STRATEGIC PLAN2021 Update 2018-2023 - Ketchikan Gateway Borough

Page created by Christopher Klein
STRATEGIC PLAN2021 Update 2018-2023 - Ketchikan Gateway Borough

    PLAN      2021 Update

Ketchikan Gateway Borough
STRATEGIC PLAN2021 Update 2018-2023 - Ketchikan Gateway Borough
STRATEGIC PLAN2021 Update 2018-2023 - Ketchikan Gateway Borough
Ketchikan Gateway Borough

Letter from the Borough Manager

The 2018 Strategic Plan represents an organization-wide effort that articulates the direction and priorities
of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough. The document is effectively a five-year work plan that includes the
following key outcome areas: Community Health and Safety, Vibrant Economy, Transportation, Quality
of Life, and Organizational Excellence.

The plan lays out strategic outcomes with corresponding objectives and measurements with the goal of
providing exceptional municipal services to residents.

If adopted by the Assembly, the Strategic Plan will direct the development of the annual Borough
Budget and will be reviewed by the Assembly once a year at its annual Policy Session. The plan year is
July to June, which aligns with the annual budget. The first year, the plan would begin in January. In
addition, the plan may be amended to reflect changing public priorities and available resources.

Following this plan will help create a more effective Borough government that improves the lives and
reflects the priorities of its citizens.


Ruben Duran
Borough Manager
STRATEGIC PLAN2021 Update 2018-2023 - Ketchikan Gateway Borough

I.    Introduction						3

II. Goals							4

		Community Health and Safety		 6-8

		Vibrant Economy				9-10

		Transportation				11-12

		Quality of Life				13

		Organizational Excellence		14-15

III. Appendix A: Comprehensive Plan Goals		   17-19
STRATEGIC PLAN2021 Update 2018-2023 - Ketchikan Gateway Borough

The Ketchikan Gateway Borough’s vision is to provide quality-driven services that enhance the lives and
safety of Ketchikan’s residents in a fiscally responsible manner.

The five-year Strategic Plan identifies specific priorities and outcomes to be achieved by the Ketchikan
Gateway Borough during the next five years. The Strategic Plan, along with a corresponding Capital
Improvement Plan, will be updated on an annual basis and brought to the Borough Assembly for
adoption at its annual Policy Session.

The Strategic Plan is developed to work in concert with the Borough’s Comprehensive Plan, which
is a long-term vision of what the Ketchikan Gateway Borough wants to look like in the future. The
Comprehensive Plan is updated on a ten-year cycle.

The strategic outcomes are not listed in any particular order.

STRATEGIC PLAN2021 Update 2018-2023 - Ketchikan Gateway Borough
        Community Health and Safety
               • Promote a clean and safe community.

        Vibrant Economy
               • Foster a diverse economy.

               • Deliver a seamless transportation network for resident and non-resident air travelers
        and transit patrons.

        Quality of Life
               • Provide programming and services that support a high quality of life, including but
        not limited to culture, recreation and education.

        Organizational Excellence
              • Provide high quality, responsive, transparent and innovative services in an efficient
        and cost-effective manner.

STRATEGIC PLAN2021 Update 2018-2023 - Ketchikan Gateway Borough
STRATEGIC PLAN2021 Update 2018-2023 - Ketchikan Gateway Borough
Promote a clean
            Community Health & Safety                                                       and safe community

   Strategic Outcomes [                             Objectives               [             Measurement
         What we want to accomplish                  How we will get there                      Did we get there

a.       Ensure that Borough-operated    »» Adhere to Quality Assurance            ADEC water and wastewater
water and wastewater treatment           Program (Ongoing)                         violations
systems meet or exceed ADEC permit       »» Include necessary system upgrades
standards                                in CIP (March 2018)

b.        Reduce onsite wastewater       »» Bring failed systems into compliance   »» Number of system failures reported
treatment system failures and the        within 6 months (Ongoing)                 »» Amount of time required to bring
polluting of neighboring properties or   »» Investigate complaints within 2        into compliance
rights-of-way                            business days of the report (Ongoing)     »» Participation rate in sludge pumping
                                         »» Ensure the Borough’s contractor is     program
                                         current with its sludge pumping program   »» Staff response time to complaints

c.        Improve public access to »» Educate the public on proper OWTS            »» Education initiatives developed
information about septic systems   maintenance through new initiatives (FY         and executed
                                   2019)                                           »» Number of social media and
                                   »» Provide public information on                website postings providing educational
                                   Borough website and social media twice          material
                                   annually (FY 2018)

d.     Ensure sampled outfalls meet »» Maintain proper testing of outfalls         Number of outfalls meeting outfall
ADEC permit requirements            permitted by Borough (Ongoing)                 permit requirements
                                    »» Notify responsible parties when
                                    private outfalls fail to meet standards
                                    »» Educate homeowners on proper
                                    disposal methods (Ongoing)
e.       Ensure       all     Borough »» Create maintenance checklist for          »» Number of deficiencies identified
playgrounds meet national standards   playgrounds (March 2018)                     during inspections
                                      »» Survey each playground twice a            »» Capital upgrades completed
                                      year and program necessary upgrades          »» Number of playgrounds inspected
                                      in the Borough’s 5-year CIP (Ongoing)        during biannual inspection cycle

STRATEGIC PLAN2021 Update 2018-2023 - Ketchikan Gateway Borough
Promote a clean
               Community Health & Safety                                                             and safe community

   Strategic Outcomes [                                  Objectives               [               Measurement
         What we want to accomplish                       How we will get there                        Did we get there

f.          Maintain      or      enhance    »» Identify maintenance needs and            Number of facility              deficiencies
all Borough-owned buildings and              required code updates through an             remedied each year
facilities, including the airport, to meet   annual survey of Borough facilities,
programmatic needs and applicable            including airport (Ongoing)
building code requirements                   »» Develop          5-year       Capital
                                             Improvement Plan, to be updated
                                             annually, that addresses maintenance
                                             needs (FY 2018)
                                             »» Program routine maintenance
                                             tasks for all Borough facilities utilizing
                                             maintenance tracking software program
                                             (FY 2020)

g.        Ensure all Borough-owned »» Survey Borough facilities to »» Number of ADA                                         upgrades
buildings and facilities, including the determine ADA compliance (FY 2018)   completed annually
airport, meet ADA standards             »» Update Borough ADA plan (FY 2021) »» Update to ADA plan
                                        »» Include proposed ADA upgrades in
                                        5-year CIP (FY 2018)

h.       Ensure timely and effective         Complete staffing analysis to evaluate       »» Median rollout time for emergency
fire and EMS responses by the North          paid and volunteer staffing levels           calls
and South Tongass Volunteer Fire             necessary to keep up with increasing         »» Completion of staffing analysis
Departments                                  call volume (March 2018)

i.       Provide quality EMS care by »» Increase number of advanced life                  »» Number of Advanced Life Support
the North and South Tongass Volunteer support training hours (FY 2022)                    certifications per department
Fire Departments                      »» Increase the average number of                   »» Training hours
                                      training hours by members (FY 2020)                 »» Median number of volunteers within
                                      »» Increase the number of experienced               a department staying longer than 3
                                      responders (FY 2023)                                years

STRATEGIC PLAN2021 Update 2018-2023 - Ketchikan Gateway Borough
Promote a clean
           Community Health & Safety                                                     and safe community

   Strategic Outcomes[                             Objectives               [              Measurement
        What we want to accomplish                  How we will get there                       Did we get there

j.      Provide a safe working »» Develop and execute departmental               »» Meet or exceed OSHA standards
environment for Borough employees worker safety programs with scheduled          »» Meet or exceed an Experience
                                  training for field staff (FY 2019)             Modification Factor of .85 for worker
                                  »» Develop         worker      recognition     compensation claims
                                  program for no injuries by field staff
                                  (FY 2021)
                                  »» Audit and update departmental
                                  Borough safety plans annually (FY

k.        Maintain service area roads Service areas with road powers to          »» Capital upgrades completed annually
to established service area standards establish applicable road standards on     »» Percentage of quarterly surveys
                                      an annual basis as part of the budget      accomplished
                                      process (Ongoing)                          »» Citizen complaints received by Public
                                                                                 Works per service area

l.         Reduce the number of animal »» Respond to animal bite reports         »» Number of dog bite reports received
bites in the Borough                   within 4 hours of receiving a complaint   »» Number of dog bite reports responded
                                       (Ongoing)                                 to within 4 hours
                                       »» Educate the public about the leash
                                       law (Ongoing)
                                       »» Enforcement of Borough leash law

m.        Reduce solid waste and junk »» Respond to citizen complaints within    »» Percentage of timely responses to solid
vehicle code violations identified by one work week (Ongoing)                    waste and junk vehicle reports
citizen complaints or Borough staff   »» Organize annual community cleanup       »» Percentage of cases closed within 8
                                      activities (Each April)                    months
                                      »» Initiate a minimum of three public      »» Execution of community cleanup
                                      information campaigns related to           activities
                                      solid waste violations or junk vehicles

n.      Ensure proper emergency »» Complete update of Greater                    »» Percentage of Borough department
preparedness                    Ketchikan      Area      Emergency               heads and executive level employees
                                Operations Plan (FY 2022)                        trained in FEMA courses ICS 100, 200, 300,
                                »» Ensure Borough staff is properly              400, 700, 800 and job specific courses
                                trained to respond to emergencies                »» Annual table-top exercises for
                                (FY 2021)                                        department heads and executive level
                                »» Ongoing      maintenance     and              employees
                                implementation of the Borough’s vital            »» Completion of an update to the Greater
                                record program, including disaster               Ketchikan Area Emergency Operations Plan
                                prevention and recovery phases                   »» Test vital records program through
                                (Ongoing)                                        annual records audits

Maintain and grow
               Vibrant Economy                                                a diverse economy

   Strategic Outcomes[                           Objectives              [               Measurement
        What we want to accomplish               How we will get there                        Did we get there

a.       Examine adequate housing      »» Conduct housing assessment           »» Housing vacancy rates
opportunity for all socioeconomic      and develop Borough-wide housing        »» Housing price ratio to income levels
classes                                strategy based on the assessment        »» Cost of construction
                                       (FY 2022)
                                       »» Complete housing gap analysis
                                       (FY 2022)
                                       »» Review development barriers (FY

b.      Facilitate new business        »» Support efforts to maintain SBDC     »» Number of new businesses registered
development and existing business      presence in Borough (Ongoing)           for sales taxes
growth                                 »» Create instructional videos to       »» Gross sales volume
                                       educate businesses on how to more       »» Percentage of departments meeting
                                       easily navigate Borough services and    customer response goals for permitting
                                       requirements (FY 2022)                  »» Review code to reduce barriers
                                       »» Reduce barriers to growth (FY
                                       »» Update and provide new business
                                       packets (FY 2018)

c.        Support   and     increase   »» Complete inventory of Borough        »» Acreage in private ownership
private property ownership & support   lands (FY 2020)                         »» Annual Borough land sales
entrepreneurial efforts to utilize     »» In consultation with Borough         »» Annual Borough land leases
Borough-owned land                     realtor and staff, develop plan to      »» Percentage of market value revenue
                                       rezone and sell Borough-owned land      on sales and leases
                                       (FY 2025)

d.        Facilitate development of a »» Provide assistance for continued      Number of tests administered by UAS
highly skilled workforce              operation of the UAS Testing Facility    Testing Facility

Maintain and grow
               Vibrant Economy                                                         a diverse economy

  Strategic Outcomes[                                  Objectives               [                 Measurement
        What we want to accomplish                      How we will get there                          Did we get there

e.         Develop sustainable and           »» Develop a plan for improved funding     »» Assembly adoption of policy level
effective contracted services program        process and Assembly adoption              criteria for services to be provided
                                             of policy identifying and describing       »» Compliance with contractor
                                             services to be provided (FY 2018)          benchmarks

f.         Promote         economic          »» Develop a standardized CPV grant        »» Assembly approval of CPV grant
development        through    proper         application process and review criteria    application and review criteria
distribution of CPV funds                    (FY 2021)                                  »» Number of audit findings related to CPV
                                             »» Annual review of CPV allocations        funding
                                             to ensure compliance with State law        »» CPV grants allocated annually

g.      Predictable and stable tax           Develop five-year fiscal plan that »» Annual Borough tax rate
burdens                                      provides stable Borough, Service »» Borough reserve balances
                                             Area, and School District funding
                                             with a sustainable tax revenue stream
                                             reflecting anticipated future State and
                                             Federal reductions, including Secure
                                             Rural Schools funding; to be presented
                                             at the annual Assembly Policy Session
                                             (FY 2019)

h.         Encourage        buy      local   Continue to support annual Sales Tax Assembly adoption of Sales Tax Holiday
activities                                   Holiday (Ongoing)                    resolution

i.       Plan for continued cruise           »» Create a communityh tourism             »» Creation of community tourism strategy
ship industry growth                         strategy      utilizing  stakeholder       »» Completion of neighborhood plans
                                             engegement and public workshops            »» Number of complaints directed to
                                             (FY 2022)                                  Borough offices related to Herring Cove
                                             »» Develop neighborhood plans for
                                             areas heavily impacted by tourism
                                             industry (Ongoing)
                                             »» Establish new program to address
                                             tour industry growth in Herring Cove
                                             (FY 2022)

Transportation                                 Deliver a seamless transportation network for resident
                                                                and non-resident air travelers and transit patrons

   Strategic Outcomes[                               Objectives               [                Measurement
        What we want to accomplish                    How we will get there                         Did we get there

a.      Offer efficient, cost-effective   »» Improve system performance              »» Number of passengers served
bus transportation to the general         through fare adjustments, technological    »» Annual survey of passengers to ensure
public                                    upgrades, and route modifications          transportation needs are being met
                                          (Ongoing)                                  »» On-time performance
                                          »» Develop airport shuttle strategy (FY    »» Transit Department revenue &
                                          2021)                                      expenditures

b.        Provide       cost-effective    »» Evaluate coordination opportunities     »» Number of coordination efforts with
transportation opportunities for senior   to reduce costs (Ongoing)                  outside agencies
citizens and individuals with mobility    »» Utilize    advanced       paratransit   »» Paratransit and senior service costs
challenges                                management system software (FY             »» Completion of cost benefit analysis
                                          2022)                                      »» Acquisition of paratransit buses
                                          »» Complete cost benefit analysis          »» Paratransit contractor RFP issued
                                          of areas exceeding ADA minimum             »» Cost of senior and paratransit services
                                          requirements (FY 2022)                     »» Number of paratransit and senior
                                          »» Study alternate means for serving       customers served
                                          customers in lower demand areas (FY
                                          »» Implement conditional eligibility
                                          determination program for paratransit
                                          customers (Ongoing)
                                          »» Complete strategy to transition
                                          senior van customers to paratransit
                                          (FY 2022)
                                          »» Improve travel and training program
                                          for new customers to transition
                                          customers conditionally eligible for
                                          paratransit (Ongoing)

c.      Diversify          Transit        »» Maximize non-General Fund grant »» Annual grant revenue
Department revenue opportunities          sources (Ongoing)                    »» Advertising revenue
                                          »» Develop advertising sales program
                                          (FY 2022)

Transportation                         Deliver a seamless transportation network for resident
                                                      and non-resident air travelers and transit patrons

  Strategic Outcomes[                            Objectives               [                 Measurement
        What we want to accomplish               How we will get there                            Did we get there

d.     Improve branding of Transit    »» Paint new buses with art reflective      »» Annual grant revenue
system                                of the community (Ongoing)                  »» Advertising revenue
                                      »» Develop a brand strategy for
                                      Transit, including Paratransit and
                                      Senior Services (FY 2022)

e.      Ensure adequate airport       »» Expand Revillagigedo parking lot         »» Number of days in which parking is at
parking capacity for the traveling    (FY 2021)                                   full capacity
public                                »» Study parking fee increases to           »» Completion of parking fee study
                                      manage capacity (2018)                      »» Development of communication plan
                                      »» Refine communication plan to
                                      better notify the public when parking
                                      lot is at capacity (2018)

f.       Provide consistent and       »» Complete        ferry    capital         »» Construction of new ferry ramps
timely airport ferry access to the    improvements, including new ferry           »» Airport ferry modifications completed
Ketchikan International Airport       ramps, and increased airport ferry          »» Completion of service expansion study
                                      capacity (FY 2021)                          »» Number of times vehicles/passengers
                                      »» Study service expansion options          unable to be accommodated on ferry due
                                      (FY 2021)                                   to capacity issues

g.          Offer adequate waiting    »» Expand and improve bus stop              »» Number of bus stop improvements
facilities for the traveling public   locations, amenities and signage (FY        completed
                                      2020)                                       »» Completion of new passenger waiting
                                      »» Construct new airport passenger          facility at Revillagigedo airport parking lot
                                      waiting facility at Revillagigedo airport
                                      parking lot (FY 2022)

h.       Meet seasonal public transit »» Improve passenger circulation            »» Number of passengers served each
needs                                 throughout demand locations during          season
                                      visitor season through capital              »» Annual bus driver vacancies during
                                      upgrades and route modifications            summer season
                                      (Ongoing)                                   »» Purchase of new summer shuttle with
                                      »» Address bus driver shortage              expanded capacity
                                      during peak season (Ongoing)

i.        Provide adequate airport »» Complete terminal expansion                 »» Number of passengers served
terminal facitlites to accommodate the needs assessment (FY 2021)                 »» Completion of needs assessment
traveling public and airlines          »» Develop plan for expanded               »» Completion of development plan
                                       capacity (FY 2021)

Provide programming and services that support a high quality
            Quality of Life                          of life, including but not limited to culture, recreation and
  Strategic Outcomes[                             Objectives              [                 Measurement
        What we want to accomplish                How we will get there                          Did we get there

a.      Maintain safe and clean »» Develop maintenance standards                 »» Maintenance hours spent on trails and
Borough trails and beach facilities for each Borough trail and beach             beaches
                                    facility (FY 2019)                           »» Number of citizen complaints related
                                    »» Identify and include upgrades in          to beach and trail maintenance
                                    Borough CIP (FY 2019)                        »» Trail and beach capital projects

b.        Maintain and enhance         »» Include recreation and park facility   »» Maintenance hours spent on individual
recreation and park facilities         upgrades in Borough CIP (Ongoing)         facilities
                                       »» Incorporate aquatic center and         »» Electronic tracking of aquatic and
                                       recreation center maintenance plan in     recreation center maintenance
                                       electronic maintenance management
                                       program (FY 2020)

c.        Offer a wide array of quality »» Complete annual evaluation of         »» Number of classes targeting specific
recreational programs to different recreational program participation (FY        demographic groups
demographic groups                      2018)                                    »» Participation rate in each class
                                        »» Conduct customer survey (Ongoing)

d.       Provide recognized Learn      »» Employ appropriate number of           »» Number of waitlisted swim lesson
to Swim Program for all ages           well-trained instructors to ensure full   customers
                                       schedule of swim lessons (Ongoing)        »» Percent of classes with full enrollment
                                       »» Partner with School District to        »» Continuation of School District
                                       provide swim lessons to school            swimming program
                                       children (Ongoing)

e.        Offer diverse and quality    Conduct customer survey to determine      »» Gateway Recreation Center and
recreational      opportunities  for   equipment and facility wants and          Gateway Aquatic Center usage
individuals of varying abilities       needs (FY 2018)                           »» Completion of customer survey

f.       Support access to library     Provide predictable level of library      Historic and current library funding level
services                               funding to the City of Ketchikan for
                                       operation of library (Ongoing)

g.       Maintain Borough planning     Investigate planning and zoning           Percentage of cases closed within 8
and zoning standards                   violation reports within one week (FY     months

Provide high quality, responsive, transparent
             Organizational Excellence                                                and innovative services in an efficient and cost-
                                                                                      effective manner
    Strategic Outcomes[                                  Objectives                  [                   Measurement
         What we want to accomplish                      How we will get there                                Did we get there

a.     Effective and convenient             »» Annual review of departmental and Borough-      »» Number of Nixle and social media posts
communication with citizens                 wide communication methods to ensure               »» Response time and methods of
                                            communication is meaningful, cost efficient        responses on complaint logs
                                            and being provided in a way citizens choose to     »» Number of online forms, instructional
                                            receive information (Annually in December)
                                            »» Provide additional forms and instructional
                                                                                               videos created
                                            videos on Borough website to improve online        »» Completion of website redesign
                                            access to Borough (Ongoing)
                                            »» Redesign website to improve accessibility,
                                            streamline user experience, and navigability (FY
b.       Timely responses to citizen »» Provide initial staff response to                      »» Number of online forms, instructional
requests                             citizen complaints within one business                    videos created
                                     day (FY 2018)                                             »» Staff response time to citizen
                                     »» Provide acknowledgement of                             complaints
                                     records information requests within                       »» Number of complaints that escalate to
                                     one business day and respond to                           Manager's Office
                                     records requests within legally-                          »» Records information request response
                                     mandated timeframes (Ongoing)                             time
                                     »» Each department shall set service
                                     benchmarks and related benchmarks to
                                     be reported to the Assembly (FY 2019)
c.        Provide high quality and          »» Provide regular internal training               »» Number of internal training opportunities
effective service                           opportunities for staff (Ongoing)                  offered and attendance figures
                                            »» Provide professional development                »» Establishment         of      education
                                            opportunities through training and                 reimbursement fund
                                            establishment of education reimbursement           »» Professional development training
                                            fund (Ongoing)                                     funded each fiscal year
                                            »» Institute departmental benchmarks that
                                                                                               »» Completion of customer service training
                                            measure accuracy and responsiveness
                                            (January 2018)                                     »» Number of citizen complaints related to
                                            »» Provide annual employee customer                accuracy and/or service
                                            service training (Ongoing)                         »» Completion of service directory
                                            »» Develop a service directory for staff to        »» Implementation of new GIS mapping
                                            improve customer service (FY 2019)                 options
                                            »» Improve GIS mapping options (FY 2021)

d.         Improve         organizational   »» Reduce paperwork and increase                   »» Establishment      of   technological
efficiency                                  technological workflows (Ongoing)                  workflows for Boro documents, purchase
                                            »» Use technology to improve                       orders, leave requests, timesheets and
                                            efficiency where appropriate and cost-             travel authorizations
                                            effective (Ongoing)

Provide high quality, responsive, transparent
             Organizational Excellence                                          and innovative services in an efficient and cost-
                                                                                effective manner
   Strategic Outcomes[                              Objectives                 [                   Measurement
        What we want to accomplish                   How we will get there                               Did we get there

e.        Recruitment and retention of   »» Conduct compensation study (FY 2020)       »»   Completion of compensation study
qualified employees                      »» Complete annual employee climate           »»   Compilation of employee climate survey
                                         survey to gauge job satisfaction level        »»   Number of applicants per position
                                         (Ongoing)                                     »»   Turnover rate
                                         »» Complete monthly employee newsletter,      »»   Ethics and supervisory training class held
                                         which will include recognition of employees   »»   Overtime rates
                                         (Ongoing)                                     »»   Number of seasonal positions left unfilled
                                         »» Provide annual ethics and supervisory      »»   Implementation of HR software upgrade
                                         training (FY 2019)
                                         »» Upgrade HR software to improve
                                         application, recruitment (FY 2020)

f.      Report on financial health of    Complete 10-point test of government Completion of annual financial health
Borough                                  financial health, evaluating the report, to be distributed to Assembly at
                                         Borough’s financial position, solvency Annual Policy Session
                                         and financial performance (FY 2018)

g.       Reduce health insurance         »» Develop employee wellness                  »» Establishment of wellness program
costs                                    program (FY 2018)                             »» Promotion efforts of Bridge Health and
                                         »» Promote cost-saving measures               Teledoc
                                         such as Bridge Health and Teledoc             »» Percentage of annual growth of plan
                                         (Ongoing)                                     »» Utilization of health insurance

h.         Review Borough code for       »» Complete rewrite of Title 18 (FY           »» Assembly adoption of Title 17 and Title
usability and applicability              2021)                                         18 code changes
                                         »» Complete rewrite of Title 17 (FY           »» Annual       departmental      reviews
                                         2021)                                         completed
                                         »» Adopt code changes identified              »» Number of code ordinances brought
                                         in legal review with new legal review         forward annually
                                         every ten years (FY 2024)                     »» Legal review changes adopted by
                                         »» Annual departmental reviews of             Assembly
                                         code to ensure KGBC is applicable,
                                         understandable and relevant (Each July)

i.        Openness and transparency      »» Compliance with Open Meetings »» Open Meetings Act violations
in public meetings and processes         Act and public records and information »» Number and method of public notices
                                         laws (Ongoing)                         distributed, published, and/or posted
                                         »» Complilance        with      public
                                         notice requirements for matters
                                         affecting citizens such as elections,
                                         foreclosures, etc. (Ongoing)

j.     Review and revise Borough         Complete Comprehensive               Plan Adoption of new comprehensive plan by
Comprehensive Plan                       update (FY 2021)                          Assembly

Appendix A: Comprehensive Plan Vision and Goals
The goals included in the strategic plan reflect the Proposed Comprehensive Plan Update, which will focus on:

		1.                     Land Use
		2.                     Economic Development
		3.                     Housing
		 4.                    Parks and Recreation, Culture, Arts, and Historic Resources
		5.                     Transportation
		6.                     Community Facilities
		7.                     Implementation and Administration

The Comprehensive Plan Update includes the following Community Vision:

With a pragmatic understanding of change and the need for growth and development, Ketchikan’s residents want future
generations to have access to a similar or better quality of life and opportunities than we currently possess. In order to
achieve this vision in Ketchikan, a three-pronged approach is taken by the Ketchikan Gateway Borough.

		 1.                    Valuable natural, historical, and cultural resources shall be identified.
		 2.                    Key economic development and physical growth initiatives shall be supported through a variety
			                      of administrative and policy mechanisms.
		 3.                    Guidelines shall be established to encourage development that preserves or enhances
			                      valuable resources while furthering key growth initiatives.

Valuable resources already identified to be maintained include marine and upland ecosystems, historic buildings and
landmarks, ethnic and temporal population diversity accompanied by enduring cultural symbols. Other resources of deep
value in the community may be identified over time.

Support for growth and diversification of the maritime, fishing, timber, and visitor industries; encouraging the creation of
adequate and affordable housing; workforce development through encouraging vocational training, and enhanced port
facilities are some of Ketchikan’s key economic and physical growth initiatives.

The preceding are balanced administratively by directing growth toward the most suitable lands and existing infrastructure,
encouraging public access to marine and forest environs, and coordination between governments that provides for the
unification of efforts where possible.

The current Comprehensive Plan lists the following goals related to the goals outlined in the Borough’s Strategic Plan:

                                       Community Health and Safety
Potable Water
Goal 501
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough encourages support of Ketchikan Public Utilities and local Service Areas in providing for
a safe, high quality and adequate supply, treatment, distribution, and conservation of potable water to meet the needs of
present and future residents.

Solid Waste
Goal 601
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough encourages efforts that provide for the adequate collection, disposal and resource

recovery of solid waste in a responsible and economically feasible manner to meet the needs of present and future
Borough residents.

Sanitary Sewer
Goal 701
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough supports existing efforts, and promoting additional efforts that provide adequate,
economically sound collection, treatment, and disposal of sewage. These services shall meet the needs of present and
future residents while ensuring the protection of public health and the maintenance and protection of ground, nearshore,
and offshore water quality.

Goal 801
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough supports existing Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) stormwater
management system regulations which protects real and personal properties, and which promotes and protects ground
and nearshore water quality.

Capital Improvements
Goal 1201
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough encourages the development and maintenance, in a timely and efficient manner,
adequate public facilities for both existing and future populations, consistent with available financial resources and the
other elements of the Comprehensive Plan.

                                                Vibrant Economy
Economic Development
Goal 1101
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough supports, promotes, and encourages through a cooperative effort with the City of
Ketchikan and the City of Saxman and the community at large, strategies to create development of an attractive setting,
facilities, quality of life amenities, and other services to increase the attractiveness as a commerce destination.

Goal 1102
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough, in concert with the City of Ketchikan, encourages exploring the expansion of the role of
the Downtown core neighborhood as the civic, cultural, and economic center of the downtown community through careful
urban design and planning of public and private facilities.

Goal 1103
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough encourages tourism, convention, and other visitor-related activities.

Goal 1104
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough encourages the development of future, and enhancement of existing port facilities.

Goal 1105
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough encourages the development of strategies to reduce or prevent “leakage”, the purchase
of goods by mail, and encourage buying locally.

Goal 1106
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough encourages the development and expansion of the seafood industry and the services
and facilities, which benefit commercial fishing activity and attract fish processors and harvesters to Ketchikan.

Goal 1107
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough encourages the development and expansion of the timber industry with an emphasis
on local processing, and the services and facilities, which benefit local and regional timber activity and attract timber
processing to Ketchikan.

Goal 1108
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough encourages and may support regional economic development projects in other cities and
locations in Southeast Alaska while creating a local environment of services with offerings attractive to local commerce.

Goal 1109
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough, in concert with local, state and federal agencies, and other public and private
organizations, encourages the investigation of the benefits of local or regional vocational education programs to address
current and future industry needs in construction, maritime, commercial fishing, timber, and other vocational industries.

Goal 1110
The Borough encourages the creation of a development plan for Gravina Island that in juxtaposition to existing area wide
economic development potential that provides for new economic opportunities to diversify and strengthen Ketchikan’s
economic health.

Goal 1111
The Borough encourages the exploration for establishing alternative energy production industries including, but not limited
to: tidal, cellulose, recycled or byproduct timber, or other technologies.

Goal 1112
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough encourages the exploration for establishing communication and/or data transmission
industries in Ketchikan including, taking advantage of the recently provided fiber-optic cable connecting to the state-wide
fiber-optic network.

Goal 1113
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough encourages the expansion of the health care industry as exemplified by PeaceHealth
and recognizes the importance of the regional location of Ketchikan in providing potential lifesaving services to the region.

Goal 1114
The Borough encourages the development of the real estate industry, specifically the “second home” industry, recognizing
the numerous attractions the Ketchikan Gateway Borough provides.

Traffic Circulation
Goal 301
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough encourages the safe, convenient, and efficient motorized and non-motorized
transportation system for the movement of people and goods.

                                                    Quality of Life
Goal 901
The Ketchikan Gateway Borough supports a recreation system to provide recreational opportunities adequate to serve
the present and future population of the Borough, including permanent residents and visitors.

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