Strategic Plan 2020-2022 - To assure a healthy and sustainable world through soils - Soil Science Society of America

Page created by Brad Arnold
Strategic Plan 2020-2022 - To assure a healthy and sustainable world through soils - Soil Science Society of America
Strategic Plan

            V is io n
  To assure a healthy and sustainable
         world through soils.

           Mis s io n
To advance knowledge and appreciation
     of soils as a foundation of life.
Strategic Plan 2020-2022 - To assure a healthy and sustainable world through soils - Soil Science Society of America
S S S A Va l u e s
Adherence to scientific, professional, and ethical standards
   Pursuit, dissemination, and application of knowledge
         Professional development and education
          Collaborative and engaged membership
 Diversity, equity, and inclusion of people and perspectives
         Service to society through sustainability

                         S h a r e d G r a n d C h a lle n g e :
                         A S A -C S S A -S S S A :
                         Drive soil – plant – water – environment systems
                         solutions for healthy people on a healthy planet in
                         a rapidly changing climate.
Strategic Plan 2020-2022 - To assure a healthy and sustainable world through soils - Soil Science Society of America
S S S A St r at e g i e s
     Diversity and inclusiveness: Promote a climate of
     diversity and inclusiveness across SSSA to enhance the creativity and
     innovation of our members, and impact of soil science.

     Promotion and influence: Inform and educate public and
     private sector practicing professionals, policymakers, and influencers.

     Engagement: Increase connections with other scientific groups,
     businesses, and nongovernmental organizations to create transdisciplinary
     solutions to societal challenges.

     Member services and professional
     development: Attract, support, develop, and retain members.

     Education: Promote soil science as a critical component of STEM

     Publications: Leverage partnerships, marketing, and engagement
     strategies to improve the reach and impact of our publications and science.

     Enhancing services: Provide services that are focused on soil
     science to connect public and private sectors with SSSA.
     • This is business development to provide services to external organizations.
Strategic Plan 2020-2022 - To assure a healthy and sustainable world through soils - Soil Science Society of America
S S S A-Sp e c i f i c
Ob j e c t i v e s
Engagement: Engage influencers to share the importance of soils to society
and to the planet.

Inclusion and diversity: Increase the representation, participation,
recognition, and leadership opportunities of under-represented scientists in SSSA.

Meeting partnerships: Expand the influence and impact of soil science
through collaborations with other scientific and professional societies.

Placement and recognition:                    Expand placement of SSSA members
into decision-making roles within emerging and traditional positions of influence,
funding agencies and foundations.

Education: Increase educational opportunities in soil science.

Leadership: Increase leadership and involvement in emerging soil science topics.

Publications: Improve journal performance and evaluation criteria.

Career development: Launch and grow comprehensive, career-spanning
mentoring, educational and professional development programs (footnote: career
advocacy for soil science professionals).

Membership needs and services: Improve membership service
offerings and engagement.

Meeting experiences: Enhance the experience of soil scientists
convening in diverse venues.

Grand Challenge - Build a movement: Work jointly to create or support at
least 6 collaborations or partnerships with other organizations for implementing shared
grand challenge.
Strategic Plan 2020-2022 - To assure a healthy and sustainable world through soils - Soil Science Society of America
Cr o s s -S o c i e t y
Ob j e c t i v e s
     ASA | CSSA | SSSA

     Inclusion and diversity – Launch 2 new initiatives to increase
     recognition and participation of under-represented individuals.

     Broaden external engagement                          by securing
     collaboration, partnership or participation from 10 nontraditional stakeholder
     groups and increase number of groups in each current stakeholder category
     by 50%.

     Publications – Position publications to embrace open science
     by enhancing marketing and editorial processes to increase publications
     exposure by 2−3%, journal usage by 3−4%, and ensuring that each ACS journal
     is considered a “top tier” journal in its respective discipline.
Strategic Plan 2020-2022 - To assure a healthy and sustainable world through soils - Soil Science Society of America
St r at e g i c Pl a nni ng
A pp r o a c h
     The SSSA organizational strategic plan was developed to set
     priorities and strengthen SSSA internally and externally. This
     plan was developed to be implemented and reviewed over a
     three-year period with input from members, elected Board
     representatives, organizational partners, and results from research
     into operational landscape trends. The SSSA membership base
     is critical to the future of the society. The full membership base
     (5,906 members) was invited to participate in the development
     and review of the strategic plan. External partners, collaborators
     and key stakeholders were also invited to provide input into this
     plan to provide a diversity of perspectives on creating impact and
     connectivity to the latest advances in soil science.
     This strategic plan framework is focused on delivering enhanced
     inclusivity and diversity, translation of soil science into actions
     and enhanced financial security of the society. All elements of
     this plan are intended to set strong direction for the organization,
     while creating shared ownership for internal and external analysis,
     review and enhancement opportunities.
Strategic Plan 2020-2022 - To assure a healthy and sustainable world through soils - Soil Science Society of America
B a c k g r o u nd
& Di a g no s i s
We have entered a new Anthropocene era                                        There is an increased corporate awareness
of geologic time where human activities have                                  and investment in sustainable supply chains. The
breached the equilibria of global ecosystem                                   corporate awareness has resulted in a rapid increase
boundaries, causing soil, air, and water quality                              in corporate social responsibility reporting that
degradation, and changes in atmospheric                                       has been driven by shareholder risk management
composition due to elevated greenhouse gas                                    expectations (Figure 1). The awareness and
emissions. This has increased extreme, sometimes                              reporting have increased the need for corporate-
catastrophic weather events linked to global climate                          level sustainability metrics to track sustainability
change. At the same time, the quantity of water                               and product traceability across several agricultural
and biodiversity on Earth are threatened. Climate                             and environmental corporate sectors.
change modelers inform us that we may only have
                                                                              In turn, the need for metrics has resulted in
a decade to reverse this trend or face increasing
                                                                              increased private funding and public-private
global biophysical and social calamity.
                                                                              partnerships for development and establishment
Improving cropping systems – enhancing the                                    of sustainable soil, nutrient, water, and biological
environment – and improving human health hinge                                management systems (Figure 2). Rigorous
upon soils that are being impacted by climate                                 scientific leadership has been under-represented
change. Development of climate-friendly cropping                              within these partnerships – which presents
systems that promote soil carbon sequestration and                            an opportunity for broader engagement and
biodiversity are two partial solutions to improving                           leadership from SSSA.
greenhouse gas balance, nutrient use, soil health
and soil productivity, water infiltration and storage
capacity. Soil security has been linked to human
security; soil health has been linked to human
health. Current soil-crop systems are not adequately
reversing our path. Incremental changes are
inadequate. Dramatic and bold steps are required.



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Figure 1: Corporate social responsibility reporting (by percentage) across
S&Pcompanies 2011–2018.
Strategic Plan 2020-2022 - To assure a healthy and sustainable world through soils - Soil Science Society of America
• Most major partnerships are at least 50%
   composed of industry members, giving SSSA
   the opportunity to be a leading scientific voice
• Major partnerships span the international,
   national, and regional domains, providing
                                                                                                                                         Global Harvest Initiative
                                                                                                                                       Global Harvest Initiative (GHI) is a private-sector policy
   opportunity for engagement at various levels                                                                                        voice for productivity growth throughout the agricultural
                                                                                                                                       value chain to sustainably meet the demands of a
                                                                                                                                       growing world. Works in the USand internationally.

                                              Figure 2: Major partnerships working to address supply chain sustainability concerns.

General social and political awareness of the                                                   graduates are expected to fill only 60% of those
importance of soil to society is still marginally                                               positions (Figure 3). Enhanced educational
low, but improving. SSSA development of K-12                                                    resources across the K-12 and higher education
soil science resources and higher education                                                     spectrum could help to build long-term awareness
support represent opportunities to help improve                                                 and job needs for soil to society into the future.
understanding and long-term awareness of the                                                    The SSSA is challenged to refresh and re-energize
importance of soil to society. Further, there is                                                these efforts to elevate the social awareness of
a projected need for 58,000 jobs in agriculture                                                 soils in society so that everyone regards soil as
and environmental sciences through 2021, but                                                    critically important as air and water.
‚†                                                 ƒ­   ‡ †

€ƒ†                                                          ‡„†
                                                                                                                     Key Takeaways
                                                        ­                                                       1.	Supply and demand for STEM Grads is specific to
ƒ†                                                 ƒ­
                                                                                                                         individual disciplines
†                                                                                                              2.	Ag graduates have been in short supply in recent
ƒ†                                                 ­   ‡€†
                                                                                                                         years and are projected to remain in short supply
                                                                 ‡†                                             3.	Biosystems Engineering and Agronomy are the
 ƒ†                                                          ‡†                                                 only ag majors with starting salaries comparable
                                                       ­                                                           to those of the top earning STEM majors
              € ‚ ƒ „ 












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                                                 Figure 3: STEMgraduates by year and starting salaries of selected science majors.

Soil science education includes soil chemistry                                                  and imaging technologies, big data handling
and mineralogy, soil physics, soil fertility and                                                and analysis, soil health assessment and
nutrient management, genesis, morphology and                                                    transdisciplinary knowledge and capabilities.
classification, soil biology and soil ecology, and
                                                                                                This need comes at a time when cutbacks to
soil and land use management. Most students
                                                                                                many academic soil-related programs have made
in soil science are well-positioned to work in
                                                                                                it increasingly difficult to educate students with
the Critical Zone or “Earth’s outer skin”; the
                                                                                                comprehensive soil science knowledge. These
“environment where rock, soil, water, air, and
                                                                                                academic programs need to be rebuilt with state-
living organisms interact and shape the Earth’s
                                                                                                of-the-art foci. There have been and will continue
surface” ( It is essential to
                                                                                                to be opportunities for amplifying soil science
train next-generation soil scientists that possess
                                                                                                in allied disciplines such as environmental, geo-
advanced knowledge and skills in digital sensing
                                                                                                and bio-sciences.
Strategic Plan 2020-2022 - To assure a healthy and sustainable world through soils - Soil Science Society of America
A major limitation for soil scientists to create                             together with our long-term and established
solutions to the above global and local threats for                          partner societies, and in specialized conferences –
ecosystem functioning and resource quality is                                in all these different ways we attract colleagues with
caused by insufficient funding opportunities. In                             new and stimulating impulses and build on existing
addition, the few existing funding opportunities are                         and growing expertise of our members.
offered in particular program areas with defined
                                                                             Several opportunities and challenges surround
requirements, instead of opening up paths for
                                                                             the potential for extended impact of SSSA.
creative solutions and discoveries in a more flexible
                                                                             Increased collaborative action, a great need for
setting. Increase of thematic flexibility as well as fast
                                                                             scientific leadership in sustainability, enhanced
turn-around of proposal review and the opportunity
                                                                             communications, and immediate challenges
for revisions would tremendously increase the
                                                                             in agriculture needing research comprise
efficiency and success rate of scientists applying for
                                                                             opportunities to extend the impact of SSSA across
research support and initiating the projects.
                                                                             agricultural and non-agricultural sectors (Table 1).
We as SSSA members have a variety of                                         However, challenges exist due to a societal
opportunities for emphasizing and communicating                              disconnect with science and agriculture. The SSSA
the importance of soils under the above broader                              generally has under-invested in creating wide-
scope. Enhancing soil science and attracting                                 spread, public awareness and understanding of
new members with new views and expertise is                                  the importance of soils, the impacts of member
not limited by the ways in which we convene. As                              research and the need for scientific translation
members, we can choose meeting separately,                                   across the food, fuel and fiber supply chain systems.

                             Oppor tunities                                                              Challenges
                      Increased Collaborative Action                                             Disconnect with Agriculture
    Additional engagement and partnership suggested almost unanimously       The expanding gap between farmers and the rest of society continues
    — industry/brands, commodity organizations, NGO’s, other multi-          to impact expectations within our food systems
    stakeholder groups, etc.
                     Scientific Voice in Sustainability                                     Communication of Scientific Research
    Given consumer pressures, lack of implementation-based knowledge,        Scientific research is viewed as too nuanced, contradictory at times,
    fact that many commercial organizations are still struggling,            and not readily applicable to the industry or stored in silos. Better
    partnership opportunities                                                communication of the “so what” is needed
                       Review Messaging/Presence                                                    Agriculture as a Career
    Right platforms? Social media presence appropriate? Right conferences    Many young people don’t understand the unique and exciting careers
    and trade show presence?                                                 that can be built in agriculture today and tomorrow
    Big Challenges in Agriculture Need Research/Scientific Solutions                       Problem or Solution to Climate Change?
    Long list!                                                               Society doesn’t understand if modern agriculture is the problem or the
                                                                             solution to climate change
                                                                                                Awareness and Understanding
                                                                             Very few people outside of SSSA membership are aware of who we are
                                                                             and the role we play in the food systems.

                           Table 1: Opportunities and challenges in extending impact of the Soil Science Society of America.
Strategic Plan 2020-2022 - To assure a healthy and sustainable world through soils - Soil Science Society of America
To realize the full potential of SSSA to empower                                and overcoming challenges – SSSA must enhance
scientists, educators, and practitioners in                                     its sustainable, competitive advantage, adjust its
developing, disseminating, and applying soils-                                  model for operational and financial security and
based and agronomic solutions to feed and                                       increase stakeholder engagement (Figure 4).
sustain the world – capitalizing on opportunities
                    Strategic Bets to Place                                                                 Potential Future State
            Identify Your Sustainable/Competitive Advantage
   Identify the unique role(s) SSSA plays in the current and future state
   of agronomy, crop science, soil science and environmental science.
   The opportunities are bigger than the current role as an association of
   scientists with limited stakeholder awareness, relevance and value to
   other industry sectors
                       Adjust Your Business Model
   Develop a clear, concise and comprehensive business plan that
   evolves your structure, value capture, function and strategic
   alliances to bring your sustainable competitive advantage to life,
   while leveraging your core competencies and staying true to your
   membership, mission and values
                    Increase Stakeholder Engagement
   Develop and execute a clear, concise and comprehensive engagement
   and partnership plan while establishing SSSA as a more relevant
   thought leader in shaping and addressing the critical issues of our
   time — climate change, farm resilience, soil health, water quality and
   quantity, etc. This involves more than words. It will require internal
   assessments of resource allocations, competencies and deliverables.

                     Figure 4: Strategic bets to realize the full potential of SSSAto empower scientists, educators, and practitioners
                     in developing, disseminating, and applying soil-based and agronomic solutions to feed and sustain the world.

Facilitating the purpose of our science will                                    The SSSA, in collaboration with the Crop
generate multiple positive feedback loops to                                    Science Society of America and the American
the benefit of SSSA. Applications of our work                                   Society of Agronomy, will leverage our strengths
will generate additional research questions and                                 toward the shared grand challenge. The grand
funding opportunities. Raising the visibility of                                challenge captures the essence of our discipline
our impact will enthuse current members, attract                                in our ability to utilize the connections between
additional members and Certified Professional                                   the water-soil-plant-atmosphere continuum
Soil Scientists, help recruit additional students,                              to both enhance resilience, and mitigate the
and enhance our profile with our stakeholders.                                  environmental stressors, while highlighting
An updated business model will ensure future                                    the strong connection to human health. The
financial stability.                                                            tagline reflects our commitment to an externally
                                                                                focused, collaborative effort to help address
                                                                                issues of great social importance.
S S S A St r at e g i c
Vi s i o n
                                         and recommendations for impact

                                                 ASA Strategic Plan            CSSA Strategic Plan            SSSA Strategic Plan
  Board led, member input

                              Grand Challenge Task Force

                                                                                                                                                     ASF Plan Connect with Boards
                             Recommendations to the Boards
                            Internal and external organizations             Cross-society Objectives

                                Grand Challenge
                              Governance                                         Implementation
                              Accounting                                                                                              Partnerships
    ACSESS Staff

                             Science Policy

                                                                         Expected Outcomes
                                                          Internal                                                External
                                                Focus on strategic intent                              Recognition and connectivity
                                                Inclusivity and diversity                                Awareness and recognition
                                                 Culture of innovation                        Influence (policy, industry, conservation, public)
                                         Member/certified professional energy                      Impacts to ag/environmental outcomes
                                         Organizational design — new functions                          Partnerships/collaborations
                                     Leadership development and strong governance                              Science literacy
                                            New entities to support functions                  Broader support for science and development
                                         Business stability — financial security

                                              Figure 5. Schematic of the Tri-Societies’ Strategic Plan structure and expected outcomes.
A p p e nd i x A
            Strategic planning process and timeline
            Plan Development Process

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                                               • Summary slide deck on vision/expected outcomes
                                               • June flip chart meeting notes
                                               • Mission, Vision, Values document
                                               • Landscape analysis document
                                               • Discussion Board topic links
                                               • Individual comments from Board members
                                               • ACSESS Resource requirements
A p p e nd i x B
 Soil Science Society of America Board members contributing to this strategic plan:

                                 Ole Wendroth, SSSA President, University of Kentucky
                           William L. Pan, SSSA Past President, Washington State University
                             April Ulery, SSSA President-Elect, New Mexico State University
       Eric C. Brevik, Education and Practicing Professionals Group SSSA Board Rep., Dickinson State University
       David E. Clay, Agricultural Soil and Food Systems Group SSSA Board Rep., South Dakota State University
       Aaron L.M. Daigh, Early Career Members SSSA Board Rep.—2017−2019, North Dakota State University
                Samira Daroub, Fundamental Soil Science Group SSSA Board Rep., University of Florida
                           Richard P. Dick, SSSA Past President—2019, Ohio State University
                Gregory K. Evanylo, Soil and Ecosystem Processes Group SSSA Board Rep., Virginia Tech
            Alan J. Franzluebbers, Agricultural Soil and Food Systems Group SSSA Board Rep., USDA-ARS
                  Elizabeth C. Gillispie, Early Career Members SSSA Board Rep., West Richland, WA
          John H. Grove, Agricultural Soil and Food Systems Group SSSA Board Rep., University of Kentucky
     Carrie A.M. Laboski, Agricultural Soil and Food Systems Group SSSA Board Rep., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
                        Rachelle E. LaCroix, Graduate Student Representative, Cornell University
 Cristine L.S. Morgan, Fundamental Soil Sci. Group SSSA Board Rep.—2017−2019, Soil Health Inst., Morrisonville, NC
      Laurel F. Mueller, Certified Professional Soil Sci. SSSA Board Rep., Soil Services Company, Inc., Forksville, PA
    Rachel K. Owen, Graduate Student Representative—2018−2019, Horizon Ag Consulting LLC, Jefferson City, MO
      Matthew L. Polizzotto, Soil and Ecosystem Processes Group SSSA Board Rep., University of Oregon-Eugene
              Craig Rasmussen, Fundamental Soil Science Group SSSA Board Rep., University of Arizona
            Michael L. Thompson, Fundamental Soil Science Group SSSA Board Rep., Iowa State University
                             Nicholas J. Goeser, Chief Executive Officer (Member, ex officio)
                             Seth Murray, ASF Board of Trustees Chair (Member, ex officio)
                                David Myrold, SSSA Editor-in-Chief (Member, ex officio)
                            Ron Turco, SSSA Program Planning Officer (Member, ex officio)

                                Soil Science Society of America
                              5585 Guilford Rd, Madison, WI 53711
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