STRATEGIC PLAN2018-2021 responsible competitive sustainable - Greyhound Racing NSW

Page created by Clinton Patel
STRATEGIC PLAN2018-2021 responsible competitive sustainable - Greyhound Racing NSW
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

PLAN 2018-2021

      STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021                                             1
STRATEGIC PLAN2018-2021 responsible competitive sustainable - Greyhound Racing NSW
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

2                                             STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021
STRATEGIC PLAN2018-2021 responsible competitive sustainable - Greyhound Racing NSW
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

Chairman and
CEO’s message
                               The events of February 2015, the                                    I am thrilled to share the 2018-
                               subsequent Special Commission                                       2021 Strategic Plan for GRNSW.
                               and the report of the Greyhound                                     This document captures what
                               Industry Reform Panel, recast                                       we are going to do over the three
                               the landscape for greyhound                                         years to create a more modern,
                               racing in NSW. The industry is                                      vibrant and sustainable industry.
                               in a period of significant change                                   Our vision is for greyhound
                               and reform as it works towards                                      racing in NSW to be embraced
                               lifting animal welfare outcomes                                     as socially responsible, world
                               and regaining the community’s                                       leading racing entertainment.
                               confidence in the integrity of                                      To bring our vision to life, our
                               industry.                                                           strategy is to:
 Chairman                                                              CEO
 Morris Iemma                 A fundamental change has been            Tony Mestrov
                              the separation of the commercial
and regulatory functions that were previously carried out by       •      create an industry in which welfare flourishes across
Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW). The new independent                         the greyhound lifecycle and integrity is a fundamental
regulator, the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission                 consideration in every aspect of racing
(GWIC), is now responsible for upholding high animal welfare       •      drive commercial growth across the industry through
standards, overseeing the integrity of the industry, and                  championing a modern, engaging and exciting racing
monitoring and enforcing compliance.                                      product that increases and diversifies revenue
                                                                   •      lead an industry that is financially sustainable and
This 2018-2021 Strategic Plan reflects GRNSW’s functions and              continues to make an important social contribution to the
objectives as a newly reconstituted commercial body. Although             communities it operates in
we are no longer the industry regulator, animal welfare remains
a core priority and is central to our strategy for moving the      We will be investing heavily to enhance the safety of our tracks,
industry forward. The Strategic Plan shows our commitment          based on ongoing research into optimal track and race design.
to bring about change and ensure the industry is recognised        We will also be investing heavily in expanding greyhound
and defined by its response to issues and not by misconduct or     rehoming programs and capacity, to ensure that all greyhounds
inaction.                                                          have the best possible chance of having a suitable home and
                                                                   being kept as a companion animal at retirement.
GRNSW has set out several initiatives we are committed to that     In the commercial arena we will drive stronger revenue growth
are aimed at enhancing welfare outcomes across the entire          through a number of initiatives including broadening our
greyhound lifecycle, including:                                    broadcast and digital reach, putting us on a strong footing
•    supporting participants to develop new skills and             to compete with other racing and sporting codes.
     approaches to caring for their greyhounds throughout their
     whole life                                                    To ensure we can fund these investments and take the industry
•    making the racing environment safer for greyhounds            in a new direction, we will be moving towards a more efficient
•    providing optimal rehoming options for greyhounds at          operating model that takes greater advantage of functions
     retirement                                                    that can be shared between GRNSW and its clubs.
                                                                   These are not overnight solutions, but they are ones
Complementary initiatives are required to modernise the            that the GRNSW team is committed to working to over
operation of the industry to make it more competitive, more        the next three years.
vibrant and financially sustainable over the longer-term. This
will require GRNSW working with industry stakeholders to:          Internally at GRNSW we will ensure we retain and attract the
•     provide greater incentives for owners, breeders and          best talent so that we are in the strongest position to deliver
      trainers to invest in the industry                           this strategy. This will build and sustain a positive
•     improve the quality and sophistication of the racing         and successful internal culture that sets a tone for the
      product                                                      entire industry.
•     more efficiently and effectively invest in racetracks and
      their supporting facilities to attract greater community     We thank all the industry participants and other stakeholders
      engagement with greyhound racing                             who provided input and feedback on the Strategic Plan.
                                                                   We will continue to listen to and support our participants as
Greyhound racing continues to provide an important economic        the industry evolves. The GRNSW team and I look forward
and social contribution across many communities in NSW,            to delivering on this Strategic Plan and delivering value for
particularly in regional areas. By achieving greater commercial    the industry and the broader NSW community.
growth and rebuilding the industry’s profile within the
community, we will be in a position to enhance its contribution.
Through this period of substantial change, the Board of
Directors and I look forward to stewarding the industry and
providing a positive legacy for the industry and the wider
community in NSW.

                                                   STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021                                                            3
STRATEGIC PLAN2018-2021 responsible competitive sustainable - Greyhound Racing NSW
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable


4                                             STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021
STRATEGIC PLAN2018-2021 responsible competitive sustainable - Greyhound Racing NSW
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

Our Vision:
NSW greyhound racing is embraced
as socially responsible, world
leading racing entertainment.
Our mission is to champion world-class greyhound racing in NSW,
and, with greyhound welfare and integrity as our priority, lead
Australia in modernising the greyhound racing industry.

We will drive change into greyhound racing in NSW through three
mutually reinforcing strategic pillars underpinned by two core

GRNSW will create the ecosystem    We will drive commercial growth     The NSW greyhound racing
in which welfare flourishes        across the industry through         industry is financially sustainable
across the greyhound lifecycle     championing a modern, engaging      and continues to make an
and integrity is a fundamental     and exciting racing product that    important social contribution to
consideration in every aspect of   increases and diversifies revenue   the communities it operates in

                                      A NEW INDUSTRY MODEL


                                    STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021                                                 5
STRATEGIC PLAN2018-2021 responsible competitive sustainable - Greyhound Racing NSW
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

        A new way forward
        Strategic goals under our three priority areas are:

          RESPONSIBLE                         COMPETITIVE                   SUSTAINABLE

                   Greyhound racing                  A larger prize
                   industry participants             money purse that is
                   are leaders in                                              An optimised race
                                                     seen as competitive
                   modern greyhound                                            track portfolio
                   husbandry and                     for all grades of
                   racing integrity                  greyhound racing

                                                     GRNSW revenue
                                                     growth and share          GRNSW and its
                   A safe racing                                               registered clubs
                   environment for
                                                     of wagering
                                                     revenue reflects          operate efficiently
                   greyhounds that
                   reduces injuries                  the popularity            to support the
                                                     of wagering on            industry
                                                     GRNSW product

                                                     Our digital, media
                   A greyhound racing
                                                     and information           Greyhound racing
                   system that incentivises
                                                     capabilities have         creates social and
                   participants to focus                                       economic benefits
                   on all aspects of a               grown diversified         in communities
                   greyhound lifecycle               revenue streams           throughout NSW
                                                     for GRNSW

                                                     GRNSW delivers
                   Greyhounds are given              customers a
                   the best possible                 digitally integrated
                   opportunity to be
                   rehomed and kept as
                                                     experience that
                   a companion animal at             generates continued
                   retirement                        racing engagement
                                                     and loyalty

                                              A NEW INDUSTRY MODEL

                                      CONTINUOUS STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT

6                                             STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021
STRATEGIC PLAN2018-2021 responsible competitive sustainable - Greyhound Racing NSW
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable


 STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021                                             7
STRATEGIC PLAN2018-2021 responsible competitive sustainable - Greyhound Racing NSW
    GRNSW will create an industry in which welfare
    flourishes across the greyhound lifecycle and
    integrity is a fundamental consideration in every
    aspect of racing
    GRNSW is committed to making         Training and regular
    NSW a leader in responsible          communications is the primary             Working with GWIC
    greyhound racing. This means:        mechanism to educate industry             There are a number of
    • Fostering the highest              participants on expectations              aspects of industry reform
        standards of racing integrity    regarding integrity standards,            that will require coordinated
    • Creating a racing ecosystem        which includes the new Code               and combined efforts of
        in which animal safety and       of Practice, Greyhound Racing             GRNSW and GWIC.
        welfare is the overriding        Rules and regulations. We will put
        priority and greyhound           greyhound safety and welfare first by:    Whole of life-cycle tracking
        owners are responsible for the   • Building industry knowledge             of greyhounds will require a
        welfare of their greyhounds          and capability regarding              coordinated approach between
        throughout their life                whole of life-cycle approaches        GRNSW and GWIC as:
    • Promoting whole of life-cycle          to greyhound welfare                  • GWIC is responsible for
        approaches to greyhound          • Ensuring that all race tracks               registering litters and every
        welfare, so that greyhounds          and facilities enable the safest          pup whelped, as well as
        are bred, trained, trialled,         form of racing for greyhounds             registering and naming
        raced and rehomed in             • Ensuring there are                          individual greyhounds
        the most responsible and             opportunities for all greyhounds      • GWIC is responsible for
        sustainable manner                   to have high quality care and             overseeing greyhounds
                                             homing at all stages of their life,       while they are breeding,
                                             particularly in retirement                trialling, training and racing
                                                                                   • GRNSW is responsible for

                                                        OUR                            rehoming

                                                      GOALS                        Breeding controls and
                                                                                   injury prevention will be a
                                                                                   combined effort through:
                                                                                   • GRNSW and GWIC
                                                                                       developing and introducing
                                                                                       complementary breeding
     LEADERS                             SAFETY                                    • GRNSW delivering
                                                                                       training on acceptable
     Greyhound racing industry           A safe racing environment                     and sustainable
     participants are leaders            for greyhounds that reduces                   breeding practices
     in modern greyhound                 injuries                                  • GRNSW developing
     husbandry and racing                                                              and enforcing minimum
                                                                                       standards for racecourses
                                                                                       and facilities. The minimum
                                                                                       standards must be
                                                                                       approved by GWIC
                                                                                   • GWIC recording on-track
                                                                                       injuries, where both GRNSW
                                                                                       and GWIC will use this
     GRADING                             HOMING                                        data to reduce injuries
                                                                                       and improve track safety
     A greyhound racing system           Greyhounds are given the
     that incentivises participants      best possible opportunity
     to focus on all aspects of a        to be rehomed and kept
     greyhound lifecycle                 as a companion animal at

8                                         STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021
STRATEGIC PLAN2018-2021 responsible competitive sustainable - Greyhound Racing NSW
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

Achieving our
goals & measuring
                Greyhound racing industry participants are
                leaders in modern greyhound husbandry
                and racing integrity
1. Create industry integrity          Our training and education              2. Encourage research
and welfare leaders with              program will include:                   and innovation to improve
education and training                • Helping participants to               welfare outcomes
As of 1 July 2018, GWIC is               understand the industry              GRNSW is continuing to invest in
responsible for registering              reforms such as registration         a comprehensive canine research
participants. New registration           requirements, the Code of            agenda to promote NSW industry
requirements are expected to             Practice and Greyhound               leadership around best practice
come in from 2019, including             Racing Rules. This will be           in greyhound rearing and racing.
the requirement for participants         complemented with regular            This will look to leverage best
to demonstrate minimum                   communications                       practice from other jurisdictions
competency requirements.                 so participants are aware of their   where there is strong evidence.
                                         responsibilities.                    Research will support policy and
Although we are no longer the         • Collaborating with the vocational     the industry knowledge base
registration body, GRNSW will            education and training sector to     with regards to breeding, rearing,
play a proactive role in supporting      coordinate participant training      training and racing methods that
participants to not only attain          accreditation and assessment         relate to positive outcomes
necessary accreditation but              against the National Greyhound       for greyhound welfare and
also build their knowledge and           Racing Training Package.             career longevity.
capability to solidify NSW as an      • Collaborating with clubs to
industry leader in best practice.        hold special training events         KEY MEASURES
This will help to transform the          led by canine welfare and
culture within the industry to           training experts.                    • Research on welfare priority
enable the future success of                                                    areas to be undertaken each year
greyhound racing.                      KEY MEASURES                           • Introduction of evidence based
                                       • Percentage of participants           • Benchmarking and evaluating
                                         partaking in GRNSW training            against research outcomes
                                       • Percentage meeting conditions
                                         of registration

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STRATEGIC PLAN2018-2021 responsible competitive sustainable - Greyhound Racing NSW
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

                  A safe racing environment for greyhounds that
                  reduces injuries
      1. Set a safety standard for          world class tracks. This will entail   are actively investigating and
      tracks                               ongoing review and evolution of         addressing, in addition to setting
      GRNSW will mandate that all          the standards as new research           minimum track standards.
      tracks meet minimum safety           comes to light.
      standards to support the safe                                                GRNSW will investigate
      provision of racing and minimise      KEY MEASURES                           enhancements to race design –
      on-track injuries. We will provide                                           including luring, catching pens
      capital funding to clubs to help      • Consistent reduction in the          and box draws - with the aim of
      them meet these standards, in           overall number and severity of       improving greyhound welfare and
      line with our track optimisation        track injuries, as reported on by    reducing injuries. Any changes will
      strategy (see Sustainable).             GRNSW and audited by GWIC            be informed by ongoing canine
                                                                                   research activities, including the
      In addition, GRNSW will                                                      study currently being undertaken
      continue to undertake research       2. Investigate welfare driven           by the University of Sydney
      and investment to identify the       race design                             into greyhound behaviour and
      optimal track design and achieve     There are multiple factors that         motivation to race.
      continuous improvement towards       contribute to injuries which we
                                                                                   We will also trial a reduction in
                                                                                   race field size from 8 to 6 dogs
      Implementing minimum track standards                                         at select tracks, as part of the
                                                                                   UTS track study, to understand
       2018                                                                        whether it aides the reduction of
       Minimum standards introduced                                                on-track injuries.

       Jun 19                                                                       KEY MEASURES
       All clubs assessed against minimum standards as a condition of
       licensing.                                                                   • Proportion of greyhounds that
                                                                                      fail to chase
       2019+                                                                        • Consistent reduction in the
       Minimum standards regularly reviewed and updated based on trend                overall number and severity of
                                                                                      track injuries, as reported on by
       analysis and UTS research.
                                                                                      GRNSW and audited by GWIC

                     A greyhound racing system that
                     incentivises participants to focus on all
                     aspects of the greyhound lifecycle
      1. Enhance our grading policy         KEY MEASURES                           This will involve collaboration
      We will continue to enhance                                                  and sharing of information with
      the current grading policy to         • Increase prize money per starter     GWIC who will be responsible
      encourage maximum participation       • Improve the bred-to-race ratio       for tracking greyhound whole
      by a wider range of greyhounds.       • Increase in the average number       of life-cycle outcomes.
      We will test and implement policy       of starts over the greyhound’s
      enhancements in the OzChase             racing career                        Ongoing data analysis will allow
      system over time to:                                                         GRNSW and GWIC to establish
      • Provide racing opportunities for   2. Improve accountability and           more specific welfare related
          greyhounds at all performance    transparency in reporting               targets and metrics, such as a
          levels, thereby increasing the   We will invest in enhancing our         bred-to-race target.
          average number of starts         systems and implementing
          over their racing career         policies and procedures to               KEY MEASURES
      • Increase the bred-to-race          improve data collection, data
          ratio by incentivising           integrity and public reporting in        • Implementing an updated data
          continued participation by       relation to greyhound welfare and          capture and reporting process
          greyhounds at the initial        racing performance.                        by end of 2018
          stages of their racing careers                                            • Establishing an industry wide
      • Achieve a fairer and more                                                     bred-to-race ratio target by
          competitive spread of                                                       30 June 2019
          greyhounds across all
          grading bands
10                                          STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

                Greyhounds are given the best possible
                opportunity to be rehomed and kept as a
                companion animal at retirement
1. Expand rehoming capacity            To do this GRNSW will:                  GAP will also drive greyhound
and demand                             • Support industry education            adoption by increasing awareness
In 2018, we established                    regarding adequate                  of and promoting greyhounds
Greyhounds As Pets (GAP) as a              socialisation and rearing           as pets in the community.
separate not-for-profit entity with        practices to improve                This will also involve opening
the sole mandate of ensuring all           greyhound rehoming                  up new rehoming channels,
greyhounds have high quality care          suitability and rates of            such as promoting greyhounds
and homing at all times - whether          acceptance                          as therapy dogs.
they require rehoming at the end       • Review GAP’s assessment
of their racing career or need to          process and continue to             GAP will report on a suite of
find a home at an earlier stage.           review and update where             metrics which provide a full
                                           necessary                           and transparent picture of its
Over the next three years our aim      • Rapidly expand its capacity           rehoming efforts and success,
is to significantly increase the           in terms of its infrastructure      including:
number of greyhounds that are              and human resources                 • Total number of greyhounds
rehomed each year. We will also        • Collaborate with and assist               assessed
aim to increase the proportion of          other rehoming providers            • Numbers of greyhounds
greyhounds that are accepted for           to achieve a coordinated                accepted for rehoming,
rehoming and reduce the return rate.       approach to rehoming                    and key reasons for
                                           efforts and ensure maximum              non-acceptance
                                           accessibility and ease for          • Number and proportion
                                           participants who would like             of greyhounds returned
                                           to rehome their greyhounds.             from adoption

 • Rehome 1,000 greyhounds per
   year within the next 3 years
   through GAP and 1,500 through
   other rehoming providers
 • Increase greyhound rehoming
   acceptance rate
 • Reduced rehomed greyhound
   return rate

                                           STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021                                               11
     We will drive commercial growth across the
     industry through championing a modern, engaging
     and exciting racing product that increases and
     diversifies revenue
     Our Performance and                     wagering performance. GRNSW         streaming and additional media
     Market Position                         gains a large proportion of its     products through multiple
     In recent years the Australian          revenue through legislated share    channels.
     wagering industry has rapidly           of revenue via the Racing
     evolved as a result of industry         Distribution Agreement (RDA) and    Prize Money
     consolidation and innovation.           intercode agreement. While each     GRNSW is committed to
     Wagering on greyhounds in Australia     provide a good source of revenue    increasing the amount and
     has continued to grow in recent         today, there is a need for GRNSW    distribution of prize money,
     years but operates in an increasingly   to develop diversified wagering     achieving an 11% increase in
     competitive racing market.              revenue sources.                    FY2017. To continue to grow prize
                                                                                 money to a competitive level,
     Greyhound racing jurisdictions          Broadcast, Digital and              overall contributions will need
     compete for the wagering dollar         Audience                            to increase in step with revenue
     against other racing and sporting       The limited availability of         growth and cost efficiencies.
     codes, and amongst each other,          broadcasting airtime, especially
     to attract the best greyhounds          on Sky, is creating a new market
     and trainers to be able to offer the    for principal racing authorities
     best racing product.                    competing to obtain more screen
                                             time. GRNSW has entered this
     Wagering                                market and will continue to
     To date, GRNSW’s commercial
     success has been through strong
                                             broaden vision and awareness
                                             of the sport through digital                     OUR

                                               PRIZE MONEY                        WAGERING
                                               A larger prize money purse         GRNSW revenue growth and
                                               that is seen as competitive for    share of wagering revenue
                                               all grades of greyhound racing     reflects the popularity of
                                                                                  wagering on GRNSW product

                                               MEDIA                              EXPERIENCE
                                               Our digital, media and             GRNSW delivers customers
                                               information capabilities have      a digitally integrated
                                               grown diversified revenue          experience that generates
                                               streams for GRNSW                  continued racing engagement
                                                                                  and loyalty

12                                            STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

Achieving our
goals & measuring
            A larger prize money purse that is seen as
            competitive for all grades of greyhound racing
1. Increase the amount and             measure will be to increase the          In FY19, GRNSW will put on
distribution of prize money            proportion of GRNSW expenditure          Australia’s largest greyhound
GRNSW’s aim is to increase the         that is allocated to contributions.      racing prize money event with a
amount and distribution of prize                                                view to run two marquee events
money to incentivise and reward         KEY MEASURES                            in FY21.
broad participation in the industry,
and align with racing and welfare       • Improved cost to contribution          KEY MEASURES
outcomes. GRNSW has been able             ratio
                                        • Increase prize money per starter       • Total prize money
to maintain a consistent level of
                                        • Incremental increase in total          • Performance of marquee race
contributions despite sustained
                                          prize money                              meets against average turnover
increases in its operating costs
associated with welfare and
                                       2. Host Australia’s largest
integrity reform. Increasing
                                       greyhound carnival
efficiency across the NSW
                                       Marquee events generate interest,
greyhound racing system and
                                       build positive brand cachet and
improving welfare and integrity
                                       attract substantial wagering
outcomes will be the most
                                       turnover. The prize money for this
effective lever to increasing the
                                       race needs to be significant and
amount of prize money in the
                                       will signal the reinvigoration of
short term, with core product
                                       the greyhound racing industry in
revenue growth realising greater
effect in the long term. A key

            GRNSW revenue growth and share of wagering
            revenue reflects the popularity of wagering on
            GRNSW product
1. Increase the proportion             2. Optimise racing schedule              GRNSW will begin to transition
of wagered races                       for wagering outcomes                    to a data-led wagering analytics
We will actively work to increase      We will analyse the current              capability within FY19 with a
the proportion of greyhound            wagering environment through             view to have a fully optimised
races that can be wagered on, to       analytics to allow GRNSW to              schedule by 2021 that maximises
increase our wagering product          optimise the race schedule. This         our wagering potential across
offering and ensure that all           will increase wagering outcomes          all Wagering Service Providers
races are contributing to overall      across the race calendar, which          (WSP).
wagering revenue growth.               will become vitally important as
                                       GRNSW increases the number of             KEY MEASURES
By 2021 we want all greyhound          TAB races and looks to enhance
racing in NSW to be providing a        the customer experience with              • Prize money per starter
wagering product offering.             marquee racing.                           • Wagering revenue

 • Increased prize money per
 • Increased wagering revenue

                                           STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021                                                 13
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

     3. Promote syndicate                    KEY MEASURES                           5. Invest in growing club
     greyhound ownership to                                                         revenue
     expand participation and                • Increased industry turnover
                                                                                    We are focused on improving the
     grow wagering                           • Increased wagering revenue           success of clubs in generating
     GRNSW will work with regulators         • Establishing a greyhound             additional revenue streams and
     and WSPs to expand greyhound              syndication program                  maximising the use of race track
     ownership through syndication,          • Increased rehoming through           facilities.
     helping casual fans and punters           GAP or other authorised              Attendance at NSW greyhound
     to become more involved and               providers                            races is on a long term decline,
     engaged in the industry. In                                                    and now only averages 120 paying
     FY19, GRNSW will refocus                                                       attendees per meet in NSW.
                                            4. A fair share of wagering
     efforts (in conjunction with other                                             Perceptions of greyhound racing’s
     jurisdictions) to enable more                                                  image is poorer than horse racing.
                                            GRNSW will advocate government
     active syndicators in greyhounds                                               Integrity, welfare, sustainability
                                            and Racing Corp to maximise the
     and increase the number of                                                     and modernity scores are lower
                                            NSW greyhound racing industry’s
     greyhound syndicates by                                                        than horse racing across all
                                            share of revenue under the RDA and
     10% by FY21.                                                                   demographics and significantly
                                            Point of Consumption Tax (PoCT).
                                                                                    lower than sporting bodies such
                                                                                    as the AFL and NRL.

                       Our digital, media and                                       GRNSW will employ a team of
                                                                                    business development managers
                       information capabilities                                     (BDMs), who will assist clubs
                       have grown diversified                                       in generating own-source non-
                                                                                    wagering revenue (decreasing
                       revenue for GRNSW                                            reliance on GRNSW transfers) and
                                                                                    ensure an exciting and consistent
     1. Broaden vision                      content is becoming more                experience at all clubs. BDMs will
     Vision is critical in the growth of    important as young punters interact     operate as a shared service; each
     wagering. Digital streaming will       with more touch points throughout       will be dedicated to working with
     be a growth engine for wagering        the betting journey. Younger            clubs in a particular region.
     as it compliments the growing          punters are more likely to use odds
     trend away from retail/on-track        checkers, social media and mobile
     wagering towards wagering on           based editorials compared to older       KEY MEASURES
     mobile applications and websites.      punters, who are typically more
     Similarly, both Victorian and South    likely to use print based sources        • Grow club own source revenue
     Australian thoroughbred racing         to inform their bets. In this context    • Will look to have the ratio of
     are now being broadcast free-to-       online bettors consider analysis           GRNSW funding to club funding
     air (FTA), increasing the level of     (tips) and data relatively more            at 40:60 or better by FY21 and
     coverage of these racing bodies.       important than editorial/news              35:65 or better by FY23
     GRNSW will continue to work with       and commentary.
     networks and WSPs to provide           GRNSW will expand our digital
     digital content and broader            capabilities looking to make
     vision and will review the current     strategic investment decisions
     contracts for digital and for          around current assets (i.e.
     vision prior to expiry. In addition, as well as
     GRNSW will investigate a               complementary and innovative
     partnership with another racing        products that support growth in
     body or sporting association           WSP active user base. GRNSW
     to have selected races from            will collaborate with WSPs and
     a marquee race.                        Tabcorp to improve the digital
                                            offering for punters.
      KEY MEASURES                          GRNSW will have grown revenue
                                            from digital capabilities and content
      • Increased viewership of NSW
                                            offerings, and sponsorships to
        greyhound racing
      • Increased digital broadcast
                                            7% of total revenue by FY21.
      • Increased digital content revenue    KEY MEASURES

     2. Increase our digital                 • Increased non-wagering revenue
     capabilities and content
     In addition to vision, digital

14                                             STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

               GRNSW delivers customers a digitally
               integrated experience that generates
               continued racing engagement and loyalty
1. A digitally integrated                                                   experience at one track by FY20
experience for greyhound              GRNSW will work with clubs and        and all tracks with select WSP
racing                                WSPs to create an integrated          digital user experiences and
The next generation of sporting       digital greyhound racing              premium sponsorships by FY21.
experiences are learning from the     experience that drives greater
rise of e-sports and new format       levels of participation, active WSP    KEY MEASURES
(e.g. Rugby 7s) and content           users, and attendance at selected
is becoming more exciting,            greyhound racing clubs and             • Grow club own source revenue
immersive, and digitally integrated   venues.                                • Increased club prize money
across the sporting value chain                                                contribution
and between formats.                  GRNSW will pilot the digital

                                         STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021                                               15
     The NSW greyhound racing industry is
     financially sustainable and continues to
     make an important social contribution to the
     communities it operates in
     We believe that sustaining             and community. Our future track       and regional NSW, through
     a vibrant industry rests on            model will consist of tracks that     employment, participation and
     both improving our financial           incorporate the latest standards of   enjoyment in racing and non-
     performance, as well as ensuring       track safety and design, provide      racing activities.
     our ongoing relevance and              a better racing experience for
     importance in NSW communities.         patrons, and can be utilised for
                                            broader community purposes.
     Financial sustainability
     Our ability to effectively             Clubs
     manage future investments and          We also need to be more efficient
     expenditure will determine our         in how GRNSW operates in
     ability to deliver on the welfare      conjunction with clubs. This
     and commercial initiatives we          will involve taking advantage of
     have set out in this plan. The two     significant efficiencies by sharing
     areas of focus are our tracks and      some services between GRNSW
     our clubs.                             and the race clubs themselves.

     Tracks                                 Community
     We will more efficiently and           Our optimised track footprint
     effectively invest in our racetracks   and model will provide better

     and support facilities to provide      opportunities for engagement
     a greater return to the industry       with communities in metropolitan


       TRACKS                                CLUBS                                COMMUNITY
       An optimised race track               GRNSW and its registered             Greyhound racing creates
       portfolio                             clubs operate efficiently to         social and economic
                                             support the industry                 benefits in communities
                                                                                  throughout NSW

16                                           STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021
Achieving our
                                                                            Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

goals & measuring
          An optimised race track portfolio
1. Track optimisation strategy        Excellence that are located in key       racing, current industry dynamics
Over the next year, GRNSW             metropolitan and regional areas          and our overall strategic
will undertake a review of its        where there is high racing activity      objectives.
tracks and develop a total asset      and spectatorship.
management plan that guides                                                    Options include the expansion
future investment. The plan will                                               of an existing track in a strategic
                                       KEY MEASURES
set out an approach to achieve                                                 location that is primed to
an enhanced track portfolio that                                               deliver an uplift in race meets
                                       • Increase return on capital
is comprised of both:                                                          and become the new home of
                                         invested (ROCI), and return on
                                                                               metropolitan racing. GRNSW will
1) A core track model                                                          consider the return on investment
A core portfolio of tracks that                                                of establishing another race track
are located in key regional towns                                              in metropolitan Sydney over the
                                      2. Plan for metropolitan racing
and have the primary purpose                                                   medium term.
                                      Metropolitan racing plays a vital
of facilitating a high quality
                                      role in the industry in NSW with
wagering product and providing                                                 Any decisions made by GRNSW
                                      a large proportion of owners,
racing accessibility, safety and                                               with regards to the future track
                                      trainers and racegoers residing in
functionality for greyhound                                                    infrastructure will be supported by
                                      greater Sydney. With our lease at
owners and trainers that will                                                  evidence and will go through full
                                      Wentworth Park expiring in 2027,
ensure their ongoing participation                                             stakeholder consultation.
                                      we are considering alternative
in the industry.
                                      metropolitan racing options that
                                                                                KEY MEASURES
&                                     will ensure any further investment
                                      serves the industry in the longer
                                                                                • GRNSW to identify the future
2) Centres of excellence              term. Our assessment takes into             home of metropolitan racing and
In the longer term we are going       consideration the findings of               develop a plan for transition
to invest in racing Centres of        previous reports on metropolitan

         Core Track Model                               & Centres of Excellence
   All clubs and tracks must:                                 In addition to core requirements, the Centres
                                                              will offer:
   •   Put on highly professional race meets on
       a regular basis                                        •   Co-location with, or near to, GAP rehoming
   •   Achieve minimum standards in track                         facilities
       design and safety                                      •   Additional amenities for patrons and
   •   Have high quality veterinary facilities                      facilities for broader community use
       and services                                           •   The gold standard in track design
   •   Provide training and trialling capacity                •   Digital infrastructure that delivers an
   •   Include digital infrastructure to deliver a                integrated digital experience at the track
       high quality wagering product off the track                and online

                                           STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021                                                  17
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

            GRNSW and its registered clubs will operate
            efficiently to support the industry

                              Functions of GRNSW
                              •    Industry strategy
                              •    Developing and marketing the racing product
                              •    Setting the racing program and allocating prize money
                              •    Settling club governance and operating standards
                              •    Budgeting and capital investment plans
                              •    Monitoring club performance

                                             Corporate Core













               Race                                                                         Shared
               Clubs                                     Service                           Services

      Functions of                                                                Functions of
      race clubs                                                                  GRNSW shared
      •   Appointment of club
          personnel                                                               services
      •   Organising race meets                                                   •    Central financial
      •   Hosting community events                                                     accounting and reporting
      •   Day to day financial                                                         processes
          processes and reporting                                                 •    Approval of large capital
                                                                                       and operating expenditure
                                                                                  •    Central procurement
                                                                                  •    Monitoring of track and
                                                                                       facilities maintenance

18                                             STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

1. Enhance club governance            •      Tightening conditions on club
and operating standards
GRNSW will implement revised
                                             support including aligning
                                             funding to the demonstration          Approaches
club standards that enhances
GRNSW’s oversight of clubs in
                                             of financial and non-financial
                                             performance metrics
                                                                                   to race club
certain areas, without reducing
their autonomy over day to day
                                      •      Improving procedures
                                             related to financial resource
operations. In this way GRNSW                management
will take more of a strategic         •      Promoting excellence in club           Financial             Existing
management role over clubs that              governance and management              Provide financial     Approach
allows for greater operational               through lifting personnel              goals
efficiency through the use of                standards. GRNSW will also
shared services.                             support clubs in this regard
                                             by offering common training            Strategic
Key areas to be revised and                  and education, to lift and             Set targets and
strengthened include:                        promote consistency in club            review strategy
•   Increasing requirements           •      Minimum standards around
    around commercial returns                administration, record keeping         Active
    and ensuring the use of tracks           and reporting and analysis on          Define strategy and
    is maximised. In this regard,            performance                            help to achieve
    GRNSW will also implement                                                                               New
    measures to support clubs                                                                               Approach
                                          KEY MEASURES                              Operational
    to improve commercial
    outcomes, such as through                                                       Define and deliver
                                          • By 2021 GRNSW will achieve              strategy
    the appointment of business
                                            a contribution to cost ratio of
    development managers in                 40:60
    each region

            Greyhound racing creates social and
            economic benefits in communities
            throughout NSW
1. Community                          GRNSW will set a community
engagement plan                       engagement plan and                         KEY MEASURES
With a more efficient and             expectations for clubs, which will
streamlined track footprint, we       require them to offer the tracks            • Reporting on the number of
will be able to concentrate racing    and facilities for community use,             community uses of race club
activity and make greyhound           such as holding charity events,               facilities
racing a more vibrant presence in     family days and other purposes
local communities.                    such as hosing community
                                      education and outreach
GRNSW will encourage race             programs.
clubs to engage with each track’s
local population and encourage
participation at the tracks through
spectatorship, employment and

                                              STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021                                                 19
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

                                              A NEW

20                                         STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

A new industry
and welfare
Following the NSW government’s
announcement on 11 October            Greyhound                                To support industry
2016 of their policy to support the
continuation of greyhound racing
                                      Welfare and                              reform, the NSW
in NSW, the Greyhound Industry
Reform Panel was established
                                      Integrity                                Government is
to provide recommendations on         Commission                               providing $41 million
potential new animal welfare and                                               in transitional
governance arrangements to            GWIC was established with the
reform the industry and restore       primary objectives to promote and        funding support.
confidence in its integrity. A key    protect the welfare of greyhounds,       This comprises $30
outcome has been the separation       safeguard the integrity of
of commercial and regulatory          greyhound racing and betting,            million to upgrade
functions into two separate bodies.   and maintain public confidence           greyhound tracks to
                                      in the industry.
                                                                               appropriate safety
                                      GWIC will:                               and animal welfare
                                      •C  ontrol, supervise and regulate
                                        greyhound racing in NSW                standards, and $11
                                      • Initiate, develop and implement       million in start-up and
                                        policies about the welfare of
                                        greyhounds                             operational funding
                                      •U  ndertake research and               for the integrity
                                        investigation into greyhound
                                        breeding and racing                    commission.

                                      On 1 July 2018, GRNSW will be
                                      reconstituted as an independent
                                      statutory body corporate with
                                      commercial objectives similar to
                                      a state owned corporation and
                                      with a social objective regarding
                                      animal welfare.

                                           STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021                                               21
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

       A new industry model
                                                    Minister for Racing

                                   Racing                               Integrity                         Wagering
       Entities                    Product                              & Welfare                         & Media

                                                                  Control, supervise and regulate
         Welfare                                                    greyhound racing. Develop
         & Integrity                                                and implement policies for
                                                                    the welfare of greyhounds,
         Commission                                                and research into greyhound
                                                                       breeding and racing

                                              Responsible for the commercial functions of greyhound racing in NSW,
                                                                  with animal welfare objectives
         Racing NSW
         and the
         entities it                Clubs                          Greyhounds
         controls or
                                                                     as Pets
                                 Required to meet new
                                  operating standards
         licenses                                                    GRNSW will drive industry
                                                                      rehoming through GAP;
                                                                        a registered charity

                                        Owners, breeders
                                           & trainers
         Owners,              Owners are principally responsible for the welfare
                                 of their greyhound for their full natural life
         & trainers
                               Greyhound Breeders Owners
                                  Trainers Association

                                                                                                          Racing Corp
                                                                    Private rehoming
                                                                        providers                            Tabcorp
         External                                                                                     Wagering Service
                                                                     Animal welfare
                                                                     organisations &                  Sky, broadcasters
                                                                      veterinarians                     & other media

                           Other industry stakeholders and the NSW community

22                                            STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

          GWIC functions                                          GRNSW functions
          •   Creating, implementing and enforcing                •      The racing environment: implementing
              integrity and welfare policies                             world-leading track design, veterinary
          •   Developing a code of practice for                          facilities and infrastructure
              greyhound welfare                                   •      Promoting the industry (branding,
          •   Enhance regulatory oversight and                           marketing, wagering product)
              prosecution for illicit activities                  •      Set the racing program
          •   Enforcing tougher penalties for animal              •      Greyhound grading
              welfare abuses, including for live baiting          •      Allocating prize money
          •   Registration of greyhound trial tracks              •      Oversee the management and
              and installation of CCTV cameras as                        administration of race tracks and
              appropriate                                                race clubs including licencing and
          •   Administering the rules of racing in                       governance requirements
              relation to greyhounds and industry                 •      Expanding greyhound rehoming activity
              participants including swabbing for                        and infrastructure
              prohibited substances                               •      Meeting the full operating costs of GWIC
          •   Implementing a whole of lifecycle system                   by July 2022
              for greyhounds                                      •      Implementing more robust reporting
          •   Implementing a new breeding framework                      and audit functions
              to control over-breeding of greyhounds
          •   Introducing robust registration
              requirements for industry participants
              including training and education

              GRNSW and GWIC will also work together across a number of
                  industry welfare and integrity initiatives including:

Whole lifecycle Greyhound                         Training &               Participant               Track
tracking        rehoming                          education                integrity                 Safety
Lifecycle tracking will   Although GRNSW will     GRNSW will work with     GRNSW will work with      GWIC and GRNSW
require a coordinated     be responsible for      GWIC in implementing     GWIC to ensure that       will be recording and
approach between          managing Greyhounds     an industry wide         industry participants     managing data to
GWIC, GRNSW and           As Pets (GAP), GWIC     education framework      are held accountable      improve the safety
local councils.           will independently      and initiatives.         for their actions and     standards of all race
                          review processes and                             participants who          tracks to ensure
                          standards in place.                              breach the rules, code    greater safety.
                                                                           of practice and laws
                                                                           regulating the industry
                                                                           will be penalised
                                                                           accordingly by GWIC.

                                               STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021                                                      23
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

     A new approach
     to participation
     Expectations of Participant
     our participants advocacy
     have increased The    GBOTA has represented the
                      collective interests of owners,
                                          trainers and breeders since
     Owners, breeders and trainers
                                          1939. Going forward we envisage
     are the heart of our industry. As
                                          GBOTA to continue its advocacy
     the publics’ expectations of the
                                          role, helping participants to
     industry have increased, so too
                                          navigate their way through the
     have the expectations of our
     participants to uphold the highest
     standards of animal welfare
     practice and racing integrity.

      Participant responsibilities                            GBOTA functions
      •   Adhere to training and education                    •   Advocacy and representation of owners,
          requirements and standards                              breeders and trainers
      •   Comply with the new Code of Conduct                 •   Advocating on GBOTA members behalf to
          and Greyhound Racing Rules                              the NSW Government and to GRNSW
      •   Comply with licencing requirements                  •   Assistance with legal and financial
      •   Responsibility for the welfare of                       matters pertaining to participation in the
          greyhounds for their full natural life                  industry
      •   Maximise the success of rehoming by                 •   Negotiating commercial agreements on
          socialising dogs from an early stage                    behalf of industry participants

24                                            STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

Engaging with our
GRNSW has a diverse range of         to them. Engagement took a           In delivering our strategic plan,
stakeholders, all with differing     variety of forms, including face     we’ll continue to work with our
levels of knowledge, interest and    to face meetings and receiving       stakeholders on a regular basis
activity in the NSW greyhound        written feedback on our draft        to understand their views, report
racing industry.                     plan.                                back to them our performance
                                                                          progress and continue to refine
GRNSW’s Stakeholder                  This year we also undertook an       our approaches.
Engagement Plan was designed         extensive community survey
to ensure we maintain a good         which allowed to gain deeper
understanding of the views and       insights into the way that a
expectations across all of our       cross section of the community
stakeholders, as an important        (customers, participants and
consideration in our current and     other members of the community)
future strategies.                   perceive and engage with the
                                     industry. These insights have
Developing this Strategic Plan       allowed us to tailor our strategy
involved a rigorous process of       and approaches in a way that will
engagement with key internal and     help us build engagement with the
external stakeholders, to identify   industry.
the issues of greatest importance

                                         STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021                                              25
Responsible | Competitive | Sustainable

                                                 Contact Details
                                                 Greyhound Racing NSW
                                                 T 02 8767 0500

                                                 Greyhound Hotline - 1800 680 174
26                                         STRATEGIC PLAN 2018-2021
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