Strategic Plan 2015 2019 - Centre for Children, Youth and Parents - Operational Plan & Scorecard March 1 - December 31, 2015 - Point In Time ...

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Strategic Plan 2015 2019 - Centre for Children, Youth and Parents - Operational Plan & Scorecard March 1 - December 31, 2015 - Point In Time ...
Strategic Plan
   2015 – 2019
Operational Plan & Scorecard
March 1 – December 31, 2015

 Centre for Children, Youth and Parents
Strategic Plan 2015 2019 - Centre for Children, Youth and Parents - Operational Plan & Scorecard March 1 - December 31, 2015 - Point In Time ...
Centre for Children, Youth and Parents

                                                                              Strategic Plan 2015 – 2019

                                                                   Approved By:
                                                                                        Board Chair

                                                                            Operational Plan & Scorecard
                                                                            March 1 – December 31, 2015

                                                                   Approved By:
                                                                        Marg Cox, Executive Director

                                                                                Date: February 23, 2015

                              “Point in Time strives to live its mission and vision for services to children, youth and parents, and is highly successful. Point
                              in Time is an exemplary organization, with a committed board, staff, management and executive director. It is clear that this
                              organization is valued in its community. Point in Time has built a healthy organization and actualized its standards and
                              mission in a way that is consistent with the distinct nature of the rural community it serves.”
                              – Canadian Centre for Accreditation Report, November 2012

Strategic Plan 2015 2019 - Centre for Children, Youth and Parents - Operational Plan & Scorecard March 1 - December 31, 2015 - Point In Time ...
Centre for Children, Youth and Parents

All children and youth achieve their greatest potential within caring, responsive families and communities.

Point in Time Centre for Children, Youth and Parents identifies needs, provides supports and services enabling residents of
Haliburton County to function to their highest potential.

The Ministries of Children and Youth Services, Education, Health and Long-Term Care, and Training, Colleges and
Universities are working in partnership to create a coordinated system for children and youth. Point in Time has therefore
worked to align its planning for the future with the Ministry of Children and Youth Services Mental Health Services
Framework – Moving on Mental Health - while also remaining very focused on the current needs and issues of the
Haliburton County community.

While bearing in mind the system changes
and transformation in the Province, the
current Strategic Plan provides a roadmap for
Point in Time to define and communicate its
goals over the next five years. Point in Time’s
commitment to continued responsiveness to
our rural context in this period of change is
constant – That commitment includes being
a leader and giving voice to the particular
needs and priorities that are specific to rural
communities in Ontario.

Our Plan is rooted in a sense of pride—
building on our strengths, our current work
and service capacity. This sense of pride and
history in the community will inform and
carry us forward in this period of transition.
Staff are the core of our organization and we
will continue to engage their expertise and
perspective while being attentive to their well-
Strategic Plan 2015 2019 - Centre for Children, Youth and Parents - Operational Plan & Scorecard March 1 - December 31, 2015 - Point In Time ...
Centre for Children, Youth and Parents

                              VALUES AND SERVICE PHILOSOPHY
                              It is our experience that people are generally best served in the context of family.

                              At Point in Time we believe that families in Haliburton County should have access to a full range of high quality services,
                              delivered effectively and efficiently, to promote the well-being of children, youth and families.

                              We believe in the practice of prevention, early intervention and delivery of services in the least intrusive manner possible. Our
                              services focus on the strengths of the individual and/or the family, respecting confidentiality and embracing diversity.

                              Point in Time is an organization that
                              strives to be free of discrimination and
                              any barrier to what is in the best interest
                              of the client.

                              We also strive to build capacities
                              and to promote independence and

                              Community partnerships and
                              collaborations are a cornerstone of our
                              organization. Point in Time’s service is
                              provided in a proactive, respectful, and
                              comprehensive planning process that
                              is accountable to the local community,
                              clients and funders.

                              We value our staff, provide them with
                              the necessary training and support, and
                              promote open communication between
                              staff and management. Point in Time
                              is committed to staff, children, youth,
                              parents, and volunteer development to
                              deliver high quality services.

Strategic Plan 2015 2019 - Centre for Children, Youth and Parents - Operational Plan & Scorecard March 1 - December 31, 2015 - Point In Time ...
Centre for Children, Youth and Parents

The purpose of this operational plan is to align the efforts of Point in Time, and to ensure we successfully meet our
obligations, nurture customer/client relationships and move the organization forward towards being more efficient, effective
and aligned with our strategic directions:

Rooted in and focused on client service
To achieve this strategic direction we will:
   1. Focus on core family support, mental health services and youth justice supports for children, youth and families.
   2. Maintain a good response time while working to reduce wait lists and wait times.
   3. Be a leader in building collaborative responses and cross-sectoral coalitions that respond to the needs of young people
      in our community.
   4. Continue to be innovative and responsive in the full range of services, programs and approaches and continue to build
      and promote collaborative relationships with children and youth, their families and sector and community partners.
   5. Facilitate and support better transitioning for young people – from youth to adulthood as well as youth moving out of
      the county.
   6. Encourage the community to tell us about our work and services and be accountable and responsive to what they say.

Advocate and strong voice for our community
To achieve this strategic direction we will:
   1. Effectively utilize all communications tools and resources, improve and update external communications in ways that
      build on existing outreach, engagement and strengthen marketing to ensure that the community knows who we are as
      an organization.
   2. Listen to and use the stories and experiences of children and families to advocate, educate and promote services and
      approaches that respond to the needs of children, youth and families.
   3. Provide staff and board members with the communication and outreach tools to be advocates and champions for
      children, youth and families.
   4. Actively lead, inform and engage in the shaping of a system that works to respond to the needs of children, youth and
   5. Identify and look for opportunities to share our work and practices across a diverse range of audiences.

Strategic Plan 2015 2019 - Centre for Children, Youth and Parents - Operational Plan & Scorecard March 1 - December 31, 2015 - Point In Time ...
Centre for Children, Youth and Parents

                              STRATEGIC DIRECTION 3
                              Committed to organizational effectiveness and sustainability
                              To achieve this strategic direction we will:
                                 1. Maintain and live our Canadian Centre for Accreditation through continuous attention and commitment to
                                    implementing evidence-informed services and organizational good practices.
                                 2. Facilitate continuous learning that is integrated into day-to-day client work and reflected in evidence-informed
                                 3. Continually monitor, measure and assess the impact and outcomes of our services – and adapt as needed.
                                 4. Explore and work towards a diverse revenue base that supports innovation and responsiveness to community needs
                                    and priorities.
                                 5. Demonstrate our commitment to a healthy workplace – one that is fair, responsive and rooted in a valuing of how the
                                    skills, knowledge and abilities of staff support the achievement of our mission.
                                 6. Continue to build and maintain open communication within and across our organization.

Strategic Plan 2015 2019 - Centre for Children, Youth and Parents - Operational Plan & Scorecard March 1 - December 31, 2015 - Point In Time ...
POINT IN TIME CENTRE FOR CHILDREN, YOUTH AND PARENTS                                                                                                                                Centre for Children, Youth and Parents

                      ORGANIZATIONAL CHART
                                                                                                                                                                                           Board of Directors

                                                                                                                                                                                           Executive Director

                                                                                                                                                                         Administrative Assistant

                                                                                                      Mental Health                                                                                                                                    Human Resources/Early Intervention
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Quality Assurance
                                                                           Program Manager         Manager/Accreditation                                                                                                                                Manager; Recreation/HUB/Camp
                                                                                                       Coordinator                                                                                                                                                Supervisor

                                                                                                     Clinical Supervision
                  Team Leader          Attendance Centre   Differential Response                                                                                                                                                                                          After School Recreation       Adventure Day Camp
Court Worker                                                                            Child and Family                                        Admin/Receptionist   Intake/Clinical Assistant      Early Interventionist   Respite Coordinator    HUB Coordinator                                                           Finance Coordinator
               (Restorative Justice)      Coordinator           Coordinator                                       Family Support Worker                                                                                                                                         Coordinator                 Coordinator

                                                                                                                            Volunteer Drivers                                                                                         Volunteers

Centre for Children, Youth and Parents

                              MEASURING OUR IMPACT & PROGRESS
                              The Board of Directors and staff of Point in Time are committed to
                              continuous learning, evaluation and performance measurement.

                              Monitoring our progress and the impact of the Strategic and
                              Operational Plan is accomplished, in part, through the use of our

                              The management team monitors performance against the
                              prescribed milestones in bi-monthly strategic meetings and the
                              Executive Director provides quarterly and year-end
                              reports to the Board to ensure appropriate
                              oversight and accountability.

                              As well, the Performance Measurement
                              Framework is integrated within the
                              scorecard and incorporates indicators and
                              accomplishments in the same three key areas:

                                  •     Rooted in and focused on client service
                                  •     Advocate and strong voice for our community
                                  •     Committed to organizational effectiveness and

                              Our work in this area will be supported and informed
                              by a range of expertise and resources including the
                              Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth
                              Mental Health and Ryerson University.

Centre for Children, Youth and Parents

    Initiatives Within Next 10                       Milestones / Key Activities                        Milestone Completion           Manager
              Months                                                                                            Date                    Lead
Strategic Direction #1 – Rooted in and focused on Client Service
Program Review of Youth Justice          M1-YJ program/confidentiality added to new staff orientation   M1-April 15, 2015             M1-5 DB
Services and Internal/External           checklist
Communication                            M2-Current staff updated at staff meeting re YJ                M2-April 15, 2015
                                         M3-YJ information added to PinT website                        M3-April 15, 2015
                                         M4-One radio interview re YJ program                           M4-May 29, 2015
                                         M5-Written protocol regarding YJ program backup                M5-April 1, 2015
Youth engagement                         M1-Policies developed to support youth engagement              M1: March 31, 2015            M1- JW
                                         M2-One staff training in youth engagement                      M2: June 30, 2015             M2- MC
                                         M3-Communication plan co-created with youth                    M3: June 30, 2015             M3- MC
Family Engagement                        M1-Policies developed to support family engagement             M1: March 31, 2015            M1- JW
                                         M2-Communication plan co-created with FE groups                M2: June 30, 2015             M2- MC
                                         M3-Evaluate 2 Family Fun Night/Hub programs                    M3: March 31, 2015            M3- LH

Improve/Enhance Partnerships with        M1-Review and renew 10 MOUs with current partner               M1: March 31, 2015            M1-7 DB
the Community including school           organizations
boards, agencies, etc. (e.g. work with   M2-Create new MOU with PARN                                    M2: March 31, 2015
community partners such as
                                         M3-Create new MOU with Peterborough Youth Services             M3: March 31, 2015
Community Living, and adult mental
health services to improve transition    M4-Create new MOU with Haliburton Highlands Mental             M4: March 31, 2015
of TAY (older kids)                      Health Services
                                         M5-Create new MOU with Children Services Council               M5: February 27, 2015
                                         M6-Create new MOU with 4 County Crisis Services                M6: March 31, 2015
                                         M7-Obtain letter from Wintergreen stating they are up-to-      M7: March 15, 2015
                                         date with licencing status
Promote anti-oppression and              M1-One staff training offered related to LGBTQ                 M1: February 28, 2015         M1- JW
diversity awareness in our agency and    M2-One staff training offered related to diversity             M2: December 31, 2015         M2- JW

                                                                            8                                                                                         8
Centre for Children, Youth and Parents

                       Initiatives Within Next 10 Months                         Milestones / Key Activities                      Milestone Completion    Manager
                                                                                                                                          Date             Lead
                       Strategic Direction #2 - Advocate and Strong Voice for our Community

                       Application for Lead Agency                M1-Draft application complete                                   M1- Feb. 28, 2015      M1- JW
                                                                  M2-Final application completed and submitted                    M2- April 17, 2015     M2- JW

                       Advocate and promote community             M1-Co-chair 16 Community Planning Table meetings                M1- Dec.31, 2015       M1- MC
                       need and service excellence in service     M2-Participate in twelve 4 County Service Collaborative         M2- Dec.31, 2015       M2- MC
                       planning region, raising profile of PinT   and Steering Committee table meetings
                       regionally                                 M3-Co-chair 10 CKL/Haliburton subcommittee of Four              M3- Dec.31, 2015       M3- MC
                                                                  County Service Collaborative
                                                                  M4-Develop document outlining youth suicide prevention          M4-Dec. 31, 2015       M4- MC
                                                                  strategy and structure
                                                                  M5-Active participation on 6 Coordinated Special Needs          M5- May 31, 2015       M5- LH
                                                                  Strategy Committee meetings
                                                                  M6-Providing CANS training and app support to agencies          M6- Dec. 31, 2015      M6- MC
                                                                  within Four County service area
                                                                  M7-Provide 4 presentations to Child and Youth planning          M7-Dec. 31, 2015       M7- MC
                                                                  table about initiatives and issues related to child and youth
                                                                  mental health

                       Advocate for anti-oppression training      M1-Capacity building and training offered in region related     M1-Feb. 28, 2015       M1- MC
                       across region                              to LGBTQ
                                                                  M2-“Positive Space” organizational certification training       M2-Dec. 31, 2015       M2- MC

Centre for Children, Youth and Parents

    Initiatives Within Next 10                            Milestones / Key Activities                                Milestone                  Manager
              Months                                                                                               Completion Date               Lead
Strategic Direction #3 - Committed to Organizational Effectiveness and Sustainability
Continuous learning & succession       M1-Develop 2015 Initiative Action Plan for greater awareness of all        M1: March 15, 2015         M1- LH
planning                               programs in the agency
                                       M2-Implement Initiative Action Plan (% tasks complete on Plan)             M2- Dec. 31, 2015          M2- LH
Review information technology          M1-Report on current system capabilities (on lead application)             M1- Feb. 27, 2015          M1- LH
requirements and physical space        M2-Recommendations made regarding needs for server & technology            M2- March 15, 2015         M2- DB
                                       M3-Designated staff team to oversee ongoing and future tech/server         M3- Feb 27, 2015           M3- LH
                                       M4-Report on assessment of office space needs                              M4- May 30, 2015           M4- DB
                                       M5-Make recommendations/plan re office space needs                         M5- Dec.31, 2015           M5- DB
                                       M6-Database research, selection and implementation                         M6-Dec. 31, 2015           M6- LH
Improve Management Team                M1-Management Team Retreat using DISC including developing                 M1: Dec. 31, 2014          M1-4 MC
effectiveness                          strategies on how to work more cohesively together
                                       M2-Review Structure of the Organization, Clarify Roles, Responsibilities   M2: Feb. 27, 2015
                                       and Set Expectations (minutes & org chart)
                                       M3-Check in assessment of Team Effectiveness (minutes)                     M3: April 1, 2015
                                       M4-Management Team Follow-up DISC session as Managers/Leaders              M4: Oct. 1, 2015
                                       M1-Developing accreditation workplan
Working towards Accreditation 2016     M2-Implementation of workplan                                              M1- Mar. 31, 2015          M1-3 JW
                                       M3-Providing mentoring, coaching, training, both internally and            M2- Dec. 31, 2015
                                       externally (% complete on JW Initiative Action plan).                      M3- Dec. 15, 2015
Review and evaluate phase 1            M1-Complete year-end data collection and quarterly reports (Q1-2)
performance measurement                aligned with MOMH core services                                            M1- Oct. 30, 2015          M1- LH
framework and use it to conduct a      M2-Implement pilot for performance measurement reporting (PMF)
program review of services/ programs   M3-Use identified performance measures to review programs and              M2- June 30, 2015          M2- MC
offered by Point in Time               resource assignment                                                        M3- Dec. 31, 2015          M3- MC

  Legend: JW-Joan Wilson; LH-Lisa Hamilton; DB-Dan Bajorek; MC-Marg Cox

Centre for Children, Youth and Parents

                                                                        Point in
                                                                       Point   in Time
                                                                                  Time Scorecard
                                                                                       Scorecard FY
                                                                                                 FY 2015-2016
                                                                                                                15/16 YTD         15/16           15/16 Year End YTD Trend
                                                   March 2015 Results                                           15/16 YTD
                                                                                                                 Actual/           15/16
                                                                                                                                   YTD                   Year End ( YTD
                                                                                                                                                  Total Forecast           Trend
                                                  March 2015 Results                                              Actual/
                                                                                                               Performance          YTD
                                                                                                                                               Target    Forecast
                                                                                                                                                                    ↑, ↓, →
                                                                                                                                                                     ( ↑, ↓,
                                                                                                               Performance        Target
                           Strategic Direction
                           Strategic   Direction1:1: Rooted
                                                          Rooted    in in
                                                                       and  focused
                                                                          and       on client
                                                                               focused        service
                                                                                       on client  service
                         Strategic       Point
                                     Direction    in
                                                 1:    Time
                                                      Rooted    Scorecard
                         1 Program review of Youth Justice services   and        FY
                                                                           focused  2015-2016
                                                                                    on client service     20%                              20%    100%            100%   →
                     1 Program review of Youth Justice services                                                                 20%          20%    100%            100%   →
                          2 Youth Engagement                                                                       15/16       34%         34%    100%            100%   →
                     2 Youth Engagement                                                  15/16 YTD      15/16
                                                                                                                   Total        34%
                                                                                                                                End YTD Trend
                                                                                                                           Year34%           34%    100%            100%   →
                          3 Family          2015 Results
                                      Engagement                                          Actual/        YTD                               34%    100%            100%   →
                                                                                                                   Year    Forecast ( ↑, ↓, → )
                     3 Family Engagement                                                Performance    Target
                                                                                                                  Target        34%          34%    100%            100%   →
                          4 Enhance Partnerships                                                                               42%         28%    100%            100%      ↑  
                          5 Promote  1:   Rooted
                                     Partnerships    in  and  focused
                                         anti-oppression awareness       on  client  service                                    42%
                                                                                                                               50%           28%
                                                                                                                                           50%      100%
                                                                                                                                                  100%              100%
                                                                                                                                                                  100%   →    ↑  
      1   Program review of Youth Justice services                                                20%       20%       100%      100%   →
                     5 Promote anti-oppression awareness                                                                        50%          50%    100%            100%   →
      2   Youth Engagement                                                                        34%       34%       100%      100%   →
                            Strategic Direction
                            Strategic                  2: Advocate
                                               Direction              and strong and
                                                               2: Advocate          voice for our community
                                                                                          strong    voice for our community
      3   Family Engagement                                                                       34%       34%       100%      100%   →
                         Strategic    Direction
                          6 Lead agency              2: Advocate and strong voice for our community
                                              application                                                                      50%         50%    100%            100%   →
      4   Enhance Partnerships                                                                    42%       28%       100%      100%     ↑  
                          7 Advocate
                     6 Lead    agencyand       promote service excellence
                                          application                                                                          21%
                                                                                                                                50%        11%
                                                                                                                                             50%  100%
                                                                                                                                                    100%            100%   →↑  
      5   Promote anti-oppression awareness                                                       50%       50%       100%      100%   →
                          8 Promoteand
                     7 Advocate          anti-oppression
                                            promote service  training  across region
                                                                  excellence                                                   50%
                                                                                                                                21%        50%
                                                                                                                                             11%  100%
                                                                                                                                                    100%          100%   →
                                                                                                                                                                    100%      ↑  
                     8 Promote
          Strategic Direction        anti-oppression
                               2: Advocate                 training
                                              and strong voice       across
                                                                for our      region
                                                                        community                                               50%          50%    100%            100%   →
      6                     Strategic Direction
          Lead agency application                      3: Committed
                                               Direction                  to organizational
                                                               3: Committed                   effectiveness
                                                                                       to organizational
                                                                                                  50%      and
                                                                                                                      100%         and
                                                                                                                                100%   → sustainability
      7                   9 Continuous
          Advocate and promote
                         Strategic           learning
                                  service excellence
                                      Direction      3: &Committed
                                                          succession planning                     21%
                                                                        to organizational effectiveness      11%
                                                                                                           and        100%
                                                                                                                sustainability 50%
                                                                                                                                100%     ↑  50%   100%            100%   →
      8   Promote anti-oppression
                        10  Review  training  across region
                                      Information      Technology    &  physical  space           50%       50%       100%      100%   →
                                                                                                                               34%          34%   100%            100%   →  →
                     9 Continuous learning & succession planning                                                                50%          50%    100%            100%
                    10  11  Improve
                         Review          Management
                                   Information            Team
                                                    Technology   effectiveness
                                                                    & physical   space
          Strategic Direction 3: Committed to organizational effectiveness and sustainability
                                                                                                                                34%         50%
                                                                                                                                             34%  100%
                                                                                                                                                    100%          100%   →  →
      9   Continuous11  12  Prepare     for accreditation
                         Improve Management Team effectiveness
                      learning &  succession   planning      2016                                 50%       50%       100%     25%
                                                                                                                                50%    →    20%
                                                                                                                                             50%  100%
                                                                                                                                                    100%            100%   →↑  
     10                 13 Review
          Review Information
                    12 Prepare      for&accreditation
                              Technology  Evaluate   phase
                                            & physical  space1 performance measurement
                                                           2016                                   34%       34%       100%      5%   →
                                                                                                                                25%          0%
                                                                                                                                             20%  100%
                                                                                                                                                    100%          100%
                                                                                                                                                                    100%     ↑  ↑  
     11 Improve Management Team effectiveness                                                 50%         50%      100%     100%   →
                  13 Review &2016
     12 Prepare for accreditation Evaluate phase 1 performance measurement                   25%         20%      100%      5%
                                                                                                                           100%       ↑   0%          100%          100%          ↑  
     13 Review & Evaluate phase 1 performance measurement                                     5%          0%      100%     100%       ↑  
                       14 Financial variance less than 10 %                                                                  N/A*          N/A*          100%        100%   →
        Financial      15 Auditor recommendations, if any, acted upon                                                        N/A*          N/A*          100%        100%   →
                   14 Financial variance less than 10 %                                                                       N/A*           N/A*         100%         100%   →
                       16 TPAR
     14 Financial variance         submitted
                           less than 10 %                                                  N/A*        N/A*       100%       N/A*
                                                                                                                                100%   → N/A*            100%        100%   →
                   15 Auditor recommendations,
        Auditor recommendations,     if any, acted upon
                                                        if any, acted upon                 N/A*        N/A*       100%
                                                                                                                                100%   →
                                                                                                                                             N/A*         100%         100%   →
                16  This
     16 TPAR submitted
                         scorecard captures
                            submitted       the progress toward the initiatives outlined under
                                                                                           N/A*each Strategic
                                                                                                       N/A*   Direction
                                                                                                                  100%  for the time
                                                                                                                                100% period
                                                                                                                                       →    of March
                                                                                                                                             N/A*    to December
                                                                                                                                                          100%   2015. 100%   →
                        *The Financial section begins April 1, 2015.
                                                on target               close to target               close to target          far from target
                                                (100%+)=                (95-
Centre for Children, Youth and Parents

Centre for Children, Youth and Parents

Centre for Children, Youth and Parents
69 Eastern Avenue
P.O. Box 1306
Haliburton, ON K0M 1S0
Tel: 705.457.5345
Fax: 705.457.3492
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