Sticking to Our Plan Backing Hard-working Australians - A progress report on the Coalition's Plan to build a strong, prosperous economy and a ...

Sticking to Our Plan Backing Hard-working Australians - A progress report on the Coalition's Plan to build a strong, prosperous economy and a ...
Sticking to
Our Plan

A progress report on the Coalition’s Plan
to build a strong, prosperous economy
and a safe, secure Australia

September 2015

Sticking to Our Plan Backing Hard-working Australians - A progress report on the Coalition's Plan to build a strong, prosperous economy and a ...
Delivering on
     our Plan
            Jobs growth over the past year has        Tax cuts for small business – taking
            been stronger than every G7 nation.       the rate to the lowest since 1967.

            Reducing Labor’s Budget deficit from      Funding for local hospitals up 25%
            $48 billion in 2013-14 to $7 billion in   over the next four years.
            five years. This represents a
            reduction in the Budget deficit by
            0.5% of GDP every year.                   Funding for schools up 28% over the
                                                      next four years.

            335,000 additional jobs have been
            created since the last election.          Labor’s Carbon Tax abolished –
                                                      delivering savings for average
                                                      households of around $550 a year.
            163,000 new jobs created so far in
            2015 – more than 23,000 new jobs
            on average per month.                     Labor’s Mining Tax abolished –
                                                      improving the competitiveness and
                                                      certainty for this key job creating and
            Female workforce participation at         export industry.
            record levels – over 171,000 more
            women are in jobs than at the time
            of the 2013 election.                     New Child Care subsidies – working
                                                      families with incomes between
                                                      $65,000 and $170,000 will be around
            Bankruptcies at the lowest level in       $30 per week better off.
            20 years.

                                                      The NBN on track to deliver high-
            Environmental approval given to           speed broadband to all Australian
            176 projects valued at more than          homes and businesses by 2020.
            $1 trillion.

                                                      Royal Commission into Trade Union
            A record 223,013 new companies            Governance and Corruption underway.
            registered in 2014.

                                                      The Medical Research Future Fund
            A $50 billion infrastructure              created.
            programme to improve road and rail
            links, reduce travel times and support
            economic growth.                          Labor’s Bank Deposit Tax dumped,
                                                      to protect the savings of hard-
                                                      working Australians.

2   Backing Hard-working Australians
Sticking to Our Plan Backing Hard-working Australians - A progress report on the Coalition's Plan to build a strong, prosperous economy and a ...
White Paper on Northern Australia          A National Ice Taskforce established
released – a comprehensive plan to         to tackle the growing scourge of the
unleash the economic potential of          drug ‘Ice’.
the region.

                                           Working with the States and
Livestock export markets opened            Territories to implement a National
with Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Cambodia,       Domestic Violence Order Scheme.
Thailand, Lebanon and China.

                                           Home care places increased from
Illegal boat arrivals stopped,             the current 73,000 to 100,000
13 detention centres closed, deaths        by 2017-18.
at sea stopped and integrity of our
borders restored.
                                           Half yearly pension rises at the
                                           highest available indexation rate.
Established the Australian Border
Force with 5,500 officers, including
1,400 at our airports.                     Green Army launched for more than
                                           350 local environmental projects.

An $89 billion boost to Australian naval
capability over the next 20 years.         A comprehensive Reef 2050 Plan
                                           for the Great Barrier Reef.

Free Trade Agreements signed with
Korea, Japan and China.                    Mobile Black Spot Programme
                                           delivering almost 500 new or
                                           upgraded mobile base stations.
Establishing five Growth Centres
that bring together industry,
research, trade and science to             A $333 million drought support
help grow businesses.                      package to help our farming

New counter-terrorism units at all
international airports.                    Agreement reached with the States
                                           to implement the Murray Darling
                                           Basin Plan.
More resources for our security and
law enforcement agencies to better
track and disrupt terrorists and new       Introducing the New Colombo
counter-terrorism laws.                    Plan. By the end of 2016, 10,000
                                           Australians will represent our country
                                           under the Plan.
Sticking to Our Plan Backing Hard-working Australians - A progress report on the Coalition's Plan to build a strong, prosperous economy and a ...
06 /	Our Plan Backs                   16 /	A Safer Nation and Safer   22 /	Supporting Regional
      Hard-working Australians               Communities                      Australia

08 /	A Stronger Economy with          19 /	Stronger Communities       24 /	Australia can’t afford Labor
      More Jobs
                                                                        26 /	Nailing Labor Lies
4   Backing Hard-working Australians
Sticking to Our Plan Backing Hard-working Australians - A progress report on the Coalition's Plan to build a strong, prosperous economy and a ...
Our Plan to build a strong, prosperous economy and a safe, secure Australia is making
significant progress following six years of failure under Labor.

Despite international uncertainty and volatility, our focus is jobs, growth and community

Our Plan is about strengthening all parts of a diversified economy: helping our services,
manufacturing, education, agriculture and mining sectors invest, compete, export and grow.

By sticking to our Plan, over 335,000 additional jobs have been created since the last election.

We are backing families – with lower power bills, more jobs, affordable child care and
certainty in superannuation.

We are backing small business – with the lowest small business tax rate in half a century,
new instant asset write-offs, new export agreements with key markets and by cutting over
$2 billion in red tape so far.

We are backing communities – with the Green Army repairing the local environment, record
funding for local hospitals and schools, and by protecting local communities from the scourge
of Ice.

We are backing a stronger Australia – by protecting our borders, new laws to combat foreign
fighters and terrorists, more funding for law enforcement and by rebuilding our Defence

We are delivering: the Carbon Tax is gone, as is the Mining Tax, the boats have stopped, the
NBN is rolling out and a record $50 billion infrastructure programme is underway.

 We’ve achieved all this, while at the same time making $50 billion in repairs to the Budget
– in coming years the Budget deficit comes down by about half a percentage point of GDP
 each year.

Our Plan is about backing hard-working Australians with policies that help the economy grow
and build prosperity for all, while keeping our country safe.

As you will see in this document, we have achieved much in the past two years – and it’s just
the start.

Over the next 12 months, we will lay out our Plan for a second term to the Australian people.

Australians can be confident that the Coalition will stick to the Plan that rewards hard work,
creates jobs, backs families and small businesses, strengthens the economy and keeps our
country safe and secure.

     Tony Abbott

Sticking to Our Plan Backing Hard-working Australians - A progress report on the Coalition's Plan to build a strong, prosperous economy and a ...
Our Plan Backs
          Backing Australia’s Future                   Backing Farmers
          Through careful Budget management to
                                                       With new tax write-offs for fencing,
          put the nation’s finances on a credible
                                                       water infrastructure and fodder storage,
          pathway to surplus, in order to reduce
                                                       small business tax cuts, trade deals
          Labor’s debt legacy.
                                                       to boost exports and drought relief for
                                                       affected communities.
          Backing Small Businesses
          to Create Jobs                               Backing Business to Grow
          Through tax cuts and instant asset           By expanding tax concessions for
          write-offs, cutting red tape, removing the   employee share schemes, providing
          Carbon Tax and measures to help small        financial support for entrepreneurs,
          businesses hire staff.                       supporting collaboration between
                                                       researchers and industry, greater
                                                       tax incentives to help businesses
          Backing Families                             innovate and invest in R&D and
                                                       capitalising on our strengths through
          Through lower power prices by removing       Industry Growth Centres.
          the Carbon Tax, more affordable child
          care, record funding to support local
          hospitals and schools, investment in         Backing Consumers
          better roads, fixing the NBN and a
          stronger economy with more jobs.             Through lower power prices and
                                                       opposing Labor’s plan for a new Carbon
                                                       Tax, lower prices for some imported
          Backing Seniors                              goods through new trade agreements
                                                       and new country of origin food labelling.
          By providing certainty for superannuants,
          fighting Labor’s plan to increase
          superannuation taxes, continuing             Backing Australians
          to increase pensions at the highest          Having a Go
          available indexation rate, record health
          funding, better aged care and lower          By removing red tape, cutting the time
          power prices.                                for environmental approval for major
                                                       projects and taking a stand against
                                                       sabotage of major projects (and jobs)
          Backing Homebuyers                           through “lawfare”.

          With the lowest interest rates in four
          decades, by tackling debt and deficit
          to ensure interest rates stay low and by
          enforcing the rules for foreign investment
          in real estate.

6   Backing Hard-working Australians
Sticking to Our Plan Backing Hard-working Australians - A progress report on the Coalition's Plan to build a strong, prosperous economy and a ...
Backing Exporters                             Backing the Environment

With new trade deals with Korea, Japan        Through the Green Army, where some
and China, which independent analysis         3,000 young Australians are working
shows will deliver an additional              on more than 350 local environmental
$24 billion in income – and many              projects, and by the Government
thousands of jobs for Australians as the      putting in place the Great Barrier Reef
economy transitions over the next             Sustainability Plan.
20 years.
                                              Backing Law Abiding
Backing Job Seekers                           Citizens

With a new jobactive network to help          By redirecting confiscated crime
jobseekers and targeted initiatives to        proceeds to fighting crime, tackling
reward businesses that give eligible          the scourge of Ice and introducing
young and mature job seekers a go.            legislation for minimum 5 year
                                              sentences for illegal gun trafficking.

Backing Our Troops
                                              Backing Local
By rebuilding Australia’s Defence
capability after it was gutted by Labor,
providing a more flexible ADF Super           By supporting local projects and
Scheme and providing free health care         infrastructure through the National
for ADF families.                             Stronger Regions Fund, the Community
                                              Development Grants Programme, the
                                              Stronger Communities Programme and
Backing our Security and                      establishing the National Ice Taskforce
Law Enforcement Agencies                      to tackle the scourge of Ice.

Through a $1.3 billion funding boost
and by passing tough new counter
terrorism laws.
                                              Backing Northern
Backing Australia’s Way
of Life                                       Through the Northern Australia
                                              White Paper with an action plan for
By making it clear that citizenship is a      sustainable development, better
privilege and a responsibility – terrorists   roads and new water infrastructure
with dual nationality will be stripped of     for Northern Australia.
their Australian citizenship.

                                              Our Plan Backs Hard-working Australians   7
Sticking to Our Plan Backing Hard-working Australians - A progress report on the Coalition's Plan to build a strong, prosperous economy and a ...

A Stronger Economy
with More Jobs
Responsible Budget                                                                                                Tax Cuts for                                                               Carbon Tax Abolished
Management                                                                                                        Small Business                                                             The world’s biggest Carbon
                                                                                                                                                                                             Tax has been abolished. This
We are building a strong and                                                                                      The 2015 Budget included tax
                                                                                                                                                                                             has been important in reducing
prosperous economy for a safe                                                                                     cuts for all small businesses
                                                                                                                                                                                             cost of living pressures on
and secure Australia. Our long-                                                                                   with less than $2 million annual
                                                                                                                                                                                             families and protecting jobs.
term economic plan to reduce the                                                                                  turnover:
                                                                                                                                                                                             It removed a $9 billion a year
overall tax burden, cut business
                                                                                                                  • 1.5 percentage point tax                                                 hit to our economy and led
red tape and deliver sensible
                                                                                                                    cut for incorporated                                                     to the largest cut in retail
savings will grow the economy
                                                                                                                    small businesses;                                                        electricity prices on record.
and create more jobs.
                                                                                                                  • A 5% tax discount                                                        The ACCC recently confirmed a
Despite global headwinds –
                                                                                                                    (up to $1,000 a year)                                                    saving for average households of
including a halving of the price for
                                                                                                                    for unincorporated                                                       around $550 per year – including
our iron-ore exports – the Abbott
                                                                                                                    small businesses;                                                        direct savings (ranging from $153
Government is reducing Labor’s
                                                                                                                  • Immediate tax deductions                                                 to $269 per year) on electricity
Budget deficit from $48 billion in
                                                                                                                    for every asset purchased                                                and gas bills, plus other savings
2013-14 to $7 billion in five years.
                                                                                                                    up to $20,000 (each); and                                                due to the flow on cost savings in
This represents a reduction in the                                                                                                                                                           areas such as council rates and
Budget deficit by 0.5% of GDP                                                                                     • Immediate deduction of                                                   charges, food manufacturing,
every year.                                                                                                         professional fees for                                                    water charges and transport.
Gross debt is on track in a decade                                                                                                                                                           Removing the Carbon Tax
to be $110 billion lower than it                                                                                                                                                             is making Australia’s major
would have been under Labor.                                                                                                                                                                 industries more competitive and
                                                                                                                                                                                             reduces costs for Australian
                                                                                                                                                                                             businesses, particularly
    Repairing Labor’s Budget Mess
                                                                                                                                                                                             manufacturers and exporters.
                                                                                                                   Source: Budget Papers

                       Coalition Surpluses                                                     Labor Deficits                                        Path to Repair

                                                    16        17

                       7         8










    Billions ($)




















                                                                                                                                                                                                    SMH, 29/0






                                                                                                   -47                           -48


8          Backing Hard-working Australians
Sticking to Our Plan Backing Hard-working Australians - A progress report on the Coalition's Plan to build a strong, prosperous economy and a ...
Australia – Open for
                                                                                       The Abbott Government worked
                                                                                       to clear the backlog of stalled
                                                                                       projects under Labor, giving
                                                                                       environmental approvals for
                                                                                       176 projects worth over $1 trillion.

                                                                                       Agreements have been signed
                                                                                       with all States and Territories for a
                                                                                       one stop shop for environmental
                                                                                       assessments and approvals.

                                                                                       The Government is removing
                                                                                       uncertainty for investors by
                                                                                       preventing activists from waging
                                                                                       “lawfare” to sabotage major
                                                                                       projects by repealing section 487
                                                                                       of the Environment Protection and
                                                                                       Biodiversity Conservation Act.

                                                                                       This will help projects like Adani’s
                                                                                       Carmichael coal mine, which
                                                                                       offers up to 10,000 new jobs,
Boosting Export                       “ChAFTA [the China Australia                     $16.5 billion of investment in
                                      Free Trade Agreement] will                       Australia and an expected
Opportunities                         take investment into Australia                   $22 billion in royalties and taxes,
                                      to another level, making our                     avoid being derailed in the
With the specific aim of boosting     economy stronger and creating
future exports and jobs, new trade                                                     courts, even after it has gone
                                      more jobs for Australians long                   through a rigorous process of
agreements have been signed           into the future.”
with three of Australia’s largest                                                      environmental approval.
                                      Jennifer Westacott, Chief Executive,
trading partners – Korea, Japan
                                      Business Council of Australia
and China.
                                                                                       Mining Tax Abolished
Independent economic analysis
shows the new agreements with                                                          Labor’s Mining Tax has been
China, Japan and Korea will                                                            abolished, improving the
deliver $24 billion in extra income                                                    competitiveness and certainty for
to Australians over 20 years                                                           this key job creating and export
and create thousands of new                                                            industry. It also saves the Budget
Australian jobs.                                        Courier Mail, 27/4/2
                                                                                       around $50 billion over the next
                                                                                       decade, by removing expenditure
The new trade agreements will also                                                     attached to a tax that wasn’t
lower prices of some goods such                                                        raising revenue.
as vehicles, electronics, clothes
and household appliances.

                                                                                  A Stronger Economy with More Jobs        9
Sticking to Our Plan Backing Hard-working Australians - A progress report on the Coalition's Plan to build a strong, prosperous economy and a ...
More Choice for                    Australia’s Largest
                                        Working Parents                    Infrastructure
                                        Our Plan is about offering more
                                        choice for families.               As part of our Plan to grow the
                                        That’s why our 2015 Budget         economy, create more jobs and
                                        measures will help more families   ease the pressure on families
                                        – especially low and middle        the Government is making the
                                        income families – get into work    largest infrastructure investment
                                        and stay in work, by making        in Australia’s history – $50 billion
                                        child care more affordable.        to improve road and rail links,
Reducing Red Tape                                                          reduce travel times and support
                                        The new Child Care Subsidy         economic growth.
The Coalition has already               will mean working families with
                                        incomes between $65,000 and        Through an asset recycling
cut around 11,000 pieces of                                                initiative, States are also offered
regulation and legislation that         $170,000 will be around $30 per
                                        week better off.                   substantial financial incentives
will reduce paperwork costs by                                             to sell assets and reinvest the
around $2.4 billion.                    It is estimated the new child      proceeds into new productive
For the first time, two days            care measures will encourage       infrastructure, including urban rail.
of Parliament each year are             more than 240,000 families to
                                        increase their involvement in      Together with State Government
being dedicated to removing                                                and private investment, the
government red tape.                    the workforce, including almost
                                        38,000 jobless families.           Government’s Infrastructure
                                                                           Growth Package will drive over
                                                                           $125 billion of new infrastructure.

                                                                           After five decades of talk, the
                                                                           Government has approved a
                                                                           second airport for Sydney to be
                                                                           located at Badgerys Creek.

                                                                           The Roads to Recovery funding
                                                                           for local roads has been
                                                                           increased by 83%, to $3.2 billion
                                                                           over the next four years and
                                                                           $500 million has been allocated
Tackling Union                                                             to fix road black spots, along with
                                                                           $300 million for the Bridges
Corruption                                                                 Renewal Programme.

The Royal Commission into                                                  The Coalition’s commitment to the
Trade Union Governance and                                                 Inland Rail project will transform
Corruption is underway. It                                                 freight movements through
is already casting a light on                                              Victoria, NSW and South East
corruption and dodgy deals,                                                Queensland and stimulate growth
with 9 unions involved in alleged                                          and prosperity in these regions.
illegal activities or corruption
and around 30 individuals
already referred to 11 separate
agencies for further investigation
(with four arrests to date).

To ensure the rule of law is restored
in the building industry, we will
continue to seek Parliament’s
approval of our legislation to
reintroduce the Australian Building
and Construction Commission.

10   Backing Hard-working Australians
Summary of Major
                           Infrastructure Investments

NEW SOUTH WALES                                         VICTORIA
WestConnex                                              East West Link
 • Linking Western Sydney to the city, airport           • While the State Labor Government has wasted
   and ports, with up to 52 traffic lights gone and        $640 million by cancelling the contract for the
   40 minutes saved. Stage 2 construction has              East West Link, $3 billion of Commonwealth
   commenced (18 months ahead of schedule).                Government money remains on the table for the
 • 10,000 construction jobs.                               next state government which is willing to build an
                                                           East West Link.
Western Sydney Airport and Road Infrastructure
                                                        Regional Rail Link
 • Supporting Sydney’s second airport, by building
   vital road infrastructure first.                      • Removing major bottlenecks in Victoria’s rail network.
 • 39,000 jobs created by 2035 increasing to 60,000
                                                        Princes Highway West
   over time.
                                                         • Duplication to help bring regional communities
NorthConnex                                                together and link key industries to markets.
 • Connecting the Central Coast to Sydney, avoiding
   up to 40 traffic lights on the Pacific Highway and   WESTERN AUSTRALIA
   21 on Pennant Hills Road.
 • 8,700 jobs.
                                                         • Reducing congestion around the Perth Airport and
Pacific Highway                                            surrounding areas.
 • Four lane divided road from near Newcastle to         • 1,000 jobs.
   Queensland, with crashes reduced and travel times
   cut by up to 2.5 hours.                              Northlink WA
 • 16,500 direct and indirect jobs.                      • A new 40km highway to improve freight and save
                                                           travel times through the Swan Valley.

                                                        Perth Freight Link
                                                         • Providing a direct, free flowing connection to the
Bruce Highway                                              Port of Fremantle.
 • Upgrades to improve safety, congestion and flood      • 2,400 jobs.
   immunity, reducing travel times for motorists and
   freight – including a range of safety packages and
   overtaking lane projects, the duplication of the
                                                        SOUTH AUSTRALIA
   Boundary Road interchange and the upgrade at         North South Corridor
   Yellow Gin Creek south of Ayr.
                                                         • Better connect Adelaide’s port, airport and freight
Gateway Motorway North
                                                         • 850 jobs.
 • Widening from 4 to 6 lanes, improving access and
   better connecting the Bruce Highway, Northern
   Brisbane and the Port of Brisbane.                   TASMANIA
 • 1,000 jobs.
                                                        Midland Highway Upgrade
Toowoomba Range Crossing                                 • Upgrade between Hobart and Launceston, to
 • Cutting travel times and removing traffic from          improve safety and freight delivery.
   Toowoomba Town Centre.                                • Approximately 200 jobs in initial works – more
                                                           over the course of the project.

                                                        NORTHERN TERRITORY
                                                        Tiger Brennan Drive
                                                         • Duplication to improve safety and congestion.
                                                         • 120 direct jobs, 30 for Indigenous people.
Investing in Skills and                                                   Encouraging Job
Research                                                                  Seekers
We are investing up to                                                    To help more job seekers
$200 million a year to recruit,                                           move from welfare to work,
train and retain more than                                                a new jobactive network has
300,000 apprentices and                                                   been established. A network
trainees a year in more than                                              of 66 private and community
420 locations.                                                            organisations in 1,700 locations
                                                                          is matching the right job
The Australian Apprenticeship                                             seekers to the right jobs,
Support Network is the biggest                                            co-ordinating work for the dole,
reform to apprenticeship                                                  supporting job seekers who
support in more than two                                                  want to start their own business
decades, designed to lift                                                 and helping horticultural
apprenticeship completion                                                 growers find seasonal workers.
rates, which were less than
50% under Labor.                                                          In addition, we are helping
                                                                          small businesses and job
The P-TECH pilot schools                                                  seekers through:
initiative offers secondary             A Sustainable Higher
students an industry supported          Education System                  • Restart – payments of up
pathway in science, technology                                              to $10,000 for businesses
and maths (STEM).                       The Coalition will provide          to hire mature long term
                                        around $37 billion to higher        job seekers;
Trade Support Loans of up to
$20,000 are helping apprentices         education institutions over the   • Job Commitment Bonus –
with the costs of living and            next four years.                    to encourage young, long-
tools while undertaking an                                                  term unemployed to find
                                        Our approach is to expand           and keep jobs;
apprenticeship. Financial               opportunities for students
incentives are being paid to            – especially disadvantaged        • Relocation Assistance (to
around 80,000 employers of              students – and ensure the           help job seekers move to
apprentices each year.                  financial sustainability of the     take up jobs); and
For the first time also, the            higher education system so        • National Work Experience
Government is seeking to                that universities can continue      for small businesses – four
provide support for all sub-            to provide world class quality      weeks work experience
bachelor qualifications,                teaching, research and learning     for eligible job seekers,
which would mean 80,000                 in the decades to come.             followed by a wage subsidy
more Australians would get                                                  if the small business takes
government support by 2018.                                                 them on.

The Coalition Government is
maximising our $9.7 billion
investment in science and
research, including through our
Boosting Commercial Returns
from Research Strategy.

The $225 million Industry Growth
Centre Initiative will concentrate
research and investment in
areas where Australia has a
competitive advantage.

12   Backing Hard-working Australians
Jobs in our Regions
                                                                                         The $1 billion National Stronger
                                                                                         Regions Fund is promoting
                                                                                         economic development in
                                                                                         many communities through
                                                                                         investment in small-scale
                                                                                         infrastructure projects.

                                                                                         To assist the Victorian and South
                                                                                         Australian economies that are
                                                                                         undergoing transition, the
                                                                                         $155 million Growth Fund is
                                                                                         helping generate new jobs of
                                                                                         the future in those states.

                                                                                         Developing Australia’s
Fixing the National                              The improvement in NBN rollout          North
                                                 is so significant that the NBN
Broadband Network                                recently announced it would             The Coalition Government’s
                                                 employ another 4,500 people –           White Paper on Northern Australia
The Coalition has put the NBN                    doubling its workforce.                 provides a comprehensive plan to
back on track to deliver high-
                                                                                         unleash the economic potential of
speed broadband to all Australian                Earlier this year nbn, the
                                                                                         the region.
homes and businesses by 2020.                    company rolling out the network,
                                                 launched commercial fibre-to-           The plan provides $200 million
In September 2013, fewer than two                the-basement (FTTB) products,           from the National Water
per cent of premises could obtain                following a pilot programme             Infrastructure Development Fund
a service on the NBN. About one                  showing superfast speeds can            for the north including feasibility
in ten Australians can currently get             be delivered. This technology           studies of Nullinga Dam and the
the NBN and by June 2018 about                   allows nbn to deploy superfast          Ord Stage 3 development as well
75 per cent of Australians will have             broadband sooner and at less            as water resource assessments
access to high-speed broadband                   cost to homes and businesses in         across the north.
over the network.                                apartments or office blocks.
                                                                                         The White Paper also delivers
                                                                                         $600 million in additional funds to
                                                                                         improve infrastructure, on top of
                                                                                         new initiatives such as the
                                                                                         $100 million Beef Roads Fund to
  Fixing the NBN                                                                         help producers get their livestock
                                                                                         to market.
    Premises passed by                 Premises Connected           Labor
    the NBN                            to the NBN                                        The $5 billion Northern Australia
                                                                    Coalition            Infrastructure Facility will provide
                                                                                         for concessional loans to build the
                                                                                         infrastructure needed to further
                                                                                         open Australia’s northern frontier.





                                                    Aug 2
                Aug 2



                                                                                    A Stronger Economy with More Jobs 13
A $203 million boost to the            Through our leadership of the
                                        Tasmanian Freight Equalisation         G20, Australia has been taking
                                        Scheme will help Tasmanian             the lead on global action to
                                        producers and boost jobs. The          crack down on tax avoidance
                                        Coalition has also committed           by multinationals. A new
                                        $60 million to Tasmanian               Multinational Anti-Avoidance Law
                                        Irrigation’s Tranche Two schemes,      will, from 1 January 2016, ensure
                                        which will boost Tasmanian             that when Australian customers
                                        agriculture and create 150 jobs.       deal with an Australian subsidiary,
                                                                               those Australian sales will be
                                                                               taxed in Australia. Multinationals
                                        Fairer Rules with                      will also be subject to a double
                                                                               penalty regime for tax avoidance.
                                        Greater Enforcement
                                                                               To ensure foreign companies
                                        The Coalition is ensuring greater      are subject to the same GST as
Boosting Australian                     transparency – and therefore           Australian businesses, from 1
Agriculture                             confidence – in the system             July 2017 GST will be charged on
                                        of foreign investment, with a          digital goods and services (like
The new trade agreements will           reduced screening threshold            Netflix) provided to Australians by
particularly benefit Australian         for agricultural land of $15 million   companies headquartered outside
agriculture. According to the           (down from $252 million) and           the country.
National Farmers’ Federation,           a new foreign ownership
the China-Australia Free Trade          land register.
Agreement is a “game changer”
that would, once passed by              We’re enforcing the rules on
Parliament, make a $300 million         foreign investment in real estate,
difference to Australian farmers        with a new enforcement team in
next year alone.                        the ATO, tougher penalties for
                                        illegal purchases and a new fee to
The 2015 Budget included                help pay for better enforcement.
measures to help farmers,               This helps ensure any foreign
including immediate tax write-          investment in real estate is
offs for new fencing and water          directed to building new homes,
infrastructure and a write-off over     not competing with Australian
three years for fodder storage.         buyers for existing ones.

The recently launched $4 billion        Australia’s first Food and Grocery     Investing in Medical
Agricultural Competitiveness            Code of Conduct is supporting
                                        small business suppliers, with
White Paper will be an investment
in Australia’s farmers and              an obligation for retailers to act     Australia’s standing as a global
competitiveness. It includes            in good faith with suppliers and       leader in medical research will
significant investments in:             dispute resolution mechanisms.         be strengthened through the
water infrastructure, biosecurity,                                             Medical Research Future Fund.
research and development,               Better Country of Origin labelling
                                        is being introduced, so Australians    Starting with an initial contribution
drought relief and helping                                                     of $1 billion, it will grow until it
Australian farmers capitalise on        know more about where their food
                                        is grown, made or packaged.            eventually provides around
trade opportunities.                                                           $1 billion per annum in additional
The Coalition Government has            We are protecting people’s             research funds.
opened the livestock export             savings, by restoring from
trade to seven vital markets in         3 years to 7 years the period
Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Cambodia,         of time bank accounts can
Thailand, Lebanon and China. The        be inactive before money is
Government has also helped to           transferred to the Government.
restore trade with Indonesia after      In 2012-13, $550 million was
Labor’s knee-jerk ban.                  raided from 156,000 accounts
                                        after Bill Shorten reduced this
                                        inactive period to just 3 years.

14   Backing Hard-working Australians
More Confidence and Jobs – Our
                 Plan Is Working.                                                                     (As at August 2015)

Australia is facing economic challenges:
 • The global economic recovery has been slower than expected and financial
   markets have been volatile.
 • Uncertainty around China’s growth particularly affects Australia, especially
   our mining sector (the iron-ore price has halved since last year).
 • Large parts of Queensland and New South Wales remain in drought.
Notwithstanding, steps taken by the Abbott Government have helped boost
resilience, confidence and jobs.

More Jobs

 • Since the Abbott Government came to office, over 335,000
   new jobs have been created.
 • This year alone, over 163,000 new jobs created so far.
 • The number of jobs created per month has increased
   markedly – from an average of just 3,600 per month in Labor’s
   last year (2013), to 16,700 per month in 2014 to 23,200 per
   month so far this year.
 • Annual jobs growth is running at the fastest rate in over four
   years. Australia’s jobs growth over the past year has been
   stronger than the US, UK, Canada – or any G7 country.
 • The job participation rate is up, which means more people are
   entering the job market.
 • Over 171,000 more Australian women are in jobs since the
   2013 election and female workforce participation is now at
   record levels.                                                   Jobs Growth (Monthly)

More Confidence
                                                                    Jobs growth per month

 • In 2014, there were 223,000 new companies registered in
   Australia – an increase of 10.2% from 2013 and the highest                                                16,744

   number since records started.                                                            15,000

 • According to the Australian Financial Security Authority,
   bankruptcies have fallen to their lowest level in 20 years.




                                                                                                                      (so fa


A Safer Nation and
Safer Communities
Stopping the Boats                      A New Border Force                                            Tackling Terrorism
The Coalition has stopped               On July 1 2015, the new Australian                            We have provided our
illegal boat arrivals as we             Border Force commenced,                                       intelligence and security
promised to do.                         with 5,500 officers (including                                agencies with more resources
                                        approximately 1,400 at our                                    ($1.3 billion extra funding) and
Since boat turn-backs began             airports), 11 vessels, 12 aircraft                            new, modernised powers to act,
under Operation Sovereign               and a budget of over $900 million                             so they can better track and
Borders in December 2013                a year.                                                       disrupt those who would seek to
only one illegal entry vessel                                                                         harm the Australian community.
has arrived in Australia – in July      This new single agency is
last year – with the 157 illegal        dedicated to strengthening                                    The number of high-risk terrorist
maritime arrivals on board              our borders and dealing with                                  threats being monitored in
transferred to Nauru.                   the threats from terrorism and                                Australia has doubled (to around
                                        transnational crime.                                          400) in the last year.
Importantly, since December 2013
there have been no lives lost at                                                                      New Counter-Terrorism Units
sea, in stark contrast to the Labor                                                                   now operate at all eight major
years when 1,200 people died on                                                                       international airports and 92
perilous journeys in unsafe boats.                                                                    additional biometric screening
                                                                                                      gates are being fast tracked.
The Abbott Government will
never allow a return to the days                                                                      The Citizenship Act is being
under Labor when more than                                                                            updated, so terrorists who hold
800 boats carrying a human                                                                            dual nationality will lose their
wave of 50,000 illegal maritime                                                                       Australian citizenship.
arrivals flooded into Australia.

The same cannot be said for
Labor. After years of failure under
Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard,
Labor remains deeply divided              Illegal Boat Arrivals
on border protection despite its
attempt to conceal this division                           350
by adopting an “option” to turn-                                  dismantles                         302
back boats.                                                300     Howard                     276
                                           Boat Arrivals

Mr Shorten will never be able                              250
to act because his Deputy
Tanya Plibersek, Senate                                    200
Leader Penny Wong and other
senior frontbenchers remain                                150
fundamentally opposed to tough
                                                           100                                               Coalition
action against people smugglers.                                                       70                    Operation
                                                           50                                                 Borders
                                                                                                              1          0





                                                                                                                   so far

16   Backing Hard-working Australians
Metadata is the basic building                                                               We have brought forward by
       block in nearly every counter-                                                               three years the build of the
       terrorism, counter-espionage and                                                             Future Frigates in South Australia
       organised crime investigation.                                                               and brought forward the build
       The Coalition’s data retention                                                               of Offshore Patrol Vessels by
       legislation will ensure our security                                                         two years. In total, the Coalition
       and law enforcement agencies                                                                 Government has committed to an
       will continue to have access to                                                              $89 billion boost to Australian naval
       the information they need to do                                                              capability over the next 20 years.
       their jobs. At the same time, the
       legislation provides safeguards                                                              By putting Australian shipbuilding
       to protect our rights and liberties,               A Stronger Defence                        on a “continuous build” basis for
       including additional oversight                     Force                                     the first time, the Government
       mechanisms covering the security                                                             has moved decisively to give
       and law enforcement agencies.                      We are committed to restoring             certainty to Australia’s naval
                                                          Defence funding to 2% of GDP              shipbuilding industry, the Navy
       New legislation is helping                         within a decade.                          and shipbuilding workers.
       agencies to monitor, investigate,
       arrest and prosecute returning                     This path for growth reverses the         This follows six years of
       foreign fighters. Additional                       damage from Labor, which cut the          inaction by Labor which failed
       legislation allows for the                         Defence Budget by $16 billion to          to commission one single
       cancellation of welfare payments                   1.56% of GDP - the lowest level           naval vessel from an Australian
       on security grounds.                               since 1938.                               shipyard and created the current
                                                                                                    shipbuilding ‘valley of death’.
       Australia has contributed combat                   A new Defence White Paper will
       and other aircraft, plus 300 ADF                   be released later this year. Already,     The Government is also delivering
       personnel to a combined Task                       over the past two years, the              for Defence personnel – past,
       Group to train Iraqi forces, as                    Government has committed to:              present and future, through:
       part of an international effort to
                                                          • Another 58 Joint Strike                 • More generous indexation
       degrade and defeat ISIL.
                                                            Fighter aircraft;                         for Defence Forces
       The Government is working                                                                      Retirement Benefits scheme
                                                          • A redevelopment of the                    (DFRB) and Defence Force
       with our communities to counter
                                                            RAAF fighter base at                      Retirement and Death
       extremist lies and propaganda
                                                            Williamtown (where the JSF                Benefits scheme (DFRDB);
       and we are cracking down on
                                                            will be based) and HMAS
       preachers of hate.                                                                           • From July next year, a new
                                                            Stirling in Western Australia;
                                                                                                      fully funded and more flexible
                                                          • Two additional C-17A                      ADF Super Scheme will
                                                            Globemaster heavy lift aircraft;          financially benefit the 80 per
                                                          • New generation body                       cent of ADF members who
                                                            armour and other protective               serve less than 15 years;
                                                            equipment for our soldiers;             • Providing free basic health
                                                          • State of the art Special                  care for all ADF family
                                                            Forces vehicles, assembled                members; and
                                                            in Australia;                           • Re-starting the ADF Gap
                                                          • P-8A Poseidon maritime                    Year Programme.
            es, 12/5/2015
Canberra Tim
                                                            surveillance aircraft; and
                                                          • Triton Unmanned
                            Geelong Ad
                                      vertiser 4/8/
                                                            surveillance aircraft.

                                                                                             A Safer Nation and Safer Communities 17
Australia’s Interests
This year 3,200 scholarships
and grants are being awarded to
students to study in our region
as part of the New Colombo
Plan. By the end of 2016, 10,000
Australians will represent our
country under the Plan.

Our diplomatic efforts overseas
have helped secure outcomes
such as:

• Free Trade Agreements with
  Korea, Japan and China; and
• A prompt, unequivocal UN
  Security Council Resolution                                                We have passed legislation to
  in response to the downing            Combatting the Ice                   crackdown on middle-men and
  of Flight MH-17.                      Scourge                              drug couriers bringing precursors
                                                                             into the country to make Ice. We
Australia’s overseas aid is now
                                        The Government has                   have also changed legislation
sustainable and oriented to
                                        established a National Ice           to manage the proliferation of
economic development and
                                        Taskforce to help tackle the         dangerous synthetic drugs at
poverty reduction in our region.
                                        growing scourge of the drug          our borders.
As an example of Australia’s
                                        Ice. The taskforce will develop
focus on assisting our                                                       As well, we are working with
                                        a National Ice Action Strategy
neighbours, around 500 ADF                                                   the States and Territories to
                                        to tackle this scourge head
personnel were immediately                                                   strengthen our capacity to take
                                        on through law enforcement,
dispatched to Vanuatu in March                                               action against criminals with
                                        education and rehabilitation.
to help the recovery effort                                                  unexplained wealth.
following Cyclone Pam.                  The Prime Minister also recently
                                        announced the establishment of
                                        a national Ice hotline for people
Fighting Crime                          to dob in drug dealers and the
                                        locations of drug labs across
The Government is ensuring the          the country.
confiscated proceeds of crime                                                         The Australian, 8/4
                                        We have strengthened the
are used to fight crime.
                                        crime-fighting capabilities of the
Previously, Labor locked this           Australian Crime Commission with     Tackling Domestic
money in the Confiscated Assets         additional resources – funded
Account in order to boost its           from confiscated proceeds of         Violence
Budget bottom line.                     crime. These additional resources
                                        will contribute to:                  Domestic violence is a national
We have introduced legislation for                                           priority and the Government has
minimum 5 year sentences for            • Establishing a new National        allocated $100 million over four
illegal gun trafficking. Regrettably,     Criminal Intelligence System;      years to support actions that will
Labor is blocking it.                                                        reduce violence against women
                                        • Deploying transactional crime      and children.
                                          analysts to organised crime and
                                          drug importation hotspots; and
                                        • Undermining the business
                                          models of transnational criminal
                                          syndicates that are profiting
                                          from the illegal Ice trade.
                                                                                  West Aust

18   Backing Hard-working Australians

Supporting Families
In addition to the household
savings from abolishing
the Carbon Tax, the Abbott
Government is making a
$3.5 billion investment to
provide greater choices to
1.2 million families with young
children to help reduce cost
of living pressures.
• A new Child Care Subsidy will
  mean working families with
  incomes between $65,000
  and $170,000 will be around
  $30 per week better off. And
  we’re removing the $7,500
  cap for families earning less     Funding for local hospitals and       From January 2017, 170,000
  than $185,000.                    schools has been increased to         pensioners with modest assets
                                    record levels.                        will have their pensions increased
• Working families earning less
                                                                          by an average of $30 per fortnight.
  than $65,000 will get an 85%      To help ease congestion, so           For 90% of pensioners, there
  subsidy on child care fees        families can spend less time in       will be no change in pension
  (up to an hourly cap). A Child    traffic, the Abbott Government        arrangements, or higher pensions.
  Care Safety Net will help those   is undertaking the biggest
  earning less than $65,000 that    investment in road infrastructure     Older Australians now have lower
  don’t meet the activity test.     in Australia’s history.               bills following the abolition of the
• A home based Nannies Pilot                                              Carbon Tax, but still keep their
                                    Most important, we are helping        Energy Supplement.
  Programme will help people
                                    Australian families through our
  like shift workers access
                                    Plan for a stronger economy,          We are reforming aged care to
  child care.
                                    with more jobs.                       ensure more funding is allocated
To protect children from                                                  to customers based on their
diseases, the new “no jab, no                                             needs. Recognising that most
pay” rule will remove access to     Security for Seniors                  people want to live in their own
child care payments and the                                               home for as long as they can, the
                                    Providing security and certainty to
FTB A end of year supplement                                              number of home care places is
                                    Australians in retirement is at the
for parents who don’t vaccinate                                           being increased from 73,000 to
                                    heart of the Coalition’s Plan.
their children.                                                           100,000 in 2017-18.
                                    Since the Government was
The Coalition will continue                                               The Coalition will continue to fight
                                    elected in 2013, there have been
to fight Labor’s plan to                                                  Labor’s plans to increase taxes
                                    four pension increases, which
reintroduce a Carbon Tax,                                                 on superannuation.
                                    have increased full pensions by
which would put more pressure
                                    $51.80 per fortnight for singles
on family budgets. The removal
                                    and $78 per fortnight for couples.
of their last Carbon Tax is
saving average households           Pensions will continue to
around $550 per year.               increase – at the highest available
                                    indexation rate.                                                                   15
                                                                                                          un,   17/6/20
                                                                                                  Herald S

                                                                                  Stronger Communities 19
Sustainable, World                               school hours.

                                        Class Healthcare                                 To help tackle bowel cancer,
                                                                                         the Government has committed
                                        The Government is increasing                     an additional $95.9 million to
                                        funding to local hospitals by                    ensure Australians aged 50 to
                                        $3.8 billion (25% increase) over                 74 receive a free, at home bowel
                                        the next four years.                             cancer screening kit every two
                                                                                         years by 2020. This has the
                                        Australia’s standing as a global                 potential to save up to 500 lives
                                        leader in medical research                       each year.
                                        will be strengthened though
                                        the Medical Research Future                      We are also developing a
                                        Fund which starts with an initial                National Diabetes Strategy
Action on the                           contribution of $1 billion, and will             that will guide national action
Environment                             grow until it eventually provides                to prevent diabetes and
                                        around $1 billion per annum in                   support Australians living
Through its Emissions Reduction         additional research funds.                       with diabetes. This is on top
Fund, the Coalition Government                                                           of $35 million provided to the
is reducing greenhouse gas              We have restored the                             Juvenile Diabetes Research
emissions far more effectively          independence of the                              Foundation Clinical Research
and at a fraction of the cost of        Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory                 Network to help find a cure for
Labor’s Carbon Tax.                     Committee and listed more than                   juvenile diabetes.
                                        740 new and amended drugs on
From the Fund’s first auction,          the PBS since September 2013.                    The NHMRC National Institute
it has already secured the              This compares to 331 in Labor’s                  for Dementia Research is
reduction of 47 million tonnes          last term in office.                             being established as the
for $660 million – four times                                                            cornerstone of our $200 million
the 12 million tonnes reduced           To take one example, the PBS                     commitment to boosting
under Labor’s Carbon Tax, which         listing of the melanoma drug                     research into dementia.
slugged Australians $15.4 billion.      Keytruda will now make this
                                        $150,000 drug affordable to
Australia is meeting its emissions      the 1,100 Australians who
reduction targets and has set           desperately need it.
a responsible target of 26-28%
reduction on 2005 levels by 2030.       To help promote a lifelong
                                        interest in sport and fitness,
The Government is delivering            the $100 million Sporting
$140 million to a new Reef Trust        Schools Initiative will help
as part of a comprehensive              the Australian Sports
Reef 2050 Plan. Recognising             Commission – in conjunction
Australia’s strong action to            with 30 national sporting
protect the Great Barrier Reef, the     organisations – make free
UN World Heritage Committee             sport available to children
rejected the proposed “in               before, during and after
danger” listing and praised
Australia’s efforts.                                                     Funding for Hospitals
The Green Army has been
                                                                                                                      Labor          Coalition
launched, with over 350 practical
local environmental projects being                                       20,000
                                                                         18,000                                  $17,005
tackled by more than 3,000 young                                         16,000
people already involved.                                                 14,000    $13,520

$1 billion is being invested                                             10,000

through the National Landcare                                             8,000

Programme. This includes a                                                6,000
programme to plant 20 million                                             2,000
trees by 2020.                                                                 0
                                                                                   2013-14   2014-15   2015-16   2016-17   2017-18    2018-19

20   Backing Hard-working Australians
Students First in
School Education
Funding to schools will increase
by $4.1 billion (28% increase)
over the next four years.

A Students First approach has
been established to ensure this
increased funding translates
to better results – focusing
on teacher quality, school
autonomy, engaging parents and
strengthening the curriculum.

The Government is also restoring
the focus on science, technology,
engineering and mathematics
(STEM) at schools with $12 million
to encourage school students                                           The National Disability                 Improving the Lives of
to study STEM subjects. This                                           Insurance Scheme                        Indigenous Australians
includes providing innovative
mathematics curriculum                                                 The Government is ensuring the          The Government’s $4.9 billion
resources, supporting the                                              National Disability Insurance           Indigenous Advancement
introduction of computer coding in                                     Scheme is built on a sustainable        Strategy consolidates over 150
schools, investing in the P-TECH                                       platform, that it delivers for          separate programmes into five
model and engaging more female                                         those who need it most and for          key programme areas, focusing
and disadvantaged students in                                          future generations.                     on getting children into school,
STEM through summer schools.                                                                                   adults into work and delivering
                                                                       The NDIS has so far allocated           safer communities.
Nearly $17 million has been                                            more than 17,000 tailored support
allocated to improve initial teacher                                   packages to Australians with a          The Employment Parity
education and ensure teacher                                           disability through 7 trial sites with   Initiative is seeking to get
graduates are ‘classroom ready’.                                       some 95% of participants rating         20,000 more Indigenous job
Every State and Territory has                                          their experience as “good” or           seekers into work by 2020, by
signed up to the Government’s                                          “very good”.                            supporting Australia’s largest
Independent Public Schools                                                                                     companies to increase their
initiative, which will give principals,                                                                        Indigenous workforce to reflect
teachers and the community                                             Better Community                        the size of the Indigenous
greater responsibility and                                             Infrastructure                          population (around 3%). Clear
autonomy in their schools.                                                                                     and accountable targets are
                                                                       We are supporting economic              also being set to increase
                                                                       growth, improving facilities and        Indigenous employment through
                                                                       supporting community spirit             government procurement.
                                                                       in local communities across
 Funding for Schools                                                   Australia through programmes            On July 6 2015, the Prime
                                                                       like the $1 billion National            Minister convened a meeting
                                         Labor           Coalition     Stronger Regions Fund, the              with many of our most significant
  22,000                                                               $306 million Community                  Indigenous leaders and the
                                                             $18,760   Development Grants Programme            Leader of the Opposition to chart
  16,000                       $15,743
                                                                       and the $45 million new Stronger        a way forward on Indigenous
  14,000   $13,188
                                                                       Communities Programme.                  recognition in the Constitution.
           2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

                                                                                                                      Stronger Communities 21

Regional Australia
Scrapping the
Carbon Tax
Farmers and regional small
businesses benefit strongly from
the abolition of the Carbon Tax,
which resulted in electricity prices
being around 9% lower than they
would otherwise have been.

More Export
The new trade agreements will
particularly benefit Australian
agriculture. According to the
National Farmers’ Federation,
the China-Australia Free Trade
Agreement is a “game changer”
that will, once passed by               Backing Farmers                       Better Regional Roads
Parliament, make a $300 million
difference to Australian farmers        The 2015 Budget included              The Coalition’s record
next year alone.                        measures to help farmers,             $50 billion investment in
                                        including immediate tax write-        infrastructure includes major
The Government has opened               offs for new fencing and water        upgrades to the Pacific, Bruce
the livestock export trade to           infrastructure and a write-off over   and Princes Highways and
seven vital markets (Bahrain,           three years for fodder storage.       other roads that link regional
Egypt, Iran, Cambodia,                                                        communities.
Thailand, Lebanon and China).           The recently launched $4 billion
                                        Agricultural Competitiveness          The $3.2 billion Roads to
                                        White Paper will be a landmark        Recovery Programme will help
                                        investment in Australia’s farmers     fix regional black spots, renew
                                        and competitiveness. It includes      regional bridges and repair
                                        significant investments in:           regional highways.
                                        water infrastructure, biosecurity,
                                        research and development,
                                        drought relief and helping
                                        Australian farmers capitalise on
                                        trade opportunities.

22   Backing Hard-working Australians
Regional Health                   Fixing Mobile
Services                          Black Spots
The GP Rural Incentives           The Government’s Mobile
Programme has been overhauled,    Black Spot Programme will
to ensure 450 small rural towns   deliver almost 500 new or
receive increased subsidies to    upgraded mobile base stations
attract and retain doctors. The   around Australia – 429 Telstra
Royal Flying Doctor Service has   base stations and 70 Vodafone
been given a $20 million boost    base stations.
over the next two years.
                                  The new and upgraded base
                                  stations will provide new
Stronger Communities              handheld coverage to 60,600
                                  square kilometres and new
The Coalition is supporting       external antenna coverage to
economic growth, improving        over 150,000 square kilometres,    Water Security
facilities and supporting         and over 5,700 kilometres of
community spirit in local                                            The Government has completed
                                  major transport routes.
communities across Australia,                                        an agreement to bring states
through the $1 billion National   There will be handheld or          together to implement the Murray
Stronger Regions Fund and         external antenna coverage          Darling Basin Plan for water and
the $306 million Community        to all or part of around 3,000     is investing $3.9 billion in water
Development Grants Programme.     of the black spot locations        infrastructure to improve farm
                                  nominated by Australians as        efficiency and productive capacity.
$33.7 million is being provided   not having mobile coverage.
to improve access to remote                                          In addition, $200 million from
communities through the Remote    This is the most significant one   the National Water Infrastructure
Airstrip Upgrade Programme.       time increase in mobile network    Development Fund will go to
                                  coverage to outer metropolitan,    developing water infrastructure in
                                  regional and remote Australia      Northern Australia.
                                  delivered by a single public
                                  funding programme in the
                                  history of mobile communication    Protecting Regional
                                  in Australia.                      Environments
                                                                     The Green Army – along with the
                                  Drought Relief                     20 million tree programme – is
                                                                     improving the local environment
                                  For drought affected areas,
                                                                     in regional communities.
                                  the Coalition is providing a
                                  comprehensive $333 million
                                  drought support package to
                                  help our farming communities.

                                                                     Supporting Regional Australia 23
Australia can’t
     afford Labor

     Real progress is being made in building a stronger economy with more
     jobs, a safer country and stronger communities.

     This progress will be at risk under a weak Shorten Labor Government.

      Labor: Hasn’t Learned…Can’t Change…
      Too Much Baggage
     Under Bill Shorten, Labor has wasted its first two years in Opposition. Instead of
     developing a clear and detailed set of policies that will deliver economic growth,
     new job opportunities and greater security, Labor just continues to play short-term
     political games.

     What is clear is that:

     • Labor has no plan to       • Labor has committed     • Labor is marching to       • Labor has no
       deal with the debt and       to a new tax on           the tune of increasingly     leadership, is divided
       deficit left by the last     electricity which         militant unions.             on key policy issues
       Labor Government.            would add to cost-of-                                  and is a threat to the
                                    living pressures and    • Labor has confirmed it       living standards of
     • Labor has already put        threaten jobs and         will increase taxes on       families and small
       forward over                 small business.           superannuation.              businesses.
       $50 billion in unfunded
       commitments (so far).      • Labor is hopelessly     • Labor has not removed      • Labor is jeopardising
                                    divided on border         the baggage of the           the historic export
                                    security.                 Rudd and Gillard eras.       agreement with China
                                                                                           putting jobs at risk.

24      Backing Hard-working Australians
The last Labor Government left
 Australia with a mess

Record deficits                      NBN project delays and              Illegal boat arrivals were
                                     cost blow out                       out of control
Labor produced the six largest
Budget deficits in our history.      Labor’s NBN would have cost at      Over 50,000 illegal arrivals
                                     least $29 billion more than we      came in more than 800 boats,
                                     were told and would have taken      causing cost blow outs of over
Massive debt                         years longer to build.              $11 billion.

Labor’s government debt blew
out to $320 billion and was          Cost of living was on               Education standards
projected to reach $667 billion in                                       slipped
                                     the rise
10 years (approximately $25,000
per Australian).                                                         Student results declined, along
                                     Over 6 years, household costs
While our Plan for economic          for health increased 35%,           with the international rating of
growth is bringing down Labor’s      education increased 39%,            Australia’s schools.
mountain of debt over time,          gas increased 71%, childcare
Australian taxpayers still face a    increased 53% and electricity
debt interest bill of $1 billion a   increased 101%.                     Health services got more
month – more than is spent on                                            expensive
aged care or universities.
                                     Taxpayers’ money wasted             Hospital waiting times increased
                                                                         and $4 billion was cut from
                                     Labor’s track record is appalling   private health insurance, while
World’s biggest
                                     – $900 stimulus cheques sent        health bureaucracies thrived.
Carbon Tax                           to dead people and overseas
                                     residents, the ‘pink batts’
Labor imposed the world’s            insulation programme, the
biggest Carbon Tax – a                                                   Defence spending was
                                     Grocery Watch and Fuel Choice
$9 billion a year hit to the         debacles, massive cost blowouts
economy costing average              for school halls and computers
households around $550                                                   The Defence Budget was
                                     in schools programmes…the list
per year.                                                                slashed to the lowest level as a
                                     goes on and on.
                                                                         percentage of GDP since 1938.

More people unemployed
Under Labor, the number of
unemployed increased by
200,000, productivity declined
by 0.7% per year, working days
lost to strikes doubled and
business red tape increased.

Australians will pay the price – again

                                                                          Australia can’t afford Labor 25
     NA            IES
          B   O R L
      LA                                                THE FA

                  Because they are bereft of policies, leadership and direction Labor and their
                  union masters at the ACTU, the CFMEU and the ETU peddle lies and false
                  assertions and run disgraceful scare campaigns about Coalition policies.
                  Here are just a few of Labor’s lies, with the facts that rebut them.

LABOR LIE                               THE FACTS

Pension Cuts                            Since the election, the single          assets will have their pensions
                                        pension is up by $51.80 a fortnight     increased by an average of $780
“We still see more cuts to              and the married pension for             per year ($30 per fortnight).
pensions … we also see                  couples is up by $78 a fortnight.
                                                                                No one currently on a full pension
more unfairness hurting
                                        New measures starting on 1 January      will lose a dollar from these
those most in need.”                    2017 will make the age pension fairer   changes, and there will be 50,000
(Bill Shorten, Speech to ALP            and more sustainable, as well as        more people on a full pension as a
Caucus, 11/8/2015)                      providing more help to pensioners       result of these changes.
                                        on modest means.
                                                                                Nine out of ten pensioners will be
                                        Under these changes more than           better off or have no change to their
                                        170,000 pensioners with modest          payments under this measure.

LABOR LIE                               THE FACTS

$80 billion cuts to schools             The Government is not cutting           If Mr Shorten truly believes there
and hospitals                           schools and hospital funding.           has been $80 billion in Budget
                                        Hospitals and schools funding           cuts to health and education, he
“Tony Abbott launched a                 continues to increase each and          should immediately commit Labor
surprise attack on all the              every year under the Coalition.         to restore those funds and explain
States, where he cut $80                                                        exactly how he will pay for it.
                                        Funding for hospitals will increase
billion out of hospitals and            by 25 per cent, or $3.8 billion over    He won’t, because he knows there
schools in last year’s Budget           the next four years.                    has been no $80 billion “cut”. This
with no pre-election warning,                                                   is just a baseless assertion from
                                        Schools funding will increase by
it was a broken promise.”                                                       a weak Leader of the Opposition
                                        28 per cent, or $4.1 billion over the
                                                                                with no positive plans for
(Bill Shorten, Doorstop, 16/4/2015)     next four years.
                                                                                Australia’s future.
                                        We have also kept the
                                        commitments we made at the last
                                        election, including putting back the
                                        $1.2 billion in school funding that
                                        Bill Shorten personally ripped out
                                        on the eve of the last election.

26   Backing Hard-working Australians
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