SCHOOL SAFETY POLICY - Prospectus Novus School

Page created by Timothy Schneider
SCHOOL SAFETY POLICY - Prospectus Novus School

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SCHOOL SAFETY POLICY - Prospectus Novus School

1.       Title of this policy                                                       5
2.       Effcetive date                                                             5
3.       Date of the next review                                                    5
4.       Revision history                                                           5
5.       Definitions and acronyms                                                   5
5.1      Definitions                                                                5
5.2      Acronyms                                                                   10
6.       Preamble                                                                   11
7.       Purpose of this policy                                                     12
8.       Objectives of the policy                                                   12
9.       Scope of applicability                                                     12
10.      Legislative framework                                                      12
11.      Create a safe school environment                                           13
11.1     Access to Public School premises                                           13
11.2     Weapons and Drug Free Public School                                        15
11.3     Buildings, Grounds and Infrastructure                                      16
11.4     Control of learners: late coming, during breaks, in cases of early departure
         and pick up/drop off points.                                                16
11.5     Child Protection and Care                                                  18
11.6     School Activities                                                          18
11.7     Important Considerations to Promote School Safety                          19
12.      Management of threats to school safety                                     20
12.1     School Violence                                                            20
12.2     Bullying                                                                   20
12.3     Gangsterism                                                                21
12.4     Abuse and Sexual Abuse                                                     21
12.5     Initiation Practices                                                       22
12.6     Confidentiality                                                            22
12.7     Occupational Health and Safety                                             22
12.7.1   Minimum Contents of Emergency First Aid Box                                23
12.8     Allocation of Duty to Educators                                            23
13.      Coordinating structure for school safety at school level                   24
13.1     Composition of the School Safety Team                                      25
13.2     Roles and Responsibilities                                                 25
13.2.1   Principal                                                                  25
13.2.2   School Governing Body Rep                                                  25
13.2.3   School Safety Officer                                                      26
13.2.4   Educator Rep                                                               26
13.2.5   RCL Rep                                                                    26

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SCHOOL SAFETY POLICY - Prospectus Novus School
13.2.6 Peer Mediators                                                               27
13.2.7 Support Staff                                                                27
13.3   COVID-19 Committee                                                           27
14.    Reporting and accountability                                                 27
15.    Performance management                                                       28

During COVID-19 pendemic:

16.    The role of schools in responding to COVID-19                                28
16.1   Steps to prevent the sopread of COVID-19 in a school                         29
16.2   Roles and responsibilities of the SMT, SGBs and staff                        30
17.    Access control for parents and third parties                                 31
18.    Key condiderations for supporting specific learner needs                     32
19.    Personal hygiene                                                             34
20     Food preparation and serving                                                 35
21.    Physical distancing                                                          37
22.    Ventilation                                                                  38
23.    Wearing a mask                                                               38
24.    Personal protective equipment                                                41
25.    Management of COVID-19 cases in a school                                     42
26.    Steps to be followed to manage COVID-19 in schools                           46
27.    Environmental disinfection                                                   50
28.    Consideration for the closure of schools                                     51
29.    Management of COVID-19 in school hostels and diningrooms                     52
30.    Considirations for keeping a school open after dismissal of learners         55
31.    Provision of therapeutic support                                             56
32.    Management of assistive devices                                              69
33.    Learner transport                                                            72
33.1   Loading capacity of learner transport and hygiene                            72
33.2   Embarking of learners in the vehickles                                       72
34     Providing emotional support to learners, teachers and non-teaching staff 73
34.1   What to do before schools reopen                                             73
34.2   What to do when schools reopen                                               73
34.3   How to identify when someone needs help                                      73
34.4   What is the purpose to follow if a learner or staff member is identified with one
       or more of the above signs?                                                   74
34.5   What are the whole school activities to use?                                 74
34.6   Sources of psychological support                                             74
35.    Learners not returning to school                                             75
36.    Communication with the school community                                      75
37.    Prosedures to be followed by educators and learners during COVID-19
       (See annexure G)
38.    Short title                                                                  77
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SCHOOL SAFETY POLICY - Prospectus Novus School
39.   Approval                                            78


            DURING COVID-19

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1.   TITLE OF THE POLICY                : School Safety Policy of Prospectus Novus

2.   EFFECTIVE DATE                     : 8 June 2020

3.   DATE OF NEXT REVIEW                : 10 March 2021

     As amended on: (Specify date/s)
     4.1    4 June 2020
     4.2     16 September 2020

     5.1        Definitions
     Term                     Explanation
                              Means unjust or unwanted practice e.g physical,
     Abuse                    emotional, verbal or sexual abuse including victimization
                              or ill treatment.
                              Refers to any written or other visual communication,
                              verbal communication, or physical act, gesture or
                              omission engaged to creating a substantial and
                              justifiable risk of creating a threat of or with the natural
                              result of an undesirable consequence. Bullying includes
                              initiation practice as well as the use of technology such as
                              the internet, Mxit thus manifesting into what is now
                              commonly referred to as cyber bullying.
                              Refers to any person who teaches, educates or trains
                              other persons at an education institution or assists in
                              rendering education services or education auxiliary or
                              support services provided by or in an education
                              department. It means anyone defined in terms of the
                              Employment of Educators Act.(Eof E.A)
                              Means wagering of money or something of material value
     Gambling                 referred to as the “stakes” on an event with an uncertain
                              outcome with the primary intent of winning additional

                                                                                      Page 5
Term                Explanation
                    money and/or material goods.
                    Refer to organized groups involved in drug and weapon
Gangs               trafficking and money laundering within which school
                    violence can take root and grow
                    Means to make repeated attacks or behave in an
                    unpleasant or threatening way towards someone.
Injury              means physical harm or damage
                    Means any event which is not part of the standard
Incidents           operation of a service and which causes or may cause an
                    interruption to, or a reduction in, the quality of that service
                    Refers to any person enrolled in an education institution
                    as defined in the South African Schools Act.
                    Infectious disease that has spread across a large region,
Pandemic            for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a
                    substantial number of people.
                    Means the parent or guardian of a learner or the person
                    legally entitled to custody of a learner.
Rape                Means forced unwanted sexual intercourse.
School              means Prospectus Novus School
                    Refers to any activity organized by the school as defined
School activity
                    in the South African Schools Act
                    Means Sexual Harassment in any form of unwanted
                    conduct of a sexual nature and can include physical,
                    verbal or non-verbal behaviour.
                    A set of non-pharmaceutical interventions or measures
                    taken to prevent the spread of a contagious disease by
Social Distancing   maintaining a physical distance between people and
                    reducing the number of times people come into close
                    contact with each other.
                    Means a child who stays away from school without leave
                    or explanation.
                    Means any act or omission which may result in damage
                    or harm to property.
                    Means behaviour that is intended to hurt other people
                    Means a thing designed or used or usable for inflicting
Weapons             bodily harm and defined as undesirable in the South
                    African Schools Act.

                                                                            Page 6
Contamination: the presence of any potentially infectious
                  agent on items such as environmental surfaces, clothing,
Contamination     bedding, surgical instruments or dressings, or other
                  inanimate articles or substances including water,
                  medications and food.
                  A process for rendering medical or other devices safe for
                  re-use on the same or another patient. It includes thorough
                  cleaning, and disinfection or sterilisation depending on the
                  device’s heat tolerance. Disinfection is a part of
                  decontamination and these two terms should not be used

                  An individual with confirmed COVID-19 can stop isolation
                  precautions and return to school or work 10 days after the
                  positive test and once there is no fever or other COVID-19

                  A synthetic cleansing agent that can emulsify and suspend
                  oil. Contains surfactant or a mixture of surfactants with
Detergent         cleaning properties in dilute solutions to lower surface
                  tension and aid in the removal of organic soil and oils, fats
                  and greases. Effective against coronaviruses.

                  Direct/close contact: Staff or learner(s) who have been in
Direct/close      contact with an individual with confirmed COVID-19 for
contact           more than 15 minutes within 1 meter without a mask, face
                  shield or face covering.

                  Chemical compounds that inactivate (i.e. kill) pathogens
                  and other microbes. Disinfectants are applied only to
                  inanimate objects. All organic material and soil must be
                  removed by a cleaning product before application of
                  disinfectants. Some products combine a cleaner with a

                  Disinfection: a thermal or chemical process for inactivating
                  microorganisms on inanimate objects.

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All equipment and rooms that individuals who have
                  confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis have been in contact with,
Environmental     during the preceding three (3) days, should be identified
decontamination   for appropriate cleaning. Following a thorough cleaning,
                  surfaces must be wiped, not sprayed, with disinfectants as

                  Dispersing a liquid chemical disinfectant to disinfect
                  environmental surfaces in an enclosed space. Fogging is
                  sometimes indicated in a health facility after an infectious
                  patient with a highly resistant pathogen (e.g. C difficile),
                  has been discharged and terminal cleaning has been
                  completed. Fogging is to be carried out in a completely
                  empty room with no humans, furniture or obstruction. The
                  room is ready for use after a couple of hours, depending
                  on the contact time. Fogging is NOT recommended for

                  A period during which someone who is confirmed to have
                  COVID-19 is separated from healthy people. The period
                  ends after 10 days, or once they have no symptoms.
                  Isolation can be involuntary if demanded by the State.

                  Time the individual with confirmed COVID-19 was present
Period of
                  in the school while in the infectious period as determined
                  by the following:

                  For an individual with confirmed COVID-19 who has
                  symptoms: the infectious period begins 48 hours prior to
                  symptom onset and lasts until eight (8) days after
                  symptom onset.
                  For an individual with confirmed COVID-19 with no
                  o Where the source of infection is unknown, the infectious
                  period may be regarded as commencing 48 hours before
                  the date of the sample, to eight (8) days after the sample
                  was taken.

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o Where the source of infection is known, the infectious
                   period can be estimated based on a minimum incubation
                   period of 2 days following exposure.

                   A period during which someone, who has been exposed to
                   a person who is confirmed to have COVID-19, is
                   separated from healthy people and observed for the
                   development of symptoms of COVID-19. This is currently
                   fourteen (14) days in the case of COVID-19. Quarantine
                   can be involuntary if demanded by the State.

                   The regular cleaning (and disinfection, when indicated) of
Routine cleaning   the area to remove organic material, minimise microbial
                   contamination and provide a visually

                   The frequency of cleaning is determined by indication, but
                   should be at least twice a day, and more often for
                   frequently touched surfaces.

                   An individual who either has COVID-19 or has been
                   exposed to a person with COVID-19 and voluntarily
                   selects to separate themselves from other healthy people.
                   During self-isolation, the individual should not go out,
                   should wear a mask in the home, and have separate living
                   and ablution facilities, where possible.

                   When a staff member or learner appears ill or display
Suspected          symptoms consistent with COVID-19, based on the
COVID-19           symptom screen/NICD case definition, but either not
                   tested or awaiting SARS-CoV-2 test result.

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Cleaning and disinfection after the patient is discharged or
                      transferred and includes the entire healthcare area. This
                      does not apply to an office area or a gym or school or
                      other workspace, where deep cleaning has no place. The
                      removal of organic material and significant reduction and
cleaning (deep
                      elimination of microbial contamination to ensure that there
                      is no transfer of microorganisms to the next patient. The
                      room can be occupied as soon as terminal cleaning is
                      completed and ready to accept the next patient.

5.2        Acronyms

 BCEA            Basic Conditions of Employment Act
 COVID-19        Coronavirus Disease of 2019
 DBE             Department of Basic Education
 DPSA            Department of Public Service and Administration
 DSSC            District School Safety Committee
 HOD             Head of Department of Education
 ID              Identity Document
 MEC             Member of Executive Council for Education
 NDoH            National Department of Health
 NICD            NATIONAL Institute for Communicable Diseases
 NSNP            School Nutrition Programme
 OHSA            Occupational Health and Safety Act
 PAM             Personnel Administrative Measures
 PED             Provincial Education Department
 PPE             Personal Protective Equipment
 PS Staff        Public Service Staff
 PUI             Person under investigation
 SADAG           SA Depression and Anxiety Group
                 South African National Council for Alcoholism And Drug
 SAPS            South African Police Services

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SBST             School Based Support Team
   SGB              School Governing Body
   SMT              School Management Team
   SACE             South African Council for Educators
   SOP              Standard Operating Procedures
   WHO              World Health Organisation
   COVID-19         Coronavirus disease 2019
   DBE              Department of Basic Education
   DoH              Department of Health
   DPSA             Department of Public Service and Administration
   DSD              Department of Social Development
   EOC              Emergency Operations Centre
   ISHP             Integrated School Health Programme
   ISHT             Integrated School Health Team
   NDoH             National Department of Health
   NICD             National Institute for Communicable Diseases
   NSNP             National School Nutrition Programme
   OHSA             Occupational Health and Safety Act
   PED(s)           Provincial Education Department(s)
   PHEIC            Public Health Emergency of International Concern
                    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
   SBST(s)          School-Based Support Team(s)
   SGB              School Governing Body
   SMT(s)           School Management Team(s)
   SOP(s)           Standard Operating Procedure(s)
   WHO              World Health Organization

  6.1     School violence and substance abuse takes place throughout the world;
          in South Africa this phenomenon is manifesting itself through gang
          violence, weapons in school, sexual violence, bullying, assault, theft and
          robbery. School violence affects all schools irrespective of location.
  6.2     In the light of the above, it is imperative for schools to develop a school
          safety    policy, with thorough plans and data collection tools to enable
          them to pro-actively deal with and better manage threats to school
  6.3     Through this policy, Prospectus Novus School intends to:
           a) Place the issue of school safety at the top of the agenda of all
           b) Adopt a zero–tolerance approach to all perpetrators of any form of
               school violence, gangsterism, substance abuse and bullying,
           c) Ensure that all incidences of school violence, gangsterism,
               substance abuse and bullying must be reported by all stakeholders
               to school authorities and the police services once they become
                                                                             Page 11
d) Ensure that there is appropriate support for the victim and victim
                 empowerment and
              e) Ensure that abuse is managed with care, sensitivity and
                 confidentiality to mitigate against secondary abuse.

 7.1        The overall purpose of the policy is to ensure that the school is safe for
             all and that effective measures are employed to address issues related
             to discipline, drugs, dangerous objects, violence, bullying, rape,
             assault, sexual abuse, theft and robbery.

  8.1       To promote a safe school environment and declare the school as a
             Violence and Drug free zone,
  8.2       To put in place measures for the prevention of violence, rape, abuse,
            assault, bullying and gangsterism,
  8.3       To put in place structures to co-ordinate School Safety Programmes and
  to        sustain gains made,
  8.4       To clearly set out the roles and responsibilities of the various
            stakeholders in the pursuit of a safe school environment,
  8.5       To put in place clear protocols for the recording, reporting and
            management of incidents.

  9.1       This policy applies to all learners, staff members (CS and PS) and
            governing body of Prospectus Novus School and
  9.2       Matters related to the Occupational Health and Safety Act are excluded
            from the application of this policy.

   10.1 The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act No. 108 of
            1996), as amended.
       10.2 The South African Schools Act, 1996(Act No. 84 of 1996), as amended.
            (Regulations for the Safety Measures at Public Schools, Government
            Notice No. 1040 October 2001 as amended).
       10.3 Employment of Educators Act, 1998 (Act No 76 of 1998), as amended.
       10.4 South African Council of Educators, 2000 (Act No 31 of 2000), as
       10.5 Control of Access to Public Premises and Vehicles, 1985 (Act No 53 of

                                                                                  Page 12
10.6 Fire Arms Control Act, 2000(Act No 60 of 2000).
    10.7 Child Care Amendment Act, 1996 (Act No. 96 of 1996).
    10.8 Children’s Act, 2005 (Act No 38 of 2005)
    10.9 Children’s Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No 41 of 2007)
    10.10 Sexual Offences Act, 2007 (Act No 32 of 2007).
    10.11 Public Service Act, 1994 (Act No of 103 of 1994), as amended.
    10.12 Drugs and drugs trafficking Act, 1992 (Act No 140 of 1992).
    10.13 Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Sexual Violence &
           Harassment in Public Schools, 2008.
    10.14 Guidelines and Procedure for Dealing with Suspected and Confirmed
           Cases of Child Abuse.
    10.15 The Standard Operating Procedures for the Prevention, Containment
           and Management of COVID-19 in Schools and School Communities –
           April 2020
    10.16 Coronavirus Orientation Guidelines for Schools
    10.17 DBE Guidelines on maintaining hygiene during COVID-19 pandemic
    10.18 The contextualisation of COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures in
           Special Schools
    10.19 Prospectus Novus School COVID-19 Policy
    10.20 General Notice No 412, 2020
    10.21 Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997, as amended
    10.22 national Disaster Management Act No 57, 2002, as amended
    10.23 DBE Circular 1, 2020
    10.24 Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993, as amended
    10.25 Public Service Regulation 51 of the Public Service Regulation, 2016
    10.26 Determination and Directive on Leave of absence in the Public Service

    11.1 Access to Public School premises
         a)   The SGB will ensure that clear signage is present throughout the
               school property, indicating that:
              (i) anyone entering the school does so at their own risk,
              (ii) anyone entering the school may be subjected to search,
              (iii) no drugs, alcohol, guns or weapons permitted, and
              (iv) unlicensed drivers will not be permitted to drive vehicles on the
                    school property.
         b)   During the school day all school gates must be locked and
              access to the school must be controlled by the appointed
               security officer.

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c)   All visitors to the school must complete the necessary
     documentation at the security officer. The completed slip
     must be handed in at the main office / applicable staff member
     for a signature before leaving the premises.
d)   The signed visitor slip must be handed back to the security
      officer on departure.
e)   Parents have a right to visit the school attended by their child,
     provided that the visit does not disrupt any school activities and is
     done with the permission of the Principal. Except for emergency
     situations, it is preferred that parents visit schools on an
     appointment basis.
f)   According to the “Regulations for Safety Measures at Public
     Schools, 2001,” “No person shall without the permission of the
     principal or HOD, enter into any public school premises. The HOD
     or Principal of any public school may take such steps that he or
     she may consider necessary for the safeguarding of the public
     school, as well as for the protection therein.”
g)   Any visitor to the school, including parents, may be required to:
     (i) Furnish his or her name, address and any other relevant
         information required by the principal or HOD;
     (ii) Produce proof of his or her identity to the satisfaction of the
         principal or HOD if necessary;
     (iii) Declare whether he or she has any dangerous object or illegal
         drugs in his or her possession or custody or under his or her
     (iv) Declare and show what the contents are of any vehicle,
         suitcase, attaché case, bag, handbag, folder, envelope, parcel
         or container of any nature which he /she has in his / her
         possession or custody or under his / her control;
     (v) subject himself or herself and anything which he or she has in
         his or her possession or custody or under his or her control to
         a search by a person of the same gender, an examination by
         an electronic device, sniffer dogs or other apparatus in order to
         determine the presence of any dangerous object or illegal
         drug; and
     (vi) Hand to the principal or HOD anything which he or she has in
         his or her possession or custody or under his or her control for
         examination or custody until he or she leaves the premises.
h)   The “Regulations for Safety Measures at Public Schools, 2001”
      allows the principal or HOD to remove any person, any time from
      any public school premises if:
                                                                    Page 14
(i) That person enters the public school premises concerned
                   without the permission of the Principal, and
             (ii) The principal, SGB or HOD considers it necessary for the
                   safeguarding of the public school premises concerned or for
                   the protection of the people thereon.
        i)   Any person who contravenes the above mentioned measures may
             be removed from the public school premises, with the assistance
             of SAPS.
       j)    During the COVID-19 pandemic measures mentioned in 16.1 –
             16.7 will be applicable.

11.2   Weapons and Drug Free Public School
       a)    Prospectus Novus School is a drug free and dangerous object free
       b)    No person may:
             (i)    Carry any dangerous object in the school premises;
             (ii) Store any dangerous object in the school premises except in
                   the officially designated places identified by the principal;
             (iii) Possess illegal drugs on the school premises;
             (iv) Enter the school premises while under the influence of an
                   illegal drug or alcohol;
             (v) Cause any form of violence or disturbances which can
                   negatively impact on the school activities;
             (vi) wittingly condone, connive, hide, abet, encourage possession
                    of dangerous objects or refuse, fail, neglect to report the
                    sighting or presence of any dangerous objects to the
                    departmental authorities or the police as soon as possible;
             (vii) Directly or indirectly cause harm to anyone, who exposes
                    another person who makes an attempt to frustrate the
                    prevention of the dangerous objects and activities
       c)    The principal or his delegate may, at random, search any learner
             or a group of learners or the property of a learner or group of
             learners, for any dangerous object or illegal drug, if a fair and
             reasonable suspicion has been established. Such a search must
             be done in accordance with Section 8A of SASA.
       d)    The principal or his delegate may at random administer urine or
             other non-invasive test to any group of learners that is on fair and
             reasonably suspected of using illegal drugs only under conditions
             laid down in SASA.

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e)      Disciplinary action will be instituted against a learner or anyone
               who contravene/s the above-mentioned rules.

11.3   Buildings, Grounds and Infrastructure
       a)      The SGB, SMT and Staff will regularly monitor its environment
               (inside and outside the school) with a view to identifying the
               potential dangers and take all reasonable measures to safeguard
               learners and staff.
       b)      The SGB and SMT will make a concerted effort to ensure that a
               preventative maintenance plan is put in place to take care of major
               and minor maintenance.
       c)      The SGB, SMT and staff will take all the necessary steps to ensure
               that a clean, safe and hygienic environment is provided to the
               learners at all times.
       d)      The SGB and SMT will ensure that all minor maintenance such as
               broken window panes, doors, etc are attended to as they occur.
               They will further ensure that major maintenance of the schools will
               be attended to through written submissions to the Department.
       e)      The SGB and SMT will ensure that:
               (i) Any unused furniture/steel frame or broken furniture will be
                   properly stored or disposed of,
               (ii) The school grounds will be maintained by cutting and trimming
                   the grass and trees on a regular basis,
               (iii) Rubbish and litter is properly stored or disposed of, and
               (iv) The school swimming pool is properly secured by a fence and
                   gate or net when not in use.
       f)      No learner is allowed near the swimming pool without the
               supervision of an educator.

11.4   Control of learners: late coming, during breaks, in cases of early
            departure and pick up/drop off points.
       11.4.1      Late coming of learners
                   a) No learner should be locked outside the school for arriving
                   b) In cases where learners arrive late for school, parents/
                       guardians should be informed and they should be dealt
                       with through the learner’s Code of Conduct.
       11.4.2      During breaks
                   a) Learners are not allowed to leave the school premises
                       during break.

                                                                             Page 16
b) In cases where it is necessary for learners to leave the
            school premises, written permission must be provided by
            the Principal.
11.4.3   Early leave of learners at the request of parents/guardians
         a) All requests for early leave must be made in writing by
            parents/guardians. Such requests must be made to the
            Principal’s office.
         b) On admitting a learner to the school, a parent must identify
            in writing who is allowed to collect their child in cases of
            requests for early leave. Parents must review this annually
            or as required, in writing, by the parent registering the child
            at the school.
         c) Persons collecting a learner from the school will be
            requested     to      provide   the   school   with   a   positive
         d) The school will maintain a written record that includes the
            name of the learner, the learner’s grade, the name and ID
            No. of the person checking the learner out, as well as the
            date, time and reason/s for the early leave.
         e) In the case of a dispute between parents, the review of
            person/s who will be allowed to check out learner’s early
            from school will be done on the basis of a court order from
            the parent who has registered the child at the school.

11.4.4   Early dismissal / release

         The school will take reasonable steps to ensure that parents
          are informed in good time if learners are to be released early
          to enable parents to make transport and care – taking

 11.4.5 Pick up/drop off points
         Parents may only pick up/drop off learners at designated

 11.4.6 During the COVID-19 pandemic learners have to assemble on
         the dedicated marks on the sport field.
 11.4.7 Any learner that has to leave the school grounds must be
         accompanied by an educator to the main entrance.

                                                                      Page 17
11.5    Child Protection and Care
       In accordance with the Children’s Act, Prospectus Novus School will
       create an awareness amongst staff members that when a child’s well-
       being: is being threatened, support is not adequate and maltreated,
       abuse, neglected, degraded or exploitation of a child is taking place, the
       said child is deemed to be in need of protection and the relevant
       authorities must be informed. Such a child should be reported to the
       Principal. The Principal must report the matter to the parent (if not a
       perpetrator), SAPS and the Department of Social Development. Note:
       Both suspected and confirmed cases of child abuse must be

11.6    School Activities
        11.6.1     The school will take reasonable measures to ensure the safety
                    of learners during any school activity.
        11.6.2     The school takes reasonable measures to ensure that:
                   (a) If a learner is on medication and will require medication
                      during the course of school activities, the parent has seen
                      to it that the learner has sufficient quantities of the
                      medication for the duration of the school activities;
                   (b) If it is necessary for a learner to carry a doctor’s
                      prescription for medication, the parent has provided the
                      learner and the supervising educator with certified copies of
                      such prescription;
                   (c) A parent is advised to report to the school, in writing, the
                      medical condition of a learner;
                   (d) Before a school activity, the principal provides a
                      supervising educator with a report on the medical condition
                      of a learner; and
                   (e) A parent is informed about any traveling to or through a
                       high risk disease area during the course of the school
        11.6.3     The school will take measures to ensure that, if a learner is
                    injured or falls ill during the course of a school activity and
                    requires medical treatment, the supervising educator:
                   (a) Takes measures to contact the parent of the learner
                        concerned in order to obtain consent for such medical
                        treatment; and
                   (b) Determines whether or not to consent to such medical
                       treatment if he or she is unable to contact the parent of the

                                                                                Page 18
11.6.4   The school will, in writing, supply the detailed information to the
                parent of the learner who will undertake the school activity.
       11.6.5   Immediately after returning from a school activity, the
                supervising educator will submit a report on the school activity,
                to the principal, and the principal must submit the report to the
                Department and to the Chairperson of the SGB.
       11.6.6   The school will only allow learners that have obtained written
                consent from the parent to attend the school activity.
       11.6.7   The school will ensure that if its own vehicle/s are used for
                transporting learners, such vehicle/s has/have insurance and
                roadworthy certificates and the driver/s is/are in possession of
                valid driving licenses and professional driving permits.
       11.6.8   During the COVID-19 pandemic all learners activities in the
                afternoons are strictly prohibited.

11.7   Important Considerations to Promote School Safety
       11.7.1   School Ownership
                Most incidences that threaten school safety can be attributed
                to poor:        management, leadership, supervision and
                accountability. While all school        stakeholders must take
                responsibility for school safety, the school management team
                must lead from the front and constantly be on the lookout for
                possible threats to school safety and minimize/eliminate a
                threat before it manifests itself.

       11.7.2   Partnerships
        (a)     In an attempt to combat violence, crime, drug abuse, carrying
                of dangerous objects, bullying and gangsterism in the school,
                an integrated approach will be taken.
        (b)     The school will work together with the provincial department of
                education, the community; the Department of Community
                Safety, the South African Police Services, the Department of
                Social Development, the Department of Health and the
                Department of Arts and Culture to strengthen the school -
                police - community partnership.
       11.7.3   During the COVID-19 pandemic all stakeholders must follow
                the directions mentioned in 16.1 – 16.7.

                                                                           Page 19

   The stakeholders of the school will endeavour to continuously monitor the
   school environment (internally/externally) to identify potential threats and
   mitigate these risks. The areas below have been identified as areas that
   threaten school safety. Preventative measures are provided here while
   Annexure A provides guidelines of what the Principal should do when a threat
   to school safety occurs.

  12.1   School Violence
         a)    No form of violence committed by one learner on another or a
               teacher on a learner or the learner on the teacher will be tolerated
               at Prospectus Novus School.
         b)    The school is committed to the South African Schools Act, Section
               10 which states that: “No person may administer corporal
               punishment at a school to a learner and if this is contravened such
               a person will be guilty of an offence and liable to a sentence which
               could be imposed for assault.”
         c)    In a similar manner a learner who assaults another learner or a
               teacher will be guilty of an offence. Steps will be taken against
               such a learner to ensure that a sentence is imposed for assault.

  12.2   Bullying
         a) Bullying is outlawed at Prospectus Novus School.
         b) The school adopts a zero tolerance approach to bullying in
              accordance with the Bill of Rights to protect children from
              maltreatment, neglect, abuse or degradation;
         c) The school will train learners, educators and the support staff that
              bullying is everyone’s responsibility and that any Incidents of bullying
              in the school need to be reported, recorded and investigated;
         d) The training will include strategies that can be used to prevent or
              stop bullying such as interaction between learners, discussion
              groups, peer mediation, one-on-one mentoring or the “buddy
              system” where older children look after younger children, bystander
              or spectator support;
         e) The school safety committee will select and train monitors on how to
              identify and monitor incidents of bullying and on how to implement
              the intervention strategies to address the problem such as Installing
              cam coders and telephones in every classroom. This will assist the
              school with viewing any suspicious activity and making emergency
              calls to the police if necessary;
                                                                             Page 20
f)    Every incident of bullying will be dealt with through the Code of
             Conduct, and
       g) The school will conduct background checks with SACE to check the
             suitability of educators and in the case of former teachers check with
             the GDE.

12.3   Gangsterism
            12.3.1 To implement actions against gangs or gangsterism, the
                  (a) At the first suspicion of gangsterism or gang related
                      activities, the relevant school officials will inform the District
                      Office and the police authorities about suspected gang –
                      related activities on or near the school property,
                  (b) The school will enforce the school uniform policy in an
                      attempt to maintain discipline and differentiating visitors
                      from learners in the school, and
                  (c) The school will collaborate with other sectors and
                      departments within the government to achieve success in
                      combating gangs in the schools and the community. These
                      will include civic organisations or associations, religious
                      groups or associations, youth commissions, Childline,
                      Lifeline and the local police.

12.4   Abuse and Sexual Abuse
       12.4.1     The school will implement the Action Strategies against abuse
                  by way of:
                  (a) Urging learners to report any incidence of abuse to the
                      Principal or any staff member that they trust,
                  (b) Staff members will be sensitized to note changes in
                      learner’s behavior and record a learner’s behavioural
                      changes towards classmates, peers and other educators in
                      a record book over a few days or weeks,
                  (c) Where necessary, educators/members may interview peers
                      or classmates, maintaining confidentiality,
                  (d) The School Safety Team will inform learners regularly that,
                      in case of any abuse or rape, what course of action should
                      be followed. The School Safety Team will empower
                      educators to advise learners, in case of sexual abuse/rape
                      on which steps to take to retain the evidence and maintain

                                                                               Page 21
(e) Educating learners about abuse, places to avoid, what to
                    do if abused and where to go for help,
                (f) Educating learners about their rights and where to get
                    counselling and medical attention if abused. The school will
                    teach learners self-defence mechanisms and strategies to
                    build or re-gain their confidence; and
       12.4.2 No pornography is allowed at the school. Any learner, educator
                or support staff member that is caught in possession of
                pornography will be dealt with through the relevant disciplinary
                procedures. The material and the device on which the material
                is displayed will be confiscated by the school.
       12.4.3 The school Code of Conduct does not allow anyone to film
                anything on the school premises without the permission of the

12.5   Initiation Practices
        12.5.1 No initiation practices will be allowed in the school. Any person
                who conducts or participates in initiation practices against a
                learner is guilty of misconduct and disciplinary action will be
                instituted against such a person in accordance with the
                applicable code of conduct
        12.5.2 Any person within the school found subjecting learners to
                initiation practices will be charged with serious misconduct.

12.6   Confidentiality
        The stakeholders must ensure that reported cases and acts of
        intimidation, maltreatment, rape, abuse, neglect, degradation or
        exploitation will be treated with confidentiality.

12.7   Occupational Health and Safety
        (a)     Prospectus Novus School will provide for the health and safety
                of learners in connection with the activities of learners in the
                school premises.
        (b)     The School Safety Team will advise on the emergency
                evacuation procedures, which must be displayed in all offices,
                classrooms and amenities.
        (c)     The school safety officer must ensure that fire extinguishers
                are installed and maintained regularly, (maintenance
                certificates to be filed).

                                                                           Page 22
(d)     Rules for the safe use of chemicals and equipment in the
                             Natural Sciences class as well as for equipment in the
                             Technology class must be displayed in the laboratory.
                     (e)     The school will ensure that first aid kits are fully equipped,
                             utilized and maintained on a regular basis.
                     (f)     There should be First Aid Kit boxes in the main office, sick bay
                             and in specific allocated classes in the Foundation,
                             Intermediate and Senior Phase.
                     (g)     The following list of contents should be kept in the first aid kit
                             and used to ensure that the first aid kit is always replenished:

             12.7.1 Minimum Contents of Emergency First Aid Box

No.   Item                                          No.   Item
                                                          1 roll of elastic adhesive (25mm
1     Wound Cleaner / antiseptic (100 ml)           11
                                                           3 m)
                                                          1 non-allergenic adhesives strips
2     Swabs for cleaning wounds                     12
                                                          (25  3 m)
                                                          1 non-allergenic adhesives
3     Cotton wool for padding                       13
                                                          dressing strips (25mm  3m)
                                                          4 first aid dressings (75 mm 
4     Sterile gauze – minimum quantity 10           14
                                                          100 mm)
                                                          4 first aid dressings (150 mm 
5     1 pair of forceps (for splinters)             15
                                                          200 mm)
      1 pair of scissors (minimum size
6                                                   16    2 straight splints
                                                          2 pairs large and 2 pairs medium
7     1 set of safety pins                          17
                                                          disposable latex gloves
                                                          2 CPR mouth pieces or similar
8     4 triangular bandages                         18
9     4 roller bandages ( 75  5 m)                 19    1 Space blanket
10    4 roller bandages (100 mm  5m)

          12.8    Allocation of Duty to Educators
                  12.8.1     In keeping with the requirements of PAM Chapter A Para 3.1
                             (i)(dd), all educators are expected to perform pastoral duties
                             and therefore be on duty points to monitor learners in toilets,
                             hallways, empty classrooms, at the school gates, in the school
                             grounds as well as scholar patrol.

                                                                                         Page 23
12.8.2 A roster will be developed to facilitate daily monitoring of areas
                      around the school where any form of violence, bullying,
                      substance abuse may take place, and
           12.8.3 An incidence book (Refer to Annexure D) must be maintained
                      daily for the purpose of reporting whether or not anything
                      occurred or not as well as what action was taken in cases
                      where incidents were observed.

    The School Safety Officer together with a School Safety Team shall co–
    ordinate the following:
    (a)    All school safety programmes, including campaigns at the school and
           the displaying of safety signs, including the rights to admission to the
    (b)    Develop a Safety Plan that will outline action plans to counter threats
           of violence; (Refer to Annexure B)
    (c)    Forge partnerships with all relevant government departments at school
           level, including community – based organisations and the school
    (d)    Support learners/educators that are experiencing serious safety
    (e)    Advise DSSC on training programmes to empower stakeholders on
           safety issues in the District,
    (f)    Represent the School on matters relating to safety and give feedback
           to the school safety committee;
    (g)    Monitor the implementation of the safety policy and plans, through:
           (i)        Observation,
           (ii)       Collecting and analysing data and reports on issues that
                      impact on School Safety, and
           (iii)      Reporting timeously to SMT and DSSC on progress with plans,
                      trends and action taken.
    (h)    Together with the SBST:
           (i)        Identify learners at risk and keep their profile, and
           (ii)       Inform the parents of the above learners about the risks facing
                      their children and what actions will be taken by the committee.
    (i)    Identify the hot spot areas in the school for frequent monitoring; and
    (j)    Make the necessary referrals to the relevant stakeholders according to
           the nature of the violence and crime
    (k)    Organise quarterly information sharing meetings with the relevant
                                                                                Page 24
13.1 Composition of the School Safety Team
 Note: In cases where the School already has a committee through the Occupational
  Health and Safety Act, they will continue to operate as the school safety team and the
  composition should, at minimum have the same representation below:

                                       SCHOOL SAFETY TEAM

SCHOOL SAFETY                                 CHAIRPERSON                                  PRINCIPAL
   OFFICER                                      JZ Sukazi                                  JJ Kingma
  A Ackerman

                                                                                    PS STAFF MEMBER
                                                                                      A J v Rensburg
     L Aveling &
      S Kruger                               1 X RCL MEMBER
                                                 M Matlala

 13.2 Roles and Responsibilities
             13.2.1 Principal
             (a)    Must engage in advocacy campaigns to communicate to the public the
                    status of the school safety,
             (b)    Oversee safety matters in the school,
             (c)    Maintain and update the Register of misconduct (Refer to Annexure
             (d)    Report incidents of violence and crime to the relevant stakeholders
                    (i.e. Parent/s, SAPS, District Office and the SGB),
             (e)    Make referrals of incidents of violence and crime to the relevant
             (f)    Serve on the School Safety Team, and
             (g)    Encourage governing body members and parents to participate in
                    community policing forums.

             13.2.2 School Governing Body Rep
             (a)    Chair all meetings of the School Safety Team and in his/her absence
                    delegate the chairpersonship to another member of the team

                                                                                   Page 25
(b)   Develop the school safety policy together with the School Safety
(c)   Promote school-community partnerships.
(d)   Ensure that the School Safety Team is functional.
(e)   Ensure that the School Safety Team is headed by the Safety Officer.
(f)   The chairperson should ensure that the SGB receives activity reports
      from the Safety Team.

13.2.3 School Safety Officer
(a)   An officer at school level who co–ordinates the activities of the School
      Safety Committee,
(b)   Monitor the implementation of the Safety Plan and report to the
       principal on a weekly basis,
(c)   Maintain and update the incident report (Refer to Annexure D),
(d)   Co –ordinate with the permission of the Principal, Searches and
      Seizures as contemplated in section 4(3) of GG No. 22754 of October
(e)   Keep records of all visitors to the school,
(f)   Organise School Safety meetings as determined by the School Safety
(g)   Mobilise Community structures to assist the school to be Violence
      free, Drug free, Gun free and Crime free, and
(h)   To co-operate with police stations to ensure visible policing during all
      sporting and cultural events at the school.

13.2.4 Educator Rep
(a)   Safeguard the safety of learners at all times,
(b)   Ensuring that the Safety Policy is implemented on a daily basis in the
(c)   Report all Safety issues to the Safety Officer, and
(d)   Attend/represent the Safety Team in external meetings as requested
      by the School Safety Team.

13.2.5 RCL Rep
(a)   Mobilise learners to report any activity that might jeopardize the safety
      of the school environment,
(b)   Mobilise learners to take responsibility of looking after the school
      property and make learners aware that any learner who intentionally
      misuses, damages or defaces school property shall have his/her
      parent/ guardian paying for its repair, and
(c)   Motivate learners to attend school regularly and punctually.
                                                                       Page 26
13.2.6 Peer Mediators
   (a)    Form peer support groups that promote empowerment to safety issues
          for learners;
   (b)    Ensure that learners are aware of the safety policy & what to do in the
          case of safety related incidents;
   (c)    Assist the peers in settling disputes in a manner satisfying to all
          parties (keep many minor incidents from escalating over time into
          more serious incidents);

   13.2.7 Support Staff
   (a)    Ensure that school gates are locked and controlled during school
          hours and unlocked after school.
   (b)    Report school maintenance and threatening issues to the Principal
          and School Safety Officer, and
   (c)    Attend/represent Safety Team in external meetings as requested by
          the Safety Team.

13.3 COVID-19 Committee
         During the COVID-19 the committee will be responsible for all virus
         related matters in the school. The members are:

     CHAIRPERSON                        JJ KINGMA
     SCRIBE                             R ELS
     MEMBER                             Q HENWICK
     MEMBER                             L AVELING
     MEMBER                             R BOSHOFF
     MEMBER                             K ROBERTS
     MEMBER                             H MEYER
     MEMBER                             M ERASMUS
     MEMBER                             S WATHEN
     MEMBER                             FF PRETORIUS
     MEMBER                             D HAASBOEK
     MEMBER                             C J V RENSBURG
     MEMBER                             J PRINSLOO
     SGB MEMBER                         J SUKAZI

   (a)    All incidents that take place at the school must be reported to the
          Principal (if not the Perpetrator). In cases where the Principal is the
          perpetrator, the incident must be reported to the cluster leader of the

                                                                         Page 27
(b)    Once incidents are reported, the Principal or cluster leader should
                    follow the steps set out in Annexure A.

             15.    PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT
                    15.1   Performance Management of the Committee must be done on
                           quarterly basis. The main aim will be to monitor the progress
                           with the implementation of the School Safety Plan.
                    15.2   The following key success aspects must be taken into
                           consideration, whether they have been met or not. i.e.:
                               o   Objectives
                               o   Inputs
                               o   Impact/Outcome
                               o   Learner involvement;
                               o   Promotion of School Safety Policy
                                           This policy will be displayed openly in the
                                           This policy will be made available to each
                                            learner/educator and/or PS Staff member in the
                                            official language of teaching on registration.
                                           This policy shall clarify in positive terms what
                                            the expectations of the school are.
                               o   The following actions shall be taken to clarify the
                                   expectation of the school to learners:
                                           Each learner must be given a copy at the
                                            beginning of each year, younger learners at
                                            primary to be informed verbally.
                                           Classroom rules must be pasted in the class.
                                           Each employee must be given a copy on the
                                            assumption of duty.


   COVID-19 is mainly a respiratory disease caused by a novel (new) virus, and we are
   learning more about it every day. There is no vaccine available to protect against
   COVID-19 at present. Thus, the best way to prevent infection is to avoid exposure to the
   virus that causes COVID-19. Preventing transmission (spread) of the virus through
   everyday practices is the best way to keep people healthy. Childcare facilities and
   schools, working together with local health departments, play an important role in
   slowing the spread of diseases, to ensure that learners have safe and healthy learning

                                                                                      Page 28
environments. More detailed information on COVID-19 is available here on the following

It is critical that childcare facilities and schools plan and prepare to mitigate community
transmission. As the global outbreak evolves, schools should prepare for the possibility
of community-level outbreaks, as well as the possibility of stay-at-home or lockdown
orders for learners, staff, whole classes or grades, or the entire school community, if
recommended by health officials. Decisions regarding appropriate public health
interventions should always be made in consultation with public health officials who
have access to all of the relevant information. These decisions include a) whether
learners or educators should stay at home for a period of time; and b) whether learners
in sections of a school or the entire school should be dismissed from attendance. All
childcare facilities and schools should be prepared for these orders if a COVID-19
outbreak is reported in their communities.

16.1.1 The education sector supports the national efforts to fight the spread of COVID-
       19 by providing knowledge regarding prevention, treatment, care and support of
       those who are infected among learners, educators, school support staff, parents
       and school communities. School administrators must take steps to prevent or
       slow the spread of all infectious respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
       Childcare facilities and schools must be COVID-19-free zones.
16.1.2 This coronavirus is a new virus and there is no vaccine available at present.
       However, many of the symptoms can be treated. It is recommended that under-
       fives get the seasonal flu vaccine from the nearest health facility or at a local
       pharmacy. Early care from a healthcare provider can lead to an increased rate of
16.1.3 All learners, educators, support staff, officials, parents and communities should:
       • heed the directives issued by the President and the guidance provided by the
            National Department of Health;
       • avoid public gatherings of over 50 people as the disease is spread through
            direct contact with the respiratory droplets of an infected person, which are
            generated through coughing and sneezing;
       • maintain a physical distance of at least 1m with others, at all times;
       • avoid direct contact with others e.g. shaking hands or hugging;

                                                                                    Page 29
• frequently wash hands with water and soap. (If water is not available, use a
          60% alcohol-based hand sanitiser to disinfect hands.);
       • avoid touching the face (i.e. eyes, nose, mouth) with unwashed hands;
       • practice cough etiquette by coughing into the elbow or a tissue and disposing
          the used tissue in a bin with a lid;
       • consult a healthcare facility if there is a suspected COVID-19 infection;
       • inform the school health team and education authorities immediately if a
          learner, educator, support staff or parent/caregiver has been in direct contact
          with an infected person, or if they are diagnosed with COVID-19;
       • eradicate all forms of stigma and discrimination in the education sector,
          including in schools and childcare facilities; and
       • advocate for disclosure as it is in the public domain to ensure for ease
          on tracking and tracing.
16.1.4 Principals must make sure that everyone in the school has up-to-date information
       on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19. For updates and the latest
       information, refer to the following resources:
       • National Department of Health:
       • National Institute for Communicable Diseases:
       • National Institute for Occupational Health:
       • World Health Organization:
       • Department of Basic Education:
       • National Health Laboratory Service:
       • COVID-19 Online Resource & News Portal:
       • NICD Toll-Free Emergency Hotline for COVID-19: 0800 029 999
       • WhatsApp Support Line for COVID-19: Send HI to 0600 123 456
       • WhatsApp TeacherConnect: Send HI to 0600 603 333

16.2.1 SMT, SGB and staff members must monitor the implementation of the SOP and
       stay informed about COVID-19 through reputable sources such as the NICD, the
       DBE and the DoH and share this information with all stakeholders and monitor
       the implementation of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
16.2.2 Establish an advocacy programme for learners to explain COVID-19.

16.2.3 Establish a COVID-19 response team led by the Principal (COVID-19 point-
       person) to coordinate all COVID-related activities including internal and external
16.2.4 Place signs or posters encouraging good hand and respiratory hygiene practices
       (These posters must be accessible to the learners at that school. For
       example, for Blind learners, these should be in Braille).

                                                                                    Page 30
16.2.5 Reinforce frequent handwashing and proper sanitation practices.
   16.2.6 Prepare and maintain handwashing stations with soap and water, and if possible,
          place 60% alcohol-based hand sanitisers in each classroom, at entrances and
          exits, and near lunchrooms and toilets. Note that for learners
          with visual impairment who rely on touch, additional sanitisers and personal
          sanitisers must be provided.
   16.2.7 Ensure that cleaning staff clean and disinfect school buildings2 thoroughly and
          regularly, following the environmental health cleaning and decontamination
   16.2    Many schools catering for learners with physical disabilities will have increased
           “high touch” areas, including walls as a result of the needs of learners. (e.g.
           holding on rails or surfaces throughout the school. These surfaces will need to
           be sanitised far more regularly than surfaces in other schools.
   16.2.9 Blind learners trail and touch walls almost automatically in an attempt to find their
          way. This puts them at greater risk of possible infection. Therefore, i) these areas
          need more frequent sanitising; and ii) learners need to be alerted to the need for
          more frequent washing of hands. In this regard, learners should understand the
          additional importance of and not touching their faces.
   16.2.10 Ensure that trash is removed daily and disposed of safely.
   16.2.11 Ensure that SGBs notify PEDs to procure hand sanitisers, soap and disposable
            drying material for all classrooms, toilets, offices and staffrooms.
   16.2.12 Ensure that schools or school halls are not used for funerals or any other public
            gatherings to minimise contamination of school facilities and to observe the
            social gathering restrictions.


   17.1 The SMT and SGB must ensure that:
   17.1.1 Strict access control measures are established, including the signing of a register
          by all visitors.
   17.1.2 All visitors wear a face mask and sanitise their hands at the entry point.
   17.1.3 All visitors report to the reception area.
   17.1.4. All visitors, except government officials as per provisions of the SASA Act
           84 of 1996: Regulations for safety measures at public schools, paragraph
          6: Exemption of certain persons e.g. from the SAPS, SADF, the DBE and DOH,
          make an appointment and state the nature of their visit government officials,
          make an appointment and state the nature of their visit.
   17.1.5 There is regular communication with parents via newsletters, telephone, bulk
          SMSs, emails, etc. to minimise meetings/gatherings with parents.
   17.1.6 There are very limited class-based parents’ meetings3.

                                                                                       Page 31

   18.1   Notwithstanding the generality of these SOP, it is acknowledged that, just as with
          adults, the risk of contracting COVID-19 may be significantly different for learners
          with co-morbidities and learners with different disabilities. It is, therefore, critical
          to know, understand and implement the specific health and safety measures
          required for each individual learner. These SOP provide guidance throughout as
          to the specific considerations that must be given for learners with disabilities.
          Detailed guidelines for the containment and management of COVID-19 for the
          different types of disabilities obtainable on the website of the Department of
          Basic Education under Links for Schools are also appended to this document.

  18.2    Learners with disabilities are included in ordinary, full service and special schools
          throughout the country. As such, it is important that ALL schools and District
          officials are aware of the specific needs that learners may have and that these
          are provided for in whatever school setting the learner attends.
  18.3    Below are some of the key considerations to be borne in mind when supporting
          learners with different disabilities in different school settings.
   18..4 There are a number of different types of disabilities, (including: physical,
          intellectual, sensory, neurological), each of which might affect a learner
          differently, depending on the nature of the disability and the extent of its severity.
          It is important to ensure the particular needs of each individual learner are
          understood and catered for to ensure that their health and safety can be
          protected during the COVID-19 pandemic.
   18.5   Learners with disabilities usually benefit from curriculum, therapeutic, medical
          and other support whilst at school. Depending on underlying health conditions
          and co-morbidities, learners with disabilities may be at greater risk of developing
          more severe cases of COVID-19 if they become infected. This may be because
          of COVID-19 exacerbating existing health conditions, particularly those related to
          respiratory function, immune system function, heart disease or diabetes and
          barriers to accessing health care. These learners may also be disproportionately
          impacted by the outbreak of the virus, because of serious disruptions to the
          services and supports, including personal assistance and therapeutic support
          they rely on.
   18.6   Given the importance of continuing to provide the necessary support that
          learners need whilst also containing the spread of COVID-19 in schools, each
          school or institution must develop relevant standard operating procedures to
          respond to the context- specific issues, by using the guidance contained in this
          document as well as in the detailed guidelines for specific types of disabilities to

                                                                                         Page 32
be obtainable in the website of the Department of Basic Education under Links
       for Schools found in the appendices.
18.7   Schools must provide the learner with information regarding procedures and
       requirements in accessible modalities. This will include the use of sign language
       for Deaf learners, braille materials for blind learners, the use of
       picture boards and other visual prompts for Autistic learners and learners with
       intellectual disability. It is important to discuss the steps in easy- to-understand
       detail and inform the learner what he/s/he would be required to do. (For more
       details refer to the guidelines in the appendices)8.6.1. Keep in mind that blind
       and partially sighted learners may not be able to see demarcation lines. They will
       require assistance such as being guided verbally; using physical barriers to
       indicate where to stand or using their canes to judge the distance between
       themselves and other people. This may require additional staff on duty to assist
       visually impaired learners.
18.8   It is important to recognise that learners with intellectual disability may have
       varying, understanding and sometimes limited, cognitive understandings of the
       spread and transmission of the COVID-19, and may struggle to adhere to social
       distancing, handwashing and mask wearing protocols. Therefore, they will
       require direct, deliberate and repeated instruction to learn the different
       procedures they need to adhere to, for e.g. that social distancing means no
       physical contact, no touching, no hugging, no shaking hands or any other
       physical greeting of their peers, educators and non-educator staff.
18.9   Many learners may not immediately be familiar with adhering to the requirements
       and regulations for containing the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, schools must
       exercise some patience and not regard every behaviour as a transgression for a
       reasonable period until these become a routine to learners.
18.10 Learners who have epilepsy face the same health challenges as learners who do
       not have the condition and are otherwise healthy. For this reason, learners who
       have epilepsy should exercise the same habits and preventative measures that
       healthy people would typically take, such as social distancing; avoiding contact
       with sick people; washing hands regularly; disinfecting surfaces regularly; and
       avoiding touching hands, eyes, nose and mouth.
18.11 Learners However, having said that, epilepsy is a very varied condition. Learners
       with epilepsy may have other medical problems that could place them at higher
       risk of developing more severe symptoms with COVID-19. For example, learners
       who have problems swallowing or frequently inhale
       food or liquids into their lungs (aspiration) are at higher risk for pneumonia. In
       these instances, additional support measures must be identified and put in place.
18.12 Learners who have had seizures in the classroom or playground must not be
       excluded from learning. The school must identify such learners and use the

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