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In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720‑2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632‑9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: (link sends e-mail). USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. We make every effort to create documents that are accessible to individuals of all abilities; however, limitations with our word processing programs may prevent parts of this document from being readable by computer-assisted reading devices. If you need assistance with this document, please contact the White River National Forest at (970) 945-2521.
Decision Notice Contents INTRODUCTION/ APPENDICES BACKGROUND ...................... 1 Appendix A. Project-Specific Design Criteria PURPOSE AND NEED FIGURES FOR ACTION ......................... 1 DN Figure 1: Selected Alternative DECISION AND REASONS FOR THE DECISION ...................... 1 DN Figure 2: Selected Alternative – Snowmaking Rationale for My Decision ......................... 2 DN Figure 3: Wetlands .......................................................2 Canada Lynx ..................................................2 Selected Alternative – Construction Plan Soils and Watershed .......................................3 Traffic and Parking .........................................3 Recreation ......................................................3 Selected Alternative Description ................. 4 Bergman Bowl Lift ..........................................4 Bergman Bowl and Erickson Bowl Terrain Enhancements ................................................5 Snowmaking ..................................................5 Construction and Maintenance Access Road....6 Ski Patrol Facility ............................................6 Outpost Restaurant Expansion ........................6 General Construction Plans.............................6 Design Criteria and Lynx Conservation Measures .......................................................7 OTHER ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ........................ 8 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT ........... 8 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ...... 9 FINDINGS REQUIREMENT BY OTHER LAWS AND REGULATIONS ....................... 9 RESULTS OF THE PRE- DECISIONAL OBJECTION PROCESS .............................. 9 IMPLEMENTATION DATE ......... 9 CONTACT ........................... 10 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT DN-i
Decision Notice Acronyms and Abbreviations CFR Code of Federal Regulations DN Decision Notice EA Environmental Assessment GDC General Design Criteria ID Team Interdisciplinary Team LAU Lynx Analysis Unit MDP Master Development Plan NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NFS National Forest System NOPA Notice of Proposed Action PDC Project Design Criteria SRLA Southern Rockies Lynx Amendment SUP Special Use Permit USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service WRNF White River National Forest DN-ii KEYSTONE RESORT | BERGMAN BOWL ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS
Decision Notice Increase terrain variety for a range of INTRODUCTION/ ability levels, while providing an above BACKGROUND tree line skiing experience that does not This Decision Notice (DN) documents my currently exist for lower ability level decision and rationale for approving the guests. proposed projects on the Dillon Ranger District, White River National Forest (WRNF). DECISION AND REASONS FOR My decision is based on and supported by the THE DECISION November 2020 Keystone Bergman Bowl Enhancement Projects Environmental After thoroughly considering the purpose and Assessment (EA). The project area is located need for action, issues, range of alternatives, within the Keystone Resort (Keystone) special and analyses presented in the EA, as well as use permit (SUP) and existing operational public comments received, I am approving boundary in Summit County, Colorado. alternative 3, which includes the project specific design criteria (PDC) and lynx The WRNF Land and Resource Management conservation measures identified in Plan (Forest Plan) provides general standards Table 2-1 of the EA and Appendix A in this and guidelines for the operation of Keystone DN, and the WRNF Mountain Sports Program regarding its activities and operations on – Ski Area General Design Criteria (GDC) National Forest System (NFS) lands. The SUP posted on the project webpage. The selected and associated summer and winter operating alternative will include the installation of one plans, as well as other resource management chairlift in Bergman Bowl combined with trail documents, provide more specific guidance development, timber removal, and terrain for annual winter and summer ski area modifications that will provide enhanced operations and projects. access to Bergman Bowl and Erickson Bowl. PURPOSE AND NEED Subsequent to the combined scoping and opportunity to comment period, the proposed FOR ACTION action was modified and alternative 3 was The purpose of the proposed action is to created to respond to resource concerns better meet the demands of destination raised internally by an Interdisciplinary Team visitors while appealing to the needs and (ID Team) comprised of Forest Service desires of Keystone's day-use clientele. resource specialists and externally by the public. In a collaborative effort between the The proposed action is needed to: WRNF and Keystone, the planning and Better utilize the existing terrain within design of the action alternatives reduced the Keystone's operational boundary and disturbance footprint of the project compared SUP area; to that proposed in the notice of proposed Reduce overcrowding by redistributing action (NOPA). Ultimately, the analysis skiers from the front side of the showed that these efforts reduced mountain; environmental impacts to wetland, wildlife, and soil and watershed resources while still Improve circulation between key terrain addressing the purpose and need. Refer to pods; and Section 1.4 of the EA for a discussion of relevant changes to the proposed action that occurred since the publication of the NOPA. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT DN-1
Decision Notice Rationale for My Decision possible. This includes revisions to the project proposed in the NOPA reconfiguring the In reaching my decision I relied heavily upon proposed lift towers and bottom terminal, ID Team resource specialists who analyzed skier bridge, and construction and the effects of the selected alternative as maintenance access road outside of wetlands documented in the EA. I considered the identified in the project area. Through a two- following issues and concerns: effects to year planning process and in coordination wildlife/fish, vegetation, wetland, soils, with Keystone, the project avoids all direct watershed, scenery, recreation, and traffic impacts to wetlands, including impacts to and parking resources. I recognize that wetland fens or wetlands directly adjacent to certain resources were not carried forward in fens. This precludes the need for an detailed analysis for the EA; however, those individual wetland permit from the United resources were considered by the ID Team States Army Corps of Engineers or any in- and eliminated from detailed analysis with kind wetland mitigation or replacement. In supporting rationale. These resources and addition, the selected alternative reduces their rationale for elimination is included in indirect impacts to wetlands by eliminating the Issues and Resources Considered but Not tree removal over wetlands in several Carried Forward document available on the locations. With implementation of the various project webpage. I also reviewed the PDC PDC and GDC, I anticipate indirect impacts included in the EA as well as public to wetlands due to tree removal to be comments received during the 30-day minimal. scoping/comment period and considered how the selected alternative will respond to Canada Lynx the stated purpose and need. Commenters expressed concern over impacts In the context of the existing developed to wildlife in the project area, particularly conditions at Keystone and the potential Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis). In response benefits to visitors of the WRNF and to local to these concerns, numerous revisions were communities, I believe the long-term benefits incorporated into the selected alternative to of the project outweigh the potential costs. reduce the amount of tree removal and Overall, I feel my decision will improve the glading in Canada lynx habitat. As compared experience of guests to the National Forest to the project proposed in the NOPA, the within the Keystone SUP area. selected alternative will reduce glading by approximately 19 acres and tree clearing by The following paragraphs describe some of approximately 10 acres. The selected the most important resource issues that were alternative will maintain habitat connectivity considered in reaching my decision. within the South Summit Lynx Analysis Unit (LAU) and between this and other LAUs and Wetlands is consistent with the ALL S1 Standard as Commenters expressed concern over impacts described in the Southern Rockies Lynx to wetlands in proximity to permanent Amendment (SRLA). The selected alternative infrastructure (e.g., Bergman Bowl lift, skier is also consistent with all other relevant bridge, permanent construction and guidelines of the SRLA. Further, maintenance access road). In response to implementation of an Independence Bowl these concerns and in accordance with Operations and Ski Patrol Management Plan Executive Order 11990, the selected and lynx monitoring, detailed in Table 2-1 of alternative was developed to avoid and the EA and Appendix A, will ensure that minimize impacts to wetlands wherever additional skier traffic does not occur into DN-2 KEYSTONE RESORT | BERGMAN BOWL ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS
Decision Notice Jones Gulch and the Management Area 5.5 drainage management plan and a – Forested Landscape Linkages adjacent to revegetation plan, which will further reduce the operational boundary. Collectively, the impacts to watershed and soil resources and selected alternative will have minimal effects ensure that the project area is restored to a on lynx and will not compromise the ability suitable condition following project of the South Summit LAU to support traveling implementation. lynx. As a result, it has been determined that the proposed project may affect, but is not Traffic and Parking likely to adversely affect Canada lynx. The Internal and external comments identified United States Fish and Wildlife Service potential impacts to traffic as an issue to be (USFWS) was engaged in informal analyzed in the EA. The traffic analysis assumed consultation and provided a letter of the number of additional guests per day would concurrence for this determination prior to equal the increased lift capacity from this project the authorization of this Final Decision. (1,070 guests per day) and result in up to 362 additional vehicles per day at Keystone. This Any future proposals for summer use in the assumption, based on available data and project area will consider and analyze applied to both action alternatives, represents the habitat connectivity and cumulative effects high end of potential additional guests and is associated with Canada lynx. likely an overestimate. The analysis concluded Soils and Watershed that for U.S. Highway 6 road segments accessing Keystone, the potential increase in traffic volumes I recognize that internal and external on days with heavy ski traffic is likely comments have expressed concern over considerably lower than the estimate based on impacts to soil and watershed resources in the assumed increase in guests per day. With the project area. In response to these respect to Interstate-70, the increase in vehicle concerns, numerous revisions were trips associated with this project would be incorporated into the selected alternative to negligible in the context of typical winter reduce the amount of grading and tree weekends and other times with heavy ski traffic. clearing. As compared to the project proposed in the NOPA, the selected Recreation alternative will reduce grading by The selected alternative will benefit winter approximately 6.6 acres and tree clearing by recreation resources at Keystone and on the approximately 10 acres. Revisions include WRNF. It will improve access to the changes to the proposed lift terminals, eastern extent of Keystone's SUP area by realignment of proposed ski trails, relocation providing additional lift-served ski of the proposed skier bridge, and terrain, snowmaking, and guest realignment of the proposed construction support facilities in Bergman and and maintenance access road. Ground Erickson bowls. Dercum Mountain disturbing activities associated with the currently offers most of the selected alternative would result in impacts to intermediate terrain and all the beginner soil and watershed resources related to terrain at Keystone, as well as serves as a sedimentation and erosion; however, I transition area for all guests moving to and believe that implementation of GDC and from North Peak and the Outback. As PDC described in Table 2-1 of the EA and the current configuration results in Appendix A would reduce and minimize any congestion issues, a lift serving the high potential impacts. PDC include the alpine terrain in Bergman Bowl will distribute development and implementation of a skiers across an increased amount of beginner and ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT DN-3
Decision Notice intermediate terrain. The Bergman Bowl lift accessed by hiking or snowcat. The approved will supplement the existing lift network by lift will be a detachable chairlift with a providing guests more options for circulating capacity of approximately 2,400 people per among Dercum Mountain, North Peak, and hour. It will be located in the center of the Outback. Guests of lower ability levels Bergman Bowl, with the top terminal situated will have the opportunity to ski in new settings above tree line, at an elevation of with "big mountain" views and experiences approximately 12,300 feet. The bottom when compared to Dercum Mountain. The terminal will be located below tree line, at an selected alternative is consistent with the elevation of approximately 11,300 feet. In goals and objectives of the Keystone’s addition to the top and bottom terminals, accepted 2009 Master Development Plan there will be approximately 20 to 25 lift (MDP), which largely focused on addressing towers required for this project. constraints associated with skier circulation and the underutilization of high alpine The Bergman Bowl lift will serve terrain. Furthermore, the theme identified for approximately 555 acres of terrain including Management Area 8.25 in the Forest Plan the existing undeveloped natural features states, “ski areas are developed and that are currently accessible, and the operated by the private sector to provide traditional developed ski trails and gladed opportunities for intensively managed ski trails that will be incorporated into the outdoor recreation activities during all enhanced Bergman Bowl terrain network seasons of the year.” Development of under the selected alternative. From the top Keystone for these recreational opportunities of the approved Bergman Bowl lift, guests is in line with this theme and, therefore, the will be able to reach the Outpost Restaurant selected alternative is in accordance with the and existing terrain on North Peak. Guests of Forest Plan. lower ability levels will be encouraged to return to Dercum Mountain primarily via the Selected Alternative Description Outpost gondola; however, the Ruby Express could be used for those guests capable of A detailed description of the individual skiing intermediate terrain to the bottom of project components follows. All components the North Peak terrain network. Guests with of the selected alternative will occur within expert skiing ability will also have the option Keystone’s existing operating boundary and to access Erickson Bowl and ski down to the SUP area and are depicted on the attached Outback Express or Wayback lift. DN Figure 1: Selected Alternative, DN Figure 2: Selected Alternative – Snowmaking, and Power and telecommunication lines for the DN Figure 3: Selected Alternative – bottom terminal of Bergman Bowl lift will be Construction Plan. The selected alternative sourced from existing infrastructure at would require approximately 16.6 acres of Labonte’s Restaurant and installed within the grading, approximately 60 acres of tree approved construction and maintenance clearing, and approximately 21 acres of access road. In order to provide adequate glading. The selected alternative does not power, the existing powerline, which extends authorize new summer uses in Bergman from Labonte’s Restaurant, up Starfire trail to Bowl. the Outpost Restaurant, will be replaced in the same alignment. There will be no Bergman Bowl Lift permanent road or trenched in utilities The Bergman Bowl lift is approved to access implemented for the top terminal of Bergman terrain in Bergman and Erickson bowls, Bowl lift. which are currently skied regularly and DN-4 KEYSTONE RESORT | BERGMAN BOWL ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS
Decision Notice Bergman Bowl and Erickson Bowl Terrain Snowmaking Enhancements The selected alternative includes the The approved Bergman Bowl terrain network implementation of approximately 20 acres of will include 13 ski trails in Bergman Bowl and snowmaking coverage, which will increase 3 ski trails in Erickson Bowl. The approved Keystone’s average annual water terrain will consist of undeveloped terrain withdrawals by approximately 33 acre feet of above tree line, gladed terrain, and water. The approved snowmaking coverage traditional developed runs. In addition to the will occur on approved beginner and 13 developed trails in Bergman Bowl, intermediate ski trails in Bergman Bowl. The approximately 4 acres of glading will occur approved snowmaking coverage will be within two 100- to 150-foot corridors along located on approved trails 16-08 and 16-09, the northern extent of the approved terrain which include the beginner ski trail network to add to the variety of terrain types connecting the Outpost Restaurant with the in the area. A skier bridge or large culvert approved bottom terminal of Bergman Bowl will be installed to allow skiers utilizing the lift and the intermediate trail extending from northern extent of the approved network to the approved bottom terminal to Prospector cross a drainage and return to the bottom trail. Additional coverage will be applied to terminal of the approved Bergman Bowl lift. approved trail 16-10, which follows the ridgeline between the approved top terminal Within Erickson Bowl, trees will be removed of Bergman Bowl lift and the Outpost to create 3 expert ski trails below tree line, Restaurant. This portion of approved enabling direct egress and circulation back coverage will begin just above tree line and to the Outback Express or Wayback lift. Five end at the Outpost Restaurant. 100- to 150-foot gladed corridors are approved to be implemented adjacent to the Approximately 8,100 feet of snowmaking developed trails totaling approximately 10 pipe will be trenched into approved ski trails acres. An additional 7-acre gladed area is with snowmaking coverage, resulting in also approved to be implemented adjacent to approximately 8.5 acres of temporary approved trail 16-15U for a total of ground disturbance. To accommodate the approximately 17 acres of gladed terrain in additional approved snowmaking in Erickson Bowl. Existing vegetation in these Bergman Bowl, Keystone will need to replace areas will be reduced by no more than 15 an existing snowmaking line located within percent. the Anticipation ski trail to increase its capacity. Additional upgrades to existing The existing snowcat guided skiing and snowmaking infrastructure may be required shuttle programs will continue to operate in to accommodate the proposed snowmaking Bergman, Erickson, and Independence bowls increase including pump and valve until project completion and this program will replacements and a pump booster station continue in Independence Bowl after project located within the disturbance footprint of the completion. Aside from eventually being Outpost Restaurant expansion. Disturbed phased out of Bergman and Erickson bowls, areas will be restored and revegetated there are no approved modifications to immediately following implementation. existing snowcat operations associated with this project. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT DN-5
Decision Notice Construction and Maintenance seating and restrooms. The area around the Access Road building will be regraded to accommodate Included in the selected alternative is an skier egress out of Bergman Bowl and the approximately 2,140-foot permanent existing Fox Trot road will be relocated to the construction and maintenance access road to north side of the restaurant. In total, the provide access to the bottom terminal of the project will require just over an acre of approved Bergman Bowl lift. The approved grading. Construction access will be construction and maintenance access road facilitated by the existing Fox Trot road. will start on the north side of the Outpost Architectural styles of the restaurant Restaurant and follow approved trail 16-08 expansion will be designed to match the to the bottom terminal of the Bergman Bowl existing facade of the current structure and lift. Construction of the road will require will be reviewed by the Forest Service to approximately 2 acres of grading and tree ensure consistency with Forest Plan clearing. The road will be designed with guidelines. rolling grades and waterbars for drainage. General Construction Plans Ski Patrol Facility General construction plans including Included in the selected alternative is a small construction access and staging, and timber ski patrol facility located adjacent to the top removal are depicted in DN Figure 3. While terminal of the approved Bergman Bowl lift. timber removal and construction The approved facility will be approximately methodologies are subject to change based 1,000 square feet in size. Construction of the on field conditions discovered during project facility and the top terminal of the approved implementation, the locations of disturbance Bergman Bowl lift will require approximately for staging and construction access routes, as 1 acre of grading. The facility will be well as the types of routes, are specifically designed to be constructed and operated off approved in this document. Low impact the grid, without an access road or trenched timber removal and construction in utilities. The architectural style of the methodologies would be utilized as much as facility will be designed to blend with the possible. surrounding landscape and will be reviewed Access and approved by the Forest Service to ensure consistency with Forest Plan guidelines. The approved construction and maintenance access road will provide construction access Outpost Restaurant Expansion to the bottom terminal of the approved Bergman Bowl lift. Temporary construction In order to accommodate a greater routes will facilitate the construction of percentage of guests circulating through the project components uphill of the bottom project area, the selected alternative includes terminal (e.g., lift towers, skier bridge, and the expansion of the Outpost Restaurant and timber removal for ski terrain). The deck. The approved expansion will increase temporary construction routes will be located the seating capacity of the facility by 300 within the disturbance footprint of approved interior seats and 75 exterior seats, ski trails and will not require earthwork, with consistent with the 2009 MDP. the exception of one approximately 1,830- The approved expansion project will occur on foot route segment which will cross Bergman the south side of the Outpost Restaurant and Bowl uphill of the approved bottom lift provide approximately 6,000 square feet of terminal. This segment will require spot space for guest services including restaurant grading and incidental tree removal, DN-6 KEYSTONE RESORT | BERGMAN BOWL ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS
Decision Notice resulting in approximately 0.5 acre of pre-established locations in and adjacent to temporary ground disturbance. A minimal the project area. Low impact machinery, such construction route will facilitate construction as spider hoes, will be utilized as much as of the top lift terminal and ski patrol facility possible. Piling and burning may be used as using low impact machinery such as spider a secondary approach to vegetation removal. hoes, and utility task vehicles. The minimal Protocols for piling and burning would follow construction route will not require grading. established Forest Service and State During construction, materials and requirements. machinery will be staged in designated construction staging areas located within the Timber will be transported to log decks disturbance footprint of the top lift terminal, established along the construction access the permanent construction and maintenance road and the approved ski trails and will be access road, the temporary construction transported out of the project area using access routes, and approved ski trails. The logging trucks. Road improvements will be temporary construction access routes, required on the existing Fox Trot road for minimal construction route, and construction logging trucks to access the project area. staging areas will be restored and In addition to timber removed specifically for revegetated immediately following this project, hazard trees would likely be implementation of the selected alternative. removed following project implementation to Construction of the lift, skier bridge, and ski facilitate safe operation of the proposed patrol facility will be facilitated by low impact terrain, particularly in Erickson Bowl which equipment such as a helicopter and spider has a high number of dead trees. Typical ski hoe to the greatest extent possible. area practices for operating lift-served Tree Removal terrain, including the removal of hazard trees Tree removal methods are subject to change for the safety of the skiing public, would be based on conditions discovered in the field authorized through the resort operating plan during project implementation. Tree removal or summer construction plan. As this terrain methods will include over-snow skidding, is already with Keystone’s operating traditional over-ground skidding, and boundary, hazard tree removal is currently helicopter removal/piling and burning. DN permissible, but would likely be increased to Figure 3 identifies areas in which different accommodate developed ski trails and a tree removal methods would be appropriate greater number of users in the area. based on access limitations such as slope Design Criteria and Lynx Conservation steepness or wetlands. Over-snow skidding Measures will be utilized in areas that are inappropriate for skidding due to the GDC and PDC have been applied to avoid presence wetlands. Traditional over-ground and minimize potential resource impacts skidding will be utilized in areas that are flat from construction and operation of the and dry. Helicopter removal/piling and selected alternative. PDC and lynx burning will be utilized for the approved ski conservation measures are identified in trails and glades in Erickson Bowl, the Table 2-1 of the EA and Appendix A of this approved glades in Bergman Bowl and for document; GDC apply to all ski area projects any area that is too steep for traditional over- on the WRNF and are available on the project ground/snow skidding. Helicopter landing webpage. zones will be located at the Outpost Restaurant, Labonte’s Restaurant, and other ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT DN-7
Decision Notice OTHER ALTERNATIVES opportunity to comment period closed on May 30, 2020. CONSIDERED National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 Prior to the combined scoping and (NEPA) requires that a range of reasonable opportunity to comment period, the Forest alternatives to the proposed action be Service assembled and engaged with focus developed and analyzed. Alternatives must groups on key issues (traffic and parking, meet the purpose and need of the project wildlife, soils and watershed) that were while responding to issues identified during comprised of external stakeholders. The goal scoping. In response to internal and external of the focus group meetings was to establish comments received during the combined a baseline understanding of resource scoping and opportunity to comment period, concerns within the project area and refine numerous alternatives were considered by project components to address these the WRNF early in the NEPA process. resource concerns. The analysis and the Ultimately only one alternative to the design of the project itself were in part proposed action, alternative 3, was analyzed tailored to some of the specific concerns that alongside the proposed action in the EA. came out of these meetings. Many of the Alternatives considered but dismissed from focus group attendees participated in the detailed analysis in the EA are discussed in comment period and remained engaged Section 2.2 of the EA and in the Response to throughout the process. Comments document available on the project Twenty-six comment letters were received webpage. In accordance with Forest Service during the combined scoping and Handbook 1909.15, Chapter 40, Section opportunity to comment period, and were 41.22, and 36 CFR § 220.7(b)(2)(ii), the EA then utilized by the ID Team to identify did not include an analysis of the no action substantive issues and consider potential alternative. alternatives to the selected alternative. I considered these comments and the ID Team PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT provided a response to them and in the Formal public scoping began in May 2020. A Response to Comments document available NOPA was shared with 91 community on the project webpage. After reviewing residents, interested individuals, public public comments, as well as internal agencies, tribal governments, and other concerns raised by Forest Service specialists, organizations, and was also made available a final list of issues assembled to help guide on the project webpage. The NOPA was the subsequent analysis in the EA. Issues are specifically designed to summarize the identified in Chapter 1 of the EA. proposed action, and elicit comments, concerns, and issues pertaining to the proposed action. A legal notice was published on May 1, 2020 in the Glenwood Springs Post Independent, the newspaper of record for the WRNF, announcing the opportunity to comment on the proposed action and initiating a combined scoping and opportunity to comment period for the project. The combined scoping and DN-8 KEYSTONE RESORT | BERGMAN BOWL ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS
Decision Notice FINDING OF RESULTS OF THE NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT PRE-DECISIONAL OBJECTION After considering the environmental effects PROCESS described in the EA, I determined that these This decision was subject to the objection actions will not have a significant effect on processes pursuant to 36 CFR § 218.8 the quality of the human environment (project-level components objection), considering the context and intensity of subparts A and B. The objection period impacts (according to 40 CFR § 1508.27). closed on December 21, 2020. Two Thus, an environmental impact statement will objections were received during the objection not be prepared. Refer to Appendix B of the period. The first objection was dismissed EA for the explanation of the Finding of No because the objector had not previously Significant Impact. submitted specific written or substantive formal comments regarding the approved FINDINGS REQUIREMENT project during a comment period and, BY OTHER LAWS AND therefore, was not eligible to object in accordance with 36 CFR § 218.5(a). The REGULATIONS second objection was submitted by Keystone This decision is consistent with the Forest Plan and was resolved following a meeting as required by the National Forest between the Forest Service and the objector Management Act of 1976 and all other laws, on January 28th, 2021. The objection regulations, and policies that govern Forest resolution resulted in language being Service actions. Site-specific PDC and Forest incorporated into this DN; however, the EA Plan standards and guidelines will be and supporting documents have not been applied, as appropriate, to meet Forest Plan altered. goals and desired conditions. While the Forest Service assumes no responsibility or It was determined that the EA and enforcing laws, regulations, or ordinances supporting project documents present an under the jurisdiction of other governmental adequate analysis and disclosure of the agencies, Forest Service regulations require direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts to permittees to abide by applicable laws and relevant aspects of the natural and conditions imposed by other jurisdictions. human environment, sufficient to The project was designed to conform to the inform both the public and the decision Forest Plan and all other laws, regulations, maker regarding any consequences of and policies, including: implementing the proposed action. The reviewing officer concluded that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s Endangered responsible official did not violate applicable Species Act Informal Section 7 laws, regulations, or policies and that all Consultation; necessary due diligence was given by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Clean responsible official to each issue and all Water Act 404 Permit; concerns have been adequately address in State of Colorado’s Burn Permit; the EA and associated reports. Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands; and IMPLEMENTATION DATE Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Implementation of this decision may occur Management. on, but not before, five (5) business days from the close of the objection filing period. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT DN-9
Decision Notice APPENDIX A. PROJECT-SPECIFIC DESIGN CRITERIA Project-Specific Design Criteria and Lynx Conservation Measures PROJECT PROJECT-SPECIFIC DESIGN CRITERIA PHASE Based on resource analysis, and building off of GDC, it has been determined that the following plans will be prepared prior to project implementation and reviewed by the Forest Service. These plans may encompass additional design measures; however, the findings presented in the EA are not hinged on any measure not currently presented in this table or the selected alternative itself. 1) Construction Implementation Plan: All proposed construction methodologies and practices would be reviewed for compliance with the decision and resource management direction. This plan shall include project timelines, project contracts, disturbance boundaries and any required survey information. Detailed grading and site plans have been prepared and staging and parking areas and construction access are identified on Figure 5. 2) Timber Management: Any refinement of planned logging deck areas, access, and skid paths, and protocol for timber removal as preliminarily identified on Figure 5 would occur in this plan. This plan would also define pile burning areas and any contracting needed to remove timber and other forest products from NFS lands. P r e - Co n s t r u c t i o n P l a n s 3) Drainage Management Plan (DMP): Keystone, the Forest Service, and the consultant team have prepared a plan that specifies the design, construction, and maintenance of features such as ski trail terrain enhancements, waterbars, drainage ditches, and erosion and sediment control BMPs. The DMP also includes a monitoring plan to ensure stream health is maintained and that the implemented drainage features and associated BMPs are performing as designed. 4) Revegetation and Restoration Plan: Keystone, the Forest Service, and the consultant team have prepared a post-construction revegetation, restoration, and monitoring plan that will be in effect until the project area is restored to applicable Forest Service standards. The plan addresses turf salvage, storage, preservation, and replacement for all proposed grading areas in the alpine containing turf. The plan includes methodology, locations, vegetative mixes, and soil amendments. Weed control methodologies including equipment cleaning, pretreatment, and post-construction monitoring and treatment are disclosed in this plan as well. In order to prevent the proposed snowmaking and drainage pipelines from dewatering wetlands, an impermeable construction technique (e.g., PVC liner, clay D u r i n g Co n s t r u c t i o n cutoff wall) would be installed if the excavated pipeline trench encounters high groundwater adjacent to wetland(s). Implement a three-year wetland monitoring plan for those wetlands indirectly impacted by forest overstory removal. Monitoring should include a concise qualitative assessment of wetland health and plant species composition as well as P o s t Co n s t r u c t i o n year-to-year photographic record. If adverse impacts to wetlands are observed, then the Forest Service shall be notified and remedial measures to correct the adverse impact would be implemented. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT DN-11
Draft Decision Notice Project-Specific Design Criteria and Wildlife Conservation Measures (cont.) PROJECT DESIGN CRITERIA PHASE L y n x Co n s e r v a t i o n M e a s u r e s Take a phased approach to vegetation removal in areas identified for glading, removing the minimum amount of trees necessary to create the desired skiing D u r i n g Co n s t r u c t i o n condition. Conduct tree removal in iterations until adequate tree density is reached. 1) Keystone would develop an Independence Bowl Operations and Ski Patrol Management Plan to ensure that additional skier traffic does not occur into Jones Gulch adjacent the operational boundary. This plan should describe both physical closures and operational measures to be taken. Prior to implementation of any activities authorized by this decision, this plan would be reviewed by the Forest Service. A copy of this draft plan is included in Appendix C of the Wildlife BA. This plan will be finalized and incorporated into the operating plan prior to operation of lift served terrain in Bergman Bowl. P o s t Co n s t r u c t i o n 2) To ensure continued consistency with Southern Rockies Lynx Amendment (SRLA) ALL S1 monitoring within the Jones Gulch corridor will occur following implementation of the Bergman Bowl lift. Should problematic levels of skier use in Jones Gulch be documented, then the Forest Service will contact USFWS and assess the need for reinitiating consultation. Details of Jones Gulch monitoring are included in the Independence Bowl Operations and Ski Patrol Management Plan referenced in the measure above. 3) Operation of the Bergman Bowl lift would conclude by May 1st annually. This condition does not prohibit chairlift or other maintenance activities as described in Keystone’s operating plan. DN-12 KEYSTONE RESORT | BERGMAN BOWL ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS
Selected Alternative Figures DN Figure 1: Selected Alternative DN Figure 2: Selected Alternative – Snowmaking DN Figure 3: Selected Alternative – Construction Plan
Nort No No rt h rt Bo h Bo hB wl 3 ow wl 1 t Tro l2 Fox L 16-24 Bergman Bowl Enhancement Projects Proposed DN Figure Action 1: Selected Figure Alternative s es Legend pr Ex Existing Special Use SUP Boundary Approved Glading ck Permit (SUP) Boundary ba Operating Boundary Approved Trail NDARY Existing Operating SUP BOU ay Clearing 4U Boundary W 16-2 5L 6 Existing Lift Approved Grading -1 16-1 16 Approved Lift Approved Grading and Trail Fo Cat South Approved Ski Trail x Clearing Tr ot Acc DECK EXPANSION ess Prepared by: White River R oad Cat Dance National Forest BUILDING EXPANSION r The Outpost r ke EXISTING STRUCTURE oc North Peak Kn Keystone Peak o rse 11,660’ y yH m 12,408’ ra Geronimo m St 10 To 16- 16 Erickson ne -08 o thb San Bowl Ra 5U tia ia -1 go op 16 Exp Glades uc res s rn 16 Co -0 16-10 7 EXISTING POWER CORRIDOR C (LINE TO BE REPLACED) Blac 16-10B k Ha 16-10 wk 16 -0 Corridor APPROVED 6 Po continues 16-10A 16- ACCESS ROAD wd 13 16-0 down Star Am 5 Fire to RY er Las bu DA Labonte’s APPROVED SKI Ca Approved Bergm t Al UN Restaurant sh an Bowl Lift Sta p BO PATROL FACILITY r Fire am IT 16-1 4 RM o PE 16 US E Bergman 16-04 16- 01 -16 1 6 - 09 I AL Y Bowl Bu lle C 16-1 SPE D AR 5 16-0 t N 4 Out Bu U BO lle APPROVED SKIER BRIDGE pos tG G N TI la t RA de Independence 16-12 Gon PE Liberty s O 16 G Bowl dola N -0 03 S TI 2 16- EXI Patri tte Lib Midnight Ride Revolution ule ert k ea ot Ro Sn yT k a ac ree m kJ h ra ac s B a Bl a hm Br EX e IST m IN Ga e GO ap ut PE RA Cr a rd e Ch TIN C n Zo 0 350 700 1,050 1,400 GB ild last N OU W B Ridge SCALE: 1” = 700’ Contour Interval: 10’ ND Card AR Wild Y
Nort No No rt h rt Bo h Bo hB wl 3 ow wl 1 t Tro l2 Fox L 16-24 Bergman Bowl Enhancement Projects DN Figure 2: EXISTING SNOWMAKING CORRIDOR s Selected Alternative – Snowmaking es (LINE TO BE REPLACED) pr Ex Legend ck Existing Special Use ba Approved Ski Trail NDARY Permit (SUP) Boundary SUP BOU ay 4U W Existing Operating Snowmaking Line 16-2 5L 6 Boundary -1 16-1 Approved 16 Existing Lift Cat South Snowmaking Fo Approved Lift x Tr ot Acc ess Prepared by: White River R oad Cat Dance National Forest PUMP BOOSTER STATION TO BE r LOCATED WITHIN FOOTPRINT OF The Outpost r ke OUTPOST EXPANSION oc North Peak Kn Keystone Peak o rse 11,660’ y yH m 12,408’ ra Geronimo m St 10 To 16- 16 Erickson ne -08 o thb San Bowl Ra 5U tia ia -1 go op 16 Exp Glades uc res s rn 16 Co -0 16-10 7 EXISTING POWER CORRIDOR C (LINE TO BE REPLACED) Blac 16-10B k Ha 16-10 wk 16 -0 Corridor APPROVED 6 Po continues 16-10A 16- ACCESS ROAD wd 13 16-0 down Star Am 5 Fire to RY er Las bu DA APPROVED SKI Labonte’s Ca Approved Bergm t Al UN Restaurant sh PATROL FACILITY an Bowl Lift Sta p BO r Fire am IT 16-1 4 RM o PE 16 US E Bergman 16-04 16- 01 -16 1 6 - 09 IAL Y Bowl Bu lle C 16-1 SPE D AR 5 16-0 t N 4 Out Bu U BO lle pos tG G IN la AT t de R 16-12 Independence Gon PE Liberty s O 16 G Bowl dola N -0 03 S TI 2 16- EXI Patri tte Lib Midnight Ride Revolution ule ert k ea ot Ro Sn yT k a ac ree m kJ h ra ac s B a Bl a hm Br EX e IST m IN Ga e GO ap ut PE RA Cr a rd e Ch TIN C n Zo 0 350 700 1,050 1,400 GB ild last N OU W B Ridge SCALE: 1” = 700’ Contour Interval: 10’ ND Card AR Wild Y
Nort No No rt h rt Bo h Bo hB wl 3 ow wl 1 t Tro l2 Fox Bergman Bowl Enhancement Projects DN Figure Action Proposed 3: Selected Figure Alternative s Construction Plan es pr Ex Legend ck ba Existing Special Tree Removal SUP Boundary NDARY SUP BOU ay Use Permit (SUP) Skid Path W Operating Boundary Boundary Tree Removal - Over- Existing Operating ground Skidding Boundary Tree Removal Fo Cat South Existing Lift Over Snow x Tr ot Tree Removal - Hand Acc Approved Lift ess Felling & Burning or R oad Cat Dance Road Helicopter Removal r Improvements Glading Area - Hand The Outpost r ke Permanent Access Felling & Burning or oc Road Helicopter Removal North Peak Kn Keystone Peak o rse 11,660’ y yH Temporary Tree Removal m 12,408’ ra Geronimo m Construction Route Log Deck St To Minimal Construction Erickson one Construction Route Staging Area thb San Bowl Ra tia ia go op Note: Timber removal and construction methodolo- Exp Glades uc gies are subject to change based on field conditions res s rn discovered during project implementation. Co Prepared by: White River Blac National Forest k Ha wk Po wd Am RY er Las bu DA Ca Approved Bergm t Al UN sh an Bowl Lift Sta p BO r Fire am IT RM o PE US E Bergman L Bu CI A RY Bowl lle t E SP DA N Out Bu U BO lle pos tG G IN la AT t de R Independence Gon PE Liberty s O G Bowl dola IN IST EX Patri tte Lib Midnight Ride Revolution ule ert k ea ot Ro Sn yT k a ac ree m kJ h ra ac s B a Bl a hm Br EX e IST m IN Ga e GO ap ut PE RA Cr a rd e Ch TIN C n Zo 0 350 700 1,050 1,400 GB ild last N OU W B Ridge SCALE: 1” = 700’ Contour Interval: 10’ ND Card AR Wild Y
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