STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 to 2028 - Reflections Holiday Parks

Page created by Alfredo Wheeler
STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 to 2028 - Reflections Holiday Parks
2018 to 2028
STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 to 2028 - Reflections Holiday Parks
NSW Crown Holiday Parks
Land Manager respectfully                                                                                                                                        Mission
acknowledges the Traditional
Owners of country throughout
                                                                                                                                                                 To transform our
                                                                                                                                                                 traditional caravan and      Vision
Australia and pays respect to                                                                                                                                    camping parks into           To be a leading
                                                                                                                                                                 the most desirable           provider of recreational
the ongoing living cultures of
                                                                                                                                                                 destinations that exceed     destinations that
Australia’s First People.                                                                                                                                        the recreational and         excite guests, energise
                                                                                                                                                                 accommodation needs          communities and
                                                                                                                                                                 of visitors from Australia   showcase sensational
                                                                                                                                                                 and overseas.                NSW locations.

                                        Little Ngargens Aboriginal Dancers at Reflections Holiday Park
2                                                                                                        Reflections Holiday Parks Strategic Plan 2018 to 2028                                                           3
                                 Killalea for KidsFest ShellHarbour 2017 - Photographer Bernie Fischer
STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 to 2028 - Reflections Holiday Parks
Lake Glenbawn

Values                                                                                                 From the CEO
                                                                                                       Reflections Holiday Parks is still a                    We recognise that our people are

    Inspired                       Good to Great:                  Trusted                             very new organisation and was born
                                                                                                       out of the need to transform 37
                                                                                                                                                               key to delivering outstanding results.
                                                                                                                                                               We cannot hope to create guest
    Solutions:                     Delivering                      Relationships:                      underperforming Crown land holiday                      experiences that delight and surprise
    Elevating the                  outstanding                     Establishing                        parks and state parks into benchmark                    without, ourselves, being excited
                                                                                                                                                                                                        The ability of our team to think
    standard                       results                         lasting                             operations. The first stage of the                      and energised about our work and
                                                                                                                                                                                                        outside the box, in all that we do
    for holiday parks                                              relationships                       journey has consolidated 37 parks
                                                                                                       and reserves into one organisation
                                                                                                                                                               the opportunity we have to make
                                                                                                                                                               a positive impact on all those who
                                                                                                                                                                                                        and every decision we make, will
                                                                                                                                                                                                        drive our innovative products and
                                                                                                       thus achieving significant economies                    enjoy our parks and reserves.
    We will:                       We will:                        We will:                                                                                                                             services. Key to our transformational
                                                                                                       of scale. In just four years we have                    Reflections will achieve this
                                                                                                                                                                                                        thrust is prudent asset allocation
    • Use nature to inspire        • Deliver the best outcomes     • Follow through on our             turned many, non-compliant,                             mission by stepping beyond the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        and reinvestment which will deliver a
      practical solutions to         in every aspect of our work     commitments and treat             undercapitalised and underperforming                    standard and creating iconic and
                                                                                                                                                                                                        premium service that will ultimately
      opportunities                                                  each other with respect           parks into renewed establishments                       innovative experiences based on the
                                   • Continuously learn                                                                                                                                                 lift our revenue and thus our
    • Challenge ourselves to         and strive to exceed          • Collaborate, build                delivering considerable annual growth                   philosophies of immersion in nature
                                                                                                                                                                                                        investment into Crown lands by 60%
      innovate and find creative     performance expectations        and maintain trusted              of 5% and more.                                         and giving back to communities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        by 2028.
      solutions                                                      relationships                     To achieve our objectives, we will                      Over the next decade we will; create
                                   • Celebrate success                                                                                                                                                  This plan articulates our journey to
    • Lead change and                and demonstrate pride         • Seek to understand                continue to change and grow, this is                    a new point of difference in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        now and how we will build a culture
      welcome different ways         in our work                     before making decisions           an ambition everyone at Reflections                     industry; and, achieve extraordinary
                                                                                                                                                                                                        that is adaptive to change and our
      of doing our work                                              or taking action                  shares. This plan sets out our strategy                 results from the resources and
                                   • Exceed guest’s customer                                                                                                                                            ever-evolving industry.
                                                                                                       for Reflections Holiday Parks, it                       funding available to us.
    • Create guest experiences       service expectations          • Build guest loyalty and
                                                                                                       articulates our objectives and outlines
      that delight and surprise                                      advocates
                                                                                                       the strategies we will use to steer our                                                          Steve Edmonds
                                                                                                       efforts over the next decade.                                                                    CEO

4                                                                                                      Reflections Holiday Parks Strategic Plan 2018 to 2028                                                                                    5
STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 to 2028 - Reflections Holiday Parks

                                                                                                                                                           FERRY RESERVE
                                                                                                                                         MASSY GREENE
                                                                                                                                     TERRACE RESERVE
                                                                                                                                                                                Reflections operate 37
                                                                                                                                                                CLARKES BEACH   holiday parks with 28 coastal
                                                                                                                                                                LENNOX HEAD
                                                                                                                                                               SHAWS BAY
                                                                                                                                                                                parks, representing 75% of
                                                                                                                                                                                Reflections Holiday Parks’
                                                                                                                                                                                offerings. Our coastal parks
                                                                                                  COPETON WATERS

                                                                                                                      Armidale              EVANS HEAD
                                                                                                                                            RED ROCK
                                                                                                                                                                                are located across the length
                                                                                                                                                         CORINDI BEACH          of the east coast from Eden to
                                                                                                                                   CREEK RESERVE
                                                                                                                                                       COFFS HARBOUR            Brunswick Heads. Nine inland
                                                                                                                                                                                holiday parks, representing
                                                                                 LAKE KEEPIT                                        HUNGRY HEAD
                                                                                                                                                                                25% of Reflections Holiday
                                                                                                                                   SCOTTS HEAD
                                                                                                                                                                                Parks’ offerings are located on
                                                                                                                                 BONNY HILLS                                    major water storage dams with
                                                                                                             LAKE                                NORTH HAVEN
                                                                                                                                                                                1,500km between Copeton
                                                                                                                         FORSTER BEACH
                                                                                                                                                                                Waters in the north of NSW to
                                                                                                                                                                                Burrinjuck in the south.
                                                                                                                                   SEAL ROCKS
                                                                                                               HAWKS NEST                                                       We have led the industry by offering
                                                                                                         JIMMYS BEACH
                                                                             LAKE BURRENDONG
                                                                                                                                                                                coastal park management contracts
                                                                           MOOKERAWA WATERS                                                                                     for a 10-year period, allowing
                                                                              Orange                                                                                            park managers the opportunity
                                                                                                             Sydney                                                             to settle their families into the
                                                                                GRABINE LAKESIDE                                                                                local community whilst providing
                                                                           WYANGALA WATERS                                                                                      a stable base for our 10-year park
                                                                                                  KILLALEA                                                                      development strategies.

                                                               ell Track
                                                     Hume & Hov

                                                            BURRINJUCK WATERS





6      Reflections Holiday Park - Jimmys Beach   Reflections Holiday Parks Strategic Plan 2018 to 2028                                                                                                                 7
STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 to 2028 - Reflections Holiday Parks
we give back...                                                                                         Our Operating Environment
it’s in our nature                                                                                      Overall Industry Capital Investment                     Industry Technology Change – Low.          Regulation of the Industry – Low.
                                                                                                        - Medium.                                               According to IBIS, the industry            Overall, regulation of the Caravan Parks
                                                                                                        For every $1.00 spent on capital, an                    exhibits low technological change.         and Camping Grounds industry is light
                                                                                                        estimated $4.33 is spent on wages.                      Reflections Technology Change –            and the industry receives little direct
       REDUCE                                                                                           Reflections Capital Investment -                        Low.                                       assistance, this has remained relatively

       ENERGY                                                          $                                High.
                                                                                                        Reflections currently spends $1.00
                                                                                                                                                                Until 2018, Reflections has lacked the
                                                                                                                                                                capability to provide advancements
                                                                                                                                                                                                           steady over the past five years.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Regulation of Reflections - Medium.
     CONSUMPTION                                                                                        in capital to every $1.50 of wages.                     in technology such as providing WiFi       The level of regulation for Reflections is
                                                                     DIRECT ECONOMIC                    Reflections’ parks has had to invest in                 to inland parks.                           higher than industry requirements due

                                            ASSET BASE                   VALUE TO                       capital to make our parks competitive                   Future Reflections Technology              to the added complexities associated
                                                                                                        within the industry and address the                                                                with managing assets on Crown Land.
                                            IS GROWING                REGIONAL NSW                      infrastructure backlog.
                                                                                                                                                                Reflections is on the verge of             Future Regulation of Reflections.
                                                                                                        Future Reflections Capital                              embarking on the implementation of         Regulation will continue to be higher
                                                                                                        Investment                                              exciting new technologies such as          than the industry with; increasing focus
                                                                                                        This will grow over the next 5 years                    number plate recognition.                  on Native Title; and the Crown Land
                                                                                                        to $1.00 in capital to every $0.81 in                   Industry Revenue Volatility – Low.         Management Act 2016.
                                                                                                        wages. If the industry spend remains

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Industry Risks - Medium.

                                                                                                                                                                The Caravan Parks and Camping
                                                                                                        static, we will be reinvesting 535%
                                                                                                                                                                Grounds industry has displayed             Whilst the industry risk levels are
                                                                                                        more back into capital than the
                                                                                                                                                                low revenue volatility over the past       relatively low the number of variables
                                                                                                                                                                five years.                                that come into play with guests moving
                                                                         INDIRECT                                                                               Reflections Revenue Volatility –           large vans and vehicles within the park
                                                                     ECONOMIC VALUE                                                                             Low.                                       raises the level to medium. Quantity and
                                                                     TO REGIONAL NSW                           Reflections                                      Reflections revenue volatility has
                                                                                                                                                                                                           variety of assets used daily such as plant,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           equipment and electrical appliances
                                                                                                           invests over 300%                                    also been low with revenues growing
                                                                                                                                                                                                           contribute to increased risk levels.
                                                                                                                                                                at a rate of 3% per annum faster
                                                                                                             more back into                                     than the industry overall. This is due     Reflections Risks – Medium.
                                                                                                             capital than the                                   to improving infrastructure, better        Reflections have inherited numerous

     Our Products                          Our Revenue               Our Guest Origins                      industry average                                    customer service and increased             parks which had significant non-
                                                                                                                                                                marketing.                                 compliance issues. WHS risks are
                                                                                                                                                                Future Reflections Revenue                 increased due to innate nature of the
                                                                                   7%                                                                           Volatility.                                work including regular, awkward manual
                1%                                       1%
                                                 13%                         6%                                                                                                                            handling and labour intensive tasks.
          18%                                                                                                                                                   Reflections aims to grow tourist
                                                                                                                                                                revenue by 6% per annum from FY18.         Future Reflections Risks.

     6%                                                                                                                                                         Within five years, in 2023, we will grow   Reflections risk is trending down
                                                                                                                                                                revenue by 8% and within 10 years, in      as we progressively work through
                                             30%              56%
                                                                                             66%                                                                2028, by 6.4%.                             remedial work over the past two years.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Reflections aims for zero harm to
                                                                                                                                                                                                           people and the environment, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                           zero lost time injuries (LTIs) across the
                                                                                                           Reflections Holiday Park - Clarkes Beach
                                                                                                                                                                                                           decade. We aim to increase our long
                                                                                                                                                                                                           range HSE programs from two to 10
                      Tourist Caravan & Camping Sites               New South Wales
                      Cabins & Roofed Accommodation                 Queensland                                                                                                                           by 2028 to improve safety and overall
                      Holiday Vans & Permanents                     Victoria                                                                                                                             environmental performance.
                      Reserves & Day Visitation Fees                Other (Including International)
                                                                                                                              Zero harm to people and
                                                                                                                              the environment by 2028

8                                                                                                       Reflections Holiday Parks Strategic Plan 2018 to 2028                                                                                        9
STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 to 2028 - Reflections Holiday Parks
Our Trends
                                             According to the IBIS Caravan Parks
                                             and Camping Grounds – Australia
                                                                                                     Accommodation trends
                                             Market Research Report1,                                Rise of Megabrands. Multi-national hotels and accommodation conglomerates
                                                                                                     continue to expand in size and are prolific within the Australian accommodation
                                             the industry is projected                               industry. According to the Deloitte Tourism and Hotel Outlook2 “Australia will
                                             to experience modest                                    see a significant number of new hotel properties come online” over the next 15
                                             annual growth of 1.2%                                   years.
                                             over the next five years                                Growth of private rental market: AirBnB, Stayz and other private holiday
                                                                                                     rental options impact directly on the caravan and camping industry as they are
                                             with rising competition from alternate
                                                                                                     typically aimed at a similar market segment and price point. These channels
                                             accommodation providers. Providing
                                                                                                     encompass the “sharing economy” which aims to create efficiencies by allowing
                                             Reflections can secure debt funding
                                                                                                     people to rent out vacant houses and caravans.
                                             sufficient to support investment,
                                             our growth rate is predicted at 5-7%                    Accessible and inclusive tourism: An aging and increasingly mobile population
                                             during the same period.                                 is driving the accessible and inclusive tourism sector across Australia with
                                                                                                     almost 20% of the Australian population identifying as having a disability.
                                                                                                     PriceWaterhouse Coopers predicts demand for accessible accommodation will
                                                                                                     double in the next 20 years to 20303.
                                                                                                     Caravan and camping industry: The past five years have seen marked
                                                                                                     improvement across the industry in the quality of facilities, increased
                                                                                                     investment in cabins, units and upgraded powered sites.

                                                                                                     2018 to 2028 Target

                                                                                                         Percentage Revenue by Source                                    2018     2028

                                                                                                                       Powered Sites

                                                                                                                    Unpowered Sites

                                                                                                      Tourist Accommodation (Roofed)


                                                                                                                                       0%   10%    20%     30%   40%     50%     60%   70%
                                                   Reflections Holiday Park - Bonny Hills

                                                                                                         Revenue ($) by Source                                           2018     2028

                                                                                                                       Powered Sites

                                                                                                                    Unpowered Sites

                                                                                                      Tourist Accommodation (Roofed)


                                                                                                                                       $    $10M    $20M     $30M      $40M    $50M    $60M
                                                 Reflections Holiday Park - Lake Burrendong

                                               IBIS Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds – Australia Market Research Report, December 2017
                                               Deloitte Access Economics Tourism and Hotel Market Outlook – Edition 1, 2018
                                               University of Technology Sydney - Inclusive Tourism: Economic Opportunities, 2017

10   Reflections Holiday Park - Seal Rocks   Reflections Holiday Parks Strategic Plan 2018 to 2028                                                                                     11
STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 to 2028 - Reflections Holiday Parks
By 2028
nature never felt so good                                                                                                      We have a ‘people first’ mindset,
                                                                                                                               recognising that our people
                                                                                                                               are key to elevating our holiday
                                                                                                                               parks and delivering outstanding
Competitors                                Customers                               Special interest                            We put emphasis on recruiting
Holiday Park Operators are                 Most visitors to caravan parks          market trends                               the best people with guest-
becoming larger and realising              and camping grounds in Australia                                                    centric attitude, knowledge and
                                                                                   Special interest groups offer an
significant efficiencies in scale. These   are domestic travellers with over
                                                                                   opportunity for our industry to expand      experience. We invest heavily
include owned holiday park groups;         90% of nights spent in industry
                                                                                   by providing specific services and          in training to ensure our people
Discovery Parks, NRMA and Ingenia.         accommodation attributable to
                                                                                   facilities for these groups. These          develop and grow during their
Member Organisations provide               domestic travellers. International
membership services and collective         tourists also use the industry’s                                                    time with us, providing both
                                           services, although to a much lesser     • Pet Lovers who currently
branding to caravan and holiday                                                                                                formal and informal learning
                                           extent than Australian residents.         contribute 4.3% of revenue per
park operators across Australia.                                                                                               pathways through mentoring and
                                                                                     annum to Reflections, we aim to
These include: Big4, Top Tourist Parks     • Couples and Singles: Domestic                                                     in conjunction with organisations
                                                                                     increase our engagement with pet
of Australia and Family Parks.               travellers aged under 35 currently
                                                                                     lovers by including more facilities       like the University of Newcastle
Interrupters: AirBnB and Stayz are           account for 12% of the market worth
                                                                                     like gated off-leash areas near           and TAFE NSW.
already significant competitors to           $4.5M Australia wide.
                                                                                     cabin precincts.
cabin accommodation in holiday             • Families: Domestic travellers                                                     We engage high-profile
                                                                                   • Water sport enthusiasts include
parks. AirBnB offer over 5,300,000           aged between 35 and 55 currently                                                  consultants to work with our
                                                                                     water skiers, surfers, jet skis, kayaks
accommodation listings worldwide             account for 33% of the market                                                     people to encourage heightened
                                                                                     and stand up paddle boarders
welcoming over 300,000,000 guests            worth $12M Australia wide.                                                        performance and better
                                                                                     who take advantage of our stellar
per year. The HomeAway Group               • Grey Nomads: Domestic travellers        waterside locations                       awareness of self and others.
(owned by Expedia including Stayz)           aged over 55 account for 50% of
                                                                                   • Groups and Clubs can include              Our internal review process
lists over 2,000,000 holiday rentals         business worth $80M Australia wide.
across 190 countries with gross                                                      church groups, Lions Club, car            encourages our teams to work in
                                           • International travellers:               clubs or even niche vintage
bookings of over $2 billion in 2017.                                                                                           a collaborative and open manner
                                             International visitors account for      caravanning clubs                         consistent with our values
                                             a small but increasing share of
                                                                                   • Fishing enthusiasts can utilise           offering tailored success profiles
                                             industry revenue.
                                                                                     similar services to water sport
                                                                                                                               and regular quarterly reviews.
                                                                                     enthusiasts. Special events,
                                                                                     competitions and guided tours can         Our wins are celebrated and
                                                                                     be effective ways to develop and          areas for improvement identified
                                                                                     grow this market.                         so we can focus our efforts on
                                                                                   • Nature lovers can enjoy                   providing continual opportunities
       We will be instrumental in delivering                                         bird watching, walking and                for improving engagement and
          over $165M of economic value                                               photography. Organised events and
                                                                                     tours can be developed to further
                                                                                                                               creating a backdrop for our

      to regional New South Wales annually.                                          align to our tagline “nature never
                                                                                                                               guests to make memories!
                                                                                     felt so good”.

12                                                                                                                             Reflections Holiday Parks Strategic Plan 2018 to 2028         13
STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 to 2028 - Reflections Holiday Parks
Targets to 2028                                                                                                          TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE

                                                                                                                         Economic Value
                                                                                                                          Added will be
                                                                                                                                                     consumption to
                                                                                                                          $111M by 2028
                                                                                                                                                      >8% by 2028

                                                                                                                                                      Improve guest
                                                                                                                                                     achieving NPS*
                                                                                                                                                     of >70% by 2028
                                                                                                                                                        *Net Promoter Score
                                                                                       Hawks Nest Beach

 PERFORMANCE                                                      ECONOMIES OF SCALE

                                                                    Brand recall will
     Grow tourist      Increase
                                                                    be 70% in 2028.                                                                   Zero harm to
     revenues by     profitability of
                                                                     Brand loyalty                                                                   people and the
     6%pa to 2028    the group by
                                                                        will be                                                                       environment
                     >32% by 2028
                                                                      55% in 2028.


                      Drive increased           By 2028 all            We will have                                       Every key position will
                     ROI (appropriate to     parks will have a          established                                      have a formal succession
                    asset base). Coastal   comprehensive plan           Community                                              plan in place.           employee
                     parks 13% ROI and     of development with         Engagement                                          >90% of key positions       engagement
                    Inland parks 2% ROI     works actioned or       Practices compliant                                       will hold formal
                           by 2028              underway                                                                   qualifications relevant
                                                                                                                                                     survey results to
                                                                       with the Act*
                                                                                                                                 to their role        >80% by 2028
                                                                     *Crown Land Management Act

14                                                               Reflections Holiday Parks Strategic Plan 2018 to 2028                                                        15
STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 to 2028 - Reflections Holiday Parks
giving back is                                                             in our nature
Reflections Holiday Parks is a self-
funded organisation, appointed as
Crown land manager for 37 of the
State’s most iconic coastal and inland
holiday parks and numerous reserves.
Our shareholders are the people of
New South Wales, everything we do
is for the benefit of the people of New                                                                                                                                      Scotts Head Recreation Hall - Before
South Wales and our guests.
Our charter under the Crown Land
Management Act 2016 is to encourage
“public use and enjoyment” of Crown
land for all persons. It is our job to
develop and maintain this land, we aim
to create unforgettable experiences
for our visitors and guests to enjoy.
Our surplus profits are redirected back
into our holiday parks, reserves and
community open spaces to ensure
better facilities and services for our
customers and the community to
enjoy now and into the future. Our                                              Moonee Beach Reserve Access Stairs                                                            Scotts Head Recreation Hall - After
developments not only benefit paying
guests but provide public facilities for
locals and visitors.
We provide; coastal erosion
management; tree maintenance
and replacement; installation and
upgrades of playground facilities,
boatramps, boardwalks, bike trails,
BBQs, and; major infrastructure
upgrades like fire-fighting and fuel-
filling facilities – all for the enjoyment
of locals and tourists alike.
From festivals and fishing
competitions, to markets and
sporting events, many of our parks
and reserves are also important
community destinations. They are
places to meet with friends, get active,
                                              Fuel Station at Wyangala Waters
or to simply sit back, relax and enjoy
the natural surrounds.

                                             Fire Pumphouse Grabine Lakeside

16                                                                                                                   Reflections Holiday Parks Strategic Plan 2018 to 2028                                          17
STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 to 2028 - Reflections Holiday Parks
                                                                                                            Reflections Terms of Reference
                                                                                                            1. “Improve the financial viability of the Trust through more strategic
                                                                                                               management of limited funding and reinvestment to facilitate strategic
                                                                                                               business growth.”
                                                                                                            2. “Ensure consistent policies and procedures for operational, asset and risk
                                                                                                            3. “Use economies of scale to provide improved support with marketing,
                                                                                                               human resource, financial and corporate systems”
                                                                                                            4. “Make strategic investment decisions across the portfolio to balance social,
                                                                                                               environmental and economic outcomes.”
                                                                                                            5. “Oversight backlog of infrastructure renewals to comply with health and
                                                                                                               environmental regulatory standards”
                                                                                                            6. “Maintain customer, community and staff engagement.”

                                                                                                            1. NSWCHPT or NSWCHPLM = NSW Crown Holiday Parks Land Manager.
                                                                                                            2. Reflections Holiday Parks: Brand name given to NSW Crown Holiday Parks
                                                                                                               Land Manager.
                                                                                                            3. Tourist Revenue = Total of Cabin Revenue and Tourist Site Revenue.
                                                                                                            4. EBITDA = Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, Amortisation and
                                                                                                               excludes profit distributions.

                                                                                                            Key Assumptions
                                                                                                            1. Reflections Holiday Parks is a Category 1 Land Manager under the Crown
                                                                                                               Land Management Act 2016.
                                                                                                            2. Financial modelling does not include expenses related to National Tax
                                                                                                               Equivalents nor Distributions of OPAT.
                                                                                                            3. BDO, 2013, Economic Benefit Report – Spending Patterns of Commercial
                                                                                                               Campers and Non-Commercial Campers provides that the Regional
                                                                                                               Economic Value Added for every $1 of tourist income, $1.38 of local
                                                                                                               economic activity is generated by the individual park.
                                                                                                            4. Debt funding for a significant capital works program is secured.

                                                                                                            1. IBIS Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds – Australia Market Research
                                                                                                               Report, December 2017
                                                                                                            2. Deloitte Access Economics – Tourism and Hotel Market Outlook, Edition 1,
                                                                                                               2018, p. 9. Accessed
                                                                                                            3. University of Technology Sydney: Institute for Public Policy and Governance
                                                                                                               – Inclusive Tourism: Economic Opportunities, 2017, p.13. Accessed

18   Reflections Holiday Park - Burrinjuck Waters   Reflections Holiday Parks Strategic Plan 2018 to 2028                                                                                   19
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