The Economic Implications of Climate Change - Moody's Analytics
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ANALYSIS The Economic Implications of Climate Change June 2019 Introduction Prepared by In the absence of global pollution mitigation, anthropogenic emission of carbon dioxide Chris Lafakis into the Earth’s atmosphere will raise global temperatures. Rising temperatures and shifting Director precipitation patterns will affect agricultural production and universally hurt worker health and productivity. More frequent and intense extreme weather events will increasingly disrupt Laura Ratz and damage critical infrastructure and property. And sea-level rise will threaten coastal Economist communities and island nations. Emily Fazio Economist Maria Cosma Associate Economist Contact Us Email U.S./Canada +1.866.275.3266 EMEA +44.20.7772.5454 (London) +420.224.222.929 (Prague) Asia/Pacific +852.3551.3077 All Others +1.610.235.5299 Web
MOODY’S ANALYTICS The Economic Implications of Climate Change BY CHRIS LAFAKIS, LAURA RATZ, EMILY FAZIO, MARIA COSMA I n the absence of global pollution mitigation, emission of carbon dioxide from human sources into the Earth’s atmosphere will raise global temperatures. Rising temperatures and shifting precipitation patterns will affect agricultural production and universally hurt worker health and productivity. More frequent and intense extreme weather events will increasingly disrupt and damage critical infrastructure and property. And sea-level rise will threaten coastal communities and island nations. These effects will intensify throughout Last year, the Intergovernmental Panel IPCC’s most recent assessment report was the century, resulting in profound changes in on Climate Change released a sweeping re- a critical input into the UNFCCC’s Paris climate patterns across the globe. Climate port on the impacts of climate change under climate accord. change will create many losers, but also the Paris Agreement’s target and related Increasing global knowledge of climate some winners. pathways. The report aggregated existing change has given rise to three primary sci- In this report, we examine the physical scientific literature and found that dam- entific research communities. The Climate risk of climate change for each country using age to ecosystems, humans and economies Modeling community studies the effects of the Moody’s Analytics Global Macroeco- was significantly larger at 2°C of warming global warming on the climate and the con- nomic Model. We quantify the economic than at 1.5°C. The report states that global nection between greenhouse gas emissions costs of climate change across various im- economic damage is estimated to be $54 and the environment. The Impacts, Adapta- pact channels, and use the global model to trillion in 2100 under a warming scenario tion and Vulnerabilities community studies produce forecasts consistent with a range of 1.5°C and $69 trillion under a warming these three issues by drawing on other dis- of climate scenarios. Finally, we discuss the scenario of 2°C.2 Warming beyond the 2°C ciplines such as social sciences, economics, limitations of our work and considerations threshold could hit tipping points for even engineering and natural sciences. And the for future work. larger and irreversible warming feedback Integrated Assessment Model community loops such as permanent summer ice melt combines information from diverse fields of Climate change in the Arctic Ocean.3 study to explore the connection between In recent decades, public awareness of emissions and public policy. Together, these the science behind the greenhouse effect The climate science community communities have been instrumental in and the potential effects of climate change The IPCC was established in 1988 by the quantifying the risks of climate change. has grown. Global institutions have formed United Nations to provide the world with an to address the challenge, and many of the objective, scientific view of climate change Representative Concentration world’s governments have taken steps to and to inform the public of its economic Pathways mitigate the potentially adverse outcomes impacts. All members of the World Meteo- The international climate change research arising from climate change. These efforts rological Organization and the UN are free community has converged remarkably over culminated in the landmark Paris Agreement to join. IPCC reports are used to produce the past two decades. The first set of climate in 2015, which set a goal to limit the global the United Nations Framework Conven- change scenarios was published by the IPCC temperature increase to 2°C above pre- tion on Climate Change, which is the main in 1992. The IPCC updated its work in 2000, industrial levels1 and was signed by virtually international treaty on climate change. The and these initial scenarios have provided every country on the planet. common reference points for climate re- 2 search in the past decade. The IPCC has since 1 The 1850-1900 time period is frequently referenced in IPCC 3 reports as the time frame for pre-industrial, but some mem- pl/2017/06/28/356.6345.1362.DC1/aal4369_Hsiang_ transitioned into a supportive role in order to bers of the scientific community have different definitions. SM.pdf empower the research community, which is 2 June 2019
MOODY’S ANALYTICS Chart 1: Temperatures Will Rise ated emissions and introduced the four finalized RCP scenarios. temperature trajec- Each RCP was designed using a unique IAM Projected mean global temp. increases relative to 1986-2005, °C tories. Rather, they component of the CMIP model family: 4.5 4.0 RCP 2.6 work in reverse, tar- »» RCP 2.6. Radiative forcing value in the 3.5 RCP 4.5 geting CO2-equiva- year 2100 is 2.6 watts/meter2. CO2- 3.0 RCP 6.0 lent emissions. This equivalent atmospheric concentration 2.5 framework implicitly reaches 421 parts per million.6 Mean RCP 8.5 2.0 acknowledges that global temperature increases by 1°C over 1.5 there are many fac- the base period. Paris Agreement’s target 1.0 tors that determine »» RCP 4.5. Radiative forcing value in the 0.5 emission quantities, year 2100 is 4.5 W/m2. CO2-equivalent 0.0 and the projected atmospheric concentration reaches 538 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095 CO2-equivalent con- parts per million.7 Mean global tem- Sources: IPCC, Moody’s Analytics centrations can be perature increases by 1.9°C over the Presentation Title, Date 1 achieved in different base period. spearheaded by the Integrated Assessment ways. It also allows researchers to test the »» RCP 6.0. Radiative forcing value in the Model Consortium. The IAMC is a collection effect of different assumptions—technol- year 2100 is 6.0 W/m2. CO2-equivalent of IAM groups, four of which were responsi- ogy, population growth, public policy—on atmospheric concentration reaches 670 ble for publishing the predecessors to today’s emissions trajectories. In this regard, the parts per million.8 Mean global tem- globally used climate scenarios. RCP scenarios are much more flexible than perature increases by 2.4°C over the The IAMC is the IPCC’s main point of their predecessors. base period. contact. It collaborates with other members Because the RCP scenarios are essentially »» RCP 8.5. Radiative forcing value in the of the scientific research community: IAV, emissions scenarios, they do not offer an year 2100 is 8.5 W/m2. CO2-equivalent CM, technology and engineering communi- explicit trajectory for temperature fluctua- atmospheric concentration reaches ties. Following a stakeholder convention that tions. Different climate models produce 936 parts per million.9 Mean global was initiated by the IPCC in 2007, it took different temperature trajectories given the temperature increases by 4.1°C over the two years of collaboration for this mélange same emissions trajectories.4 Moreover, the base period. of stakeholders to produce their end result: a same models can also be used to produce set of climate scenarios known as Represen- different scenarios, resulting in different In order to streamline the construction of tative Concentration Pathways. temperature trajectories.5 The IPCC reports economic scenarios, Moody’s Analytics used RCPs are climate scenarios that provide the mean temperature trajectories produced the mean global temperature increases for varying trajectories for greenhouse gas emis- by different models as a deviation from the each RCP scenario as reported by the IPCC in sions. The scientific community named the base period of 1986-2005. This is slightly AR5 (see Table 1). scenarios based on the concept of radiative different from the Paris Agreement’s target, Of the four scenarios, it is highly unlikely forcing, which is the difference between the which expresses temperature change relative that RCPs 8.5, 6.0 or even 4.5 will fall within energy from the sun absorbed by the Earth to pre-industrial levels (See Chart 1). or under the Paris Agreement’s warming and the energy the Earth radiates back to Given the hundreds of climate models in targets. The only scenario that is likely to space. Positive radiative forcing occurs when existence, the scientific community rallied fall between 1.5°C and 2°C of warming rela- the Earth absorbs more energy on net. The behind a gatekeeper to regulate historical tive to pre-industrial levels is RCP 2.6. The greenhouse effect is the scientific principle data and provide a framework for coordi- IPCC estimates that at the current rate of that describes how an increasing concentra- nated climate change experiments. This greenhouse gas emissions, reaching a warm- tion of greenhouse gases leads to positive ra- gatekeeper is the Coupled Model Intercom- ing path within the range of the RCP 2.6 diative forcing. In its fifth assessment report parison Project. CMIP is supported and main- scenario will require large and immediate released in 2014, the IPCC identified four tained by the Lawrence Livermore National mitigation efforts.10 RCP scenarios that were crafted by members Laboratory in the San Francisco Bay Area. of the scientific community. These scenarios CMIP models are a critical component of the 6 Produced using the IMAGE Integrated Assessment Model. are the international standard for climate IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report, AR5, which 7 Produced using the GCAM Integrated Assessment Model. change research. 8 Produced using the AIM Integrated Assessment Model. 9 Produced using the MESSAGE Integrated Assessment In contrast to its predecessors, the RCP 4 The majority of these models are highly sophisticated and Model. scenarios do not begin with a set of assump- typically rely upon high computing power and geospatial 10 UNEP (2018). The Emissions Gap Report 2018. United Na- datasets. tions Environment Program, Nairobi http://wedocs.unep. tions on economic, demographic, technologi- 5 The IPCC AR5 database comprises 31 models and 1,184 org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/26895/EGR2018_Full- cal or policy factors to produce the associ- scenarios. Report_EN.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y 3 June 2019
MOODY’S ANALYTICS Table 1: RCP Scenarios in 2100 Chart 2: Climate Threats to the Economy Radiative forcing, CO2-equivalent, Mean global temperature Avg annual damage estimates for the U.S. in 2100, % of GDP Scenario 4.0 W/m2 ppm increase, °C RCP 2.6 2.6 421 1 3.5 RCP 4.5 4.5 538 1.9 3.0 RCP 6.0 6.0 670 2.4 2.5 RCP 8.5 8.5 936 4.1 2.0 1.5 Sources: IPCC, Moody’s Analytics 1.0 0.5 0.0 RCP 8.5 is often cited as a business-as- Ocean thermal 1°C (RCP 2.6) 1.5°C (Paris 2°C (RCP 4.5) 4°C (RCP 8.5) usual scenario, but this is partly a miscon- expansion and gla- Agreement) ception. The current trend of emissions more cier melting have Sources: Hsiang et al. (2017), IPCC, Moody’s Analytics closely resembles RCP 4.5 than RCP 8.5.11 been the dominant Presentation Title, Date 2 RCP 8.5 does assume that there is no imple- contributors to sea-level rise.13 Rising sea lev- in water- and vector-borne15 diseases such mentation of climate-friendly policies, but it els reduce the land stock through the erosion, as malaria and dengue fever will likely be also assumes the fastest population growth inundation or salt intrusion along the coast- the largest direct effect of changes in human of the four scenarios, culminating in a dou- line. The extent of land area that may be lost health and the associated productivity loss. bling of the world’s population by 2100, the to rising sea levels, and the economic damage Rising global temperatures can lengthen the lowest rate of technological development, this may cause, is driven by a variety of fac- season and increase the geographic range of slow GDP growth, and high energy use.12 It is tors, including the composition of the shore- disease-carrying insects such as mosquitoes, closer to a worst-case scenario than a busi- line—cliffs and rocky coasts are less subject to ticks and fleas, allowing them to move into ness-as-usual case. For example, by some erosion than sandy coasts and wetlands—the higher altitudes and new regions. In addi- estimates, economic damages to the U.S. total length of the country coast, and how tion, when climate change forces people to are triple in RCP 8.5 by 2100 than in RCP 4.5 much of the coast is being used for productive migrate, it increases the risk of spreading (see Chart 2). None of the four RCP scenarios purposes such as agriculture. Changes in land pathogens into new areas. Increased risk of represent business-as-usual, which would use and the loss of developable land can hurt vector-borne diseases and other heat-related probably be somewhere between RCPs 4.5 any country with a coastline. morbidity will impact productivity, as work- and 8.5. Second, the health of human populations ers will require more sick days while battling Moody’s Analytics used the RCP sce- is sensitive to shifts in weather patterns and illness or work less efficiently due to illness. narios in its analysis in order to provide other aspects of climate change.14 Rising Frequent and long-term illnesses could also economic projections consistent with global temperatures will increase heat-relat- degrade workers’ skills. Higher heat-related international benchmarks. ed mortality and decrease cold-related mor- mortality and morbidity will reduce labor tality in some regions. However, the change force productivity and likely raise public and How climate change affects the private spending on health services. economy Third, rising temperatures will also hurt 13 Church, J.A., P.U. Clark, A. Cazenave, J.M. Gregory, S. Jevre- This section of our study is dedicated to jeva, A. Levermann, M.A. Merrifield, G.A. Milne, R.S. Nerem, labor productivity. Heat stress, determined P.D. Nunn, A.J. Payne, W.T. Pfeffer, D. Stammer and A.S. explaining the channels through which cli- Unnikrishnan, 2013: Sea-Level Change. In: Climate Change by high temperature and humidity, lowers mate change affects the economy. We evalu- 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working working speed, necessitates more frequent Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovern- ate the economic effects of climate change mental Panel on Climate Change [Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. breaks, and increases the probability of across these six distinct impact channels: Plattner, M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, injury. Outdoor workers are especially af- »» Sea-level rise V. Bex and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. fected. The impact of heat stress on labor »» Human health effects 14 Smith, K.R., A. Woodward, D. Campbell-Lendrum, D.D. productivity in different countries is highly »» Heat effect on labor productivity Chadee, Y. Honda, Q. Liu, J.M. Olwoch, B. Revich, and R. Sauerborn, 2014: Human health: impacts, adaptation, and dependent on their industrial compositions. »» Agricultural productivity co-benefits. In: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adapta- The workforce in less-developed nations, »» Tourism tion, and Vulnerability. Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment where a larger share of labor is concentrated »» Energy demand Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in agricultural activity, has a greater risk of [Field, C.B., V.R. Barros, D.J. Dokken, K.J. Mach, M.D. Mas- trandrea, T.E. Bilir, M. Chatterjee, K.L. Ebi, Y.O. Estrada, R.C. exposure to extreme heat than the workforce 11 Genova, B. Girma, E.S. Kissel, A.N. Levy, S. MacCracken, P.R. rcp-85-the-climate-change-disaster-scenario/579700/ Mastrandrea, and L.L. White (eds.)]. Cambridge University 12 Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 15 Human illnesses transmitted by mosquitoes, flies, ticks, 0148-z pp. 709-754. mites, snails, lice, and other such animals. 4 June 2019
MOODY’S ANALYTICS of more-developed nations that rely more increase energy demand for cooling in the the lever for the tourism channel.19 Oil prices on services. As a result, the temperature summer while decreasing the demand for are the lever for the energy channel. Real effects on labor productivity vary widely heating in the winter. Warmer temperatures consumption is the lever for the sea-level between countries. will increase demand for electricity for air rise channel. And because human health ef- Fourth, higher temperatures, higher conditioners, and reduce demand for natural fects, heat stress, and agricultural changes all atmospheric concentrations of CO2, and gas, oil and wood for heating. But because affect productivity, they were combined into changes in precipitation patterns will directly more energy is used across the globe to heat a shock to real potential productivity, which impact global crop yields. The changes will spaces than is used to cool them, rising tem- is the final lever. not be uniform across regions and crops, peratures will on net result in weaker energy The time series of overlays are weighted however. Growing seasons will lengthen in demand. Changes in demand will have sig- averages of the impact channels per degree colder climates and shorten in hotter ones. nificant implications for energy prices as well of warming, with the weights being the The relative importance of temperature and as investment in infrastructure. global mean temperature increases in the water stress for crop productivity can be as- RCP scenarios, assuming a linear impact. For sessed using models, making adjustments Methodology example, if a temperature increase is 1.4°C in for different crops in each region.16 Without Moody’s Analytics created economic sce- a given quarter of an RCP scenario, we added adaptation, agricultural productivity will de- narios for the countries in its global model 60% of the impact estimate for 1° of change crease in more regions than it will increase, consistent with the four internationally to 40% of the 2° estimate to determine especially as the increase in average global recognized RCP scenarios. In this section, we the change in the impact channel relative temperature rises. describe the complex, multistep process that to the baseline in that quarter. This method Fifth, tourism and income flows be- we undertook to do so. is used for the tourism and human health tween countries will be directly impacted The process begins with quantifying the effects channels. by changes in climate. Climate is one of the six impact channels. To do so, we relied on The process above is also used when main drivers of international tourism, and the work of Roberto Roson and Martina calculating the productivity impact caused tourism revenue is a fundamental pillar of Sartori, economists who published a work- by heat stress and changes in agricultural the economy in many countries.17 Changes ing paper in affiliation with the World Bank productivity, but because these are largely in climate will lengthen the tourism season in 2016.18 Roson and Sartori summarize the sector-specific shocks we must also account in some regions while reducing it in oth- results from a series of meta-analyses that for the industrial composition of a country. ers. It will likely shift tourism toward higher establish a connection between temperature For agricultural productivity, once we have a altitudes and latitudes, increasing visitors rise and economic implications by impact time series of calculated deviations from the in colder countries and reducing travelers in channel. Roson and Sartori provide central baseline, we then multiply those by the ag- warmer countries. Some people may also values of climate change impacts by mak- ricultural share of each particular economy. choose to forgo international trips in favor of ing interdisciplinary assessments of various Once a time series of impacts has been cal- staying closer to home if their local climate of studies with different approaches and culated for each sector—agriculture, manu- improves. This could result in sizable redistri- methodologies. The beauty of the Roson facturing and services—we then multiply butions of income among various countries and Sartori work is that they synthesized the that series by the size of that sector relative as flows of tourism spending change. research of academic economists and linked to the size of the overall economy. After cal- And sixth, changes in climate will also the impact channels to temperature fluctua- culating a time series for the three channels have substantial effects on household en- tions for all of the world’s major countries. through which climate change impacts pro- ergy demand. Variations in temperature Moody’s Analytics translated these ductivity, and adjusting them to account for alter energy needs. Warmer temperatures linkages to the four international RCP sce- their relevant industrial share, these impact narios. To do so, we first created quarterly channels are aggregated into a single time 16 Porter, J.R., L. Xie, A.J. Challinor, K. Cochrane, S.M. Howden, temperature paths for each RCP scenario to series overlay for real potential productivity. M.M. Iqbal, D.B. Lobell, and M.I. Travasso, 2014: Food secu- rity and food production systems. In: Climate Change 2014: match the Moody’s Analytics global model’s Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A: Global and quarterly periodicity. We then constructed Forecasting industrial shares Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel time series of overlays to key economic vari- It thus becomes critically important for us on Climate Change [Field, C.B., V.R. Barros, D.J. Dokken, K.J. ables in the Moody’s Analytics global model. to forecast country industrial shares. To do Mach, M.D. Mastrandrea, T.E. Bilir, M. Chatterjee, K.L. Ebi, Y.O. Estrada, R.C. Genova, B. Girma, E.S. Kissel, A.N. Levy, These variables act as levers in the global this, we used historical data from The World S. MacCracken, P.R. Mastrandrea, and L.L. White (eds.)]. model that can be pulled to craft economic Bank, which measures the share of GDP of Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 485-533. scenarios. Real intermediate net exports are 17 Roson, Roberto, and Martina Sartori. “Estimation of Cli- 19 This variable does not exist for a select group of countries mate Change Damage Functions for 140 Regions in the in the global model, including the United States, Germany GTAP9 Database.” Policy Research Working Paper 7728. 18 and Canada. For those countries, real imports and/or real World Bank Group. June 2016. view/31 exports are the levers. 5 June 2019
MOODY’S ANALYTICS Chart 3: Emerging Economies Industrialize data issues, the three countries where still-strong growth rates components do not near the end of the forecasting period were India, economic concentration by sector, % always equal 100, so compounded through the end of the century. 120 Service Manufacturing Agriculture they were squeezed to Therefore, for these two countries, we used 100 their sum in the last the OECD’s long-term economic forecasts, 80 historical point. which extend to 2060 and assume slower Given that the pre- growth halfway through the century as these 60 liminary path of the countries’ economies develop. We then ex- 40 developing countries’ tended the growth rates through the rest of projections are based the century using a simple trend. As a check, 20 on linear trends, the we made sure that the growth rates did not 0 preliminary projection decay to below the OECD average, or the 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 would eventually re- average for developed economies. Sources: World Bank, Moody’s Analytics sult in economies that Roson and Sartori estimated both the Presentation Title, Date 3 are entirely service- amount of land lost and the impact of services, agriculture and manufacturing.20 based with no manufacturing or agriculture. sea-level rise on GDP given a temperature Projections were constructed using two To prevent this, we calculated the average change of 3°C in 2100. We calculated the methods—one for industrialized countries concentration of each sector across the OECD share of land rent income damaged as a and another for developing countries. countries and forced the projections to level result of climate change by multiplying the OECD member countries formed our list off once they reach the OECD’s average con- impact of sea-level rise by GDP in 2100 and of industrialized countries. Once industrial- centration of each sector (see Chart 3). dividing the result by the amount of land lost ized, the shares are generally stable but If the share of the service sector of an in the same year. may to fluctuate by a few basis points from industrializing country was already above the Then, we constructed a time series of quarter to quarter. For this reason, the pro- OECD average, or if the agriculture or manu- land rent income using the consumer price jected shares were set to the average of the facturing was already below the OECD aver- index forecasts for each country. The CPIs past five years, rather than extending the age, the last historical point was extended were similarly forecast through 2100 using last historical data point across the entire across the forecast horizon. the growth rates in the last five years of forecast horizon. The five-year average better The World Bank does not publish data the Moody’s Analytics forecasting period. reflects slight variations in the composition for Taiwan. We based the industrial shares Land rent income was calculated for each of each economy. on data from the Central Intelligence year by multiplying land rent income in We also forecast the industrial shares Agency’s World Factbook, and left them 2100 by the ratio of CPI in the given year for developing countries (those not in the constant, as the shares suggested Taiwan is to CPI in 2100. OECD). The first step was to estimate simple fully industrialized. The final step was to apply weights for trend equations. The estimation period for Additionally, World Bank data on Algeria the different RCP temperature paths and in- most countries was 1990 through the last and Egypt were deemed unreliable. The his- terpolate the data into a quarterly frequency. historical data point, but for others the torical industrial shares were also obtained To do this, we used the same crosswalking sample size was truncated to produce more from the CIA’s World Factbook, and grown methodology we used for the productivity reasonable projections. For example, in a out using the average growth rate of the de- and tourism impact channels. country that is gradually becoming less reli- veloping country bloc. Once the sea-level rise effects were cal- ant on agriculture, the projections reduce culated as a percentage of GDP, they were agriculture’s share of the economy at the Sea-level rise used to shock the Moody’s Analytics global same pace as recent history. Limits were Because sea-level rise damages land stock model using the real consumption lever. put in place so that the shares could not fall through erosion, inundation or salt intrusion, Households and businesses will be able to too low. we needed to calculate land rent income as collect fewer rents and earn less income The growth rate of trend projections a share of GDP to quantify the effects of sea- because of the land that they have lost. But was then lined up to the average of the level rise. the decision was made to use consumption last year. The three sectors in each country To do this, we began by estimating GDP as the lever rather than incomes, because of were then squeezed so that they would not for every country in 2100 by compounding how the global model is structured. Private exceed 100%, or the historical sum. Due to the growth rates in the last five years of the consumption is an “upstream” variable with Moody’s Analytics 30-year forecasts. This stronger connections in the model than total 20 The historical data are as reported by the individual coun- tries. They are prone to revisions, level shifts and gaps in the produced reasonable results for all countries personal income, which is a “downstream” time series. Not all sectors are available for all countries. except India and Indonesia, both developing variable with weaker feedback loops. How- 6 June 2019
MOODY’S ANALYTICS Chart 4: Some Winners, More Losers Chart 5: Climate Change Hurts Nations GDP % deviation from baseline in 2048, RCP 8.5 Real GDP, % change, RCP 8.5, 2048 Saudi Arabia Hong Kong Malta Malaysia Algeria Philippines Bahrain ≥0.5 Singapore ≥0 to
MOODY’S ANALYTICS Chart 6: Tourism Impacts Chart 7: Falling Demand Cuts Oil Prices Change in economic output due to tourism by 2048, % of GDP Reduction in oil prices, % 1.0 2 0 0.5 -2 0.0 -4 -0.5 -6 RCP 2.6 -8 RCP 4.5 -1.0 -10 RCP 6.0 Sweden -1.5 RCP 8.5 Singapore -12 -2.0 -14 RCP 2.6 RCP 4.5 RCP 6.0 RCP 8.5 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038 2043 2048 Sources: World Bank, Moody’s Analytics Sources: World Bank, Moody’s Analytics Presentation Title, Date 6 Presentation Title, Date 7 The second group of countries that was implied by the reduction in oil demand reach nel, but the stress felt in both countries is negatively affected in rising temperature nearly 14% by 2048 in the RCP 8.5 scenario less than 0.02% of GDP by 2100 in the RCP scenarios was oil producers. As the second (see Chart 7). Because of the way oil prices 8.5 scenario (see Chart 8). However, in both largest oil producer in the world, Saudi Ara- are intertwined with economic variables for of these countries, the other channels have a bia is the most negatively affected country oil producers in the global model, this cre- larger impact on GDP. by climate change. Not only does it get hit ates a great deal of economic stress. Not on tourism and productivity, but the reduc- only is Saudi Arabia’s economy over 10% Winners tion in oil prices limits government rev- smaller by 2048 in the RCP 8.5 scenario, but Another observation from the scenarios enue. The last time that oil prices declined even Russia’s forecast is below the baseline is that productivity falls in every country. significantly was in 2014 and 2015, when (see Table 2). While Russia benefits from a While some countries such as Russia benefit Saudi Arabia stated that it would flood the longer growing season and positive tourism in terms of higher agricultural productivity, market with barrels to dry up investment flows, these benefits are more than offset by the drags from heat stress and human health in exploration and production and secure the loss in income from reduced oil revenues. effects are universally negative: For all coun- more market share in the future. This strat- Russia’s GDP is 1.4% lower than the baseline tries, they outweigh the positive productivity egy created a severe disruption to the king- in RCP 8.5 by 2048. effects from the agriculture channel, even for dom’s finances, to which it had to respond While many of the countries most hurt Russia (see Chart 9). with fiscal austerity. The country fell into by climate change are characterized by large But for some countries, the benefits of recession, and it took years of patience and coastlines, this is not primarily due to the lower oil prices and improved tourism flows a new oil-price strategy for the economy sea-level rise channel. For example, Croatia outweigh the drag of reduced productivity to stabilize. and Hong Kong are the two countries with growth, allowing output to exceed the levels Oil demand declines quite dramatically the largest declines relative to the size of in our baseline forecasts. These are mostly in as temperatures rise, and the price declines their economy from the sea-level rise chan- advanced economies in colder climates such Chart 8: Cost of Sea-Level Rise Chart 9: Productivity Falls in Countries… Lost economic output due to sea-level rise by 2100, % of GDP Reduction in potential productivity by 2048, % 0.000 0.00 -0.002 -0.05 -0.004 -0.006 -0.10 -0.008 -0.15 Russia -0.010 U.S. Croatia Hong Kong -0.20 -0.012 -0.014 -0.25 RCP 2.6 RCP 4.5 RCP 6.0 RCP 8.5 RCP 2.6 RCP 4.5 RCP 6.0 RCP 8.5 Sources: World Bank, Moody’s Analytics Sources: World Bank, Moody’s Analytics Presentation Title, Date 8 Presentation Title, Date 9 8 June 2019
MOODY’S ANALYTICS Chart 10: …But Some Will Still Benefit Chart 11: Large Economies, Little Changed Real GDP, % change, RCP 8.5, 2048 Real GDP, % change, RCP 8.5, 2048 Luxembourg Canada Austria United Kingdom Slovenia Germany Sweden France Denmark United States Ukraine Japan Estonia South Korea Czech Republic Italy Lithuania Brazil Belgium China Switzerland Russia Ireland India 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 Sources: World Bank, Moody’s Analytics Sources: World Bank, Moody’s Analytics Presentation Title, Date 10 Presentation Title, Date 11 as Northern Europe (see Chart 10). Luxem- Brazil, Russia, India, China and South time. The degree of economic damage from bourg, Austria, Slovenia, Sweden and Den- Africa, however, fare worse. Brazil and China these six channels is tied directly to the glob- mark top the list of countries with the largest decline by roughly 0.5% of GDP. While lower al mean temperature increase, and the tem- deviation from baseline GDP in the RCP 8.5 oil prices are a great help to the Brazilian perature increase compounds slowly over scenario by 2048. These advanced countries economy, the negative effects from less time. This analysis reveals no acute effects suffer less from heat stress, are not major tourism and lower productivity are too much of climate change that could cause reces- oil producers, and benefit from the tourism to overcome. China actually benefits from a sions. The only source of acute effects would impact channel. rise in tourism and agricultural productivity, emanate from a heightened occurrence and along with lower oil prices, but negative heat severity of natural disasters, and those are Everyone else stress and health effects are more severe. not covered in the scope of this work. Of the world’s 12 largest economies, all of Russia also benefits from increased tour- The second takeaway is that the more the industrialized ones feature GDP changes ism and agriculture, but the oil price decline draconian effects of climate change are not of 0.5% or less in RCP 8.5 by 2048. Canada, more than offsets these positives. felt until 2030 and beyond (see Chart 12). the U.K., Germany, France and the U.S. Of the world’s 12 largest economies, India And they do not become especially pro- feature very modest increases while Japan, is hurt the most. Given India’s lower share nounced until the second part of the century. South Korea and Italy feature very modest of service industry employment, the country Until around 2030, the tangible effects of declines (see Chart 11). The oil price shock suffers greatly from the heat stress impact climate change will mostly be felt by the played an instrumental role in mitigating the channel. This is the most significant impact increased incidence and severity of natural declines in productivity that follow from ris- channel weighing on India’s GDP growth. Ag- disasters, which are not covered in this work. ing global temperatures. Indeed, France and ricultural productivity also falls, and the hit Third, the heterogeneous effects of the U.S. would have been net losers were it from human health effects is roughly equiva- climate change create different incentives not for lower oil prices. lent to the hit from agriculture. Lower oil and disincentives for countries to adopt prices are not nearly public policies to regulate greenhouse gas Chart 12: Climate Stress Compounds enough to offset the emissions. There is less of an incentive for economic damage. advanced Northern European countries to India, reduction in potential productivity, % India’s real GDP is adopt policies that mitigate greenhouse gas 2 2.5% lower in RCP 8.5 emissions, while there is a much greater 0 by 2048. incentive for the emerging economies of -2 Southeast Asia to do so. Implications Fourth, climate change carries vast geo- RCP 2.6 -4 There are five ma- political risk. International immigration is not RCP 4.5 -6 RCP 6.0 jor takeaways from assumed in any of these four scenarios, but RCP 8.5 our climate change it is a major risk. Slower economic growth in -8 scenarios. The first is the most affected countries could prompt -10 that the physical costs residents of those countries to relocate. If 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100 of climate change the degree of emigration is large enough, it Sources: World Bank, Moody’s Analytics compound slowly over could put strain on certain countries that are Presentation Title, Date 12 9 June 2019
MOODY’S ANALYTICS Table 2: Deviation in Real GDP From Baseline in 2048Q4, % Country RCP 2.6 RCP 4.5 RCP 6.0 RCP 8.5 Luxembourg 0.45 0.69 0.57 1.07 Austria 0.28 0.54 0.40 0.94 Slovenia 0.10 0.29 0.18 0.72 Sweden 0.24 0.42 0.33 0.69 Denmark 0.19 0.37 0.28 0.67 Ukraine 0.21 0.34 0.24 0.61 Estonia 0.01 0.25 0.12 0.60 Czech Republic 0.21 0.37 0.29 0.60 Lithuania 0.05 0.21 0.10 0.53 Belgium 0.20 0.32 0.26 0.52 Switzerland 0.14 0.28 0.21 0.50 Ireland 0.12 0.24 0.16 0.47 Slovak Republic 0.16 0.27 0.21 0.44 Finland 0.07 0.20 0.13 0.42 Canada 0.08 0.16 0.10 0.31 United Kingdom 0.09 0.17 0.13 0.29 Netherlands 0.09 0.17 0.12 0.29 Poland 0.09 0.17 0.13 0.28 Germany 0.06 0.14 0.10 0.28 Bulgaria -0.01 0.11 0.07 0.23 Norway 0.32 0.31 0.34 0.17 Hungary 0.04 0.09 0.06 0.15 France 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.08 United States -0.09 -0.04 -0.09 0.08 Japan -0.02 -0.04 -0.04 -0.03 Korea (Republic of ) (South) 0.01 -0.05 -0.03 -0.13 Turkey -0.05 -0.10 -0.08 -0.15 Italy -0.04 -0.09 -0.06 -0.16 Croatia -0.08 -0.11 -0.09 -0.18 New Zealand -0.06 -0.10 -0.08 -0.19 Peru -0.09 -0.13 -0.08 -0.26 Argentina -0.13 -0.21 -0.18 -0.33 Spain -0.17 -0.27 -0.21 -0.45 Latvia -0.55 -0.51 -0.51 -0.46 Brazil -0.10 -0.25 -0.17 -0.48 Chile -0.20 -0.32 -0.30 -0.49 Venezuela -0.02 -0.20 -0.14 -0.51 Portugal -0.20 -0.33 -0.27 -0.52 Romania -0.24 -0.33 -0.27 -0.53 Mexico -0.19 -0.34 -0.26 -0.56 China, People’s Republic of -0.19 -0.37 -0.30 -0.62 Australia -0.15 -0.35 -0.26 -0.69 Greece -0.29 -0.50 -0.38 -0.86 Colombia -0.18 -0.53 -0.41 -0.92 Egypt -0.54 -0.73 -0.64 -0.97 Uruguay -0.52 -0.73 -0.63 -1.04 South Africa -0.39 -0.66 -0.56 -1.04 Israel -0.56 -0.83 -0.70 -1.25 Russian Federation 0.16 -0.41 -0.04 -1.43 Lebanon -0.14 -0.69 -0.34 -1.64 Taiwan (Province of China) -0.34 -0.96 -0.67 -1.86 Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of ) -0.93 -1.42 -1.17 -2.19 India -0.49 -1.29 -0.94 -2.45 United Arab Emirates -0.66 -1.39 -1.01 -2.60 Indonesia -0.29 -1.16 -0.70 -2.63 10 June 2019
MOODY’S ANALYTICS Table 2: Deviation in Real GDP From Baseline in 2048Q4, % (Cont.) Country RCP 2.6 RCP 4.5 RCP 6.0 RCP 8.5 Cyprus -1.30 -1.81 -1.53 -2.70 Kuwait -0.81 -1.57 -1.25 -2.71 Nigeria -0.05 -1.30 -0.57 -3.32 Oman -0.46 -1.67 -0.98 -3.56 Qatar -0.39 -1.73 -0.98 -3.79 Thailand -0.81 -2.06 -1.47 -3.89 Singapore -0.63 -2.04 -1.35 -4.15 Bahrain -0.95 -2.26 -1.48 -4.61 Philippines -0.87 -2.43 -1.67 -4.72 Algeria -0.22 -1.73 -0.58 -5.60 Malaysia -0.80 -3.04 -2.12 -5.80 Malta -4.00 -4.79 -4.38 -6.10 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China -2.77 -4.03 -3.17 -6.40 Saudi Arabia -0.65 -4.04 -1.72 -10.85 Source: Moody’s Analytics receiving the immigrants. Already in the U.S., consumers. Some of the losses were offset this analysis to 2100 as we conduct future the issue of immigration has developed into by charity, and others by federal government work to be consistent with the time horizon one of significant political debate. aid. Every dollar that federal lawmakers ap- most frequently examined in the climate And fifth, this analysis does not delve propriate for disaster relief is a dollar that change literature. into subnational economics, but the effects could have otherwise been spent on Social We also make no assumptions on the become far more dire in certain locations Security, Medicare, national defense, or re- adaptation costs that would be accrued in than across entire countries, particularly for bated as a tax cut. Natural disasters drain the order to achieve the RCP radiative forcing the sea-level rise channel. The Environmental federal government of resources and exacer- trajectories. The RCP trajectories can be Protection Agency has done work to quantify bate the nation’s fiscal situation. achieved in many ways—slower population the economic effects of sea-level rise and We plan on incorporating the increased growth, slower economic growth, public storm surge at the metropolitan level, and it cost of natural disasters in future analysis, policy, or technology. Through technological estimates that in the Tampa area alone the but this is a very difficult exercise because innovation, the private sector has dramati- damage could reach $90 billion by 2100.22 we lack the counterfactual. It would be a cally altered the trajectory of greenhouse flawed analysis to assume that the $300 bil- gas emissions in just the last 20 years. The Limitations lion of damage to the U.S. economy in 2017 advent of the shale revolution and the sub- It would be too simplistic to say that was solely or not at all the result of climate sequent replacement of coal-fired power climate change does not hurt the U.S. The change. We intend on disaggregating the ef- plants with natural gas combined-cycle scope of our study was not comprehensive, fects of climate change from the economic plants helped the U.S. become the first na- and there are a number of factors that were damage of natural di- not considered in this work. The foremost of sasters in future work. Chart 13: Disasters Are Costliest for U.S. these is the increasing frequency and sever- Our economic Costliest weather events in U.S. history, $ bil ity of natural disasters. The year 2017 was scenarios only go the costliest on record for the U.S. Natural through 2048. Given Hurricane Katrina, 2005 disasters created $300 billion worth of eco- that the distress nomic damage, including damaged homes, compounds over time Hurricane Harvey, 2017 businesses, infrastructure and goods (see and is far more severe Hurricane Maria, 2017 Chart 13). This amounted to 1.5% of U.S. in the second half of GDP. Some of the damage was insured, but the century, draw- Superstorm Sandy, 2012 those losses create a liability for corporate ing binary conclu- profits and result in higher premiums paid by sions from our 2048 Hurricane Irma, 2017 scenario projections misses the mark. We 0 50 100 150 200 22 Sources: NOAA, Moody’s Analytics property#findings intend to expand Presentation Title, Date 13 11 June 2019
MOODY’S ANALYTICS Chart 14: Innovation Will Lower Emissions there is uncertainty study from multiple disciplines. Researchers in the link between must rely on others’ work for an understand- Li-ion battery pack price, volume-weighted avg, 2018 $ per kWh emissions and tem- ing of the physical relationships that lead 1,200 perature. While the to shifting climate patterns, the economic 1,000 greenhouse effect conditions that lead to various greenhouse 800 establishes a connec- gas emissions paths, and the role of public tion between carbon policy in response to current and expected 600 dioxide and tempera- changes. The multidisciplinary aspect of 400 ture increase, the climate change research creates an element quantitative nature of uncertainty. 200 of this connection is 0 still being debated. Conclusion 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Some models predict Climate change has disparate effects on Sources: BloombergNEF, Moody’s Analytics greater temperature the world’s economies. It creates winners Presentation Title, Date 14 increases given an and losers and varying incentives to act. tion in the world to comply with the 1997 amount of radiative forcing and some mod- Emerging economies, oil producers, and Kyoto Protocol. More recently, rapid innova- els predict less. those in warmer climates are most vulner- tion in electric vehicles has lowered battery Second, the economic effects of global able. Its most draconian effects occur during pack costs by 86% since 2010 (see Chart temperatures rising to levels never before ex- the second half of this century. The primary 14). We intend to explore the relationship perienced in modern history are far from cer- costs to developed economies in the North- between public policy and greenhouse gas tain. Economic models help us to make the ern Hemisphere will come via the increased emissions in future research. most educated guesses on the link between frequency and severity of natural disasters. Finally, quantifying the economic costs temperature and economic activity, but For these economies, the decline in pro- associated with climate change is far more there is a great deal of literature on this topic ductivity will be smaller and will be offset challenging than estimating the effects of and the estimates are not always aligned. by stronger tourism flows and/or lower oil other events in the economics discipline such Predicting both the vast and uncertain prices. In future work, we intend to lengthen as a fiscal-stimulus program, immigration changes in the Earth’s climate and the im- our economic analysis and quantify natural policy, or tariffs for two key reasons. First, pacts of these changes requires research and disaster and adaptation costs. 12 June 2019
MOODY’S ANALYTICS About the Authors Chris Lafakis is a director at Moody’s Analytics. His expertise is in macroeconomics, energy economics, model development and model validation. Based in West Chester PA, he also covers the California economy and contributes to Mr. Lafakis has been quoted by media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Bloom- berg, and National Public Radio and often speaks at economic conferences and events. Mr. Lafakis received his bachelor’s degree in economics from the Georgia Institute of Technology and his master’s degree in economics from the University of Alabama. Laura Ratz is an economist at Moody’s Analytics. She covers Maryland and several other regional economies. She also works on the U.S. subnational forecasts and alter- native scenarios. Laura has a master’s degree in economics from the University of Delaware and a bachelor’s degree in economics from Washington College in Maryland. Emily Fazio is an economist at Moody’s Analytics. She covers the economies of Italy, Luxembourg and Tennessee. Her research also extends to demographics and climate change. She received her master’s degree in economics from Boston University. Maria Cosma is an associate economist at Moody’s Analytics. She covers the economies of Ireland, Romania, New Jersey, Wyoming, and several U.S. metro areas. She is also involved in consulting projects, climate change research, and contributes to Maria has a bachelor’s degree in economics from Pennsylvania State University. Her honors thesis focused on the environmental and economic impacts of carbon tax policies. 13 June 2019
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