STRATEGIC TRENDS 2019 - Key Developments in Global Affairs - CSS

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STRATEGIC TRENDS 2019 - Key Developments in Global Affairs - CSS
Center for Security Studies

    TRENDS 2019
                      Key Developments in Global Affairs
STRATEGIC TRENDS 2019 - Key Developments in Global Affairs - CSS
STRATEGIC TRENDS 2019 is also electronically available at:

Editors STRATEGIC TRENDS 2019: Jack Thompson, Oliver Thränert
Series Editor STRATEGIC TRENDS: Andreas Wenger

Center for Security Studies
ETH Zurich
Haldeneggsteig 4, IFW
CH-8092 Zurich

This publication covers events up to 1 March 2019.

© 2019, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich

Images © by Reuters

ISSN      1664-0667
ISBN      978-3-905696-66-0
STRATEGIC TRENDS 2019 - Key Developments in Global Affairs - CSS
Center for Security Studies

    TRENDS 2019
                    Key Developments in Global Affairs

Editors:            Jack Thompson, Oliver Thränert

Series Editor:      Andreas Wenger
Authors:            Michael Haas, Jeronim Perović,
                    Jack Thompson, Lisa Watanabe

   ETH Zurich
STRATEGIC TRENDS 2019 - Key Developments in Global Affairs - CSS
STRATEGIC TRENDS 2019 - Key Developments in Global Affairs - CSS



Trump and the Weaponization of International Trade.......................................... 11
Jack Thompson

The Eclipse of Western Military-Technological Superiority.................................. 27
Michael Haas

Russia’s Eurasian Strategy............................................................................................. 45
Jeronim Perović

Russia’s Renaissance in the Arab World..................................................................... 65
Lisa Watanabe

Strategic Trends is an annual publication of the Center for Security Studies (CSS)
at ETH Zurich. It offers a concise analysis of major developments in world affairs,
with a focus on international security. Providing interpretation of key trends
rather than a comprehensive survey of events, Strategic Trends targets a broad
audience, ranging from policymakers to the media, academics, and the general
public. Strategic Trends 2019 is the tenth issue in the series.

The publication series is available for download at the website of the Center for
Security Studies (

We would like to thank this year’s authors, Jack Thompson, Michael Haas, Je-
ronim Perović, and Lisa Watanabe. In addition, a large part of the burden fell on
the CSS’ Miriam Dahinden-Ganzoni (graphic design and layout) and
Linda Samsinger (data collection). They were creative, enthusiastic, and
reliable and made our job much easier. Niklas Masuhr and Annabelle Vuille
helped us avoid numerous minor errors with rock-solid proofreading. Finally,
Christoph Elhardt and the CSS communications team offered invaluable
support throughout the publication process.

We hope you enjoy reading Strategic Trends 2019. Should you have any feedback,
please do not hesitate to contact us at and

With warm regards from Zurich,

Jack Thompson                   Oliver Thränert
Global Security Team Head       Think Tank Head at the CSS

Toward a Less Liberal World Order

2019 is shaping up to be another challenging year in world politics. Policymak-
ers on both sides of the Atlantic confront a landscape that is more complicated,
and less conducive to Western interests, than at any point since the end of
the Cold War. Geopolitical competition between the great powers has become
entrenched as the most important feature of the international system. The so-
called liberal world order – the institutions, alliances, economic arrangements,
and democratic values that provided the foundation for the post-World War II
system – is under threat on all fronts.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the foundation of transat-
lantic security policy for the last 70 years, is wobbling, as the United States
demands more from other member states, sends mixed signals about its willing-
ness to defend allies in the event of war with Russia, and withdraws unilaterally
from crucial agreements such as the Iran nuclear deal (the Joint Comprehen-
sive Plan of Action, or JCPOA). Meanwhile, as European officials and analysts
become more pessimistic about the prospects for continued partnership with
Washington, they have begun to discuss the possibility of pursuing a more inde-
pendent foreign and security policy, with concepts such as “strategic autonomy”
and Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) increasingly driving policy

Long-term cultural, economic, and political problems plague many Western
countries, and free market democracy is no longer the undisputed political ide-
al. After two years, there is no longer any doubt that Donald Trump is reshaping

ST RAT EG I C T R EN DS        2 0 1 9

the domestic and foreign policies of the United States in unprecedented ways,
and, in doing so, is contributing to a partial deglobalization of the international
order. Meanwhile, the European Union confronts a multitude of challenges,
including the emergence of so-called illiberal democracies among its member
states, the shortcomings of the common currency, the unresolved status of Brex-
it, and the challenge of large-scale immigration. Autocratic regimes are seeking
to fill the vacuum. China is posing as a potential leader on issues such as devel-
opment, international trade, and climate change – all while seeking to reshape
the security architecture in East Asia – and Russia has assumed a more promi-
nent military and diplomatic role in hotspots, notably Ukraine and Syria, where
the West has failed to develop effective strategies.

Technology and information are rapidly changing the contours of global poli-
tics, not necessarily for the better. Western policymakers are struggling to cope
with the ways in which social media is empowering radical political actors, as
well as offering a new tool for adversaries to sow discord and undermine elec-
tions. To be sure, the West is active in the cyber realm. However, it has yet to
formulate a coherent strategy for responding to countries such as China that
have mounted aggressive campaigns to steal sensitive economic, political, or
military information. In the burgeoning, and potentially crucial, field of artifi-
cial intelligence, most European countries are still debating whether to formu-
late official AI strategies. Meanwhile, a competition is emerging between China
and the United States, the only nations with the resources to compile the vast
amounts of data necessary for machine learning and to put it to use on a large

The Strategic Trends 2019 contributions reflect on these themes. In the first
chapter, Jack Thompson considers the consequences of the Trump administra-
tion’s new approach to trade policy. He notes that the current system is, in some
respects, unfair to the United States and harmful to millions of Americans. He
also observes that the United States is powerful enough to extract trade conces-
sions from all of its trading partners, and that there may be some short-term
advantages in following such a course of action. However, he argues, the long-
term consequences of the administration’s attempt to, in effect, partially de-glo-
balize the international economy will be harmful. It will encourage other coun-
tries to pursue zero-sum trade policies, undermine the multilateral framework
– especially the World Trade Organization (WTO) – which was painstakingly


constructed over the course of decades, and make international trade less about
rules and efficiency, and more about power. None of this will make the United
States or its allies more prosperous.

Dynamic economies have been a key ingredient of Western military dominance,
but that, too, is threatened. In the second chapter, Michael Haas examines
the advantage Western nations have enjoyed in military technology since the
1970s. He argues that this state of affairs is rapidly changing, as competitors em-
brace new technologies and duplicate or offset Western strengths – a problem
to which there are no easy solutions. In his view, Western policymakers should
act on several fronts to slow the process, while also adapting to a world in which
they no longer enjoy substantial military-technological superiority.

One key competitor is Russia – the focus of this year’s other contributions.
In Chapter Three, Jeronim Perović considers the emergence of the Eurasian
Economic Union (EAEU), a surprisingly robust multilateral organization of
post-Soviet states, which is not a Russian puppet, and which cooperates in eco-
nomic, political, and military matters. He argues that leadership of the EAEU
is a cornerstone of Russia’s strategy to reposition itself as a Central Eurasia great
power. This does not signify a break with the West, but rather an attempt to gain
more leverage in its dealings with the United States and Europe.

Finally, in Chapter Four, Lisa Watanabe looks at Russia’s re-emergence as a
power broker in the Middle East and North Africa, with a focus on countries
of particular interest to Europe when it comes to security issues, economic ties,
and immigration. Partly by reviving ties from the Soviet era, and by shrewdly
embracing a pragmatic, opportunistic approach, Moscow is bolstering its influ-
ence in Syria, Egypt, Libya, and Algeria. With the possible exception of Syria,
Russia is not displacing the United States or European powers. Rather, by in-
creasing its sway in a key region, Russia’s approach to the Arab world is another
way of solidifying its status as a great power.


Trump and the Weaponization
of International Trade
Jack Thompson

The Trump administration’s trade policies are causing more problems than
they solve. They treat friends like adversaries, thereby weakening alliances,
and are further complicating the relationship with China. By discarding
the current multilateral system in favor of a bilateral approach, the Trump
administration is encouraging other countries to view trade negotiations as
a zero-sum, power-driven process. In an era of renewed geopolitical compe-
tition, this is eroding the dividing line between economic and security issues
and, more broadly, undermining the foundations of the liberal world order.

US President Donald Trump and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker discuss
trade at the White House in Washington, DC, July 25, 2018. Kevin Lamarque / Reuters

ST RAT EG I C T R EN DS       2 0 1 9

The nature of the country’s engage-         overall net growth because of trade
ment with the rest of the world has         liberalization – millions benefited
emerged as a key cleavage in US po-         from these changes, and a majority
litical culture, and no public figure       of voters view globalization in most-
has done more to facilitate this phe-       ly positive terms1 – but many Amer-
nomenon than Donald Trump. When             icans saw their lives change for the
Trump campaigned for president in           worse. The consequences for these
2016, he blamed international trade         people have been stark: they have en-
for some of the nation’s biggest prob-      dured falling income levels or long-
lems. He argued that previous admin-        term unemployment, decreased life
istrations had betrayed Americans by        expectancies, and hometowns that
“aggressively” pursuing “a policy of        have, in some cases literally, crumbled
globalization, moving our jobs, our         around them. Not surprisingly, a con-
wealth and our factories to Mexico and      siderable percentage of this cohort has
overseas.” In the process, they had “left   been politically radicalized.
millions of our workers with nothing
but poverty and heartache.” In order        Trump’s trade agenda is designed,
to “Make America Great Again,” he           first and foremost, to appeal to these
promised to revamp US trade policy,         people, who understand that global-
as part of a broader drive to extract       ization has harmed them. In some
concessions from allies and trading         respects, he has succeeded. At home,
partners. In the process, he is contrib-    Trump has cemented the bond with
uting to the partial deglobalization of     his political base and earned the ap-
the international system.                   proval, or at least acquiescence, of
                                            most Republicans – more than 80
There is a degree of truth in Trump’s       percent of whom approve of his job
critique of globalization. Economists       performance. Abroad, he has forced,
debate the scale of the problem, but        in particular, Europe and China to
major trade deals such as the North         reopen existing arrangements and
American Free Trade Agreement               to look for ways to avoid tariffs and
(NAFTA), and the impact on the US           other barriers to the US market. His
manufacturing sector of China’s in-         approach has also reinforced the pres-
tegration into the international eco-       ident’s message that policies should be
nomic system – the so-called China          based on a dispassionate assessment
Shock – have had a significant impact       of US interests, rather than allegedly
on key sections of the economy. The         sentimental concerns about interna-
United States probably experienced          tional stability, the maintenance of

T R U M P   A N D   W E A P O N I Z AT I O N   O F   T R A D E

longstanding alliances, or the health       other trading partners, the president
of the liberal world order (LWO).           has instigated a trade war, and done
                                            so bilaterally. This is jeopardizing the
In spite of these short-term successes,     world’s most important economic
Trump’s trade policies are counterpro-      relationship and destabilizing the
ductive. The president is the first post-   international order. Inevitably, trade
1945 US leader to treat allies as if they   tensions are inflaming other areas of
are competitors. He has directly tied       disagreement – a worrisome prospect
the status of relationships to the out-     when it comes to the world’s most
come of trade negotiations, accusing        powerful nations.
key partners of taking advantage of the
United States. The clear message from       The foundations of the complex, in-
Washington – that friends will need to      terdependent international system,
pay more to maintain good relations         constructed over decades of pains-
– strikes many as little more than ex-      taking negotiations, are in danger of
tortion, and some European policy-          splintering under the pressure of US
makers believe he seeks the dissolution     hostility. At a time when increased
of the European Union. This misreads        collaboration and more intelligent
Trump. The European Union’s de-             policymaking are urgently needed
struction is not a top-tier objective,      to address challenges such as global
but the president clearly dislikes Brus-    warming and the recrudescence of
sels and, when given the opportuni-         extremist and illiberal political move-
ty, does not hesitate to undermine it.      ments, Washington has embraced
Nonetheless, European officials are         unilateralism and nationalism. This is
beginning to make long-term plans           undermining the LWO – which was
for the possibility of an adversarial re-   already under threat – and making
lationship with the United States.          the world a more dangerous place.

The administration’s China strategy         Trump’s Worldview and
is also short-sighted. Though there         Lighthizerism
is widespread acknowledgement on            The current spate of renewed geopo-
both sides of the Atlantic that Beijing     litical competition is reminiscent of
should be confronted about its protec-      a pre-1945, more anarchic era of in-
tionist trade policies, the president is    terstate relations. Similarly, the trade
exacerbating the situation. Instead of      policies of the United States and Chi-
a careful approach combining sticks         na call to mind a troubling phase of
with carrots, and in concert with           international history – the heyday of

ST RAT EG I C T R EN DS       2 0 1 9

mercantilism. From roughly the 16th         a 1990 interview, again amidst spec-
to 18th centuries, European powers          ulation about a run for higher office,
sought to maximize their exports as a       Trump complained that the United
way to bolster national power, always       States was getting “ripped off so badly
at the expense of rivals. Policymakers      by our so-called allies,” such as Japan
viewed economics and geopolitics as         and West Germany, and vowed that
two sides of the same coin, and mer-        as president he would “throw a tax on
cantilist thinking fueled a number of       every Mercedes-Benz rolling into this
conflicts.                                  country and on all Japanese products,
                                            and we’d have wonderful allies again.”2
Aspects of the mercantilist worldview
resonate with Trump. He has long            These populist forays served as dry
viewed the LWO – the alliances, trad-       runs for Trump’s 2016 campaign. He
ing and financial system, international     is hardly the only politician to exploit
institutions, and commitment to liber-      voter anger about the vicissitudes of
al values that the United States led the    international politics, but he is the
way in promoting after World War II –       first to reach the White House with
as detrimental to US interests. During      an explicitly nationalistic trade and
the late 1980s and into the 1990s,          national security agenda. In doing so,
Trump’s anger focused on Japan and          he has revitalized a strand of thinking
Germany. He accused Tokyo of unfair-        that has long lurked on the fringes of
ly limiting access to its markets even as   conservative political culture – one
it depended on the protection of a for-     that combines suspicion of entangle-
mal security alliance with Washington.      ment in foreign problems with fears
In a 1987 advertisement that appeared       that the country’s growing diversity
in several major newspapers, Trump          and embrace of multiculturalism are
accused “Japan and other nations” of        eroding the white, Christian values
“laughing at America’s politicians as we    upon which it was allegedly founded.
protect ships we don’t own, carrying oil    From this perspective, partial disen-
we don’t need, destined for allies who      gagement from the international sys-
won’t help.” Trump’s letter was designed    tem can appear attractive.
to harness the widespread perception
that feckless politicians were ignoring     Several senior officials have played a
the threat allegedly posed by Japan’s       role in implementing the president’s
economic clout. The advert appeared         agenda. The most important has been
just as Trump was floating the possi-       US Trade Representative (USTR)
bility of a run for president in 1988. In   Robert Lighthizer, a trade lawyer

T R U M P          A N D           W E A P O N I Z AT I O N               O F      T R A D E

Top 10 Countries Affected by Chinese Non-tariff Trade Measures*
As of 2018
United States                                                                                                       26

Japan                                                                                                 22

European Union                                                                             19

South Korea                                                               14

Taiwan                                                      9

India                                                   8

Thailand                                         6

Singapore                                4

Malaysia                             3

Russian Federation               2

                           0                 5                  10             15               20                25               30
* Non-tariff include barriers such as anti-dumping, countervailing, export subsidies, quantitative restrictions, safeguards, sanitary
and phytosanitary measures, special safeguards, state trading enterprises, tariff-rate quotas, and technical barriers to trade.
Source: WTO

and Republican operative. In theory,                                  inaccurate – Washington brings more
Lighthizer favors trade liberalization,                               cases to the WTO than any other
but he is skeptical of multilateralism.                               country, and wins almost all of them
Lighthizer and other administration                                   – but it has contributed to the ad-
officials are especially disdainful of the                            ministration’s determination to force
World Trade Organization (WTO).                                       countries into bilateral negotiations.3
They contend the organization, which
admitted China in 2001 as a develop-                                  Lighthizer argues that multilateral
ing country – thereby placing fewer                                   policies have led to the accumulation
restrictions on Beijing’s protectionist                               of a massive US trade deficit – 566
policies – puts the United States at a                                billion USD in 2017. Though most
disadvantage when it comes to dispute                                 economists view the trade deficit
resolution. In particular, they argue                                 as benign, or at least not necessari-
that the WTO too often rules against                                  ly the result of unfair policies, it has
Washington’s use of anti-dumping and                                  emerged as a crucial consideration in
anti-subsidy measures. Trump argued                                   shaping administration policy. For
in a 2017 interview that the WTO had                                  Trump and his advisors, a few trading
“taken advantage of this country like                                 partners are of special concern. The
you wouldn’t believe. We lose…almost                                  deficits with China and the European
all of the lawsuits.” This perspective is                             Union, which topped 300 billion and

ST RAT EG I C T R EN DS       2 0 1 9

139 billion USD, respectively, stand        companies must operate joint, 50
out. Mexico, Germany, Japan, South          percent ventures with local partners.
Korea, and Canada also enjoy surplus-       In addition, Beijing often mandates
es with the United States.4 Not coin-       technology transfers to Chinese firms
cidentally, the Trump administration        in return for market access and is no-
has targeted each of these countries for    torious for failing to protect foreign
coercive trade measures.                    intellectual property.6 The Great Fire-
                                            wall places significant restrictions on
In lieu of multilateral negotiations,       US social media and tech companies,
Lighthizer prefers bilateral formats,       such as Facebook and Google. This
which allow the United States to more       places US firms at a disadvantage, and
effectively wield its massive economic,     has raised concerns about democrat-
military, and political power. Trump        ic norms – both firms are reportedly
agrees. He told members of Congress         developing censored versions of their
that withdrawing from the Trans-            operations for use in China.
Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement
paved “the way to new one-on-one            The antidote to at least some of these
trade deals that protect and defend         problems, suggests Lighthizer, is the
the American worker.”5 Lighthizer’s         use of punitive tariffs, which will
approach dovetails with Trump’s ten-        hopefully force Beijing to reform its
dency to view international politics as     policies. Meanwhile, he has been en-
a zero-sum game. From the president’s       couraging other trading partners to
perspective, freer trade does not bene-     embrace so-called voluntary export
fit everyone – there is always a winner     restraints. These form part of the re-
and a loser.                                negotiated version of NAFTA – the
                                            pending United States–Mexico–Can-
The USTR views China as the biggest         ada Agreement – and appear to be a
threat to US interests. Lighthizer ar-      goal of US negotiations with Europe.7
gues that the Chinese model of state
capitalism has allowed Beijing to un-       If Lighthizer has formulated many
dercut the US edge in technology            technical aspects of administration
through the use of unfair practices. To     policy, the economist Peter Navarro,
an extent, he has a point. In addition      who serves as Director of the Office
to Beijing’s pervasive espionage activi-    of Trade and Manufacturing Policy,
ties, there are extensive restrictions on   has served as Trump’s backbone: every
foreign companies operating in China.       time his colleagues try to dilute a new
In the automotive industry, foreign         trade initiative, Navarro reminds the

T R U M P   A N D      W E A P O N I Z AT I O N         O F   T R A D E

Tariff Levels: US and Key Trading Partners
Applied average on all imports as of 2017
India                                                                                   13.8%

South Korea                                                                             13.7%

Brazil                                                                                13.4%

China                                                              9.8%

Mexico                                                6.9%

Switzerland                                      6.4%

European Union                            5.1%

Canada                             4.0%

Japan                              4.0%

United States                 3.4%

                 0             3                  6               9              12              15
Source: WTO

president of his campaign promises.                    against starting a trade war with Bei-
Like Lighthizer, Navarro views the                     jing. Gradually, however, these men
trade deficit as a pressing problem and                lost influence or left the administra-
considers China to be the foremost                     tion. The result has been a concerted
threat to US economic interests. He                    effort in recent months to transform
has also urged the president to with-                  Trump’s extremist rhetoric into con-
draw from NAFTA and argued that                        crete policies.
German and Japanese policies are un-
fair. Though his impact waned during                   In mid-2018, the administration
the first year of Trump’s tenure, Navar-               imposed so-called Section 232 tar-
ro has regained influence and played                   iffs – which address alleged threats to
a key role in recent internal debates                  national security – on 25 percent of
about trade policy.8                                   steel imports from all countries except
                                                       Argentina, Brazil, and South Korea,
Trump’s Trade Strategy                                 which agreed to voluntary export re-
Initially, not all of Trump’s advisors                 straints, and Australia. It also imposed
favored an aggressive trade policy. A                  10 percent tariffs on aluminum im-
group of officials persuaded the pres-                 ports from all countries except Argen-
ident not to withdraw from NAFTA –                     tina, which agreed to voluntary export
though they failed to prevent his with-                restraints, and Australia. Furthermore,
drawal from the TPP – and advised                      following a so-called Section 301

ST RAT EG I C T R EN DS        2 0 1 9

investigation – designed to eliminate       The administration has yet to extract
unfair foreign trade practices – the ad-    significant concessions from China,
ministration imposed 25 percent tariffs     but there is reason to believe that its
on more than 50 billion USD of Chi-         approach will yield results, at least in
nese goods. When the Chinese retali-        the short term. Most analysts believe
ated in kind, the president imposed 10      that, though both countries will suf-
percent tariffs on another 200 billion      fer as a result of the current trade war,
USD of Chinese goods, with a threat         China has less leverage because it ex-
to raise the tariff levels to 25 percent    ports more to the United States than
on January 1, 2019, though this threat      vice versa, and that it has less tolerance
was later suspended.9                       for economic pain. China’s growth
                                            rate, which has been high since the
At least in the short term, the specter     early 1990s and which has been a cor-
of higher tariffs has borne fruit. Can-     nerstone of the Chinese Communist
ada and Mexico agreed to renegotiate        Party’s monopoly on power, appears
NAFTA – its successor, the United           to be slowing as its economy matures.
States–Mexico–Canada Agreement              At the time of publication, Washing-
(USMCA), has yet to be ratified – and,      ton and Beijing were in the midst of
though most analysts have concluded         intense negotiations, with indications
that the agreement does not offer sig-      that China would make at least mod-
nificant concessions, it does include       est concessions.12
voluntary export restraints for Cana-
da and Mexico in areas such as auto-        The administration is designing other
mobiles and dairy products.10 Canada        trade deals in order to intensify the
and Mexico are also still subject to tar-   pressure on China. The TPP agree-
iffs on steel and aluminum.                 ment was designed to reinforce US
                                            leadership in East Asia and to allow
In order to avoid the steel tariffs,        Washington, if necessary, to more
South Korea agreed to amend the             effectively counter Beijing’s growing
2012 United States-Korea Free Trade         influence. However, it was also in-
Agreement (KORUS). The revised ver-         tended to encourage Chinese reform,
sion of the deal includes modest con-       and even to potentially permit Chi-
cessions that should make it slightly       nese membership. Trump’s China
easier for the United States to sell cars   policy is much different. The USM-
in South Korea, and more difficult for      CA makes it difficult for Canada and
South Korean companies to sell trucks       Mexico to negotiate deals with gov-
in the United States.11                     ernments that intervene extensively

T R U M P   A N D   W E A P O N I Z AT I O N   O F   T R A D E

in their own economies, prevents           Trade and Geopolitics: China
state-owned enterprises from taking        Trump’s presidential campaign and
advantage of lower tariffs, and forbids    early months in office offered con-
member states from participating in        flicting indications about his inten-
currency manipulation – all provi-         tions toward China. On the stump,
sions aimed at China. The adminis-         he vowed to take a tougher stance
tration views the USMCA as a model,        than previous presidents. He also sur-
and is currently seeking bilateral trade   rounded himself with advisors with
pacts with key countries in East Asia,     anti-Chinese views, such as former
including Japan, the Philippines, and      campaign manager and chief strate-
Vietnam.13                                 gist Steve Bannon, and Peter Navarro.
                                           In a transparent effort to extract con-
The president initially indicated that     cessions on trade, he questioned the
he opposed the Transatlantic Trade         one China policy and, in an unprece-
and Investment Partnership (TTIP),         dented move for a US leader, accepted
but in recent months the adminis-          a phone call from Tsai Ing-wen, Pres-
tration has been negotiating with its      ident of the Republic of China. The
European counterparts about a deal         US 2017 National Security Strategy
that would include similar features.       featured antagonistic language, ac-
At the same time, he has sought sig-       cusing Beijing of wanting “to shape
nificant concessions from Brussels. In     a world antithetical to U.S. values
addition to the steel and aluminum         and interests.” In an October 2018
tariffs, which affect all European steel   speech, Vice President Mike Pence
exports, he has threatened to impose       painted the Chinese government as
25 percent tariffs on European (and        harsh and repressive, accused it of
Japanese) automobiles. The president       “economic aggression”, and claimed
has issued shifting demands – at times     it was using stolen US technology
he has pressed European car compa-         to turn “plowshares into swords on a
nies to expand their US operations, at     massive scale.”
other times he has focused on lower
barriers for US agricultural products      At the same time, Trump select-
– but been consistent in his threats to    ed some advisors with less extreme
punish the Europeans for what he sees      views, such as former National Eco-
as unfair trade practices. Though the      nomic Council Director Gary Cohn.
tariffs would affect all European car      The president’s November 2017 visit
imports, in Trump’s view, Germany is       to Beijing was characterized by strong
the chief culprit.                         personal chemistry with Chinese

ST RAT EG I C T R EN DS       2 0 1 9

President Xi Jinping, and he has tak-      Chinese government has condemned
en some steps to assuage China. For        the arrest of Meng and, in apparent
instance, despite complaints from the      retaliation, arrested several Canadian
US Congress, he prevented the US           citizens. The accusations against Meng
Department of Commerce from im-            are part of a list of charges the US De-
posing sanctions on ZTE, which could       partment of Justice has filed against
have led to bankruptcy for the promi-      Huawei, in which the company is ac-
nent Chinese tech company.                 cused of economic espionage, fraud,
                                           and obstruction of justice.
This inconsistent behavior, and high
staff turnover in the administration,      The case against Huawei highlights
has confused Chinese policymakers.         Washington’s concerns about China’s
Nevertheless, there is broad agreement     vigorous espionage efforts. These in-
about the outlines of a potential deal.    clude the aggressive recruitment of
The two sides are in negotiations that     human sources and large-scale cyber
could: increase purchases of US goods      theft. For instance, in December
and services, open access to China’s       2018 the US government indicted
markets, protect intellectual property,    two Chinese nationals on charges of
and reduce subsidies to Chinese com-       hacking activities that were alleged-
panies. One potential obstacle to any      ly intended to steal data, intellectual
deal is Washington’s insistence that       property, and confidential business
Beijing be able to provide credible        and technological information from
verification.14                            companies in many countries. The
                                           accused worked for the Chinese com-
Yet any agreement could be overshad-       pany Huaying Haitai Science and
owed by several areas in which trade       Technology Development Company,
tensions are merging with political        but are suspected of operating on be-
disagreements. At the request of the       half of the Chinese Ministry of State
United States, Canada recently arrested    Security’s Tianjin State Security Bu-
Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer      reau and of being part of the hacking
of Chinese tech giant Huawei, on sus-      group often referred to as APT 10.15
picion of breaching US sanctions on
Iran. This goes beyond a simple legal      Western unease about such efforts
dispute. Meng is the daughter of the       is not new, but Meng’s arrest has
company’s founder and president, Ren       focused attention on the extent to
Zhengfei, who has close ties to the Chi-   which Chinese state and private sec-
nese political and military elite. The     tor companies allegedly cooperate for

T R U M P    A N D   W E A P O N I Z AT I O N   O F   T R A D E

the purposes of industrial espionage.        Even the prospect of a major trade
In recent months, a number of govern-        deal appears to be of limited value
ments and corporations – reportedly          when it comes to addressing structur-
partly in response to US urging – have       al problems in the relationship. Many
ceased using Huawei technology, fear-        Americans that have traditionally
ing for the integrity of their commu-        worked for better relations with Bei-
nication networks. The US Congress           jing, such as academics and corporate
has repeatedly raised concerns about         leaders, have ceased doing so as they
Huawei and ZTE, and in August 2018           become more hawkish and more pes-
Trump signed a bill which included           simistic about the prospects for peace-
some restrictions on government con-         ful coexistence. Meanwhile, though
tracts with the two companies.               Chinese analysts and policymakers
                                             mostly wish to avoid confrontation
The friction over trade practices comes      with the United States, President Xi
at a tense time in US-Chinese rela-          has clearly lost patience with Deng
tions. In light of the shrinking imbal-      Xiaoping’s advice to his countrymen
ance in military power between the           to “hide your strength and bide your
two nations, Washington is anxious           time.”
about President Xi’s centralization of
political power and formulation of a         Trade and Geopolitics: Europe
more assertive foreign policy, especial-     According to Trump, Europe’s short-
ly in the South China Sea. US officials      comings on trade and NATO are in-
have responded to Beijing’s expansive        terconnected. He argues that spend-
claims in the region, and its militariza-    ing less on defense has given countries
tion of natural and man-made islands,        such as Germany an unfair advantage
with increased overflights and freedom       when it comes to fostering economic
of navigation exercises. The risk of an      growth, and he has not hesitated to
accidental outbreak of hostilities is ris-   treat US allies as competitors. For in-
ing – on a regular basis, Chinese planes     stance, following disagreements with
and ships maneuver dangerously close         French President Emmanuel Macron
to US craft traversing disputed waters.      about NATO and a European army,
To make matters worse, US military           he threatened to impose tariffs on
officials who would like to establish        French wine imports.
reliable lines of communication with
their Chinese counterparts, partly in        Germany has been the focus of much
order to be able to defuse such situa-       of the president’s animus. The US am-
tions, have found it difficult to do so.     bassador in Berlin, Richard Grenell,

ST RAT EG I C T R EN DS       2 0 1 9

a Trump favorite, has taken a hard        allies and adversaries initially shocked
line with his local counterparts and,     European officials. For much of the
judging from the reaction of German       post-1945 period, disagreements over
politicians and the media, further un-    trade and other economic issues have
dermined US standing in the country.      been a feature of the US-European
Trump’s personal attacks on Angela        relationship. However US policy-
Merkel have been especially problem-      makers, in spite of frequent frustra-
atic. He has frequently criticized and    tion, never lost sight of the fact that
belittled the Chancellor and sought       the headaches that went with serving
to undercut her political standing at     as the anchor of the international
home. In an unprecedented move for        economic system, such as trade im-
a US president, in June 2018, during      balances, were a small price to pay
tense coalition negotiations about im-    for a Europe that was prosperous,
migration policy, Trump encouraged        democratic, and closely tied to the
German hardliners by tweeting “the        United States. Even Barack Obama,
people of Germany are turning against     who urged Europeans to take more
their leadership as migration is rock-    responsibility for problems in their
ing the already tenuous Berlin coali-     neighborhood so that he could focus
tion.” He argued: “Big mistake made       on other parts of the world, especially
all over Europe in allowing millions of   East Asia, and who some Europeans
people in who have so strongly and vi-    accused of disinterest, viewed the alli-
olently changed their culture.”           ance as indispensable.

The origins of Trump’s hostility are      Trump is the first post-1945 president
not entirely clear. His mercantilist      who does not share this worldview.
instincts predispose him to resent        Given his tendency to view interna-
countries that have strong export sec-    tional relations in terms of Realpo-
tors. Merkel’s close relationship with    litik, his dislike for multilateralism
former US president Barack Obama          and international institutions, and
probably also bothers him, as does the    his preference for illiberal leaders, his
frequent observation that, with Trump     trade policies should not have come
as president, Merkel is now, as one       as a surprise to European officials and
Obama advisor put it, “the leader of      executives. Nevertheless, they have
the free world.”                          reacted inconsistently. At times, they
                                          have signaled a willingness to fight
Whatever the reasons, Trump’s un-         back. Macron, for instance, declared
willingness to distinguish between        in March 2018 that Europe would

T R U M P        A N D      W E A P O N I Z AT I O N            O F      T R A D E

Most Important US Trading Partners by Rank
Exports and Imports in billion USD as of 2018

                      CANADA                   14
                                            IRELAND 7       LANDS
                                                UNITED       12
                                               KINGDOM          5                    1            4
                           USA                                    GERMANY                     6 JAPAN
                                                                                      CHINA SOUTH
                                                       8                                    KOREA
                                                             15                9
                 MEXICO                             FRANCE       SWITZERLAND                 11TAIWAN


  Volume of Trade

Source: US Census Bureau

“discuss nothing, as a matter of prin-                        whether to impose Section 232 tariffs
ciple, with a gun pointed at our head.”                       on European cars, is due to be con-
Europe has also leveled retaliatory                           cluded in February 2019, though the
tariffs on 3.2 billion USD of goods,                          findings had not been made public at
many of which are manufactured in                             the time of publication. Automobile
pro-Trump areas of the United States.                         executives from BMW, Daimler, and
                                                              Volkswagen have made conciliatory
In spite of brave talk about not yield-                       moves, offering to increase operations
ing in the face of US bullying, Euro-                         in the United States.
peans have sought to placate Trump.
In July 2018, European negotiators                            Trump has also used trade to sow po-
made a number of small concessions                            litical discord on the other side of the
on agriculture and energy in order                            Atlantic. He has not masked his dis-
to forestall the car tariffs and restart                      like for the European Union and his
trade talks. Those negotiations have                          preference for a more nationalistic,
since faltered, as US officials have ac-                      less integrated Europe, and has open-
cused their European counterparts                             ly encouraged Britain to withdraw.
of stalling. As further leverage, a US                        In the wake of the 2016 election, he
Department of Commerce study, on                              promised London a favorable trade

ST RAT EG I C T R EN DS        2 0 1 9

deal in order to limit any economic          is worth noting that, at least in some
problems caused by Brexit. Howev-            respects, the president is taking action
er, after Prime Minister Theresa May         that much of the US public supports
agreed with her European counter-            – underscoring the extent to which he
parts on the terms of Britain’s with-        views trade through a political lens.
drawal, Trump criticized the deal and        Though Republicans tend to have
suggested it would prevent a US-UK           slightly more hawkish views, concerns
trade pact.                                  about China transcend party lines.16

A Threat to the International                In spite of modest concessions from
System                                       trading partners and some potential
Trump has demonstrated that eco-             short-term political benefits, the pres-
nomic blackmail by the United States         ident’s nationalistic trade policies are
works, at least in a narrow sense. In        profoundly damaging. Ironically, US
every case that the administration has       interests have been particularly affect-
threatened to limit access to the US         ed. In spite of Trump’s frequent asser-
market, trading partners, in spite of        tions to the contrary, the LWO has,
vows to the contrary, have agreed to         more than any other nation, benefit-
negotiate and offered at least modest        ed the United States politically, eco-
concessions.                                 nomically, and militarily. It was a key
                                             factor in sustaining US influence after
There are a number of factors pushing        World War II. In an era in which the
Washington toward more aggressive            United States is probably in gradual
policies and, to an extent, a rethink        decline, it needs the support of strong
on trade is warranted. Chinese trade         alliances and trading relationships
practices and espionage activities, for      more than ever. Its efforts to partially
instance, merit action – though any          de-globalize the international system
response would be more effective if          are having the opposite effect, and
it were mounted by a broad coalition         are providing opportunities to com-
of interested countries, instead of the      petitors. The timing of Xi Jinping’s
United States acting unilaterally. In        speech at the 2017 World Economic
addition, though the Trump adminis-          Forum, in which he portrayed China
tration has contributed to the erosion       as a leader of the globalized economy,
of the dividing line between economic        was not coincidental. His argument,
disagreements and political relations,       that when “encountering difficulty we
especially vis-à-vis its European allies,    should not complain, blame others,
China is equally guilty in this regard. It   or run away from responsibilities ...

T R U M P   A N D   W E A P O N I Z AT I O N   O F   T R A D E

Instead we should join hands and rise      The consequences of such a develop-
to the challenge,” was a clear attempt     ment would be dire. Powerful nations
to assume the mantel of leadership dis-    would frequently take advantage of
carded by the Trump administration.        weaker trading partners, fueling dis-
                                           trust and, in general, making the in-
Trump’s policies are undermining the       ternational system more dangerous.
international economic system that         There would also be a tendency for
Washington and its allies spent de-        economic disagreements to lead to
cades constructing after World War II.     political and even military conflict.
This complex, interdependent system        China and the United States should
is now in danger of collapsing, and the    serve as a cautionary tale in this re-
alternative that Trump envisages – a       gard, as they have entered a vicious
web of bilateral trade deals, with the     cycle, wherein trade measures are in-
United States at the center – would        evitably seen as designed not just to
harm all parties involved. Such an ar-     increase wealth, but to weaken the
rangement would be less efficient than     geostrategic position of the other
the current multilateral system, which     country.
better reflects how international trade
works in an interconnected global          Trump’s attacks on the underpin-
economy, where supply chains often         nings of the international system,
stretch across numerous countries.         if sustained, could boost nationalist
Bilateral deals also do a much less ef-    and extremist political movements
ficient job of harmonizing standards       in many countries, as it undermines
and regulations.                           the trust necessary to sustain inter-
                                           national institutions and democratic
The WTO, in particular, is in danger.      norms. In fact, once the process of
The United States remains the world’s      deglobalization gathers momentum,
most important economy, and the ad-        it will be difficult to resuscitate the
ministration’s unwillingness to work       old order. The creation of the cur-
through the WTO system potentially         rent multilateral framework was only
renders it irrelevant, especially given    possible because of the unique cir-
the relative ease with which Washing-      cumstances present during and after
ton has been able to convince its trad-    World War II. Absent a comparable
ing partners to enter bilateral negotia-   crisis, it is doubtful that the will nec-
tions. If Trump’s approach succeeds, it    essary for such a complicated and
could normalize a zero-sum approach        politically challenging undertaking
to trading issues.                         would be present.

ST RAT EG I C T R EN DS              2 0 1 9

1 Dina Smeltz, Ivo Daalder, Karl Friedhoff, Craig     11 Office of the United States Trade Representa-
  Kafura, “What Americans Think about America            tive, “New U.S. Trade Policy and National Se-
  First,” The Chicago Council on Global Affairs,         curity Outcomes with the Republic of Korea,”
  2017.                                                  03.2018.

2 Tom Wright, “Trump’s 19th Century Foreign           12 Keith Bradsher, “China Once Looked Tough
  Policy,” in: Politico, 20.01.2016; John Shanahan,      on Trade. Now Its Options Are Dwindling,”
  “Trump: U.S. Should Stop Paying To Defend              in: The New York Times, 18.09.2018; Chad
  Countries that Can Protect Selves,” in: The As-        Bray, “China has a lot more to lose than the
  sociated Press, 02.09.1987; Glenn Plaskin, “The        US in trade war, says Credit Suisse,” in: South
  1990 Playboy Interview With Donald Trump,”             China Morning Post, 14.01.2019; James Politi
  in: Playboy, 01.03.1990.                               and Tom Hancock, “US-China Trade Talks
                                                         Conclude as Hopes of Progress Rise,” in: The
3 Henrietta Reily, “By the Numbers: Here’s how           Financial Times, 10.01.2019.
  “Badly” the WTO Treats the US,” in: Axios,
  07.07.2018.                                         13 Barry Naughton, Arthur R. Kroeber, Guy de
                                                         Jonquières, and Graham Webster, “What Will
4 The United States Census Bureau, “U.S. Trade           the TPP Mean for China?” in: Foreign Policy,
  in Goods by Country”.                                  07.10.2015; Alan Rappeport and Keith Brad-
                                                         sher, “Trump Embarks on Bilateral Trade Talks
5 William Mauldin, “Trump’s Big Gamble: Luring           to Pressure China,” in: The New York Times,
  Countries into One-On-One Trade deals,” in:            17.10.2019.
  The Wall Street Journal, 27.01.2017.
                                                      14 Lingling Wei, “US Pushes China to Follow
6 Lee G. Branstetter, “China’s Forced Technology         Through on Trade Promises,” in: The Wall Street
  Transfer Problem – And What to Do About It,”           Journal, 07.01.2019.
  Peterson Institute for International Economics,
  06.2018.                                            15 Assistant Attorney General John C. Demers,
                                                         “China’s Non-Traditional Espionage Against
7 Quinn Slobodian, “You Live in Robert Lighthiz-         the United States,” Statement before the
  er’s World Now,” in: Foreign Policy, 06.08.2018;       Committee on the Judiciary, US Senate,
  Jakob Hanke, “Charge of the Lighthizer                 12.12.2018; US Department of Justice,
  Brigade,” in: Politico, 02.10.2018; White House,       “Two Chinese Hackers Associated With the
  “Remarks by President Trump at Signing of a            Ministry of State Security Charged with Global
  Presidential Memorandum Targeting China’s              Computer Intrusion Campaigns Targeting
  Economic Aggression,” 22.03.2018.                      Intellectual Property and Confidential Business
                                                         Information,” 20.12.2018.
8 Annie Lowry, “The ‘Madman’ Behind Trump’s
  Trade Theory,” in: The Atlantic, 12.2018; Peter     16 Pew Research Center, “As Trade Tensions
  Navarro, “The Era of American Complacency              Rise, Fewer Americans See China Favorably,”
  on Trade Is Over,” in: The New York Times,             08.2018.

9 Office of the United States Trade Representative,
  “USTR Finalizes Tariffs on $200 Billion of
  Chinese Imports in Response to China’s Unfair
  Trade Practices,” 18.09.2018.

10 Geoffrey Gertz, “5 things to know about
   USMCA, the new NAFTA,” The Brookings In-
   stitute, 02.10.2018; Gary Hufbauer and Steven
   Globerman, “The United States–Mexico–Can-
   ada Agreement: Overview and Outlook,” Fraser
   Institute, 11.2018.


The Eclipse of Western
Military-Technological Superiority
Michael Haas

Ever since they grasped the promise of the information revolution in the late
1970s, the United States and its allies have enjoyed a sizeable military-tech-
nological advantage over any plausible adversary. Now, as new technologies
enter the limelight and competitors become more adept at appropriating
or offsetting Western strengths, this qualitative superiority in armaments
is eroding. With the underlying trends gathering steam and policy interven-
tions already falling short, Western armed forces will increasingly face a
choice of confronting revisionist challengers on even terms – or not at all.

A US Air Force F-22 Raptor fighter jet performs ahead of the International Air and Space Fair at
Santiago International Airport, March 28, 2016. Ivan Alvarado / Reuters

ST RAT EG I C T R EN DS        2 0 1 9

Even though they may sometimes ap-           that resulted from late Cold War
pear to operate in a world unto itself,      defense programs have facilitated a
military organizations tend to reflect       US-centric distribution of power,
important properties of the societies        buttressed existing alliances, and en-
that build and sustain them. Hence,          abled wars of choice. They have also
it should not come as a surprise that        set a standard of military moderniza-
Western approaches to conventional           tion to which other countries aspire
deterrence and military conflict, as         – and spurred counter-innovation
they have evolved in the late 20th and       among those who feared that they
early 21st centuries, have taken a pro-      might find themselves at the receiving
foundly techno-centric turn. While           end of Western interventionism.
the search for engineering solutions to
national security problems appears to        In both regards, Operation Desert
be a persistent feature of the US cul-       Storm – the eviction of Iraqi forces
tural setting, in particular, other liber-   from Kuwait – constituted a water-
al democracies have exhibited a similar      shed event. When President George
tendency.1 In parallel with a deep-seat-     H.W. Bush declared the end of ma-
ed belief in the transformative power        jor combat operations against Iraq on
of technology in the civilian sphere,        February 27, 1991, it became evident
the recourse to high-tech solutions          that US and allied forces had crushed
across a broad spectrum of military          one of the world’s largest armies at
problem sets has become an essential         astonishingly low cost to themselves.
feature of force development and de-         To other military powers, especially
fense procurement in Western-style           those organized according to Soviet
armed forces.                                or other non-Western principles, the
                                             Gulf War appeared to serve notice of
The considerable success the West            a new era in military affairs, in which
has enjoyed in establishing and – for        Western force projection would be
a time – upholding this paradigm of          extremely difficult to resist by any
military-technological pre-eminence          means currently available to them,
has had important consequences for           short of nuclear weapons.
the international order. During the
1980s, the financial impact of the in-       The West’s adoption of a paradigm of
tensifying competition in advanced           guided weapons, signature-reduced
conventional forces arguably hastened        platforms like stealth aircraft, so-
the fall of the Soviet Union. In the de-     phisticated intelligence, surveillance
cades since, the Western capabilities        and reconnaissance (ISR) assets and

E C L I P S E   O F   W E ST E R N    M I L I TA RY   T E C H N O LO GY

pervasive battlefield networking was,          set in motion during the 1980s and
as yet, in its early stages. But the mili-     1990s continue to bolster the capa-
tary foundations of the United States’         bilities of Western-style armed forces,
preeminent position in the interna-            the so-called guided weapons revolu-
tional system seemed assured for de-           tion has entered the stage of global
cades to come. While the promise of            diffusion. And while some of the
a more collaborative, US-led world             greatest triumphs of late-Cold War
order that the Gulf War coalition had          engineering – such as long-range,
appeared to foreshadow soon proved             very-high-precision cruise missiles or
illusory, the reality of Western mili-         stealth aircraft – remain inaccessible
tary superiority was inescapable. Ac-          to all but the wealthiest and most
cording to a 2011 Rand study, the              technologically advanced countries,
Chinese People’s Liberation Army               they are no longer the exclusive do-
(PLA) was particularly impressed by            main of the United States and its
what it had witnessed: “The 1991               closest allies.
Persian Gulf War sent shockwaves
throughout China’s military commu-             Although this would in itself con-
nity and accelerated the PLA’s mod-            stitute a significant development,
ernization and shifts in strategy. The         it is the underlying shift in the pat-
United States’ overwhelming dom-               terns of innovation that should give
inance in that conflict led Chinese            pause to Western decision-makers.
military leaders to push for advanced          Whereas the late-Cold War advances
military technologies.”2 The armed             in military technology were critically
forces of the newly formed Russian             dependent on government-funded
Federation also took notice, although          research and development (R&D) to
their ability to react was curtailed by a      come to fruition, ongoing innovation
chronic lack of resources.                     processes in fields such as biotech-
                                               nology, nanotechnology, quantum
Almost three decades later, the so-            computing, robotics, artificial intel-
called Revolution in Military Affairs          ligence (AI), augmented reality, and
(RMA) touted by American theorists             additive manufacturing are far more
during the 1990s is following the fa-          reliant on open knowledge econo-
miliar trajectory of earlier spells of         mies populated by private actors.
military-technological innovation, in          Because this knowledge ecosystem is
that it has produced advantages of             far more transparent and accessible
limited extent and durability.3 While          by design, the challengers of Western
many of the innovation processes               military preeminence find themselves

ST RAT EG I C T R EN DS       2 0 1 9

operating in an environment from            another watershed will be reached
which cutting-edge technologies can         in the 2020s, with long-term impli-
be extracted with relative ease. Foreign    cations not just for Western military
acquisitions, joint ventures, multina-      policies and force development prior-
tional research programs, and interna-      ities, but for the international order
tional student exchanges are all part of    at large. In the following we will look
the same toolbox in this regard, as are     into the root causes of this dynamic,
industrial espionage and other forms        assess Western policy initiatives de-
of intellectual property theft.             signed to offset it, and consider the
                                            way forward.
As a result, the odds that non-Western
actors will not only catch up, but ac-      The Crumbling Foundations of
tually pull ahead of the United States      Western Advantage
and its allies in some areas of technol-    To understand why the military su-
ogy development are set to increase         periority of Western democracies can
dramatically. As a result of its striking   no longer be taken for granted, as it
economic growth over the last 20 – 30       long had been after 1991, one must
years, this is true of the People’s Re-     ultimately look beyond the field of
public of China (PRC) in particular.        defense innovation and reckon with
Given that the Western advantage in         two economic megatrends that are
military forces is itself derived from a    altering the underlying parameters
limited portfolio of key technologies,      of military technology development.
the formation of pockets of Chinese         The first has been the rapid growth
advantage would amount to an im-            of many non-Western economies,
portant break with a pattern of incre-      and the spectacular expansion of the
mental progress in military technolo-       Chinese economy in particular. The
gy development that has marked the          second concerns the ways in which
past two to three decades. At the same      new technologies are developed and
time, the ability of other actors to        shared within a globalized economic
cancel out existing Western strengths       environment.
by combining less advanced technol-
ogies and asymmetric doctrines has          The rise of the non-Western econo-
also increased, and this is a function      mies constitutes, without a doubt,
of raw economic power to a much             the most consequential global trans-
lesser extent. While advantages in          formation of the early 21st century.
military technology have never been         In 1991, China’s share of the world
static, it seems increasingly likely that   economy was 4 percent. The United

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