Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 - Lithgow High School 8125 - Amazon AWS
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Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 Lithgow High School 8125 Page 1 of 11 Lithgow High School (8125) -2021-2024 Printed on: 12 November, 2021
School vision and context School vision statement School context At Lithgow High School we believe that a happy child is a successful one. We are Lithgow High School is a comprehensive secondary school with a Support Unit which has committed to providing a positive, safe and stimulating environment for children to learn, nine classes, located on the eastern boundary of the Lithgow Network in Central West New where all are known and valued. We intend that all children should enjoy their learning, South Wales. The student population of 750 has been in decline over recent years reflective achieve their potential and become independent life-long learners. of local industry and employment opportunity changes. Nineteen percent of all students identify as having an Aboriginal background. Nestled in a heritage listed area with strong We believe that every student should be challenged to learn and continually improve in a links to cultural significance. The School has a strong history of sporting, academic and respectful inclusive and high expectations environment. cultural links. Students participate in a wide range of learning experiences in the pursuit of academic improvement and excellence. The school's staffing entitlement in 2020 was 70 teaching staff and 20 non-teaching staff. The school also employs a Business Manager and third Deputy Principal from school funds. Twenty percent of our staff are in their early career as teachers. There is a 15 percent turnover of staff each year. The school enjoys the support of its community. We have also fostered strong partnerships with universities, cultural institutions, businesses and community groups and have strengthened links to TAFE and career pathways. Students represent the school across the Central Western area in music and dance ensembles and a wide range of sporting activities, with both state and regional representation. The majority of the school's equity funding will be used to support initiatives developed in the 2021-2024 Strategic Improvement Plan. Some funds will be used to support other activities not embedded in this plan. The school is committed to continually improving effective classroom practices with staff professional learning being the key to ensuring this. This learning will ensure that both literacy and numeracy levels can be enhanced through improved data collection, analysis and use which underpins our belief in individualised and differentiated learning. The school will focus on teaching and learning protocols in order to improve learning and engagement across the school. we will further develop classroom practices based on research and What Works Best in Practice that will lead to enhanced learning outcomes for students. School improvement is grounded in rigorous self-assessment, analysis and reflection of our current situation with respect to student outcomes and teaching and leadership practices. There will be a focus on Higher School Certificate performance including staff professional learning around deeper analysis and use of data to develop both individual and group support programs. Each faculty will develop ways of deepening the knowledge base of their students. The school will continue to expand the use of A Learning And Response Matrix (ALARM) into Stages Four and Five. Page 2 of 11 Lithgow High School (8125) -2021-2024 Printed on: 12 November, 2021
Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment Purpose Initiatives Success criteria for this strategic direction Literacy and numeracy is a key responsibility of schools Quality Instruction Reading and Numeracy • School data shows that student progress and as literacy and numeracy are fundamental skills, achievement is greater than students at statistically knowledge, attitudes and values that are prerequisites for Explicit and systematic quality reading and numeracy similar schools on external measures, and this is further learning, that underpin the subsequent instruction is evidence in all programs, visible in every consistent with strong student progress and development of more complex skills. classroom and monitored and tracked across the school achievement on internal measures. Progress and and leading to improved growth and attainment in achievement of equity groups within a school is Literacy and numeracy provide a basis for developing students. equivalent to the progress and achievement of all student agency and transformative competencies. We students in the school. want all students to be powerful learners, able to think This will be achieved if we; • The school has identified what growth is expected for critically, solve problems, be innovative in their thinking, in each student and students are achieving higher than order to deal with the issues and unfamiliar situations that • co-plan using research proven, high impact expected growth on internal school progress and constantly arise in a rapidly changing world. instructional strategies that develops teacher achievement data. capacity in deep content knowledge and learning As teachers we will ensure that we use Data To Inform progressions • All teachers understand and explicitly teach literacy Practice- Putting The Faces On The Data, sharing all and numeracy to students at all levels of • prioritise teaching time for literacy and numeracy with students' progress with all teachers and leaders, and achievement, in all subject areas, with success that strategies embedded in all curriculum areas ensuring the use of ongoing assessment to inform can be measured by improved student progress and instruction. • co-teach to develop teacher capacity through achievement data. coaching and mentoring to ensure students are • Strategic professional learning supports staff to build 'reading to learn' through focused, explicit and Improvement measures expertise in data literacy, data use in teaching and systematic development of skills data use in planning which is aligned to the impact Target year: 2022 • Gradual Release of Responsibility in student and on the quality of teaching and evidence of evaluative teacher instruction to provide the level of instruction practice. Improvement in the percentage of students achieving in required to improve and develop independence in • Effective and sustainable systems and processes to the top 2 bands to be above the school's lower bound teaching and learning and student engagement collaboratively analyse and collate student data to system-negotiated target in reading of 16.3%. • professional learning to build teacher capacity in identify learning goals in literacy and numeracy goals effective strategies for comprehension, vocabulary are embedded. Target year: 2022 and fluency instruction (Big 6) using a collaborative • Staff have knowledge of a broad range of data and planned approach , assisted by the Instructional sources available to measure the impact of Improvement in the percentage of students achieving in Leader the top 2 bands to be above the school's lower bound professional learning on teaching practice and system-negotiated target in numeracy of 16.9%. • descriptive feedback that is explicit and timely and subsequent student progress and an understanding goal setting with one praise and one instructional of how to use the data. Target year: 2022 point for students and staff focusing on improvement • Staff monitor and analyse formative assessment data • Understand the minimum curriculum requirements to differentiate learning at the point of instructional Increase in the percentage of Aboriginal students and standard required for student literacy and need resulting in continuous academic improvement achieving top 3 NAPLAN bands in reading to be above numeracy development for each year level including for every student. the schools lower bound system-negotiated target of Best Start Year 7, NAPLAN and HSC Minimum 30.4% • Every Aboriginal student has a Personalised Standards. Learning Pathway that is collaboratively developed Target year: 2022 • Embed the use of Progressions for goal setting with the student, school and parent or carer. leading to changes to explicit teaching practice, and Increase in the percentage of Aboriginal students the use of PLAN 2 as a common tool to support the achieving top 3 NAPLAN bands in numeracy to be above use of learning progressions. Page 3 of 11 Lithgow High School (8125) -2021-2024 Printed on: 12 November, 2021
Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment Improvement measures Initiatives Evaluation plan for this strategic direction the schools lower bound system-negotiated target of 27% Data skills and use - Data driven practices The evaluation plan will involve: Target year: 2022 Data skills and use - Data driven practices • Regular review of these data sources to provide clarity around whether we are on track for achieving As measured against the School Excellence Framework Quality, robust data informs our initiatives and helps us the intended improvement measures. in the Teaching Domain "Effective Classroom Practice" measure our impact. Analysing data enables us to • Regular professional discussion around the School and "Data Skills and use" - Sustaining and Growing identify patterns and/or trends about future opportunities Excellence Framework elements and themes and challenges. It also provides opportunities to examine Target year: 2023 measurable impact on equity initiatives and highlight • Executive team and whole staff reflective sessions. areas for improvement. Increase % of students achieving expected growth in Question reading by 15% to be above the schools lower bound of This will be achieved through; 64.4% • To what extent have we achieved our purpose and demonstrated impact of student improvement in • the routine collection and expert analysis of a wide Increase % of students achieving expected growth in reading and numeracy? range of student data sources to consider evidence numeracy by 20% to be above the schools lower bound of of learning by individual students, classes and whole • To what extent have all staff engaged in improving 68% year or stage groups. professional practice in relation to reading and numeracy improvement? • systems and structures to record and monitor student wellbeing, progress and achievement data • Are student learning needs met through differentiation in learning experiences based on • data collection and analysis that is efficient and analysis of data? effective • systems to ensure the progress and achievement of • Is their a shared responsibility for high expectations every student to identify strengths and gaps in for student achievement through collaborative data learning analysis? • data analysis and triangulation of a range of data • Do fortnightly LST/Executive meetings monitor and sources analyse student data, across all faculties, and design additional support when growth is not evident? • analysis of data to inform learning goals to ensure that all students are challenged and successful Data: • Data walls used to display the growth and We will use a combination of data sources in Reading achievement of every student and build collective and numeracy. These will include: teacher responsibility for all students' learning. • teaching strategies as part of a dynamic and Internal responsive ongoing improvement cycle • Course performance descriptors and stage • use data to inform explicit programming and targeted statements teaching, including differentiation and formative assessment of literacy and numeracy • PAT - Vocabulary and Comprehensio skills·monitor and track student progress, • PLAN2 - Best Start Year 7 and support students identified as needing additional support/ extension·provide quality feedback • Minimum HSC Standards and utilise assessment practices, including tracking • Faculty Assessment Tasks of students through frameworks and progressions, to support teacher decision-making and student • Learning Progressions Page 4 of 11 Lithgow High School (8125) -2021-2024 Printed on: 12 November, 2021
Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment Initiatives Evaluation plan for this strategic direction progress. • Fluency The focus on best practice in data use and analysis will be • Comprehension consistently embedded across the school as everyday • Work Samples pedagogy that drives measurable improvement in learning. • NAPLAN • Check - in assessments • Lesson Observations • Renaissance Reading • Feedback and Learning Goals • VALID • COVID Intensive Learning Support Program • Personalised Learning Pathways (PLPs) • Co-teaching with the Instructional Leader External • NAPLAN • SCOUT - Value-added data • SEF SaS Analysis: Analysis will be embedded within the initiatives through progress and implementation monitoring. We will review progress towards the improvement measures annually. Implications: The findings of the analysis will inform: • Future actions and strategies • Annual reporting on the school progress measures - published in the Annual School Report and regularly reported throughout the school year on varied social media platforms including Facebook, newsletter and website. Page 5 of 11 Lithgow High School (8125) -2021-2024 Printed on: 12 November, 2021
Strategic Direction 2: Quality Teaching -Quality Learning Purpose Initiatives Success criteria for this strategic direction A quality learning environment must be designed to • All lessons are systematically planned as part of a support all students in their learning process, and Quality Learning Environment coherent program that has been collaboratively teachers and education support personnel in their designed. Accommodations and adjustments are missions. It contributes to well-being and health, and Creating learning environments which build quality made to suit needs as they arise. Lesson planning forms the basis for a positive environment where relationships and foster safe, positive and stimulating references student information including progress everyone can reach their full potential. classrooms and maximise learning time, positive learning and achievement data, curriculum requirements, and behaviours and a strong level of engagement. student feedback, and provides continuous Quality in teaching and learning can be seen in the way improvement for all students, across the full range of the knowledge, skills and ability of the teacher are This will be achieved through; abilities. employed to develop meaningful pedagogic experiences • Guiding and supporting students towards meeting • Consistent school wide practices for collecting for students. Such experiences are evident when teaching expectations, facilitating respectful, responsible assessment data (of, for and as learning) are used to impacts learning and learning influences teaching. behaviour for learning monitor, plan and report on student learning across the curriculum; with formative and summative Improvement measures • Modelling and structuring opportunities for students assessment practices expertly integrated and used to understand task requirements by clearly responsively as an integral part of classroom Target year: 2022 communicating the goals and content of each lesson. instruction. • Student assessment data is regularly used school- Increase % of HSC course results in top 2 bands to • Preventative strategies which aim to create wide to identify student achievements and progress, achieve the lower bound target of 25.9% classroom environments where the majority of in order to reflect on teaching effectiveness and students are engaged in learning and on task. inform future school directions. Target year: 2022 • Positive classroom climates, with high quality student • All teachers have a sound understanding of student Increase % of HSC course results in top 3 bands to teacher relationships and explicit teaching of social assessment and data concepts (e.g. causality, bias). achieve the lower bound target of 59.3%. and emotional skills They analyse, interpret and extrapolate data and • Structured instruction to engage and motivate they collaboratively use this to inform planning, Target year: 2022 students in learning identify interventions and modify teaching practice. • Providing and explicitly teaching effective rules and • A whole school approach ensures the most effective Proportion of students reporting Expectations for Success, evidence-based teaching methods optimise learning Advocacy, and Sense of Belonging at School to be above routines progress for all students, across the full range of the baseline of 61.8% • Offering pre-corrections to remind students of abilities. Teachers employ evidence-based effective expectations teaching strategies. Target year: 2023 • Using active supervision to help students stay on • Effective methods are identified, promoted and Improvement in the proportion of Aboriginal students task modelled, and students' learning improvement is attaining the HSC whilst maintaining their cultural identity Effective Classroom Practice monitored, demonstrating growth. to be at or above the lower bound system-negotiated • Teachers routinely review learning with each student Network target of 57%. Improve effective classroom practice through a focus on both in class and on work submitted, ensuring all explicit teaching practice, high expectations, formative students have a clear understanding of how to Target year: 2022 assessment, progressions and feedback. improve. Student feedback is elicited by teachers and informs their teaching. Student errors and As measured against the SEF in the Learning Domain • Formative assessment to monitor student learning to misunderstandings are explicitly addressed until "Learning Culture" there will be an improvement from provide ongoing feedback that can be used by teachers and students are confident that mastery is Delivering to Sustaining and Growing. teachers to improve their teaching and by students to demonstrated. improve their learning. More specifically, formative Target year: 2024 assessments: to assist students identify their • All teachers clearly explain to students why they are Page 6 of 11 Lithgow High School (8125) -2021-2024 Printed on: 12 November, 2021
Strategic Direction 2: Quality Teaching -Quality Learning Improvement measures Initiatives Success criteria for this strategic direction strengths and weaknesses and target areas that learning something, how it connects to what they As measured against the SEF in the Learning Domain need work. already know, what they are expected to do, how to "Wellbeing" -Excelling • Know the students (personal, human-emotional do it and what it looks like when they have connection; encourage colleagues to make their succeeded. Students are given opportunities and Target year: 2022 time to check their understanding, ask questions and work personal; make our work about real students; know the students) receive clear, effective feedback about aspects of As measured against the SEF in the Learning Domain performance. "Assessment" there will be an improvement from • Plan for them (align teaching strategies, specify Delivering to Sustaining and Growing. strategies required for improvement • Ensure everyone knows they are responsible or Evaluation plan for this strategic direction Target year: 2023 "own' all students (all are our students, promote accountability) The evaluation plan will involve: Increase in confidence of Staff in use of ALARM through further training and faculty development • Assess progress widely and for individuals • Regular review of these data sources to provide (understand if the processes are having an impact) clarity around whether we are on track for achieving • Embed the use of Progressions for goal setting the intended improvement measures. leading to changes to explicit teaching practice, and • Regular professional discussion around the School the use of PLAN 2 as a common tool to support the Excellence Framework elements and themes use of learning progressions. • Executive team and whole staff reflective sessions. • Establish collaborative support for teacher performance development, cross-faculty Questions: What have we been focused on? What have collaborations and evidence-based programs and we been doing? How well have we been doing? lessons. • Develop quality teaching professional learning and Data: implementation. • Student referral data • Analyse NAPLAN, HSC and minimum standard data to identify target areas. • PBL data • Review and improve the use of formative data • Suspension Data sources, monitoring and reflecting on teaching • Suspension Resolution Qualitative Data effectiveness. • Student Exit Slips • Vivo Points • Positive Acknowledgements Analysis: Analysis will be embedded within the initiatives through progress and implementation monitoring. We will review progress towards the improvement measures annually. Implications: The findings of the analysis will inform: • Future actions and strategies • Annual reporting on the school progress measures - Page 7 of 11 Lithgow High School (8125) -2021-2024 Printed on: 12 November, 2021
Strategic Direction 2: Quality Teaching -Quality Learning Evaluation plan for this strategic direction published in the Annual School Report and regularly reported throughout the school year on varied social media platforms including Facebook, newsletter and website. Page 8 of 11 Lithgow High School (8125) -2021-2024 Printed on: 12 November, 2021
Strategic Direction 3: Leadership Purpose Initiatives Success criteria for this strategic direction School leaders ensure structures and processes are in • Professional learning is aligned with the school plan, place, including allocation of time, to support professional Instructional Leadership and its impact on the quality of teaching and student learning that responds to the identified needs of students learning outcomes is evaluated. and teachers. They also collect and use evidence to The leadership team maintains a focus on distributed • There are explicit systems for collaboration and inform and measure the impact of professional learning at instructional leadership to sustain a culture of effective, feedback to sustain quality teaching practice. a whole-school level to drive deeper and stronger practice evidence-based teaching and ongoing improvement so over time. that every student makes measurable learning progress • The executive team lead the focus on continuous and gaps in student achievement decrease. improvement in teaching and learning. The Dynamic, confident leaders and school leadership teams leadership team uses data to evaluate the value the input of all members of the broader school Leaders hold themselves accountable for collaborative effectiveness of management processes, and community. effort, sharing leadership and developing and empowering creates a culture of shared accountability to achieve teachers. They also continuously build their own organisational best practice. Student voice acknowledges that students have unique leadership capabilities. This accountability applies to • There is a high expectations culture with a focus on perspectives on learning, teaching, and schooling, and leadership within the classroom, as well as in the broader student progress and achievement and high quality should have the opportunity to actively shape their own school community. professional practice. education. We will achieve this through: • Systems and structures exist to monitor and track Student voice involves students actively participating in curriculum, assessment, reporting in addition to the their schools, communities and the education system, • Building and sustaining a school vision measure of impact of the plan towards its intended contributing to decision making processes and collectively strategic directions. • Sharing leadership influencing outcomes by putting forward their views, • The leadership team measures school community concerns and ideas. • Leading a learning community (parent and student) satisfaction and shares its • Using data to make instructional decisions analysis and actions in response to the findings with Improvement measures • Monitoring curriculum and instruction its community. • professional learning and inquiry aligned to system, • Students are actively connected to their learning Target year: 2022 through meaningful, engaging and rewarding school and individual performance and development goals. personalised learning experiences. As measured against the SEF in the Leading Domain "Educational Leadership" there will be an improvement • supporting teachers and leaders to deepen their from Working Towards Delivering to Sustaining and practice by focusing on sustained evidence-informed Growing. Evaluation plan for this strategic direction approaches. • Take opportunities to gain expertise that will inform The evaluation plan will involve: Target year: 2022 teaching practices, for example HSC marking. • Regular review of these data sources to provide As measured against the SEF in the Teaching Domain • Actively participate in professional networks and clarity around whether we are on track for achieving "Professional Standards" there will be an improvement professional learning groups that focus on the intended improvement measures. from Working Towards Delivering to Sustaining and continuous student improvement and share any Growing. professional learning within and across schools. • Regular professional discussion around the School Excellence Framework elements and themes • focusing on promoting deep student learning, Target year: 2022 • Executive team and whole staff reflective sessions. professional inquiry, trusting relationships and seeking evidence in action. As measured against the SEF in the Leading Domain Questions: Does our Professional learning meet student "School Planning, Implementation and Reporting " there Student engagement, student voice and student needs, as identified through analysis of current system, will be an improvement from Working Towards Delivering advocacy school and classroom data about progress and Page 9 of 11 Lithgow High School (8125) -2021-2024 Printed on: 12 November, 2021
Strategic Direction 3: Leadership Improvement measures Initiatives Evaluation plan for this strategic direction to Sustaining and Growing. achievement.? We will build on the excellent foundational structures of Target year: 2022 student representation and leadership to a position where To what extent do our PDP goals align to student needs? students actively participate in decision-making at school Increased the percentage of students attending school on things which shape their educational experiences. Has there been a sustained focus on evidence-based more than 90% of the time by 6.7% to achieve the lower practice? How do we know? bound target of 55.3% Student voice is more than just students 'having a say' and 'being heard'. Lithgow HS will value the perspectives • How might we improve the way in which we critically and opinions of students and act on them in a way that connect educational research and our school context genuinely shapes learning and decision-making at the to the educational outcomes we are seeking to school. improve? • How might we lead a learning culture which creates There is strong evidence that students become more a sustained and systemic collaborative culture to engaged in learning when they have opportunities to: support student and teacher learning? • exercise agency in their own learning • How can we develop our capability to use a wide range of measures to evidence the impact of our • contribute to the communities in which they learn educational leadership? • improve the learning program for themselves and their peers • How might we enhance our capability to motivate staff to engage with a change process? • enhance cultural awareness and understanding • What strategies could we consider to strengthen our 'Schools that focus on giving children and young people self-awareness capabilities to lead to improvements voice, being active learners and developing strong for teacher and student learning? character qualities that will enable them to succeed, thrive • How might we refine our core beliefs about the and contribute positively throughout life' (School impact we want to have on student and teacher Excellence Framework, p.4). learning as educational leaders? We will achieve this through: Data: • Reviewing existing processes to capture school and SWOT against the Australian Professional Standards for community views and understandings of student Teachers voice, agency and leadership • Identifying trends and correlations between different Feedback and Evaluation on Professional Learning data sets to identify persisting or emerging issues in student engagement and the use of student voice, Analysis: Analysis will be embedded within the initiatives agency and leadership through progress and implementation monitoring. LHS will review progress towards the improvement measures • Involving students in the discussion and enable them annually. to contribute their unique perspectives on learning, teaching and schooling. Implications: The findings of the analysis will inform: • ensuring the voices of particular student cohorts are heard through support from a student representative • Next Steps group • Future actions and strategies • empowering a student action team to undertake a Page 10 of 11 Lithgow High School (8125) -2021-2024 Printed on: 12 November, 2021
Strategic Direction 3: Leadership Initiatives Evaluation plan for this strategic direction short-term community-based project on behalf of the Questions: To what extent have we achieved our school purpose? • convene a diverse student representative team that participates in various aspects of school review. How have students been included in the opportunities to design learning experiences? Have we been authentic in our focus on student agency,voice and engagement? Data: • Wellbeing Framework Self Assessment Tool • Student Surveys • Exit slips • Meeting minutes- SRC and Leadership Team • Tell Them From Me Surveys • PBL • Focus Groups • Parent Surveys Analysis: Analysis will be embedded within the initiatives through progress and implementation monitoring. LHS will review progress towards the improvement measures annually. Implications: The findings of the analysis will inform: • Next Steps • Future actions and strategies Page 11 of 11 Lithgow High School (8125) -2021-2024 Printed on: 12 November, 2021
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