebook indicates that the assignment has not yet been
graded or posted. A zero in the grade book means that the assignment wasn’t turned or the student earned a zero.

Interim Progress Reports will be provided at 4.5 week in a 9 week grading period and will no longer be mailed home. If a
parent/guardian does not have access to a computer with an Internet connection, they may request a hard copy of their child's progress
report from guidance.

Student fees including class/club dues, any monies owed from the prior year, and parking pass fees can be collected during
orientation, open house, and the first few days of school. Students who plan on driving to school will be required to register their cars
and purchase a parking pass for $25.00. Any student who is encumbered may not apply for a parking permit until his/her debt is

                                                 BATH COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL
                                                STUDENT DRIVER INFORMATION

Students who choose to drive to school are reminded that the permission to drive to school is a privilege that may be revoked if
rules and procedures are not followed. Student driver procedures are established with the safety of all students in mind.

Only students who hold a valid Driver’s License may apply for a permit to park a vehicle in the BCHS student parking lot with parent

Parking permits are issued by the Principal. The cost of a parking permit as established by the Bath County School Board is $25.00.
This amount entitles a student with a completed application to receive a parking permit. Students that begin driving second semester
will pay $12.50.

All student vehicles parked in the student parking lot shall have a valid registration as required by the State of Virginia and display the
required parking tag on the backside of the car’s rearview mirror.

The vehicle’s owner needs to understand that school officials have the right to search the vehicle if there is reasonable suspicion to
believe that the student has a prohibited substance, weapon, or any other dangerous or illegal item in the vehicle. This applies while
the vehicle is on school property and at any school sponsored event on or off school property. (BCPS Policy JFG)

Student drivers will be required to leave by turning right from the North (or upper) exit of the parking lot. Upon arrival to school,
vehicles are to be vacated immediately and are not to be entered, without administrative/faculty permission, until the student is ready
to depart from school. No student driver should transport any other student to and from school without prior written permission from
the parent/legal guardian of both the driver and passenger.

Students are not permitted to ride in the back of a pick-up truck, spin tires on school grounds, or turn audio systems to a level deemed
disruptive to an orderly arrival or dismissal from school.

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