C.W. Stanford Middle School Family Handbook Home of the Chargers 2018-2019 - C. W. Stanford Middle School 308 Orange High School Road ...

Page created by Michael Casey
C.W. Stanford Middle School Family Handbook Home of the Chargers 2018-2019 - C. W. Stanford Middle School 308 Orange High School Road ...
C.W. Stanford Middle School
     Family Handbook
   Home of the Chargers

       C. W. Stanford Middle School
      308 Orange High School Road
          Hillsborough, NC 27278
           Phone (919) 732-6121
            Fax (919) 732-6910
C.W. Stanford Middle School Family Handbook Home of the Chargers 2018-2019 - C. W. Stanford Middle School 308 Orange High School Road ...

C. W. Stanford Middle School will work as a collaborative community to promote academic growth through
challenging and engaging instruction so that all students become and remain successful, productive citizens
in a global society.

   We envision a collaborative culture with a common purpose and clear goals in a professional learning
              community committed to the success of all the students. We will continually

   ❖ Identify essential skills and concepts students must learn, determine levels of mastery, and evaluate
     progress through formative/summative assessments.
   ❖ Seek and implement research-based strategies for improving learning.
   ❖ Celebrate student and staff achievements.
   ❖ Create a safe, nurturing, equitable learning environment that is respected and valued by the
     students, staff, parents and community.


Our policies at C.W. Stanford Middle School involve providing a challenging & successful program for all
students that includes:

                  ❖   Academic Excellence;
                  ❖   Responsiveness to Student Needs;
                  ❖   Social and Instructional Equality;
                  ❖   A productive organization, structure and governance; and
                  ❖   Parent and Community involvement.
Principal:                              Leslie Armistad Bryant

Assistant Principals:                   Quanda Turner and Ron Roche

On Site Law Enforcement (SRO):          Deputy McVey

Counselors:                              Hope Carr and Sallie Wintz
Social Worker                    Callie McBroom

School Nurse:                    Penny Rosser

AIG Specialist:                  Lois Pipkin and Daniel Thayer
Exceptional Children Chair:              Mary Quick
504 Coordinator:                         Hope Carr

Office Personnel:                       Kelly Riley - School Secretary
                                        Pricilla Morrow - Data Manager
                                        Donna Doyle - Bookkeeper

Office Hours:                           7:30-4:30 pm
School Hours:                    8:20-3:35 pm

Athletic Director:                      Caty Everhart

Cafeteria Manager:                      Georgette Lewis

All parents are welcome and encouraged to visit CW Stanford and there are many opportunities to volunteer. All visitors
must first report to the office, sign in on the visitors’ computer station and receive a visitor’s badge. For safety, parents
and visitors should always come to the front desk.

Volunteers are considered a vital and necessary part of our instructional program. ​Individuals must complete a
background check every school year, prior to volunteering. Those who would like to volunteer and/or chaperone a
field trip must complete the background check two week prior to the event. Cell phone usage should be kept to a
minimum while in the building. Talking on a cell phone can be disruptive to the learning environment since we do not
have doors on most of our classrooms. ​Background checks can be accessed via computer at any OCS site.

        ➢ The PTSA Subcommittees, Fundraising, Dances. All PTSA Meetings are held in the Media Center.
          Please contact Anna Linvill, President, annalinvill@gmail.com should you have any questions.

        ➢ The Athletic Booster Club needs parents to assist in all aspects of CWS Athletics. Contact Coach
          Everhart at ​Caty.Everhart@orange.k12.nc.us​ or 919-732-6121 ext. 30090 for further information.

        ➢ Parents are needed to assist in the Media Center. Please contact Media Coordinator, Lee Roane at
          lee.roane@orange.k12.nc.us​ or 919-732-6121 ext. 30080.

        ➢ Math AVID tutors are needed to assist AVID students. Contact Shannon Dixon at
          shannon.dixon@orange.k12.nc.us​ or 919-732-6121 ext. 30904 for further information.

        ➢ 6th grade Character Ed and Mentor volunteers need to contact Ms Hope Carr for additional

                   Online registration is required for anyone who is interested in volunteering.
                              The form can be accessed at any Orange County site.
Guidelines & Procedures

Arrival and Departure Procedures
  ➢ We want our students to have the best opportunity to learn with minimal
    disruptions.during the school. ​Late arrivals and early checkouts are disruptive to
    student learning and cause students to miss instruction and meaningful learning
    experiences. ​Please have your child here on time.

  ➢ School begins at 8:20 a.m. and ends at 3:35 p.m. Beginning at 7:25, car riders can be
    dropped off at the front entrance. Adult supervision is available at ​7:30​ a.m. in the
    school gym.

  ➢ Students arriving after 8:20 am ​MUST​ ​sign in at the Main Office and are considered

  ➢ Any student signed out before 3:35 p.m. must be signed out in the Main Office by a
    parent or guardian. Students will not be released to non-custodial parents or guardians
    without prior ​written approval.

  ➢ Students cannot be checked out after 3:00.

  ➢ Afternoon car riders must be picked up at the front of the building between 3:35 p.m.
    and 3:55 p.m.

  ➢ Early arrivers to the afternoon car rider lot ​MUST​ not allow children to walk around or
    play on school property.

  ➢ Visitor parking spaces are located in the front.

  ➢ Students who walk to their home in the adjoining neighborhood or houses, should have
    written permission from a parent/guardian kept on file in the front office.
  ➢ Students must attend school for a minimum of 3 hours and 37 min. to obtain full attendance credit. Any student
    checked out prior to 12:00 pm, that does not return to school in the same day, will be counted absent. Students
    who are present less than this will be counted absent for the entire school day.

  ➢ When your child returns to school after being absent, you must send a written excuse or an email to the
    teacher that includes you child’s name, date of absence, reason for absence and your signature.

  ➢ Family vacations should be planned during scheduled breaks. ​Family vacations or other planned activities will
    be considered unexcused absences.

  ➢ An absence is excused for the following reasons:
     ● Illness or injuries which make the​ ​student physically unable to attend school
     ● Isolation ordered by the State Board of Health or the Orange County Health Department
     ● Death in the immediate family
     ● Medical, dental or other appointment with a health care provider
     ● Court when a student is under subpoena
     ● Religious observance, as suggested by the religion of the student or the student’s parents
     ● Participation in a valid educational opportunity

  ➢ Excused absences from educational reasons ​will be granted ​only in (1) the primary purpose of the trip is
    educational and (2) the event does not occur at another time (e.g: launching of space shuttle, presidential
    inauguration etc.) Parents must contact the Principal prior to the event, who will determine if the event is
    considered an educational opportunity. These requests must be made at least one week in advance.

  ➢ Letters will be mailed to parents of students who accumulate excessive absences or who are regularly late to
    school throughout the entire school year. This is done in an effort to keep parents informed.
      ● Three (3) unexcused absences: notification of the student’s excessive absences.
      ● More than six (6) unexcused absences: notification that parent/guardian may be in violation of the
          Compulsory Attendance Law and may be prosecuted if established attendance policies of the State and
          Orange County School System. Following this notification, a school system employee may request that a
          law enforcement officer accompany her/him on a home visit.
      ● After ten (10) accumulated unexcused absences: the parent/guardian is requested to meet with the
          Principal who will determine whether the parent/guardian has made a good faith effort to comply with
          the law regarding compulsory attendance. In not the district attorney will be notified and a complaint will
          be filed.

  ➢ If parents are aware that a child will miss several days of school, they should notify the teacher so that adequate
    plans can be make for the child.
Bus Transportation Procedures
➢ Students must bring a ​signed parent/guardian note​ requesting to ride another bus. This should be brought
   to the Main Office ​before 12:00 p.m.​ and given to the secretary for verification and administrative

➢ The bus driver is responsible for the safety and security of student riders. Safety rules are posted on every
   bus. If a bus rule is broken, then the driver will write a Bus Misconduct Report and submit it to a school
   administrator. Bus misconduct may result in disciplinary action and or loss of riding privileges.

➢ Contact Quanda Turner for bus issues or questions

Medication Procedures
➢ When occasional medication must be taken at school, it must be in the original container with the
  doctor’s directions for dispensing clearly printed.

➢ No medications, over-the-counter or prescription, will be dispensed at school without written doctor’s

➢ All medications must be brought directly to the office to be placed in the secure location in the nurse’s
  office. No medications are to be kept by the student or remain in classrooms.

➢ If you have any questions, please contact the school nurse, Penny Rosser, at ext. 30065.

➢ Please ​DO NOT SEND​ flowers, balloons, etc. to the school for delivery to your child. This is a disruption to
  the school day and cannot be taken home on a school bus. C.W. Stanford Middle School will not accept
  any deliveries of this kind.

➢ Please ​DO NOT DELIVER​ or have delivered outside food (Pizza Hut, Bojangles, etc.). This is also a
  disruption to the school day. Outside food will not be delivered to student Lunch boxes and lunch money
  can be dropped off with the School Secretary to be delivered to the student during the appropriate time.

➢ Students may pay the cashier each day or may pre-pay for a week or a month at a time. For those who
    would like to prepay a link is provided on the OCS website.

➢ The school will provide a sandwich, piece of fruit, and milk for a student who has forgotten to bring
    money. The cafeteria must be reimbursed the next day.

➢ We encourage parents not to check students out for lunch. This disrupts the consistency of an
    instructional day.

➢ Please do not bring food from any outside source (Bojangles, Dominoes, etc.) to be
   delivered. ​This causes unneeded disruption.

➢ Free and Reduced Meal Applications must be completed and returned to school during the first week of

 ➢ Beverage containers must be non-breakable and have a sealable lid. ​Glass bottles are not allowed​ in the

                Breakfast Fees                                      ​Lunch Fees
                Regular $1.40                                       Regular     $2.95
                Reduced       .30                                   Reduced        .40
                Adult-A la Carte                                    Adult-A la Carte

Emergency Contact information
Accurate information on how to reach parents and the name and telephone number of at least two or three other
people who may accept responsibility for your child if we are unable to reach you in case of an emergency is crucial. In
the event there is a change to your address, emergency contact information, home phone, cell phone or work phone
number, please contact the front office. It is important the office has current information should be need to contact you
during the school day. Contact Pricilla Morrow to update information

Parent/Teacher Contact
 ➢ Regular communication between home and school is crucial

 ➢ If you wish to talk with your child’s teacher at any time, please contact the teacher(s). If you have
     questions about a classroom issue, ​please talk with ​your child’s teacher(s) first​. If you have further
     concerns, feel free to contact administration.

 ➢ Parents may check student grades via ​Power School​. A link is provided on our school website. Contact
   Pricilla Morrow for questions and access information.

Accidents or Injuries/Insurance

 ➢ If a student receives an injury during the school day the teacher will report the injury to the nurse. The
   nurse will also call the parent to make them aware of the situation.

 ➢ The school will provide the opportunity for parents to purchase student insurance.

 ➢ All students are urged to take out school insurance if they do not have private insurance

 ➢ All students participating in athletics at CWS must have insurance coverage​.

Behavior Expectations
A part of this process is learning about self-control, respect for one and others, and the natural consequences of actions.
Through both direct instruction and modeling, all adults at CWS will make every effort to help each child become a
contributing member of a school community that is both safe and conducive to learning. A school climate conducive to
serious study and respect for oneself, other people, and property is essential for a school to meet the needs of today’s
youth. Each principal has the authority and responsibility to take whatever reasonable and legal action is necessary to
establish and maintain appropriate student behavior and order in accordance with school board authority. Please
consult the Orange County Student Code of Conduct for more details.

In the event that a student does misbehave, the staff at CWS will utilize the following strategies to improve
their behavior.

    ●   Student warning
    ●   Student, Teacher, Counselor conference; parent notified
    ●   Parent, teacher, student, counselor conference with grade level administrator
    ●   Discipline Referral
    ●   Before/After School Detention
    ●   CHOICES (Time-Out from class core)
    ●   Peer Mediation

In addition, administrators may utilize the following strategies to promote positive behavior:

    ● In-School Suspension (ISS)
    ● Out of School Suspension (OSS)


    ● Parents/Guardians will be notified of any office referral resulting in In-School Suspension (ISS) or Out of
      School Suspension (OSS).
    ● ISS is offered as an alternative to suspension from school. Students will not be allowed
      to participate in regular classes or school activities while serving (ISS).
    ● Failure of students to follow the behavior expectations of (ISS) will result in (OSS).
    ● Major infractions or repeat infractions will result in (OSS). School administrators will determine the
      length of the suspension following guidelines set forth in the Orange County Student Code of Conduct.
    ● When suspended from school, students are not allowed to attend any school-related activities or be on
      any school district property.
    ● Teachers will provide make-up work for (OSS) students. Parents may pick up student work in the
    ● If a student fails to attend an assigned After School Detention (ASD) they will serve one (1) day (ISS).
    ● BOOMERANG ​ is created to provide short term suspended middle and high school parents with a
        supervised and positive environment during their time away from school.

  ➢     Contact Grade Level Administrator for questions or concerns:
Leslie Bryant-6th
               Quanda Turner-7th
               Ron Roche- 8th

Dress Code
 ➢ Students are expected to adhere to standards of dress and appearance that are compatible with an effective
   learning environment. Presenting a bodily appearance or wearing clothing/paraphernalia which is disruptive,
   provocative, revealing, profane, vulgar, obscene, symbols of hate/violence or which endangers the health or
   safety of the student or others is prohibited. At CWS, shorts and skirts must come to the mid thigh area. Also
   undergarments should not be exposed. Due to safety concerns flip flops/shower shoes and/or tennis shoes with
   wheels should not be worn to school.

 ➢ If a student’s dress or appearance is such that it constitutes a threat to the health or safety of others, distracts the
   attention of other students or staff from their work, or otherwise violates this dress code, the principal or
   principal’s designee may require the student to change his or her dress or appearance. A second or repeated
   violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action.

Electronic Devices
 ➢ Electronic devices subject to this rule include but are not limited to cell phones, pagers, walkie-talkies, other
   portable communication devices, digital cameras, music players, electronic games, and personal laptop or tablet
   computers (unless provided or approved by a teacher or administrator).

           ●   In middle and high schools, electronic devices must be turned off, put away, and kept out of sight during
               instructional time and during school sponsored activities. Middle/high school students are allowed to
               use cellular phones for athletic events and after school events such as dances, unless otherwise notified
               by an administrator or other faculty member supervising the activity.
           ●   Using cellular telephones or other devices with photographic capabilities in student locker-rooms,
               restrooms or any other student changing areas, at any time is prohibited.

 ➢ Violations of this rule will result in confiscation of the device, and a parent/guardian is required to attend a
   conference in order to gain possession of the item. This rule does not apply to personal vehicles, overnight/day
   school-sponsored field trips and athletic events.

 ➢ Students lockers are optional. Students must have a lock if they use them to store items

 ➢ Students will be assigned a locker. Please do not share lockers or lock combination numbers. Excessive
   damage to lockers will result in a school fine.

 ➢ Students must keep their lockers locked at all times.

 ➢ Locks will be provided for students for $6.00 and will be issued during the first week of school. Locks for
8​th​ grade students will be collected at the end of the year. (Note: these locks are a rental for three years,
    6​th​, 7​th​ and 8​th​ grade).

 ➢ Students are responsible for the lock assigned to him/her. If the lock is lost or stolen the student must
   pay to replace it by purchasing another school lock for $6.00 new lock or $3.00 old lock.

*See also the O ​ range County Schools Student Code of Conduct ​and Annual
Notifications ​for further information on policies and procedures.

      We believe that athletics are an integral part of the extracurricular activities offered at CWS. From
      participation in interscholastic athletics, young people learn valuable lessons in sportsmanship,
      teamwork and the importance of dedication and effort. Additionally, students develop self-control,
      responsibility, and dependability.

      Our athletic program enhances and supports the efforts of each student-athlete in the
      classroom. Student-athletes should maintain high standards of academic
      achievement and citizenship. To be eligible for participation in Middle School Athletics a student must
      meet all state standards, maintain an overall ​“C”​ average for the nine weeks grading period with no
      more than one failing mark and demonstrate good character and appropriate behavior.

      Please contact Caty Everhart, the Athletic Director, 919-732-6121 ext. 30090, for additional
​Fall                               Winter                               Spring
       Football (7 & 8 only)               Boys Basketball                      Baseball
       Volleyball                          Girls Basketball                     Softball
       Boys Soccer                         Wrestling                            Boys Track
       Cheerleading                        Cheerleading                         Girls Track
       Boys Cross Country                  Ultimate Frisbee                     Lacrosse (7 & 8 only)
       Girls Cross Country

   ​ ​Athletic Events Prices:                                                   Student: $3.00 Adult: $3.0

                                                                                            Seniors (55): Free

                                                                                    Children 4 & Under: Free

                                 Student Locker Agreement
In accepting assignment of this locker for the 2018 – 2019 school year, I agree to
the following stipulations:
   ● The lock and locker is the property of the school and the school has access to it.
   ● The locker is subject to inspections by school authorities.
   ● For my protection, I shall only use the locker assigned to me.
   ● Only property related to school activities will be stored in the locker assigned to me.
   ● Perishable items which could constitute health hazards will not be stored in the locker for periods
     exceeding one day.
   ● I will clean out my locker periodically.

Homeroom Teacher: ______________________________
Student Signature: ________________________________Date: ___________________

Parent Signature: _________________________________          Locker #: ________________

****This form must be returned to the student’s Homeroom at the time purchase
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