Structurizing Misinformation Stories via Rationalizing Fact-Checks

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Structurizing Misinformation Stories via Rationalizing Fact-Checks

                                     Shan Jiang and Christo Wilson
                                      Northeastern University, USA
                                    {sjiang, cbw}

                      Abstract                                            ...a classic urban legend about...
                                                          substantiate     the tale  through...

    Misinformation has recently become a well-                   ...these doctored images have featured...
    documented matter of public concern. Exist-                 ...was a digitally altered mashup of...
    ing studies on this topic have hitherto adopted
                                                              ...this is a prank from... ...a survey scam that...
    a coarse concept of misinformation, which in-             ...another hoax when... ...posting bogus offers...
    corporates a broad spectrum of story types
    ranging from political conspiracies to misin-                               ...that a media conspiracy sought...
    terpreted pranks. This paper aims to struc-                         ...unsubstantiated and baseless stories...
    turize these misinformation stories by leverag-
                                                              ...responsibility for the satirical nature of...
    ing fact-check articles. Our intuition is that             ...just a bit of political    humor       from the...
    key phrases in a fact-check article that identify
    the misinformation type(s) (e.g., doctored im-            Figure 1: A snippet of the misinformation structure.
    ages, urban legends) also act as rationales that          Each line is a snippet from a fact-check. Key phrases
    determine the verdict of the fact-check (e.g.,            identifying the misinformation types are highlighted.
    false). We experiment on rationalized models              Phrases with similar semantics are clustered in colored
    with domain knowledge as weak supervision                 boxes. This structure is a sample of our final results.
    to extract these phrases as rationales, and then
    cluster semantically similar rationales to sum-
    marize prevalent misinformation types. Us-
    ing archived fact-checks from, we                 As such misinformation continues to threaten so-
    identify ten types of misinformation stories.             ciety, researchers have started investigating this
    We discuss how these types have evolved over              multifaceted problem, from understanding the
    the last ten years and compare their prevalence           socio-psychological foundations of susceptibil-
    between the 2016/2020 US presidential elec-               ity (Bakir and McStay, 2018) and measuring public
    tions and the H1N1/COVID-19 pandemics.                    responses (Jiang and Wilson, 2018; Jiang et al.,
                                                              2020b), to designing detection algorithms (Shu
1   Introduction                                              et al., 2017) and auditing countermeasures for on-
                                                              line platforms (Jiang et al., 2019, 2020c).
Misinformation has raised increasing public con-
cerns globally, well-documented in Africa (Ahinko-               These studies mostly adopted the term “misin-
rah et al., 2020), Asia (Kaur et al., 2018), and Eu-          formation” as a coarse concept for any false or
rope (Fletcher et al., 2018). In the US, “fake news”          inaccurate information, which incorporates a broad
accounted for 6% of all news consumption dur-                 spectrum of misinformation stories, e.g., political
ing the 2016 US presidential election (Grinberg               conspiracies to misinterpreted pranks. Although
et al., 2019). Years later, 29% of US adults in a             misinformation types have been theorized and cat-
survey believed that the “exaggerated threat” of the          egorized by practitioners (Wardle, 2017), there is,
COVID-19 pandemic purposefully damaged for-                   to our knowledge, no empirical research that has
mer US president Donald Trump (Uscinski et al.,               systematically measured these prevalent types of
2020), and 77% of Trump’s supporters believed                 misinformation stories.
“voter fraud” manipulated the 2020 US presiden-                  This paper aims to unpack the coarse concept
tial election in spite of a complete lack of evi-             of misinformation and structurize it to fine-grained
dence (Pennycook and Rand, 2021).                             story types (as illustrated in Figure 1). We conduct

                Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
              and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, pages 617–631
                          August 1–6, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
this query through an empirical lens and ask the         then cluster rationales based on their semantic simi-
question: what are the prevalent types of misinfor-      larity to summarize prevalent misinformation types.
mation stories in the US over the last ten years?        We identify ten types of misinformation stories, a
   The answer to our question is buried in archived      preview of which are shown in Figure 1.
fact-checks, which are specialized news articles            Using our derived lexicon of these clustered mis-
that verify factual information and debunk false         information stories, we then explore the evolution
claims by presenting contradictory evidence (Jiang       of misinformation types over the last ten years.
et al., 2020a). As a critical component of their         Our key findings include: increased prevalence of
semi-structured journalistic style, fact-checks often    conspiracy theories, fabricated content, and digital
embed the (mis)information type(s) within their          manipulation; and decreased prevalence of legends
steps of reasoning. For example, consider the fol-       and tales, pranks and jokes, mistakes and errors,
lowing snippet from a fact-check with         etc. We also conducted two case studies on notable
a verdict of false (Evon, 2019):                         events that involve grave misinformation. From
                                                         the case study of US presidential elections, we ob-
     “...For instance, some started sharing a            serve that the most prevalent misinformation type
     doctored photograph of Thunberg with                for both the 2016 and 2020 elections is fabricated
     alt-right boogeyman George Soros (the               content, while the 2016 election has more hoaxes
     original photograph featured former Vice            and satires. From the case study of pandemics,
     President Al Gore)...”                              our results show that the H1N1 pandemic in 2009
                                                         has more legends and tales, while the COVID-19
The key phrase doctored photograph in the snip-          pandemic attracts more conspiracy theories.
pet identifies the misinformation type of the fact-         The code and data used in the paper are available
checked story. Additional example phrases are            at:
highlighted in Figure 1. With a large corpus of
fact-checks, these phrases would accumulate and            2   Related Work
reveal prevalent types of misinformation stories.
   Extracting these phrases is a computational task.     There is a rich literature that has studied the on-
Our intuition is that such phrases in a fact-check       line misinformation ecosystem from multiple per-
also act as rationales that determine the verdict        spectives (Del Vicario et al., 2016; Lazer et al.,
of the fact-check. In the previous example, the          2018). Within the computational linguistics com-
verdict is false in part because the story contains a    munity, from an audiences’ perspective, Jiang and
doctored photograph. Therefore, a neural model           Wilson (2018) found that social media users ex-
that predicts the verdict of a fact-check would also     pressed different linguistic signals when respond-
use the misinformation types as rationales.              ing to false claims, and the authors later used
   To realize this intuition, we experiment on ex-       these signals to model and measure (dis)beliefs
isting rationalized neural models to extract these       in (mis)information (Jiang et al., 2020b; Metzger
phrases (Lei et al., 2016; Jain et al., 2020), and, to   et al., 2021). From a platforms’ perspective, re-
target specific kinds of rationales, we additionally     searchers have assisted platforms in designing
propose to include domain knowledge as weak su-          novel misinformation detection methods (Wu et al.,
pervision in the rationalizing process. Using public     2019; Lu and Li, 2020; Vo and Lee, 2018, 2020),
datasets as validation (Zaidan et al., 2007; Carton      as well as audited existing misinformation interven-
et al., 2018), we evaluate the performance variation     tion practices (Robertson et al., 2018; Jiang et al.,
of different rationalized models, and show that in-      2019, 2020c; Hussein et al., 2020).
cluding domain knowledge consistently improves              In this work, we study another key player in the
the quality of extracted rationales.                     misinformation ecosystem, storytellers, and inves-
   After selecting the most appropriate method, we       tigate the prevalent types of misinformation told
conduct an empirical investigation of prevalent          to date. From the storytellers’ perspective, Wardle
misinformation types. Using archived fact-checks         (2017) theorized several potential misinformation
from, spanning from its founding in           types (e.g., satire or parody, misleading content,
1994 to 2021, we extract rationales by applying          and false connection), yet no empirical evidence
the selected model with theorized misinformation         has been connected to this typology. Additionally,
types for weak supervision (Wardle, 2017), and           researchers have investigated specific types of mis-

information as case studies, e.g., state-sponsored                           Input            Score        Rationale      Output
disinformation (Starbird et al., 2019; Wilson and                              x                s              z            y
                                                                                     Supporter      Tagger        Predictor
Starbird, 2020), fauxtography (Zannettou et al.,
2018; Wang et al., 2021), and conspiracy theo-
ries (Samory and Mitra, 2018; Phadke et al., 2021).                   Hard
In this paper, we aim to structurize these misinfor-
mation stories to theorized or novel types.

3     Rationalized Neural Models                                                                     if .. :
                                                                      Soft                               ..
                                                                                                     else ..
Realizing our intuition (as described in § 1) re-
quires neural models to (at least shallowly) reason
about predictions. In this section, we introduce
                                                                                          Differentiable computation
existing rationalized neural models and propose to
                                                                                          Non-differentiable computation
include domain knowledge as weak supervision in
                                                                                          Reinforce-style estimation
the rationalizing process. We then experiment with
                                                                                          Domain knowledge semi-supervision
public datasets and lexicons for evaluation.
                                                                      Figure 2: Hard and soft rationalization methods.
3.1    Problem Formulation
                                                                      Hard rationalization is an end-to-end model that first
In a standard text classification problem, each in-                   uses input x to generate rationales z, and then uses un-
stance is in a form of (x, y). x = [xi ] ∈ Vxl is                     masked tokens to predict y. Soft rationalization is a
the input token sequence of length l, where Vx is                     three-phased model that first uses input x to predict y
                                                                      and outputs importance scores s, then binarizes s to ra-
the vocabulary of the input and i is the index of
                                                                      tionales z, and finally uses unmasked tokens to predict
each token xi . y ∈ {0, 1}m is the binary label                       y again as evaluation for faithfulness.
of length m. Rationalization requires a model to
output the prediction ŷ together with a binary mask
z = [z i ] ∈ {0, 1}l of input length l, indicating                    model is trained end-to-end using reinforce-style
which tokens are used (i.e., z i = 1) to make the                     estimation (Williams, 1992), as sampling rationales
decision. These tokens are called rationales.                         is a non-differentiable computation. The modules
   Hard rationalization requires a model to di-                       of hard rationalization are illustrated in Figure 2.
rectly output z. Initially proposed by Lei et al.                        Soft rationalization, in contrast, allows a model
(2016), the model first passes the input x to a tag-                  to first output a continuous version of importance
ger1 module and samples a binary mask z from                          scores s = [si ] ∈ Rl , and then binarize it to get
a Bernoulli distribution, i.e., z ∼ Tagger(x), and                    z. Initially formalized by Jain et al. (2020) as a
then uses only unmasked tokens to make a predic-                      multiphase method, the model first conducts a stan-
tion of y, i.e., ŷ = Predictor(z, x).2                               dard text classification using a supporter module
   The loss function of this method contains two                      ŷ = Supporter(x) and outputs importance scores
parts. The first part is a standard loss for the pre-                 s, then binarizes s using a tagger module, i.e.,
diction Ly (ŷ, y), which can be realized using com-                  z = Tagger(s), and finally uses only unmasked
mon classification loss, e.g., cross entropy. The sec-                tokens of x to make another prediction ŷ to evalu-
ond part is a loss Lz (z)3 aiming to regularize z and                 ate the faithfulness of selected rationales.4
encourage conciseness and contiguity of rationale                        These three modules are trained separately in
selection, formulated by Lei et al. (2016). Recent                    three phases.5 Since the supporter and predictor are
work proposed to improve the initial model with                       standard text classification modules the only loss
an adversarial component (Yu et al., 2019; Carton                     needed is for the prediction Ly (ŷ, y). This method
et al., 2018). Combining these parts together, the                    is more straightforward than the hard rationaliza-
      This module was named generator by Lei et al. (2016).           tion method, as it avoids non-differentiable com-
We name it tagger to distinguish it from the NLG problem.
    2                                                                    4
      This module was named encoder by Lei et al. (2016).                   The second and third modules were named extractor and
We name it predictor, consistent with Yu et al. (2019), to            classifier by Jain et al. (2020). We continue using tagger and
distinguish it from the encoder-decoder framework.                    predictor to align with the hard rationalization method.
    3                                                                     5
      Lz (z) is a simplified term; we discuss its detailed imple-           Tagger is often flexibly designed as a rule-based algo-
mentation in Appendix § A.                                            rithm, therefore no training is needed.

putations and the instability induced by reinforce-                3.3   Experiments on Public Datasets
style estimation. The modules of soft rationaliza-               We conduct experiments on public datasets to evalu-
tion are also illustrated in Figure 2.                           ate the performance of hard and soft rationalization
   The popular attention mechanism (Bahdanau                     methods, particularly for our needs, and confirm
et al., 2014) provides built-in access to s. Although            that including domain knowledge as weak supervi-
there have been debates on the properties achieved               sion helps with the rationalizing process.
by attention-based explanations (Jain and Wallace,
2019; Wiegreffe and Pinter, 2019; Serrano and                    Datasets selection. An ideal dataset for our mod-
Smith, 2019), rationales extracted by straightfor-               els should meet the following requirements: (a) for-
ward rules on attention weights were demonstrated                mulated as a text classification problem, (b) anno-
as comparable to human-generated rationales (Jain                tated with human rationales, and (c) can be as-
et al., 2020). Additionally, in our use case we only             sociated with high quality lexicons to obtain do-
need the rationales themselves as key phrases and                main knowledge. We select two datasets based on
do not require them to faithfully predict y, there-              these criteria: the movie reviews dataset released
fore the last predictor module can be omitted.                   by Pang et al. (2002) and later annotated with ra-
                                                                 tionales by Zaidan et al. (2007), which contains
3.2     Domain Knowledge as Weak Supervision                     2K movie reviews labeled with positive or negative
Both hard and soft rationalization methods can                   sentiments; and the personal attacks dataset re-
be trained with or without supervision w.r.t. ra-                leased by Wulczyn et al. (2017) and later annotated
tionales z (DeYoung et al., 2020)6 . When ratio-                 with rationales by Carton et al. (2018), which con-
nales are selected in an unsupervised manner, the                tains more than 100K Wikipedia comments labeled
model would intuitively favor rationales that are                as personal attacks or not.
most informative to predict the corresponding label
                                                                   Domain knowledge. For the sentiment analysis
as a result of optimizing the loss function. This
                                                                   on movie reviews, we use the EmoLex lexicon re-
could result in some undesirable rationales in our
                                                                   leased by Mohammad and Turney (2013), which
case: for example, certain entities like “COVID-19”
                                                                   contains vocabularies of positive and negative sen-
or “Trump” that are highly correlated with mis-
                                                                   timents. For identifying personal attacks, we use a
information would be selected as rationales even
                                                                   lexicon released by Wiegand et al. (2018), which
though they do not suggest any misinformation
                                                                   contains a vocabulary of abusive words. With corre-
types. Therefore, we propose to weakly supervise7
                                                                   sponding vocabularies, we generate weak rationale
the rationalizing process with domain knowledge
                                                                   labels zd for each dataset.
to obtain specific, desired types of rationales.
   Assuming a lexicon of vocabulary Vd as domain                   Evaluation metrics. We choose binary precision
knowledge, we reprocess the input and generate                     Pr(z) to evaluate the quality of extracted rationales,
weak labels for rationales zd = [zdi ] ∈ {0, 1}l                   because (a) a perfect recall can be trivially achieved
where zdi = 1 (i.e., unmasked) if xi ∈ Vd and                      by selecting all tokens as rationales,8 and (b) our
zdi = 0 (i.e., masked) otherwise. Then, we include                 case of identifying key phrases requires concise
an additional loss item Ld (z, zd ) or Ld (s, zd ) for             rationales. Additionally, we measure the average
the hard or soft rationalization method.                           percentage of selected rationales over the input
   Combining the loss items together, the objective                length %(z). For predictions, we use macro F1 (y)
for the end-to-end hard rationalization model is:                  as the evaluation metric as well as the percentage
                                                                   of information used %(x) to make the prediction.
       min Ly (ŷ, y) + λz Lz (z) + λd Ld (z, zd ),
                                                                 Experimental setup and results. The train, dev,
where θ contains the parameters to estimate and                  and test sets are pre-specified in public datasets.
λ(·) are hyperparameters weighting loss items.                   We optimize hyperparameters for F1 (y) on the dev
   Similarly, the objective function for the first               sets, and only evaluate rationale quality Pr(z) af-
phase of soft rationalization is:                                ter a model is decided. We discuss additional im-
             min Ly (ŷ, y) + λd Ld (s, zd ).                    plementation details (e.g., hyperparameters, loss
               θ                                                 functions, module cells) in Appendix § A.
      They are trained with supervision w.r.t. the label y.
    7                                                                  8
      Since there is inherently no ground-truth of misinforma-           We later show that this is the default model behavior if
tion types in fact-check articles.                                 rationale selection is under-regularized.

Movie reviews (Zaidan et al., 2007)        Personal attacks (Carton et al., 2018)
                                         Pr(z)    %(z) F1 (y)          %(x)          Pr(z)     %(z) F1 (y)         %(x)
  h0    Hard rationalization              0.37     2.7%     0.72           2.7%       0.17     32.5%      0.73      32.5%
  h1      w/ Domain knowledge             0.38     3.7%     0.72           3.7%       0.22     16.9%      0.73      16.9%
  h2      w/o Rationale regularization    0.31    99.9%     0.92          99.9%       0.19     99.9%      0.82      99.9%
  h3      w/ Adversarial components       0.33     2.5%     0.70           2.5%       0.22     14.9%      0.75      14.9%
  s0    Soft rationalization              0.58     3.7%     0.91          100%        0.35     16.9%      0.82       100%
  s1      w/ Domain knowledge             0.62     3.7%     0.92          100%        0.39     16.9%      0.82       100%
  s2         w/ Half rationales           0.64     1.9%     0.92          100%        0.46      8.4%      0.82       100%
  s3         w/ Double rationales         0.55     7.4%     0.92          100%        0.31     33.8%      0.82       100%

Table 1: Evaluation results for hard and soft rationalization methods. Our experiments show that: (a) hard
rationalization requires a sensitive hyperparameter λz to regularize rationales (h2 to h0 ); (b) soft rationalization
achieves the best F1 (y) overall, but Pr(z) depends on the rationale extraction approach (s2 /s3 to s0 ); (c) domain
knowledge as weak supervision improves Pr(z) for both hard (h1 to h0 ) and soft (s1 to s0 ) rationalization while
maintaining similar %(z) and F1 (y); (d) soft rationalization achieves better Pr(z) in a fair comparison (s1 to h1 ).

   The evaluation results for all our experiments on         and therefore increasing Pr(z). To confirm, in s2 ,
test sets are reported in Table 1, indexed with h0 -h3       we increase t until %(z) is exactly half of s0 . Sim-
and s0 -s3 . We report the evaluation results on dev         ilarly, decreasing t corresponds to more selected
sets in Appendix § B.                                        rationales, and therefore decreasing Pr(z). In s3 ,
                                                             we decrease t until %(z) is exactly double of s0 .
Regularization for hard rationalization. h0
and h2 are our re-implementation of Lei et al.                  Is domain knowledge helpful? h1 and s1 in-
(2016), varying the rationale regularization hyper-             clude domain knowledge as weak supervision. Our
parameter λz . Our experiments show that λz is a                results show that domain knowledge improves
crucial choice. When a small λz is chosen (i.e.,                Pr(z) for both hard (h1 to h0 ) and soft (s1 to s0 )
rationales are under-regularized), the model has                rationalization methods and on both dataset, while
a tendency to utilize all the available information             maintaining similar %(z) and F1 (y). The improve-
to optimize the predictive accuracy. In h2 , we set             ments are more substantial for soft rationalization.
λz = 0 and the model selects 99.9% of tokens as
rationales while achieving the best F1 (y) overall,             Hard vs. soft rationalization. To fairly com-
which is an undesirable outcome in our case. There-             pare hard and soft rationalization methods, we
fore, we increases λz so that only small parts of               choose the threshold t to keep %(z) the same for
tokens are selected as rationales in h0 . However,              h1 and s1 .9 Our experiments show that soft rational-
echoing Jain et al. (2020), the output when varying             ization weakly supervised by domain knowledge
λz is sensitive and unpredictable, and searching for            achieves better Pr(z) on both datasets, and there-
this hyperparameter is both time-consuming and                  fore we chose it for rationalizing fact-checks.
energy-inefficient. We also run an experiment h3
with the additional adversarial component proposed              4       Rationalizing Fact-Checks
in (Carton et al., 2018; Yu et al., 2019), and the           After determining that soft rationalization is the
evaluation metrics are not consistently improved             most appropriate method, we apply it to extract
compared to h0 .                                             rationales from fact-checks. In this section, we in-
Binarization for soft rationalization. s0 , s2 and           troduce the dataset we collected from
s3 are our re-implementation of Jain et al. (2020).          and conduct experiment with fact-checks to struc-
For soft rationalization, rationales are selected (i.e.,     turize misinformation stories.
binarized) after the supporter module is trained in
phase one, therefore s0 -s3 utilize 100% of the to-             4.1      Data Collection
kens by default, and achieve the best F1 (y) overall. is a renowned fact-checking website,
We implement a straightforward approach to select            certified by the International Fact-Checking Net-
rationales by setting a threshold t and make z i = 1         work as non-partisan and transparent (Poynter,
(i.e., unmasked) if the importance score si > t                     9
                                                                     We can easily and accurately manipulate %(z) for soft
and z i = 0 (i.e., masked) otherwise. Intuitively,              rationalization by adjusting t; conversely, the impact of adjust-
increasing t corresponds to less selected rationales,           ing λz in hard rationalization is unpredictable.

2018). We collect HTML webpages of fact-check
articles from, spanning from its found-
ing in 1994 to the beginning of 2021.
Preprocess and statistics. We first preprocess
collected fact-checks by extracting the main article
content and verdicts from HTML webpages using a
customized parser, and tokenizing the content with
NLTK (Bird, 2006). The preprocessing script is
included in our released codebase.
   After preprocessing, the median sequence length
of fact-checks is 386 tokens, and 88.6% of fact-
checks containing ≤1,024 tokens. Jiang et al.
(2020a) found that the most informative content
in fact-checks tended to be located at the head or
the tail of the article content. Therefore, we set the
maximum sequence length to 1,024 and truncate
over-length fact-checks.
   Next, we label each fact-check with a binary la-
bel depending on its verdict: (truthful) information
if the verdict is at least mostly true and misinfor-
mation otherwise, which results in 2,513 informa-
tion and 11,183 misinformation instances.
   Additionally, we preemptively mask tokens that
are the exact words as its verdict (e.g., “rate it
as false” to “rate it as [MASK]”),10 otherwise pre-
dicting the verdict would be trivial and the model
would copy overlapping tokens as rationales.
Domain knowledge for misinformation types.
The domain knowledge comes from two sources:
(a) the misinformation types theorized by Wardle
(2017), e.g., misleading or fabricated content; and
(b) certain variants of verdicts from
such as satire or scam (, 2021a). We
combine these into a small vocabulary Vd contain-
ing 12 words, listed in Appendix § A.

4.2   Experiments and Results
We randomly split the fact-checks to 80% train,
10% dev, and 10% test sets, and adjust hyperparam-
eters to optimize F1 (y) on dev set. For initializa-              Figure 3: Structure of misinformation types. The ten
tion, we train word embeddings using Gensim (Re-                  identified clusters (colored) offer empirical confirma-
hurek and Sojka, 2011) on the entire corpus. The                  tion of theorized misinformation types, contain novel
final model achieves F1 (y) = 0.75/0.74 on the                    fine-grained clusters, and reorganize the structure of
test set with/without domain knowledge.                           misinformation stories.

Clustering rationales. To systematically under-
stand extracted rationales, we cluster these ratio-               the embedding of the rationale, and then run a hi-
nales based on semantic similarity. For each ra-                  erarchical clustering for these embeddings. The
tionale, we average word embeddings to represent                  hierarchical clustering uses cosine similarity as the
      Verdicts from are structured HTML fields         distance metric, commonly used for word embed-
that can be easily parsed.                                        dings (Mikolov et al., 2013), and the complete link

method (Voorhees, 1986) to obtain a relatively bal-        chievous intent that distinguishes them from other
anced linkage tree.                                        clusters. Other new clusters include clickbait with
   The results from the clustering are shown in Fig-       inflammatory and sensational language  and en-
ure 3. From the root of the dendrogram, we can             tirely fictional content .
traverse its branches to find clusters until we reach         Fourth, the clusters reorganize the structure of
a sensible threshold of cosine distance, and cate-         these misinformation types based on their seman-
gorize the remaining branches and leaf nodes (i.e.,        tics, e.g., fabricated and misleading content  be-
rationales) to multiple clusters. Figure 3 shows an        longs to two types of misinformation in (Wardle,
example visualization that contains ten clusters of        2017), while in our results they are clustered to-
rationales that are semantically similar to the do-        gether. This suggests that the semantic distance
main knowledge, and leaf nodes in each cluster are         between fabricated and misleading content is less
aggregated to plot a word cloud, with the frequency        than the chosen similarity threshold, at least when
of a node encoded as the font size of the phrase.          these misinformation types are referred to by fact-
   Note that rationales extracted from soft ratio-         checkers when writing articles.
nalization are dependent on the chosen threshold              Finally, the remaining words in Vd are also found
t to binarize importance scores. The example in            in our rationales. However, due to low prevalence,
Figure 3 uses a threshold of t = 0.01. Varying             they are not visible in Figure 3 and do not form
the threshold would affect extracted rationales but        their own clusters.
mostly the ones with low prevalence, and these rare
rationales also correspond to small font sizes in the      5        Evolution of Misinformation
word cloud. Therefore, the effect from varying t         In this section, we leverage the clusters of misinfor-
would be visually negligible in Figure 3.                mation types identified by our method as a lexicon
                                                         and apply it back to the our original fact-check
Structure of misinformation stories. We make
                                                         dataset. Specifically, we analyze the evolution of
the following observations from the ten clusters of
                                                         misinformation types over the last ten years and
misinformation types identified in Figure 3.
                                                         compare misinformation trends around major real-
   First, the clusters empirically confirm existing
                                                         world events.
domain knowledge in Vd . Certain theorized mis-
information types, such as satires and parodies         Evolution over the last ten years. We first ex-
from (Wardle, 2017), are identified as individual        plore the evolution of misinformation over time.
clusters from fact-checks.                               We map each fact-check article with one or more
   Second, the clusters complement Vd with ad-           corresponding misinformation types identified by
ditional phrases describing (semantically) similar       our method, and then aggregate fact-checks by year
misinformation types. For example, our results           from before 201011 to the end of 2020 to estimate
add “humor” and “gossip” to the same category as         the relative ratio of each misinformation type.
satires and parodies  and add “tales” and “lore”           As shown in Figure 4,12 the prevalence of cer-
to the same category as legends . This helps us         tain misinformation types on has dras-
grasp the similarity between misinformation types,       tically changed over the last ten years.
and also enriches the lexicon Vd , which proves use-        Heavily politicized misinformation types, such
ful for subsequent analysis in § 5.                      as digitally altered or doctored images or pho-
   Third, we discover novel, fine-grained clusters       tographs , fabricated and misleading content ,
that are not highlighted in Vd . There are multiple      and conspiracy theories  have nearly doubled in
possible explanations as to why these misinforma-        relative ratios over the last ten years. In contrast,
tion types form their own clusters. Conspiracy theo-     the prevalence of (arguably) less politicized stories,
ries  are often associated with intentional political   such as legends and tales , hoaxes and pranks ,
campaigns (Samory and Mitra, 2018) which can af-         and mistakes and errors  have decreased.
fect their semantics when referenced in fact-checks.        These trends may be a proxy for the underlying
In contrast, digital alteration  is a relatively re-    prevalence of different misinformation types within
cent misinformation tactic that has been enabled by      the US. Studies that measure political ideologies
technological developments such as FaceSwap (Ko-               11
                                                                Since there are relatively few fact-checks before 2010, we
rshunova et al., 2017) and DeepFake (Westerlund,           aggregate them together to the year 2010.
2019). Hoaxes and pranks  often have a mis-                    95% confidence intervals.

till ’10     ’15   ’20   till ’10   ’15   ’20   till ’10     ’15       ’20   till ’10   ’15     ’20   till ’10   ’15     ’20



          legend, etc.        altered, etc.            hoax, etc.                   scam, etc.             mistake, etc.



      fabricated, etc.      conspiracy, etc.           satire, etc.                fiction, etc.           clickbait, etc.

Figure 4: Evolution of misinformation over the last ten years. Conspiracy theories, fabricated content, and dig-
ital manipulation have increased in prevalence. The prevalence of (arguably) less politicized stories (e.g., legends
and tales, pranks and jokes, mistakes and errors) has decreased. (95% confidence intervals.)

expressed online have documented increasing po-                     2016 vs. 2020 US presidential election. We
larization over time (Chinn et al., 2020; Baumann                   now compare misinformation types between the
et al., 2020), which could explain increased ratios                 2016 and 2020 elections. To filter for relevance, we
of such heavily politicized misinformation. Addi-                   constrain our analysis to fact-checks that (1) were
tionally, the convenience offered by modern digital                 published in the election years and (2) included the
alteration software and applications (Korshunova                    names of the presidential candidates and/or their
et al., 2017; Westerlund, 2019) provides a gateway                  running mates (e.g., “Joe Biden” and “Kamala Har-
to proliferating manipulated images or photographs                  ris”). This results in 2,586 fact-checks for the 2016
in the misinformation ecosystem.                                    election and 2,436 fact-checks for 2020.
   Alternatively, these trends may reflect shifts in                   The prevalence of each misinformation type is’s priorities. The website, launched in                   shown in Figure 5. We observe that the relative
1994, was initially named Urban Legends Refer-                      ratios of many misinformation types are similar be-
ence Pages. Since then it has grown to encompass                    tween the two elections, e.g., legends and tales 
a broad spectrum of subjects. Due to its limited re-                and bogus scams , while the 2016 election has
sources, fact-checkers from only cover                   more hoaxes , satires , etc. The most prevalent
a subset of online misinformation, and their priority               type during both elections is fabricated and mis-
is to “fact-check whatever items the greatest num-                  leading content , next to conspiracy theories .
ber of readers are asking about or searching for at
                                                                H1N1 vs. COVID-19. Finally, we compare mis-
any given time (, 2021b).”13 Given the
                                                                information types between the H1N1 pandemic in
rising impact of political misinformation in recent
                                                                2009 and the COVID-19 pandemic. For H1N1 re-
years (Zannettou et al., 2019, 2020), such misin-
                                                                lated fact-checks, we search for keywords “flu”,
formation could reach an increasing number of
                                                                “influenza”, and “H1N1” in fact-checks and con- readers, and therefore the website may
                                                                strain the publication date until the end of 2012.14
dedicate more resources to fact-checking related
                                                                For COVID-19 related fact-checks, we search for
types of misinformation. Additionally,
                                                                keywords “COVID-19” and “coronavirus”, and
has established collaborations with social media
                                                                only consider fact-checks published in 2019 or
platforms, e.g., Facebook (Green and Mikkelson),
                                                                later, which results in 833 fact-checks for the H1N1
to specifically target viral misinformation circu-
                                                                pandemic and 656 fact-checks for COVID-19.
lating on these platforms, where the rising meme
culture could also attract’s attention                  The relative ratio of each misinformation type
and therefore explain a surge of digitally altered              is also shown in Figure 5. We observe that the
images (Ling et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2021).                  prevalence of some misinformation types are sig-
                                                                          WHO declared an end to the global 2009 H1N1 pandemic
    Users can submit a topic to on its contact           on August 10, 2010, yet misinformation about H1N1 contin-
page (, 2021c), the results from which may affect         ues to spread (Sundaram et al., 2013), therefore we extend the’s priorities.                                            time window by two more years.

’16 US election        H1N1 covers a broader spectrum of top-
                      ’20 US election        COVID-19     ics than politics-focused fact-checkers (e.g., Politi-
                                                ,,15 and thus we argue that
     legend, etc.                                         it covers a representative sample of misinforma-
                                                          tion within the US. However, may not
     altered, etc.                                        be representative of the international misinforma-
        hoax, etc.
                                                          tion ecosystem (Ahinkorah et al., 2020; Kaur et al.,
                                                          2018; Fletcher et al., 2018). In the future, we hope
       scam, etc.                                         that our method can help characterize misinforma-
                                                          tion comparatively on a global scale when more
    mistake, etc.                                         structured fact-checks become available.16 Addi-
fabricated, etc.
                                                          tionally, fact-checkers are time constrained, as thus
                                                          the misinformation stories they cover tend to be
conspiracy, etc.                                          high-profile. Therefore low-prevalence, long-tail
                                                          misinformation stories may not be observed in our
       satire, etc.                                       study. Understanding low-volume misinformation
      fiction, etc.
                                                          types may require a different collection of corpora
                                                          other than fact-checks, e.g., a cross-platform inves-
    clickbait, etc.                                       tigation on social media conversations (Wilson and
                                                          Starbird, 2020; Abilov et al., 2021).
                      0     .2      .4   0   .3      .6
                                                             Lastly, the misinformation types we extract from
Figure 5: Misinformation between notable events.          our weakly supervised approach are not validated
The most prevalent misinformation type for both US        with ground-truth labels. This is largely due to
presidential elections is fabricated content, while the
                                                          the lack of empirical knowledge on misinforma-
2016 election has more hoaxes and satires. The H1N1
pandemic in 2009 has more legends and tales, while the
                                                          tion types, and therefore we are unable to provide
COVID-19 pandemic attracts more conspiracy theories.      specific guidance to annotators. Although the clus-
(95% confidence intervals.)                               ters in Figure 3 provide straightforward structure of
                                                          misinformation stories, in future work, we plan to
                                                          leverage these results to construct annotation guide-
nificantly different between two pandemics, e.g.,         lines and obtain human-identified misinformation
hoaxes , mistakes . Notably, the H1N1 pan-              types for further analysis.
demic has many more legends and tales , while
COVID-19 has more conspiracy theories . The                Conclusion. In this paper, we identify ten preva-
increased prevalence of COVID-19 related conspir-           lent misinformation types with rationalized models
acies aligns with recent work measuring the same            on fact-checks and analyze their evolution over
phenomena (Uscinski et al., 2020; Jolley and Pater-         the last ten years and between notable events. We
son, 2020), especially as the COVID-19 pandemic             hope that this paper offers an empirical lens to
becomes increasingly politicized (Hart et al., 2020;        the systematic understanding of fine-grained mis-
Rothgerber et al., 2020; Weisel, 2021).                     information types, and complements existing work
                                                            investigating the misinformation problem.
6    Discussion
In this section, we discuss limitations of our work
and future directions, and finally conclude.              This research was supported in part by NSF grant
                                                          IIS-1553088. Any opinions, findings, and conclu-
Limitations and future directions. We adopted
                                                          sions or recommendations expressed in this mate-
a computational approach to investigate our re-
                                                          rial are those of the authors and do not necessarily
search question, and this method inherently shares
                                                          reflect the views of the NSF.
common limitations with observational studies,
e.g., prone to bias and confounding (Benson and                   Also note that including these additional fact-checkers in
Hartz, 2000). Specifically, our corpus contains             the corpus would lead to oversampling of overlapping topics
                                                            (e.g., politics).
fact-checks from, one of the most                   16
                                                                  Less-structured and under-represented fact-checks are
comprehensive fact-checking agencies in the US.             difficult for computational modeling (Jiang et al., 2020a).

Ethical Considerations                                         Authors Guild, Inc. v. Google Inc. 2015. 804 f. 3d 202
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quotes and snippets of fact-checks.                              1658, 578 us 15, 194 l. ed. 2d 800 - supreme court.
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                                                         Module cells. Each module in soft and hard ra-
A    Implementation Details                              tionalization methods can be implemented with
                                                         different neural cells. Here, we consider two com-
In this section, we discuss additional implementa-       mon types of choices: RNN cells, e.g., LSTM,
tion details that we omitted in the main paper.          and transformer cells (Vaswani et al., 2017), e.g.,
Loss functions. For the predictive loss Ly (ŷ, y),      BERT (Devlin et al., 2019).
we use a common cross entropy loss function.                For hard rationalization, the rationale selection
   For the rationale regularization loss Lz (z), we      process is actively regularized by Lz (z), therefore
introduced it as a single item in the main paper         we simply choose the cell type that optimizes F1 (y)
for simplicity, but it actually contains two parts as    on dev sets, i.e., transformers.
implemented by Yu et al. (2019). The first part is          For soft rationalization, the rationale selection
to encourage conciseness:                                process is based on passively generated importance
                          (                )             scores (i.e., attention), therefore the inherent be-
                                                         havioral difference between RNN and transformer
         Lzk (z) = max           z i − k, 0 ,
                                                         cells would significantly impact our choice.

Test set evaluation                          Dev set evaluation
                            Pr(z)     %(z) F1 (y) Ac(y)            %(x)    Pr(z)    %(z) F1 (y) Ac(y)         %(x)
 Movie reviews (Zaidan et al., 2007)
 Hard rationalization         0.37    2.7%     0.72     0.72        2.7%    0.12    3.2%     0.71    0.71      3.5%
   w/ Domain knowledge        0.38    3.7%     0.72     0.72       3.7%     0.14    3.9%     0.71    0.71      4.2%
   w/o Rationale regu.        0.31   99.9%     0.92     0.92      99.9%     0.08   99.9%     0.91    0.91    99.9%
   w/ Adversarial comp.       0.33    2.5%     0.70     0.70       2.5%     0.13    4.1%     0.70    0.70      3.7%
 Soft rationalization         0.58    3.7%     0.91     0.91       100%     0.30    3.9%     0.90    0.90     100%
   w/ Domain knowledge        0.62    3.7%     0.92     0.92       100%     0.33    3.9%     0.91    0.91     100%
 Personal attacks (Carton et al., 2018)
 Hard rationalization         0.17     32.5%   0.73     0.73      32.5%     0.19   30.2%     0.74    0.74    30.2%
   w/ Domain knowledge        0.22     16.9%   0.73     0.73      16.9%     0.23   15.7%     0.74    0.74    15.8%
   w/o Rationale regu.        0.19     99.9%   0.82     0.82      99.9%     0.20   99.9%     0.84    0.84    99.9%
   w/ Adversarial comp.       0.22     14.9%   0.75     0.75      14.9%     0.23   15.2%     0.76    0.76    15.2%
 Soft rationalization         0.35     16.9%   0.82     0.82       100%     0.37   15.7%     0.84    0.84     100%
   w/ Domain knowledge        0.39     16.9%   0.82     0.82       100%     0.40   15.7%     0.85    0.85     100%
 Soft rationalization          -        -      0.74     0.83       100%      -        -      0.72    0.83     100%
   w/ Domain knowledge         -        -      0.75     0.85       100%      -        -      0.73    0.85     100%

Table 2: Evaluation results on both test and dev sets for hard and soft rationalization methods. An additional
accuracy metric Ac(y) is included, as well as results for the fact-checks dataset. The results on dev sets align with
our findings on test sets in the main paper.

   In our experiments, we observe that transformer             cells. After optimizing F1 (y) on dev set, we choose
cells often assign strong importance to a single to-           bidirectional LSTM initialized with GloVe embed-
ken, but assign near zero weights to its neighboring           dings (Pennington et al., 2014) for the soft rational-
tokens (possibly as a result of its multi-head atten-          ization method.
tion mechanism), while RNN cells assign strong
importance to a single token, but also some residue,           Hyperparameters. As discussed in the paper,
fading weights to its neighboring tokens.                      we optimize hyperparameters for F1 (y) on the dev
   Consider the following example, which shows                 sets.
the distribution of importance scores generated by                Since the size of dev sets is relatively small in
transformer cells, with darker text representing               our experiments, a rigorous grid search for hyper-
higher importance scores and lighter text scoring              parameters might overfit to several instances in the
near zero. In the following example, only the token            dev set, therefore we tune the hyperparameters man-
conspiracy is selected as rationale:                           ually starting from the hyperparameters released
                                                               by (Yu et al., 2019) and (Carton et al., 2018).
     “...Furthermore, claims that COVID-19                        For movie reviews (Zaidan et al., 2007), the
     was “manufactured,” or that it “escaped                   best-performing model for hard rationalization uses
     from” this Chinese lab, are nothing more                  λzk = 5.0, k = 240, λzl = 5.0, l = 10, and
     than baseless conspiracy theories...”                     λd = 8.0 with domain knowledge as weak supervi-
In contrast, the following example shows the dis-              sion, and the best-performing model for soft ratio-
tribution of importance scores generated by RNN                nalization uses λd = 0.5.
cells for the same snippet, i.e., the token conspir-              For personal attacks (Carton et al., 2018), the
acy has the strongest importance score, but its                best-performing model for hard rationalization uses
neighboring tokens are also assigned some weight               λzk = 5.0, k = 7, λzl = 5.0, l = 1, and λd = 10.0
above the threshold, and therefore the phrase base-            with domain knowledge as weak supervision, and
less conspiracy theories is selected as rationale:             the best-performing model for soft rationalization
     “...Furthermore, claims that COVID-19                     uses λd = 0.5.
     was “manufactured,” or that it “escaped                      For fact-checks, the best-performing model for
     from” this Chinese lab, are nothing more                  soft rationalization uses λd = 1.0.
     than baseless conspiracy theories...”                     Domain knowledge for fact-checks. Vd con-
  As we prefer to obtain phrases (i.e., one or more            tains the following words, in which the first 5
tokens) for rationales, we choose between RNN                  are from Wardle (2017) and the remaining 7 are

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