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AN EMPLOYERS GUIDE TO STUDENT WORKPLACE LEARNING Contents Thank you for your interest and involvement Sect io n 1. Ab o ut Wo r kp lace Lear n in g 2 in our workplace learning program. As an Sect io n 2. Ho w Wo r kp lace Lear n in g Wo r ks 3 employer who can provide quality workplace Sect io n 3. Legal Req uir em en t s an d Pap er w o r k 5 learning, you will be helping students to gain Sect io n 3a. Accid en t s an d Em er gen cies 5 valuable practical experience which will Sect io n 4. Pr o vid in g a Saf e Wo r kp lace 6 assist them in their school courses and help ready them for work. Sect io n 5. A Ch ecklist f o r Em p lo yer s 8 Sect io n 6. Im p o r t an t Co n t act s 9 1 An employers guide to workplace learning
1 ABOUT WORKPLACE LEARNING • Employers supervise the students as they This guide introduces you and your staff to the practise and extend the specific industry skills concepts of workplace learning. It explains the they have learned in their course work. workplace learning programs and the • During their work placement, students work procedures and responsibilities when hosting towards gaining specific industry competencies. students in your workplace. It also includes a • Students achieving competency receive an handy checklist for employers, both large and industry-specific VET qualification that is small, to help guide you through the workplace recognised throughout Australia. learning process. Work placement is a compulsory HSC What is workplace learning? requirement for the following Framework Workplace learning programs form part of the courses: NSW secondary school curriculum. They • Automotive enable students to spend time in the workplace, • Business Services gaining practical experience, assisting their • Construction career choices and building their industry skills. • Electrotechnology Workplace learning is available to students in • Entertainment Industry Years 10,11 and 12. Students are generally • Financial Services placed in an industry of their choice or study • Hospitality requirements, reflecting the type of work they • Human Services plan to do after completing their studies. For • Information Digital Technology some students workplace learning is their first • Metal and Engineering experience of the workplace. • Primary Industries • Retail Services What kinds of workplace learning are • Tourism and Events there? NSW secondary schools offer two main types of It is school policy and subject required to be workplace learning − work experience and completed for Board Endorsed Courses: mandatory workplacement for HSC vocational Sports Coaching education and training (VET) courses. Furniture Making Hairdressing Work Experience These programs are usually undertaken by Workplace learning assists students to: students in Years 10 or 11. Work experience • observe a variety of work being done provides a general introduction to the ‘world of • undertake supervised work appropriate to their work’. Work experience can assist the social skill level and vocational development of students and • gain general skills related to being at work enable students to test tentative career choices • learn how enterprises work and how to be against the realities of the workplace. enterprising in a business and community • complete course assignments relevant to the HSC VET Work Placement industry or workplace • Work Placement Courses are accredited by: • find out about training and employment industry, the Australian Skills Quality Authority opportunities (ASQA) and the Board of Studies of NSW. • fine-tune their career aspirations and career • Work placement is a compulsory component and transition planning. for students enrolled in Higher School • apply classroom learning in the workplace Certificate (HSC) industry-recognised courses. • develop confidence in their skills • These vocational education and training (VET) courses may be delivered by the school, a Benefits for employers TAFE NSW institute or a private training Host employers have the opportunity to: provide. • participate in the education, career • Work placement ensures that these students development and vocational training of young spend a period of time as voluntary workers in a people in your community relevant workplace. • promote the attitudes and skills you want in your workforce
• identify and train young people with potential by undertaking a placement during the school for your industry or business holidays. Conditions apply. Restrictions apply to • strengthen your links with the community and younger students in work experience programs. raise your business profile Students in Years 10 cannot undertake • increase the supervisory, training and workplace learning during school holidays. mentoring skills of your staff Students under 15 years age cannot work • give students the knowledge of the value of before 7am or after 6pm. work and raise the quality of those coming into your industry or business What is the general procedure 2 HOW WORKPLACE for a placement? LEARNING WORKS before the placement Who organises work placements? Ho st em p lo yer s r eceive w o r kp lace lear n in g g u id elin es. Schools will generally arrange their own Wo r kp lace p o sit io n s ar e n eg o t iat ed w it h workplace learning programs working with em p lo yer s an d sub m it t ed t o t h e sch o o l f o r ap p r o val. private providers involved in the delivery of coursework. Employers may be approached by the student, school, TAFE, third party or private provider to host students in their workplace. For HSC VET work placements, the approach often St u d en t s ar e m at ch ed t o a p o sit io n comes from a Work Placement Service b ased o n t h eir co u r se w o r k an d /o r Provider who is funded to negotiate and car eer p lan n in g . Th eir p ar en t s o r car er s coordinate these mandatory placements. In the sig n o f f o n t h e ar r an g em en t s. case of work experience, students may make Teach er s co n d u ct act ivit ies t o p r ep ar e their own approach to an employer for a st u d en t s f o r t h e exp er ien ce. workplace position and then submit the position to their school for approval Work placement service providers Service Providers during the placement These local organisations are funded to St u d en t s at t en d t h e w o r kp lace ever y coordinate HSC VET work placements, liaising d ay o f between schools, TAFE NSW institutes, private t h e p r o g r am d et er m in ed b y t h e co n t r act . providers and employers. You will find they Ho st em p lo yer s o r n o m in at ed w o r kp lace have considerable expertise and resources to su p er viso r s su p er vise t h e st u d en t s in help you provide quality work placements for t he HSC VET students. w o r kp lace, p r o vid in g t asks t h at ar e You are welcome to contact them directly: ap p r o p r iat e Please go to an d at t im es, ch allen g in g f o r t h e for their contact details. st u d en t . Teach er s m ake a su p er viso r y visit o r The Diocese currently has agreements with – p h o n e call t o t h e em p lo yer an d t h e Youth Express for the Upper Hunter and st u d en t t o ch eck o n t h eir p r o g r ess an d w elf ar e. Wh er e r elevan t , st u d en t s ar e Maitland area schools 49537099 assessed f o r in d ust r y -b ased Career Links for Newcastle region schools co m p et en cies. 49312723 When can workplace learning occur? after the placement St u d en t s r eco r d t h eir exp er ien ces an d Workplace learning is usually scheduled on r eview t h eir car eer p r ef er en ces an d t r ain in g weekdays during school or TAFE terms. This p at h w ays. can be varied for individual students in Years Ho st em p lo yer s r ep o r t o n t h e st u d en t ’s 11 and 12 with the approval of their school or p er f o r m an ce in t h e w o r kp lace. TAFE. A student may wish to extend their skills Teach er s im m ed iat ely f o llo w u p w it h t h e st u d en t s t o en su r e m axim u m b en ef it .
Who has duty of care? The school maintains a duty of care to students undertaking workplace learning. Schools are responsible for deciding if placements are suitable, preparing students for workplace learning, monitoring the student’s progress and welfare during the placement and following up with them immediately afterwards. It is the responsibility of the host employer to provide a safe workplace environment and appropriate supervision for the student. Parents and carers Are students paid for workplacement? are required to nominate emergency contact for Students are voluntary workers and should not any emergencies that occur outside normal be paid. If you decide to pay the student, this business hours. will change your relationship to that of employer/employee and may invalidate the Working Together: the workplace insurance and indemnity arrangements. learning partnership The one exception is where the student uses their part-time employment as part of their Workplace learning programs are a partnership mandatory HSC VET work placement between educators, employers, students and requirement. In this case, the student is not a their parents or carers. We seek the input and voluntary worker and the insurance approval of all parties in the arrangement of arrangements of the employer apply to the placements, with every party agreeing to certain student. This arrangement must be negotiated roles and responsibilities. Central to this with the employer and approved by the school. process is the Student Placement Record, a form that records contacts, arrangements and Who do I contact if there is a problem? approvals relating to the student’s placement. If you have any concerns or difficulties during Once everyone has completed their section of the placement regarding the student or other the form, copies are held by the school, host matters, please contact the school as employer, student and the parent or carer. indicated on the Student Work Placement The Student Placement Record also records Record that you will receive before the information regarding any disability, medical placement. condition, allergy or restriction that may affect the safety and supervision of the student in the Contact should be made as soon as possible so workplace. It will indicate if employers need that solutions can be found quickly. to make adjustments to accommodate a student’s additional support needs or Useful tips from employers disability. Engage the student straight away as Is there a cost involved? the first hour can set the tone for the week. NO! There is no financial outlay involved in having a student on placement but it is Chat with the student about their acknowledged that there is an indirect cost in current school work so you can set the terms of the time involved in implementing the work at the right skill level for them. program and training the student. Consider hosting students in pairs to give them buddy support to solve problems and get the work done. Busy students tend to be happier and learn more, having a reserve list of jobs helps with this. Debrief with your student at the end of each day and plan the next day’s work.
3 Legal Requirements and No, as long as you follow the requirements in this guide, you will not need to change your Paperwork insurance or WorkCover arrangements when taking on a student under a workplace learning program. You are expected to have current Do I have to sign any documents? public liability coverage as is standard business Yes. Each student is issued with a Student practice. If you are a private provider arranging Placement Record to document the workplace learning activities for students within arrangements for their placement. This your own organisation, your company’s own important form allows for information to be insurance and indemnity arrangements will shared and approved by all parties − the apply. student, their parent/carer, the host employer and the school or relevant TAFE or private Can I claim compensation for damaged provider. As an employer, you will be asked to record property? your workplace details, the student’s working hours, arrangements for their supervision, the The NSW Catholic schools can compensate activities they will undertake during their employers participating in approved workplace placement, any pre-training required and the learning programs for damage to their property, measures you are taking to enable them to do the property of employees or property in the the work safely. employer’s physical or legal control provided The student’s educational institution must then that: approve the placement as described. Parents • any claim for compensation is immediately and students must also provide their consent, notified to the relevant school or institute emergency contacts and details of any disability • the employer cooperates fully with the Catholic Education Commission and the CEC’s or additional support needs the child may have. In the case of mandatory HSC VET work legal representatives in investigation of the placements, Work Placement Service claim Providers help streamline this process for you. • the damage does not stem from a lack of supervision or instruction by the employer Are there any other conditions? As students are not employees, Workers’ Compensation does not apply. • Participating students must be aged 14 years or over. 3a. What to do if an accident or • Students under 15 years cannot work before 7am or after 6pm. emergency occurs involving the student • No student can be directed to carry out any task that is not safe. • Seek medical help immediately, using the • Employers and employees are to respect the student’s Medicare number as provided on the rights of students to a safe and healthy host Student Placement Record. workplace, free from harassment, discrimination Do not treat this as a workers’ compensation and any conduct that is unacceptable in terms claim. of child protection. • During normal business hours, contact the school, TAFE or private provider (and the What about insurance? parents or carers depending on the seriousness of the injury). Insurance and indemnity requirements are • Outside normal business hours, contact the arranged for NSW Catholic schools. A copy of student’s parents or carers or their nominated the policy and the currency certificate are emergency contact. attached to the back of this booklet. • Ask the doctor attending for a medical certificate. • Complete a written report of the accident and Will my business need to change its forward it to the school or relevant provider. The insurance arrangements? report must include a full statement from the All claims for damage should be referred to student, the supervisor and relevant witnesses. the school or relevant provider.
4 Providing a Safe Workplace • any special clothing required by the student eg. enclosed footwear • any steps you will take or adjustments you will How can I make my place safe for make to support students with a disability or students? other additional needs as described on their Student Placement Record Before any placement can be approved, • awareness of your responsibilities under child employers needs to satisfy the school, TAFE protection legislation. NSW Institute or private provider that they can provide a safe and healthy host workplace for What are my responsibilities regarding students, the supervision of students? compliant with the NSW Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and anti-discrimination Employers are expected to act in accordance legislation. with workplace responsibilities as set out for all You will be asked to provide information on the employees and members of the public. That is, Student Placement Record. responsibilities that flow from legislation such It is also expected that employers will give as Workplace Health & Safety, Child Protection, students a site-specific Workplace Health & Privacy, Equal Employment Opportunity and Safety briefing at the commencement of, or Anti-Discrimination Legislation. prior to, the workplace learning program. During the placement you need to Are any activities prohibited for provide: workplace learning students? • activities and skill development tasks appropriate to the student’s skill level Yes. Some activities are completely prohibited • ongoing instruction and supervision by a e.g. working on a roof, while others have capable and trustworthy employee briefed for conditions attached. There are restrictions the task on the operation of machinery and equipment, • a workplace induction for students at the the service of alcohol, work on construction beginning of the placement, including relevant sites and adventure or sporting activities in safety matters industries like tourism. Students are not allowed • any personal protective equipment (PPE) to undertake activities requiring a license (e.g. a required and training in its correct use. driver’s licence), permit or certificate of Likewise, the students are expected to competence unless they already hold the comply with the employer’s workplace relevant license, certificate or permit. Even safety requirements and procedures. They then, the activity must relate directly to the are not to act in any way that could jeopardise learning activities of the placement. Employers the safety of themselves or others. must list these activities on the Student Placement Record prior to approval. Students must: Some higher risk industries such as • Participate in orientation and any pre training construction require the students to undertake or induction identified. training prior to their work placement. For • Use safety equipment and protective gear example, all students must complete the WH&S where relevant. Construction Induction training as a prerequisite • Follow safety rules and procedures. to placement. • Report any risks or hazards immediately. A limited range of work involving animals is • Understand and follow emergency available. The school, TAFE or a Work procedures. Placement Service Provider can also advise you if you have any further queries. Employers must be aware that complaints of You will need to indicate upfront: harassment or abuse of student in the • areas of possible risk in the student’s tasks workplace will require investigation and and your strategies to eliminate or minimise the possible notification according to risk Part 3a NSW Ombudsman’s Act 1974 and • any pre-training or induction required by the Section 39 Commission for Children and student to undertake certain tasks Young People Act 1998. • your supervision arrangements for the student
Child Protection In accordance with privacy requirements, it is expected that employers will: Working with children and young people is very rewarding. However, to ensure the safety and • keep all personal student information secure welfare of young people in your workplace, you and confidential, particularly any health and your staff must comply with a few simple information. rules. It is your responsibility as the employer • ensure that information regarding the student to ensure that your staff know how to conduct is used only for the purpose of the workplace themselves appropriately with children and learning program. young people. They must avoid any conduct • dispose of all student details once the that could make a young person feel workplace learning program is completed threatened or coerced. This could include • provide student access to any student records initiation of activities or horseplay involving the held by the employer, including the supervisor’s report. student; physical or verbal abuse; physical assault; inappropriate conversations, remarks This legislation applies to the information or jokes of a sexual nature; the showing of collected about students by the school and sexually suggestive publications, electronic passed on to employers, regardless of whether media or illustrations and any unwarranted or not it directly applies to your organisation. and/or inappropriate touching or personal Similarly, all information provided by the host communication with students regarding their employer to the school or the Business sexual feelings. As an employer, you will be asked to indicate on the Student Placement Education Partnership will be used only for the Record that, to your knowledge, there is purpose of the workplacement or work nothing in the background of any staff member experience program. or person in close contact with the student that would make them unsuitable for working with children. Host employers must report any allegations against an employee in the area of child protection to the Principal of the school or the relevant TAFE NSW Institute Manager. Child protection legislation requires that allegations about employee conduct be reported to the NSW Ombudsman. Allegations involving abuse, harm or risk of significant harm to the student must also be reported to the Department of Community Service and in some cases, to the NSW Police - your Do I need to consider any Industrial Responsibilities Relations issues? Certain conditions that have been negotiated Privacy with the ACTU need to be taken into consideration. Three important conditions are The Commonwealth Privacy Amendment that: (Private Sector) Act 2000 regulates the • the hours of placement that a student does in collection and storage of personal and sensitive your workplace should be in accordance with information that may be held by organisations. the award for your industry In order to meet duty of care responsibilities • the student should not replace a paid and to facilitate the design of suitable workplace employee (including employees who are on learning experiences, employers are provided paid annual leave or sick leave) or reduce the with relevant information regarding students hours which a paid employee would otherwise who are on workplacement or work experience. be paid to work This may include name, address, age, • the student should not be used to replace emergency contact details and possibly employees engaged in industrial disputes sensitive health information.
5 A Checklist for Employers BEFORE Complete the employer section of the Student Placement Record (see Sections 3 and 4 of this • Decide when it is convenient for you to host guide) and return it to the relevant school, students for work experience or HSC VET work TAFE or private provider. placement • Decide the duration of the placements and DURING - how/when students should apply • Appoint an experienced staff member to Ensure that the student completes a first day coordinate your workplace learning programs induction and orientation tour. for students • Consult with staff to draw up a list of activities The student’s induction should include: that can be achieved and safely managed by a welcome and introduction to supervisors students. and co-workers a brief overview of your business, product, These activities should: mission and values offer insight into the industry and workplace an outline of the student’s planned activities be varied, safe, interesting and sometimes and supervision arrangements challenging expectations of behaviour, attitude and dress not contravene the prohibited activities clarification of working hours, breaks and indicated in Section 5 of this guide other workplace routines include tasks and skills appropriate to the a tour of facilities including the student’s work student’s coursework requirements (eg. VET area/desk, toilets, change rooms, exits, food course competencies). For HSC work outlets etc. placements, an explanation of safety - its importance, see Suggested Student Activities in the relevant reasons and procedures student journal at first aid and evacuation plans and other emergency drills Appoint supervisory staff for each student: a brief outline of policies on bullying, Supervisors harassment and discrimination Other employees able to help procedures for lateness or absence rules regarding confidentiality and the use of Supervisory staff should be capable and PCs, the internet etc. trustworthy with good communication and delegation skills. They should be briefed for the task and given sufficient time to instruct and Students should be given the opportunity to monitor the student and provide feedback. We ask questions about the workplace and told also advise you appoint a separate workplace who they can go to for advice or help. advisor or mentor to provide the students with Ensure that the student is sufficiently general support and advice. challenged and supervised in the workplace. Prepare your staff by ensuring they: understand the purpose of the workplace learning activity are aware of the responsibilities of working with young people, including child protection guidelines do not use the students in place of regular paid employees receive a timetable of proposed student activities and arrangements for their supervision and induction
Your supervisors will need to ensure that the student: undertakes varied activities appropriate to Employers section their skill level and workplace learning requirements Work Placement Made Easy! with easy to does not undertake any prohibited activities follow materials developed by an experienced as indicated in Section 5 of this guide employer for fellow employers hosting HSC does not undertake any activity requiring a VET Also, suggested student activities for HSC license, permit or certificate of competence work placements unless they already have the relevant qualification and the activity has been approved by all parties before the placement In Working Order, an injury prevention and is given appropriate feedback and workplace safety toolkit for educators, encouragement employers, supervisors and parents of young has sufficient time to complete diaries, work workers placement journals or research projects provided by their school, TAFE or private n2012/youngworkers/Pages/default.aspx provider |1 For Information on supporting young workers in your workplace AFTER - providing feedback on the in the workplace /index.php Before the placement ends, please: complete the student report or evaluation form supplied by the school, TAFE or private provider ensure that any property or identification cards on loan have been returned take time to provide the student with helpful feedback and encouragement. 6. Important Contacts Thank you for taking time to read the information in this guide. We hope that you feel confident and well-prepared to support a young person as they take up these valuable Procedures for Workplace learning programs workplace learning opportunities. If you have within the Diocese of Maitland – Newcastle, are any queries, please get in touch with one of the in line with and referenced from the following: Department of Education and Communities. • for HSC VET work placements, your Work Placement Service Provider • the VET coordinator, careers adviser, or school-to-work coordinator at the student’s school • the HSC VET coordinator for school or HSC students at the relevant TAFE • the TVET consultant at the relevant TAFE • the vocational education officer at the Catholic Schools office
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